Beginning of Composition: Family Affection (9 Collections)
Smile and say goodbye
2023-08-08 05:34:13
junior middle school
source material

Beginning of Composition Family Affection (1)

Children are the crystallization of parents' love and the node from love to kinship. So my parents regarded me as the angel God gave them. In my mother's belly palace, I started the first lesson of family education. Listening to light music and doing aerobics are all my required courses. In the warm and cordial family environment, I am growing happily.

[The big string is as noisy as the rain, and the small string is as loud as whispering. The big pearls and small pearls fall on the jade plate.]

The beloved daughter becomes Feng. Strict father and loving mother were two complementary roles in my childhood. When my father scolded me, he was always comforted by his mother's gentle words. This is where success lies. In my childhood, what I learned was solid and solid, which was the credit of my father. My heart was kind but not delicate, which was the love of my mother. Because of family, I will never be a greenhouse flower, nor will I degenerate into negativity.

[Interlaced Orioles Whispering and Flowering at the Bottom]

After going to school, my parents relaxed a little and stopped restricting my activities all day long. In order to relieve the pressure of study, my parents like to take me to the countryside for an outing on weekends. That period of time has always been imprinted on my mind, because it is beautiful, because it will not repeat itself, but also because of kinship. Remember, flowers are always open, grass is always green, wind is always warm, birds are always happy, like my mood.

[The cold and astringent string of the ice spring is frozen away, and the frozen spring will not pass through the sound. There is no deep sorrow and dark hatred. At this time, silence is better than sound.]

When the rebellious god comes, I no longer lovingly please my parents. I always feel that I have grown up and no longer need platitudes of exhortation and nagging. I like strange clothes and talk back. The atmosphere at home is dignified. In retrospect, I seem to be going the wrong way. Thank you for your kindness and my father. His stern face suddenly changed into kindness and patience. He guided me step by step, never exposing my shortcomings or repeating preaching, and the dark days passed silently in the water like kinship.

[At the end of the song, draw carefully. The four strings sound like a split silk]

Finally, I was brought up. I am about to leave my parents. My parents are old, and I find their white hair on their temples; My parents smiled. When I found their satisfied and happy eyes, I suddenly cried. My parents' love and their words and deeds have been engraved on my heart. At last, my father said, "My child, I have to go on my own. I should take good care of it!" What family left me is so unforgettable. How can I leave her?

[Who cries the most in the seat? The bright pearl in the eye is wet]

I want to thank my parents for their teaching. They are the most common parents, but they are the stars I will always admire. They illuminate the way ahead for me and guide me to a bright future. Dear Mom and Dad, although I am going on a long journey, this incomparable family relationship you left me will always stay in my heart and become my spiritual pillar forever.

Beginning of Composition Family Affection (2)

Kinship is a cool breeze in June that blows comfort and coolness into your heart; Kinship is a sweater in the severe winter, bringing warmth and happiness to your dreams; Familiarity is a safe harbor in the wind and rain, and shake happiness and ease into your love; Family love is a candle in the darkness, lighting up the bright and future for you!

Kinship is rain, take away boredom, leave cool; Kinship is the wind, which blows away sadness and leaves behind happiness; Kinship is the sun, taking away darkness and leaving light.

What is kinship? It is sweet milk that feeds our growth; They are bright eyes, guiding us forward; It is gentle words that protect our hearts; It is a severe punishment to urge us to correct our mistakes. We can't do without our family, just like a high flying kite that can't get rid of long and thin ropes; We rely on our family, just like the vines of melon and beans twining around the bamboo knots or fences; We have kinship, like cold wheat covered with white snow, warm as spring, happiness as honey.

In the face of failure and frustration, kinship is a good medicine to fill your lost heart, and then regroup, which is a kind of courage; In the face of misunderstanding and hatred, kinship is a cup of cold water, which can extinguish the fire in your heart, and then face it calmly, which is a kind of philosophical view; In the face of praise and flattery, kinship is an awl that pierces your nihilistic dream and then keeps forging ahead, which is a warning; In the face of troubles and worries, family love is a breeze that blows away your confused thoughts, and then it is a state of peace and relief.

Kinship is father's raised palm, trembling lips and hatred of iron is unstoppable anger; Kinship is mother's burning tears, tender call, and warm and comfortable embrace; Kinship is a child's affirmative gaze, respectful language, and a small gift. The ship of kinship should rest on the harbor of love, and the building of kinship should be built on the cornerstone of love; The fountain of kinship should flow on the earth of love, the star of kinship should shine on the sky of love, and the flower of kinship should open in the garden of love.

Family love is your visit and care when you are ill. It makes you feel the warmth of the sun in the dark and strengthens your determination to overcome the disease; Family love is your encouragement and support when you stumble. It makes you feel selfless in despair and inspires your confidence to continue moving forward; Family love is a kind of cudgel when you are complacent. It makes you feel severe eyes when you are arrogant, and ensures that you can move in the right direction.

Kinship, like a drop of dew in spring, can always live the dry memory of nostalgic people in the sorrowful years; Family love is like a green shade in summer, which can always support the blue sky of the confused in the hot sun; Kinship, like a ray of sunshine in autumn, can always warm the hearts of the lost in the bleak wind and rain; Family love is like snow in winter. It can always clean up the dust of the travelers in the dirty journey. It is like this. There is no impurity, no distance, and no hypocrisy. It is just the mutual care between the interlinked blood lines.

Family love is a trickle, bringing sweet moisture to the heart; Kinship is a wisp of soft sunshine, which melts the frozen soul silently; Kinship is a quiet harbor, which dissipates the fatigue of the voyage. Kinship is the increased white hair on parents' forehead, the infinite care and hope in parents' eyes. Kinship is a light in the dark, giving you the irreplaceable feeling and warmth of home. Yes, the most beautiful feeling in the world is the human kinship

Kinship is the drizzle in spring, which makes the lonely people dry up their hearts; Kinship is a clear spring flowing in the summer night, which makes people who are hot and restless enjoy the poetic tranquility; Kinship is a small umbrella that holds up in the rainy night, so that people who wander abroad can get the protection of love; Family love is a rainbow flying in the sky, which makes people feel the warmth of the world.

Kinship is a bright light, which illuminates the road for the prodigal son to turn back; Kinship is a haven, a quiet harbor for wandering travelers; Family love is a bowl of chicken soup for the soul, giving care to the injured soul; Kinship is also a sharp sword, which can give those who do not repent a move to split Huashan.

I feel my father's care in the hazy, and the wind slowly lifts the window screen; Vaguely heard the mother's exhortation, the gentle rain climbed onto the windowsill. When I am blue, my family comforts me; When I hesitated, my family gave me encouragement; When I was happy, my family gave me a blessing.

What is kinship? Family love is the instruction of "meeting at once without paper and pen, and reporting peace according to your words", the concern of "going close, afraid of returning late", the yearning of "leaning against the window in the future, the plum blossoms coming", and the waiting of "yellow leaf trees in the rain, white headed people under the lamp".

In the most helpless way of life, kinship is the most lasting power, giving us selfless help and dependence; On the loneliest emotional road, kinship is the most sincere company, which makes us feel incomparable warmth and comfort; At the most helpless crossroads, kinship is the clearest signpost to guide us to reach our goal successfully.

Simply, kinship is just a small nest built by several branches. But I am younger, and I can easily go in at once. There is a bowl of water in it, cool and sweet, which moistens my thirsty soul; There is a bag of plump, fragrant, filled with my endless desire; There is a bed inside, soft and warm, to comfort my inexplicable sadness; There is also a pot of flowers, a painting, a poem, decorated with some advice, embedded with some advice. This is kinship, a small nest that keeps me growing up.

Kinship is a guitar with a slant on its back. The deeper you feel, the more you can touch your heart strings; Kinship is a vine. Wherever you are, it always holds your hand tightly; Kinship is a string of keys hanging around the neck, opening the melancholy doors and windows. Family love is just between the eyes and eyebrows, in the shallow smile, in my lyrical little song.

Kinship is the story of Mulan replacing her father; Family love is a good story about Meng's mother moving three times; Kinship is the melody of Ah Bing's two springs reflecting the moon.

