Regret (20 pieces)
A coquettish old man
2023-11-27 06:30:06
Senior One

Regret (1)

Regret is like a shadow, always standing on the other side of the beautiful. Perfect things in the world are limited after all, and regret arises at the historic moment. People often pray for smooth sailing and good luck in everything, but they are afraid to avoid those failures and setbacks, or fail to recover in the face of failure. I think this is not the true meaning of life.

Life is too short for us. I appreciate regret.

Regret is a painful state of mind, but also full of tears and bitter life tragedy. But regret is like plum blossom. It is precisely because of the severe cold that it can release the pungent fragrance.

One autumn more than 1200 years ago, a scholar named Zhang Ji dropped out of the list. After ten years of hard work, success is on the verge of failure. His failure was no less than that of the students who failed in the college entrance examination today. Zhang Ji, who was defeated by the bleak maple leaves, stayed at Hanshan Temple at night. The bell sounded in the distance, and the fishing fire jumped like a fairy on the dark river. In the face of this scene, melancholy Zhang Ji silently recited his inner depression: the moon set, the clouds crowed and the frost covered the sky, the river maple fishing fire worried about cotton; Therefore, the Hanshan Temple outside Suzhou City will arrive at the passenger ship at midnight. This poem is called "Sleeping in Hanshan Temple at Night", which has been handed down for thousands of years.

Just imagine that Zhang Ji could not write this masterpiece without the painful regret of losing the list. Then, in the palace of poetry, it is impossible to have a beautiful sunset shining for thousands of years, and it is impossible for Zhang Ji to be immortal.

Regret is like a double-edged sword. What we see may be sadness, difficulties or confusion, but in the depths of regret are beautiful flowers, fragrant grass, brilliant stars and bright moon.

Appreciate regret, just to face up to our incomplete life; Appreciate regret, and use our tolerant mind and the dawn of wisdom to resolve the pain of the soul. Let the ordinary life become no longer ordinary, let the wonderful life become more exciting.

Enjoy the regret!

Regret (2)

I still remember when I was young, I was brought up by my grandmother. She showed me great care and patience. As long as I am by her side, even during her nap time, she will take pains to pick me up and play with me, with a gentle smile on her face.

Accompanied by my grandmother, I gradually grew up, but I also gradually want to break away from her warm embrace. In my eyes, Grandma suddenly changed from gentle and patient to annoying and nagging. Her hard work, her exhortation, in my opinion, is like meddling. I am a little bored with her, always unwilling to patiently answer her questions, and sometimes contradict her.

I remember once my grandmother came to stay in my house temporarily. Because my parents and I were not at home during the day, they were afraid that Grandma would be bored. They wanted Grandma to learn to operate TV - and the task of teaching her fell to me. "Grandma!" I moved the stool to let Grandma sit down. "Let me show you how to operate the TV first, and then try it yourself," I said. Grandma stared at the remote control in my hand, looked at me again, and nodded, like a student who listened carefully to the class. I operated the TV fluently as usual, but I didn't take into account my grandmother, who was very strange to this new thing, and didn't slow down to let her understand. "Will you?" I asked Grandma. "Nanny..." Grandma frowned slightly, looked puzzled, smiled apologetically, and said, "Could you slow down? I didn't understand." I couldn't understand it... "I muttered angrily.

"All right!" I still agreed to Grandma's request, slowed down a little and taught her again. "Ooh..." Grandma nodded vaguely and said, "Let me show you... help me see if I'm right." After that, Grandma picked up the remote control with a slightly trembling hand, pressed the power on button, and turned on the TV. "Yes," I said, thinking Grandma finally understood. But soon, I found out that I was wrong - she confused the confirmation key with the menu key more than once, and kept mistaking the up and down keys and the volume adjustment keys.

A nameless fire sprang up in my heart. "Why have I taught you twice and you still can't? Why are you so! I won't teach you!" I roared angrily. I saw Grandma suddenly startled, then silently lowered her head and sighed. I rushed into my room, still feeling angry and complaining about my grandmother's clumsiness. Suddenly, many pictures came to my mind - I was always running and making noises around my grandmother when she was about to take a nap. But Grandma smiled so much that she gently picked me up and hummed a children's song. "Nana is so kind." Grandma said. She didn't scold me or drive me away. Instead, she patiently teased me to play. Her words were full of tenderness.

