Finishing composition (11 selected articles)
Himura Kenshin
2023-09-25 05:24:06

Finishing composition (1)

At the beginning of today's composition class, Teacher Chen suddenly said, "We will play the finishing game later." After a while, Teacher Chen released a picture of a dragon on the blackboard. We all jumped with joy!

This dragon is really majestic! It wears dark green armor, steps on red auspicious clouds, and has a beard like a snake. The scales on the dragon's body are shining, and there is a pair of golden dragon horns on its head. But the only thing is that there are no bright eyes that dragons should have.

At this time, the teacher invited Xiao Yuan to play. The teacher blindfolded Xiao Yuan and gave him "two eyes" to stick his eyes to the dragon. Obuchi walked like an old aunt, stretching his arms and groping slowly. Xiao Zhan and I are playing tricks in the back. Xiaozhan shouted in front: "There are spiders! There are spiders!" I also hid behind a chair with the back facing outside to learn from Xiaozhan. When Xiao Yuan approached, I arched with a chair, and Xiao Yuan made a 360 degree turn, and turned to the blackboard. Obuchi measured from the edge of the blackboard with measuring method. It is about to reach the longan orbit. The hateful little Zhan took a blackboard eraser and another small magnet and put them on Xiao Yuan's shoulder to pretend they were spiders. Xiao Yuan was panicked, and the "longan" in his hand fell on the blackboard. Obuchi took off the red scarf, and the "longan" was stuck under the dragon's eye socket. Everyone burst out laughing.

This game is so interesting! We had a happy class time!

Finishing composition (2)

Recently, I found that I particularly like ancient songs, especially lyrics with artistic conception. There is a song that I like very much. It is "Hundred Ghosts Walking Night" of the audio monster.

"The withered woman writes a picture of a human skin wrapped in a red dress, and the beauty is vaguely beautiful." The slightly supernatural lyrics are matched with ancient tunes, and the scene in the song is gradually depicted in my mind. As soon as I feel my mind, I want to draw.

Well, the focus of the whole painting should be on a red dress. Once the red dress is painted, the whole feeling should come out.

The mechanical pencil first draws a rough outline on the paper. On the whole, it seems that the proportion is not harmonious. It doesn't matter. It's not the point. Just describe the details.

One problem with my painting is that what I draw is not always the same as what I think, but it doesn't matter. What I draw is also good.

While thinking about it, I drew it with one stroke. It seemed that there was something wrong with my hair, so I changed two strokes. It's OK. Focus on drawing clothes. Clothes are the "eyes" that make the finishing point.

I put my eyes to the paper, and the pen carefully drew the general pattern of the clothes. Well, the simplest kimono is good. Then carefully trace the pleats along the trend of the clothes. Wipe and change, change and wipe. The paper is almost broken, so we can draw a satisfactory finished product.

Looking at the formed pencil manuscript, there is always a sense of disobedience under the light sense of achievement, but I can't tell exactly where the disobedience is, perhaps because there is no color.

No matter what, let's go ahead and paint the color.

Use water to adjust the paint and start coloring, hair, skin color, background, and empty clothes alone.

The color of clothes should be carefully adjusted and painted. Clothes are the key.

I changed a smaller pen, dipped it in a little paint and wiped it. Hmm, very good. I filled the clothes with color bit by bit, and then added shade. Soon, the clothes were ready.

Glancing at the clothes with satisfaction, I held the picture far away. I found that the sense of disobedience became stronger after the color was applied. After a closer look, I found that, except for the clothes, other parts of the painting were rough.

I only pay attention to clothes but ignore other parts. The whole is uncoordinated, just like making the finishing point. Only when the dragon is painted well, can it be lifelike at the moment of making the finishing point. If we only pay attention to the finishing touch, only the eyes of the dragon are alive, but the body is dead.

Finishing composition (3)

"Make the finishing point" and "Magic Brush" have been used together for so many years, as if they have become synonyms to a certain extent. But have you ever thought that "make the finishing point" really needs to be "make the finishing point" when you talk? At the beginning, when the master painted the nine dragons on the wall, he did not add eyes to them. It was only under the constant, even annoying, demands of the world that the eyes were filled. It seems that the master's original intention was not to "point" that "eye". He seems to want to tell us something about a person, that is, don't tell everything completely and give people a head start.

The first book I started to contact with foreign literature was Aesop's Fables. I believe all my friends know that in every short story full of small animals, gods and philosophy, there are always one or two words that are quite offensive, such as what, this article tells me... or this. I don't know whether it was originally added by the editors who pity our IQ. Such a seemingly "finishing touch" sentence has virtually put a shackle on our thoughts. Only in this way can we understand "correctly". In contrast, the ancient fables in China are generally not so vivid and lovely, but they will never give a conclusion, so we need to use our brains to think about it, so we get different answers, and there will be many versions of the story of tortoise and rabbit racing. It can be seen that sometimes a "finishing touch" will backfire, reducing the art of language. In fact, Chinese people are very reserved in speaking and doing things. Sometimes it takes half an hour to say "no". But if you really make your point in front of me, it's like pouring cold water on your head. It's not good for him or me. However, if you have already exchanged greetings and come to the end to "make the finishing point", the paper you have been pasting for a long time will still be pierced and nothing will happen.

