Butterflies in the Rain (Collection 6)
Just let it go
2024-02-27 01:34:47
junior middle school

Butterflies in the Rain (1)

An autumn rain and a cold, the spirit of rain once came to the world, and the sound of the rain made this noisy city colorful.

In the rain, there are countless colorful butterflies, and one of them sheltered the weak me in that stormy night

Before that event, my mother was vague and sometimes clear in my heart. When I watched her hard work figure gradually become vague and fade away, I was often indifferent. Now, although I was busy, when I saw her figure, I would involuntarily move my body to her side to solve her problems. This is a huge contrast, The reason is just a weather beaten blue "umbrella"

Years of earning, I seem to have returned to that moment which is both touching and painful

In the sky, lightning flashed and thunder thundered. God changed his kindly face and roared angrily. He thought of his mother unknowingly. She was also so scary when she was angry. I was trapped in the classroom, and it was raining cats and dogs outside. If I tried to rush out, my iron body would not be able to carry it!

"Boom --" There was another thunderclap. Several girls in the class curled up in fear. I don't know when, my mother gently hugged me and comforted me. This scene came into my mind, hoping that the blue butterfly would fly into my arms! Yes, it would be great if my mother really showed up here. For the first time, I wanted to rush into his warm arms, ask for his soft voice, ask for his warm arms. I felt a little resentful of those children who were held by their mother.

Moments after moment, I flew past my mother and "no" came as scheduled. I only vaguely saw a tottering figure slowly marching against the wind and rain at the school gate, so familiar and so kind

Mother's comforting scene in the rain is as clear as a bird's voice and swallow's voice. Mom, I finally understand your good intentions. The figure you clean hard every day is in a trance, blurring my eyes, and I run out - the blue butterflies in the rain are still flying!

Butterflies in the Rain (2)

Spring is getting stronger, but it is still chilly in the north. A spring breeze has just passed, but a cold rain is coming.
As I walked along the road, I suddenly saw a dying white butterfly on the fresh spring grass. At this time, I was immersed in depression. Failure in the exam made me lose hope, and I thought I had tried hard, but finally there was no return. I began to lose heart, lost, and decadent; I may choose to give up.
When this tiny butterfly came into my sight, I felt it was so white and beautiful. Although it was not as lively as flying in the air, it deeply attracted me, and I slowly walked towards it. When I got closer, I saw it lying weakly on the grass tip. The original smart wings had lost their vitality after the beating of rain. Its weak body was slightly shaking with the wind, which made people feel pity. I reached out my hand, touched it gently with my fingertips, and wrapped its body with my palm to make it less suffering from wind and rain. It seems to have been unable to struggle, let me touch and manipulate.
A different feeling suddenly rose in my heart. It turned out that this little butterfly was just like me, just as fragile and defeated by difficulties. Although this rain is a light rain, what a disaster it is! It had nowhere to hide, so it had to bow its head and suffer. I accompany it, rain drops fall, cold my heart. It did not move, as if it had died. Looking at it, I am at a loss. Suddenly, I saw it move! Move! It raised its head and swung its wings. I was pleasantly surprised. I accompanied it in the wind and rain. Waiting is an encouragement and a comfort. It didn't give up! It began to flap its wings and struggle. It came back to life, and hope was kindled in my heart.
Then, look, it flew! Waving his tenacious wings, he flew in the rain! I jumped up with joy, and the wings of hope swept over my heart. The surrounding scenery seemed to disappear. I only saw the white little creatures dancing above my head, and then it seemed to dance in my heart.
Yes, the rain is still falling, but the butterflies are flying. What's the reason why I can't get over it? So, I picked up the umbrella, took a firm step, facing the wind and rain, and walked to the school!

Butterflies in the Rain (3)

Spring is getting stronger, but it is still chilly in the north. A spring breeze has just passed, but a cold rain is coming.

As I walked along the road, I suddenly saw a dying white butterfly on the fresh spring grass. At this time, I was immersed in depression. Failure in the exam made me lose hope, and I thought I had tried hard, but finally there was no return. I began to lose heart, lost, and decadent; I may choose to give up.

When this tiny butterfly came into my sight, I felt it was so white and beautiful. Although it was not as lively as flying in the air, it deeply attracted me, and I slowly walked towards it. When I got closer, I saw it lying weakly on the grass tip. The original smart wings had lost their vitality after the beating of rain. Its weak body was slightly shaking with the wind, which made people feel pity. I reached out my hand, touched it gently with my fingertips, and wrapped its body with my palm to make it less suffering from wind and rain. It seems to have been unable to struggle, let me touch and manipulate.

A different feeling suddenly rose in my heart. It turned out that this little butterfly was just like me, just as fragile and defeated by difficulties. Although this rain is a light rain, what a disaster it is! It had nowhere to hide, so it had to bow its head and suffer. I accompany it, rain drops fall, cold my heart. It did not move, as if it had died. Looking at it, I am at a loss. Suddenly, I saw it move! Move! It raised its head and swung its wings. I was pleasantly surprised. I accompanied it in the wind and rain. Waiting is an encouragement and a comfort. It didn't give up! It began to flap its wings and struggle. It came back to life, and hope was kindled in my heart.

