My Childhood Stories (11 required)
Drowning in the deep sea
2024-02-17 05:25:53
Junior 1

My childhood story (1)

On February 25, 1999, when it was still dark and people were still asleep, I could not wait to get out of my mother's belly and come to the world with a burst of crying.

Time flies. Under the careful care of my parents, I grew up slowly, learned to walk, learned to speak, and went to kindergarten. I am an outstanding person in kindergarten! I often work as a teacher's assistant! On September 12, 2004, I went to the Saturday Bubble Hall organized by the first Zhejiang Children's TV Station with my good friend Sheng Kefan! I still remember that day. I was very excited that morning. I didn't expect that I could go on TV, because Sheng Kefan and I only knew about it last night. Although we had practiced all night, we were still nervous. Because this is going to be on TV. What if I make a fool of myself! Will make a fool of the school. I was relieved to hear the teacher's comfort. At 8:30 a.m., we arrived at the TV station. When we entered the TV station with excitement, there was no such program. When we asked, we learned that the teacher had mistaken the time, causing us to go for nothing. By the next day, I was even more excited. I got up after five o'clock. What about Sheng Kefan? I didn't sleep much, and turned into a panda face, which killed me! Time passed quickly. It was 7 o'clock. The teacher took us to the TV station again. It was only 7: 25, and there was still an hour to attend the program! We have to wait for a long time! We waited and waited, and finally started! Sheng Kefan and I received warm applause as soon as we entered, and we were shocked. Unexpectedly, when so many people came to the bench, we just sat down and heard warm applause again. The host began to ask all kinds of questions. Sheng Kefan and I answered each question fluently. Finally, we were able to compete. I made a tea set, while Sheng Kefan made a pig. After more than an hour of competition, I won the first prize and Sheng Kefan won the second prize.

Time flies. In the blink of an eye, we went to primary school, but we still remember some things clearly when we were young. If you still want to know about me, please ask me!

My Childhood Story (2)

I remember once when I was young, my father and I went fishing. Suddenly, a fish got hooked. I pulled the fishing rod hard, but it escaped. My father told me: "You should gently pull the fishing rod, or the fish will run away immediately when they are frightened." When the fish bit the hook for the second time, I gently pulled the fishing rod and put it back and forth several times. Sure enough, it was the same as my father said. I really caught a fish! From that time on, I learned to fish.

My Childhood Story (3)

When I was a child, I was very naughty, always making trouble and being naughty. Even adults sometimes have no choice against me. Now, let's take a look at the story of my childhood.

It was a Thursday afternoon. Mom came home from work, changed her slippers, put her key bag on the shoe cabinet, walked into the kitchen, put on her scarf, and went to cook. I took advantage of my mother's inattention and slipped quietly to the shoe cabinet. I had a bad idea: this key bag should be very important. I hid it to make my mother worried. It must be fun. He "stole" the key bag from the shoe cabinet and put it in his coat pocket. After a while, my mother finished cooking and asked me to go to dinner first. She put the things to be used tomorrow in the bag and prepared them. As expected, suddenly, my mother screamed, "Ah! Where is my key bag My mother saw me looking on coldly and said, "Come and help me find my key bag. Don't just sit there." I answered "Oh" and pretended to look for it.

Just after looking for a while, my mother suddenly looked sharp at my coat pocket and said: "What's hidden in the pocket on the left of your coat?" "No, it's nothing." "Show it to me." My mother said with an order. "Really... really nothing," I stammered, trying to resist. But after all, the paper could not wrap the fire, so my mother forced me to hand over the key. Finally, of course, I can't escape from my mother's scolding.

Well, after seeing my experience as a child, you must have no way with me, right? I am a naughty and disruptive girl. Although this always happens, it enriches my childhood.

My childhood story (4)

When I was a child, I had a heart attack. My parents had this disease when they gave birth to me.

I have lived in the hospital every day since I was born. It is only two weeks since I left, and time is running out. My parents still don't have enough money. My mother runs around every day to borrow money for me. Finally, on the day of operation, she received 20000 yuan. I heard from my mother that I just slept soundly that day, so the operation was very successful, My mother asked the doctor to operate with imported steel bars from the United States for about 5 hours. My mother was waiting outside. She was so worried. I love my mother.

My mother thought it would be all right after the surgery, but unexpectedly, I had a fever of 41 degrees that night, so I moved into my "hometown" - the hospital where I was taking drops and gas, but it was still useless for several weeks. Later, we lived for a whole month before leaving the hospital. At that time, we were penniless. It took several months to pay off our debts.

Look at the story of my childhood, but I still have this "knife".

My Childhood Story (5)

[Story I of My Childhood: Story of Old Photos]

Each family has some memorable old photos.

