Love Campus Composition (20 Collections)
A good horse will not turn back
2024-05-30 00:59:35

Love Campus Composition (1)

I love my campus, campus is my home. I am like a seagull spreading its wings. At the moment when I am about to fly away, I miss everything in the sea.

I love people on campus. The teacher is so kind and the students are so friendly. We are like a family, living together, learning together, playing together all the time. On the paper with the tip of the pen, it seems that the students are happy to help others, and the teachers are working hard for us

I love the scenery of the campus. The campus is beautiful: roses, gardenias and evergreen flowers in the front garden are full of vitality; The tall plane trees and iron trees in the back garden are strong and burly; In the flower pots around the stage, there are beautiful hanging orchids, small cuckoos and generous peonies; Walking into the flower beds on campus, I saw lovely plum blossoms and morning glory bravely climbing up. The campus is full of flowers, trees and vitality.

I love things on campus. The good deeds of helping others and returning money on campus emerge in endlessly, which reflects the good spirit and noble quality of Cheng Xiaozi. "On duty, I found 5 yuan under the flower bed. Please help me say it in the broadcasting room and let the owner come to claim it." "Oh, good. What class are you in?" "It's not important. Go to the broadcasting room quickly. If the person who lost the money has something important to do, he will be in a hurry."...... Such good deeds can be seen everywhere on campus.

I love things on campus. There are tall sculptures of Zhan Tianyou on the campus, which are lifelike. Here is a brief introduction of Zhan Tianyou's life. In the first semester of Grade 6, I learned Zhan Tianyou. My classmates and I often came to the sculpture, read the following materials, looked at the clear face, and imagined the picture of him leading the team to build the railway. There are a lot of fitness equipment on campus. During the physical education class, the students have completed their learning tasks and can come here to exercise and strengthen their physique after being approved by the teacher. There are also tall plantain trees on the campus. In summer, there are golden and greenish little plantains on the plantain trees. When it is very hot, I sit under the trees to "look at the plum blossom to quench my thirst". The large plantain leaves block the strong light from the sun, just giving me shade, and the sense of cool suddenly fills my body.

I love the true, good and beautiful friendship spread on campus. Whenever I walk through the plank house area of grade one or two after school, I can't help thinking of the earthquake a year ago. Although the disaster is great, it can only overwhelm the houses, but it can not shake the friendship between our Chinese people. When I saw the words "Shandong supports the earthquake stricken area" written on the top of the plank house, I always thought that our hearts were connected.

The campus is beautiful. I love my campus.

Love Campus Composition (2)

My campus is located in Ganzhou Development Zone. Birds sing and butterflies dance in the flowers while standing on the branches. Flowers adorn the campus with trees and dense shade. It's beautiful.

When I walked into the campus, I saw a large flower bed, on which stood a stone tablet engraved with "virtue". This stone tablet taught thousands of students in the Golden Experimental Primary School to be a "person who cultivates his moral character and cultivates his character with virtue".

The library of our school is also a unique one. There are more than 20xx books in the library, which can be used for students in one class to have reading lessons. When entering the library, a smell of books comes to your face, making you feel like entering the sea of books and the world of knowledge.

Confucius is an ancient litterateur and thinker, and our school has also set up a special "Confucius Corner" for Confucius. Confucius wears a gray coat and looks kind, as if to say to you: Children, study hard and do something big in the future.

The book corner is also a major feature of our school. Every day, many students read books quietly there. Reading it is like a key to wisdom, opening the door to our wisdom. It really fulfills what Comrade Gorky said: I throw myself on a book like a hungry person on a bread.

The academic lecture hall is also a "scenic spot" of our school. It has a big stage, which is like a cinema. Some time ago, there were lectures there!

There are many function classrooms in our school, such as computer classrooms, music classrooms, and dance classrooms, all of which have "special functions". For example, the music classroom has two pianos, a music blackboard, and a computer classroom, all of which are computers. These multi-function classrooms make our learning more powerful.

I love my campus, not only because she is my study life, she also taught me how to be an upright person!

Love Campus Composition (3)

When spring comes, the spring wind wakes up the grass, trees, flowers, willows... It brings laughter, hardworking gardeners, and the vitality of the earth... When spring comes, we return to the familiar campus. The most unforgettable is the small garden full of birds singing and flowers fragrance, colorful, pink and willow green. In the small garden, a hundred flowers bloom and compete for beauty. How beautiful! There are yellow, white and pink; Some are shaped like hair balls, and some are shaped like horsetails... There is also a small pond where the water is clear and the colorful stones can be seen clearly. Small fish are swimming happily, and small turtles are crawling happily.

What will the campus look like in summer when birds sing and flowers smell in spring?

Summer is coming, and the sun is scorching. My favorite is the small garden, because in summer there are beautiful lotus flowers! Some are budding, some are budding, some are blooming

There are various lotus flowers on campus in summer, but what are there on campus in autumn?

