Composition of Grade One Animals (collection of 17)
The more quiet you think
2023-08-18 01:16:49
first grade

Composition of Grade One Animals (1)

When it comes to my favorite animal, of course, it's the elegant swan! Because the swan looks so graceful! I think there must be no animal more charming than swans!

The swan has a white body, a bright mouth and big dark eyes. There is a circle of light yellow feathers around the eyes. It looks so soft, charming, pure and energetic! Her extraordinary beauty is like a flying wild lily. No matter she swims in the water or stands tall, she is quiet like a water lily and a noble princess; She is as white as snow and carved with jade. She really looks like a girl with extraordinary temperament!

Sometimes I imagine two swans, like fairies, falling gently in the middle of the lake in the dusk. They stretch their necks, look at the afterglow of the sunset, and then look back at the rising moon in the east. Wow! How romantic this feeling is! I sometimes imagine a group of silver swans floating on the water, like small white boats sailing forward, wow! Such a scene is really interesting!

Whether the swan swims on the lake or walks by the lake, it always emits an elegant breath, setting off the surrounding scenery, making people feel calm in mind, relaxed in the whole body, and forced people to immerse themselves in such a wonderful world! Swans are the animals that fascinate me!

Composition of Grade One Animals (2)

Sika deer is my favorite animal. Because it is cute and gentle, no wonder it is endearing.

Sika deer has a light black pattern printed on the light yellow hair, showing a beautiful luster. The pair of branch like horns on the head are really thin and long. Its four long legs are golden and beautiful in the sunshine. The sika deer has a pair of smart ears. When it hears a thin sound, it will run quickly like flying. There are also a pair of big and sensitive eyes, which are attractive.

Sika deer is a first-class protected animal in China. It was born in Sichuan, Yunnan and other places. Its antler can be made into traditional Chinese medicine and is very valuable. In winter, sika deer usually move on the slopes with little snow and full of sunshine. In summer, they usually walk in the forest and have the habit of soaking in water.

I like sika deer.

Composition of Grade One Animals (3)

My favorite small animal is the yellow finch. The yellow finch has a sharp, small mouth and a pair of small black eyes. It also has a beautiful fur, which is lovely.

One day when I came home from school, I heard the yellow finch make a clear and loud call. I ran to see it. But when the yellow finch saw me coming, it stopped calling. I was a little disappointed. I was about to go back to my room to do my homework, but I found that the yellow finch was eating food. It pecked the bird food made of millet with its beak, and occasionally went to a small cup to drink some water. What surprised me most was that the yellow finch could spit its shell! Yes, every time he eats a grain, the husk will fall into his cage, but the little yellow finch is a bit unsanitary, and some of the husks fall out of the cage. It squints its eyes and looks totally comfortable. How lovely it is!

Another time, when the yellow finch finished drinking water, her mother took out its special cup to pour water. I took the opportunity to reach into the cage and touch the hair of the yellow finch. Its fur is very soft and comfortable. The yellow finch also huddled its body into a ball, and its small eyes looked at me like a small ball of fur. I smiled, loosened my hand, closed the cage, and it was as lively as before.

After listening to my introduction, do you also like the cute little yellow finch?

Composition of Grade One Animals (4)

My family has a lovely puppy, its name is Dahei, because it is black all over the body, Dahei has a pair of flaring ears, sharp ears always stand up, which makes people feel very sensitive. Its eyes are round, like two black pearls, its tail is curved, like a pendulum, very cute!

Whenever I come home from school, as soon as I hear my footsteps, it shakes its tail, comes out to meet me, turns around me, keeps licking my trouser legs, and softly cries: "Bark...". It is as close as a good friend I haven't seen for many years, and then it leans towards me like a coquettish child. Let me hold it, and when I hold it, it half squints and is obedient.

This is my dog Dahei, isn't it cute?

Composition of Grade One Animals (5)

The morning before yesterday, my family went to the supermarket to buy a white dog.

Its fur is white all over, and it feels like a small ball of fur. The snow-white and thick fur feels particularly warm in winter. The ears are triangular, those big watery eyes are like a pair of black beads, the nose is like a button, and the tongue is long and flat. When it comes to delicious food, it is always drooling.

Once, when he played with me, I threw a small ball high and asked him to pick it up. He ran all the way and cried as if to say, "Don't run, small ball, come back to me." I laughed.

This is my dog, isn't it naughty and cute?