Thinking, my eyes are blurred. At that time, I was so ignorant that Grandma could not take a nap, but she was gentle and patient with me. Now, it's my turn to teach Grandma how to operate TV. She just didn't understand, so I ran out of patience and became furious... Why can't I teach her as patiently as she did to me? Why treat her like this? My heart was full of guilt, and I wanted to rush out and apologize to Grandma.

"Grandma..." I walked out of the door and said quietly, not daring to look her in the eyes. "Nanny, I can't do this yet. You can teach me again." Her voice was calm and gentle, as if she was the same as usual. "I......" I licked my lips and felt that my throat was blocked. She looked up - her eyes were still gentle, without any anger or disappointment. I was stunned and could not say anything. Even though I was so impatient with Grandma, she still contained me! I nodded for a long time. However, I didn't have the courage to say that.

Now, I have grown up gradually. But for this matter, I still have regrets in my heart. I regret that the apology has always been buried in my heart, and I have no chance to say it again. I'm even more regretful. Now, I just want to accompany Grandma patiently, just as she accompanied me patiently and lovingly when she grew up, but I have no chance. This regret is so deeply buried in my heart that it will never go away.

Regret (3)

In our beautiful life, there are many regrets, that is, people's bad habits. Although they are inconspicuous, they will bring us many inconveniences and disadvantages.

Most of the modern metropolises are high-rise residential buildings, but there are some immoral people throwing high objects in each district. According to the Shenzhen Evening News, on the eve of June 1, someone in the XX community of Shenzhen dropped a pair of scissors from the sky and killed a 7-year-old primary school student passing by on the spot, which was very sad. The parabolic person may not intentionally throw things under the building for the sake of temporary convenience, but how terrible the consequences are! This is caused by the bad habit of littering.

Some bad habits of tourists often appear in Litchi Park. Once my grandfather and I went to Litchi Park and had a good time. When we were a little tired, we wanted to have a rest on the bench next to us. But our two fathers saw many big men sleeping on the benches. They occupied the benches and let us all have a place to sit. How helpless we are! I think this kind of behavior is very bad. If you want to sleep, go home and sleep. Why do you still sleep on the park bench? This kind of behavior has damaged the appearance of our city. It's really disgusting.

There are many bad habits in real life, such as littering, spitting, urinating everywhere

I hope that the world we live in will become civilized, clean and perfect, and more importantly, those who have bad habits will try to get rid of them.

Regret (4)

Do you realize that your youth is full of regret, like the dome of dark clouds, and the pupil immersed in the sadness cannot touch the sun? Are you aware that your pain is very ethereal, broken in the wind, but the sky has no trace? Are you aware that your thoughts are confused and become birds, but the earth has no shadow? Are you aware of

But do you realize that regret is colorful.

Can you detect that you have studied hard in a cold window and often lived a life of "thousands of volumes of poetry disappear forever, and one window sends fleeting years at dawn"? Maybe you buried your youth in the stack of teaching aids, or lost your soul in the vast sea of topics. Maybe it's not that exaggerated. Maybe it's just that you listen to every lesson carefully and try your best to learn every bit of knowledge. Maybe you have done everything you need to do. The unexpected test or exam comes, maybe because of nervousness, maybe because of carelessness, maybe because of too much, the score gives an answer that is not proportional to your daily efforts. Regret, absolute regret, in an instant, the tragedy turns it red. Will you be aware of this deep red, blood like regret?

Can you detect that I have many dreams, many dreams belonging to youth are nibbled and squeezed little by little, leaving only my empty body. My youth is not as gorgeous as the words appeal. My youth was not intertwined with dreams and reality. In the reality of youth, you can only try to save your last, deeply valued and final dream. At this time, the bright and sometimes dim orange youth like scorching, and the same regret, will you be aware of it?

Regret (5)

All over the world, the light of stage lights is so dazzling. And there is a stage that belongs to us, that is, junior high school.

You and I are under the cover of the morning dew, showing vitality like the rising sun. That is the beginning. You and I are like fresh plants in the garden, competing to grow and open, which is in the middle. Sometimes you and I are like misty stars in the night sky. Sometimes they appear and sometimes they disappear. That's a journey. And you and I will rush to the most beautiful shore before the sunset, which is the most beautiful ending.