When autumn comes, the autumn wind blows down the ginkgo leaves, reds the maple leaves, and scents the osmanthus. In September of harvest, we entered Baoxiao again. The most refreshing thing is the sweet osmanthus fragrance on Zhongshu Avenue. The most striking thing is the golden ginkgo leaves falling with the wind. The most exciting thing is the big maple leaves in the small garden.

Time flies, the girl of autumn is going away, and Grandpa Winter is coming with a steady pace. What kind of scene will it be? When winter came, the northwest wind blew down the remaining gingko leaves, the remaining maple leaves, and the waxberry and chrysanthemum flowers. The small garden in winter only has chrysanthemums, because it is not afraid of cold, just like a hard working gardener. Because of this, it is a touch of color in winter.

In spring, birds sing and flowers smell in the campus; In summer, the campus is scorching; In autumn, the campus is colorful; In winter, the campus is covered with snow.

I love my campus!

Love Campus Composition (4)

Our campus is located on the west side of the beautiful Jinjia Street Park. It is a well-known primary school. I have spent nearly three years of happy time here. I love our campus very much.

In spring, our campus is a big garden. The first thing to welcome spring on campus is the winter jasmine, whose fragrant fragrance makes you intoxicated when you first enter the campus. The willow trees outside the campus swayed gently with the wind, which reminded me of the eternal famous line in "Singing of Willows": "I don't know who cuts the fine leaves. The spring breeze in February is like scissors".

In summer, our campus is a concert hall for cicadas. They came from all directions at the same time, flew to the tree and sang "cicada, cicada" in unison, as if they were singing "hot, hot", which made us laugh and cry.

In autumn, our campus is a big stage for fallen leaves. When the autumn wind comes, golden leaves will dance with the wind. They seem to tell us with their beautiful dance that winter will not be far away when autumn comes.

In winter, our campus is our "playground". When the heavy snow just stopped, we flew to the playground to have a snowball fight. Soon, "white flowers" appeared on each of our heads, and our happy laughter spread all over the campus.

Do you like our campus? If you have a chance, you must come to visit!

Love Campus Composition (5)

I go to Dongsheng No. 5 Primary School. It's a beautiful place.

Once entering the school gate, the fragrance of flowers in the breeze comes to you, making you relaxed and happy. Look carefully, there are four colorful flower beds on the red brick floor. They are so fascinating and dazzling.

In summer, the flowers in the flower beds are in bloom. They compete with each other, burying our school in the deep sea of flowers; Look at those pink and lavender morning glory. They look like a fire and a cloud of clouds. They are also like girls' faces, tender and smooth, adding a bright color to the flower beds.

Then look at the chrysanthemums standing proudly in the autumn wind. They are dressed in armor, elegant and awe inspiring, like a flower protector protecting the flowers. This reminds me of an ancient poem: it is not that chrysanthemums are preferred among flowers, but this flower is even more flowerless. Each chrysanthemum reminds us to study hard and make progress every day!

In addition to the beautiful and lovely flowers and the crimson roses, they are all blooming smiling faces for us. This is the flower bed.

Due north and due east are the teaching building and office building respectively. The white walls and blue guardrails are the teaching building. The office building is as clean and tidy as the teaching building. If you visit these two buildings carefully, you will find their unique beauty.

yes! It is the school logo of our Fifth Primary School! It is a key and an abstract form of the number 5. It is this golden key that opens the door of the treasure house of knowledge and takes us to read extensively and travel around the world.

Through the narrow corridor, we came to the back playground. The first thing I saw was the wide and flat playground. After walking up, I saw a row of fitness equipment in the west. After class, I often see little students climbing up and down, like a group of happy little monkeys, playing happily. Next to the equipment is the basketball court in the southwest corner, which is an amusement park for senior students. They held the basketball in their hands and ran left and right, trying to avoid the enemy, and then rushed forward to dunk the basketball into the basket. Good! The cries of the audience were deafening.

In addition to sports equipment, willows in the east of the playground add a dazzling green to the playground! Look! The slender figure and beautiful long hair are just like a graceful fairy falling, the green leaves swaying in the wind, rustling, like a wordless song, praising the beauty of the five small lakes.

I love my campus!

Love Campus Composition (6)

I love our campus, the sweet scented osmanthus trees floating on it, and the locust tree that looks like an umbrella.

In autumn, attractive fragrance wafts from the campus, making people refreshing. The most simple and elegant flower is osmanthus. Its small petals will send out a charming and long fragrance, making people relaxed and happy. Once class was over, the students went to the playground to enjoy osmanthus. Before I came to him, I could smell the aroma from afar. A gust of wind blows. Look, the osmanthus trees are swaying and dragging with the wind. The falling osmanthus is like a golden butterfly Walking under the tree, I looked up, and the osmanthus fell on my face, gently, carefully, with the fragrance of flowers, stroking my face and telling me.