Kinship is rain, take away boredom, leave cool; Kinship is the wind, which blows away sadness and leaves behind happiness; Kinship is the sun, taking away darkness and leaving light. Family love is the greatest. No matter you are happy, depressed, painful, or hesitating, it will always walk gently on your way and accompany you quietly throughout your life.

There is no "white headed mandarin duck pool of life and death", but it also makes the sunset silent; There is no vow of eternal love "to be a pair of birds in the sky, and to connect branches on the ground", but it is also the eternal love of "eternal time and endless blood"; There is no appearance guard of "the body is like a pair of willows in front of the door, and the branches and leaves are inseparable", but there is a silent wish of "I hope people will live for a long time, and share the beauty of the moon for thousands of miles"? The falling snowflakes can not take away the solidified memory, and enter the age that will not grow old through the gravity of time and space. They wait silently as buds, and are reluctant to part with the sunset. In the perspective of the heart, two words are reflected in the soul.

Kinship is a tree, and everyone is its root, so that it can absorb nutrition and maintain its youth forever; Kinship is a river, and everyone is a tributary of it, so that it will never dry up and surge forward; Kinship is fire, everyone is a piece of firewood, let it never extinguish the warmth of the Quartet.

In the face of failure and frustration, kinship is a good medicine to fill your lost heart, and then regroup, which is a kind of courage; In the face of misunderstanding and hatred, kinship is a cup of cold water, which can extinguish the fire in your heart, and then face it calmly, which is a kind of philosophical view; In the face of praise and flattery, kinship is an awl that pierces your nihilistic dream and then keeps forging ahead, which is a warning; In the face of troubles and worries, family love is a breeze that blows away your confused thoughts, and then it is a state of peace and relief.

Kinship is like water, which makes numerous things become pure after filtration; Familial affection is like fire, which makes the edges and corners appear through calcination; Kinship is a poem, which makes the tedium reach an artistic conception after being modified. Family love is the eternal power of life.

Kinship is like the spring water cut by a river. What flows is the eternal yearning in the hearts of the wandering people; Kinship is like an endless hill of fine sand, which precipitates the care accumulated over the years; Family love is like the Big Dipper in the night sky, which guides the lost lamb to go home.

What is kinship? It is sweet milk that feeds our growth; They are bright eyes, guiding us forward; It is gentle words that protect our hearts; It is a severe punishment to urge us to correct our mistakes. We can't do without our family, just like a high flying kite that can't get rid of long and thin ropes; We rely on our family, just like the vines of melon and beans twining around the bamboo knots or fences; We have kinship, like cold wheat covered with white snow, warm as spring, happiness as honey.

When the first horn of life blows, kinship is the tears that ripple in the mother's eyes, the smile that blooms in the father's face; When the boat of life begins to ferry, kinship is the twin oars that push the boat forward with clear water, and the beacon waiting in the air to guide the boat; When the boat of life is about to dock, kinship is the quiet harbor, the silent water that embraces you.

Kinship is father's raised palm, trembling lips and hatred of iron is unstoppable anger; Kinship is mother's burning tears, tender call, and warm and comfortable embrace; Kinship is a child's affirmative gaze, respectful language, and a small gift. The ship of kinship should rest on the harbor of love, and the building of kinship should be built on the cornerstone of love; The fountain of kinship should flow on the earth of love, the star of kinship should shine on the sky of love, and the flower of kinship should open in the garden of love.

Kinship is the snow on the top of Changbai Mountain, simple but eternal; Kinship is the flowing water of Tigris River, gentle but long; Kinship is the sunset in Sicily, lingering but gorgeous; Kinship is an inscription on the Mesopotamian plain, vague but meaningful. Family, family! family affection! Beyond time and space, it weaves the most beautiful rainbow in life.

Kinship, like a drop of dew in spring, can always live the dry memory of nostalgic people in the sorrowful years; Family love is like a green shade in summer, which can always support the blue sky of the confused in the hot sun; Kinship, like a ray of sunshine in autumn, can always warm the hearts of the lost in the bleak wind and rain; Family love is like snow in winter. It can always clean up the dust of the travelers in the dirty journey. It is like this. There is no impurity, no distance, and no hypocrisy. It is just the mutual care between the interlinked blood lines.

Family love is a trickle, bringing sweet moisture to the heart; Kinship is a wisp of soft sunshine, which melts the frozen soul silently; Kinship is a quiet harbor, which dissipates the fatigue of the voyage. Kinship is the increased white hair on parents' forehead, the infinite care and hope in parents' eyes. Kinship is a light in the dark, giving you the irreplaceable feeling and warmth of home. Yes, the most beautiful feeling in the world is the kinship in the world.

Family love is your visit and care when you are sick. It makes you feel the warmth of the sun in the dark and strengthens your determination to overcome the disease; Family love is your encouragement and support when you stumble. It makes you feel selfless in despair and inspires your confidence to continue moving forward; Family love is a kind of cudgel when you are complacent. It makes you feel severe eyes when you are arrogant, and ensures that you can move in the right direction.

Kinship is the drizzle in spring, which makes the lonely people dry up their hearts; Kinship is a clear spring flowing in the summer night, which makes people who are hot and restless enjoy the poetic tranquility; Kinship is a small umbrella that holds up in the rainy night, so that people who wander abroad can get the protection of love; Family love is a rainbow flying in the sky, which makes people feel the warmth of the world.

Kinship is a bright light, which illuminates the road for the prodigal son to turn back; Kinship is a haven, a quiet harbor for wandering travelers; Family love is a bowl of chicken soup for the soul, giving care to the injured soul; Kinship is also a sharp sword, which can give those who do not repent a move to split Huashan. Kinship is the deepest and indelible imprint of human soul, the sublimation of the purest, most sincere and most passionate feelings of human beings.

Family love is the cradle of growth, and you can grow healthily only under her nurturing; Kinship is the source of strength, and you can thrive under her watering; Kinship is the holy fire of the soul. Under her light, you can succeed in your career; Kinship is a panacea for pain. With her comfort, you can eliminate all the pain. The bird needs the blue sky to show its majesty, the spider needs to weave a web to run around the world, and people need family ties to maintain their life.

She is an indestructible light, forever illuminating the darkness of my life; She is a boat that never stops. She is ferried to the ferry of my life forever; She is a beautiful flower that will always open in the garden of my life. I am willing to use the most beautiful and warm words in the world to praise you - kinship!

Sometimes kinship is the weakness abandoned by the royal contenders, sometimes it is the capital used by the misers, sometimes it is the rope climbed by the worshippers. Justice defeats relatives, justice defeats evil, covers up and connives, and emotion replaces reason. Make good use of your kinship, because she is also a double-edged sword, which may harm both your relatives and yourself.

Kinship is invisible, and no one can tell what he is like; Kinship is free, and no one will make you pay money for it; Kinship is priceless, and nothing in the world can match her price; Family love is selfless. Nothing in the world can sacrifice herself more than her; Family love is endless, and you will feel his existence all the time in your life.

When you are a baby, family love is the milk that nurtures your growth; When you were young, kinship was your refuge; When you are old, kinship is a touch of comfort at sunset. This is a kind of love connected by blood, and this is a kind of love that never ends.

I feel my father's care in the hazy, and the wind slowly lifts the window screen; Vaguely heard the mother's exhortation, the gentle rain climbed onto the windowsill. When I am blue, my family comforts me; When I hesitated, my family gave me encouragement; When I was happy, my family gave me a blessing.

If you are a green leaf, kinship is the branch that provides you with endless nutrients; If you are a sail, kinship is the sea breeze that pushes you forward to the other side of victory; If you are a night walker, kinship is the Big Dipper that looks for directions according to you; If you are a seed, kinship is the land that makes you leave the darkness to go to the light; If you are a bird, kinship is the vast sky where you can fly. Yes, no matter what you are, kinship must be your dependence and your attachment to your expectations.

My father is a mine. In the wind and rain, my tired back is shortened and lengthened by the setting sun in the morning; Mother is a torch, in the dark, soft voice in songs, hoarse and repeated in the middle of the night; I am a small embryo. Under the clear sky, my tender arm breaks the ground on the fertile field and stands in the fire.

Kinship is a bank. When your heart is weak, it builds strong confidence for you; Kinship is a rainbow. After you experience wind and rain, it will paint you a beautiful and brilliant picture; Family is a little cloud, when you are lonely, embroider a beautiful flower for you. Kinship is waiting in the distance, waiting for your return; Kinship is a permanent miss, miss you all; Kinship is endless sorrow after leaving, grieving your back; Family love is the infinite happiness when you are reunited, and it is joyful for your safety and return.