Then, look, it flew! Waving his tenacious wings, he flew in the rain! I jumped up with joy, and the wings of hope swept over my heart. The surrounding scenery seemed to disappear. I only saw the white little creatures dancing above my head, and then it seemed to dance in my heart.

Butterflies in the Rain (4)

I sat in some dark rooms and stayed quietly. The sky outside gradually darkened. The sun could not penetrate the heavy, cold clouds, so I had to withdraw the beam of light in frustration. Dark clouds have come unstintingly and violently to occupy a large part of the sky on the roof. Gradually, it seems to be getting closer. The thick clouds make me breathless.

The rain finally fell, and the raindrops came in from the open window with a brisk step. In a trance, I saw the raindrops jump into my palm, rotating the beautiful waltz, turning, turning, and jumping into my heart all the time. The pores opened wholeheartedly feel the lubrication and coldness of the rain. My heart seemed to hear the rain talking to me. Our souls collided, and the rain played a sad movement with me.

It was raining heavily, and I was a little lost, so I had to close the window. Suddenly, I saw a tired butterfly resting quietly on the glass window. Its whole body is wet, and its black wings are shining like two bottomless black holes, which are hard to touch. It was curled up, trembling and helpless. I got closer, stretched out my hand to save it, and put it into my hand. Unexpectedly, my fingertip had just touched its wings, and it struggled to free itself, flapping its wings, and then flew into the gray rain and fog.

I stood in front of the window, gazing at the looming and receding figure, as if it was a iris in the rain and fog.

I stood for a long time, and could not help but be full of respect for this small life. It is so tenacious, and it uses its small body to fight against this merciless nature. My originally gloomy mood also became bright because of this butterfly flower.

Butterflies in the Rain (5)

Spring is getting stronger, but it is still chilly in the north. A spring breeze has just passed, but a cold rain is coming.

As I walked along the road, I suddenly saw a dying white butterfly on the fresh spring grass. At this time, I was immersed in depression. Failure in the exam made me lose hope, and I thought I had tried hard, but finally there was no return. I began to lose heart, lost, and decadent; I may choose to give up.

When this tiny butterfly came into my sight, I felt it was so white and beautiful. Although it was not as lively as flying in the air, it deeply attracted me, and I slowly walked towards it. When I got closer, I saw it lying weakly on the grass tip. The original smart wings had lost their vitality after the beating of rain. Its weak body was slightly shaking with the wind, which made people feel pity. I reached out my hand, touched it gently with my fingertips, and wrapped its body with my palm to make it less suffering from wind and rain. It seems to have been unable to struggle, let me touch and manipulate.

A different feeling suddenly rose in my heart. It turned out that this little butterfly was just like me, just as fragile and defeated by difficulties. Although this rain is a light rain, what a disaster it is! It had nowhere to hide, so it had to bow its head and suffer. I accompany it, rain drops fall, cold my heart. It did not move, as if it had died. Looking at it, I am at a loss. Suddenly, I saw it move! Move! It raised its head and swung its wings. I was pleasantly surprised. I accompanied it in the wind and rain. Waiting is an encouragement and a comfort. It didn't give up! It began to flap its wings and struggle. It came back to life, and hope was kindled in my heart.

Then, look, it flew! Waving his tenacious wings, he flew in the rain! I jumped up with joy, and the wings of hope swept over my heart. The surrounding scenery seemed to disappear. I only saw the white little creatures dancing above my head, and then it seemed to dance in my heart.

Yes, the rain is still falling, but the butterflies are flying. What's the reason why I can't get over it? So, I picked up the umbrella, took a firm step, facing the wind and rain, and walked to the school!

Butterflies in the Rain (6)

In the sky, lightning flashed and thunder thundered. God changed his kindly face and roared angrily. He thought of his mother unknowingly. She was also so scary when she was angry. I was trapped in the classroom, and it was raining cats and dogs outside. If I tried to rush out, my iron body would not be able to carry it! "Boom --" There was another thunderclap. Several girls in the class curled up in fear. I don't know when, my mother gently hugged me and comforted me. This scene came into my mind, hoping that the blue butterfly would fly into my arms! Yes, it would be great if my mother really showed up here. For the first time, I wanted to rush into his warm arms, ask for his soft voice, ask for his warm arms. I felt a little resentful of those children who were held by their mother. Moments after moment, I flew past my mother and "no" came as scheduled. I only vaguely saw a tottering figure slowly marching against the wind and rain at the school gate, so familiar and so kind

Mother's comforting scene in the rain is as clear as a bird's voice and swallow's voice. Mom, I finally understand your good intentions. The figure of hard cleaning every day is in a trance, blurring my eyes, and I run out - the blue butterflies in the rain are still flying!