I prefer the umbrella like locust tree on campus. In spring, the flowers on the pagoda tree rack send a faint fragrance. The sun is bright, the branches are green and the flowers are red. People will feel comfortable standing under the pergola. Rattan trellis is also a paradise for bees. Look! Every time the flowers open their beautiful smiling faces, there will be swarms of little bees to gather nectar.

In summer, the sun is scorching the earth. The green trees under the pergola become shade, giving people a sense of coolness. Beside the pergola, there are many reading fields, which are always crowded with people. More students sat on the stone chairs under the pergola and read books with rapture. It can be said that it is a kind of enjoyment!

Panhuai like umbrellas and sweet scented osmanthus have become a beautiful scenery in our school.

I like the dish locust like an umbrella, the sweet scented osmanthus, and even more like our beautiful campus.

Love Campus Composition (7)

Perhaps it is because I will leave this beautiful campus, so I am more nostalgic, more like my campus.

When I came to the playground, I seemed to hear the voice of cheering again. At that time, the autumn sports meeting was held again. I remember that the monitor won the first place in the girls' group with amazing speed that day.

I left the playground and came to the tall pine tree in front of the three storey building. I remember that I often played and talked with my friends here.

Looking down the pine tree, I saw the teacher's office. I remember that the teacher made up lessons for us when he was ill. It was the old class that kept my mind open forever.

Memories, what an exciting thing, but how painful it is to be nostalgic.

I love my campus, I miss my campus more.

Campus - I love you.

Love Campus Composition (8)

The spacious playground, the teaching building like a quadrangle, dedicated teachers, happy students, and the flying national flag constitute a beautiful and harmonious school - Huiying Primary School.

Once entering the school gate, the eye-catching LED screen displays slogans such as "everyone speaks Mandarin, and sets up a new image of citizens..." back and forth.

Walk along the south, and the first thing you see on your left is the Biopark. There are beautiful sika deer, plump pandas, fierce lions in the biological park... If it is true, it would be great. In addition, there is a small fountain. In the middle of the fountain, there is a rockery made of stones, about 1.8 meters high. There are a few nameless flowers and plants sparsely growing on it. Because there is water flowing down from the rockery all the year round, all of them are beautiful. The water flowing down is very clear, and there are several small goldfish playing happily. Whenever we have a break, we like to enjoy them near the pool, and sometimes we can see them showing their heads and spitting bubbles.

Further ahead, we came to the stage of our school. This is the place where we raise the flag every week. There is an office at the back of the stage, where our school leaders work. The teacher's office is on the third floor directly above the stage. Looking up at the flying five-star red flag, I couldn't help singing, "Get up, people who don't want to be slaves..."

Walking across the stage, we came to the Geography Park. There is a big globe in the middle of the geographical park, surrounded by some famous mountains. On the left side of the globe stands a powerful tiger, and on the right side lies a lion resting, as if guarding its own home.

Go further to the east building of the school, and plant a row of lush trees in front of the classroom on the first floor. In the four rows of tree species in the school, this row is the most luxuriant. The leaves are piled on top of each other. In summer, we all like to cool down below, and birds also like to perch on it. The desks and chairs in the classroom are arranged neatly. You can read aloud when you pass in the morning.

Go along the corridor to the north building. The function room, canteen and teachers' dormitory of our school are arranged on these floors. We seldom come here to play except for classes, so as not to affect the work of kitchen uncles and aunts.

Further ahead is the cultural corridor on the west floor, with "Disciple Rules", "Thousand Words", some wonderful silhouettes of teachers and students and some excellent calligraphy and painting works pasted on the wall. Beautiful pictures attract you. Look! How sweet the smile of the little actor in the picture is! Last semester, many ancient poems were hung on the ceiling for students to recite at any time after class.

After appreciating the cultural corridor, I turned right and left the school gate. Looking back at the school, I saw that the pillars on both sides of the school gate wrote "Think in the morning wind, how to work hard today; ask in the sunset, how much progress today", and I had a myriad of thoughts

I love my classmates who get along with me day and night! I love my teachers! I love this land that has nurtured me for three years. No matter where I go, I will never forget you ---- Huiying Primary School.

Love Campus Composition (9)

I studied in Experimental Primary School, where not only the environment is beautiful, but also the learning conditions are excellent. So, I said: "I love my campus".

When entering the campus, the first thing I saw was the red plastic track on the playground, surrounded by poplar trees. There is a fresh green lawn in the middle of the runway, which seems to emit a faint fragrance at any time. When class is over, it will become a large sea of joy, and students will play freely in the sea like small fish.

Of course, in front of the playground is our learning place - the teaching building! The teaching building is orange, and there are many golden awards on the front door, which means our school is a good school with civilization.

