Mid Autumn Festival in Grade Two (19 articles in total)
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2024-04-12 00:06:45
second grade

Mid Autumn Festival for Grade 2 (1)

The 15th day of August is one of the most important festivals of the Chinese nation - the Mid Autumn Festival. On that day, people ate moon cakes, watched the moon, and some places had lanterns, which was very lively

The reason why this day is called the Mid Autumn Festival is that August is the second month of autumn, which was called the Mid Autumn Festival in ancient times. Because it is in the middle of autumn and August, it is called the Mid Autumn Festival in the folk.

On the eve of the Mid Autumn Festival, relatives and friends give each other moon cakes as gifts, because they symbolize reunion. The styles of moon cakes are also dazzling: pineapple flavor, red dates, orange, and my favorite ice skin moon cakes

On the day of the Mid Autumn Festival, people buy all kinds of things except moon cakes, most of which are food. In the evening, the family ate a reunion dinner, looked at the sky that was going to be dark, and hoped that the moon would come out earlier.

At night, the moon came out, like a big circle. At this time, the family moved tables, chairs and tea sets to the balcony, and all kinds of moon cakes were taken out together. Everyone looked at the bright moon and remembered the relatives who could not go home in other places; Some people raise their glasses to celebrate in the moonlight, expressing their good wishes; Fireworks are rising and blooming in the night sky!

The Mid Autumn Festival is a happy day for our family, a day when we miss our loved ones, and an indelible day for us.

Mid Autumn Festival for Grade 2 (2)

The 15th day of August is one of the most important festivals of the Chinese nation - the Mid Autumn Festival. On that day, people ate moon cakes, watched the moon, and some places had lanterns, which was very lively

The reason why this day is called the Mid Autumn Festival is that August is the second month of autumn, which was called the Mid Autumn Festival in ancient times. Because it is in the middle of autumn and August, it is called the Mid Autumn Festival in the folk.

On the eve of the Mid Autumn Festival, relatives and friends give each other moon cakes as gifts, because they symbolize reunion. The styles of moon cakes are also dazzling: pineapple flavor, red dates, orange, and my favorite ice skin moon cakes

On the day of the Mid Autumn Festival, people buy all kinds of things except moon cakes, most of which are food. In the evening, the family ate a reunion dinner, looked at the sky that was going to be dark, and hoped that the moon would come out earlier.

At night, the moon came out, like a big circle. At this time, the family moved tables, chairs and tea sets to the balcony, and all kinds of moon cakes were taken out together. Everyone looked at the bright moon and remembered the relatives who could not go home in other places; Some people raise their glasses to celebrate in the moonlight, expressing their good wishes; Fireworks are rising and blooming in the night sky!

The Mid Autumn Festival is a happy day for our family, a day for us to miss our loved ones, and an indelible day for us

Mid Autumn Festival for Grade 2 (3)

Moon Watching Diary 1 of Mid Autumn Festival in Grade 2

Autumn is crisp, the sky is high and the clouds are light. When night comes quietly, a round moon hangs high in the sky.

My family ate and watched the moon in the courtyard. We tasted the sweet moon cakes, looked at the charming moon, and remembered the poem about the moon.

Mother sang the poem in "Water Melody": "When will the moon be bright? Ask the sky about the wine..."

I recited the poem Gu Lang Yue Xing by the poet Li Bai: "When I was young, I didn't know the moon, so I called it a white jade plate. I doubted that the Yaotai mirror was flying in the clouds."

Dad thought of the poem in Silent Night Thoughts: "Look up at the bright moon, bow your head and think about your hometown." In the recitation, we had a beautiful and happy Mid Autumn Festival night!

Moon Watching Diary 2 of Mid Autumn Festival in Grade 2

Today is the Mid Autumn Festival on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. At night, my family looked at the moon with high power telescope in the yard.

I saw the moon was big and bright, round like a mirror, hanging in the sky.

I also saw many saw teeth around the moon, because the moon's surface is uneven, just like the earth has mountains and valleys.

There is a very bright star beside the moon. With a high power telescope, there are four small stars beside it. They are arranged as "one". The stars are so wonderful.

When I got home and lay in bed, the moonlight spilled on the bed. I looked at the moon through the window. It was so beautiful! Let the moon accompany me to sleep!