Just like that, when I first said longevity, centenary, and auspicious words for a long time, I suddenly pointed out that I was dying anyway, so I'd better buy a cemetery as soon as possible, so as not to raise the price again next year. It's not surprising that the teacher is half angry. So, if you draw a dragon, you must not "blind eye". Otherwise, it will become a blind dragon even if the dragon flies. The reason why Venus with broken arms has become one of the greatest works in the western art world is that on the one hand, her nearly perfect posture naturally, but on the other hand, her beauty comes from her broken arms. It is the two uneven granite broken arms that make people wonder how flexible and beautiful the arms on such a perfect body are, Many famous sculptors tried to fill her arms and make the finishing point of the "dragon painting", but they failed. They painfully concluded: "This statue can't be modified, even if one centimeter is added or removed, the whole beauty and balance will disappear." Look again at Da Vinci's amazing work Mona Lisa, the flickering smile is elusive. This led to hundreds of years of enthusiasm for him. Just imagine, if Leonardo da Vinci made the finishing point for her and drew her lip line with a black pen, could we still see the hazy beauty? Sometimes, just like Chinese painting, learning to leave blank and go to "touch up" will destroy the beauty. Of course, it is unnecessary and undesirable to knock down the "finishing touch" with one stroke. After all, sometimes a finishing touch can add luster to an article, and the Mona Lisa without eyes is also terrible, isn't it? However, "finishing touch" is not a panacea for all diseases.

We should use it again with full assurance, so as not to make mistakes and make it a "failure".

Finishing composition (4)

"Hello, Haibao? Next week is my 60th birthday. Will you come?" "Yes, definitely." That day, Haibao came to Beijing by plane. Once there, he called his uncle and said, "Uncle, I'm here. Which hotel are you in?" "I'm in the Golden Regal Hotel." "I know."

When we arrived there, many people came. Haibao's uncle was a great painter, and people asked his uncle to draw a picture. Then his uncle drew a dragon and a tiger, wishing everyone a lively life. But the tiger had eyes, but the dragon had no eyes. Everyone was very strange. His uncle explained: "If the dragon drew eyes, the dragon would fly away." Everyone did not believe it, Uncle had to ask Haibao to draw these eyes. Haibao had fifteen buckets in his heart to draw water - seven up and eight down.

As soon as he drew an eye, the dragon rose into the air, and the onlookers were amazed. It's awesome to watch this dragon.

A few days later, the dragon came to Haibao with many scars. He said wrongly, "The eye you painted for me is so small, which makes me highly myopic and makes me a one eyed dragon. How can you make me stand in the dragon family.

Therefore, the word "finishing touch" came into being.

Finishing composition (5)

Zhang Sengyao was a general in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. He was good at painting and was famous.

The animals he painted are just like real ones. Once, he drew a dragon on the wall of a temple. Soon, a strong wind blew and the sky became dark. The dragon seemed to be about to ascend to heaven. Zhang Sengyao drew a shackle on the dragon's body again to lock the dragon.

Later, he drew an eagle on the east wall of the main hall of a temple, and a magpie on the west wall. The birds looked at the picture and made nests there. He is a god like painter, which is known far and near, but some people don't believe him!

Once, when people heard that he was going to Nanjing to paint a dragon on the wall of a temple, everyone rushed to see it to confirm the legend.

He didn't spend much time painting four dragons on the temple wall, but no eyes were painted on each dragon. The viewer asked him why.

He replied, "The eyes of the dragon are its focus. If I paint the eyes during the repair, the spirit of the dragon will be fully absorbed in the painting. If the dragon in the painting gets life, he will fly away! So I can't paint dragon glasses casually."

Those who heard this thought it was Zhang Sengyao's boasting. They asked him to paint his eyes. Zhang Sengyao picked up the brush and painted the eyes of two of the four dragons. Unexpectedly, as soon as the painting was finished, suddenly the sky was thundering. In the rumbling thunder, the two dragons got up and flew away through the wall.

Everyone was shocked and calmed down. Only two of the four dragons on the temple wall were left. The two dragons with their eyes on them have disappeared. They are flying into the sky.

Finishing composition (6)

Finishing composition (I)

Finishing composition (II)

Turning Mediocrity into Miraculousness -- A Probe into Improving the Language Level of Composition

The beauty of language is indispensable to a good article. What people call beautiful prose is mainly for the beauty of language. While some students always scribble when writing articles, and they don't pay attention to the language, which is the main reason for the dull language. In fact, with a little effort in writing, you can sometimes get the effect of transforming mediocrity into magic.

