My grandfather 600 (17 popular articles)
2023-09-10 01:11:15
Junior high school

My grandfather 600 (1)

My grandfather is over 60 years old. He has white hair and a pair of bright eyes under his thick eyebrows. Although he is over sixty years old, he is in the forefront of the trend. My brother and I always affectionately call him "Chao Wai Gong".

Grandpa Chao loves traveling! Grandfather is an excellent forestry worker who has spent most of his life climbing among the mountains and waters of Shunchang. Plant a tree today, and open a wasteland tomorrow; A number of new tree species will be cultivated this year, and a planting method will be improved next year. Drops of sweat, leaving behind the green mountains and green waters. After retirement, my grandfather fell in love with traveling. Throughout the year, we are always busy. Grandmother scolded him: "When I was young, I didn't climb enough mountains?" Grandfather always said with a smile: "I used to climb mountains and plant trees and cut trees. Now I climb mountains and look for trees." Every time when I came back from a trip, Grandfather would find his old friends at work. His disciples talked about it. It would be impossible to stop for ten and a half days. When I complained that my grandpa didn't buy me a gift, my mother comforted me and said, "Your grandpa wants to introduce the most advanced planting technology from outside to our Shunchang. His ideas are very popular!" I said vaguely, "My grandpa is a trendy grandpa!"

Chaowaigong also likes to surf the Internet, listen to the radio and watch the news. On January 1, 2016, the State amended the Population and Family Planning Law, advocating that one couple have two children. As soon as the new policy was promulgated, my grandfather tried to mobilize my mother to have a second child. Otherwise, there will be no younger brother who will dominate the family! On January 1, 2019, when the "learning power" platform was just piloted in Beijing, Grandpa always paid attention to it. I often heard him saying, "I want to learn and become a powerful country. I want to log on to the platform as early as possible to understand the latest international situation and national trends..." This is not true. The platform has just opened three months ago, Grandpa's score has already been in four figures, leaving his parents several streets behind! How can such a grandpa keep away from the tide?

The tide of "Grandfather Chao" really needs to be talked about for three days and nights.

My grandfather 600 (2)

My grandfather, who is over 60 years old, is not very tall. With his white beard, shallow wrinkles and his ever smiling eyes, he always makes people think he is an amiable old man.

I remember one time after school, it suddenly began to rain cats and dogs, and other students were picked up by their parents. I was left standing alone at the window outside the classroom, anxiously waiting for who would pick me up? Mom and Dad are going to work, and Grandpa is sick again. Who will pick me up? I was thinking that a familiar figure came from afar. Is it Grandpa? I can't believe it. 20 meters... 10 meters, ah, it's Grandpa! I rushed to hug my grandfather happily. "'Xinxin ', are you anxious to wait here?" "Get on grandpa's back and let him carry you!" "No, grandpa, I want to go by myself..."

Before he finished speaking, Grandpa left with me on his back. "Obedient, lie down!" Then he held an umbrella with one hand and held me up with the other hand, and strode to the school gate. I lay on my grandfather's back and heard the increasingly rapid "wheezing, wheezing" gasps. I came down several times, but my grandfather disagreed. Suddenly, "Ouch!" My grandpa stepped into the mud, stumbled and almost fell down. I felt my body jerk with my grandfather, and then I was squeezed more tightly. I don't know whether it is rain or tears, rolling down my cheeks. My throat seems to be stuck by something and I can't say anything. I cling to my grandpa tightly, hoping that I can become lighter, lighter, as light as a gust of wind, sweeping away grandpa's fatigue

It was not easy to get home. My clothes were not wet at all, but my grandfather was all wet.

Dear grandpa, I love you! May you live a long life!

My grandfather 600 (3)

My grandfather, in his early 60s, has silver hair, a beer belly and a scholar's spirit. He is very hardworking and responsible for his work.

Every morning, Grandpa goes to work in the construction agency. He is an engineer. He sits in his office all day doing design. If anyone nearby wants to build a house, they will definitely find my grandfather. No wonder professors at Zhejiang University call him a local expert.

My grandfather is not only very serious in his work, but also very good to me. If I have any problems, he will try his best to help me solve them.