Moon Watching Diary 3 of Mid Autumn Festival in Grade 2

Today is the Mid Autumn Festival on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. After having dinner, we took out moon cakes as big as plates and cut them into three pieces. We sat on the balcony eating moon cakes while enjoying the moon.

Then, I told my father and mother the story of Wu Gang's attack on Guangxi. It was said that in ancient times, the Empress of the Emperor planted a cassia tree, which grew bigger and bigger and covered the whole moon. People would not appreciate the moon during the Mid Autumn Festival. There was a fairy named Wu Gang. When he learned about this, he immediately flew to the moon with a golden axe, and he cut down the osmanthus tree. Later, the empress knew about it, and she let Wu Gang live on the moon all the time. He couldn't come back. Later, we saw black spots on the moon. As soon as my story was finished, my father and mother applauded together, praising my rich knowledge.

I had a very happy Mid Autumn Festival this year.

Moon Watching Diary of Mid Autumn Festival in Grade 2 4

Today is the Mid Autumn Festival, and also the Reunion Day. In the evening, my father, mother, uncle and two brothers went to the restaurant for a reunion dinner. When I got home, I went to the window to watch the moon.

The round moon was shyly veiled. After a long time, it gently lifted the tulle and gradually revealed its luminous face.

I looked carefully, as if I saw Sister Chang'e crying. She must be missing her relatives. Again, I seemed to see my aunt. My aunt went to school far away in Shangqiu. I miss her so much. I want her to come back early. I thought of my aunt while eating sweet 'moon cakes'. I left a delicious moon cake for my aunt to eat when she came back on National Day. The mooncakes have peach, five kernel and Hami melon flavor... My favorite is the ones with egg yolk inside. Take a bite. It's a little salty. It's delicious.

Time flies. I should go to bed soon. I wonder what will happen to the Mid Autumn Festival next year?

Second Grade Mid Autumn Festival Moon Watching Diary 5

Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. We went to my mother-in-law's house for the festival.

In the evening, my brothers, mother and father took a mooncake and went downstairs for a walk. When I got downstairs, my brother quickly ate up the moon cake, and then ran to the place where I could see the moon and played until I asked them to take a walk. After a while, the brothers could not walk and went back.

Only me and my parents are left. We walked all the way to enjoy the moon, and we were very happy! "I like the Mid Autumn Festival best, because there are moon cakes to eat, the atmosphere of the League members, and the most beautiful full moon to see, so I like the Mid Autumn Festival best!" I said happily. My mother asked, "Do you know what the Mid Autumn Festival is called?" I quickly replied, "It's also called the Mid Autumn Festival, the Reunion Festival!" After listening to this, my mother told me how smart I am. I think this Mid Autumn Festival is the happiest!

What's your Mid Autumn Festival like?

Mid Autumn Festival for Grade 2 (4)

The Mid Autumn Festival is over. My parents took me home to visit my grandparents. When we got home, we had a reunion dinner with them.

I went to Grandma's house again. Grandma prepared a lot of delicious food for me. In the evening, because it was cloudy and there was no moon, Grandma still prepared various fruits and moon cakes, lit candles and incense, and carefully placed them on the table, saying they were for the moon. I don't understand.

But I was very happy after the holiday, especially playing with my cousin and another good friend. It was the happiest thing! My mother said that I was tired of playing. When I fell asleep at night, I felt like a pig.

Mid Autumn Festival for Grade 2 (5)

Today is the Mid Autumn Festival, the 15th day of August in the lunar calendar. On this day, the moon is round and round, symbolizing reunion, so it is also called the Reunion Festival. It is a traditional custom to eat moon cakes on the Mid Autumn Festival.

In the early morning of that day, there was a light rain, the air was fresh, and birds were chirping in the trees, as if to say: 'Happy Mid Autumn Festival! Happy Mid Autumn Festival! I ate a few mooncakes and went to English lesson 2. At eight o'clock, more students arrived. The teacher began to lecture. How slowly time passed! Bang, bang, bang, the second hand slowly moved forward in my mind, and finally it was ten o'clock. I was the first one to rush downstairs excitedly, and saw my father. My father took me to my grandmother's house. Seeing her busy cooking, I couldn't help doing housework, because I didn't want to see her too hard. I swept the floor, wiped the table and it was twelve o'clock. My family happily had lunch.

In the afternoon, my mother took me to the city for a stroll, bought a lot of food and fruit, and we returned home at six o'clock.