When entering the teaching building, there are five floors, and there are many classes on each floor except the fifth floor. Each class has a set of electronic teaching equipment, so that the classroom can be lively and students can enjoy learning.

The fifth layer is the community, all of which are managed by senior students of our school. There are many kinds of community, such as environmental protection community, reading community, insect community... among them, the small press group issues tabloids every other week and Thursday! There is also the Voice of Campus radio club, which often broadcasts in the school. All these have become the characteristics of our school.

Walking out of the teaching building, the variety art building is next to it. It is a place for students to show their talents and make their after-school life colorful. No wonder the leaders also praise our skills!

Next to the variety art building is the canteen. Every noon, the delicious food fills our stomachs. Look at our voracious eating. The uncles and aunts in the canteen are laughing. The food cooked by the aunts is really delicious!

This kind of campus is unique. We should protect it and make our campus beautiful forever! Campus, I love you, I love your simple and beautiful campus!

Love Campus Composition (10)

I love the campus with birds singing and flowers fragrance in spring, the campus with green trees forming shade in summer, the campus with fallen leaves in autumn, and the campus with silver and jade in winter.

In spring, the sun is bright and the flowers are in full bloom. From time to time, a few birds chirp and sing euphemistic songs. The green grass looks like a carpet that is very eye-catching. In Xingzhi Garden, there are many butterflies dancing in the flowers and plants like graceful girls. There are also rows of tall osmanthus trees beside, and everywhere is a vibrant scene.

In summer, the pomegranate tree bloomed, and the fiery red flowers were hidden in the lush branches and leaves, just like a shy bride, which made people love each other at a glance. The trees in the school are shaded, accompanied by the sound of reading. After class, the students would jump in the shade of the trees, singing a song: "I go to school, the sun shines high, flowers smile at me, birds chirp at me, why did you get up so early?"

In autumn, falling leaves are fluttering. Students pick them up and make bookmarks. Osmanthus are all in bloom, emitting a thick fragrance. Pomegranate trees are hung with red lanterns like pomegranates. Not to be outdone, a bunch of red flowers and chrysanthemums are competing to open. Some naughty students also like to suck a bunch of red honey. First, they tilt their heads to see if there are bees, and then they suck hard. The sweet and sour taste is like delicious food. But I tell you, sucking a bunch of red honey will not only make the beautiful flowers incomplete, but also be bad for your health. According to experts, there are many bacteria left in a bunch of red flowers, which are also toxic. Eating them can easily lead to gastrointestinal diseases. I believe that students will not smoke a bunch of red honey.

In winter, the snow is white. The campus is like a silver key, opening our imagination, as if the campus is a mysterious crystal palace. The ground, trees and houses are covered with thick silvery white quilts, which is really "suddenly like a night of spring breeze, thousands of pear trees bloom."

This beautiful campus is more colorful because of spring, summer, autumn and winter. This beautiful campus is more beautiful because of its hard working gardeners. I am destined to grow up in your arms, and you are full of my wonderful childhood. I love you! campus.

Love Campus Composition (11)

Autumn girl riding the autumn wind, quietly came to our side, came to our campus.

Stepping into the gate of the campus, there are two rows of lush camphor trees, like guards guarding the campus. The campus, which is usually colorful, is now a little lonely, and many flowers have withered. Only a few strong roses are not afraid of the cold wind, but still blooming with beautiful flowers. A few tall cedars will stand in a huge flower bed when walking in. The cedar is facing our teaching building. Every day, it looks at two pairs of absorbed eyes from the window. Occasionally, it finds several pairs of eyes looking outward, and can't help shaking its head.

A lot of grass was yellowed by the autumn wind, but some stubborn grass wanted to watch the beautiful autumn for a while, desperately stood up that tiny body, bathed in the warm autumn sunshine, and was still green. The morning glory wrapped around the tree in the flower bed can't help sighing for the beauty of autumn, pursing up the purple trumpet and blowing it heartily, as if to say, "Autumn girl, come quickly, let me see your beautiful face!"

Autumn girl walked all over the campus, and the campus was gradually filled with the smell of autumn. In the activity class, we walked to the track and field field. The lawn in the middle of the track and field field is a small world for children. You see, there are several close friends lying on the lawn talking about things; There were several children playing and fighting. When they were tired, they went to the grass to tell stories... The grass weaved beautiful dreams one after another.

I love my campus, I love the campus in autumn even more!

Love Campus Composition (12)

Our campus is very beautiful. It is full of vitality and vitality, with laughter and laughter. She is so beautiful all the year round, but I only love the campus in autumn.

Because she is so charming in autumn.

From a distance, the campus trees are covered with red lanterns like mangoes, which are heavy and bend the branches. The red leaves are like a burning flame. These rows of mango trees are like the guardian gods of the school. They are never tired no matter what the weather is like.