Looking at these old photos, the past years will reappear in front of us. It seems that the happiness and sadness that once existed occurred yesterday.

My family also has some old photos. In my spare time, I often look up these old photos.

These old photos have been stored for a long time, and they are true records of the past years.

One Saturday afternoon, after finishing my homework, I stayed at home alone and wanted to watch TV, but there was no good program. So I rummaged around at home, hoping to find something new.

I turned and turned, and finally got something - a red photo album. When I opened it, I found several small photos. Who is she? After turning over a few pages, I saw a group photo of my mother and Peep. I think: the little dot in the photo may be me.

There is a picture of the little one eating cookies with relish.

Once, my mother said to me, "When you were young, you were very gluttonous!" I was very angry and asked my mother why.

Mother said: "When you were young, you liked to eat biscuits very much. I will buy them for you as soon as you see them. Every time you eat biscuits, you always ask for one first to taste them. If they are delicious, you need some more. However, at that time, you were still young and could not take a few at a time, so you put the biscuits in your armpit. There was really no place to put them, so you began to eat them in large mouthfuls. " I think this picture of me eating cookies should be taken at that time.

After seeing many photos of my childhood, I suddenly felt that I was so naive and cute when I was young!

However, the past years have gone forever, and only these old photos have accompanied me!

[Story II of My Childhood: A Beautiful Childhood]

As time goes by, I have grown from a babbling child to a vigorous young pioneer. In the 12 years of growth, every bit of joy of growth is engraved in my heart.

I remember that shortly after I entered the first grade, with my mother's encouragement, I formally began to sleep independently.

That night, I slept alone in the small room, turned off the lights, and the room was dark. Lying on the bed, I always feel as if something is hidden under the bed, the curtains seem to be shaking all the time, and it seems that there are many monsters and ghosts on the ceiling grinning at me. I was so scared that I covered my head with a quilt. Sometimes I yelled, sometimes I wailed, and I didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night. Mother had no choice but to carry me to the big bed. My first independent sleep ended in failure.

After a while, I proposed to sleep alone, and my mother readily agreed. That afternoon, I started to prepare. Put my favorite "Little White Tiger" on the bedside, several "* * *" on the bedside, and "Monkey King" on the cabinet. I imagined that such an arrangement would make the demons and ghosts dare not invade. In the evening, accompanied by "them", I got into bed. In a trance, the scene of Little Tiger Returns, my favorite cartoon when I was a child, emerged in my mind: a little white tiger crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, went through thousands of hardships, learned the ability to survive independently, and finally returned to his hometown. Thinking, thinking, I gradually fell asleep, dreaming that I was the brave little white tiger, living happily in the forest

When I woke up in the morning, I was very happy. What I was happy about was not just the dream of last night, but the joy of my growth. I know that I have said goodbye to fear and cowardice, and I can sleep so sweet and sweet alone!

Birds grow up and learn to fly in the blue sky; Fish grow up and learn to swim freely in the vast ocean; I am also growing up, like grass to meet the wind and rain, and grow strong!

A lot of things happened to me when I was a child, and many of them are vague in memory. But there is one thing that makes me remember deeply and unforgettable.

At that time, I lived at my grandparents' home. One night, I was standing on my mother's chair, grabbing Mahua food with my mother. Finally, I grabbed it and jumped proudly. Unfortunately, I fell off the chair with Mahua.

Then my arm felt a great pain, and I immediately cried.

My father and mother were so worried that they sweated all over their heads. They quickly picked me up and sent me to the hospital.

After taking the film, the doctor said that my right arm was broken, so he tied a plaster for me. I didn't understand anything at that time. I was afraid and cried again. When the doctor saw me moving around, he accelerated to fix the plaster. My injured arm has been uncomfortable because the doctor's cast is too tight. But I didn't cry all night, just cried a few times when I was very uncomfortable.

It was not until my mother came back from work the next day that she found that my fingers were a little purple, so she hurried to the hospital to get a cast again.

This time I didn't cry. The doctor praised me and said, "You are very good and brave."

After a period of treatment, my arm gradually recovered its function. Congratulations!

This is the most impressive thing that happened in my childhood, and it is also a small episode on my growth path. It let me see my naughty and brave side.

[Story 4 of My Childhood: Listen to My Mother Tell My Childhood Story]

My mother often said that my childhood stories were very funny and I did something that made my family laugh and cry.