At night, it was time for us to watch the moon in the yard. Finally, the moon slowly climbed out of the clouds and hung high in the sky like a white jade plate.

I'm very happy on Mid Autumn Festival. How are you doing?

Mid Autumn Festival for Grade 2 (6)

The night of the Mid Autumn Festival is a beautiful and peaceful night. Every family gathers together to taste moon cakes, melons and fruits and enjoy family happiness. Everyone hopes to have a family reunion during the Mid Autumn Festival. This is human nature, but family love cannot always be fulfilled. My father is a self-employed man. Because he is busy with his work, he can't spend several Mid Autumn Festival with us. When I think of this, I can't help thinking of Su Shi's "Water Melody": I hope people will last for a long time.

Today is August 15 of the lunar calendar, the annual Mid Autumn Festival. In the evening, I spent the holiday at home with my mother and sister. After the reunion dinner, I went to the balcony with my sister to enjoy the moon.

The moon was shyly veiled. After a long time, it gently lifted the veil and gradually revealed its shining face. I looked up at the moon carefully, and my heart was full of infinite reverie about the distant moon sky

I looked at the bright moon in the sky and asked playfully: Sister, is this a silver plate? After hearing this sentence, my sister felt both angry and funny. She must have remembered the ancient poem "Gulang Moonlight" and was deliberately showing off! So we read aloud to the moon.

Mid Autumn Festival for Grade 2 (7)

I enjoyed the moon for the first time this Mid Autumn Festival with my mother and aunt.

We were sitting on the stone steps when the moon was not high in the sky. I think the bright moonlight reminds me of Beethoven's piano music Moonlight. How wonderful it would be if I listened to the piano music Moonlight while watching the moon!!

At this time, I found that the moon had risen one level. I looked carefully again and found that there were clouds beside the moon. What was the matter? I feel very strange. Suddenly, I found that there were real clouds beside the moon. Is this the "solitary moon wheel in the sky" in the Spring River Flower Moonlight

In this way, we watched the moon for two hours. Before we left, I said "Goodbye!" to the moon, so we ended our first moon appreciation.

Mid Autumn Festival for Grade 2 (8)

On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, my parents and I turned on the TV to watch the Mid Autumn Festival program together. After watching it for a while, we opened a box of moon cakes and ate them one by one. I asked my father, "Dad, when will the moon come out?" My father said mysteriously, "The moon is making up and will come out tomorrow." This sentence made the whole family laugh. When I ate delicious mooncakes, I couldn't help thinking: Is there a huge processing factory on the moon that specializes in making mooncakes for Chang'e and Yutu?

There was a sketch about the moon on TV: A said, "Why didn't the moon come to us as a guest?" B said, "The moon is dancing in the disco." Our family laughed again. After the sketch was performed, our family laughed bitterly.

After we finished a box of moon cakes, I felt very full, as if I had eaten a moon! It's ten o'clock, I just feel a few minutes! But I went to rest.

Mid Autumn Festival for Grade 2 (9)

My father took me to Fushan Reservoir for the Mid Autumn Festival, and I was very happy! On the way, I saw many beautiful fields, ponds and so on.

When I got to Fushan Reservoir, I saw someone fishing. Later, my mother and I caught shrimp in a fishing net. I saw that one foot of the shrimp in my mother's net was big and the other foot was small. It was very interesting. After dinner, we sang birthday songs for a little girl named Ye Xingru on her birthday. Ye Xingru was so happy that she smiled happily. When I slept at night, I saw two uncles sleeping in two tents with a brother.

In the morning, I got up and saw a layer of fog on the reservoir. When the fog cleared, I went fishing. I was very happy to catch fish for the first time. I didn't expect that those fish were so cunning. The bait was gone and the fish were not caught. Later, we went to the barbecue to prepare food and began to roast. I took a string of chicken wings to roast. I turned them around for fear of scalding my hands. After the barbecue, I thought the barbecue was lunch. I didn't expect that the lunch was my own fish. The fish I caught was delicious. In the evening, we went to Shuiyang for dinner and went home happily after dinner.

Mid Autumn Festival for Grade 2 (10)

On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon is particularly round and bright. Every family likes to sit together and eat moon cakes while enjoying the moon. It is said that eating moon cakes symbolizes family reunion, which has been a traditional custom in my hometown for hundreds of years.

