Pursuing Dreams (19 refined articles)
only this and nothing more
2023-12-10 07:18:59

Pursuing Dreams (1)

Today is the first day of school. My classmates and I watched the first lesson of school together. In the program, my peers made great efforts to realize their dreams, as well as their joy in realizing their dreams. After reading it, I was deeply moved. I thought, as long as I work hard, struggle and persist, my dream will come true.

My dream is to be a musician. Because my grandfather is a music lover, he can play flute. My grandpa said that when I was crying when I was a child, my grandpa always coaxed me with the sound of the flute. When the flute sounded, my crying stopped. Influenced by my grandfather, I fell in love with music and flute since childhood. When I was in the senior class of kindergarten, I was clamoring to learn flute. At the beginning of learning flute, I just wanted to have fun and wondered how this special "bamboo" could make a pleasant sound. As I grew up, I learned more flute knowledge and learned more beautiful tunes, and my dream quietly appeared in my heart --- to be a musician, to spread the melodious flute sound of traditional Chinese national instruments all over the world, and to make Western instruments feel inferior.

In the process of learning flute, I met many "obstacles" - difficult to play music, often dizzy, etc. At this time, I wanted to give up, but when I thought of the dream in my heart, I insisted on it. Although my flute playing level is far away from becoming a performer like Zhao Songting, I have made great achievements now - I can play the music for the Grade Examination of Level 5, a total of 248 pieces, if the music score is used to pave the floor.

I will continue to work hard to pursue my dream and realize it. The house can be fully covered.

Pursuing Dreams (2)

The call from the bottom of my heart: dream, where are you?
Looking back at the traces of memory, the bumpy road is full of bitterness and melancholy, and the place where the dream began - hope! Pursue the direction of dreams - confusion!
In front of me, the white, which is filled with thick fog, obscures my vision. I can't see the road of thorns clearly. Is it the way to enter? Stop? Or return?
Night, after all, comes. At this moment, darkness is winding around me. Loneliness, anxiety, fear...... The dim starlight cannot drive all the shadows. I look forward to the arrival of light. However, how can I spend this moonless night? The Big Dipper in the distance, can you point out the direction of my dream? The hidden moon, can you light up my dream hope!
I am at a loss. Is all this joy or worry? Is it sweet or bitter? Should I laugh or cry My heart! Do you also understand my anguish, and are you willing to bear the thorns and dark pain with me?
A silent answer, the feeling in my heart, let me see the direction again. yes! I can't give in to difficulties and setbacks. Everything depends on me. It's not easy to pursue the direction of dreams, but I can overcome all difficulties with my strong will!
I finally understand that the dream is in front of thorns and darkness.

Pursuing Dreams (3)

What a beautiful world! You travel in this long world with an indifferent attitude one day. As big as the world is, you are as small as a speck of dust. Maybe someone is right. What kind of play is our busy day, but play is also a kind of realm, a realm that others cannot surpass, a realm that others cannot surpass. What is the true meaning of life? I often ask myself this question, but the world today is so unsophisticated. Under such circumstances, we have returned to the starting point of dreams again and again, starting from the starting point of dreams again and again, and we have returned to the starting point with gray heads and brains. However, many times success belongs to a few people. Maybe at this moment, I have awakened, is the true meaning of life success? I am not sure of such an answer, and I dare not ignore it. At this moment, I am a little numb. Is this life far away from us? It is another year of spring green, such a season of blooming, and a time of floating thoughts. It seems to shout loudly to the sky, as if standing on the lofty mountain top to fly like an eagle, crying out our inner dreams, crying out our world. Under the blue sky that belongs to us, the fragrance of flowers has spread all over our world and touched our heartstrings. In this passionate world, our life has become active. Here, we can't say enough words, we can't let go of love, and everything is filled with our dreams. Pursue our dream, a dream not far away from us!