One sunny afternoon, my mother and I were alone at home. After a while, my mother came to me and said to me gently, "Daughter, my mother told you a funny story when you were a child." At that time, when you were only three or four years old, a funny story about your childhood happened in your grandmother's home. Your grandfather made a bottle of yellow rice wine and put it in a coke bottle. Just as you walked into the room, soon you saw a bottle of "Coca Cola" in a corner of the living room, and you immediately picked up the "Coke" and drank a few mouthfuls. Later, as you drank, you thought something was wrong, so you stopped. Then you cried out, "Ah! How could this happen? It's bitter and sweet. What is this?" Your grandfather saw it and came up to you kindly, saying: "Silly boy, this is yellow rice wine, not coke, you can't drink it." You smiled and said to your grandfather, "Grandpa, I thought this bottle of yellow rice wine was coke just now! So I drank a few mouthfuls." Your words made your grandparents laugh on the spot.

I learned from my mother's story about my childhood that I was really funny and cute when I was young.

My Childhood Story (6)

My mother often tells me stories of my childhood. Whenever I mention interesting things about my childhood, I can't help laughing. I will miss and rejoice. When I was a child, those lovely and naughty expressions of ignorance and babbling emerged in front of my eyes, making people dream.

Everything I did as a child was "stupid"! To borrow a common saying, "It's so silly!" Listening to my mother's narration, I laughed loudly while thinking of the funny picture at that time. I snuggled up beside my mother and played with that pot of mung beans, ah! One did not pay attention, but listened to the sound of "clattering". Those little mung beans rolled all over the ground! Scattered here and there, some even look like naughty dolls that never stop rolling. My mother wanted to "teach" me a lesson when she saw it. I could see that I picked up the little green beans on the ground at an unsteady pace. With a charmingly naive look, she could not help smiling and shaking her head, saying that I was a "little silly girl" and a "little pest".

It is true that no matter what I do, I am always "dangling", just like the confused "Crayon Shin Sing". I clearly want to help, but I don't want to. Under my "hard work", things become messy, and the more I help, the more busy I am; What's more, no matter what I say, I am always "naive", always without thinking, sometimes speaking very "straight" and "hurting others". You see, my mouth has become a veritable "little crow's mouth".

Listening to my mother telling me interesting stories about my childhood, I felt as if I had returned to the innocent age when I was a child. How memorable and memorable it is!

My Childhood Story (7)

Today is the first day of winter vacation. I felt so familiar when I walked into the farmer's market in Donggang. My childish step started here. Every stall here is a place for me to play and learn, and my famous clumsiness comes from here.

I was brought up in the countryside by Sihong's grandmother from zero to three years old. The first thing I will say is "Ah Nai"! In the past three years, I saw the aged women all called "Ah Nai!" They all said I was so smart and sensible.

When I arrived in Suzhou when I was three years old, my environment was a farmer's market. When I saw the grannies receiving money in the market, I also affectionately called them "Ah Nai". They said, "No," "I have to call it Grandma." They taught me the pronunciation of the word "Grandma" and made me learn it twice before letting me go.

The next day, when I went to the market, I saw that those grannies who collected money were called "Ah Nai" again. Grandma corrected me again. On the third day, I still didn't correct the name of "Grandma"... After a week of correction, I finally learned to use "Grandma" to address elderly women. I learned the word "Grandma" too slowly, so my stupid name came out in the market.

My Childhood Story (8)

My mother told me that when I was young, I had fun: dark hair, fat face, white, white, tender, like a "flour dumpling", which was loved by everyone. Plus a pair of particularly smart black eyes, it is more pleasing.

Listen, my mother is telling me the story of my childhood again

Once, I saw a red ribbon behind the plane on the TV, which was very beautiful. I immediately found a red silk ribbon from the wardrobe and stuck it on my buttocks with double-sided adhesive tape, and ran in the room. The red silk ribbon floated with the wind. At that time, I was like a small fox chased by others. When my father pulled my "red tail", I lost my footing and fell on all fours. My father is busy pulling me. It's neither early nor late. Just when my father came to pull me, I farted and nearly smoked my father to death. Now I can't help laughing.

"There are many interesting things!" Mother smiled and told another story

One day, my mother took me to play in the park. I looked around and saw a snack bar. I held my mother's hand and walked there. At that time, I didn't know how to speak. I pointed at the hot dog and the ice cream. Mom understood, and she ordered some of my favorite food. There are probably many people waiting for a long time, but my food hasn't arrived yet. I can't wait. I snatched an ice cream from a child who is smaller than me and solved the problem. The child cried loudly and I didn't care. The food we ordered finally arrived, and I snatched it from the waiter's hand. The juice cup turned over and splashed all over me. I took off my coat and threw it on the ground. I quickly knelt on it and licked it. Then I glanced at the ice cream on the table again, grabbed it and bit it. Suddenly, I sneezed out the ice cream just in my mouth and splashed it on the face of the waitress sister. She wiped the dirt off her face, scraped my little nose and said, "You little guy, you are so naughty!" When she was not paying attention, I made a face at her and made everyone present laugh. The little friend also ran over and smeared another ice cream on my face, and I suddenly became a "little face". I was not angry. Instead, I stretched out my tongue and licked it. I laughed foolishly, which made my mother unable to laugh or cry.