Our family gathered on the balcony early this evening, enjoying the moon while eating moon cakes. There are all kinds of moon cakes and sweets on the table. The moon gradually rose into the sky. The golden full moon seemed like a big, fragrant and sweet moon cake. The breeze gently caressed me, like my mother's hand warming my heart. At this time, the wet nurse who worked all day began to tell us many fairy tales. Listen to Grandma's story, look at the moon in the sky, I feel as if I have entered the role.

At this time, my father, who was drinking tea, also picked up the conversation. He pointed to the full moon and said, "Look, Wu Gang in the middle of the month is cutting the osmanthus tree?". My father took another sip of tea and said with a smile, "Wu Gang cut a leaf from the tree after a year of chopping. It fell from the sky to the earth and became a gold leaf. This gold leaf will fall to the hardworking people in the world and the family will become rich. So you should be hardworking when you grow up. Diligence is wealth."

Listening to my father's story, I once again entered my imagination. I seemed to see the osmanthus leaves floating to my door.

Mid Autumn Festival for Grade 2 (11)

Today is the Mid Autumn Festival, and the air is filled with the aroma of osmanthus and sweet moon cake.

After dinner, my mother and I went to the roof and looked into the distance. The lights were twinkling like stars in the night sky. They were connected with the sky. I could not tell which was the light and which was the star. Today's moon is particularly round, suffused with a pale yellow halo, like a yellow tulle.

About the Mid Autumn Festival, I know the story of Chang'e and the Jade Rabbit. Today, my mother told me the story of Wu Gang cutting the osmanthus tree. There are many legends about the moon!

I looked at the moon in trance. If only the moon were a mirror, I could see my father in the mirror. This is the first time that my father has not accompanied us for the holiday. He is now working. If I could see my father through the moon, he would certainly see me.

Although this year's Mid Autumn Festival is a little regrettable, it is also unforgettable for me. It made me feel different from my father when he was at home.

Mid Autumn Festival for Grade 2 (12)

The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival. Every family will eat and make moon cakes. The most important thing is to enjoy the moon.

Our family is no exception. After dinner, we went downstairs. At this time, the sky was not completely dark, so we sat on the grass and waited quietly. After a while, a round moon appeared in the sky. At this time, my mother brought a plate of moon cakes. I looked down at the moon cakes and looked up at the moon. I couldn't help saying: "The moon of the 15th is round, and the sweet moon cakes are also round. The moon of the 15th is 16 round, and the bright moon tonight seems to be round and not round. Mom, won't that piece be eaten by the dog as a moon cake?" My words amused my grandparents

The sky is getting darker and darker, and the bright moonlight is gradually covered with a layer of gauze. The moon hid like a shy girl. Looking at the bright moon, my grandfather told me the story of Chang'e flying to the moon, Wu Gang cutting the laurel and Yutu making medicine. Each story deeply attracted me. When I heard the story of Wu Gang attacking Guangxi again, I learned that we should be patient and persistent in doing things, and only persistence can lead to good results! I will study hard and get good results by myself!

The cool wind blew gently, and our family talked and laughed all the way home, stepping on the bright moon. This year's Mid Autumn Festival is really meaningful!

Mid Autumn Festival for Grade 2 (13)

In the morning, when I just got up, people were very excited. Because today is August 15, the annual Mid Autumn Festival has finally come. Early this morning, my parents and I went to the supermarket to buy vegetables, moon cakes and other food. In the afternoon, my parents were busy in the kitchen killing fish and chicken, cutting meat and vegetables. It was really fun.

In the evening, my grandparents came to the city to spend the Mid Autumn Festival with us. I was the first to have dinner and got ready to watch the moon. Wait and wait, wait and wait, the mysterious veil of the moon has never been unveiled. Looking at the moon, I couldn't help but think of Su Shi's poem "Water Melody": "I hope people will last for a long time and share the beauty of the moon." After a long time, the moon gently lifted its veil and gradually revealed its shining face. I looked up carefully at the moon, and my heart was full of infinite reverie.

Look at this, I suddenly thought of a question, why there is Mid Autumn Festival. So I went to ask my father, who said that the common people destroyed the Yuan Dynasty in order to overthrow the tyrannical rule of the Yuan Dynasty; On the 15th day of August, every family started to put notes into moon cakes and pass them on to each other. Later, the Yuan Dynasty was overthrown by the people. Maybe now we eat moon cakes to celebrate victory. Some people say that the Mid Autumn Festival makes farmers experience the joy and joy of harvest in the harvest season. The Mid Autumn Festival is happy and a symbol of reunion. Let's celebrate it together!