That time, four departments including Tongxiang Education Bureau and Tongxiang Association for Science and Technology jointly held a "Tongxiang Primary and Secondary School Sofa Model Design Competition". The length, width and height of the paper sofa required to be made are 50cm, 50cm and 80cm respectively, and adhesive tape is not allowed. The teachers at the school racked their brains and couldn't think of a good way. After school, I came to my grandmother's house and told my grandfather about it. My grandfather promised me that I would find a way.

In the evening, my grandfather asked me to go to his home with my parents to discuss making this sofa. When we came to Grandma's house, Grandpa said, "I have some idea about this sofa. The cushion uses a piece of paper, the backrest uses a piece of paper, and two armrests each have a piece of paper, a total of four pieces of paper." I said, "Grandpa, there should be a 'well' stand under the cushion, so that it can be secure." Dad also expressed his own opinion. In this way, we didn't go home until after 9 o'clock.

The next day, I told the teacher the result of the discussion. The teacher made another revision. After that, we made a big model, which was very good.

Later, we participated in the competition and won the third prize. Grandpa also has a share of the credit.

My grandfather is knowledgeable and an expert in design. He is really my good example!

My grandfather 600 (4)

My grandfather is a man full of enthusiasm for life. My grandfather is 72 years old this year. His hair is always combed very neatly and stylishly, without a trace of disorder. Although his hair is gray, he is still energetic. Under the thick eyebrows, there was a pair of eyes that seemed not big or small to me, but Grandma said that when Grandpa was young, his eyes were big and he was very energetic. Now the forehead is covered with traces of time. The eyes that narrow with a smile are always shining with kindness and wisdom.

Grandpa is like an old child. He likes me very much and regards me as a darling. He often plays with me, amuses me, and often tells me the truth of life. His positive and optimistic attitude towards life has always affected me, and his regular lifestyle has also become my model.

Grandfather loved cooking. He was serious and devoted when cooking. He was always chopping and frying food, and his mouth was chattering. It seemed that he was whispering with food to make them obedient. Suddenly, his rhythm changed, and he used a shovel to flip up and down in the pot, dancing fast. At that moment, grandpa seemed to hold a baton in his hand, while vegetables were the band dominated by him. After a sonata, the kitchen was full of fragrance. Sometimes, grandpa's wrist suddenly shook when he was on the rise, and the food materials turned a beautiful circle in the air, and then fell steadily back into the pot. He was immersed in the aroma of delicious food like enjoying a masterpiece. After about half an hour, Grandpa finally stopped busy, looked at his "masterpiece", nodded slightly, took a little food and put it into his mouth, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Grandpa's lifestyle is very orderly. The clothes he saw in his wardrobe are neat. Although he has never been a soldier, I think the clothes and quilts are folded as neatly as soldiers. Look at my cabinet again. It's a mess. My grandfather often said to me, "Where to put the things back?".

My grandpa's positive and optimistic attitude towards life has affected me, and made me learn to love life. I also want to be like him and be a passionate and sunny person. Good habits can make me become self-discipline and take my time in the future. I'm glad I have a good grandfather.

My grandfather 600 (5)

My grandfather is a very humorous but a bit "nagging" person.

Grandpa's face was dark. Although he was old, his eyes were still bright. Eyebrows are thick, thin, tall, but slightly hunched. Grandfather often goes out for a walk. He often says, "Walk a hundred steps after dinner, and you will live to 99!" I always accompany him. But once, when we were walking, Grandpa's stomach suddenly hurt. Then he covered his stomach and shouted, "Oh, I will go, regardless of how long I have lived, but it hurts!" After hearing this, I laughed my head off.

When I was very young, my grandfather often told me jokes. Once, Grandpa told me a story. "Come on, young man, let me tell you a story called 'Weijing (MSG) Reclamation'!" Grandpa said. Grandmother immediately objected: "That's too expensive!" Grandfather refused to be outdone. He said: "He is rich and headstrong, and he wants to do what he wants." For this reason, the two of them quarreled all morning, which made my stomach ache with laughter.

My grandfather is not only humorous, but also a bit of "nagging". Every time I want to leave, my grandfather first said to my mother: "You should go? Be careful on the road. There have been several car accidents recently, and take good care of the Marshal!" After "nagging" my mother, he said to me: "My good grandson, put on more clothes in cold weather, remember to turn on the air conditioner in hot weather, don't go anywhere, it's very messy outside now, study hard... remember to come often!"