Composition of Grade One Animals (6)

I like many small animals, including kittens, rabbits and giraffes, but I like dogs best.

My dog's name is Naughty. Its ears are sharp, its tongue is long, and its body is hairy. When she sleeps at night, she always barks, as if to say: "Little master, I am very lonely."

He is eccentric and sometimes very naughty. One morning, when I went outside to change my shoes, I found my shoes were missing. The dog had taken them to the backyard, and they made a mess at home. I was so angry that I beat him severely. At this time, it will also make a pathetic appearance to please me, and I will be calm.

This is my naughty, what is your dog like? Let's also introduce it to us.

Composition of Grade One Animals (7)

There is a cute little animal at home. It has snow-white fur all over its body, just like wearing a white fur coat. It looks clean and beautiful. He has two long ears and a pair of ruby eyes. A short tail, fluffy like a small ball, his front legs long; The hind legs are short, so it's very interesting to jump when walking!

He likes vegetables very much. When playing, it still stands up, and when resting, its four legs close together. One day Grandma said to me, "Let's cook the rabbit for you." I said anxiously, "No!" I quickly held the rabbit in my arms. Grandma smiled and said, "Silly boy, I'm joking with you!" Then I was relieved!

Composition of Grade One Animals (8)

Hello, I'm a lively and lovely squirrel. I'm very hardworking and naughty.

Every year, when summer passes and autumn comes, Miss Qiu will write me a letter. This year, Miss Qiu wrote again. It said: "Dear brother squirrel, winter is coming, you should go to the big forest to pick pinecones, or you will starve to death." After hearing this sentence, I quickly ran out of the house and found a pine tree full of fruit. I switched to the branch and picked off all the pinecones, leaving them for the winter. Winter finally came. I sat in the cave and ate the pinecones picked in autumn. I forgot to introduce my small and smart body. I have a bushy tail like a broom. My tail is very useful. It can sweep the floor and be used as a quilt.

Do you like me? I'm very naughty. Come and make friends with me!

My favorite animal is the little white rabbit. The white rabbit has white fur, white eyes, red eyes, a three petal mouth, and long ears. I like the little white rabbit. There is another story.

I used to raise a white rabbit. When I was free on weekends, I took the rabbit for a walk in the garden. My partners looked at it and gave me envious glances. The little white rabbit likes to eat carrots and grass. Every time I take him to the garden to eat grass, he is full. When he comes home, he sleeps soundly. That is really pleasing. However, one day, Little White Rabbit was ill and looked listless. We took the rabbit to the pet hospital immediately, but we still didn't save her. At last, the little white rabbit died. I was very sad and missed this lovely little white rabbit all the time.

Later, my mother said that if I could take good care of myself in the future, I would buy another rabbit for me!

Composition of Grade One Animals (9)

My family has a cute little hamster - Xiaohei.

Xiaohei was wearing a black coat, with a pair of small black eyes on his triangular head, a small and sensitive nose under his eyes, an interesting three petal mouth, and two big front teeth in his mouth, which were very powerful. Even his little bed was torn to pieces by them.

It is very gluttonous. One morning when I went to feed it, I found that it was already "chirping" in the rice bowl, as if to say: "Little master, I am already hungry." I quickly brought him some worms to eat, and he left satisfied after eating quickly.

It is not only greedy, but also very sleepy. It's already noon, and it's still sleeping soundly. I can't wake it up. Finally, I came up with a clever plan to seduce him with his favorite insects. Sure enough, it woke up as soon as it smelled the 'smell of insects'.

I like it because it brings me countless joys.

Composition of Grade One Animals (10)

One day at noon, when I came back from school, what was my grandma's kitten? He didn't say I didn't see anything when I looked for it, but asked his mother, where is the kitten? He said, "I cried when my grandma lost me.

They finally became afraid of me and brought me a small black cat at the vegetable market. It was not like the previous one. It was very naughty, didn't follow me, and ran around. It only slept in its own nest and refused to catch mice. We all hated it. Finally, it was lost. I saw a cat every time on my way home, much like my old one. I would turn my head to have a look from time to time.

Because the cat was taken to the countryside and could never return, I never gave up until one day I found a cat exactly like it in the yard. I clapped my hands, and it ran around very fast. When it came to my arms, who could understand the mood? I couldn't bear to see it like that. I couldn't wait to run home and bathe it, It also kept licking my face, we have become a big meat pie, face red, can be happy!

In our laughter, day by day, time by day, we welcome the face every day and leave happily!