The beautiful jade will be engraved with the name of the wind; Tall trees always break several branches after several storms; The beautiful posture of fish swimming in the water always bumps into strong stems several times in the dark. I asked, "Is it a pity?"

I can't be more excited to step into the same class with my friends. But I don't know what the reason is. She and I are gradually estranged, like "one is like summer, the other is like winter". Without a good farewell, time will not let us meet. Since then, although we have walked the path we once walked together with her, we have no longer communicated with each other, and we can only think of her silently in our hearts.

Whenever I come home from school, I feel relieved to wander. I seldom take the initiative to help my parents, but let my parents work alone impress on my mind. My mother's waist and legs hurt, and my father's careless injury at work were later discovered by me. My grief seems to have become today's mannerism.

When I met a good teacher, I made up my mind to be like the rising sun. Since then, I have flourished, but it seems that it just flows through my heart like a thin stream of water, but I still haven't made up my mind. My efforts and diligence now are like a late snow, which is so inappropriate.

I replied, "Sorry."

Yesterday, I left the past regret. I always daydream that if I could go back to the past, I would have a good talk with my friends and say goodbye. I would be considerate of my parents who work alone when I get home, and care about my mother's pain and my father's work-related injury. I would insist on studying from then on. This has become my regret and my only daydream, hasn't it?

The night is deep. Regret is like a wave, like a butterfly coming out of a broken bottle. As long as they stay at this moment for a while, they will surge around you and tightly wrap around you. When I tasted more carefully, I suddenly found that I cherish friendship more than ever before, I am more sensible than ever, I cherish my parents more, and I am more diligent and persistent than ever before. Can we imagine that regretful imitation is not a change?

Mei Yu, uncle, the fish replied, "If you don't regret, how can you know the power of regret?"

If it is not a pity, how can I understand my past, how can I leave memories and tastes of junior high school?

Regret, let the most beautiful shore come closer. He is not a regret, but a gift from God for me to learn.

Regret (6)

All over the world, the light of stage lights is so dazzling. And there is a stage that belongs to us, that is, junior high school.

You and I are under the cover of the morning dew, showing vitality like the rising sun. That is the beginning. You and I are like fresh plants in the garden, competing to grow and open, which is in the middle. Sometimes you and I are like misty stars in the night sky. Sometimes they appear and sometimes they disappear. That's a journey. And you and I will rush to the most beautiful shore before the sunset, which is the most beautiful ending.

The beautiful jade will be engraved with the name of the wind; Tall trees always break several branches after several storms; The beautiful posture of fish swimming in the water always bumps into strong stems several times in the dark. I asked, "Is it a pity?"

I can't be more excited to step into the same class with my friends. But I don't know what the reason is. She gradually alienated me, just like "one is like summer, the other is like winter". We didn't say goodbye to each other, and time didn't let us meet. Since then, although we have walked the path we once walked together with her, we have no longer communicated with each other, and we can only think of her silently in our hearts.

Whenever I come home from school, I feel relieved to wander. I seldom take the initiative to help my parents, but let my parents work alone impress on my mind. My mother's waist and legs hurt, and my father's careless injury at work were later discovered by me. My grief seems to have become today's mannerism.

When I met a good teacher, I made up my mind to be like the rising sun. Since then, I have flourished, but it seems that it just flows through my heart like a thin stream of water, but I still haven't made up my mind. My efforts and diligence now are like a late snow, which is so inappropriate.

I replied, "Sorry."

Yesterday, I left the past regret. I always daydream that if I could go back to the past, I would have a good talk with my friends and say goodbye. I would be considerate of my parents who work alone when I get home, and care about my mother's pain and my father's work-related injury. I would insist on studying from then on. This has become my regret and my only daydream, hasn't it?

The night is deep. Regret is like a wave, like a butterfly coming out of a broken bottle. As long as they stay at this moment for a while, they will surge around you and tightly wrap around you. When I tasted more carefully, I suddenly found that I cherish friendship more than ever before, I am more sensible than ever, I cherish my parents more, and I am more diligent and persistent than ever before. Can we imagine that regretful imitation is not a change?

Mei Yu, uncle, the fish replied, "If you don't regret, how can you know the power of regret?"