Beginning of Composition Family Affection (3)

When it comes to kinship, people are presented with some warm pictures: the mother stretches out her hands to follow the toddler, with sweet tension in her face; The umbrella protects the child in the wind and rain. Although the father's body is wet, he still laughs happily; On the moonlit night, my grandmother taught my grandchildren to count the stars that will never be counted in the sky, and told countless myths and legends... What haunted me was the melodious singing of "shake and shake, shake to Grandma Bridge", "often go home and have a look", and the eternal chant of "a good mother with a thread in her hand, a wandering son with a coat", "being a stranger in a foreign land alone, and thinking twice about his family in festivals".

Kinship is the drizzle that moistens things and the intoxicating spring breeze; Kinship is a thick touch, deep gaze; Family love is a kind of sunshine, which makes the soul feel warm even in the cold winter; Kinship is a clear spring, which makes the emotion clear even when covered with the dust of years.

In the thick family care, each young life from the first loud cry, the first time to walk alone, the first sentence of the father and mother grow into a handsome teenager, young girls, the flower of life is so beautiful under the watering of family love.

When you are happy, you can share it with your relatives. The happy mood fills and spreads out, occupying not only the whole body and mind; When you are sad, the light sadness rises like smoke curling up in the eyes of your loved ones, and not only sadness is gone. When frustrated, the words of encouragement from relatives are the driving force to promote the sail of life; When you succeed, applause, flowers, wine and trophies for your relatives are your greatest wishes.

Do you feel the deep kinship that accompanies every moment of life?

Today's children are happy. They are the moon at home. All the love of their parents, grandparents and grandparents is poured on them. Do children immersed in love feel it? Look at these common scenes at home and on campus: on the way out of school, elderly grandparents carry school bags on their shoulders, water bottles and lunch boxes in their left hands, and grandchildren with empty hands in their right hands; In the telephone booth on campus, children often blame their parents: it is you who forgot to put my books in my schoolbag. Send them to me immediately; There is a slight unhappiness at home. It's good to cry and shout at your parents

Today's children are also unfortunate. Too much care has made them accustomed to the love from their relatives. They feel that it is natural for their relatives to pay for themselves. They seldom think of paying their own love for their relatives, let alone repaying their relatives with their love. They gradually lose a keen sense of life and affection.

It's time, it's time to know how to feel family, and learn to repay family!

1、 Start with beautiful and simple language. There is beauty everywhere in life: beautiful flowers, beautiful scenery, beautiful clothes, beautiful mind... beauty is among us. (Beauty Among Us) On the way forward, I have experienced failure and also achieved success. Failure wakes me up, success makes me happy. (Remember My One Success) At the beginning of these two compositions, the language is simple and vivid, neat and neat, and the sentence pattern of combining whole and scattered sentences is used. It also sounds harmonious and catchy. Such a beginning will leave a good impression of simplicity and naturalness.

2、 The use of metaphor, personification, parallelism, antithesis and other rhetorical devices at the beginning of vivid rhetoric can often make the article vivid and concrete. For example, "I am a dove, a dove of peace that conveys joy." I am compared to a dove of peace, which has a novel and unique beginning and is more attractive.

3、 The language of a song that begins with a favorite song is beautiful in itself. If it can be borrowed properly, it can often add color to the article. For example, "As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world..." As long as I hear the song "The dedication of love", the moving scene I saw on the way to school a few days ago will appear in front of me. "Here, using the beginning of the song, I can not only point out the topic, but also lead to the following.

4、 Delicate and true descriptions starting with delicate and moving descriptions can often trigger many feelings in the hearts of readers, such as: "Life always happens some unexpected little things inadvertently, but they can stir up ripples in each other's hearts." The picture of "Heart Lake" is intoxicating, and it also captures the hearts of readers.

5、 The way of directly entering the question should be fast. Never be wordy or rambling. Fast makes people like it, slow makes people hate it. This is the reading psychology of readers. For example, at the beginning of The Sun Was Warm That Day: "A golden ray of sunshine slanted on the table from the window and shone on the envelope, and the sun was warm that day..." Just three sentences brought me to the point. Even like the beginning of "Wish": "This wish has been buried in my heart for a long time.

6、 It is also called "flashback method" to start with suspense that is appetizing. For example: "In the short journey of life, I have met many people and things. Most of these people and things do not leave any impression in my mind, but one thing makes me unforgettable." ("Unforgettable Things") Why does one "thing" make me "unforgettable"? This makes people want to read further.

7、 It is also called "the method of expressing one's feelings directly". "Emotion is the first thing that moves people". It can also move readers by expressing their true feelings at the beginning. For example: "In the nine years of cold weather, teachers came one after another, gentle, serious, kind and lovely, unsmiling... And my good teacher only has books from beginning to end." ("Good Teacher") This beginning directly expresses the love for good teacher books.

8、 This is a new way of beginning in recent years. For example, "I want to sing a song" by a candidate in Shanghai began with "I want to sing a song, a song of my own. The gurgling spring will be my musician, and the clear birdsong will be my resonance". The content of this kind of beginning can be famous quotes and proverbs, or it can be your own words. Its role is mainly to point out the main idea and strengthen the center. This kind of beginning is praised for its novelty and alertness.

Children are the crystallization of parents' love and the node from love to kinship. So my parents regarded me as the angel God gave them. In my mother's belly palace, I started the first lesson of family education. Listening to light music and doing aerobics are all my required courses. In the warm and cordial family environment, I am growing happily.

[The big string is as noisy as the rain, and the small string is as loud as whispering. The big pearls and small pearls fall on the jade plate.]

The beloved daughter becomes Feng. Strict father and loving mother were two complementary roles in my childhood. When my father scolded me, he was always comforted by his mother's gentle words. This is where success lies. In my childhood, what I learned was solid and solid, which was the credit of my father. My heart was kind but not coquettish, which was the love of my mother. Because of family, I will never be a greenhouse flower, nor will I degenerate into negativity.

[Interlaced Orioles Whispering and Flowering at the Bottom]

After going to school, my parents relaxed a little and stopped restricting my activities all day long. In order to relieve the pressure of study, my parents like to take me to the countryside for an outing on weekends. That period of time has always been imprinted on my mind, because it is beautiful, because it will not repeat itself, but also because of kinship. Remember, flowers are always open, grass is always green, wind is always warm, birds are always happy, like my mood.

[The cold and astringent string of the ice spring is frozen, and the frozen string will not be heard for a while. There is no deep sorrow and dark hatred. Silence is better than sound.]

When the rebellious god comes, I no longer lovingly please my parents. I always feel that I have grown up and no longer need platitudes of exhortation and nagging. I like strange clothes and talk back. The atmosphere at home is dignified. In retrospect, I seem to be going the wrong way. Thank you for your kindness and my father. His stern face suddenly changed into kindness and patience. He guided me step by step, never exposing my shortcomings or repeating preaching, and the dark days passed silently in the water like kinship.

[At the end of the song, draw carefully. The four strings sound like a split silk]

Finally, I was brought up. I am about to leave my parents. My parents are old, and I find their white hair on their temples; My parents smiled. When I found their satisfied and happy eyes, I suddenly cried. My parents' love and their words and deeds have been engraved on my heart. At last, my father said, "My son, I have to go on my own. I should take good care of it!" What family left me is so unforgettable. How can I leave her?

[Who cries the most in the seat? The bright pearl in the eye is wet]

I want to thank my parents for their teaching. They are the most common parents, but they are the stars I will always admire. They illuminate the way ahead for me and guide me to a bright future. Dear Mom and Dad, although I am going on a long journey, this incomparable family relationship you left me will always stay in my heart and become my spiritual pillar forever.

Beginning of Composition Family Affection (4)

In a cold winter, the sky is dark, and the biting wind seems to pierce people's hearts. This environment makes people feel very depressed, depressed and afraid. I can't help feeling pitiful and helpless with the horrible test paper in my hand.

