What is kindness (7 articles in total)
Wake up
2024-01-12 02:36:40
Junior 1

What is kindness (1)

Life is like a painting, which can not be full of colors, but can not be short of the embellishment of good stories. Sitting in the sunset and recalling those kind stories, people are intoxicated by the coziness of life.

Kindness doesn't need to be vigorous.

It was another downpour. After the strong wind roared, the sky and the earth suddenly seemed to be covered with a veil of grey. I don't know how long it was before the original face of the path was revealed in front of people. Since then, people who passed by have no place to get off their feet, and cars that passed by have even more splashed their body. There is always a group of people who wear boots and shovels and sweat on this road. No one knows who they are. Maybe they live nearby. But I know clearly that they are not cleaning workers, nor are they the management personnel of this road section. They are a group of kind-hearted people.

That was many years ago. At that time, the road was not as smooth as it is now. It was not as neat as it is now. But it was the kind hearts of those people that remained unchanged for so many years.

Kindness is sometimes just a piece of cake.

In autumn, the leaves on the trees have been blown away by the wind. The wind is busy day and night, blowing away warmth and bringing sand. Even those honest bicycles parked on the roadside will not be ignored. On the road, looking around, there was only a father and son. They were struggling in the strong wind. They passed by the group of bicycles that had been "paralyzed" on the ground. Suddenly, they slowed down their hurried pace, turned back, picked up the poor group of bicycles one by one, leaned against the wall, and then left in a hurry.

I am lucky to be able to see all their behaviors. From them, I can see the light of kindness. Even the bleak weather gives people a warm feeling.

When kindness is cast into a person's character, she is just as noble as she is small, and the story of kindness is integrated into her life, which is just as plain as it is full of warmth.

The days are always like the sand flowing through the fingertips, slipping down unconsciously, but the stories related to kindness are still in my mind.

The setting sun has blushed in the passage of time, hidden behind her, and only those kind stories emerge in front of her.

What is kindness (2)

Good people have a broad philanthropic heart, good people make you feel happy and happy, good people will cherish life. This is what I learned after I went to junior high school. In the past, I would hurt others, talking and doing different things.

In retrospect, how unkind I was then!

I remember when I was in the fifth grade, because I got up too late in the morning, I hurriedly brushed my teeth and washed my face, took my schoolbag, took a banana on the table and ran to school. A banana was killed by me. As soon as I throw it away, there is a banana peel on the clean road, which is so disharmonious.

But I couldn't care so much. I just wanted to get to school quickly, but I heard a scream behind me, a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, and the sound of the stick rolling east. Turning around, it was a blind grandpa who accidentally fell down because he stepped on the banana skin I threw. I pursed my lips and thought to myself, "You stinky blind man, why don't you go here? You deserve it.". Turning around, there was no one around and they slipped away. Later, I felt a little guilty when I got to school, but I forgot everything when I played.

Why was I so immoral and unkind at that time? I can't figure it out. What gives me a headache is that there is something worse before that, and it will never go away.

In the sunny and cloudless weather, our family went to the suburbs for tourism. I caught a small sparrow, which was very cute and funny. I tied its feet with a rope and let it walk on the ground like a dog, but the little thing wouldn't stop barking and trying to get rid of the rope and fly away. I kept struggling. The tiny feet oozed blood. I let go of the rope when I saw that it was boring. The bird wanted to fly but could not. I gave it a mischievous kick to help it go to heaven. As a result, the force was too strong, and the bird died miserably at my feet. I was afraid, but I thought, isn't it just a bird? People also kill pigs. What about catching wolves? This kind of thing didn't hesitate to die, so he let it go on the road.

My various behaviors give teachers and students a headache. My classmates gradually stopped playing and studying with me. I was isolated. I was very sad, but I didn't know why they did that.

Now I understand that it is my cruelty and unkindness that make them far away from me by not cherishing the living beings. The feeling of loneliness is hard, and the feeling of being left behind is even worse.

Boys and girls, don't be like me, let the living beings enter your heart, and let yourself no longer be lonely.

What is kindness (3)

The past is still fresh in my memory. Whenever I think of it, I feel very ashamed.

It was one day between classes. The students were doing their homework. Suddenly, my good friend ran to her and said, "Is there a magic pen? My pen is leaking!" I looked quickly at her seat. It was not good! It was a large capacity pen. The ink splashed everywhere, and the white walls were dyed blue. My magic pen was bought yesterday. I didn't want to use it myself!