This is my childhood, both naughty and greedy, do you like it?

My Childhood Story (9)

Hi! Hello, everyone. I'm Zhao Xinran. Let me tell you a little secret. In fact, my childhood name was Zhao Qi. I was born on January 20, 2003 in Beijing Haidian District Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital. At that time, my father and mother worked in Beijing.

My mother told me that I had a thrilling experience when I was a child. It was the sixth day after my birth. The nurse aunt pushed our newborn baby to the nursery to take a bath. My mother said that we had four tiny children in a car. When the nurse aunt pushed us back to the delivery room after washing us, she called the parents according to the number tag on our clothes, But when the father took over the baby, he was stunned: "How come the big eyes of the baby turned into small eyes after the bath?" The mother also cried anxiously: "No, no, my girl's hair is black and long." Everyone in the delivery room also panicked. When the father looked into the car, he saw a child staring around with big eyes, "This is my girl!" Dad said eagerly. "Don't panic, don't panic, the number plate on the child's wrist is not taken down when taking a bath," said the nurse aunt. Guess what? The child with big eyes is really me. Hee hee, it's dangerous enough.

Zhao Xinran, Grade 3, No. 17 Primary School, Hongshan District, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia

My Childhood Stories (10)

My mother often said that my childhood stories were very funny and did something that made my family laugh and cry.

One sunny afternoon, my mother and I were alone at home. After a while, my mother came to me and said to me gently, "Daughter, my mother told you a funny story when you were a child." At that time, when you were only three or four years old, a funny story about your childhood happened in your grandmother's home. Your grandfather made a bottle of yellow rice wine and put it in a coke bottle. Just as you walked into the room, you saw a bottle of "Coca Cola" from a corner of the living room and immediately picked up the "Coke" and drank a few mouthfuls. Later, as you drank, you thought something was wrong, so you stopped. Then you cried out, "Ah! How could this happen? It's bitter and sweet. What is this?" Your grandfather saw it and came up to you kindly, saying: "Silly boy, this is yellow rice wine, not coke, you can't drink it." You smiled and said to your grandfather, "Grandpa, I thought this bottle of yellow rice wine was coke just now! So I drank a few mouthfuls." Your words made your grandparents laugh on the spot.

I learned from my mother's story about my childhood that I was really funny and cute when I was young.

Grade 5 of Lanshi Primary School in Chancheng District, Foshan, Guangdong: Yu Lirong

My Childhood Story (11)

My mother used to exchange eggs for a math book, and accidentally broke the egg. The kind boss gave him a copy.

As soon as my mother came home from school, she found that her homework book had been finished. She asked her grandmother for money to buy a new one. Grandma turned over all the drawers. At that time, there was no money. My mother used others' leftovers from grade one to grade five. Grandma left quietly and took an egg from the chicken house. She handed it to her mother and said, "You can exchange it for a notebook

The roads at that time were not as good as they are now. They were all cement roads. At that time, there were many mountain roads and many potholes. There were two mountains to climb from the nearest shop.

My mother walked alone on the path in the mountains, and soon came to the first mountain. My mother had to work hard to climb up the mountain. As the saying goes, it is easy to climb up the mountain, but it is difficult to go down the mountain. My mother has to fall a few times when she goes down the mountain. But he put the eggs in his arms and never broke down the mountain. My mother was exhausted. She found a small gully to drink water and continued on her way, When my mother came to fight the second mountain, she didn't hurry up. It was getting dark and she had to find a stick to explore the way. There were many wild boars on the mountain. After all the twists and turns, my mother finally arrived at the shop. She rushed into the shop, carefully opened the handkerchief, and looked at the paper handkerchief with expectant eyes. When the handkerchief was opened, my mother immediately sat on the ground and cried "wow". Because he kept tightening his handkerchief all the way and broke the egg, the store manager came up to him and asked, "What's wrong?" Mother pointed at the book in the cabinet and cried. The store manager seemed to understand. He turned to the cabinet and walked to it, took a math book, handed it to his mother and said, "Here, this book is for you, and the egg is for me." Mom stopped crying when she heard this. The store manager said, "Go back quickly and don't let your mother worry." Mom took the book and was ready to go. The store manager gave her a flashlight and said, "Remember to pay me back next time." Mom took the flashlight and the book and left happily. The store manager also went back.

The short figure and the touching story all let us reflect on ourselves in the happy life.