Mid Autumn Festival for Grade 2 (14)

On August 15, my family and I came to the museum to visit the exhibition on the Mid Autumn Festival.

As soon as I entered the exhibition hall, I was immediately attracted by a picture of watching the moon. On the picture, the mother led the child to watch the moon. After listening to the introduction of the interpreter, I learned that the mother must lead the way to watch the moon. There are so many customs in the Mid Autumn Festival! Next to me, I was very interested in a rabbit master. This exhibit is lifelike and vivid. Generally, when a mother leads her child to watch the moon, she will give him as a toy to stop crying. Mr. Rabbit's mount is a tiger. Of course, there can also be many kinds of animals to mount, such as sheep, cattle, etc. Mr. Rabbit is really smart. After visiting the exhibition hall, I copied a picture of Chang'e flying to the moon. Chang'e is as beautiful as a flower, and runs towards the sky with auspicious clouds.

At noon, my family and I gathered in the park, enjoying the warm sunshine and delicious moon cakes and fruits. Our family enjoyed themselves and competed together in the "Moon" Flying Flower Order. It was my turn to say, "When I was young, I didn't know the moon. I called it a white jade plate", and "I raised my glass to invite the bright moon to form three people". My mother didn't want to be outdone. She got stuck when she arrived at my father's place. I didn't give a poem for a long time, and my face turned red with anxiety. I simply said for my father, "The moon is born on the sea, and there is a total of time in the world.". Finally, I got my wish and became the winner.

In the evening, the moon looks like a jade plate hanging in the night sky, and the stars beside it are dotted with the sky, which is a good autumn night picture.

Mid Autumn Festival for Grade 2 (15)

August 15 is the annual reunion day - Mid Autumn Festival.

Today, we went to grandma's house for the reunion festival. When I got to Grandma's house, I saw my aunt, aunt, grandpa and grandma waiting for us there. After entering, I greeted them and adults began to make dumplings. Since I can't make dumplings, I have to go to Grandpa's study to read. I took a magazine called "Red Scarf". Most of them are all kinds of stories, which are very interesting. Unlike composition, there must be some good words and sentences. There are short stories written there. Occasionally, there will be several cartoons. It was noon before I knew it. I was very happy with the hot dumplings and delicious food.

After dinner, Grandma brought a big moon cake and cut it into eight pieces, much like pizza. After eating moon cakes, we went to pick loofah, green melon seedlings, large loofah, plus yellow flowers, very beautiful! Pick a loofah with one hand and it will be picked soon.

What a happy day! What an interesting Mid Autumn Festival!

Mid Autumn Festival for Grade 2 (16)

The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. On the Mid Autumn Festival, people eat moon cakes, watch the moon and watch the Mid Autumn Party. This year's Mid Autumn Festival, we had dinner together first, and then shared the sweet moon cakes. At about nine o'clock in the evening, I went to the balcony to see the moon.

Today, I saw that the moon was particularly clear and bright, and the clouds beside it set off the moon like a beautiful girl, who was looking at the vast land with her big eyes. Downstairs, there is a beautiful garden. Under the moonlight, it looks very quiet. The willow trees are standing in the moonlight, drooping with willow threads, swinging gently in the moonlight; The flowers in the moonlight lowered their heads shyly, as if they were embarrassed when compared with the moon; The birds chirped in the moonlight, as if they were singing softly. This scene reminds me of a poem: "When the moon rises, it startles the mountain birds and chirps in the spring brook. "I wonder if the birds at this moment think the moonlight is too bright, but think the sky is bright······

The garden under the moonlight is really beautiful. The buildings around the garden are shining warm lights. On the Mid Autumn Festival, people are enjoying the reunion and happiness of the festival. However, I think there will still be many people who stick to their jobs, and they have exchanged their hard work for the reunion of thousands of families. I think today's moon will also bring their relatives' wishes to them, and wish everyone happiness!

Chapter 2

Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. At noon, we had a reunion dinner at Grandma's house, and my mother and I rode bicycles in Grandma's yard. Grandma's yard is very large, the environment is very good, flowers and plants are luxuriant, and tall willows are on both sides of the path.

