600 Word Narrative of Senior High School Entrance Examination Composition (11 in total)
Wake up in the morning
2023-09-16 00:24:45
Senior High School Entrance Examination

600 Word Narrative of Senior High School Entrance Examination Composition (1)

Teachers spread knowledge, just as the sun releases energy; Students receive education just as watermelon bathes in sunshine--- notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Ordinary things always contain extraordinary truth. Watermelon is also related to our study. We sit in the same classroom and receive the light and heat from the same teacher, but why is the fruit we finally harvest sweet and sour?

Take a class for example. At the moment when time was frozen, half of the students met Duke Zhou in the precious class, either with a table instead of a pillow or with an arm instead of a pillow. There are also students who do not "sleep", but are whispering with other students, immersed in their own small world. Other students (including me) neither doze nor chatter, but just sit with dull eyes, like an exquisite statue. When the writer is in class, his mind has already flown to somewhere. And the kind of students who can really follow the teacher and listen carefully. Often can strive for a relatively good result in the exam.

Time is precious, especially at home. Without the supervision of teachers, we just need to be conscious. As the poem goes, "Nobody has asked me for ten years, and I will become famous all over the world at once." This requires extraordinary persistence and perseverance. Success requires persistent pursuit, firm belief, and the spirit of not afraid of hardship. There is a famous saying: "If you want to stand out, you should bear loneliness, because the glory of success is hidden behind loneliness". I am not a person who can stand loneliness. On the contrary, what I fear most is loneliness. However, no pains, no gains. Before the exam, I had to overcome my loneliness and try my best to convert the energy "photosynthesis" on the reference books and review materials into energy and store it in my mind. In order to produce good fruit, it is important to bear loneliness.

The teacher teaches for us. He does not only speak for one person, but for each of us. The reason why our achievements are different is that we have different attitudes towards the sunshine from teachers. We should not be afraid of suffering in learning. We should take a tenacious attitude under the sun, bear the lonely spirit, fully absorb light and heat, and produce sweet fruits.

600 Word Narrative of Senior High School Entrance Examination Composition (2)

On the mountain where the clouds are flowing.

A flower is in bloom.

A gust of wind blew.

Leave a wisp of flower fragrance.

But I found it inadvertently.

The petals have long been ground into mud.

Looking at the wind in the distance.

When I was young, I firmly believed that we were the flowers of our motherland. Facing the sun, looking forward to growing up day by day.

Don't be afraid of the dark corridor. Don't look silly at the drool on the desk. A strong child is not afraid of everything.

In that treasure chest, I have my own secrets, very small secrets. Don't peep, it's just a rotten pen. But that's my dream again, teacher. I want to be a great writer. Oh, I blushed like a ripe persimmon.

My deskmate is sleeping. Rub your eyes and continue. well! Have you heard? My dream is to write good articles. what about you?

Occasionally, I sat on the balcony and listened to my mother say how naughty I used to be. Lying in the cradle, holding the cute bear doll, listening to the fragrant lullaby. But I couldn't sleep because I was counting the stars. In fact, I didn't even know 1, 2 or 3 at that time.

Lie to me, Mom.

Oh, stop laughing, Mom.

Youth, time makes people grow. Still firmly believe that the flowers will open, because there are already small buds. Just like waking up, I was ignorant, and used the sofa as a high platform, reading my childish articles broadly. My father said it was good, and my mother said my son was so talented.

Intoxicated, intoxicated, do not know the way home. God, since you are male, why are you too white! With a sigh, I can do the complicated homework when I am in a good mood.

It's time to be nervous. I can't breathe.

The teacher raised his glasses on the platform and coughed again.

"Yang Zhixiong, 100 points. Well, continue!"

Applause, tut tut, the male is really different. What will my father say when he sees it? Praise me and make him laugh when he sleeps. My son is really promising!

Don't laugh too much, boy.

Now, the time can be proud, the child has matured, and he is a big adult.

The flowers are blooming, attracting a group of butterflies and excited bees. The wind, blowing gently, brushed my face. The fragrance of flowers is so intoxicating.

Go home, Dad! The result of the composition contest has come down, do you want to listen? Absolute temptation.

"Hehe. First, pull!"

"Oh, really? Son. Don't be proud!" Dad smiled and put down his newspaper. "Go and see how my father's flowers are! Go and see!"

I don't understand these, so I don't know what kind of flower it is, but Tao is very beautiful, with big flowers, pink, gorgeous, and naughty drooping.