1、 Be skillful in modifying and polishing language

Mr. Xiao Qian, a book critic, once said: "Words are natural and implicit things." The same content and same idea will make readers feel powerless when written, and others will make people feel infinite charm. Compare the following two sentences:

① As soon as autumn comes, some yellow leaves fall.

② As soon as autumn comes, some impatient yellow leaves fall.

① The sentence makes people feel very straightforward. The second sentence is only modified by "hasty", which makes the yellow leaf personified. The whole sentence makes people feel full of emotion, and the artistic conception comes out.

Another example:

① On the table, the candle was burning.

② On the table, the candle was burning implicitly (silently). (Plus "implicit", full of feelings) ① I failed the exam again, and I felt disappointed and distressed.

② I failed the exam again, and I was distressed in disappointment. (Repeated, the charm suddenly came into being) ① I stared out of the window, only to see the long rain falling.

② I stared out of the window blankly, only to see the long rain continuously falling, and the long sorrow of the rain was even longer. (Add a sentence, the scene is mixed)

In fact, writing an article is like playing Go. The skill of Go lies in making eyes. When eyes work, the chess will live. The expression skill of language also lies in making eyes. There are paragraph eyes, paragraph eyes, and sentence eyes. When the eyes are alive, the text is also alive.

2、 Learn to change the general into the specific

The concrete is a kind of beauty. The level of using language depends to a large extent on whether you can write concrete. However, in students' compositions, there are often some general and plain expressions.

For example, when we say "quiet", language is general and abstract. For example, it is changed to "It's very quiet here, and I can only hear the friction (sound) of pen and paper, rustling", which is more specific, but it's for people

It doesn't feel fresh.

Look at how Turgenev, the Russian writer, captured the silence: "It's so quiet around. You can hear squirrels jumping on the dead branches a hundred meters away. The broken branches fall off. First, they slightly hook other branches, and then they fall on the soft grass - forever falling there, quietly waiting for decay."

Another example is "fat". If it is written as "this woman is very fat," it is very general. For example, "This woman is as fat as the dough that has just opened." It is more specific. Look at how Chekhov wrote "Her face is fat and shiny, and her skin is not enough. You must close your mouth when you open your eyes; you must close your eyes when you open your mouth."

Specifically, it is necessary to write things in such a way that they can be heard, seen, touched and felt, and try to give people a new feeling, so that the beauty of language will be generated.

3、 Be good at combining language skillfully

Sometimes some seemingly simple and straightforward sentences can be skillfully combined to achieve a language effect of "common words see strange, old words see new".

For example, when a student wrote that a family was going to visit relatives, their parents had a conflict because of disagreement: "Mom wants to go, Dad doesn't want to go. Then Mom said go, and Dad said don't go. It's just a pain for me. I don't know whether to follow my mom or keep my dad." This combination of words was very successful, without a flowery phrase, But in his simplicity, he saw the power of the author's language.

Another example: A student described three girls in the class as "one is delicate, one is foreign, and one is rustic. The delicate is full of aura, the foreign is all delicate, and the rustic is a bit silly." The clever language combination also has special charm.

Some of our classmates have a wrong idea when writing compositions. He thinks that only beautiful language is a good article, so he desperately pursues some good words and sentences, which makes people feel pompous. In fact, "words must be popular to spread far". The simple and simple language combination may give people a feeling of "water comes out of lotus, and nature carves".

4、 Be good at using the "making" method of humorous language

The article is humorous and everyone likes to read it. Many students also know this when writing, and they also want to "keep quiet" in their own compositions, but they often hold their heads in pain and can not hold a humorous word. There is a saying that "wit makes humor", that is to say, humorous language reflects a certain kind of wit. We often have this feeling when we read Mark Twain's works. For example, it is not easy to quit smoking. Most people will say, "It is not easy to quit smoking.".

I tried to quit several times, but I didn't quit. " Mark Twain said the same thing in a completely opposite way: "It's really easy to quit smoking. I quit several times a year." This gave him a strong sense of humor.

The explanation of "humor" in Cihai is that "humor" is usually the use of comic, pun, irony, homophonic, exaggeration and other means of expression to quietly integrate the opposite attributes of shortcomings and advantages, defects and perfection, absurd and reasonable, stupid and smart. In this unity of opposites, there are profound meanings or self mocking wisdom. It can be seen that humorous language can not be written out if you want to. Read more humorous stories, pay more attention to how humorous people express in life, and take their words as their own, which is very beneficial to improve their language skills. For example, some students say that being called to criticize by the teacher means "the teacher thinks highly of me"; It has a lot of humor to say that copying others' homework is "my own handwriting" and so on. If we use more, we can explore the rules and master some "manufacturing" methods of humorous language, such as misplaced contrast, wrong collocation, derogatory use of commendatory words, opposite words, homophonic puns and so on, and gradually make the language of our articles humorous.