When I arrived at my house, I felt very warm and relieved when I saw the faint yellow glow from the window. At the same time, I feel guilty. I opened the door with an uneasy heart, and the food was very delicious. When my mother saw me go home, she said reassuringly, "Oh, the baby is back. Wash your hands quickly, drink a bowl of hot soup, warm your body, and don't get cold." My heart felt very warm after my mother's meticulous care and care. I ate the delicious food silently. My father also saw that I was not as active as before and knew that I must have something on my mind, so he asked: "Son, I think you are very depressed now, do you have something on your mind?" The thing that worried me most came. So I told my parents the experience of this exam. After listening, they did not scold me, but patiently helped me analyze the reasons for my poor exam. My father also comforted me and said, "It is normal to fail in the exam once or twice occasionally. Who is the winner? Son, cheer up and try to get a good result in the exam next time. In our eyes, you are the best."

At this time, my father opened the curtain, and it was so dazzling outside the window - there was a sea of lights outside. The bright light shines on my face, which illuminates the darkness in my heart and dispels all my uneasy feelings. Those lights are so firm and unyielding in the night, illuminating every dark place in the world. The light in the house emits yellowish light, as if it has scattered a layer of gold powder on the house. In a soft light, the whole family sat together, talking about my study, what happened at school, and what happened at home. The picture was very warm and amiable.

I like this kind of night, accompanied by family, with the warmth of home, the lights are still amiable.

At this time, I suddenly remembered Wang Zengqi's saying that family members sit idle and the lights are friendly.

Beginning of Composition Family Affection (5)

Kinship is the drizzle that moistens things and the intoxicating spring breeze; Kinship is a thick touch, deep gaze; Family love is a kind of sunshine, which makes the soul feel warm even in the cold winter; Kinship is a clear spring, which makes the emotion clear even when covered with the dust of years.

In the thick family care, each young life from the first loud cry, the first time to walk alone, the first sentence of the father and mother grow into a handsome teenager, young girls, the flower of life is so beautiful under the watering of family love.

When you are happy, you can share it with your relatives. The happy mood fills and spreads out, occupying not only the whole body and mind; When you are sad, the light sadness rises like smoke curling up in the eyes of your loved ones, and not only sadness is gone. When frustrated, the words of encouragement from relatives are the driving force to promote the sail of life; When you succeed, applause, flowers, wine and trophies for your relatives are your greatest wishes.

Do you feel the deep kinship that accompanies every moment of life?

Today's children are happy. They are the moon at home. All the love of their parents, grandparents and grandparents is poured on them. Do children immersed in love feel it? Look at these common scenes at home and on campus: on the way out of school, elderly grandparents carry school bags on their shoulders, water bottles and lunch boxes in their left hands, and grandchildren with empty hands in their right hands; In the telephone booth on campus, children often blame their parents: it is you who forgot to put my books in my schoolbag. Send them to me immediately; There is a slight unhappiness at home. It's good to cry and shout at your parents

Today's children are also unfortunate. Too much care has made them accustomed to the love from their relatives. They feel that it is natural for their relatives to pay for themselves. They seldom think of paying their own love for their relatives, let alone repaying their relatives with their love. They gradually lose a keen sense of life and affection.

It's time, it's time to know how to feel family, and learn to repay family!

1、 Start with beautiful and simple language. There is beauty everywhere in life: beautiful flowers, beautiful scenery, beautiful clothes, beautiful mind... beauty is among us. ((Beauty, among us)) On the way forward, I have experienced failure and also achieved success. Failure wakes me up, success makes me happy. (Remember one of my successes) At the beginning of these two compositions, the language is simple and vivid, neat and neat, and the sentence pattern of combining whole and scattered sentences is used. It also sounds harmonious and catchy. Such a beginning will leave a good impression of simplicity and naturalness.

2、 The use of metaphor, personification, parallelism, antithesis and other rhetorical devices at the beginning of vivid rhetoric can often make the article vivid and concrete. For example, "I am a dove, a dove of peace that conveys joy." I am compared to a dove of peace, which has a novel and unique beginning and is more attractive.

3、 The language of a song that begins with a favorite song is beautiful in itself. If it can be borrowed properly, it can often add color to the article. For example: "As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world..." As long as I hear this song (dedication of love), the moving scene I saw on the way to school a few days ago will appear in front of me. "Here, using the beginning of the song, I can not only point out the topic, but also lead to the following.

4、 The delicate and true description starting with a delicate and moving description can often trigger many feelings in the hearts of readers, such as: "Life, there are always some unexpected small things happen inadvertently, but they can stir up ripples in each other's hearts." The picture of "Heart Lake" is intoxicating, and it also captures the hearts of readers.

5、 The way of directly entering the question should be fast. Never be wordy or rambling. Fast makes people like it, slow makes people hate it. This is the reading psychology of readers. For example, at the beginning of (that day, the sun was so warm): "A golden ray of sunlight slanted from the window onto the table and shone on the envelope, and the sun was so warm that day..." Just three sentences brought me to the point. Even like the beginning of the (wish): "This wish has been buried in my heart for a long time." Only one sentence will get to the point.

6、 It is also called "flashback method" to start with suspense that is appetizing. For example: "In the short journey of life, I have met many people and events. Most of these people and events do not leave any impression in my mind, but there is one event that I will never forget." ((unforgettable event)) Why does one "event" make me "unforgettable"? This makes people want to read further.

7、 It is also called "the method of expressing one's feelings directly". "Emotion is the first thing that moves people". It can also move readers by expressing their true feelings at the beginning. For example: "In the nine years of cold weather, teachers came one after another, gentle, serious, kind and lovely, unsmiling... But my good teacher has only books all the time." ((Good teacher)) This beginning directly expresses the love for my good teacher books.

8、 This is a new way of beginning in recent years. For example, a candidate in Shanghai (I want to sing a song) started with "I want to sing a song, a song of my own. The gurgling spring will be my musician, and the clear singing of birds will be my resonance". The content of this kind of beginning can be famous quotes and proverbs, or it can be your own words. Its role is mainly to point out the main idea and strengthen the center. This kind of beginning is praised for its novelty and alertness.

Children are the crystallization of parents' love and the node from love to kinship. So my parents regarded me as the angel God gave them. In my mother's belly palace, I started the first lesson of family education. Listening to light music and doing aerobics are all my required courses. In the warm and cordial family environment, I am growing happily.

(The big string is as noisy as the rain, and the small string is as loud as whispering. The big pearls and small pearls fall on the jade plate.)

The beloved daughter becomes Feng. Strict father and loving mother were two complementary roles in my childhood. When my father scolded me severely, he was always comforted by his mother's gentle words. This is where success lies. In my childhood, what I learned was solid and solid, which was the credit of my father. My heart was kind but not delicate, which was the love of my mother. Because of family, I will never be a greenhouse flower, nor will I degenerate into negativity.

(Jian Guan Ying Yu Hua Di Slippery)

After going to school, my parents relaxed a little and stopped restricting my activities all day long. In order to relieve the pressure of study, my parents like to take me to the countryside for an outing on weekends. That period of time has always been imprinted on my mind, because it is beautiful, because it will not repeat itself, but also because of kinship. Remember, flowers are always open, grass is always green, wind is always warm, birds are always happy, like my mood.

(The cold and astringent string of the ice spring is frozen away, and the frozen spring will not pass through the sound. There is no deep sorrow and dark hatred. At this time, silence is better than sound.)

When the rebellious god comes, I no longer lovingly please my parents. I always feel that I have grown up and no longer need platitudes of exhortation and nagging. I like strange clothes and talk back. The atmosphere at home is dignified. In retrospect, I seem to be going the wrong way. Thank you for your kindness and my father. His stern face suddenly changed into kindness and patience. He guided me step by step, never exposing my shortcomings or repeating preaching, and the dark days passed silently in the water like kinship.

(At the end of the song, draw carefully, and the four strings sound like a split silk)

Finally, I was brought up. I am about to leave my parents. My parents are old, and I find their white hair on their temples; My parents smiled. When I found their satisfied and happy eyes, I suddenly cried. My parents' love and their words and deeds have been engraved on my heart. At last, my father said, "My son, I have to go on my own. I should take good care of it!" What family left me is so unforgettable. How can I leave her?

(Who cries the most in the seat? The bright pearl in the eye is wet.)

I want to thank my parents for their teaching. They are the most common parents, but they are the stars I will always admire. They illuminate the way ahead for me and guide me to a bright future. Dear Mom and Dad, although I am going on a long journey, this incomparable family relationship you left me will always stay in my heart and become my spiritual pillar forever.