Miss Qiu dressed the peony in the flower bed in a bright red dress, changed jasmine into a white skirt, and put a golden coat on the back hill of the school... Let them decorate the campus more beautifully.

Standing on the playground, the autumn wind is cool. Looking up, the white clouds in the sky slowly fluttered like layers of gauze, as if lingering on this fairyland like campus, unwilling to leave for a long time.

Shattering, rustling... This is the sound of autumn rain, soft, beautiful and fresh melody, and warm musical words, which bring me into the reverie, like a gurgling spring, melting into campus, autumn, and everyone's heart. With the arrival of autumn rain, a gorgeous picture suddenly appeared in front of us: look, the misty rain on the top of the mountain behind the campus is like a white dragon circling the mountain peak; Look, the autumn rain falls on the ripening fruit, making the fruit more shining... Ah, autumn rain, may you play a more wonderful movement for the campus!

Although the campus in autumn is not as vibrant as that in spring, it brings people fulfillment and joy. I love the campus in spring, which is pregnant with hope, and I am even more fascinated by the campus in autumn, which is full of harvest.

Love Campus Composition (13)

Spring returns to the earth, and winter brother quietly left. But Spring Girl came to the earth and our campus.

The sun is rising, a touch of red glow. In the school garden, flowers are in full bloom, and crystal dew is rolling on the green leaves. The spring breeze is frequent, and the dew is rolling, and the flowers are nodding, like a beautiful watercolor painting. Students come to the campus from all directions, and a new day begins.

When I entered the campus, the smell came to me! What is the fragrance? It was the fragrance of all kinds of flowers. The colorful willow trees look like a beautiful girl combing her beautiful soft hair from a distance. The white orchid tree is like a graceful girl dancing in the spring breeze. The grass is dotted with countless colorful flowers in various forms. It's really "impossible to shut up the garden in spring"! Butterflies dance in the flowers, and bees follow them.

What attracts me most in this garden is a kapok tree on the left of the school entrance, which makes the whole campus full of vitality. The kapok tree is very special. In spring, all the flowers withered, and only the kapok was still in full bloom. The fiery kapok was more beautiful against the green leaves.

I love spring, I love the kapok tree in spring, but I love the campus in spring more.

Love Campus Composition (14)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

I love my campus composition 400 words

Our campus is very beautiful with green grass and beautiful flowers. The most beautiful ones are the flower beds at the school gate.

As soon as I walked in, there was a round flower bed in front of me, in which there was an iron tree. Seen from above, the iron tree is like a flower in full bloom. There is a rectangular flower bed on the left. There are pine and cypress trees and magnolia trees in the altar. These old pines and cypresses are like old immortals. In summer, we can enjoy the cool and play under the trees. Magnolia grandiflora is white purple in color. Unlike other flowers, Magnolia grandiflora blooms first, then grows leaves. Recently, it has grown green leaves, so fresh and energetic. There are a lot of ophiopogon japonicus nearby, which looks like a green ocean from afar. I really want to go up and roll.

There is also a small bamboo forest behind the teaching building. Now it is the season when the bamboo shoots grow vigorously. You can see that the small bamboo shoots have already grown out. You can see a small head, and the bamboo shoots grow higher and higher as you go forward. Alas, if you are queuing up, you can also learn to queue up when practicing bamboo shoots. The tall and thin bamboo bent over, as if nodding to us. The drizzle was like spring rain, and the bamboo was swaying in the spring rain. With the children's cheers, I couldn't help admiring how beautiful it was!

I love the flower beds on campus, I love the bamboo forests on campus, and I love our beautiful campus.

Love Campus Composition (15)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

My family is as happy as a fairy!

My mother is very gentle and strict. My father always wears a pair of glasses and says, "Study hard!" My grandmother always encourages me: "It doesn't matter if you are wrong this time, try hard next time!" My grandfather lives in the countryside, so every time he calls him, he always asks, "How about studying?" I love my family because it can give me joy and warmth.

My campus is very noisy!

Some of my classmates are noisy, some are quiet, and I can't guess. My teacher always looks serious. And I look lively and quiet. I love my campus, because it can give me unparalleled knowledge.

Fourth grade: Sister Wenting

Love Campus Composition (16)

My campus is a very beautiful place, where we study, live and spend many happy days. I like every corner of my campus, because our campus has many beautiful scenery, especially Yixin Garden.

In spring, everything recovers, grass sticks its head out of the land, and Yixin Garden is full of vitality. Magnolia grandiflora blooms with silvery white flowers. The bottom of its petals shows a faint pink, which looks like a girl's blushed face from afar. Peach blossom also bloomed here and there. At a close look, some flowers have not yet bloomed, only budding buds are exposed, and some are competing to bloom. Close to the branches, a faint fragrance comes to my nose. In the park, the pine trees are handsome, tall, and verdant, like a brave soldier defending the beautiful flowers

In summer, there are green trees here. Students play under the trees, enjoy the cool and read books. It's very cool and refreshing.