In a word, in order to improve our language level, we should attach importance to language learning in writing and consciously use some language skills. "Nothing is difficult in the world, but only those who have a heart". As long as you remember, think and practice more at ordinary times, you can constantly improve your language skills and receive the effect of "turning mediocrity into magic".

Literary talent

[Famous teacher refers to Tianjin]

Literary talent is the development grade in the composition scoring standard. As for the requirement of language for the high school entrance examination, there is a clear stipulation in the instructions for grading papers everywhere: literary talent is required. That is, vivid words, flexible sentence patterns, good at using rhetoric, and meaningful sentences. Let's take a look at some fragments from the full score composition:

1. Poems and famous sentences show the beauty of literature.

Fragment collection: I remember a poet said: Sometimes it's sunny, but it's raining in my heart; Sometimes it rains, but my heart is sunny. When the heart is clear, the rain is also clear, and when the heart is raining, the rain is also clear.

(In 2007, let the sunshine stay in the heart, written by Man Fenwen, Binzhou, Shandong)

[Whispering between eyebrows] In order to explain the principle of "opening up your heart and letting the sun stay in your heart forever", the examinees have drawn extensive references and witty remarks. The poem quoted at the beginning here is reasonable, philosophical and chewable, which shows the examinee's broad reading, profound accumulation, rich heritage, rich cultural atmosphere and pleasing to the eye.

2. It is lively and full of life beauty.

Fragment collection: With beauty in mind, the flowers are more colorful! With beauty in mind, the sun will shine more brightly! With beauty in mind, life is spring!

(2007, Man Fenwen, Binzhou, Shandong Province, "Let the Beauty Stay in the Heart Forever")

[Whispering at the center of the eyebrows] The end of this book appears in a row, neat and has a lasting effect.

3. The sentence pattern is changeable and full of personality beauty.

Capture: Look up, the usual blue sky is above your head. appear trite and insignificant. But this is your burial of beauty. Everyone has a blue sky on his head, but who can really break through the floating dust, dig deep into the plain, and explore the most magnificent beauty—— The sky is quiet, when the sky is quiet, the sky is bright and clear; Or thousands of miles of floating clouds, in various forms, the wind blows the clouds, the wind sets the clouds, the wind rolls and the wind is comfortable, like wine into Haochang, it is fascinating. When it is moving, the wind is blowing fiercely, and four dark clouds cover the sky and the sun. The sky is dim, the earth is dark, the lightning is shining, the thunder is loud, and the rainstorm is pouring. All of this makes people enjoy the full enjoyment of those who move in the sky!

(In 2007, Zibo Man Fenwen, "In the Depth of Ordinary, Beauty Is Brilliant")

[Whispering in the middle of the eyebrows] This paragraph uses rhetoric skillfully, adding color to the article; The use of long and short sentences, long sentences melodious, lingering sound curling, short sentences crisp, like pearls falling on a jade plate, adds to the article's phonological beauty.

Of course, there are more literary methods than these. As long as we read more at ordinary times, strengthen accumulation, continue to imitate, and strengthen training, we will certainly make the article elegant and elegant, and the literary grace soar!


Full marks Example One temper is like a song

Jiangxi Full Score Composition in 2007

April showers bring May flowers.

Tempering is like a song, a song that never changes. In Mencius, it goes: "So when heaven is about to take on a great task, people must first work hard, strain their muscles and bones, starve their skin, empty their body, and act in a disorderly way. Therefore, patience has benefited them." It can be seen that the ancients have a deep understanding of tempering. Those who need to take on a big task must be tempered first, such as a piece of pig iron with good quality, which is hammered and smelted in a strong fire. Don't care about suffering. "Let the storm come more violent!" Tempering is like a song, like a song of fiery ambition.

Tempering is like a song, a graceful, beautiful and thought-provoking song. Du Fu, the "Sage of Poetry", is honored as the "Sage"? He suffered a lot, suffered a lot, and experienced human suffering. He has the talent of "writing like a god", although his official career is not smooth; He has the ambition of patriotism and loving the people, although his ambition has not been rewarded; He has a happy family, but he lost his son in middle age and his family was broken. In the face of all kinds of hardships, he helped the world at the same time, and recited the benevolent ambition of "securing thousands of buildings and protecting the poor people all over the world". Du Zimei looked at the exercise. He used his own life experience to write the exercise spectrum into a moving and memorable song. As a result, he was admired by later generations and immortalized forever.

Tempering is like a song, an indomitable and positive song. "We sing Dongfanghong, stand up as masters of our own country, and we sing the story of spring, and become rich through reform and opening up." The Chinese people have suffered a lot and experienced bullying, but the industrious and brave Chinese people will not be crushed in this way. We regard tempering as a song, a song of striving. "We unite as one, braved the enemy's fire, and move forward, move forward, move forward." Finally, we went through the trials and hardships, and the phoenix was nirvana.

