Compositions on Crazy (8 pieces)
If you want to hold a rose, you must bear the pain
2023-10-04 03:42:50

Composition on Crazy (1)

Everyone has a unique smell, which represents him after a long time.

F said that his father was a cook in a seafood restaurant. When I was young, every night when my father came back from work, he smelled a strong fishy smell on his body. They lived in a small room, and the smell of his father made him very uncomfortable. He had a bad relationship with his father. After he entered the university, he immediately moved out to live with friends. The father and son meet only a few times a year.

Later, his father was critically ill and lay in the hospital. On his deathbed, he stood next to his father's bed. The old man's body was covered with all kinds of drops. In addition to the strong smell of disinfectant in the hospital, he could no longer smell the smell of his father that he often smelled when he was a child, and the smell that he bought to support his family. He put his father's finger in front of his nose, but the smell in his memory has disappeared forever. At that moment, he knew that the smell he once hated was so fragrant.

Dad left, but the smell of his body always exists in his son's mind, turning into regret. F said that he could not forgive himself for saying to his classmates when he was young, "I hate the smell of my father."

He remembered that the father of one of his classmates was a car repairer. Every time he came to pick up his son from school, he smelled like a garage. Another classmate's father works in a hospital, and he often smells of a hospital.

Dad's taste is always inseparable from his livelihood tactics. Dad is old, and that smell will go with the wind. Have we ever respected and cherished his taste?

What does your father smell like?

Composition on Crazy (2)

"Dad, stop smoking!" I don't know how many times I have said this to him, but he still has a strong preference for cigarettes.

Dad always likes to "smoke and puff" in the study, and the whole study is full of smoke. He began to smoke, one mouthful after another, never stopping. His nostrils were like small chimneys. Holding a pen in one hand, he kept drawing on the drawing and thinking. Although he was in such a hurry, he still held a cigarette in one hand, smoked one cigarette, and then another one. It was like winning the prize of "another box". You can smoke it for free. Dad was like a "smoke bomb". I often think that if anyone competes with him to smoke, my father must win.

Since my father smoked, my spirit has obviously dropped, and my teeth are yellow with smoke. The fingers of the cigarette holder are covered with thick calluses, which are waxy yellow. Pant pockets are bulging at any time and anywhere. Needless to say, they are filled with cigarettes and lighters. Sometimes, before my father gets close to me, I can smell the strong smell of cigarettes on him within 3 meters from me. It's really "smell before you see him"! Dad always has a cigarette in his mouth; When walking, I always have a cigarette in my hand; When I go to the toilet, I can't leave my hands without smoking; At home, after every meal, a cigarette is taken out of the pocket and smoked. My mother and I advised him not to smoke any more, which was harmful to his health, but he ignored it, continued to go his own way, and used the reason that he would get sick if he did not smoke to prevaricate us.

This is my father, a father who was "crazy" about smoking. Fortunately, now my father has been persuaded by my mother and me to return to justice. In my heart, today's non-smoking father is much more handsome than before!

Composition on Crazy (3)

My father looks ordinary. He has a rectangular face, a wide mouth, a sharp nose, big eyes, and no small ears. He is 175 cm tall and weighs 75 kg. However, he is very naughty and likes to play with me and tease me.

Once, I went home and did my homework. After a while, I finished my homework. I went out to play. After playing for a while, I felt very tired and walked home to rest. When I got home, I saw a stool not far from the door and sat on it. How could I know that the stool was tampered with by my old naughty father. He tied a rope to the foot of the stool. The rope is tied in a concealed way, and it can't be seen without looking carefully. At that time, I was so tired that I didn't want to think much about it. Regardless of the situation, I sat down on my butt. The stool broke at once. I fell on all fours. Dad was laughing and dancing. I made him laugh and cry. My mind turned and I sat on the ground crying loudly, shouting to tell my mother. At this time, my father came to help me, gently dusted me off, and like a trick, he took out something I really like to eat, and sweet talked to me. I couldn't make him cry, but I laughed. Dad said mischievously: Well, now it's sunny after rain!

This is my father. What's the difference between him and old naughty boy Zhou Botong. Is your father the same? Can you introduce it?

Composition on Crazy (4)

One day, I wrote too much homework. When I looked up, I didn't think it was dead at night. I thought my father would not come back tonight, so I continued to write, write for a while, play for a while, but left the time behind. It was eleven o'clock, which was far beyond the sleeping time my father set for me, but I still continued like this.