Beginning of Composition Family Affection (6)

2. Simply, kinship is just a small nest built by several branches. But I am younger, and I can easily go in at once. There is a bowl of water in it, cool and sweet, which moistens my thirsty soul; There is a bag of plump, fragrant, filled with my endless desire; There is a bed inside, soft and warm, to comfort my inexplicable sadness; There is also a pot of flowers, a painting, a poem, decorated with some advice, embedded with some advice... This is family, a small nest, which makes me grow up constantly.

3. Familial affection is a guitar with an oblique back. The deeper the affection, the more it can touch your heart strings; Kinship is a vine. Wherever you are, it always holds your hand tightly; Kinship is a string of keys hanging around the neck, opening the melancholy doors and windows. Family love is just between the eyes and eyebrows, in the shallow smile, in my lyrical little song.

4. Kinship is the story of Mulan replacing her father; Family love is a good story about Meng's mother moving three times; Kinship is the melody of Ah Bing's two springs reflecting the moon.

5. Family love is rain, which takes away boredom and leaves light and cool; Kinship is the wind, which blows away sadness and leaves behind happiness; Kinship is the sun, taking away darkness and leaving light. Family love is the greatest. No matter you are happy, depressed, painful, or hesitating, it will always walk gently on your way and accompany you quietly throughout your life.

6. There is no "white headed mandarin duck pool of life and death", but it also makes the sunset silent; There is no vow of eternal love "to be a pair of birds in the sky, and to connect branches on the ground", but it is also the eternal love of "eternal time and endless blood"; There is no appearance of "body is like a double willow in front of the door, branches and leaves are inseparable", but there is a silent wish of "I hope people will last for a long time, and share the beautiful scenery for thousands of miles"... The falling snowflakes cannot take away the solidified memory, travel through the gravity of time and space, enter the years that will not grow old, wait silently like a bud, and be reluctant to part in the sunset. In the perspective of the heart, two words are reflected in the soul—— "Family affection.

7. In the most helpless way of life, kinship is the most lasting power, giving us selfless help and dependence; On the loneliest emotional road, kinship is the most sincere company, which makes us feel incomparable warmth and comfort; At the most helpless crossroads, kinship is the clearest signpost to guide us to reach our goal successfully.

8. In the face of failure and frustration, family love is a good medicine to fill your lost heart, and then regroup, which is a kind of courage; In the face of misunderstanding and hatred, kinship is a cup of cold water, which can extinguish the fire in your heart, and then face it calmly, which is a kind of philosophical view; In the face of praise and flattery, kinship is an awl that pierces your nihilistic dream and then keeps forging ahead, which is a warning; In the face of troubles and worries, family love is a breeze that blows away your confused thoughts, and then it is a state of peace and relief.

9. Family love is like water, which makes the numerous things become pure after filtration; Familial affection is like fire, which makes the edges and corners appear through calcination; Kinship is a poem, which makes the tedium reach an artistic conception after being modified. Family love is the eternal power of life.

10. Family love is like the spring water cut by a river. What flows is the eternal yearning in the hearts of wandering people; Kinship is like an endless hill of fine sand, which precipitates the care accumulated over the years; Family love is like the Big Dipper in the night sky, which guides the lost lamb to go home.

11. What is kinship? It is sweet milk that feeds our growth; They are bright eyes, guiding us forward; It is gentle words that protect our hearts; It is a severe punishment to urge us to correct our mistakes. We can't do without our family, just like a high flying kite that can't get rid of long and thin ropes; We rely on our family, just like the vines of melon and beans twining around the bamboo knots or fences; We have kinship, like cold wheat covered with white snow, warm as spring, happiness as honey.

12. When the first horn of life blows, kinship is the tears that ripple in the mother's eyes, and the smile that blooms on the father's face; When the boat of life begins to ferry, kinship is the twin oars that push the boat forward with clear water, and the beacon waiting in the air to guide the boat; When the boat of life is about to dock, kinship is the quiet harbor, the silent water that embraces you.

13. Kinship is a father's raised palm, trembling lips and angry look of hating iron; Kinship is mother's burning tears, tender call, and warm and comfortable embrace; Kinship is a child's affirmative gaze, respectful language, and a small gift. The ship of kinship should rest on the harbor of love, and the building of kinship should be built on the cornerstone of love; The fountain of kinship should flow on the earth of love, the star of kinship should shine on the sky of love, and the flower of kinship should open in the garden of love.

14. Kinship is the snow on the top of Changbai Mountain, simple but eternal; Kinship is the flowing water of Tigris River, gentle but long; Kinship is the sunset in Sicily, lingering but gorgeous; Kinship is an inscription on the Mesopotamian plain, vague but meaningful. Family, family! Kinship...... Transcends time and space and weaves the most beautiful rainbow in life.

15. Family love, like a drop of dew in spring, can always be a fresh and dry memory of nostalgic people in the sorrowful years; Family love is like a green shade in summer, which can always support the blue sky of the confused in the hot sun; Kinship, like a ray of sunshine in autumn, can always warm the hearts of the lost in the bleak wind and rain; Family love is like snow in winter. It can always clean up the dust of the travelers in the dirty journey. It is like this. There is no impurity, no distance, and no hypocrisy. It is just the mutual care between the interlinked blood lines.

16. Family love is a trickle, bringing sweet moisture to the heart; Kinship is a wisp of soft sunshine, which melts the frozen soul silently; Kinship is a quiet harbor, which dissipates the fatigue of the voyage. Kinship is the increased white hair on parents' forehead, the infinite care and hope in parents' eyes. Kinship is a light in the dark, giving you the irreplaceable feeling and warmth of home. Yes, the most beautiful feeling in the world is the human kinship

17. Family love is your visit and care when you are ill. It makes you feel the warmth of the sun in the dark and strengthens your determination to overcome the disease; Family love is your encouragement and support when you stumble. It makes you feel selfless in despair and inspires your confidence to continue moving forward; Family love is a kind of cudgel when you are complacent. It makes you feel severe eyes when you are arrogant, and ensures that you can move in the right direction.

18. Kinship is the drizzle in spring, which makes the lonely people dry up their hearts; Kinship is a clear spring flowing in the summer night, which makes people who are hot and restless enjoy the poetic tranquility; Kinship is a small umbrella that holds up in the rainy night, so that people who wander abroad can get the protection of love; Family love is a rainbow flying in the sky, which makes people everywhere feel the warmth of the world

19. Kinship is a bright light, which illuminates the way for the prodigal son to turn back; Kinship is a haven, a quiet harbor for wandering travelers; Family love is a bowl of chicken soup for the soul, giving care to the injured soul; Kinship is also a sharp sword, which can give those who do not repent a move to split Huashan. Kinship is the deepest and indelible imprint of human soul, the sublimation of the purest, most sincere and most passionate feelings of human beings.

20. Family love is the cradle of growth, and you can grow healthily under her nurturing; Kinship is the source of strength, and you can thrive under her watering; Kinship is the holy fire of the soul. Under her light, you can succeed in your career; Kinship is a panacea for pain. With her comfort, you can eliminate all the pain. The bird needs the blue sky to show its majesty, the spider needs to weave a web to run around the world, and people need family ties to maintain their life.

21. She is an indestructible light, permanently illuminating the darkness of my life; She is a boat that never stops. She is ferried to the ferry of my life forever; She is a beautiful flower that will always open in the garden of my life. I am willing to use the most beautiful and warm words in the world to praise you - kinship!

22. Sometimes kinship is the weakness abandoned by the royal contenders, sometimes it is the capital used by the misers, and sometimes it is the rope climbed by the worshippers. Justice defeats relatives, justice defeats evil, covers up and connives, and emotion replaces reason. Make good use of your kinship, because she is also a double-edged sword, which may harm both your relatives and yourself.

23. Family love is invisible, and no one can tell what he is like; Kinship is free, and no one will make you pay money for it; Kinship is priceless, and nothing in the world can match her price; Family love is selfless. Nothing in the world can sacrifice herself more than her; Family love is endless, and you will feel his existence all the time in your life.

24. When you are a baby, family love is the milk that feeds your growth; When you were young, kinship was your refuge; When you are old, kinship is a touch of comfort at sunset. This is a kind of love connected by blood, and this is a kind of love that never ends.