It can't be denied that Grandpa's nagging is also good. For example, once, when he left, his mobile phone fell into the grandfather's house. He had been nagging us to take good things, but we didn't care. As a result, when I got home, I wanted to call my grandfather to report that I was safe. Only then did I find that my mobile phone had left my grandfather's house. We hurried back again. As soon as we opened the door, Grandpa began to "nag". "I asked you to take your things before you left. You didn't listen, but you still left your things? Alas, young people now!" Grandpa said with a smile.

This is my grandpa, a humorous and a bit loquacious person.

My grandfather 600 (6)

Grandpa, what a kind and familiar word! Unfortunately, I can no longer call this kind name, and I can no longer see my honest and honest grandfather, because he has left me.

My grandfather is a hardworking farmer. People often say that men work outside and women work inside, but my grandfather is good at both inside and outside. Grandma was sick and needed medicine to maintain her weak body for a long time, so she hardly did any work, but grandpa didn't dislike her for this, instead, he cared more about her and took care of her very carefully for decades.

Grandfather is a real farmer and has never enjoyed anything. Every morning, he gets up before dawn, prepares breakfast, cooks pig food, and hurries up the slope to work. After more than half of the farm work, Dayang sticks out a small head from the tree top. At this time, Grandpa goes home to have breakfast with Grandma, and then hurries to work after breakfast. Sometimes Grandma goes up the slope with Grandpa to cut grass and fertilize, but he never lets Grandma interfere with heavy and hard work. The whole family's life was on Grandpa. His tall and strong body did not collapse, but he often coughed.

My mother saw that my grandfather was working so hard, so she sent them to Chengdu. My grandfather had no education and got a job sweeping the floor there. He and another aunt in their forties and fifties swept a section of the street together. Grandfather worked there for several months, and people on both sides of the street praised him for being honest, helpful and a rare good man.

However, the good times are not long.

One morning, before dawn, Grandma accompanied Grandpa to sweep the street. There were only a few people who got up early to exercise on the street. When they were about to finish sweeping, they saw a piece of paper in the middle of the road, and Grandpa went to pick it up. As he bent down, a black car came running, and only heard a "touch". At this time, time suddenly stopped and the world around was silent. Grandfather was knocked to the ground, bleeding continuously. When he was sent to the hospital, he found that the bones of his lower body had been broken, some of them had even been crushed, and his brain was seriously injured. Grandmother and mother watched him fall asleep forever. At the thought of my grandfather, I couldn't help crying. My grandfather had worked hard for most of his life, and finally got rid of the countryside and worked in the city, but he lost his life. Before I could do anything about filial piety, he left me forever.

Grandpa, go all the way! May you rest in peace underground!

My grandfather 600 (7)

My grandfather is a rural teacher. He is neither fat nor thin, but he is three or four heads taller than me.

I grew up in my grandpa's house. My grandpa loved me the most. I remember one time when I played the game of eagle and chicken with my village friends in the field. When I was having a very happy time, suddenly I fell down accidentally and cried in the field in pain.

My grandfather, who was watching TV at home, heard my cry. He quickly ran out, picked me up, and strode home. He put me on the stool and hurriedly brought the medicine box. He took out a cotton swab and liquid medicine and carefully applied them to my wound. The pain made me cry again. Grandfather kindly said to me, "Grandson, Grandson doesn't cry, you are the bravest, and it won't hurt in a while." After that, he gently blew at my wound, and I didn't feel any pain when I watched Grandfather's concern for me.

Another time, it was very late and it was raining heavily. I got sick and had a high fever. My grandfather knew that without saying anything, he put on his raincoat and carried me to the car. All the way, he kept talking to me and comforted me not to be afraid. When he came to the hospital, he hurried to carry me to the hospital and asked the doctor to take my temperature. The doctor said that he would give me an injection, Looking at the long sharp needle, I was very frightened, but before I could recover, there was a burst of pain in the back of my hand, and I immediately began to cry again.

My grandfather held me tightly and the pain soon disappeared. He saw his hair and trouser legs were wet, but I was not wet at all. My grandfather was very kind to me. Since then, I have said to myself that I must study hard and repay my grandfather with good results. I also hope to be fair, safe, healthy and live a long life.

Grandpa, I love you. I remember your kindness to me.