Just listen to "Ding Ling, Ding Ling". It's broken. My father is back, and my death seems to be coming. I am restless, and my face is white with fear.

After all, I couldn't escape. When my father came in, he first looked at me with serious eyes, and then called me in with courtesy. Dad always said what he said, but this time he kindly asked, "What time is it?" "You didn't finish your homework, did you? You will disturb others' sleep and make your family unable to sleep, you know?" "I know, it will never be like this again." "You don't think doing this will harm your body and mind, and will also affect your ability to listen to the teacher's lecture the next day. Why don't you write earlier and have to write now?" "There are too many homework." In fact, I knew in my heart that I did not finish my homework after school, but started writing after playing late. I added: "Now I just finished writing." My father looked at me and said kindly, "OK, hurry up and wash and sleep. You should plan your own time every day." I knew that my father's requirement was to grow well for me, and I silently bowed my head to clean up and sleep.

I didn't expect my father would be so approachable and considerate. I guess if my father beat and scolded me severely, I would become a night ghost. But after this incident, it became my habit to ensure that I could finish my homework and go to bed on time before 10 o'clock every day.

Composition on Crazy (5)

"Food is the most important thing for people" is a theory that I think is quite penetrating - who doesn't eat? Food is the root of man and the capital of revolution, so I am crazy about food.

If people insist that I am a glutton, it would be better to say that I am a real gourmet. My sensitivity to food is not boastful, it is quite powerful. Take that as an example. Grandfather, who was determined to cook a good dish, once claimed that he had thought of a dish that I had never eaten and would never tire of eating. Hey, this is quite new and interesting. In the midst of excitement and anxiety, the new dish has come out! Grandpa was going to ask me what special spices I had added here, but I gulped down like a pig eating ginseng fruit. It's OK. Have another taste. This time I began to taste it carefully: first, I tried to chew it roughly with canine teeth, and then I used molars to chew it carefully. The juice poured into my throat, and every bit of meat was swallowed. I stood up excitedly and excitedly, pointed to the dish with trembling hands, and blurted out: Grandpa "egg white" was stunned. He never dreamed that my mouth was so smart. After that, I came up with a string of strange words and idioms that I usually read to praise dishes, which made my grandpa dizzy.

"A wise man will make a mistake if he thinks twice." I, a "gourmet", also make mistakes sometimes. Once again, I was puzzled by a question. That is: what kind of cuisine does Luohan Prawns belong to? Hey, haven't you seen it? I was so worried that I could not find a correct answer to every one of the national cuisines. Just forgot all the Manchu and Han seats.

knowledge has no limit. No one is perfect. Food research is the same as learning. You must work hard to make an iron pestle into a needle! So I'm crazy about food!

Composition on Crazy (6)

Some people like money, some people like animals, and some people like books. As for me, when I saw the snacks, I would "drool down 3000 feet and feel my pants pocket without toilet paper"!

Why do I like snacks? This problem is really a problem. But there is nothing I can't do. I buried my head in thought and finally found out that it is because of my sister! Once when she held a sports meeting, she didn't eat in the morning. It seemed that she was carrying a big bag and didn't eat with a flat stomach. However, she came back with a small bag and a big stomach. You don't have to ask me. So I asked my sister: "Are snacks really so delicious?" "Ah, delicious!" My sister's mouth had not stopped. I opened a package of shrimp strips and put them in my mouth, "Ah, the world is delicious, I love it!" Maybe that's why I like it.

I remember one time, the teacher told us to hold an art festival at school, and I jumped up happily. Yep, it's time for my snacks! I went to the supermarket to buy food for 250 yuan. Although the number is unlucky, I just caught up here. I can't help it! That day, I became a little general.

My love for snacks makes me persistent. That day, I didn't eat at noon and had a good meal at night! Because my English class opened the famous "Snack Club" in history. Alas, for tonight's sake, who knows how painful my heart is, I didn't eat lunch, breaking the world record. Tonight, I want to have a good meal in the "Big Open World". When I got to the English class, I opened the door and looked at the rules of the game. Aha, it was a competition. The winner could get a one-day tour in the food room! Ah, I can't stand it. Let's start! "Ready to listen, go!" I started with the command. I picked up a bag of instant noodles and swallowed them at the rate of ten mouthfuls per second. I'm good at eating. I don't want to become a success in eating. A bag of shrimp strips, a bag of beef jerky, a root of vanilla... The competition was very fierce, and the whole world seemed to freeze.