Tea needs to be soaked in boiling water for many times before it will burst into fragrance; Pig iron needs to be hammered repeatedly before it can be tempered into steel; Young eagles need to break their wings many times to fly; Creation needs repeated failures to make it come true

If we say that life is like tea and needs tempering, then tempering is like a song, a song that accompanies life, a song that leads to the door of success, a song that has always been unchanged and indomitable, and a song that needs us to take seriously.

Tempering is like a song, let the song accompany us through every spring and autumn.

[Teach you how to fix the eyes]

This article starts with the text of the article with parallelism paragraphs, which also uses metaphor, antithesis, parallelism and other rhetorical devices to make the language beautiful and literary grace flying. Reading this article makes people feel like entering a garden of flowers, washing away the dust of the day, feeling fresh and fresh, like the aroma of tea, giving people aesthetic enjoyment and artistic edification. At the same time, the insertion of ancient poems and famous quotes seems to add a few seasoned beans to the article, and it also cooks a lot of literary flavor. The words are light, flexible, transparent, and peaceful.

Full Score Example 2

On the way to grow up, she took my hand

Henan Full Score Composition in 2006

In swaddling clothes, it was her sweet and warm milk that watered my blooming and vigorous life.

When I was a child, she used her solid arms to guide me to walk, run and jump.

Finishing composition (III)

Writing Skills: Draw the Dragon Point and Draw the Title Carefully

Key points of knowledge:

1. Title is the eye of composition. If the article has a pair of attractive "eyes", readers will fall in love with the article at first sight.

2. "Write half the essay well".

3. In terms of content, the title of the article should be novel and refined to make people feel promising at first sight.

4. From the perspective of intention, we should "seek truth and detail" and "tailor to suit", so that the proposed topic can summarize the main spirit of the article. Examination instructions:

In recent years, no matter in the college entrance examination or the high school entrance examination, the idea of composition proposition has undergone significant changes. The proposition maker provides an open topic for the examinee, and provides the freedom of writing that "the sea is wide enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high enough for birds to fly". Then, how can topic composition skillfully apply "make-up" to its own "articles" to make it present a fresh and expressive face?

1. Skillful use of rhetoric can enhance the persuasiveness and appeal, and can express the meaning vividly. For example:

(1) The metaphor "I Long for the Teacher's" Sunshine "(Chengdu, Sichuan) uses" sunshine "to express warm love, which is concise and implicit. If the metaphor is replaced by" warm help ", it is boring. Another example is "I found that girls can also be" the sun "(Nantong, Jiangsu)," Home, the safe haven for our growth "(Changzhi, Shanxi). These allegorical questions are also full of literary color.

(2) This is a story written by a candidate in Dalian, Liaoning Province, closely following the white hair of his mother's black hair, revealing the true meaning of ruthless years and priceless maternal love, and giving the article the title "Black and white debt", using color as the noumenon, revealing clues and expressing deep feelings. Another example is Life Needs Applause (Hefei, Anhui), which is also very creative.

(3) The interest, method and function of reading in Good Reading? Good Reading? Good Reading (Wenzhou, Zhejiang) are expressed concisely and vividly in the progressive process.

(4) Compared with "The Small Tree Is Happy Again" (Yancheng, Jiangsu) and "Reading Water a Thousand Times Is Interesting" (Xi'an, Shaanxi), the former uses personification rhetoric to make the small tree have human feelings, while the latter uses personification rhetoric to make "water" a thing that can be "read".

(5) The antithesis "Friends are the most authentic, and friendship is the most valuable" (Changchun, Jilin), "Reading a book of wisdom, and being a useful person" (Wenzhou, Zhejiang), both of which condense the purpose of the text into neat and symmetrical sentences, reflecting the examinees' good language skills.

(6) The comparison between "lying" and "standing" in "Lying Reading, Standing Being a Man" (Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province) makes the title contain philosophy and memorable.

(7) In the pun "I Need a Good Medicine Most" (Lujiang, Anhui), "good medicine" can cure both leg disease and heart disease.

(8) Wrong? Right.

(9) The rhetorical question "Chinese Educators, Haven't You Found It?" (Tangshan, Hebei) is full of strong desire to get rid of the burden of exam oriented education, with clear views and sincere words.

(10) The two examples of Dingzhen's "Reading with Joy" (Wenzhou, Zhejiang) and "Living Reading with Joy" (ibid.) use Dingzhen and loopback rhetoric to show the fun, joy and method of reading.

(11) Ironically, I found the "thief" in my home (Shijiazhuang, Hebei), whose home was "stolen" several times, the "perpetrator" was originally three members of a family who sent money to the disaster area without telling others. The title used "thief" and derogatory words used to praise, highlighting the noble character and humor of the family.

(12) Imitate "I am a little expert in service" (Wuhan, Hubei) and "Reading is loving yourself" (Xuzhou, Jiangsu). The former imitates the lyrics "I am a little expert in selling newspapers", and the latter interviews the advertising slogan "Love you is loving yourself", which is vivid and points out the theme.