Senior 3: Struggle 1989

Pursuing Dreams (4)

In a field, there lived a little field mouse, his name was Xiaoxiao. Xiaoxiao has a dream that she can fly into the blue sky.

One day, he was walking slowly near the field. Suddenly, Xiaoxiao heard a cry for help. He followed the sound and saw a big pit. There was a little sister of a field mouse in it. It was her calling for help. Xiaoxiao immediately looked around and found a vine. He immediately pulled down the vine and reached into the hole. The little sister of the field mouse was saved. She kissed her little face excitedly. A pair of small wings suddenly grew on her back, but it was too small to drive her to fly to the blue sky.

At night, a bright moon hung in the sky. At this time, a cry for help broke the silence. Xiaoxiao heard this and went out of the house immediately. She looked up and saw that it was the spider web that trapped the butterfly. She was asking for help. Xiaoxiao looked around and saw that there were many stones on the ground, so Xiaoxiao picked up the stones and threw them at the spider web. Ah, the net was broken, and the butterfly was saved. She was so happy that she turned around a little. Suddenly, the small wings were three times larger, and he flapped his wings. Ah, he flew up, and his heart was so excited that it almost jumped out! He flew, touched the moon and the stars in the sky, and had the best time

Pursuing Dreams (5)

Everyone has a dream of his own. Everyone's dream is unique, incomprehensible and incomparable to others.

Many people, when they were young and young, wanted to set themselves free to pursue the dreams they imagined. But when they grew up, they found that they could not realize their dreams and wasted a lot of time. They wanted to give up and not pursue their dreams; When they have a certain position in society, they want to realize their dream at that time, but they give up because they are busy; When they are old, they think about the dreams they wanted to realize when they were young. They want to realize their dreams now. However, when they are old and their bodies are not as good as before, it is impossible for them to realize their dreams. Only in the remaining time, they can recall their youth.

The so-called dream is just to think about it in a dream, that's all. However, when you are young, you can work hard to pursue and realize your dream. In this world, there are dreams that you have realized and dreams that you cannot achieve. This is just a one side policy. Whether you can achieve it depends on how you do it and how you face it. It is not just a matter of saying and thinking. Every time you say it, you must do it and realize it. You must not disappoint yourself. When you say it, you must do it.

My friend, seeing here, I would advise you to stop hesitating at the age when you should work hard and spend your life lazily. If you want to do something, you should do it with confidence and boldness. Don't restrain yourself. It's too late to regret later. So, you should strive to pursue your dream and realize it, Let yourself live meaningfully, so if you have a dream, you should chase it!

Although there are many different people in the world, I think their meaning of living may be the same.

Pursuing Dreams (6)

The blue ocean is vast. I thought that the dream I was pursuing was on the other side of the sea.

When I was young, I was fascinated by the beauty of music for the first time. I admire that every sound can blend into each other to form a perfect melody. In the second grade of primary school, I asked my mother to let me take one-on-one piano lessons. I was immersed in the joy of music. How happy, enjoyable and wonderful the past few years have been.

However, as time went by in a hurry, the homework on the first day of the first day of the year became more and more onerous. My mother worried that I could not make it, so she would stop taking a few years off and come back after the first day of the year. I am not reconciled. The grinding chain of these years will be interrupted at this moment when I am still slowly moving towards my goal! I told my mother that no matter how bumpy the future is, I still want to learn music. When I learn the second day of junior high, I will discuss it with my mother.

Many of the students around me have begun to make up lessons and take a pair of homework home every day, but I still pay attention to my studies while trying to learn the piano. The piano music is also becoming more and more difficult and needs more time to practice, so I have to arrange my time properly. Once, a classmate asked me: "Why do you want to be so strong? Don't you feel tired?" I told myself secretly that in recent years, I have been looking forward to the goal and moving forward. The dream is on the far side. If you want to achieve it, you can never give up.

