Fools (15 in general)
Huamao Chunsong
2024-03-10 07:55:18

Fool (1)

It is said that Tang Monk's four masters and disciples have come back from the west and become famous. However, after the ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties, I have been used to fighting and killing, and once I stop. Will feel bored. So four people together - return to vulgarity. Marry a daughter-in-law and go home, so as to inherit the family.

Now the society is popular for advertising marriage, so the four people decided to critically accept this practice. They felt that the content of the general matchmaking advertisement was too monotonous to let the other party know themselves in an all-round way, so they distributed 80000 copies of Journey to the West to women of age in N city through the Women's Federation. Try to make them have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of their personality, hobbies, specialties, etc., so as to make accurate judgments.

After the book was issued, Tang Monk, Sha Monk and Wukong were all full of ambition. They think that they are all "positive people" in the book. Tang Monk is not only kind-hearted and elegant, but also dignified and dignified. Although he is big and rough, Monk Sha is the most hardworking and gentle. Wukong, not to mention his martial arts and sense of justice. In Journey to the West, he is the leading role of the protagonist. The most depressed one is Bajie. He is greedy for money and lust, fat head and big ears, but also acts in accordance with the wind. So Bajie was indignant all the time. "Wu Chengen is too hateful. He has made my old pig like this. Who else would dare to take me?"

Never thought that man is not as good as heaven. Tang Monk, Sha Monk and Wukong didn't even receive a letter. However, Bajie received a letter from Sijubao. To sum up the reasons why these women choose the Eight Commandments, it is roughly as follows:

1: Although you are a little ugly, you have a heart for beauty, and you follow "Lady First". This can be seen from your performance towards Miss Gao and many other women. It must be fun to marry a person like you. Unlike your master, he has a white face and no masculinity. It's a nightmare to live with him all my life.

2: You can manage money by keeping money in your ears. In today's society, no money is absolutely impossible. Unlike your younger martial brother, Monk Sha, who only knows how to work, he seems to be kind-hearted, but in fact he doesn't have his own ideas.

3: People criticize you for being good at steering by the wind. In fact, this is the performance of flexible mind! If you are like Monkey Brother, you can't stand it, and it's not pleasing to your eyes. How can you mix in the society?

After reading these words, Bajie burst into tears and screamed to the sky: "Fools are blessed with fools!"

Fool (2)

The early autumn days are hard, why? Because rain, no matter heavy or light, pours down from the sky in early autumn. On Sunday morning, I went home by myself after school. A heavy rain hit Harbin unexpectedly. An accident happened unexpectedly: my umbrella was broken. No matter how I supported it, it could no longer shield me from the wind and rain. I looked around helplessly in the rain. People are trying to block their umbrellas in front of them and walk faster. At this time, my eyes were fixed on a big red umbrella. I thought that there were many people under the umbrella who had been watered "drowned" like me. At this time, my hair and clothes were all watered through, and a sneeze came out unexpectedly. It was too cold for me to think much. I quickly ran to the big red umbrella, and I walked to the umbrella, People kindly gave me a place. In the middle of the crowd, there was a man who seemed familiar. He was holding the umbrella with difficulty. Is that him? He is the "silly son" of my grandmother who sells newspapers downstairs. He is born with intellectual problems. My mother told me to talk less with him. Every time I see him, I want to avoid him like a plague. He always smiles at me foolishly. It was the umbrella used by their family to sell newspapers. Today, he must have taken great efforts to move out the umbrella. He was so kind, but I rejected him like that. I shouldn't have! Suddenly someone said, "It's raining heavily. It's really cold!"

Yes, it's raining heavily and it's cold, but my heart is warm. Just like the silly son of the grandmother who sells newspapers, although everyone says he is silly, I feel he is not stupid at this time, and he knows how to help others. What he does can make the world warm. There are many smart people in the world who have no mind of fools, and fools are more tolerant! In crowded shopping malls and busy streets, there will always be a stream of people. In the crowd, it is such a fool that I will always remember!

Grade 6: Xiao Haiyang

Fool (3)

Five years ago, he was 18 years old and graduated from high school. At that time, he was admitted to a good university. Unfortunately, his family had no money and could not afford to study. He had to enter the city and began to make a living. After two days in the city, I finally found a job as a water delivery worker. He has neither experience nor work experience, but he is young and strong, so it is just right for him to be a water bearer.