Composition of Grade One Animals (11)

When we go to the zoo, we should take good care of ourselves. Next, I sorted out the model essays for the first grade composition in the zoo. Welcome to read them.

Model composition 1 for the first grade of zoo

It's sunny today. My father took me to the zoo.

There are so many animals in the zoo! There are naughty monkeys, fierce tigers and lions, and cute rabbits.

The most interesting thing is that we went fishing. Don't underestimate those little fish. They are smart. They don't eat the food at once, but want to test it for a long time. When they find something, they swim away immediately. I spent a lot of effort to get a red little goldfish. I kept it in my fish tank.

Today, I had a very happy time, because with my father's company, we also added a lot of fun.

Model Composition 2 for Grade One of Zoo

On Sunday morning, the weather was sunny and white clouds were floating in the sky. The teacher took us to Nanchang Zoo to play.

When we arrived at Monkey Mountain, several big monkeys stared at us motionlessly, afraid that we would hurt their "little babies"; A monkey hooked a branch with his tail and was "hanging the golden bell upside down"; Some monkeys are munching on apples; And a big monkey is helping the little monkey catch lice

What a happy day!

Model composition 3 of zoo grade one

Today, my mother and I went to the zoo. We watched many animal performances, and I think the sea lion performance is the best. I took a picture with the elephant. Later, we saw goldfish, monkeys, tigers, lions, zebras and many other animals. The panda is the laziest, lying there motionless and dirty.

I told my mother that this is not a panda, but a yellow cat. As the panda rolled on the ground, its hair was dyed yellow by the soil.

Model Composition 4 for Grade One of Zoo

As we walked, we saw almost all the animals in the zoo: smart chimpanzees, lazy snakes, lovely raccoons... We also came across a "prison breaking" peacock on the road, which was walking around leisurely with a beautiful long tail.

After a day's walk, we were exhausted. Although my mother complained that each area of the zoo is too large and far away, and only a few animals can be seen after walking a lot of roads, I think this visit has yielded a lot. There are many animals not found in Shanghai, as well as rare natural scenery in Shanghai, which impressed me deeply. It is said that there are also several giant pandas sent from China. Unfortunately, they have gone elsewhere to participate in the exhibition tour. I will come again next year, and I believe we will be able to see our most lovely national treasure!

Zoo Grade One Composition Model 5

On a sunny day, Miss Li took a group of children to visit the zoo.

When we got to Monkey Hill, we were attracted by a group of cute little monkeys, only to see some monkeys eating apples with relish; Some are performing acrobatics to children; Some monkeys hang upside down on the tree and swing; Some are waving to children, as if to welcome them; There are two monkeys hiding behind the rockery talking quietly; There was also a monkey standing on the high rockery looking at everyone... The children were overjoyed to see the various shapes of the little monkey.

Composition of Grade One Animals (12)

Today, we played in the zoo. We had a good time watching the white tiger show, the crocodile show, and the elephant show. We had a picnic at the elephant show, so we didn't watch the elephant show. The scenery there was beautiful, but the place where we ate the picnic was dirty. When the sea lion show was performed, we watched it with relish. Everyone clapped their hands. The uncles and aunts there were very happy, When we walked to the white tiger performance arena, the road was very strange. It was a tiger's mouth and sharp teeth. Everyone shouted loudly. During the white tiger performance, some white tigers jumped into a fire ring, but two white tigers died. They were replaced by tigers. During the crocodile performance, everyone clapped their hands. They were very naughty. When uncles and aunts asked crocodiles to go into the water, they were unwilling to go into the water, The biggest crocodile is the most naughty one. Uncle and aunt asked the crocodile to go into the water. The crocodile was angry when he didn't want to go into the water and wanted to bite uncle and aunt. Fortunately, uncle and aunt hid quickly and were not bitten by the crocodile

Composition of Grade One Animals (13)

The heat of the day has already subsided, and the cold weather of the severe winter has not yet caught up with the season. It is now a crisp autumn day, and there is still a sense of coolness in the misty rain. Isn't it a good day to go for an outing in the countryside? The intense study kept me from going to the zoo for a long time. Today, taking advantage of this fine weather, I decided to have a good time to feel the grace left by Mother Nature for us, and to visit those friends who have been absent for a long time.

As soon as we entered Maohe Park, we ran straight to the zoo. There are so many animals here, and some new faces I have never seen before. The talking wren, the sleepy Chinese alligator, the ferocious African lion, the honest black bear??