It is that strong willpower that keeps me pursuing my dreams. In a piano competition, I got the seventh place in the city, which made me want to get a higher honor. "Pursuing makes people's lives more valuable and energetic." I will continue to pursue. After all, this journey is not over yet

Now, piano lessons have had to stop. I also remember that I clenched my teeth and tried hard to learn the piano. In the confused eyes of my classmates, I followed my dream step by step. Although I didn't win the piano championship in the end, I once pursued it like that, and I don't regret it

Pursuing Dreams (7)

Everyone has dreams in their hearts. Some people's dreams are big, some people's dreams are small, but my dreams are not in between.
I like the ancient times, the beautiful mountains and rivers, the beautiful scenery, and the poems and songs. I like these not because I have seen too many so-called ancient dramas, but because I have learned something from some poems and songs.
I like these, and so do my dreams.
I like watching anime, especially in Japan. I admire those Japanese directors who I like very much. I want to go to Japan, but my parents don't agree. They say Japan may be going to war with China, and you also go to Japan. I told my friends this idea, and only heard her say: "You are not afraid of encountering an earthquake when you are in Japan. What if you can't come back? Or..." I anxiously interrupted her, "Stop talking. There won't be so many people I will meet later. If I come back from Japan, you will come to pick me up. I'm a road junkie. I'm afraid I will change and become prosperous after I go to Japan. I'm afraid I can't find my way home." She smiled and said, "Hey, why do you go to Japan when you are a road junkie? I don't know where you want to go after you arrive in Japan." After hearing what she said, I didn't immediately answer the question, but thought quietly. She saw that I didn't say anything, so she stopped.
Yeah, did I go to Japan just for that? What if I went to Japan? Maybe this is just a journey in the eyes of others, but it is more than that in my eyes. It is a process of realizing dreams, and it will bring me joy and pride. If it is realized, then I will be closer to my dream, even if it is not realized, it doesn't matter. After all, I have been to this place that makes me dream.
I like cherry blossoms and kimonos. Of course, I prefer my old clothes. I like sushi and its language. These are my wishes.
When I grow up, I will plant cherry blossoms near my home. How beautiful the cherry blossom is! It carries my expectations and accompanies me to grow old day by day. We drink wine, enjoy the moon, recite poems and oppose each other. I think the friendship between us will not change.
My dream is very close to me, but it needs my constant growth and efforts to achieve. There are many dreams I have traced back. I have ambition, but it is my power, just like the sail on the ship rising higher and higher. I will move forward to my dream. My life, I broke out.
Come on, for my dream, don't give up!

Pursuing Dreams (8)

Me, 18 years old

A journal like a running account, I daub it alone, I listen to it alone, I dream of being young and frivolous, and I conceive it alone. In another month, I will be 17 years old.

18 years is not long. I haven't experienced the great storms of life, 18 years of time, not short. I have reached the stage of life where children can look up and adults can look down.

Six years ago, when I was in the first grade of junior high school, I was full of enthusiasm and ambition. Even arrogant, I imagined that I would be able to spend my youth in a university in Xuzhou in the near future.

Six years passed like a white horse, and countless people became passers-by in my life. They came and went in a hurry, but only dreams remained.

Six years! No matter what kind of state my life is in, the dream is just like a mirror and a water moon. I learned a lot here, but I also lost a lot of things worth cherishing. If time comes again, I will make up for my mistakes. Maybe there is no need now. Let time tell everything!

I would like to read "The Temptation of the Wolf" and "That Boy Is Really Handsome" by myself to escape from the damned classroom, and write the fairy tale of mourning for the spring and the moon with tears all over one's face, to pay homage to my smoky past and fleeting years, instead of counting the results, one indulges in drunken fatigue and gradually forgets the college entrance examination and scores.

After such a crazy move, what was hidden was more terrible emptiness and panic than madness, and my heart was ready to move with a strange feeling.

Every day, I feel lost in the face of mountains of homework, and lament that time is a process of constant compromise to time.