He cherishes this job. Every day, he has to work hard to ride his bike through the streets, with three or four barrels of pure water hanging behind the bike. He sent one family after another, running back and forth, walking through the city and passing every street. The water has to be delivered to the customer's home. Sometimes when there is no elevator on several floors, he has to carry the water on his shoulder and deliver it to the door. At the end of the day, I am exhausted. At first, he couldn't stand it. His back hurt so much that he couldn't sleep at night, but he insisted on it. As a water bearer with him, he ran away after only a few days because he couldn't stand it. After a period of time, he finally got used to it.

He is very polite to every customer. He always knocks gently at the door. He always takes off his shoes when entering the door and enters the house barefoot. He also writes down the customer's address every time he delivers water to a customer and recites it in his mind several times. In this way, the next time you send water, you can take the nearest road instead of taking a detour. In this way, his efficiency has been greatly improved. Every day, he can send more water than others, so his income has also been greatly improved.

A water delivery worker usually earns only 500 yuan a month, while he only earns about 600 yuan. Those water delivery workers, who have been working for a year and a half, quit and left for another job. And he worked for years and years, and people who knew him told him, young man, you are educated and young, why don't you find something more lucrative? The water delivery is a manual work done by uneducated people, not by you. But he told others that I think it's good to send water, and I like doing it! Others shook their heads and sighed. They secretly said that he could only work as a water delivery worker all his life and earn hundreds of yuan a month. They said that he was a complete fool. You know, there are many high school students in the city who can earn more than 1000 yuan a month. He doesn't look for more money to do. When he is a water delivery worker, he is not a fool. What is he?

Five years is long for a hard worker, but short for a happy worker. For five years, he worked happily as a water bearer. Five years later, he finally resigned.

In the past, he refused to listen to many people who advised him not to be a water bearer. Now, no one would persuade him to be such a fool, but he resigned on his own initiative. He used his savings over the years to open a water delivery company. People think that he must fail. People in the city have ordered water for a long time. If he is new, who will order his water?

People are wrong. He has not failed. Many people order his water. The people who order his water are the customers he has known over the years, as well as the customers' relatives and friends. Every day, his water delivery workers come and go to deliver the company's pure water in barrels. Now, his water delivery business accounts for half of the city. Other water delivery companies only have a few water delivery workers, while his company has dozens of water delivery workers. He no longer needs to deliver water to others every day. He just needs to sit in his office and do business.

After hearing his story, I think it is a miracle. A small water delivery worker has become the boss of a famous water delivery company. I asked him, how did you create this miracle unexpectedly? He said, how many people have worked as water delivery workers for five years in this city? Most of them only work for half a year, but I have been working for five years. During these five years, I have met many customers and their relatives and friends. I gave them a very good impression. I said I would start a company and asked them if they would order water, but they all said they were willing to order my water. Besides, they don't remember the water delivery company I used to work for, nor do they recognize the company. They only recognize me. As a result, my company won so many customers who ordered water as soon as it opened!

At last, he smiled and said to me, as long as a person conscientiously does a thing, as long as he has done it for five years, he will be able to make achievements and create a world!

I believe that. Now, too many of us are always working on one thing for a few months, but we can't stay any longer. In this way, how can we make achievements in one thing? Seriously love only one thing, who can persist in doing one thing, do one thing well, who can achieve success, have a world of their own!

Fool (4)

The ancients said, "Great wisdom is like fear, great wisdom is like foolishness, the most expensive is to be proud without a crown, and the most benevolent is to live without guidance."

The current international situation is changing rapidly, and various wars and terrorist incidents occur immediately. China is a developing country, and the main goal now is to deepen reform and do a good job in economic construction.

The hegemonic countries led by the United States and Britain, for their own purposes, strongly advocated attacking Iraq and seizing oil resources. However, at present, it is opposed by most countries of the United Nations, and many countries and people have marched to protest the US hegemony ambitions.

According to the International Law, the United States, Britain and other countries must obtain the strict approval of the United Nations Security Council if they want to attack Iraq, especially with the unanimous authorization of the five permanent members (namely, China, Russia, France, the United States and the United Kingdom), or may send troops without objection and abstention.