"Dad, you are good! The flowers are very beautiful."

There was that drunken laughter in the living room. Slightly trill, not so young smile.

The petals grow with the flowers, like a comic book, little by little, pouring love.

The flowers finally bloomed.

But, where are the petals? Accompanied by his growth and gave him strength, it dissipated with the wind of time. But the fragrance remains, in the heart of the flower, you are not old.

600 Word Narrative of Senior High School Entrance Examination Composition (3)

A pale paper, spinning in the wind, flying in the light. Search hard for only one answer.

When she was born in the countryside, her parents abandoned her because she had an extra finger. In that superstitious era, the six fingers were unlucky symbols. Just after she was born, she caused quite a stir in the village. Her mother nearly fainted when she saw her six fingers, while her father was so angry that he slammed the door. She grew up with Grandma, but even Grandma would snort when she saw her six fingers.

So she always hid his six fingers, so that Grandma wouldn't dislike him. In her spare time, she would also think: People often say that life is equal, but why am I despised because I have one more finger? People also say that the harvest is proportional to the effort. No matter what I do, I am inferior? She struggled to find the answer, but only pitiful, the blank answer is still blank, and the successive questions are only increasing. At noon one day, the scenery was beautiful, and birds were singing happy songs in the trees. The new teacher, dressed in bright clothes, stood on the platform and introduced himself. The teacher is a foreign volunteer teacher who speaks Chinese in cadence, which soon causes laughter in the class. Even she has swept away the gloom of the past and opened her mouth.

In class, the teacher called her to answer the question. She was very happy because the teacher only called her in the whole class. The teacher was also pleased because her tenacity remained unchanged over the years. Eight years ago, she was only five years old. When a young foreign volunteer teacher came to a small village, he saw her being bullied by a group of peers, and kept scolding: "Dirty six fingers, disgusting six fingers..." He ran to help her drive away the group of children, reached out to help her get up, but she ignored him and slapped the dust on her alone, but her eyes shocked her, How can such a small girl have such strong eyes. He said to him as an adult: "If you just obey and don't know how to resist, you will never change the status quo." He thought she would agree repeatedly, but the next answer was even more shocking: "Then, the premise of resistance is to have strength first!" The young volunteer returned to think about the girl repeatedly.

Eight years later, he was able to meet her again after his job was transferred. To his delight, the innocence and perseverance in her eyes still exist. She worked hard with the help of her teacher. A few years later, she went abroad with her teacher, and the six fingered girl who was hated in the small village became the favorite of angels. A few years later, she returned to her hometown and looked desolate. She suddenly understood the answer: God gave you a blank sheet of paper, and the writer was just you. If you try to describe, it will be a beautiful picture; If you don't write forward, you will regret for life.

A piece of paper is perfect, flying in the scenery, singing in the scenery. Look forward, don't worry, you will grow.

600 Word Narrative of Senior High School Entrance Examination Composition (4)

On the exam, when I saw the title of the composition, my thoughts returned to the Chinese class that made me deeply impressed.

As soon as the bell rang, the classroom became noisy. The students silently recited the "I love this land" they learned yesterday for help. I looked at the door for help with my back, praying that my husband would arrive later.

At this time, Mr. Chinese stepped into the classroom, and I reached the top of my heart: "It's over, I forgot all of them this morning... It would be terrible if I asked questions later..."

The teacher cleared his throat and everyone's recitation stopped. Sure enough, the teacher said, "Let's search for the text to recite." His sharp eyes mixed with a little encouragement to scan the class. The lecture hall was silent, even quieter than when we were studying by ourselves. I looked around secretly, everyone's head was almost down on the table, looking at the books for help. The teacher suddenly said, "recite today, and my classmates will ask me questions."

Our heads were all raised in a flash, our eyes were all thrown at our teachers, and we could not touch our heads. I turned my questioning eyes to my colleague, and she whispered, "What medicine is sold in the gourd, sir?"

The teacher then said: "Reciting has always been a difficult problem for students. A student asked me during my morning reading this morning whether he would recite if he always asked students to recite. I suddenly realized that to let students recite, first of all, the teacher should set an example. So I decided to recite this lesson by myself."

We were immediately excited and looked at the handout carefully to see if there were any mistakes in Mr. Search's recitation.