My grandfather 600 (8)

This year, he is already in his early 60s, but he is very healthy and makes a lot of noise when walking. My grandfather is a farmer. He likes working very much. In recent years, people's life can be regarded as the flowering of sesame seeds - growing higher and higher. But every morning at dawn, he goes to pick and sell vegetables.

I remember that we went to my grandfather's house to pay New Year's greetings that Spring Festival. When we arrived at my grandfather's house, my grandmother was busy delivering fruits and snacks. At lunch, my mother said to my grandfather, "Dad, it's too hard for you to sell vegetables every morning. I'll help you sell it tomorrow!" My grandfather hurriedly said, "No, I'm not hard!" My mother looked at my grandfather's bronze face and was silent.

I also cut in and said, "Mom, you don't want to think about it. Tomorrow is the third day of the first lunar month. Will grandpa not sell vegetables tomorrow?" After lunch, my mother said quietly to me: "Tingting, tomorrow we will secretly sell vegetables without telling your grandpa!" I nodded happily. At night I lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep. At 5:30 the next morning, my mother and brother got up quietly and walked out of the door quietly. My mother pointed to the shed beside the house, and I understood that Grandpa always put the vegetables he collected here.

I had just opened the door when my grandfather came out and shouted, "I have sold out my vegetables and come back!" Surprised, my mother asked my grandpa, "Dad, you sold out so early?" My grandpa smiled and said, "I usually get up at 4:30 every day to sell vegetables, and today is no exception!" I couldn't help admiring my grandpa from the bottom of my heart, who really loves working.

Grandpa loved working so much that he was praised by people in the village. Therefore, he was rated as "advanced farmer" every year.

My grandfather 600 (9)

My grandfather, in his early 60s, has silver hair, a beer belly and a scholar's spirit. He is very hardworking and responsible for his work.

Every morning, Grandpa goes to work in the construction agency. He is an engineer. He sits in his office all day doing design. If anyone nearby wants to build a house, they will definitely find my grandfather. No wonder professors at Zhejiang University call him a local expert.

My grandfather is not only very serious in his work, but also very good to me. If I have any problems, he will try his best to help me solve them.

That time, four departments including Tongxiang Education Bureau and Tongxiang Association for Science and Technology jointly held a "Tongxiang Primary and Secondary School Sofa Model Design Competition". The length, width and height of the paper sofa required to be made are 50cm, 50cm and 80cm respectively, and adhesive tape is not allowed. The teachers at the school racked their brains and couldn't think of a good way. After school, I came to my grandmother's house and told my grandfather about it. My grandfather promised me that I would find a way.

In the evening, my grandfather asked me to go to his home with my parents to discuss making this sofa. When we came to Grandma's house, Grandpa said, "I have some idea about this sofa. The cushion uses a piece of paper, the backrest uses a piece of paper, and two armrests each have a piece of paper, a total of four pieces of paper." I said, "Grandpa, there should be a cross frame under the cushion, so that it can be secure." Dad also expressed his opinion. In this way, we didn't go home until after 9 o'clock.

The next day, I told the teacher the result of the discussion. The teacher made another revision. After that, we made a big model, which was very good.

Later, we participated in the competition and won the third prize. Grandpa also has a share of the credit.

My grandfather is knowledgeable and an expert in design. He is really my good example!

My grandfather 600 (10)

My grandfather is over seventy years old. His skin is dark and rough. A pair of eyebrows are still thick. The eyes under the eyebrows have been deeply sunken, leaving faint fishtail marks at the corners of the eyes. I think Grandpa is really old. The presbyopic glasses have been hung horizontally on the bridge of nose.

When Grandpa was making tea, I noticed that his nails had turned yellow and looked thick and hard. So he ran to cut his nails. My right hand was holding a nail clipper very hard to cut Grandpa, but it didn't cut. Later, I added my left hand, but I still didn't cut it. I began to wonder if there was a problem with this nail clipper, so I didn't hesitate to pick it up and cut it from my hand. I heard a click, and my nail broke. Grandfather smiled and patted my head, saying: "Runrun, the old man's nails are very hard, but the child's strength is not enough." I gave a lost voice. Grandfather saw my unhappiness and comforted me: "Sirun, you can cut your nails for Grandfather when you grow up." "Great! I want to grow up quickly." I said excitedly.