If it is not a pity, how can I understand my past, how can I leave memories and tastes of junior high school?

Regret, let the most beautiful shore come closer. He is not a regret, but a gift from God for me to learn.

Regret (7)

It is a kind of beauty.

Is Guevara dead? Is Guevara sorry? When his posthumous picture still smiling spread all over the world, when the beautiful flowers in Havana bloomed again, and when European and American youth reflected his head on their T-shirts as a hero, this regret was a kind of beauty.

Someone said, "You should smile when you are not happy, but also when you are in pain." Sometimes regret is a kind of beauty. But it is not beauty to regret that loose and loose don't know how to make progress. It is not beauty to fall depressed after regret, nor is it beauty to be depressed after falling down. Only the correct treatment of regret and efforts after regret can be considered beautiful.

To achieve the beauty of regret, we must first treat regret correctly. Dialectical philosophy teaches us to treat life correctly. Life is long and full of thorns. It is impossible for everyone to have a smooth journey. When you succeed, you should be happy and beautiful. When you fail, you should also be treated correctly. Meng Jiao won the first prize at the age of 50. If he did not correctly deal with failure when he failed again, who would be the one who "sees as many Chang'an flowers as possible in a day"? Italian Marconi always encouraged himself after failure, otherwise, who developed the wireless telegraph? Balzac said: "misfortune is the ladder for genius to rise, the baptism water for believers, and the bottomless abyss for the weak." Therefore, regret is not misfortune. As long as we treat regret correctly, the flower of life will be more abundant and beautiful.

Secondly, the efforts after regretting are also indispensable. Cao Xueqin mourned the ten years of hard work in Hongxuan. Did he regret it during this period? But he worked hard. After Schumann's death, did Brahms have no regrets? Of course, as a friend and student of Schumann, Brahms didn't play his best music to Schumann. Can he not regret that? But with this regret, Brahms also worked hard, and finally he became a great man in the history of music. "A falling star cannot darken the whole sky, and a falling flower cannot desolate the whole spring." So, don't give up, fight back after regret, and the sky is free for you to travel.

When you step out of the jungle, you will see the beauty of water and sky. When you climb the mountain, you will see the beauty of green clouds. When you stretch out the thorns, you will find the beauty of broad roads. The beauty of regret can be found only when we treat it correctly and try to overcome it.

Regret (8)

Today, a wonderful activity was held in the central square to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Chinese Young Pioneers and the first Children's Love Trade Festival in Tonglu County on June 1! Let me tell you!

In the evening, I came to the square with my father and mother. I couldn't wait to put on my skates and quickly came to the activity place. From top to bottom, wow! How spectacular! Adults and children surrounded in the endless stream of people, wow! My mother also wanted to take me to buy things. I walked down the steps with my mother in fear. Every step I took, it seemed that there was a rabbit jumping in my heart. It was not easy to get into the stall. I looked at all kinds of things, books, pens, exercise books, etc. I carefully selected items and wanted to buy one. It was not easy for me to catch sight of a ballpoint pen. I paid him a 20 yuan bill immediately, but the trader found me 39 yuan, I also returned the 20 yuan I gave him to me, and then I returned it to him. I picked up my pen and went to another stall. "Look!" I shouted. When I was about to pay for it, the loudspeaker said, "Please hurry up and take the children away. The order is too disorderly, and stop trading." I had to leave dejectedly.

"Dang, dang, dang..." We didn't return home until the big clock struck 10 times. Although I didn't buy a book, it was a pity, but I was very happy. After all, I met many classmates!

I wonder if my money has reached the disaster area.

Regret (9)

Suddenly I found myself lost.

Maybe, I didn't really exist.

Like most people.

Every day is just like this.

There is no characteristic to speak of.

I envy people around me who live according to their own characteristics.

Everyone is so fresh.

So have ideas, like to accept.

Dislike refused and smiled happily.

Sad cry, angry anger.

Now more and more people find themselves wrapped up layer by layer.

All the joys, sorrows and sorrows are suppressed in the heart.

What does not change on the face is a smile or a fake smile.

Even if he was pricked, he tried hard to hide the pain.

Try to speak slowly and keep your face unchanged.

Not to flatter others.

It is to let others and themselves not conflict.

Try everything possible to avoid disputes.