Tonight, in the dead of night, I stare at that dream. Suddenly, I found how ridiculous I used to be - I could not attract her with my success and brilliance, I could not measure my perseverance and diligence to impress her, and even I could not hope that my efforts would only hope that the Lucky Goddess would favor me.

Time is fixed in eternity, and only life flows tirelessly. The growth rings grow around and around, proving their unique existence.

Quietly, I am waiting for my arrival at the age of 18.

Silently, I sorted out my thoughts and began to pursue the track of dreams.

In life, I am not a strong person, but I am working hard not to become a weak person!

Pursuing Dreams (9)

More than 170 years ago, a war broke the dreams of countless people. Nearly 200 years have passed. The Chinese Dream was mentioned again. It seems that the great power of the Eastern Heaven that countless people once yearned for has reappeared. Yes, we now have the ability to mention the Chinese "dream" again. Years of rapid economic growth, leaders' efforts to build, the full cooperation of the people, and the rising social atmosphere. The Chinese culture is becoming more and more splendid. But this is just the beginning.

If only one person or a few people have such a dream, it cannot be called the Chinese Dream. Only when most people and even the whole country have the pursuit of a better life can they have a real Chinese Dream.

To prosper the country through hard work, empty talk will harm the country. The size of the country does not need so many empty talk people. What is important is that everyone should dare to pursue their own good life and realize their own ideals. How can the prosperity of the country not be achieved?

My Chinese dream is to become a driving member of the society and the country. But such a wish is not easy to achieve. I am an ordinary high school student. I often have bad times in my study, but I never feel sorry for myself because of a failure. Some of my friends around me have been knocked down and changed because of a small setback. I can't change them, although I want to. But these are also reasons I can't give up. It is beyond reproach to practice in learning. I often hear such words around me as "I will just be careless about this question". I used to say such words before, but I gradually understand that such words will not be recognized by others. Some of them are just self pity and empty talk, which will also mislead the country for so long. Everyone is imagining that the country is just dreaming. So I want to practice. Action may be the most powerful proof of myself. I can't wait for a broken dream.

Now, I have something to do every day, which is like practicing. Now's practice is for the realization of a dream in the future. If I practice it day by day, my vision of the dream will become clearer, just like our country will become stronger sooner or later. I can now feel his majesty standing on the top of the world. The situation of the country is very good. How can I stand still and drag him back to become a "sinner"?

The meaning of the Chinese dream is not how beautiful the dream will be, but that we are striving to make what I think become beautiful that I can see and feel. The Chinese dream will not break, nor will my dream!

Pursuing Dreams (10)

The call from the bottom of my heart: dream, where are you?

Looking back at the traces of memory, the bumpy road is full of bitterness and melancholy, and the place where the dream began - hope! Pursue the direction of dreams - confusion!

In front of me, the white, which is filled with thick fog, obscures my vision. I can't see the road of thorns clearly. Is it the way to enter? Stop? Or return?


Night, after all, comes, darkness is winding around me at this moment, lonely, uneasy, fear The dim starlight cannot drive all the shadows. I look forward to the arrival of light. However, how can I spend this moonless night? The Big Dipper in the distance, can you point out the direction of my dream? The hidden moon, can you light up my dream hope!

I am at a loss. Is all this joy or worry? Is it sweet or bitter? Should I laugh or cry My heart! Do you also understand my anguish, and are you willing to bear the thorns and dark pain with me?

A silent answer, the feeling in my heart, let me see the direction again. yes! I can't give in to difficulties and setbacks. Everything depends on me. It's not easy to pursue the direction of dreams, but I can overcome all difficulties with my strong will!

I finally understood that the dream was in front of thorns and darkness

Pursuing Dreams (11)

——Thoughts on Reading The Ugly Duckling

After reading the article "The Ugly Duckling" written by Andersen, my heart could not be calm for a long time.