In autumn, the fallen leaves are flying here. The thick leaves on the ground are like a layer of gold. When the wind blows, the "gold" full of trees gently fall down in a beautiful dance. Take a piece of "gold leaf" as a bookmark and treasure it in the diary forever.

In winter, here is covered with snow. When I step on the thick snow, I can see that the trees and stone seats are white everywhere. I feel like I have entered a fairy tale world. Students have fun playing snowball fights and making snowmen here.

I love the beautiful scenery of the campus. I hope I can study and live happily here and spend my happy primary school life!

Love Campus Composition (17)

In daily study, work or life, everyone is familiar with composition. Composition is a transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from compressed and concise language that can be understood by oneself to an external language form that is developed, has standardized grammatical structure and can be understood by others. I believe many people will find it difficult to write a composition. The following is the composition I Love Campus compiled by the editor for your reference. I hope it can help friends in need.

The campus is full of happiness, happiness and hope. I love the beauty of the campus, but also the love of the campus. It embodies the deep love between students, teachers and students, and finally becomes the most beautiful scenery in my heart.

This day seems to be different from usual. Instead of days of storms, the campus suddenly becomes very quiet and peaceful under the blue sky. When I just stepped into the campus, what I saw was a beautiful scenery - the trees that had been baptized by the typhoon did not fall, but became green and bright, standing around the playground, tall and straight. I walked briskly into the classroom happily. Suddenly, bursts of laughter came from my ears. With the laughter, one beautiful scene after another flashed through my mind——

First, all the boys were barefoot, and then all the girls took off their shoes regardless. At this time, the teacher also changed his seriousness, threw off his high-heeled shoes like a child, and jumped into the middle of the students. We walked to the playground with our heads held high, grabbed the thick rope, and shouted the slogan: "Class Six (1), come on!" Finally, we won Class Six (2) with no effort in the tug of war. I said silently: "Unity is strength." Thinking of this, I smiled for a long time.

There are many more moving scenes like this. Last year's "June 1st" party, I made a mistake in class, which affected the unity of the class. The teacher was so determined not to let me participate in the dance rehearsal. I knew the teacher must be angry for a while, so they practiced at school, and I went home from school to practice alone in front of the DVD. Sure enough, the teacher left me hope. She handed me a reading manuscript the same day and encouraged me to say, "If your efforts and intentions can be seen by everyone, I don't need my advice when I think about it. They will also invite you to join their team. Come on! The teacher still believes that you can do a good job." Suddenly, I burst into tears, I regret that I should not be so impulsive, selfish and mean. In fact, I have always been in the hearts of my classmates and teachers. Later, I learned from Cui Li that the teacher asked one by one in the class, and learned that I had learned dance, and used various methods to guide me to deeply reflect on myself, and through correction, to win the leading role that I had left for me at the beginning. Finally, as expected, my wish to dance with them came true, and my dancing posture also won bursts of applause from my classmates. Thinking of this, I smiled again, laughing to tears.

I love the campus, because here, with the love of my classmates and teachers, I left a growing landscape.

Love Campus Composition (18)


He Wenting, Grade 3, Shanghai Peijia Bilingual School

Our campus is really beautiful.

There is a fountain in the campus. There is a monster like octopus in the fountain, and it sprays clear spring water from the grid part. Did the bird come to the top to "watch the show", and when tired, it stood on the monster and sang loudly, as if to say, "Thank you, you have brought me clear water spray again, it's wonderful." Then it went with the sound. The fountain is never tired, just like a loyal soldier standing there. Let the children play and rest there, which left a deep impression on us. How beautiful!

There is also a small garden on the campus. There are many trees there. When a gust of wind blows, the willow trees dance like a beautiful girl, making me want to dance with it. There are many flowers, colorful, colorful: red as fire, white as snow, pink as rosy, green as jade It makes people want to pick one and watch it slowly. Children often sing in this place with green trees and peaches and willows, as if praising: what a magnificent scene! Dayang smiles and prints this beautiful impression

Our campus is really beautiful, which makes me linger.

One sentence comment:

The language at the beginning and the end is concise, reflecting the structural characteristics of small at both ends.


Ni Shuhao, Grade 3, Zhenru Wenying Center Primary School

I smelled bursts of fragrance, heard bursts of singing, and felt bursts of shade. Where am I? On campus.

I saw flowers smiling at me, pine trees standing in front, and small fish swimming around in the pool. The beauty of the campus has opened the door for me, making me reluctant to leave for a long time. Doves always fly in the sky, seemingly welcoming me.

The sound of grasshoppers in the flowers is full of vitality. Only butterfly shuttles among them, dancing; Only birds fly up the tree and sing; Only a bee flew around me.