Avoid being different, and avoid becoming the fetters or enemies of others.

Carefully talk with others, fearing that differences will come at any time. Carefully talk with others, fearing that differences will come at any time. I don't want others to approach me or others, so I live in my own small circle. I don't have any hobbies, and my concentration on one thing will not be too long. The most desirable thing is not to deal with others. Without a clear purpose, I always imagine what I can do. Just now, I saw a post from a netizen with the name of "Write the most touching sentence". Many people followed it, but the reply from one netizen touched me most: "We can't go back..." Such a simple sentence made me sit by the computer, thinking about what I had passed, the way people loved, the hurt, the tears... If I go back to the past, I will treat the person who loves me well. I will not be able to let go after many years of separation! If I go back to the past, I will make myself a cheerful, optimistic and lively girl, cherish myself, and don't have so many unknowns, so many secrets, and so many regrets... We all have the experience of using some office software. If we find that there is a wrong input somewhere, just press the "Undo" button in the toolbar, and the wrong operation will be canceled, It is convenient and fast until we complete the correct and standardized documents. But life is not like this. If it's wrong, it's wrong. We can't go back to zero and start again. Since we can't go back, let's go forward bravely, take a good way, leave less regret for ourselves and life, less and less, that's all!

Regret (10)

At that time, I was thinking that no matter how far the outcome will go, as long as you can live a healthy life and live beside me all the time, I have promised to be satisfied and have no more regrets. Perhaps in those illusory and grand dreams, you can still see what happened many years ago, and those things are like a piece of permanent imprint in your mind, no matter what, they are unforgettable.

Everyone has a great willingness, so that everyone can understand that all their efforts may not be worth mentioning in your eyes, but the heroine is very powerful from the beginning. He is like a phoenix. He can not be controlled here, and can not provide a platform for him to display his talents. So he can only find his own value by constantly wandering.

If from the very beginning you have identified the stories that can be seen clearly from generation to generation. At that moment, everyone will struggle to move forward for their dreams against the side effects.

So even here, I can't find you any more, and I won't have any regrets, because I once made enough efforts, and now I have had enough feelings at that moment. Even if it has been lost, there is no regret for its complete loss.

Regret (11)

When flowers bloom, there will always be people crying silently; When the sun goes down, someone will sigh quietly; When I wake up, someone always tries to remember

How many regrets are there in life? Flowers bloom once a year. The sun sets once a day. Dreams seldom remember.

It seems that it was still yesterday, and we had fun together, but today things have changed. Should we also "desire and tears flow first?" Maybe not. Because it is impossible to live without regrets. As the saying goes, "The more successful the outcome, the more sad", so it is good to have regrets in life. It's not particularly sad. But our tears still fell down. With our cries, sadness still spread and spread... I don't know whether the wedding dress of the kingdom of heaven will be sent to angels from the ladder of the kingdom of heaven. I don't know whether every angel is beautiful, and I don't know whether God will be happy... I only know that she must be happy in the kingdom of heaven, and also will be very happy, Because she has our blessing.

Adults say that children need to experience something before they grow up. However, the cost of growth seems too high. Adults say that we should face the tough situation. How to be strong? After all, we are still children. Adults say that life should have some regrets. Old taste is more beautiful. But; Why should we lose something beautiful when we are old? Adults say that it is still a child after all

Sorry, sorry. Why is life not perfect without you? Why has she become the biggest regret in my life? Why am I never happy because of regret? Perhaps regret is always bitter, it will not remember to hate me. Because I am helpless.

Sorry, sorry, why are you here when you are spending time. You were there at sunset, you were there when we woke up, even you were there when we were sad? Do you want to accompany us? However, none of us ever longed for you to do so. I really hope that you can walk away resentfully at these times and leave us no regrets.

Unfortunately, I think I can't stop your existence in my whole life. Because she left, you also left a deep trace in my heart, even can be said to be engraved on my heart.

Unfortunately, I really can't help you.