This happened when I was very young. Now I am ten years old, but I still remember the promise my grandfather gave me that year. Now that my grandfather and I live in different cities, I have fewer and fewer opportunities to meet him. I saw my grandfather again. He was totally different from before. Grandpa asked me if I had studied hard and had a good meal, so I kept nodding. When I saw my grandfather's nails and remembered what he had said to me, I picked up a nail clipper to cut his nails. But grandpa said: Sirun, when you grow up, you can cut your nails for grandpa. " I said angrily: Grandpa, that's what you said five years ago. " Alas, old people tend to forget things. But I think such a grandfather is really cute.

My grandfather 600 (11)

My grandfather is 66 years old, but he is still energetic and young, as if he is only over 50 years old. My grandfather is my first teacher of Olympic mathematics. He usually doesn't carry glasses, but when he gives me a lecture, he will put a pair of presbyopic glasses on his nose.

My grandfather worked very hard, even when he was teaching math to a third grader like me. He had not only notes for lesson preparation but also registration of learning progress. Grandma often said with a smile, "Your grandpa spent more time learning Mathematical Olympiad every day than you do." This is my grandpa, a meticulous person.

One day in the summer vacation this year, when I was doing a math problem, there was an Olympian Maths problem that I could not solve after repeated thinking. In a fit of anger, I threw away my textbooks and exercise books to let them stay cool. One day, two days, until the third day, my grandfather asked me: "Where is your math homework? Have you finished it? Show it to me." I felt nervous, but I had no choice but to find textbooks and exercise books and hand them to my grandfather. I firmly grasped my homework book, forced a smiling face to my grandfather, and said: "Grandpa, I have finished everything, and I am facing it,... can I not look at it?" My voice became smaller and smaller under Grandpa Ruju's eyes. The notebook is in my grandfather's and my hands. Finally, when my grandfather looked at me sternly, I relaxed my hand and the book came into his hands. The next result, alas, you also know. Grandfather's face was like the eve of a storm. I lowered my head and dared not look again.

"Not done? Why not?"

"I... can't do it," I replied hesitantly.

"Lift your head up and look at me." I slowly lifted my head up and saw Grandpa's frown. I panicked and quickly lowered my head.

Grandpa paused, his tone was not as harsh as at the beginning, but he had more strength that can not be ignored. "When you do something, you must be persistent, and never give up halfway. Let alone give up easily..." Grandpa said to me earnestly, my face hanging down was red and hot. Without saying a word, I picked up my homework book and did it immediately. After half an hour of serious thinking, my efforts have paid off. I finally made it. He raised his head, and the grandpa standing beside him frowned and spread out, and a kind smile hung on his face.

In this way, Grandpa influenced me with his own serious attitude, educated me, let me know a lot of truth, and made my life useful. I love my grandfather.

My grandfather 600 (12)

I remember one Chinese New Year when I went to play with my sister at my grandfather's house. The adults played mahjong. They stipulated that a cup of white wine would be fined if they lost the game. My father was not good at drinking, and only after three cups of white wine was fined, his face turned red into a big apple. After everyone had left, it was almost 12 o'clock after we sorted out. It was dark outside and I couldn't see my fingers. I was a very timid person, but I liked to listen to ghost stories. After a while, when everyone was ready to go upstairs to sleep, my mother suddenly stopped me and said, "Help Dad pour some water into the living room." I reluctantly came to the living room, when the light was off, and just my sister and I were alone, we took a small flashlight to find a source switch in the lobby. After looking for a while, my sister suddenly said that grandpa had made a new desk lamp, so my sister ran to a cabinet near the sofa and pressed the button of the desk lamp. Suddenly, there was a pool of blood in front of my eyes. My sister and I shouted, and we ran upstairs in fright. We stood in front of my mother at a loss and talked about what had happened, After listening to this, my mother said doubtfully, "Are you sure?" "It's true!" My sister said with wide eyes, and I echoed. Grandfather laughed and said, "You misunderstood the ghost and blood. It's an interesting lamp." My sister and I were even more frightened when we heard the lamp. After a while, my sister and grandpa went downstairs together to find the truth. When we got to the living room, grandpa pointed to the red lamp and said, "You misunderstood me. You are my new colorful lamp!" The big stone in our hearts fell to the ground. So we just thought too much!

After many years, I still remember it clearly. Although I know the truth, I'm still afraid.