The breeze came to me in waves. My hair rose with the wind, and leaves filled with green fell beside me. The streaks represented the beauty of spring, and the green leaves represented the vitality of spring. This fragrance is better than everything. I quietly and long watched the campus, a beautiful campus.

The campus is so beautiful. It is colorful.

One sentence comment:

Describe the beautiful scenery of the campus with affectionate language. The language is beautiful and the feelings are natural.

I love campus

Chen Yan, Grade 4, Yangbo Wai Primary School

I love our campus, which has brought us a lot of happiness and is worth remembering.

A shutter tree has been planted in one corner of the campus for more than 30 years. The principal of our school planted it by hand. After each class, many students sat on stone chairs under the blinds to enjoy the cool. At the other end of the campus, there is a small box made of wood called Wildcat House. This was donated by Chen Jieyu, a kind student in our school. It is also a good place. Under the lush trees, there is no clear existence of wild cats. There is also a big fountain in the middle of our campus. It's said that the headmaster made it himself. Every day at school, many students throw 50 cents, 1 yuan, and 10 cents in the fountain. They said they could make a wish only if they could throw money into the fountain!

After class, the students always like to play on the playground: some are jumping rope, some are playing ball, some are playing basketball, and some are playing football. Look how happy they are! How happy they are!

I love my campus.

I love my beautiful campus.

I love my beautiful and lovely campus.

One sentence comment:

Delete two paragraphs from the last three paragraphs to avoid repetition of sentence meaning.

Love Campus Composition (19)

In summer, my favorite is the charming green. The grass unfolded in front of me like green carpets, green as jade, green as jasper. When the breeze is blowing, the grass seems to nod to you with satisfaction, sometimes bowing to you, as if to say to you, "Welcome, I hope I can bring you happiness".

In summer, I also like hibiscus flowers and married crabapple. Every flower they open is like a little red in the green. Hibiscus flowers are pink and umbrella shaped. The husband and wife's crabapple is orange, in the shape of wings, like an angel growing up in the stamen.

As the saying goes, no matter how beautiful the flowers are, they are not beautiful without green leaves. Leaves are indispensable. The leaves of flowers have many shapes: needle shaped, drop shaped, oval... The leaves not only have green, but also red and yellow. They add a color to nature.

Trees are examples of nature. It is so tall, so strong, and so tall. The tree stood upright on both sides of the road, like a confident, upright soldier waiting for the order to go to war. How admirable!

In summer, the dancing insects are a beautiful scenery. Beautiful butterflies are flying around with beautiful wings; There are also many dragonflies: red tailed, winged, big headed... What surprises me is that there are two connected. Maybe they are twin brothers and sisters, otherwise how could they be so close!

In my eyes, the scenery of summer can compare with the landscape of Guilin and all the scenery in the world. Summer, you are beautiful, I love you!

Friend, what's your favorite thing to do in summer? Yes, drink herbal tea; Turn on the air conditioner to lower the temperature. But have you ever felt the winter in summer? I felt it once in this summer vacation.

In the summer vacation, my uncle took us to see ice sculptures and told me: "You must wear cotton padded jacket before you can go in, because there is minus 2 degrees inside.". We put on our cotton padded jackets and walked in. As soon as we entered the gate, a cold wind blew on my face. My brother was very curious when he entered the ice sculpture room, so he went to play on the slide. Before he started to slide, he had already fallen a big bag. My mother and I saw a car. My mother asked me: "Is this car real or fake?" We went to touch it. It was made of ice sculpture. We also saw a big ship, but I didn't look carefully, only saw many people and a few shells. Unfortunately, it was too cold inside. We just stayed for a while and went back.

I hope I can really enjoy the cold in the north in the future.

Spring is the season when everything begins to blossom, but summer is the season when everything or people radiate brilliance and passion.

People in summer are as energetic as if they had regained their lives. In the morning, people put on their clothes and ties to prepare for the challenge of the new day. The children entered the campus full of fun and happiness in the midst of laughter. Some old people play chess in the pavilion; Some play Taijiquan in the park; Some old ladies are dancing Yangko in the square!

As night fell, people who had worked hard all day returned to their warm nests. Looking at the jewels in the sky, looking at the curved moon lights in the sky. Gradually fall asleep in the beautiful night sky. Grandpa Dashu was also tired and slowly closed his heavy eyelids. Miss Hua also fell asleep in her comfortable bed. Everything on the earth has entered a sweet dream.

Summer suddenly converges its original vitality, leaving only tenderness and charm.

Summer is my favorite season. The whole class, like me, is waiting for the arrival of summer.