Regret (12)

A person sits in front of the window quietly, looking at the scenery outside the window, but I don't know when the tears overflow from the corner of my eyes. Day after day, year after year, looking back at the road you have walked, I feel more or less sad. In the past, I was too naive. I always thought that if I worked hard, I would be rewarded accordingly. But the fact tells me that there is always a certain distance between desire and reality. I feel that I failed. I didn't fulfill my promise and my father's wishes. Disappointment, helplessness and sadness are intertwined, which makes me almost unable to extricate myself from this wall. But I admit that on the surface, it is still the happy girl, but who can understand the pain in my heart? Perhaps, in the eyes of some people, I should not complain, but I am not satisfied with the status quo, maybe I have a different experience! Alas... is fate playing tricks on people! As the saying goes, sometimes there must be something in life, and never ask for it. Now I can only accept the reality

Regret (13)

I thought I had no regrets in my life until I wanted to write this article. I knew it would be my regret in my life, and I could never write it perfectly.

When I had a science class, my heart became nervous again, because as long as I had a science class, my heart would not know where to go, and there was no gain. The teacher began his class. The main content of this class was plant planting methods, but I didn't listen to a word. I thought: Do I still need to listen to the planting methods of plants so easy! After this class, the teacher began to assign homework. The homework for this class is: plant and observe plants, and write observation reports. I am very happy because it is not easy for me. When I got home, I quickly took out some mung beans from the kitchen bag and went to the balcony to plant mung beans.

First, I loosen the soil in the flowerpot, put green beans into the soil, and then fill the soil to water them. I water every 30 minutes, and I think: Ha ha, this time I will plant very lush green beans. At this time, Grandma came to her and said, "You can't water them like this. You'll kill them." I didn't listen, so I had to water them every 30 minutes. I came to observe them four days later, and they were no different from the time when they were planted. I saw that the green beans planted by other students had sprouted. I really regret not listening to my grandmother. I should also listen carefully in class. If I listened then, maybe my mung beans would sprout.

After this incident, I have summed up a sentence: no matter what you do, you should think about the consequences in advance, so you won't regret yourself.

Regret (14)

He was lying on the bed weakly, attacked by the sharp pain in his abdomen. He felt that he was dying. If his son could come to see him again, he would be satisfied.

He closed his eyes, and the past scenes flashed in his mind like a movie:

As a child, influenced by his parents, he defined happiness as "a successful career" and "a happy family", and determined to strive for happiness.

When he was a student, he was still fulfilling his promise, grasping every minute to study hard. He even had no time to pay attention to his friends' phone calls. Everything beside him seemed to him to be nothing. He only believes in one thing: the present hardships and tiredness are the foundation for the future, and the present efforts will certainly bring about future happiness.

After all, his sweat did not go in vain. He successfully entered the university with good results, and a few years later he was awarded a doctor of economics. After graduation, he was promoted from the staff of a company and finally became the general manager of a company. Gradually, he became rich. He began to love, marry and have a son. However, his wife broke up with him due to his excessive dedication to his career. He has worked hard to bring up his children while working hard for his career. However, he was not satisfied with his hard work and family breakdown, so he began to drink too much and became out of control. With half a lifetime of hard work, he finally fell ill

Another sharp pain pulled him back from his memory. Now his own company has been taken over by his son, but his son has never visited him again.

"Sir," said the nurse gently close to his ear, "someone has come to see you. It is said that it is one of your relatives..."

A trace of anger arises spontaneously from his heart, and he is also a person to beg for inheritance. He shook his head slightly to show his rejection, but his anger was gradually turned into despair by the increasing pain. Recall that he once pursued lifelong happiness, but now he has nothing

The phone rang suddenly, but he never heard it again.

By the telephone in the hospital hall, his son was anxiously waiting for a response, holding the company's record annual profit report. The reason why he didn't tell the nurse his identity was that he was ashamed of his busy work and didn't visit his father.

Modern people are always running in pursuit of the so-called "happiness", but the real happiness is often missed in the process of running.

Regret (15)

Flowers often deeply regret: I have a changeable and beautiful face, but why can't I always avoid the impact of wind, rain and thunder? Why is my life so fragile?

The grass often deeply regrets: I have strong vitality, I have green hope, but why am I so short? Often used as a foil for flowers?

It is understandable that regret is like a shadow that accompanies the growth of a person's life. From a babbling child to a white haired old man, regret is like a string of scattered pearls, running through the joys, sorrows and life all the time

I let go of my regret. Human life is colorful. If it is only full of sour, sweet, bitter and spicy taste, then life will be like a cup of milky white coffee without seasoning. Although the color is pure white, it is also somewhat monotonous.