"If I were a bird/I should also praise it with my hoarse throat..." Mr.'s charming voice echoed in the lecture hall, and we were brought into a new world of poetry. In this world, there are poets' deep love for their homeland, their gnashing hatred for their aggressors, their deep love for their homeland under the trample of Japan's iron hooves, and their passion to devote themselves to their country

After reciting, we were still intoxicated with the recitation, and later, the lecture hall resounded with thunderous applause. A quiet smile spread on the gentleman's face. At this time, outside, the wind is rustling and birds are chirping.

This is my favorite Chinese lesson.

600 Word Narrative of Senior High School Entrance Examination Composition (5)

Some people say that the pen is a bridge connecting hearts.

Indeed, from ancient times to the present, countless great writers and poets have outlined their inner feelings with their pens. "Whether you know it or not, you should be green, fat, red and thin", which depicts Li Qingzhao's soul world of long lovesickness and thousands of melancholy feelings; Li Bai's heroic words, "When the wind blows and the waves break, the cloud sails are hung straight to squeeze the sea", show his broad-minded mind; The Monkey King in Journey to the West is brave and resourceful, and he fights against evil like a foe, which is entrusted to the author Wu Chengen's distinctive outlook on life and values. All beautiful things, pure hearts and complex emotions are born under the pen, shining light under the pen, and close to the hearts of the author and readers under the pen!

There are all kinds of pens in the world, so there are different kinds of life in the world. The uninhibited and broad-minded person is like a brush, vigorous and forceful without losing the unyielding spirit; Lively and cheerful people are like color pens. They always like to decorate their life with various colors; Those who follow suit and flatter are like ballpoint pens. They turn around and act according to the wind; Those who are indifferent and indifferent are like chalk. Their footprints are pale and powerless, and they are gone in a blink of an eye... Life with various shapes is like a variety of pens, playing different roles.

Life is too short to live in vain, and the result will only be forgotten like a pencil, leaving no trace. And those who are willing to contribute and persistent pursuers will have a strong and powerful life like a pen, leaving permanent footprints in life.

Perhaps we should not be demanding. We do not need to copy their footprints according to the previous models, nor do we need to be a famous operator. We should create another unprecedented "pen" to describe our beautiful life heartily on the youth scroll.

600 Word Narrative of Senior High School Entrance Examination Composition (6)

The wind is whistling and sweeping the hometown; The rain, falling, caresses the hometown, but the long lost sunshine is unwilling to meet us again. The trees are withered and fallen, the earth is exposed, but in this dead winter there is still life: birds are still flying, animals are still happy, and streams are flowing away. Everything in nature is so harmonious and beautiful.

Some people always think that: gray is desolate; Golden is rustic; Black is dark, and nature in winter is vulgar in their eyes, so they began to wear bright colors, trying to change the so-called "vulgar" environment around them. Red and green, colorful colors have come out, and people compare their "trendy" fashions with each other, but the fact is completely opposite.

The yellow color in autumn represents the joy of harvest, and the romantic and elegant beauty of the deciduous trail; The white in winter is the auspicious omen of the "bumper year" and the pure state; The green of spring represents new hope, and the revival of everything is the joy of life; The blue in summer is cool lake water, refreshing. Nature gives all kinds of colors to the four seasons. Sometimes it is heavily made up, but it is charming and moving; Sometimes it is simple and elegant, but it is noble. No matter what color is beautiful, even the most desolate scenery has its unique design. Nature goes its own way, regardless of anyone's advice, it still wields the pure color in its hands according to its will, so that the four seasons have their own characteristics and never tire of watching.

The most amazing thing is the rich imagination of nature: Hainan is summer all the year round, with sunny beaches; The perennial snow of Mohe River, pines and cypresses stand erect; Kunming is like spring all the year round, with flowers blooming; The autumn scenery of Beijing is natural and unrestrained, and the red leaves all over the mountains... form fantastic and beautiful pictures. In front of these natural and unadorned pictures, human beings can only be surprised and regretful, but they are far away. However, the vulgar crowd has abandoned this masterpiece of the highest level, built old and dull buildings, and the factory has mercilessly torn up pictures that are "worthless" in its eyes. The smell of copper has become a synonym for the vulgar crowd. Although nature protested everything, they remained unmoved. Wearing masks and colorful clothes, they shuttle around the city, trying to imitate the most inconspicuous bud in nature, but they can never do it, because they have lost the essence of nature

600 Word Narrative of Senior High School Entrance Examination Composition (7)

I am a silkworm, a silkworm forgotten by people in the high-speed world. I only know that the starting point of life is life, and the end point is death. I am ready to go through the life course of only a few months safely and quietly. My partner and I were locked in a box with fresh mulberry leaves all around. We lay in the pile of mulberry leaves all day long, wriggling lazily and nibbling at the leaves. As a silkworm, I never thought about what a dream is.