I looked at her anxiously and thought about the snow-white magic pen tip. I was in a dilemma. Don't borrow it, for fear of hurting the friendship between friends. Borrow it, for fear that she will stain my magic pen. I looked at her seat again. This time, the fountain pen had soaked half of her exercise book. She asked me anxiously, "Did you take it with you? My homework book will be hopeless later!" I secretly took a look at the magic pen in the desk hall: white tip, beautiful body, and creative cap.

It seems that every part of the magic pen doesn't want me to lend it. I decided not to lend her, but what can I say? To put it bluntly, I played a trick and came up with a "good idea". Say you don't have to take it? So I said nervously, "Sorry, I didn't bring it either." As soon as this was said, she hurried to someone else's place to borrow the magic pen. I took a breath: "Shh... She's gone down!"

The next day, she entered the school with a pair of "panda eyes". Because her homework was damaged by the ink yesterday, she had to redo it from beginning to end. I was very ashamed and thought: if I were willing to lend her the magic pen yesterday, she might not have to make up her homework.

My conscience is scolding me, and I feel very sad. Compared with Nataya who is willing to help others in the "bouquet in the mailbox", my behavior is not the behavior that a good child should have. So from that day on, I learned how kind and valuable it is, and helping others is a high virtue. I want to learn from Nataya and be a good student who is kind and helpful.

What is kindness (4)

The reason why the spring breeze is warm is that someone places warmth on spring; The reason why the autumn wind is cool is that some people put their understanding into early autumn; The reason why the world is beautiful is that everyone has spread kindness to the world.

Warm sunshine in winter

"Luo Jin is wet but not dry, and it is desolate snow". It was snowing, so thick, so white, so lovely. A series of footprints crossed the ground and led to the distance. I walked along the footprints, and I didn't know how long it had been. I looked up and saw stars everywhere. I woke up with a start and opened my eyes. It turned out that I was sitting in front of my house and asleep. The bitter north wind was biting my skin. I stood up and found someone coming to me across the road. The man came up and asked, "Why are you sleeping here? Isn't it cold?" Without looking at him, I hurried into the house and locked the door. Looking out from the cat's eye, he took a spade and didn't know what to do.

The sun was dragged away by dark clouds, and the wind became stronger and stronger. Several dry tree trunks were blown down by the wind. In the strong wind, someone slapped the door. I ran to open the door. It was the sanitation worker. He hid in, took a breath, and said, "Thank you for helping me get rid of the snow." I was puzzled and smiled embarrassed. It suddenly occurred to me that it was him! "In the cold, he was alone, ignored and shoveled away the snow in front of my house," I thought. I poked my head out again. It turned out that the whole street had taken off its snow-white down jacket, revealing its true nature. At this moment, a sun shines on my heart

This is the charm of kindness!

It was July, and the sun was scorching. Cicadas were chirping in the trees. The birds could not bear the noise and flew away. Several old men in their 60s gathered around the chessboard to argue about the intrigues of the Chu River and the Han Dynasty, and paper planes scrambled to take off with the wishes of children.

I met these two people in the woods of the park. The tall man was carrying a big bag and holding his child. I went up to him and asked him, "What are you doing?" Then I glanced at the bag that the man was carrying. They ignored me and went straight ahead. I ran after him and had to ask the truth. The boy turned around and said, "Protect nature!" Then the man opened the sack. There were mineral water bottles inside. The sun was shining, and the father and son stopped me. Looking at the father, I felt like I was in the shade of green.

This is the kind charm!

Good is for the heart; Good is the end; He said: Good.

What is kindness (5)

It's hard to be a kind person, but it's easy to be a bad person. When we were young, our parents often taught us to be kind and not bad.

To be a kind person, you must first have love. Secondly, you should first learn to love yourself, feel the beauty of the world, and also learn to love others, because there are many people and places in the world that need our help. Finally, you also need to believe that you have helped others. When you need to be loved, naturally someone will open their arms to love you.

Let me tell you my story. Once, I saw a dog on the road, just opposite a car came, I quickly brought the dog over, the dog was safe. A child asked me: Why did you save the puppy? " I said, "Dogs are alive!"

One day, I heard such a story from others: there was a trafficker who abducted a 5-year-old boy. Instead of crying like other children, the boy kept calling his uncle, and took out a piece of sugar from his pocket and said, "Uncle, I like this kind of sugar best. Do your children like it, too? Uncle, it's sweet for you to eat."