As far as China is concerned, I think China should abstain from voting. It seems that China should vote against unjustified aggression against other countries. However, China's economic development and construction cannot be separated from international support, especially the cooperation of several scientific, technological and economic powers, such as the United States. On this point, it seems that China should vote in favour. Therefore, to sum up the above: in order not to damage our interests and affect our national development and construction, I think China should abstain from voting this time.

Confucius said that it is reasonable to value harmony in everything. All disputes can be settled through dialogue and consultation.

China's non participation behavior is neither China's cowardice nor China's incompetence. It is more accurate to say that it is a wise move, and it is a full manifestation of wisdom as if it were foolish.

China is a wise man who does not show his talent. It seems to be dull on the surface, but this is also a full manifestation of wisdom as if it were foolish!

Fool (5)

I once heard a story about an American country boy who was given a five yuan note and a ten yuan note and asked him to choose one. He chose the five yuan note. People said that he was stupid, and mocked and laughed at him. When the news spread, many people came to him to test it, but the result was still the same, and the news spread farther and farther. After several decades, the child became President of the United States. A reporter asked him about it: "Is it true?" It is true The President replied. "Why do you want five yuan instead of ten?".

We don't want to pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelons. How can a small thing possibly have more interest? We should not only be wise in life, but also be wise in all aspects. The president in the story just did it. Others laughed at his stupidity and stupidity, but they didn't know who was really stupid. If we abandon one small profit in our life, we may gain more cost.

It's probably like this. Some people who seem to be abnormal with the people around you are actually no different from us, but the scenery they see is more beautiful than we see, the world they see is bigger than we see, their vision is longer than we see, and they live more happily than we do.

Do you think such a wise man will succeed.

Fool (6)

I worked with him for a year (that is, I stayed in the cram school for only one year), and I was at the same table with him. His cunning was far more than I thought. I even called myself a wily old man and later the "genius in purgatory" had to bow down under his ability to find excuses.

Because of our different personalities, there is a deep barrier between us. I once almost knocked over his desk because of his stinginess. I dare to assert that it is difficult to find a stingy person like him in the whole country and even the whole world, except for the man who will be introduced in the next article. In one hour on the day of the Monkey Year, I asked for the damned ruler for dozens of times without success. At last, under my coercion, inducement and torture, he finally lent me a piece of ruler mixed with snot, ink and mud. Finally, he said a stunning word:

"You should remember that there was a man who lent you a ruler like a timely help when you were in danger. If you become successful in the future, don't forget this man." His tone was like I was robbed by a robber and he was a righteous man.

In my eyes, he is as annoying as a bedbug in a quilt, but I cannot ignore him because of his special talent, so I wrote this article.

Fool (7)

Wisdom can be divided into two types: one is caring for ordinary people and actively joining the world; The other is to stand aloof from the rest of the world.

But in both cases, there must be "foolishness". The "stupidity" here is not stupidity, but the "great wisdom" in Laotse's words, which requires people to forget something and let wisdom become wisdom.

Over the past few years, many "big v" have sprung up on the Internet, with millions of fans. Kong Qingdong is one of them. He often fights with others and his fans applaud him, calling him "sharp" and "smart". If you ask me, this is not wisdom, but "cleverness" at best.

Wise people, first of all, focus on big things, never stick to small things; Secondly, there must be no distractions in mind. Like those who look left and right, their hearts are filled with "desire", which is really difficult to call wisdom.

It is inevitable that some people will say that if people have no "desire" in their hearts, wouldn't everyone become a monk? No! What I call "disinterestedness" is to focus on what you think in your heart, get rid of distractions, firmly act on yourself, or adhere to a certain belief in life.

We Chinese people have always been fastidious about moderation, but now we are a lot grumpy. Therefore, when we face the quarrels in our life and even the Internet war, if we can treat them peacefully and stick to the "golden mean", it is wisdom. This wisdom is based on our adherence to traditional morality.

Wisdom is also a "desire", a desire to accept others into oneself. This is the wisdom of entering the world. Confucius traveled all over the world to spread "benevolence", restore etiquette, and even was ridiculed by farmers as "stupid". Is Confucius stupid? He is really a bit foolish, and foolishness is like "there is a way in a country, like a arrow; there is no way in a country, like a arrow", always like an arrow, indomitable; Foolish is foolish when you know you will fail, but try your best. "Heaven never gave birth to Confucius, and eternity is like a long night". Confucius, with his failure and wisdom, enriched the human spirit and enlightened our nation's soul.