My grandfather is really a magician.

My grandfather 600 (13)

Grandfather's things were packed into packages. The most prominent one was a large photo album with a heavy cover, but I felt the flesh and blood inside. The first one is the latest one, but also five years ago, his cousin and sister-in-law returned from Hong Kong. In the picture, grandpa sat in the middle, smiling broadly, and the wrinkles would spread. How long has it been since I saw them? When I turned it over again, I found all the photos of my grandfather's children, and some black and white photos, but my grandfather's figure almost never appeared.

Under the heavy photo album was a notebook with a leather cover and some tobacco flavor. Several articles were folded. I couldn't understand this at first, but I was shocked when I saw the date. That year, my mother and my sister-in-law were arguing all year long. Even though the reason has been forgotten, and now we are reconciled, it is still fresh in my memory. At that time, as soon as they met, they would hear their aunt's slippers stepping upstairs and trampling on the ground loudly. I heard my mother turn on the TV and turn on the stereo at its loudest. That year, that day, my grandfather wrote in his diary: "I smoke because I'm hungry, it's spiritual hunger.

Another article is broken. It's my mother's marriage. Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, I probably know the date from my mother's mouth. I don't know whether it is yellow tea stains or tears on the paper. The paper has become much crisper. Now, it is also stained with my tears, Grandfather wrote: "... So, after today, we should go home earlier. We will prepare dinner for you every day. If we don't go home, we will have a good life in our home over there..."

Grandpa, I understand you. On the quiet side of the mouth, it's just hard to say, but I love my children, but I bury my love in my heart. Even the only thing left, your breath and remaining temperature on the notes are all expressions of love.

Grandpa, I understand you.

My grandfather 600 (14)

At noon of the Mid Autumn Festival that year, Grandpa and I sat under a ginkgo tree in the yard. My grandpa is carefully selecting superior ginkgo fruits for me. I asked my grandpa, "Grandpa, are you not tired?" My grandpa said, "Not tired." I held my grandpa's arm and said to him, "Grandpa, I want to eat gingko nuts and fried rice eels." My grandpa repeatedly agreed. At that time, I was so ignorant. My grandpa was so tired and asked him to do this and that. Grandpa cooked lunch, and I couldn't wait to start eating fried rice eels with gingko nuts. One mouthful after another, the meat of monopterus albus is fresh and tender. Grandfather asked, "Is it delicious?" I clapped my hands and said, "It's delicious, the best in the world! Why don't you eat it, Grandfather?" Grandfather smiled and said, "You can eat it, Grandfather has a stomachache. At that time, I was only six years old.

When I was nine years old, my father and mother took me back to the city to go to school. I reluctantly left my grandfather, just like a bird left the forest.

I go back to see him every week, but with the growth of grade, I go back less and less. Every time I go back, my grandfather asks me what I want to eat early, and then goes to the food market early to buy. When we were still on the way, he would call to ask where we were. If we haven't been here for a long time, he will call, call and call again to urge us. When we got to the bridge near my grandfather's house, we would see his energetic figure. He will look at us and wave to us. As soon as I entered the house, I would smell the smell of meat, rice and vegetables. If it was summer, my grandparents would turn on the air conditioner until we left. When eating, my grandpa and grandma will put meat and vegetables in my bowl. Whether I like it or not, there is more food in that bowl than rice every time. When he left, he would put a lot of big sacks into the trunk, which were all vegetables that she and grandma had worked hard to grow.

That photo is my first group photo after leaving my grandfather.

My grandfather 600 (15)

My grandfather loves watching TV very much, especially legal programs. He loves to sleep and forget to eat. He has to go to work during the day, but he watches it desperately at night. Once, when I went to my grandfather's house to play, I saw him sitting on the sofa with melon seeds in his mouth. He was looking at Today's Speech with relish. His old big eyes stared even bigger and shook his head from time to time. His few hairs were like grass on the wall, one fell to the left, the other fell to the right, From time to time, he said, "Well done! Alas, I missed..." Maybe he was commenting on TV.