At this time, the human trafficker remembered that he also had a home and a 5-year-old daughter, who also liked to eat sugar. Every time he ate sugar, he had to send one to his mouth. He kindly asked, "Dad, is it sweet?" The human trafficker realized that life has its sweet side in the most difficult times. The little boy's words stirred up his love for human relationships, and he decided to turn himself in.

After the case was solved, all the criminals except him were sentenced to death, and only he was sentenced to 15 years. It can be said that it was the kindness left in his heart that saved him, because if he did not return the child and surrender himself, sooner or later he would eventually be caught, and eventually he would be sentenced to death.

A kind heart doesn't need a gorgeous appearance or praise from others. Zhengsuo said that "God treats the kind-hearted". The meaning of life is to live happily, and to live happily, there must be a kind heart. If everyone has a kind heart, what else in life will make us lose our smile?

What is kindness (6)

Kindness is the most precious treasure in life.

Kindness is the beauty of simplicity, kindness and righteousness, self-restraint and excellence, and innocence. If there is no goodness in life, life will lose its meaning and life will lose its essence. Kindness is not just a matter of patience and compromise, nor is it cowardice and weakness. Kindness is a matter of determination, kindness and moderation. It knows how to refuse appropriately, distinguish right from wrong, gain from good, and convince people with reason.

Kindness is the most precious wealth in life. A kind person must be warm and helpful. Kindness is the foundation of life. It can make people feel more comfortable and warm, and also make people feel more considerate, respect others, not demanding, how to be grateful! Most of the time, she is a pair of helping hands that will not hesitate to reach out to you when you are in danger. She will pull you out of the quagmire and open the door to you when you are desperate.

Kindness is a soft and beautiful flower that blooms in the heart. If you are always grateful, you will be rewarded with kindness. Only know how to be grateful, and know how to repay, is the most basic duty of life. Kindness is the most moving music on the stage of life, such as the orchid in the red world years, which interprets the purity of life and emits the warmth of others.

Kindness is the smile of the soul, the most beautiful realm of mind, a kind of cultivation, a kind of culture, the beauty of being kind to others and tolerant to oneself. Because of kindness, you will make yourself become profound; Because of kindness, you can make people feel your taste in life! Kindness is a bridge of friendship. It can build sincerity between people, let them treat each other honestly, remove barriers, remove obstacles, be kind, have a broad vision, and enhance feelings. With kindness in life, life can be happy forever!

Kindness is the most precious wealth of life, the return of the soul to nature, and the devout conversion of human nature. She can decorate the years into poetry and life into painting, emitting a touch of purity every bit; Such as the spring rain, moistening things silently spread goodness in the world, so that people can have more understanding and less worry in the busy world; More warmth, less cold; More joy, less indifference.

Let's stand together in a kind perspective to interpret everyone around us, treat everything with a kind heart, appreciate every scenery, warm the world, and spread every good deed in every corner of the world with sincerity and true feelings, and never wither.

What is kindness (7)

"When you give roses to others, you have lingering fragrance in your hand." Kindness is also two-way. Your kindness can make you more friends and help you do many things. At the same time, you help others with your kindness and help them overcome difficulties, and others will thank you.

Kindness is reflected in all aspects of life, and sometimes it is just a simple task. With your kind help and kind care, it is likely that you will make others feel comfortable like a spring breeze and a drizzle.


Xiaoming sat on the chair and shivered. The cold wind outside the window could not stop pouring into the classroom. All the students hugged their legs and curled up in their seats. Xiaohong inadvertently saw Xiaoming's trembling appearance. She hurriedly pulled out a sweater from her bag and walked forward to Xiaoming. "Are you... not cold?" Xiaoming shivered and squeezed three words "not cold" out of her mouth, "What else do I have? You can wear it." Then he patted Xiaoming on the shoulder. "Thank you......", Xiaoming took the sweater and put it on. Ten minutes later, Xiaoming walked up to Xiaohong and said, "Can we be good friends in the future?" "Hmm" They laughed at the same time.


A little boy was running on the street and accidentally fell to the ground. He started to cry, "Boys shouldn't cry!" Suddenly a boy about fifteen years old stood in front of him, smiling and shaking his lollipop. The little boy stopped crying and took the lollipop. "Why?" "Because, you are a man and should stand up to the sky." "Well, brother, I listen to you." The little boy smiled.

Kindness is the rainbow on the horizon. It makes the sky more beautiful and makes our hearts more pure and beautiful. Kindness shortens the distance between people. Kindness is the explanation of all good qualities. Let's keep a good heart and make tomorrow better!