Fool (8)

Three Wisdom in Life: Tolerance, Willingness and Confusion. Tolerance and willingness have become the mantra of people, but this muddleheaded sound will give people a sense of chaos.

If cleverness is the ability to survive, then muddleheaded is the realm of survival. In fact, muddleheaded has been carried out in people's minds since ancient times. China advocates humility, which can also be called "being humble". "Don't tell others that you are smarter than him" is a family motto for many people since childhood. This is not to belittle themselves, but to cover up, protect themselves, and accumulate strength, Waiting for the opportunity of life strategy, although the rapid development of society can not tolerate you to be too modest, moderate publicity is necessary, but too much exposure will also bring many problems, such as interpersonal relationships, this muddle headed can maintain and improve this situation.

When you find someone else's mistake and can't point it out, muddleheaded is the best solution because no matter what way you take to point out his mistake directly: a scornful look, an impatient gesture, a dissatisfied tone, may bring embarrassing consequences. Doing so is equivalent to saying: "I will make you change your view, and I am smarter than you." This is tantamount to denying his wisdom and judgment, hitting his glory and self-esteem, and also hurting his feelings. This will not change his view, but will also fight back. If you remind him in an innocent way or as if you were wrong, you may receive unexpected results.

"It is easier to be smart than to be confused, and it is more difficult to change from smart to confused." This is what Zheng Banqiao said. Indeed, the muddleheaded are certainly muddleheaded, but the really smart people will pretend to be muddleheaded, which is the wisdom. If there is muddleheaded fashion, they may see more essence. It is the so-called "big argument if hesitant, big skill if clumsy, big wisdom if foolish". Showing off is a foolish behavior, and people who are restrained are more likely to be recognized by most people.

Shakespeare also said, "A fool thinks he is clever, but a wise man knows he is a fool. "It's hard to be confused". To live in a muddle is to pursue a more natural and detached attitude to face the chaotic society and open up the future. Dealing with the world in a muddle way can make you cope with any situation, retreat to advance, and achieve success in your career quietly. Even if you succeed, you will not be envied and framed.

We all want to be a smart person, and we are willing to be a smart person, but if we are stupid, we need confused wisdom in life.

Fool (9)

When people mention Journey to the West, they can't help but talk about my elder martial brother, Sun Wukong, the "Great Sage of Heaven". He has 72 kinds of changes, is versatile, intelligent and capable. Speaking of me, pig is stupid, lazy, fond of food and sleep, fond of women, afraid of difficulties, and even hid some private money in his ears. However, if you are a person with great wisdom, you will find that the real wisdom is not the monkey, but my pig Bajie, who is as wise as a fool.

They said I was ugly. That's because I flirted with Chang'e, the first beauty in the sky, and was punished for miscarriage (that's also

It is involuntary), with two ears twice as big on the head; The big nose grows in the middle of the face; A pile of fat on his cheek narrowed his eyes, which was at most as big as marbles; He has a round figure and a very big stomach. I have a long mouth and big ears. Among the four masters and disciples, I have the most distinctive features. I once said a famous saying: "A thick willow dustpan and a thin willow bucket make a man ugly.". You are talented!

They said I was lazy. It's delicious and sleepy, but it's natural. The plough is cattle, the cart is horse, and the monkey is played on the street. My old pig was born lucky. I'm used to opening my mouth after dinner. Calling me a "fool", like begging for alms, the monkey always does the job. I enjoy the most of what he wants. If you let me go occasionally, I will find a place to sleep. My old pig is Marshal Tianpeng who came down from the earth. He was born in a noble family. How can he do that lowly and disgraceful thing?