We were greeted first by the lovely goats. We bought a handful of vegetables and rushed in. As soon as the goat saw the vegetables in our hands, all his relatives scrambled to grab them. There was a petite little black sheep. Because it could not rival the bigger goats, it had to hide quietly to watch them eat. After I found it, I gave it the most tender one. I couldn't help laughing when it ate with such relish.

The flow of people was so busy that I came to Monkey Mountain before I knew it. Seeing its smart little head melon seeds, red buttocks and free jumping in the tree, I have an unspeakable intimacy. Maybe it's because I'm a monkey, or maybe it's because I yearn for its free life!

After walking through the Monkey Mountain and seeing the goats, I should go to see the beasts that dominate the nature! Look, that lion is so lazy. He didn't cheer up when he saw us! "Roar??!" The lion opened its big, heroic mouth, exposed its fangs, and roared loudly. "It's really a beast in the forest!" I couldn't help sighing. "How can you even breathe?"

Unconsciously, it's time to leave here. Suddenly, a beautiful bird song came from a distance. Who says animals don't know feelings? Listen, it is saying goodbye to us! Goodbye, friend, see you soon.

Composition of Grade One Animals (14)

In my home, there is a small "zoo". There are three small animals in the small "zoo".

"Bang, bang, bang", our big fat bear is coming to us now. He is chubby, like a bucket. Why is he so fat? Because it was always him who "wound up" at the dinner table, he became fatter and fatter, and became ill for this reason. Now he has to keep losing weight. He is also very simple and honest. He always smiles and speaks slowly. He is my fat and honest father Big Bear.

Listen, the ground shook and the mountain shook, and the buffalo was angry again. She was very irritable. The first second was mild and the second was stormy. She is also fat. She keeps talking about losing weight, but she is still eating sweets. She doesn't eat meat yet, and always talks about what eating chicken affects development, and what eating pork will lead to diabetes. She is my mother. She is really like a big wild ox who is gluttonous and grumpy!

A small animal was basking lazily in the sun. Who is she? It was a kitten. She is a bit lazy. If you ask her to do something, she will delay for several minutes to do it. She is very smart and likes writing essays, but she doesn't like sports. The kitten is the little princess at home - I.

The small animals in the small "zoo" live in harmony. Although there are also quarrels and misunderstandings, they are happy all the time. This is our small "zoo"!

Composition of Grade One Animals (15)

My family has two lovely rabbits. The ears are black and long, the head is small, the front legs are short and thin, the back legs are thick and long, and the tail is short.

I gave them a new home. Look, they are jumping around as if they are familiar with their new home. They jumped up and down, their stomachs growling. I gave them a bowl of rabbit food, but I saw their bodies shaking. When one of them finished eating, he jumped up and made a noise, like an angry doll.

Rabbits have a good sense of hearing. If there is a faint sound, it will look in that direction. Today, I approached them quietly and fed them rabbit food, but they found me immediately. They are jumping up and down. They often grind their teeth!

I really like these two "little dolls". It's interesting to observe them!

Composition of Grade One Animals (16)

In my grandma's yard, I can often see some ants, which is also a kind of animal I like.

Ants always wear their own black clothes and look like there is some black sand on the ground from a distance. Ants are very cute when talking. Their antennae touch each other. Some people say that ants are fighting when they see them. Therefore, ants and I have feelings.

That day, I came to see my friends again. They were carrying food. It turned out that they were the bodies of beetles! Some ants have been touching their antennae, as if giving instructions, and some ants are carrying. They work very hard. After a while, they finally move the beetle to the "house". We human beings also need to unite like ants. The strength of unity is huge, so we must unite no matter what we do to do well. I have learned a lot from ants. My "friend" has taught me about unity. I like ants.

Composition of Grade One Animals (17)

My family has a grass turtle. There are many cracks on its shell, sharp claws, big and thick hands and feet, big head and small tail. It climbs slowly, has a hard shell and is timid. It often retracts its head into the turtle shell.

We don't need to feed it. It finds leaves and worms to eat. It is fat and cute. Sometimes it comes out to play, sometimes it basks in the sun lazily, sometimes it crawls happily. When I turn it over, it will stand upright.

In the morning, when his grandparents were playing Taijiquan, he listened to music first and moved his hands and feet from side to side. It seemed that he was playing Taijiquan with his grandparents! It can also tell us the weather. If it comes out, it will rain. If it doesn't come out, it will be sunny.

What a lovely grass turtle!