The ugly duckling described by the author was pushed aside, ridiculed and hit everywhere, but it did not despair or sink. Instead, it fought unyielding and finally became a beautiful and noble white swan. All this is due to the everlasting dream in its heart. It tells us that as long as we pursue unremittingly and work hard, even in adversity, we can finally realize our dreams.

Looking at the ugly duckling, I couldn't help thinking of myself. I still remember that in the past, I didn't know anything in the first grade, even if I didn't know how to calculate simple numbers. Looking at the students with good grades, I didn't know whether I was envious or jealous. I am not satisfied with those who want to be strong, and I swear to surpass them. By chance, I signed up for a math interest class. After that, I was deeply attracted by the interesting class. For the first time, I sat down for four or five hours at a time, with many math books on my desk. I finally got excellent results in a math contest and won the first place in the whole grade. The teacher gave me a surprised and approving look. In my sixth grade, I won the second prize in the National Primary School Olympic Mathematics Competition! I am happy to accept the heavy award certificate, which bears my years of hard work and sweat. I smiled happily, and I finally succeeded!

If you give it up with a wedge, it will not break the rotten wood; Perseverance, gold and stone can be carved. We can only continue to pursue our dreams and strive for them. We believe that we will succeed and become a beautiful "white swan".

Pursuing Dreams (12)

A clear sound of "bang" followed by a "ah!". I saw a long and thin red seal on my hand, which was burning (or piercing). "The string broke again! I don't want to learn this guitar!" My heart was angry. I picked up the basketball and went downstairs to play.

On the basketball court in the community, I was sweating, dribbling and shooting to sweep away the unhappiness just now. During the interval, I saw a familiar figure on the bench outside the court when I was drinking water and resting. Isn't that my cousin! Exactly one-on-one! I could not help but feel happy, and walked in three steps and two steps. Come closer and see, my dear, don't stop looking. When he saw it, he was startled. His fingers "flipped" up and down, and he was dancing a beautiful "disco" on the Rubik's Cube. It took him only a few seconds to recover a fifth order Rubik's Cube. I exclaimed, "Cousin, how did you do it?" He touched his head in embarrassment, smiled at me, then took out an A4 paper folded into dried tofu from his pocket, pointed to the "astronomical code" on it, and said to me, "That's it. Once you have love, you should bravely follow the footsteps of dreams. Because love, you can 'drop water and stone'!" Only then did I find that the cortex on my cousin's fingers had become calluses. How can I do this without working hard? I held the basketball in my arms and fell into deep thinking.

Suddenly, a melodious sound of guitar came from afar, chased me and wrapped me up. It was like a tight hoop. The pain went from outside to inside. A sense of guilt flooded into my heart, and I seemed to realize something. yes! It is to follow the footsteps of dreams! You can't give up easily! Because dripping wears away the stone in a day!

I strode home, changed the strings and continued to practice the piano. This time I play again, I have a tacit understanding with the guitar. Listen, the wonderful and flexible sound of the piano flows out from my fingers, sometimes like a dream chasing self shuttling back and forth in the youth arena, running wantonly, jumping up to shoot, and marching towards victory step by step; At times, I am working hard, sweating like a rain, working hard, and eager to succeed again and again.

Finally, the moment came as scheduled. At the New Year's Eve party at the end of the year, my perfect performance conquered everyone and witnessed my footsteps in pursuing my dream. (Respond to the topic and point out the center.)

Pursuing Dreams (13)

Xi Mu once said: "So he opened the yellowed title page, and fate bound it badly, with tears in his eyes. I read and read it again, but had to admit that youth is a book that is too hasty.

The pace of youth slowly left, and suddenly looked back, but there was no feeling of joy. Her hair was full of the smell of spring and summer, coming to her face, fragrant, fresh

The years of youth have been stretched to the limit, and the boiling river has gradually receded! The lost years, no longer exist. The pure childlike charm of the past, the sound of glazed tiles, emerge from memory. The wheels of the years are still rolling, but will youth stop and die?