When I heard the departure of winter, I woke up in a certain month and year, and saw the beautiful spring outside the box. A creature called "butterfly" waved its beautiful wings and played among the flowers. I longed to be like them, so the seed called "dream" was implanted in my heart, and it was budding.

I finally understand why I eat mulberry leaves every day.

I raised my head with difficulty, and the white plump body showed a faint cyan color. Having eaten countless mulberry leaves, I am getting mature and ready to spin silk and cocoon like my companions. I straighten my front and spit silk. It was very tiring to spit silk, but I did not hesitate to spit. I weave the cocoon tirelessly, day after day, and slowly wrap myself up. I once thought about giving up, but the blue sky, the white clouds, the colorful butterflies flashed in my mind! These are the goals that I have been pursuing all my life! Maybe this is the power of dreams. I was tightly locked in the dark pupa. I cocoon, I bind myself, I bear the pain that is unforgettable. Success or failure depends on one thought. To dream, bear, bear.

That day finally came. I bit open the cocoon, flapped the small wings and ran to the sun. I'm imagining the color of my wings and the incomparable flying posture.

With the sunshine, I look back at my wings. Ah! It was so ugly: yellow and dim, like withered leaves in autumn!

Why? Why? Doesn't it mean that you can gain by giving? What about the fruit? Where is it?

My companion laughed at me and said, "Don't be silly. Silkworms can only become moths! If you want to become butterflies, you can dream!" When I saw those beautiful fairies dancing again, I felt even more humble. The dream has become a bubble, I have no power to fly to the flower field.

I live in an inferiority complex, and dare to fly alone in the dark darkness invisible to others. The dream in my heart turns into a spark, ah, it is leading me forward. Finally, I rushed to it. So I disappeared into the flames.

My soul is rising

After a very long time, I woke up and found that I was in the sea of flowers with beautiful butterflies beside me. Flowers praise the patterns and unique tentacles on my wings. I am no longer an ugly moth. The sun shines on me, and the light spots are like gold. The halo covers me, making me the most dazzling butterfly in the sea of flowers. Dream, round. I changed again, this time it was my heart.

Young seedlings of dreams eventually bear fruit of dreams. I am beautiful because I have transformed into a butterfly. I am beautiful because I am a persistent dreamer.

600 Word Narrative of Senior High School Entrance Examination Composition (8)

Whose enchanting dance is all over the country, whose smile hides all the tears, whose heart warms the confusion of the flourishing age...... The history of the legend of Zhaojun can not be exhausted through the waves, and the long wind of time can not blow the face of the old city. We can't help asking: whose soul have you warmed with your heart?

In the face of marriage, when the funeral concubines in the harem scrambled to hide, Zhaojun stepped forward and was willing to be the envoy of marriage. Your unrepentant heart warms the indifferent hearts of many people inside and outside the court. When the Han emperor saw Zhaojun's "beautiful decorations, bright Han Palace, Gu Ying wandering and moving", he regretted suddenly, and Zhaojun smiled... I picked up a star with dew, cut the cloud in the west under Xu Zhimo's pen, secretly cut it into colorful exercises, and made your wedding dress, How I wish I could cut off your sadness of separation. I look forward with tears, Zhaojun, it is you who have warmed my mind hesitating to dream with your heart.

In the boundless desert, the unchangeable thing is to leave people's choice. "The moon on the land of the Han Dynasty and Qin Dynasty illuminates the imperial concubine by taking photos". You bravely waved your tears to the west, and saw your figure standing toward the place where the setting sun was far away. The wild geese flew low and the moon shone high. Did your heart warm the hearts of heaven and earth?

You pick up your beloved pipa and say, "The pipa has spoken in Hu for thousands of years, and clearly resents the music.". Your tenderness has been turned into rain drops at dusk, falling into dust, and merging into a bay of wordless sadness. You look for the last drop of rain, and when it falls, it is your tears; Do, but can not forget the world you have come, this distance you have set foot in. The annals of Han Dynasty also engraved that this tear never dried up.