25. I feel my father's care in the hazy, and the gentle wind lifts the window screen; Vaguely heard the mother's exhortation, the gentle rain climbed onto the windowsill. When I am blue, my family comforts me; When I hesitated, my family gave me encouragement; When I was happy, my family gave me a blessing.

26. If you are a green leaf, kinship is the branch that provides you with endless nutrients; If you are a sail, kinship is the sea breeze that pushes you forward to the other side of victory; If you are a night walker, kinship is the Big Dipper that looks for directions according to you; If you are a seed, kinship is the land that makes you leave the darkness to go to the light; If you are a bird, kinship is the vast sky where you can fly. Yes, no matter what you are, kinship must be your dependence and your attachment to your expectations.

27. My father is a mine. In the wind and rain, my tired back is shortened and lengthened by the setting sun in the morning sun; Mother is a torch, in the dark, soft voice in songs, hoarse and repeated in the middle of the night; I am a small embryo. Under the clear sky, my tender arm breaks the ground on the fertile field and stands in the fire.

28. Kinship is a bank, which builds strong confidence for you when your heart is weak; Kinship is a rainbow. After you experience wind and rain, it will paint you a beautiful and brilliant picture; Family is a little cloud, when you are lonely, embroider a beautiful flower for you. Kinship is waiting in the distance, waiting for your return; Kinship is a permanent miss, miss you all; Kinship is endless sorrow after leaving, grieving your back; Family love is the infinite happiness when you are reunited, and it is joyful for your safety and return.

29. There is a kind of love that cannot come back later; There is a kind of love that can't be traced back after leaving. It is kinship! From the initial birth, to the sensible, to adult, it has always accompanied us; From a small injury, to frustration, to failure, it has never left us. When I was a child, I thought that sending a bottle of beer my father loved was family love; When I was young, I thought it was family to show my mother good results; When I grew up, I realized that kinship had to be. When we said we would take care of them all our lives, they said, "Who cares? Don't you care? It's rare! Just as we are deeply grateful to them, this is kinship.

30. If you are a seed, kinship is the soil, providing you with the necessary nutrients for growth; If you are a grass, kinship is a tree, open your arms against the wind and rain; If you are a ship in the ocean, kinship is a beacon to guide you on your return journey; If you are a river, kinship is the sea, and you will always open your tolerant mind. Kinship is the continuous drizzle in March, which moistens your heart; Beiqing is the scorching sun, which lights your heart lamp; Kinship is the fruitful autumn, and consolation is the joy of your harvest; Kinship is the sunshine in the harsh winter and December, and the warmth is your eternal hope

31. Kinship is sunshine, which blows you like petals in the wind when it is warm and cold; Family love is a light, which gives you a little warm light when you walk alone at night; Kinship is the wind, the power that pushes you forward when you are confused. Kinship is the eternal fire in your heart, illuminating you on the road of endless progress; Kinship is the silk of silkworms. The thread does not break its roots. No matter how rough the road is, no matter how difficult it is, it will always be with you. Family love will last forever.

32. You smooth the ups and downs of my heart with the calm of the lake; You watched my lonely voyage with loving eyes; With your powerful arms, you embrace my wandering feelings. You are family, family is you! You are an important hub. Everything in the sky and the earth is carefully maintained by you; You are a kind of doomed fate, from morning to night, from near to far, from life to death, always together; You are a silent melody, the sunshine is your prelude, the moonlight is your melody, and the candle light is your note; You are family, family is you. You are eager to see through, but you are affectionate. You have mixed feelings, but as always, you are everywhere but touching. You are family, family is you. You are willow catkins, you are lotus leaves, you are lotus flowers... Family, so you have a name.

33. This is a bowl of fried rice with eggs, ordinary, but it can comfort my hunger when I am hungry; This is a tissue paper, true, but it can wipe away my crystal tears when I am sad; This is a cup of boiled water, tasteless, but it can quench my hot flame when my mouth is dry; This is a piece of chewing gum. It changes from thick to thin, but when you want to spit it out, you find that it has been with you for so long; This is a lump of marshmallow. It has melted into your heart before you have eaten it all: this is a steak. The longer you stew it, the more fragrant it will be; This is a bottle of old wine. The longer it is stored, the more mellow it will be. This is kinship, the steadfastness of love, the permanence of friendship, and the absence of love and friendship: the ordinary egg fried rice, the truth of facial tissue paper, the insipidity of boiled water, the durability of chewing gum, and the gentleness of cotton candy. It is steak and old wine, and time is their coagulant. Remember, people can have no love, or even no friendship, but there is absolutely no lack of kinship.

34. What is kinship? Kinship is the seed of spring, the cool of summer, the fruit of autumn, and the warmth of winter; What is kinship? Family love is a paradise outside the noisy world, a peaceful harbor after the turbulent waves, a green state in the boundless desert, and a comfort in the lonely soul; What is kinship? Kinship is the beacon when you get lost, the soft bed when you are tired, the good medicine after you are injured, and the hot tea when you are thirsty; What is kinship? Family love is the instruction of "meeting at once without paper and pen, and reporting peace according to your words", the concern of "going close, afraid of returning late", the yearning of "leaning against the window in the future, the plum blossoms coming", and the waiting of "yellow leaf trees in the rain, white headed people under the lamp". The most selfless in the world is nothing more than family affection, and the most extensive in the world is nothing more than family affection.

35. When I was young, kinship was a warm home, where my father, mother, sister and I lived. It was a mischief to stick a note on my brother's face after losing the stone, scissors and cloth. It was a regret that I could not stand the delicious food my mother cooked. It was my father's terrible fist when I made a mistake; When I was young, kinship was the hard work of parents when they were going to school for their children. It was the old people whose faces were full of wind and frost. It was the look of longing but hesitating; In adulthood, kinship is a ticket that is always valid, a string of kites that never stops, and a stamp that can never be mailed once an envelope is posted; Later, kinship was the touch of "Go Home and Have a Look".

36. Kinship is a warm coat, a button that will fall off when the coat shakes; Kinship is a treasured record, an old song on the record; Kinship is a pure tea. Kinship is a flashlight after power failure. It only lights others, not itself; Kinship is a history of separation of flesh and blood, Spain, Egypt and Suez, the mainland and Taiwan; Family love is a sentiment that can not be abandoned, a follow without hesitation, a attachment when a brave man makes a vow, a farewell without words and deeds, a tacit understanding

37. Kinship is the drop of dew after the rain, which moistens the originally barren soil; Kinship is the crow of the rooster at dawn, which wakes up the sleeping earth; Kinship is a small boat on the vast ocean, which has saved people struggling in it; Kinship is the lonely light in the dark port, hoping for the people returning; Kinship is the post station on Yangguan Ancient Road, which is cordial to the vagrants. Family love is like good medicine, which can heal your injured wounds; Family love is like wine, the longer the more mellow; Family love is like a shadow, no matter rich or poor, no matter how noble or humble, it will always accompany you with no regrets for life.

38. When discouraged, kinship is the plum blossom that gives hope. Seeing it, we can see how to overcome all difficulties; When you are upset, family love is a cup of liquor that can relieve your worries. Drink it and get drunk to solve thousands of worries; When satisfied, kinship is the horn that urges people to make progress. Hearing it, a hundred miles will be shocked. This is kinship, no matter when, no matter where, she will always accompany you.

39. Family love is the back of Zhu Ziqing's father; Kinship is the needle and thread in Meng Jiao's loving mother's hand; Kinship is "The Hand of Prayer" by Albrecht Durer brothers; Kinship is Wang Wei's sigh of "being a stranger in a foreign land alone, and thinking twice of his relatives in festivals"; Kinship is Sushi's wish of "wishing people a long life and sharing the beauty of the moon". Kinship is

40. One student wrote after finishing this exercise: "Family love is really an indescribable concept. Maybe because I'm poor in words, it's a bit difficult for me to describe family love in my own words... I can't describe family love in my own colorful language or sincere and simple feelings like other students, but even though I can write many sentences and beautiful words, But I can't express my love for my parents and family. I love my parents! I think it is the most important thing for me to describe my feelings for family by my own practical actions.

41. (Kinship) Kinship is a light, which will guide you to the right place, but sometimes it will lead you astray; Kinship is a fire, it will warm your heart, but sometimes it will burn your reason; Family love is a medicine. It can heal your wounds, but sometimes it can aggravate your condition.