Flowers bloom and fall, and the four seasons cycle. Do you think you did nothing in the past? Time passes like a fleeting horse. Suddenly, do you still believe that fairy tales still exist?

Time is fleeting, but the past cannot be undone. In the boundless land, I sang a song of drunken breeze and sighed that I had not treasured the lost years, but it made me understand the true meaning of beauty.

Walking at night, you can enjoy the bright moon alone. The wisps of moonlight are really like frost and snow, and you suddenly feel bleak. The flowers bloom and fall, you meet by chance, strangers meet again, and I also cook wine to discuss the world.

I was lucky to be born in this dreamy age. Birds sing and flowers smell. We read that poem with pale marks, and were intoxicated with it. When we sorted it out, our soul was washed. It gave us a sense of beauty. I found myself standing on the top of the peak like a fairy, absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, and gaining the unique advantages of heaven and earth. Looking down, we enjoyed the beauty of China. It was interesting.

Looking up at the sky, youth has passed away quietly from the looking up eyebrows, which inevitably adds wisps of sadness to the beauty. You don't need to sigh, because only those who truly cherish the past will remember the beautiful memories in their hearts, and then the aftertaste will be like a floating disc, bouncing happily in the flowers, bringing you endless smiles.

The beautiful memories emerge again, and the leisure time gives people a dreamy, blurred vision of the future. It reminds me of Li Yu's grace of "when is the moon coming down, how much do you know about the past?", and also of Su Dongpo's pride of "the river is going to the east, the waves are gone, and the people are beautiful through the ages." I am really impressed by their integrity, because at that time I was also careless.

Liunian, stop, always reminds people of the poetic realm, hazy but clear, let me think of a graceful woman, standing by the pond watching flowers and the moon, lingering.

It seems that the faster time goes by, the clearer the beautiful memories will be. I still remember that it was a spring season, with birds singing and flowers fragrance everywhere, flowers and leaves flourishing. I can breathe healthy and refreshing air when I open the window. A little girl outside pointed to the sky and shouted, "Mom, I really want to have wings, so that I can fly in the sky like a wild goose." I could not help being touched by the little girl's innocence. It turns out that we were innocent and brilliant, but this time really slowly disappeared in the tedious life. A burst of heartache is struggling in my heart. The beautiful dream is almost broken. At this time, I can only lower my head and hide the tears that have slipped out

The passing years once again let me ponder. Is there a kind of beauty that can become eternal? Is the attachment to youth, or the love of the flower season

Looking at the sky, a persistent flying eagle glides in the sky with vigorous posture, as if singing the song of life, chasing the fun of fighting in the sky!

In the evening, I had a dream that I was wandering in the sky looking for the traces of youth. I met a beautiful angel who gave me a beautiful gift, which is a poem of youth

Pursuing Dreams (14)

In my memory, there is a river, just like a dream, but very clear. I once reached out and touched it. It was so real and impressive

When I opened my eyes, it -- where did the river go? Dream, also slowly absent-minded, with the river floating in the distance of memory. I believe that it has existed. I believe that it really exists in every inconspicuous corner of the world and in my life.

At night, holding my mother's hand, I asked her about the "dream" in the light: "Mom, is the river really there?" But on her face, there was a trace of sadness and regret - I saw it clearly.

On a holiday, my mother took me back to my hometown for lunch. When I enjoyed watching TV legally, my mother asked me, "My child, do you still remember that dream?" My TV watching was interrupted immediately. Remember! I answered excitedly, and couldn't help thinking: I wish my mother could talk about the river with me. She must know where the river is, and she would take me to see the 'river' in the dream... Thinking about it, my mother took my hand to look for the dream.


"Is this the river? But there is not a drop of water!" I pointed to the dry and narrow sand road in front of me, and I was surprised. But my mother's eyes firmly told me: Yes, this is the river in your dream... I could not help feeling disappointed.