In summer, all kinds of fruits are ripe and come into the market one after another. They are colorful. After the plum rain season, we can taste the sour and sweet waxberry; Smooth and fragrant mango; A refreshing and thirst quenching watermelon; There are also crystal clear grapes; Strawberry, known as the "Fruit Queen", has all kinds of flavors! In summer, when the sun shines overhead, we can swim happily and freely in the swimming pool in the hot summer. We can taste delicious ice cream and lollipop, which is very cool; We all love summer vacation. However, summer vacation is in the middle of summer. We look forward to summer. When summer comes, summer vacation will come naturally. We can travel, return to our hometown, and have fun with our friends; What you need most in summer is air conditioning. You can enjoy the cool in the air-conditioned room and watch TV while eating watermelons;

Summer is so beautiful, attractive and alluring that we have to love it. Summer, I like you, only one summer a year, I will cherish it!

Love Campus Composition (20)

Chrysanthemum on campus

The golden autumn is coming, the earth is golden everywhere, and all kinds of flowers are blooming. The chrysanthemums in our campus also bloomed in time.

Look, the chrysanthemums in the flower bed are colorful: white as snow, pink as rosy clouds, yellow as gold, red as fire. Some petals are purple, while the stamens are yellow, some petals are red, while the stamens are white, and some

The shapes of chrysanthemums are various. Some chrysanthemums' petals are rolled up, like fireworks exploding in the sky; Some petals spread flat, like little stars in the sky; Some chrysanthemums are not in full bloom, just like colorful balls. They are very beautiful.

There are also pots of chrysanthemums placed around the campus playground runway. They are unwilling to be lonely. They stretch their branches and present the most beautiful flowers in front of the world. These flowers look particularly bright against the background of green leaves.

Even the most inconspicuous chrysanthemums scattered in every corner of the campus at ordinary times, like hearing the order, they all showed smiling faces.

The chrysanthemum swayed its vigorous body in the gentle autumn wind. I was intoxicated by its fragrance. In the distance, several butterflies came dancing in the flowers. It seemed that the small butterfly was also attracted by the intoxicating fragrance of flowers.

Ah! How beautiful the chrysanthemums on campus are!

The campus I grew up in

I have a campus for three years. It is not beautiful, nor beautiful. We always chase and play in this campus. In the second grade, we always scold the teacher in the classroom, while in the third grade, we really understand the importance of learning. For me, the campus is a memorial album of beautiful memories, a sea of books for knowledge development, and a gym for our growth.

I love my campus, I love my teachers, I love my classmates. The campus has taught me vast knowledge, the truth of life and how to treat others kindly. My beautiful campus is full of magnificent trees. New and new green leaves are growing stronger and stronger, just like us growing, and big trees are just like our campus, nourishing us and embellishing us; Let's live in a safe place.

I love campus. The campus I grew up in has brought me infinite beauty and the world I yearn for. There is no place like the campus where I grew up. Birds may be happy, feeding their own children, or making love nests. Just like my alma mater, he treats me meticulously

I love the campus, not because of a short time, but because of its selflessness. I love my school for no reason.

Camphor trees on campus

In every corner of the world, there will be some ubiquitous "green emissaries". They -- in our happy campus -- beautiful camphor trees. Although it can be seen everywhere in our campus, it is deeply loved by students.

In spring, old leaves have experienced many ups and downs, and it is time for them to be "honorably laid off". They fall down with the breeze like butterflies dancing. Their "next generation" will not fail, look! They struggled to stop their small green bodies and stood proudly in the sun. Several "angels in white" are about to pop out of the leaves. Their snow white gauze skirts are very beautiful against their lovely yellow and green faces.

In summer, a big green hat has already been put on the top of the camphor tree. It has luxuriant branches and leaves, like a layer of oil, shining under the sun, like a green umbrella, as if to shield us from the wind and rain. In the cool shade of the trees, I began to read with relish. At this time, I can't help but think of a song: "The house is big, the tree is overcast, and the little baby is enjoying the cool under the tree. Take out the book, read it carefully. Study hard, not afraid of hardship...".

In autumn, there are several "naughty ghosts" on the lush camphor trees. These green fruits climbed up and down like naughty little monkeys. When the breeze gently pointed, they began to swing joyfully on the top of the trees. But some "weak" fruits would fall down if they were not careful, and were loaded in small pistols by boys and shot each other. Slowly, the fruit dyed black like black pearls.

In winter, other trees are already "extremely smart". Although camphor trees are also dressed in "fashionable" silver, they still have a green "armor" on their bodies, and that "blood" (snow) is proof of their battle. Its military like spirit is worth learning, and we should fight against the cold wind in the end if we put on the war robe!

The style of camphor trees can be compared with the treasure of rural people - pigs. The battle is over; 1、 It can be used for viewing. 2、 It can green the environment. 3、 It can be made into furniture and emits a faint fragrance. 4、 Can be used as firewood

Every time after school, when I walked past the sturdy camphor trees, I looked at their thick branches stretching into the sky, as if to catch the white clouds, I could not help but drop my head into meditation