You look back and smile knowingly, because you see the scene of "the city gate is closed, cattle and horses are spreading wild, there is no dog barking in the third generation, and the people forget to fight". Since then, the wind outside the Great Wall is no longer cold, the Zhengfu no longer complains, the complaining wives no longer cry, they burst into tears and laughed, and countless families ended their sleepless nights. Just because you have warmed all of this with your unrepentant heart. Zhaojun, a woman shouldered the prosperity of a dynasty with her weak shoulders;

Zhaojun, a woman's unrepentant heart warmed the big man's heart - in exchange for nearly half a century of peace and tranquility of the big man.

Warm your heart with your heart. It flies higher and cries louder

600 Word Narrative of Senior High School Entrance Examination Composition (9)

The old trees in front of the gate grow new buds/the dead trees in the yard bloom again/there are many words in the middle of their lives/they hide their white hair

After watching the program "Where is Dad?", my father always likes to say that he is old. I listened quietly beside him and looked at his graying hair growing on his temples, and then I realized that time has really gone.

When I was young, my father liked to rub my face with his beard, so I would reflexively avoid and beat his face hard, but my father pretended to be very happy: "My daughter grew up and knew that she had massaged me." Then I used my skills: "Mom, Dad bullied me again." My father withered when he saw that I asked my mother for help. Who said that in a family, father is afraid of mother! I realized it, and then I smiled aside

My father and I were happy when we were young. Since when did my father and I have no more words, except the necessary communication every day. I forgot, and I think my father also forgot. Yes, time is flowing away, but it has also built a wall between my father and me, blocking the communication between our hearts. In my memory, my father's greatness began to disappear, until later I realized that my father was really old, and those happy times were really gone forever

I go to school by bike every day when I am in the third day of junior high. Once when I went home at noon, the car went on strike. At lunch, I said "The car is going to retire" and began to eat by myself. My father left his job and went out without a word. I thought he was out watching TV, but I didn't care. Until my father came in and said to me, "I really underestimated my daughter before. It's unprecedented to ride the bike like that!" My heart warmed and I felt that I had returned to my childhood. "How will you go to school later? Or I will send you." I nodded in astonishment. I sat in the back seat of my father's car, holding his clothes tightly. It occurred to me in a trance that when I was a child, I was sitting in the back seat of my father's car in the same way, my body was close to his back, the sound of wind whistling in my ears, greedily sucking the warmth of my father.

"Hold on." My father's warm voice interrupted my reverie. I watched my father pedal the car with difficulty, and my heart rippled. Yes, my father is so old that he even began to work hard on cycling.

"Dad, let's stop here. I still have a way to go by myself." I stopped my father from moving forward in front of a big slope. "Oh, all right. Slow down and watch out for the car." Father said and turned away. I watched my father leave, one step, two steps, three steps, turn around! Yes, my father turned around. I waved to him and walked away.

Watching my father's passing away, I quietly hummed the pop song: "Where has the time gone? I am old before I have a good feeling of youth. I have children and daughters. All my life..." In the growth ring of time, my father gave the best youth to his children, but silently took on all of it. We have been enjoying it quietly, sometimes with such indifference.

600 Word Narrative of Senior High School Entrance Examination Composition (10)

The mango with black spots is my best reward. It is Grandma's deep love.

——- Title

When the aroma of mango wafts into my nose and winds around me, I think of the best reward. At this time, Grandma's love is like the aroma of mango, which encircles my heart and fills my heart

That year, I went to my grandma's house to play in my spare time. In the yard, I nestled in my grandmother's arms, pointed to the immature mangoes on the tree and cried, "I want to eat this!"

Although the green skin of mango is a little green, it has drawn my greedy taste.

"No, not yet." Grandma smiled. "When you come back from the first place in the exam, Grandma will reward you, OK?" I clapped my hands and shouted good. Grandma kissed my forehead and smiled warmly

Back in the city, I forgot all about it until the phone that stabbed my heart rang, "Grandma is dead!" At the other end of the phone, my aunt was already sobbing. I was stunned. A tear ran across my face. The regret tears hurt my heart very much. I really got the first place, but I didn't report to my grandma. I forgot my grandma in the distance. I hate myself! With tears on my face, I got on the bus to the hospital.