"I remember when I was a child, it was really clear, and its vitality connected with every generation of people here!" Mother reached out and touched the dry soil block, and her body shook. I looked up, and saw bright tears rolling in her eyes, and could not help but shed two lines of hot tears. She immediately wiped her eyes with her skirt. I can feel here as if there is a clear stream flowing, leaping, gripping my memory, gripping my mother's youth and youth, slowly flowing, flowing in front of me, flowing through my mother's fingertips, flowing through the body of the village.

Due to the reduction of water resources and the spread of casual and unnecessary water, the river gradually disappeared, without clear water, jumping shrimp and shrimp. A magical and wonderful world has sprung up in front of me. How I want to become a bird, fly to that world, and then pursue that dream!

Pearls come from the tears of shells, and meteors come from the friction of celestial bodies. As long as we recycle water resources, we will appeal to the world and let everyone work together to create a green earth! The dream in my memory will also become reality.

Pursuing Dreams (15)

There is a river in my memory, just like a dream, but very clear. I once reached out to touch it. It's so real and moving

When I opened my eyes, where did the river go? The dream is also, gradually blurred, floating in the distance of memory with the river. I believe it existed, and I believe it really exists in every insignificant corner of the world, in my life.

At night, she held her mother's hand and asked her mother about the "dream" under the light: "Mom, is the river really there?" But my mother's face showed a trace of sadness and regret.

One holiday, my mother took me back to my hometown for lunch. When I watched TV with relish, my mother asked me, "Son, do you still remember that dream?" My enthusiasm for watching TV was immediately interrupted. Remember! I replied excitedly, thinking: I hope my mother can talk about the river with me. She must know where the river is. She will definitely show me the river in my dream. When I was daydreaming, my mother took my hand to find the dream.

"Is this a river? But there is not a drop of water!" I pointed to the dry and narrow mud in front of me, and I was surprised. But my mother's eyes firmly told me: Yes, this is the river in your dream... I can't help feeling disappointed.

"I still remember when I was a child, it was really clear that its vitality was connected with every generation here!" My mother reached out to touch the dry soil and shook her body. I looked up and saw the tears in my mother's eyes. I couldn't help shedding two lines of tears. She immediately wiped her eyes with her skirt. I can feel here as if there is a clear stream flowing, surging, carrying my memory, carrying my mother's youth and youth, slowly flowing through my eyes, mother's fingertips and the body of this small village.

Due to the reduction of water resources and the random and unnecessary waste of water, the river water gradually disappears, without clear water, jumping shrimp and shrimp. There is a beautiful world ahead. How I want to be a bird, fly to that world, and then pursue that dream!

Pearls come from the tears of shells, meteors from the friction of celestial bodies. As long as water resources are recycled, we will appeal to the world to work together to create a green earth! The dream I remember will come true.

Pursuing Dreams (16)

Pursuit of dreams

The reason why the young eagle grows into a male eagle is that it has dreams. The ideal of flying in the sky makes it strong. Although it sometimes breaks its arms and shoulders, its persistent pursuit gives it iron wings to fly across the sea and continue to pursue its dreams.

Staring out of the window, looking at the rain curtain. Through the window, through the rain, see the clouds floating, from west to east, scattered by the wind, or even shattered. After the rain, it is still facing its own distance. Cloud has its own ideals and ambitions. It is not afraid, because its mother told it: "Children, as long as there is a dream in their hearts, it is your future. Go and work hard!" The cloud was hit by raindrops, but it smiled and said to itself: "Mom, I am a good child. After hearing your words, I had a happy and painful life. I grew up. Although I did not realize the dream in my heart, I was satisfied. Thank you, Mom."

If there is no dream in life, there will be no spring in life, only sorrow and loneliness. People should start from the pursuit and find their own goals. No matter how vague and muddy the front is, they should stick to it. On the other side of the mountain is the sea, the choppy sea, which is waving to you.