They call me "pig incompetent". On the way to the west, it was an unprecedented and dangerous journey. All kinds of demons and ghosts were full of tricks. If you were not careful, you would be boiled. Therefore, the desperate activity of subduing demons and eliminating demons can be avoided if it can be avoided, avoided if it can be avoided, acted stupidly, and might as well be "incompetent". I remember that the little report went too far, and Shifu drove the monkey away. On the way, Shifu was caught by a monster again. To avoid danger, I staged a good play of "Pig Bajie Righteously Stimulates the Monkey King". When we arrived at Huaguo Mountain, we casually made up a jingle: "What kind of grandson, I am afraid of him? If he comes, I will peel his skin, pull his tendons, chew his bones, and eat his heart! Let him be skinny, and I will chop him and cook him in oil!". The little emissary challenged the monkey to come back obediently. "Those who work hard govern people, and those who work hard govern people". Who is incompetent?

After more than ten years of hard work, we finally arrived at Lingshan Mountain. When I was granted the title, it showed that I was a man of great wisdom! Aren't you monkeys brave and ruthless? To be a Buddha is to "fight against Buddha". Bajie, I was awarded the title of "Messenger of the Pure Temple", enjoying all the delicious food in the world. Even Buddha said it was a good job!

Who dares to say that I'm not a fool?

Fool (10)

Big voice, elephant invisible, really intelligent people, must be modest and low-key. Wisdom and talent are like the Big Dipper embedded in the heart, which shines only at night when confused. They walk in the colorful and seductive world. Their direction is firm, their heart is quiet, their soul is pure, their eyes are bright, and their steps are steady. As the saying goes, great talent is simple and unadorned, and great wisdom is like a fool.

The smart man, who is always shouting and hysterical, is empty in his heart and bluffing; The overbearing man is arrogant and ostentatious, which is why he is delirious and narrow-minded; An insatiable greedy person jumps up and down, deceiving the east and the west. It is because he is too greedy to fill his cravings. They are always thinking carefully and eagerly about what they want, what they want to hide, and what they want to show off. As a result, the world is confusing, deceitful, confused, unstable, and foul. These arrogant and greedy people, vulgar and ignorant people, like balloons floating in the wind, like gourds that cannot be pressed down in the water, will not easily calm down.

People who play smart show off, show off, mystify, fake, puff up their faces and pretend to be fat. In the end, they are just learning from a dream and throwing stones at their feet. After a period of noise, people walk away from the tea. What they have to face is that the trees fall down and the monkeys are scattered. They are alone and want to cry without tears. It is the pain of climbing up and falling down, and it is endless sorrow and desolation.

It is a realm of life to be wise as if you are stupid. People who can enter this realm are broad-minded, tolerant, and treat others like reading and tasting tea. One book, one pot and one couch. The water is boiling, the book is fragrant, and the heart is calm. Drink slowly and calmly. Let the world outside the window be noisy and flashy, just like the water mist rising in front of us, dense, winding and fragrant.

After tea, gather your clothes and go away calmly. On the earth, there is only a light back that people admire.

Fool (11)

I have always thought that my father is very special: a girl's oval face, an upright oval head, and a pair of glasses on the high bridge of his nose. The mouth is big and the lips are thick. It looks kind. The teeth are arranged irregularly, and a long dimple is embedded in the right face. Hee hee, I also inherited such a dimple on my left cheek! My father is very old looking. People often call him grandpa, which makes us laugh off our big teeth. In fact, my father is only about forty years old.

Dad not only looks "stupid", but also his personality.

He is not good at words. I think it has something to do with his thick lips. Like me, his lips are thin, so he is eloquent. Dad stuttered when he talked to strangers. He couldn't even say everything. People who don't know him think he is stuttering and mentally underdeveloped!

But Dad has the power to turn a deaf ear. This is the kung fu that many men envy! (Note: This is what an uncle said.) I have observed many times. When my mother scolded him, and told him something that made people angry, my father was always doing something else, and always smiling, as if my mother scolded not him, but other people who had nothing to do with him. Dad's kung fu makes the family seldom smoke with gunpowder. I asked my father secretly: "How can I cultivate this kind of kung fu?" My father smiled and replied: "patience+love+sense of responsibility." And patted his chest: "Man, it's OK to have no such mind." I gave my father a thumbs up: this is the real wisdom! Maybe it is my father's indifference that can make me have a complete and happy family.

At first, my mother didn't see it. She thought my father was listening attentively, accepting opinions with an open mind, and had a sense of achievement. Until one time, something happened that made my mother angry, my mother suddenly realized. On that day, my mother told my father that a batch of computers had come to school, and she had already bought one, which would be shipped home tomorrow. The next day, when the computer was delivered home, my father was surprised and asked, "When did you buy it? Where did you buy it?" My mother was so angry that she almost fainted. Later, I simply stopped scolding him because my father didn't take it to heart anyway. On the contrary, the family seems much more peaceful and harmonious.