The sheets in the hospital were horribly white, and there was a strong smell of medicine everywhere. Grandma was lying on the bed quietly. Just as everyone was looking at Grandma who finally woke up, the doctor said it was a reflection of the past, and everyone was silent. I tried to hold back my tears and threw myself at Grandma. I was surprised to see that Grandma's calloused hand was holding a mango full of black spots. She was holding it so hard, and her muddy eyes were full of reluctance. My mother told me that it was she who told my grandmother that I had won the first prize. Grandma always said she would reward me with a mango. When she came to the hospital, she brought this mango to me and said she would reward me with her own hands.

I could no longer hold back my feelings. "Grandma, you will get better. Don't leave me!" I cried with a tearful voice. My heart felt like being cut by a knife, and tears poured down.

"Reward...... Reward...... Mango......" Grandma murmured, her godless eyes showed a kind of kindness that only I could understand, then she used all her strength to trembling put the mango into my hand, and tightly held my hand, "OK...... OK...... Read......" Grandma's hoarse voice could only be heard by me. I nodded, tears rolling in my eyes.

Suddenly, Grandma loosened her hair hand and closed her eyes gently. At this time, my tears poured out desperately, pattering on my hands and mangoes. I felt how heavy the mangoes were. Looking at Grandma's quiet face, I silently said, "Yes, I will study hard!"

I will never forget that mango, which is the best reward!

It was another summer, and the mangoes were ripe again. The golden mangoes recalled my deep thoughts. The smell of mango is getting stronger and stronger, just like Grandma's love, that's the best reward Grandma gave me.

600 Word Narrative of Senior High School Entrance Examination Composition (11)

[Composition Title]

Title: Beautiful episode

Requirements: narrative and description as the main form, and other expressions as well; The content is substantial, expressing true feelings and writing smoothly; Do not use network language. The full text should not be less than 600 words, but not more than the given words; If the school name and person name appear in the text, please use Yuying School, Siqi School, Xiao Wang, Xiao Li, Xiao Fang and Xiao Jing instead.

[Excellent Model Text]

Beautiful Episode

Life will not be smooth, more or less there will be bad times, but we can see these as beautiful episodes, because we can learn a lot from them.

Today is the first day of the senior high school entrance examination. When I was on the bus to the examination room, I overheard two boys mention the entrance examination permit. I was shocked because I found that I had made a big mistake. I forgot to bring the entrance examination permit. When I was preparing the night before, I left this most important thing alone. I didn't dare to delay any longer. I hesitated to explain the matter to my father. My father frowned and asked me, "How about going home to get it? It's still too late." I shook my head, in case of traffic jam when I came back. "The teacher seems to have a copy," I whispered. "Then call the teacher quickly." Father took out his mobile phone from his pocket. I dialed the teacher's phone with my heart up and down. My palms were sweating with nervousness, waiting for the teacher's severe reprimand, because the admission card was repeatedly emphasized. When I explained everything, the teacher did not blame me as expected, but comforted me in a soft voice and said that she would help me find a way. With the teacher's reassurance, my restless heart calmed down a lot. After getting off the bus, the teacher called again a few steps later: "Hey, Xiaojing, I haven't left for the examination room yet, or you can tell me where your home is, and I'll get it for you." At that moment, my heart was immersed in warm water, surrounded by a warm current. The teacher had to give up this method because there was no one at home. She later said that she asked me to go to the headmaster of our school to issue a certificate, and she had already contacted me. I thanked him repeatedly, but the teacher just told me to calm down and take a good exam. My father accompanied me all the way and never said a word of blame, which made me feel guilty. When I arrived at the examination room, I found the headmaster to give a certificate, and my heart was finally secure.

At the moment, I am writing fast. This episode before the high school entrance exam has passed, but I know I will never forget it. Because from this episode, I learned to be grateful again. I was grateful to my teacher. I didn't scold me for my troubles, but comforted me; I am grateful to my father for silently accompanying me all the way, accompanying me with anxiety and reassurance, never complaining. Thank them for every word of comfort and for not blaming them.

Life is a play, there will be episodes in the play, but no matter which one, we can gain a lot, and this one will be the most beautiful episode in my years of editing!


Forgetting to bring the admission card is a real incident in the process of the middle school entrance examination, and the little author learned how to be grateful from this incident, making it a beautiful episode.

This is a simple and elegant examination composition. The little writer did not use flowery words or sedulously use sensational expressions, but just described the context of the matter, wrote the true feelings, but read fascinating. The reason is that the author is very good at sorting out the narrative context from the complicated trivia, cutting down the complexity and simplifying, highlighting the focus, seemingly inadvertently telling, containing unusual narrative skills, which is really valuable for a high school entrance exam candidate.