The dream is not far away. It is right in front of you. Maybe when you climb and pursue, your face will turn blue. At this time, you need to take a step, another step

I want to fly higher, to pursue my ideal, to find my dream. Pick a star and hang it in the ideal sky. Tell it: hard work is ownership!


Where there is a dream, there is a distance. The poetic language is full of positive and enterprising enthusiasm, encouraging people to fight, exciting, inspiring people to work hard, and some sentences show the light of philosophy.

Pursuing Dreams (17)

The call from the bottom of my heart: dream, where are you?

Looking back at the traces of memory, the bumpy road is full of bitterness and melancholy, and the place where the dream began - hope! Pursue the direction of dreams - confusion!

In front of me, the white, which is filled with thick fog, obscures my vision. I can't see the road of thorns clearly. Is it the way to enter? Stop? Or return?


Night, after all, comes, darkness is winding around me at this moment, lonely, uneasy, fear The dim starlight cannot drive all the shadows. I look forward to the arrival of light. However, how can I spend this moonless night? The Big Dipper in the distance, can you point out the direction of my dream? The hidden moon, can you light up the 'hope' for my dream!

I am at a loss. Is all this joy or worry? Is it sweet or bitter? Should I laugh or cry My heart! Do you also understand my anguish, and are you willing to bear the thorns and dark pain with me?

A silent answer, the feeling in my heart, let me see the direction again. yes! I can't give in to difficulties and setbacks. Everything depends on me. It's not easy to pursue the direction of dreams, but I can overcome all difficulties with my strong will!

I finally understood that the dream was in front of thorns and darkness

Pursuing Dreams (18)

Graduated. Those who have been waiting for a long time will graduate. I graduated with a reluctant and moved feeling.

Back then, six years were like a long beach. We hurried through it and left footprints of different sizes and depths. That was the mark of our growth. That is the hard won answer to the hard won friendship in the beach where we live together. The waves are still there, and the momentum of the waves is still there. Yes, that's the answer we have thought about for a whole childhood. Cherish it. Only when it is lost, will we know how to cherish it. But we cherish each other, but we will never lose each other. It was a beautiful adventure boat. We worked together to paddle towards success. One time, two times... We spent a lot of hard sweat, spent many years of energy, and completed the first mission to success. This is not a loss making business. This boat of exploration bears the future of our motherland! As people invented with their intelligent brains, video games can be rewarded if they successfully pass the customs. But our reward is extraordinary, it is our friendship and tacit understanding. This united game makes us depend on each other and become an integral part of each other, accumulating our happy time and happy experience. No one can understand themselves better than the students who have been together for six years. It was a wonderful training from a child to a bosom friend, unforgettable forever!

Just like this, we are still sailing together in our hearts to pursue our dreams. Even if you are covered with scars or exhausted, your dream will never stop!

Pursuing Dreams (19)

What a beautiful world! You travel in this long world with an indifferent attitude one day. As big as the world is, you are as small as a speck of dust. Maybe someone is right. What kind of play is our busy day, but play is also a kind of realm, a realm that others cannot surpass, a realm that others cannot surpass. What is the true meaning of life? I often ask myself this question, but the world today is so unsophisticated. Under such circumstances, we have returned to the starting point of dreams again and again, starting from the starting point of dreams again and again, and we have returned to the starting point with gray heads and brains. However, many times success belongs to a few people. Maybe at this moment, I have awakened, is the true meaning of life success? I am not sure of such an answer, and I dare not ignore it. At this moment, I am a little numb. Is this life far away from us?

It is another year of spring green, such a season of blooming, and a time of floating thoughts. It seems to shout loudly to the sky, as if standing on the lofty mountain top to fly like an eagle, crying out our inner dreams, crying out our world. In this blue sky that belongs to us, the fragrance of flowers has spread to us. The world is touching our hearts. In this passionate world, our life has become active. Here, there are endless words we can tell, feelings we can't bear, and everything is filled with our dreams. Pursue our dream, a dream not far away from us!