My grandpa watched the whole afternoon in high spirits, and did not cook in the evening. Until I protested again and again, he perfunctorily made a bowl of fried rice with eggs and stuffed it to me, and then went to watch his TV. He didn't know whether it was because he had eaten melon seeds all afternoon or because he had enjoyed himself so much that he didn't even eat dinner. I had to finish my meal in boredom and read books on the side, but it was 9 o'clock at night, and my grandfather still watched TV reluctantly. It seemed that I had to go to bed alone first. Lying in bed, listening to the TV outside, I gradually fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, I was awakened by a loud gunshot. I quickly put on my clothes and went out of the door. The scene in front of me surprised me. My grandfather even leaned on the sofa to watch TV. The gunshot was emitted from the TV. Looking at Grandpa again, I saw that he was leaning against a pillow and his feet were on the table. Although his eyes were all sleepy, he was still tenacious in the final struggle with the god of sleep. "Wai -" I was interrupted by his "shush" before I could say the word "male". He lowered his voice and said, "Don't make any noise, it's being judged!" When he spoke, his eyes were still staring at the TV. I couldn't help but say loudly, "It's midnight. You are still watching. Do you want to go to bed?" Grandpa listened to my words, and suddenly woke up a lot: "What, it's so late?" So he reluctantly turned off the TV and yawned a long time, He fell down on the sofa and slept soundly. When he slept, his mouth murmured from time to time; "Good, good, fair trial..."

I am my TV grandfather. He loves TV better than his grandson.

My grandfather 600 (16)

My grandfather has a pair of big eyes, dark skin, short stature, and looks like a 60 year old man. In fact, my grandfather is only 67 years old. My grandfather's favorite hobby is playing chess. He studies chess scores at home every weekend!

One hot summer weekend, my parents and I came to my grandfather's house together. He was staring at the mess on the table with a pair of presbyopic glasses. He was very focused. Even my parents and I knocked at the door, but when my mother called him, he came back to open the door for us.

After lunch, Grandpa asked me if I wanted to play chess? Don't cry when you lose! I was unwilling to say out loud, "It's better than that. I'm afraid that you can't be an old man in his sixties." Look, he is humorous and said, "You are so humorous. If you dare to talk to me like that, I really slap your ears!" At the beginning, my grandfather took away my two cars, which reduced my morale, I'm a little flustered. My grandpa is chasing after me, fishing horse! "Ah, I lost!" I said angrily, but grandpa said happily: "You still have one ear that has not been hit, be careful." I still said proudly: "Look at my counterattack, a gentleman revenge, it is not too late ten years." Another game started, and I learned to walk from grandpa. Finally, grandpa left the car, horse, soldier, and gun, while I only had one soldier and one horse, But I believe there are still opportunities. Fifteen minutes later, my old coach had no way to go, and my grandfather laughed at me for losing again. I was a little grumpy and stayed on the sofa, but my grandfather kindly said to me, "You are still young, and when you grow up, you will understand that life is like a game of chess. If you want to fail, you will succeed only depending on whether your every step is good or bad." My grandfather's words lingered in my heart.

Grandfather, you are the eternal love in my heart. Take care of me and let me thrive. One day, I will make you proud of me.

My grandfather 600 (17)

When we arrived at Duoduo's grandmother's house, adults began to chat with her grandparents. Duoduo and I played with our little brothers and sisters.

After playing for a long time, I felt a little tired, so I turned on the TV and watched Boys and Girls Rush Forward.

After watching for a while, I found something was wrong, so I listened and opened my eyes. I found that the image and sound were not on the same channel. I originally thought: "Whatever, just watch it", but later I became more and more tired, so I decided to adjust the TV well.

I checked the TV first and found nothing strange, so I turned my attention to the remote control in my hand. I stared at it for a while and saw a "Set" button. Press this key, a small window will pop up. There are many contents on it. I noticed one item: matching images and sounds, press "█". I pressed this button and the TV card stuck for a long time. I'm worried. What if I don't adjust it properly and break the TV?

When the picture appeared again, I was surprised to find that the TV was ready! We looked at it happily.

After a while, one after another grandfather came. He was surprised when the TV was ready, and asked us, "How is the TV?" I said lightly, "I just finished it.". Duoduo's grandfather was very happy. He said happily, "We found this problem very early. After several times of maintenance, it was not repaired. As a result, you repaired it today. How smart!"

Later, I told Grandpa Duoduo the method. To go home, my heart is sweet. I thought to myself, "I have helped you today and enjoyed myself so much. More importantly, today I understand a truth: we should observe carefully."