42. Life is really like chess. I will face many decisions and challenges along the way. Accompanied by my father's love, I summon the courage to face this dangerous road and walk into a bright road.

43. Since we came to this world, we have been bathed in family love all the time. After reviewing the family life, you will deeply feel it in a casual look, a casual action, a most ordinary exhortation, a daily trivia - long family love.

44. In fact, the subtle actions such as pouring a cup of tea and covering a quilt are all from the hot spring of family affection. Family affection is understanding and support, trust and consideration. No wonder some people say that we come with cold and go with warmth. We come with loss and go with hope.

45. People praise the greatness of maternal love, and I would like to say that paternal love is also great. Father's love is a vivid story that combines learning with playing; It is a paper towel for wiping tears; It is a vast sea; It is a boundless grassland; It is the guide of the three-way road; It is the giggle of childhood memories.

Beginning of Composition Family Affection (7)

Selected Beginning of Good Composition of Family Love

1. In the most helpless way of life, kinship is the most lasting power, giving us selfless help and dependence; On the loneliest emotional road, kinship is the most sincere company, which makes us feel incomparable warmth and comfort; At the most helpless crossroads, kinship is the clearest signpost to guide us to reach our goal successfully.

2. Simply, kinship is just a small nest built by several branches. But I am younger, and I can easily go in at once. There is a bowl of water in it, cool and sweet, which moistens my thirsty soul; There is a bag of plump, fragrant, filled with my endless desire; There is a bed inside, soft and warm, to comfort my inexplicable sadness; There is also a pot of flowers, a painting, a poem, decorated with some advice, embedded with some advice... This is family, a small nest, which makes me grow up constantly.

3. Kinship is a guitar with a slant on its back. The deeper you feel, the more you can touch your heart strings; Kinship is a vine. Wherever you are, it always holds your hand tightly; Kinship is a string of keys hanging around the neck, opening the melancholy doors and windows. Family love is just between the eyes and eyebrows, in the shallow smile, in my lyrical little song.

4. Kinship is rain, take away boredom, leave cool; Kinship is the wind, which blows away sadness and leaves behind happiness; Kinship is the sun, taking away darkness and leaving light. Family love is the greatest. No matter you are happy, depressed, painful, or hesitating, it will always walk gently on your way and accompany you quietly throughout your life.

5. There is no "white headed mandarin duck pool of life and death", but it also makes the sunset silent; There is no vow of eternal love "to be a pair of birds in the sky, and to connect branches on the ground", but it is also the eternal love of "eternal time and endless blood"; There is no appearance of "body is like a double willow in front of the door, branches and leaves are inseparable", but there is a silent wish of "I hope people will last for a long time, and share the beauty of a thousand miles"...... The falling snowflakes cannot take away the solidified memory, travel through the gravity of time and space, enter the years that will not grow old, wait silently like a bud, and be reluctant to part in the sunset, in the heart's perspective, There are two words reflected in the soul - family love.

6. Kinship is a tree, and everyone is its root, so that it can absorb nutrition and maintain its youth forever; Kinship is a river, and everyone is a tributary of it, so that it will never dry up and surge forward; Kinship is fire, everyone is a piece of firewood, let it never extinguish the warmth of the Quartet.

Recommended at the beginning of excellent composition

1. What is kinship? It is sweet milk that feeds our growth; They are bright eyes, guiding us forward; It is gentle words that protect our hearts; It is a severe punishment to urge us to correct our mistakes. We can't do without our family, just like a high flying kite that can't get rid of long and thin ropes; We rely on our family, just like the vines of melon and beans twining around the bamboo knots or fences; We have kinship, like cold wheat covered with white snow, warm as spring, happiness as honey.

2. When the first horn of life blows, kinship is the tears that ripple in the mother's eyes, the smile that blooms in the father's face; When the boat of life begins to ferry, kinship is the twin oars that push the boat forward with clear water, and the beacon waiting in the air to guide the boat; When the boat of life is about to dock, kinship is the quiet harbor, the silent water that embraces you.

3. Kinship is father's raised palm, trembling lips and hatred of iron is unstoppable anger; Kinship is mother's burning tears, tender call, and warm and comfortable embrace; Kinship is a child's affirmative gaze, respectful language, and a small gift. The ship of kinship should rest on the harbor of love, and the building of kinship should be built on the cornerstone of love; The fountain of kinship should flow on the earth of love, the star of kinship should shine on the sky of love, and the flower of kinship should open in the garden of love.

4. Kinship is the snow on the top of Changbai Mountain, simple but eternal; Kinship is the flowing water of Tigris River, gentle but long; Kinship is the sunset in Sicily, lingering but gorgeous; Kinship is an inscription on the Mesopotamian plain, vague but meaningful. Family, family! Kinship...... Transcends time and space and weaves the most beautiful rainbow in life.

5. Kinship, like a drop of dew in spring, can always live the dry memory of nostalgic people in the sorrowful years; Family love is like a green shade in summer, which can always support the blue sky of the confused in the hot sun; Kinship, like a ray of sunshine in autumn, can always warm the hearts of the lost in the bleak wind and rain; Family love is like snow in winter. It can always clean up the dust of the travelers in the dirty journey. It is like this. There is no impurity, no distance, and no hypocrisy. It is just the mutual care between the interlinked blood lines.

Good Composition Beginning

1. She is an indestructible light, forever illuminating the darkness of my life; She is a boat that never stops. She is ferried to the ferry of my life forever; She is a beautiful flower that will always open in the garden of my life. I am willing to use the most beautiful and warm words in the world to praise you - kinship!

2. Sometimes kinship is the weakness abandoned by the royal contenders, sometimes it is the capital used by the misers, sometimes it is the rope climbed by the worshippers. Justice defeats relatives, justice defeats evil, covers up and connives, and emotion replaces reason. Make good use of your kinship, because she is also a double-edged sword, which may harm both your relatives and yourself.

3. Kinship is invisible, and no one can tell what he is like; Kinship is free, and no one will make you pay money for it; Kinship is priceless, and nothing in the world can match her price; Family love is selfless. Nothing in the world can sacrifice herself more than her; Family love is endless, and you will feel his existence all the time in your life.

4. When you are a baby, family love is the milk that nurtures your growth; When you were young, kinship was your refuge; When you are old, kinship is a touch of comfort at sunset. This is a kind of love connected by blood, and this is a kind of love that never ends.

5. I feel my father's care in the hazy, and the wind slowly lifts the window screen; Vaguely heard the mother's exhortation, the gentle rain climbed onto the windowsill. When I am blue, my family comforts me; When I hesitated, my family gave me encouragement; When I was happy, my family gave me a blessing.

Beginning of Composition Family Affection (8)

Selected Beginning of Family Composition

1. See? After rain, the rainbow has a dreamlike color. Do you feel it? The temperature varies from cold to warm. Did you taste it? The taste of sour, sweet, bitter and hot. Oh, isn't that the way I see family? Colorful as a rainbow. If the temperature is generally uncertain. It tastes like sour, sweet, bitter and hot. Ah, kinship is colorful. When your relatives care more about you, they are red. When your relatives ignore you, the affection is blue

2. We often hear a song in our ears, "Thank you for being with me all my life, let me have the courage to be myself, grateful heart..." How noble and pure this song is.

When you landed, how many people cared about you and took care of you. Although you were still in a hazy state at that time, you could feel that kind of feeling at that time. It was considerate? Is it warm? I think everyone should know that mother's thoughtfulness, father's sternness, sister's concern, brother's love... Isn't it the best embodiment of family affection? Do we use actions to prove the existence of gratitude?

3. If parents are genial sunshine, then we are the flowers blooming in the sunshine; If parents are soft breeze, then we are graceful weeping willows under the breeze; If parents are hazy mist, then we are the tassels lingering in the mist... Parents' love is eternal. When we are not feeling well, our parents will ask cold and warm; When we encounter difficulties in learning, our parents will help us patiently; When we are unhappy, our parents will try to enlighten us; When I do things with a wrong attitude, my parents will earnestly teach us...... Their love is everywhere.

4. When I was young, in my eyes, my father was a lofty mountain, and I was a happy little bird in the mountain. Don't be afraid of the strong wind. There are mountains protecting me; It's raining heavily. Don't panic. There are mountains blocking me. My father is a mountain, and I am a bird in the mountain. Birds can't live without the influence of the mountain.