Look, this is my father. Whether he is stupid or excellent, I love him!

Fool (12)

Grandma's eyes and mouth told the rich and gorgeous style of the Jia Family.

But what really makes the article interesting is Grandma Liu, who is insightful and crafty. Without Grandma Liu's humor, the article would lose its luster. Grandma Liu didn't have a deep relationship with Jia's family. She borrowed money from Jia's family because of a poor harvest one year, but was warmly treated by Jia's mother. Wang Xifeng also sent Grandma Liu a lot of silver. Grandma Liu, who came from the countryside, was an accident of understanding human relationships. She had a pair of eyes with years' wisdom and a gentle personality. That is to say, this rare ordinary personality of a wealthy family quickly captured the hearts of Jia people, especially Jia's mother. From the description of Grandma Liu after she entered the Grand View Garden, it can be seen that Grandma Liu was modest but not humble, and the servant girls thought of coaxing her, so they followed her; She doesn't care about being a clown, but is willing to bring laughter to the Jia family. In Grandma's wise eyes, did she see through the loneliness of the Jia family who enjoyed all their wealth and luxury?

So she talked with all the Jia people with a slightly old but full of vitality voice, eager to let them also have some vitality; In addition to wealth and jewels, Jia's family had real happiness that night - the joy of life. Grandma Liu is contented, so she is happy. When she first entered the Grand View Garden, she was very popular with Jia's mother and others. Sister Feng gave her a lot of money because she saw Jia's appreciation for Grandma Liu; Grandma Liu went home happily with her money, and never took the opportunity to go back to Jia's house to wipe a living. Grandma Liu, knowing her kindness, took the kind-hearted Qiao sister back to the countryside when the Jia family was about to decline and no one was supporting the overall situation, and found a good marriage for her to avoid being implicated in the defeat of the Jia family. This is Grandma Liu, who is full of vitality, kind-hearted, simple, witty, intelligent and open-minded! Grandma Liu is my favorite character when I watched the Dream of Red Mansions, because she has less insight than ordinary people, but has more wisdom of the elderly after years. Maybe this is also one of Cao Xueqin's clever designs?

Although the Jia Family is declining day by day, the shrewd and capable people who pretend to be frivolous, narcissistic, tender and weak, ambitious people in the Jia Family are not immune from being implicated; But Grandma, who was as wise as a fool, was still the same. This is one of the successful characters portrayed in the Dream of Red Mansions. It vividly depicts a picture in the reader's mind of an old country woman who used her open-minded eyes to witness the wealth of the Jia family; With her simple and intelligent heart, she can experience the rapid rise and fall of life.

Fool (13)

My friend Zhang Xiaosan, who used to be a very smart person, always came out top in every exam, but he even carried the name of "fool". In fact, it's no wonder that he always takes a "fool" attitude when doing something.

Once, my junior and I were playing volleyball on the playground. He accidentally hit the volleyball on the window and heard a sound of "popping". Two pieces of glass on the window were broken. I was startled and hurried to look around. Fortunately, no one found out, so I hurriedly pulled the waiter and said, "Go, what are you still doing?" But he said, "Admit your mistake to the headmaster!" As a result, he was criticized and fined two yuan according to the regulations. After that, I blamed him for doing something stupid. But he said, "It's according to the regulations to punish two yuan." Do you think he is stupid?

Another time in a Chinese class, the teacher turned his head when he entered the classroom. There was a full blackboard, but the student on duty did not clean the blackboard. So the Chinese teacher said with a straight face, "Who is on duty today? Come up and clean the blackboard soon." No one answered, nor did anyone come forward. "Who cleans the blackboard?" The teacher's tone obviously increased by three points. But still no one answered. The Chinese teacher's face was even more ugly. He raised his voice and said, "Are you not going to have class? It's not once." There was still no answer, and the atmosphere in the class became tense. "Who is the student on duty? That's true." Everyone whispered in their seats. At this point, Zhang Xiaosan stood up, ran to the platform, and quietly wiped the blackboard. Didn't he just become a student on duty two days ago? Besides, he is not a class cadre. What is he doing on this occasion? As expected, the Chinese teacher did not understand the situation, and stared at him and said, "Zhang Xiaosan! As a student on duty, he still needs three requests and four reminders to clean the blackboard? You should pay attention next time!" "I, I..." Zhang Xiaosan wanted to explain, but he swallowed his words. The Chinese teacher just started his class.