(13) The former vividly shows the role of reading, while the latter reveals the way to eliminate the "generation gap" and quotes famous sentences as topics, which can better reflect the examinee's literary accumulation and cultivation and give a fresh impression.

(14) Repeat the "I" in front of "I" Serve for Me "(Wuhan, Hubei), and the two" I "repeat, setting suspense, novel and eye-catching.

(15) The author of synaesthesia Green Audible (Xining, Qinghai) communicates vision and hearing, "listening" to the thriving green world outside the window, with unique vision and originality.

2. Be good at quoting

(1) Quote poetry classical poetry has rich symbolic meaning and connotation, using them as the title, one is unconventional, the other is that readers like to hear and see, full of cordiality. The novel "Looking Back Suddenly" written by Taiwan writer Sanmao uses the words of the song dynasty poet Xin Qiji's "Blue Jade Case? Lantern Festival": "When looking back suddenly, the man was in the dim light"; Another example is Lu Guang's "Chinese Girls", in which there is a paragraph about Yuan Weimin's almost ruthless training of women volleyball girls. The subtitle is "The Tao is merciless but affectionate", which is a vivid use of the lines of Liu Yuxi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. Using ancient poems or idiom allusions as titles can also show the author's profound literary literacy and different writing skills.

(2) Quote lyrics In today's popular music, many songs have beautiful names and lyrics. Borrowing them as the title of an article is not only lively and interesting, but also easy to bring readers into the situation created by the article. For example, when a student wrote a composition for the senior high school entrance exam, he wrote the topic "Because I love you". When he saw this topic, the readers would be surprised. He did not expect such bold students in the exam room! But when you read it, you found that what the author wrote was originally a story related to the network. At the end, he skillfully quoted the lyrics of the song "Because I love you, I cherish myself more". The full text can be said to be natural; The Girl Quartet is a funny story about the girls' dormitory; Sunny? Cloudy? Rainy days tells of several misunderstandings one day.

3. Borrowing symbols

(1) Punctuation is a silent language. It is fresh, lively, vivid and often leaves a broad space for thinking. For example, in 2000, an examinee in Zhejiang wrote an article entitled "Life is rich and colorful!". The author used an exclamation mark as the title, which was forceful and forceful, vividly indicating that "life has no fixed format", and pointed out the theme that "life will be rich and colorful as long as you grasp the rudder of life in hand".

(2) The introduction of mathematical symbols into the title shows the main idea to be expressed. It is intuitive, eye-catching, philosophical, attractive and so on, and often receives the effect of surprise. In recent years, it is quietly emerging in all kinds of newspapers and periodicals across the country, and topic writing can also be borrowed. In 2000, an examinee in Jiangsu Province took "10-1=„„„„" as the topic, skillfully used mathematical symbols to form equations, set suspense, left wide imagination space for readers, and interpreted the phenomenon of "10 minus 1" in life from multiple levels and angles, which can be described as endless words and meanings.

4. Other forms

(1) Sometimes we can change the angle from the opposite or from the side. For example, the title "I won't go home next week" is very attractive. It is a story about the author and his father who resolved to go home less and repay their parents with a serious attitude of learning after eliminating misunderstanding; The Fourth Commandment describes the teacher's excessive restraint on students from the side. It makes people laugh when reading it, and makes people think deeply after reading it.

(2) Therefore, the title of the suspense article should not be "a thousand people are one side". Only by setting suspense in the title and implicitly showing the twists and turns of the article can we grasp the readers' hearts. This method is simple and easy to learn. At the same time, a topic full of suspense will also make you feel that you have something to say. For example, the topic "Notes from Girls" is typical: why does the girl write notes to boys? What is written on the note? How will it end? As soon as readers look at the topic, they have so many questions to understand, and naturally have a strong desire to continue reading. Another example is the news headline "When the train comes".

[1-1] A primary school teacher asked his students to write a "a" on the checkerboard and asked them to fill it in. As a result, one child wrote a big "a". This word almost fills the whole article. The teacher was very angry and severely criticized him for being lazy and fooling around.

According to the above materials, please talk about your views and condense them into argument titles.

Guide: This is a training question. There are many angles.

1. You can talk about things from the point of view, for example, some students said: "How can I get along with being lazy when I was young?" Some students criticized the teacher for not explaining the assignment clearly, and the title was proposed as: "Try to be accurate and unambiguous when speaking". Some criticized the teacher's education method for being wrong and too strict, and proposed the title of "To be conducive to the physical and mental development of children". Others said that the teacher's assignment was too tedious, and the title "Why not fill the whole article?" These titles were extracted from the materials, but they were only superficial, very vulgar

It is difficult to enlighten people.