"The result is out. The winner of this round is Zhou Hanlin. Welcome to the King of Stomach!" Yeah! I won!

Ah, snacks, I'm crazy for you, cheering for you, I bless you, your name is more important than my life! sorry, It's a bit exaggerated. But I really love snacks. I wish more and more delicious snacks!

Composition on Crazy (7)

"Tomato sauce with wheat flavored buns, pancakes with rice and vegetables." What am I doing? You must ask! Let me tell you, I'm mixing new food. I'm crazy. I'm crazy about food.

Introduce yourself, cough! I am thin, but I like snacks very much, but I am not satisfied. This gourmet began to develop food independently!

Food 1: Wheat flavored tomato bun

French wheat bread, so delicious! Tomato sauce, so sweet! Painting inside is the key! First tear a small piece and then "punch" a hole with chopsticks. Of course, if you have the ability, you can also "punch" more holes, apply tomato sauce, wait for the tomato sauce to "punch" into the hole (accelerating tool: chopsticks), and then "stick" the torn bread on other pieces. Of course, don't blame me for being reluctant to eat!

Food 2: Chinese hamburger (or Chinese cabbage)

Mom came back from Dalian and bought 10 bags of pancakes. They are delicious, but dry food is not good! Yes, Chinese KFC! Put some rice on the bottom and some vegetables on the top, with a bag on both sides, hahaha! I did the same again, one cake for one meal, one cake for one dish, heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee! Be careful, don't add soup, or the bread and rice will be empty! ^ _ ^!

Food 3: Western style cakes with coffee

My aunt sent a bag of European cakes. Ha ha ha, I'll open the bag and take one! Make another cup of coffee! Let's pour a spoonful of coffee on the cake! Be even! Well, take a big bite. It smells good. It smells like coffee!

Come and buy it! Self prepared raw materials! bye!

Composition on Crazy (8)

Hello, hello everyone! I am a superman who likes eating. My good friend Queer nicknamed me "Eating Superman".

One afternoon, when I was watching TV and doing sports at home with Queer, I suddenly heard an advertisement saying: "Qoo food contest has begun, regardless of age and practice, as long as you get the first, you can eat delicious food all over the world."

"Wow! What?! You can eat delicious food all over the world, wow! Great!!" Then I can become a great gourmet! As I thought, my mouth was watering.

Queer is like a little adult: "Eat, eat, eat! You know how to eat all day long. Why do you eat all over the world without cooking food?! You want to be beautiful!"

Yes, I don't even know the place and time of the match! Listen to the advertisement quickly. Oh, the competition is in the food building on October 1. Let me think, today is September 10, and it is only 20 days away from the competition. Time is pressing. Where is my entry? I can't cook a delicious food. What should I do?

At the critical moment, my good friend Queer came forward! "All right! I will teach you today."

If you want to know how Queer taught me how to cook food, and whether I become a chef and gourmet, please see the next episode.


Learning to cook and choose ingredients makes my head grow bigger! Queer is really a friend. She began to use her smart corner to search. Soon! The food plan of bean sprout porridge has been introduced!

"What? Bean sprouts and porridge? Don't be kidding! Man, this is a food contest, can it be ok?" My heart was hit with a big question mark.

Queer smiled proudly, "Trust me! But the food on the earth is not good, I will take you to space to get the raw materials!" Just do it. We got on the spaceship of Dr. Space.

The vast space super food market really opened my eyes! The magic space bean sprouts and space rice were transported back to the earth. Queer asked me to put the space immortal rice into the sweet mineral water and boil it in the Chinese fire. The magic fragrance overflowed. Then, stir fry the peanuts, dates and five unknown seeds respectively, put them in the middle of the porridge after they were slightly fragrant, boil them in the fire, add the space bean sprouts, turn off the fire, and cover them for three minutes before eating. Follow the steps, I will do it again, and the delicious food is complete!

Then, Queer and I used our brains to carefully design and innovate the dishes such as Phoenix Chicken, Grains, Shenwu Feitian Soup, and so on!.


At the beginning of the competition, all kinds of experts gathered. The delicious food, traditional and popular crafts, and various creative ideas from all over the world dazzled people. My space bean sprout porridge, Phoenix chicken, Wugufengdeng, Shenwu Feitian soup attracted the global judges, VERY GOOD!!

I won the first place! ha-ha! The next step is to travel around the world and eat delicious food all over the world. Of course, don't forget about Queer!