After class, I called Zhang Xiaosan hurriedly: "Junior, why are you so stupid? It's none of your business. I asked you to accept the anger, but he didn't explain it." He said reasonably: "If everyone doesn't clean up, and the old stiff is there, when will it be? Besides, the teacher is angry. If I explain and toss, the class will be over?" After listening, I looked at him admiringly.

He is such a person that he always takes a "silly" attitude when doing something. Let's talk about cooking! No matter when or how long the queue was, he always stood in the back foolishly and never cut in. It is already the third day of junior high school, and it is time to race against the clock, but he often stops for ten minutes at a time. Some students asked him to be more flexible, but he just smiled, noncommittal. Look at his smile, it's really a bit silly and cute.

It is precisely because he often does something so "silly" that he gets the nickname of "fool". So, is he really stupid? This is for everyone to comment. But I am sure you will say that it is better to have more such "fools".

Fool (14)

See the next paragraph is the philosophy of fools. When I saw this sentence, I suddenly remembered my policy from primary school to university. I worked steadfastly and helped whenever I could, so my popularity was OK. When I was in junior high school, I was the best because I always believed this sentence. But when I got to college, I probably developed the problem of managing others in middle school, always talking about others and picking on others' problems, so no one likes to talk about themselves. Now, I have already worked, but I haven't abandoned the previous philosophy of life. It doesn't matter if I suffer a little, as long as the people around me can be happy. In the relationship with colleagues, sometimes I secretly want to surpass him. I should keep something in my heart and not tell others, otherwise I will be seen through and feel bad. So I try to change myself, hold my tongue, and hold something in my heart. But things always come out of my mouth. I don't know what to say if I don't say them. When working, I can do as much as I can. I will not do nothing without doing it. I have something to do in my eyes, so I have been doing it all the time during my internship in the workshop. But I don't know what will happen in this way. I always remember that sentence: "It's good to suffer losses", so I try my best to suffer losses, but what about me now? I didn't achieve the level and life I wanted. So I want to change myself, not to be a fool, not to learn the philosophy of a fool. But after nearly five months of change, I seem to have failed and violated my own nature. It is hard to do things, and the effect is not good. I want to restore my philosophy of a fool, but I am afraid that I will be led by others like an ox, which is why my classmates said, "The life of a slave". At this time, I think of the golden mean philosophy of Ye Man. Everything should be moderate and balanced. I want to be a fool in this direction.

Fool (15)

I went to the grocery store to buy two glucose drinks and two bags of egg yolk pies. Then I took a suit of clothes from my bag of clothes in the trunk. Finally, I took a 100 yuan full note and more than 70 yuan change from my bag. I put water, cakes, clothes, money, etc. into a big bag and drove to the tramp's side... I opened the window and gently threw the bag in front of him, He looked at him and said, "Ah! It's for you..." He looked at me blankly. I pointed to the bag and said, "Ah! It's for you!" He still looked at me blankly... God!

Fortunately, there were no passers-by at that time, otherwise I didn't know how embarrassed I was... I had to make the gesture of eating and dressing while slowly saying, "Here you are -- eat -- and -- wear --, in the bag -- still -- have -- money, you are -- hungry -- -- buy -- eat --!" He was still a little confused, I had to point to the bag again, and made a gesture of eating and drinking. Then he slowly took the bag... God, if someone sees me talking so much to a naked tramp face to face, I wonder if others will treat me as a monster? Who knows! It's better to act than to feel sad inside! Let others laugh at me. Anyway, many people regard me as a monster and a fool! The tramp and I are poor people! Hey... I don't want to say it, but the more I say it, the more I feel painful... I said that no one will ever understand me... I don't want anyone to understand me, because I am a fool like a fake -- a fool too stupid to be saved! I can't help shaking my head and sighing when I recall the foolish things I have done in recent years. How "wise" it is! Bah! Mentally retarded about!