2. You can also see the essence through the phenomenon to further explore its meaning. For example, some students proposed the following titles after in-depth analysis and thinking, such as "Reject the box!" "Dare to break the 'rules' and innovate" "Break the shackles and innovate with determination" "Encourage creativity and develop personality" "blaze new trails and innovate boldly" "The rigid teaching model should be abolished" "Rules - strangle the shackles of personality" "Open the door to wisdom" "Who killed our imagination?" "Cultivating talents or mediocrity" "Don't kill the bud of personality" "This" lazy "is good at stealing" "Innovating" "Good" "Younger sister, you go forward boldly" and so on, all have certain depth and new ideas, which can really give people some inspiration.

I believe you can draw up an argument type title with certain depth and novelty.

In autumn, the new academic year of Peking University began. An out of town student walked into the campus with big bags and small bags on his back. He was so tired that he left his bags on the roadside. Just then, an old man walked up to me, and the young student went up and said, "Can you take a look at my bag?" The old man readily agreed. The new student then went to go through all kinds of admission procedures lightly. When he came back more than an hour later, the old man still fulfilled his mission dutifully. The young student thanked the old man, and they went away separately. A few days later, at the opening ceremony of Peking University, the young student was surprised to find that Ji Xianlin, the vice principal of Peking University, was the old man who looked after his luggage that day.

Please draw up an argument title based on the above materials.

Guide: This training question has many perspectives.

1. If we talk about things from the ground up and make superficial remarks, we will draft the title: "Helping others is fun", "Being approachable and setting an example", "Promise to be faithful and be responsible to the end", "Being modest and being an elder".

2. If you dig a little, you can draft the title: "The first lesson at the beginning of school", "The first lesson at Peking University", "There is truth in the world", "Profound knowledge, noble personality".

3. If you go further, you can draft the title: "Do what you want to do to others", "Don't do it with kindness", "Respect the pure heart", "Simplicity and simplicity", "Natural heart - the highest realm", "Gold like ordinary heart", "Valuable ordinary heart", "Call for equality and fraternity", "Extraordinary and refined realm". These titles praise

Finishing composition (7)

In ancient times, there was a painter who liked to paint animals, and his favorite painting was dragon. Every time he drew the dragon lifelike, but for some reason, he never drew the eyes of the dragon.

Once, his friend asked him to draw a picture for him. He painted very fast. He painted a lifelike and vivid dragon in two or three strokes, but he never painted the eyes of the dragon.

His friend asked him, "Why don't you draw the eyes of a dragon?" He replied, "If I draw the eyes, it will become a real dragon and fly to the sky." The friend said, "I can't manage so much. You should draw two dragon eyes quickly, or I won't accept this painting." He had to say: "Well, then I will draw, and you should be prepared mentally." The friend said‘ Draw it quickly! " The man carefully drew the eyes of two dragons for fear of making a mistake.

The man finally finished his painting. Suddenly, lightning flashed and thunder roared. Dark clouds covered the whole sky and vaguely saw a golden dragon. Frightened, the friend dodged to one side and shouted, "Wipe the dragon's eyes quickly!" The painter quickly wiped the dragon's eyes, and immediately the dark clouds dispersed. They were both shocked. There is still a dragon without eyes on the screen.

Finishing composition (8)

It is said that long, long ago there was an emperor who was good at dragons.

He sent someone to inquire about a good painter, and then asked him to draw three giant dragons in front of the palace gate.

The painter drew three giant dragons and nodded his eyes. The first person who saw the dragon was a child. He looked around and saw where it was funny, so he wiped the eyes of the three dragons away. After a while, the painter and the emperor had just come up with the idea of looking at the dragon in the palace, but before they could go out the door, they heard people talking about it. Someone said, "Why does this dragon have no eyes?" The painter explained, "I clearly painted eyes!" The emperor said, "Just paint them again." The painter said, "The emperor, never, never!" The emperor listened and said, "Why?" The painter explained: "If the three dragons nod their eyes again, they will fly away." The emperor was very angry. After hearing this, he became angry and ordered: "If you say these words, I will take your head!" The painter had to paint.

The painter had just lit the eyes of the three dragons, when suddenly the painting on the wall disappeared, and dark clouds covered the world. Then he saw only three dragons, flying through the clouds and mist, and then recovered calm.

Since then, the emperor never dared to ask people to draw dragons, and the painter went home happily after receiving the reward.

Grade 4: Liang Enhuai

Finishing composition (9)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

"Make the finishing point" and "Magic Brush" have been used together for so many years, as if they have become synonyms to a certain extent. But have you ever thought that "make the finishing point" really needs to be "make the finishing point" when you talk?

At the beginning, when the master painted the nine dragons on the wall, he did not add eyes to them. It was only under the constant, even annoying, demands of the world that the eyes were filled. It seems that the master's original intention was not to "point" that "eye". He seems to want to tell us something about a person, that is, don't tell everything completely and give people a head start.