When I was young, in my eyes, my mother was a clear lake, and I was a free fish in the lake. The lake is full of vitality because of fish, and fish are full of life because of the lake. The lake gently protects the naughty fish; Fish, happy to have the love of the lake. Mother is the lake, and I am the fish. Naturally, the fish cannot live without the embrace of the lake.

Recommended at the beginning of family composition

1. It's been a long time, but I still can't forget it. At 8:30 one night, my mother came to my bed. She touched my forehead and screamed. Grandma and other people were awakened by my mother's screams. It turned out that I had a fever. So my mother dressed me. At that moment, I said to my mother, "Mom, I want to vomit!" and I vomited out with a "wow". The whole room was filled with an unpleasant smell "Wow" again, vomited out all the food. My mother grabbed the clothes and put them on, picked me up and rushed out. It was raining hard outside. My mother ran with me in the rain, and a few drops of rain fell on my face. I saw my mother's face was full of anxiety. My mother took me to the hospital "Doctor, doctor! My daughter has a fever, which is very severe!" The doctor comforted my mother "Don't worry. It's OK. It's OK. Your daughter will be fine."

2. Family, an eternal theme. It is this kinship with blood thicker than water that accompanies us through every unforgettable day and composes our colorful life.

Through the window of history, I peeped, I saw the kinship, saw the scenes about the past, present and future stories.

More than a hundred years ago, when thunderstorms and heavy downpours were raging, the raging wind rushed to the boat carrying the child. The child and the mother on the bank cried bitterly, but it was of no help. So the flesh and bone were separated, and the wind was howling. It looked at the scene with a sneer, laughing at the emaciated mother's inability to change the fate of the separation of flesh and bone.

3. What is kinship? Family love is love, is eternal, everything in the world is beautiful but family love, really, at least I think so.

During the five days of school, many parents were still crowded at the school gate on Friday to pick up their children. Every time my mother comes, she always gives me a hug to show her missing me. Every time my father comes, he always finds my injured clothes bag first.

Back home, the fragrance still wafts all over the room. Sitting in front of the desk, holding a pen, I was writing an agonizing assignment. There was always a small fruit tray lying quietly above my blurred corner of the eye. This was his intention. When I was tired of learning and writing, I reached out to eat a small cherry. The cherry flavor was always sweet, and it also had the fragrance of my mother's hands. I remember every time I went to school when I was a child, My mother will put an apple or an orange in my schoolbag, all the year round, every day.

Beginning of Family Composition

1. In the most helpless way of life, kinship is the most lasting power, giving us selfless help and dependence; On the loneliest emotional road, kinship is the most sincere company, which makes us feel incomparable warmth and comfort; At the most helpless crossroads, kinship is the clearest signpost to guide us to reach our goal successfully.

2. Simply, kinship is just a small nest built by several branches. But I am younger, and I can easily go in at once. There is a bowl of water in it, cool and sweet, which moistens my thirsty soul; There is a bag of plump, fragrant, filled with my endless desire; There is a bed inside, soft and warm, to comfort my inexplicable sadness; There is also a pot of flowers, a painting, a poem, decorated with some advice, embedded with some advice... This is family, a small nest, which makes me grow up constantly.

3. Familial affection is a guitar with an oblique back. The deeper the affection, the more it can touch your heart strings; Kinship is a vine. Wherever you are, it always holds your hand tightly; Kinship is a string of keys hanging around the neck, opening the melancholy doors and windows. Family love is just between the eyes and eyebrows, in the shallow smile, in my lyrical little song.

Beginning of Family Composition (9)

1. I like to lean on my seat and sniff lilacs. The yellow sun shines a warm, bubble a cup of tea, taste it carefully, and smell it quietly. The courtyard is filled with refreshing fragrance. Close your eyes, as if you are in a dream. When the wind blows, the fragrance is sent far away······

2. After I jumped up in the morning, I burst into the door of my parents' bedroom, and the joy on my face disappeared. The bed was clean and tidy, and a bunch of sunshine fell lonely. Today is my birthday. How can they leave again?

3. I read an Israeli proverb that said: When the father helped his son, both of them laughed; When the son helped his father, both of them cried. When I read this sentence, I cried. In the dim tears, I seemed to see my father's persistent and helpless figure coming to me through the dust, and a string of twisted footprints stretched far behind me.

4. The clear and sweet countryside wind, the open and bright bangzi tune, the secluded and long field roads, the creaking old ox cart, the happy father on the ox cart that throws the whip flowers out of the crisp sound and wakes up the grass's dream... is the clearest and most fragrant memory of my childhood. The moment my father held me on the ox cart with kindness and love, he planted the seeds of fatherly love deeply in my heart, I thrive on the road of life, shining on me, warming me, and sweet me

5. At the beginning of spring, I clearly heard a gentle voice of blooming flowers. It came from the mountains and waters: children, maternal love does not require repayment, as long as it can be given, it is happiness

6. The breeze brings a warm feeling, and the clouds wipe a corner of sunshine, so it is spring. It is also a festival full of deep feelings - Mother's Day is coming to us quietly. With the coming of the festival, I miss my mother more and more. For me, a wanderer in a different place, missing is always a heavy net that catches me and a small fish fleeing from the world of mortals.

7. "Shake and shake, shake and shake, shake to Grandma's Bridge..." I don't know who gently hummed, pulling me back from my thoughts. Grandma Bridge, Grandma Bridge, Grandma must be looking at me again. In front of my eyes, it seemed that she was standing on the high threshold, leaning against the door on tiptoe, looking forward to the scene. At this time, a thick feeling of kinship, like the warm sunshine in spring, spilled into my heart, making me feel extremely happy.

8. Simply, kinship is just a small nest built by several branches. But I am younger, and I can easily go in at once. There is a bowl of water in it, cool and sweet, which moistens my thirsty soul; There is a bed inside, soft and warm, to comfort my inexplicable sadness; There is also a pot of flowers, a painting, a poem, decorated with some advice, embedded with some advice

9. The moon is melting and the breeze is blowing. I snuggle up beside my mother, who caresses my arms and cheeks with her wrinkled hands. I am bathed in the warmth of maternal love

10. Kinship is the back of Zhu Ziqing's father, the needle and thread in Meng Jiao's loving mother's hand, Wang Wei's sigh of "being a stranger in a foreign land alone, and thinking twice about his family during festivals", and Su Shi's wish of "wishing people a long life and sharing the beauty of the moon".

11. Spring has quietly come to us. The spring breeze has gently blown red flowers, and the spring rain has quietly moistened green leaves. We are young and vigorous, just as fresh as the red flowers and green leaves, and who ever thought of who did the spring breeze and spring rain silently moisten us?


1. Mother is a tree planted in your heart. Maybe she has made you uncomfortable, resisted and hurt, but sooner or later she will grow up, take root, sprout, blossom and bear fruit, and grow into a tree like her. The seed of this tree, I think, is the deepest and whitest word - love.

2. Mother is old! I know that there are no tears in her eyes, and some are just a touch of years of gazing! That's the most beautiful scenery in my hometown! That's an unspeakable injury! But what can I give you in return? My mother!

3. When the car started, I saw my father's back turning away. The back was so small and helpless in the weaving crowd. The back gradually moved away from the crowd. As the car moved forward, it finally turned to nothingness. But the figure in my heart became clearer and clearer. I felt a burst of uncontrollable pain and hurriedly opened the window. My father never let me cry in front of others. He said this is the bottom line of a man. In my heart, the bottom line is as powerful as his back, and I am doomed to never escape, because it has turned into the background of my life, and the back is warm but powerful, dim and distant

4. Mother is the most beautiful spring in her daughter's heart, bright, bright, warm, bright

5. I seem to see the late autumn wind blowing your white hair, like a clump of white reeds fluttering in the Xifan

6. In such a night, I gently picked up my mother's hand and put it into the quilt to tuck in the corner of the quilt for her, just as she did for me when I was young. It must be a very happy thing!

7. Yes, the pursuit of life in an instant, wordless look back, there are many feelings, many admiration. Just like the years threatening my father, I firmly believe that the absence of spirit will be the eternity of life. Follow my father's footsteps to the truth of life