I was riding my favorite variable speed car at a very fast speed. I felt the wind blowing past my ears, like flying, which was very exciting. When I was riding happily, suddenly, I fell down with a bang, and the bike chain fell off. My mother and I repaired it together for a long time. We were clumsy and could not repair it, which made it worse. Both of us were full of black oil and walked back dejectedly.

At this time, we thought of a new way to play. I let my mother sit in the car. I pushed her back at the back. My mother had a great time. At the door of my house, my mother pestered me to push again, so I had to push again for a while. Seeing my mother playing so happily, I also want to play like this. I asked my mother to push me. It turned out that this way is also very fast, and I feel very comfortable.

Although the bike was broken, my mother and I found a new way to play it. We had a very happy Mid Autumn Festival today.

Chapter 3

Today is the Mid Autumn Festival on the 15th day of August in the lunar calendar. It's a day of reunion

In the evening, our family sat on the balcony eating moon cakes while enjoying the beautiful moonlight at night. It was late at night, and I saw that the moon was really big, round and beautiful! After a while, I saw the clouds flying towards the moon. They seemed to be praising the moon. If only we could hear how beautiful it was. The moon heard it and said proudly; I am so beautiful today! I must show off. He smiled proudly

Today's Mid Autumn Festival is really beautiful!

Mid Autumn Festival for Grade 2 (17)

Saturday, September 10, xx Weather: sunny

The Mid Autumn Festival is the festival I look forward to most because it is a good opportunity to get close to my family!

This year's Mid Autumn Festival is a good day for enjoying the moon and barbecue. It is not easy to wait until the evening when the Mid Autumn Festival banquet is finally about to start. I can't wait to spread butter on the baking plate and make a "Zizi" sound. It seems that someone is celebrating the Mid Autumn Festival banquet. When my mother puts many delicious food on the table, I can't help but steal a piece of meat and put it on the baking plate. Wow! It's really delicious. No matter meat, vegetables or seafood, they are all human delicacies!

After eating the delicious barbecue, we sat on the lawn of the park enjoying the moon while eating big pomelos and moon cakes. Occasionally, we talked about the legends of "Chang'e Flying to the Moon", "Wu Gang Cutting Wood" and "Jade Rabbit Tamping Medicine". Sometimes a few small insects flew in like a small "Mid Autumn Festival feast"

As the saying goes, "Happy times always go by very quickly." I hope that the Mid Autumn Festival will be very happy and special in the future

Mid Autumn Festival for Grade 2 (18)

The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. According to historical records, the term "Mid Autumn Festival" first appeared in the book "Zhou Li". In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the Mid Autumn Festival did not become a fixed festival until the early Tang Dynasty. The popularity of the Mid Autumn Festival began in the Song Dynasty, and by the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it had become one of the major festivals in China, as famous as New Year's Day. This is also the second largest traditional festival in China after the Spring Festival.

The reason why the Mid Autumn Festival is the Mid Autumn Festival is that the day of the 15th day of the eighth lunar month is in the system of three autumn days. On this day, the full moon in the sky is particularly bright and very big and very round, so this day is also regarded as a good day for matchmaking. It is also known as the most humane and poetic festival. Some people say that they miss their relatives every holiday. The Mid Autumn Festival will certainly be more profound, especially when the moon is hanging high. Don't forget to let the card of true feelings send greetings and blessings to relatives and friends in the distance on the night of reunion. The moon is hanging high.

Does the diary of Mid Autumn Festival in Grade 2 help students? I hope you can read carefully and wish you success in your studies.

Mid Autumn Festival for Grade 2 (19)

Today is the Mid Autumn Festival on August 15, the day of family reunion, but our grandparents are far away from home, so we can't go back, so we can only spend the Mid Autumn Festival at home with three people.

”But what are we doing at home? "I asked," Of course it's dumplings! Dumplings are often eaten on holidays. "As soon as my father's words ended, the whole family started to act. My mother mixed noodles and my father mixed stuffing, and then they were ready to make dumplings. But I couldn't make dumplings, so my father began to teach me step by step. The first one I made was extremely ugly, but I was not discouraged. My father continued to teach me, and I made the second one, the third one, and finally one was better than the other. After Mom cooked the dumplings, our whole family sat together and ate the dumplings made by ourselves, feeling very fragrant.

This Mid Autumn Festival is very meaningful. I not only know the origin of the festival, but also learned to make dumplings.