The first book I started to contact with foreign literature was Aesop's Fables. I believe all my friends know that in every short story full of small animals, gods and philosophy, there are always one or two words that are quite offensive, such as what, this article tells me... or this. I don't know whether it was originally added by the editors who pity our IQ. Such a seemingly "finishing touch" sentence has virtually put a shackle on our thoughts. Only in this way can we "correctly" understand. In contrast, the ancient fables in China are generally not so vivid and lovely, but they will never give a conclusion, so we need to use our brains to think about it, so we get different answers, and there will be many versions of the story of tortoise and rabbit racing. It can be seen that sometimes a "finishing touch" will backfire, reducing the art of language.

In fact, Chinese people are very reserved in speaking and doing things. Sometimes it takes half an hour to say "no". But if you really make your point in front of me, it's like pouring cold water on your head. It's not good for him or me. However, if you have already exchanged greetings and come to the end to "make the finishing point", the paper you have been pasting for a long time will still be pierced and nothing will happen. Just like that, when I first said longevity, centenary, and auspicious words for a long time, I suddenly pointed out that I was dying anyway, so I'd better buy a cemetery as soon as possible, so as not to raise the price again next year. It's not surprising that the teacher is half angry. So, if you draw a dragon, you must not "blind eye". Otherwise, it will become a blind dragon even if the dragon flies.

The reason why Venus with broken arms has become one of the greatest works in the western art world is that on the one hand, her nearly perfect posture naturally, but on the other hand, her beauty comes from her broken arms. It is the two uneven granite broken arms that make people wonder how flexible and beautiful the arms on such a perfect body are, Many famous sculptors tried to fill her arms and make the finishing point of the "dragon painting", but they failed. They painfully concluded: "This statue can't be modified, even if one centimeter is added or removed, the whole beauty and balance will disappear." Look again at Da Vinci's amazing work Mona Lisa, the flickering smile is elusive. This led to hundreds of years of enthusiasm for him. Just imagine, if Leonardo da Vinci made the finishing point for her and drew her lip line with a black pen, could we still see the hazy beauty? Sometimes, just like Chinese painting, learning to leave blank and go to "touch up" will destroy the beauty.

Of course, it is unnecessary and undesirable to knock down the "finishing touch" with one stroke. After all, sometimes a finishing touch can add luster to an article, and the Mona Lisa without eyes is also terrible, isn't it? However, "finishing touch" is not a panacea for all diseases. We should use it again with full assurance, so as not to make mistakes and make it a "failure".

Finishing composition (10)

It is said that Zhang Sengyao once painted a dragon in Anle Temple in Jinling. There are four dragons painted by Zhang Sengyao on the wall of Anle Temple. The four dragons were painted very vividly. They were really vivid. But the dragon in the picture has no eyes. This is the day of the temple fair.

Zhang Sengyao came to Anle Temple to attend the temple fair. Someone recognized him and asked him why he didn't draw dragon eyes. Zhang Sengyao said: It's not slippery. If you draw dragon eyes, the dragon will fly away. "After listening to this, no one believed him. They thought his explanation was absurd. How could the dragon on the wall fly away? As the days went by, many people thought she was lying.

Zhang Sengyao had no choice but to draw the eyes of the dragon with a pen. While drawing, he said: I will draw eyes for the two dragons to avoid all flying away. All of you should stay away so as not to hurt you when the dragon takes off. " With these words, he quickly drew the eyes of the two dragons. Suddenly, lightning flashed and thunder thundered, rain poured down, and the wind blew. The two dragons that were ordered to perform rose in the air. In a twinkling of an eye, I shook my body and flew into the sky with the dark clouds. Soon, it disappeared into the clouds.

After a while, the clouds cleared and the sky cleared. People were so frightened that they could not say a word. Looking at the wall, there were only two dragons without eyes, and the other two dragons disappeared. Later, according to this legend, the idiom "make the finishing point" was derived.

Grade 5: Liang Xin

Finishing composition (11)

On one occasion, he painted four giant dragons on the wall of Anle Temple in Jinling (now Nanjing). The dragons were vivid and lifelike, but they had no eyes. People asked Zhang Sengyao, "Why don't you draw your eyes?" He said, "You can't draw your eyes easily! Once you draw them, the dragon will fly away!" After hearing this, no one believed that he was talking big. Later, unable to withstand repeated requests, Zhang Sengyao agreed to draw the eyes of the dragon. Strange things happened. He had just pointed out the eyes of the second dragon, when suddenly a strong wind blew and lightning flashed. The two dragons rose up and flew away with their shining eyes. The onlookers were all dumbfounded and admired Zhang Sengyao even more.

The idiom "make the finishing point" comes from this legend. Now it is generally used as a metaphor to point out the meaning with one or two incisive words in key places when writing and speaking, so as to make the content more vivid and powerful. This technique is also called "finishing touch".

The finishing touch originally described the magic of Zhang Sengyao, a painter of the Liang Dynasty. Later, when writing an article or making a speech, I will use a few sentences to point out the essence at the key points to make the content vivid and powerful.