Through the ages, it seems that people have tried to avoid some regrets in their lives and try to make themselves perfect. However, in the long river of history, everyone has been accompanied by regrets, even celebrities: Beethoven, an outstanding musician, has created countless famous concertos in his life, but unfortunately, When the musician's career reached its peak, he lost his hearing! What a tragic fate for a musician? It is great for Qin Shihuang to unify the whole country, but unfortunately, due to the cruel rule of Qin Shihuang, it will inevitably end in a fiasco

Yes, regret is like poison, so everyone wants to avoid it. But to think back, what a pity that it would not occasionally spread its beautiful wings? Regret is a kind of medicine to urge people to make progress? Beethoven did not lose his enthusiasm for life because of his deafness. On the contrary, it was regret that inspired him and made the Symphony of Destiny born in the world; It is because of the regret of the Qin Dynasty that the later kings understand that "tyranny is stronger than tigers" should be considerate of the people

Unconsciously, the trend of time has brought me into the palace of 16 years old. I regret that I have spent 16 years quietly; However, I am even more fortunate that I have all the regrets handed to me in 16 years

All the pain has become the past, and all the regrets can no longer be retrieved. Now the only thing to do is to spend every day and not let the past regret repeat itself.

Regret is like a double-edged sword. Smart people can master it correctly, while those who try to avoid it will bring a loss

Regret (16)

"Don't worry about the future without a bosom friend. No one in the world knows you." I opened the card with your name on it and looked at the familiar handwriting. My eyes were wet. I could only say silently at the table: "Wish you a safe journey.".

Who calls fate such a tease? Who calls our friendship deeper than the sea? It was originally agreed that we would never leave, but now we have to be separated from each other. Maybe the bell of the college entrance examination will really announce the end of an era after it rings. Merrily entering the university gate and dejectedly returning to the campus have to create a spiritual barrier between you and me.

I walked silently in the campus, with flowers and plants still in place, buildings still in place, and passers-by changed. Remember the first time we talked at the beginning of high school? At that time, we were surprised to find that we had never met in the same school for three years of junior high school life, and we could not stop talking when we opened the box. During military training, you and I were often regarded as the typical example of improper walking by instructors. Until today, when I saw the shaking green uniforms on campus, I remembered you and me in those days. Life is in a hurry. The three years of high school life are fleeting. Walking around the campus, things are different. I chose to repeat, but also chose to recall.

You and I have lived here for three years, and I have shared the table with you for two years. How can I forget this brotherhood? You are strong by nature and never admit defeat. We all like watching football, so we have a continuous argument, from Real Madrid to Barcelona, from the World Cup to the European Championships. Help each other in study and care each other in life. I can't erase this emotion with missing. After you received the admission notice, I have started a one-year re study here. That day, when you came to see me, I saw that your eyes showed helplessness and sadness. Before leaving, you smiled and said to me, "See you in Haidian District next year!" I also promised you with a smile, "Sure!" That was the day you were going to Beijing, but the weather was not beautiful, and it began to rain. I know you are not used to taking rain gear, and the way to the station will be drenched again. I can't go to see you off, but I can only leave this regret, Because I still have a dream to realize. I really want to see your faraway back, see the moment when you wave goodbye in the window, and hear your familiar voice. "No one can share, no amount of achievements will be complete; no one can comfort you, but it is still sour after suffering." Let's send you off with my favorite song, and let's have a smooth journey under our common wishes.

Regret (17)

"Slow down the time, don't let her grow old......" I feel guilty listening to this song.

Grandma, grandma, why are you so stupid.

Looking at this skinny old man, she was limping - she was my grandmother. I remember when I was seven years old, because my mother and father were away on business, my grandmother took care of our brother and sister. My brother was a jobless vagrant, and I was still at school. My grandpa is showing the construction site, and my brother will deliver lunch to grandpa every noon. One day, my brother and grandma had a conflict. My brother thought that Grandma's cooking was not good - in fact, I also think. Then my brother went to deliver food to my grandpa. When he came back, my brother said that he was hit by a motorcycle. In a moment, my brother made up with my grandma again.

Sometimes I hate Grandma's nagging, and I have had conflicts with her. Now my grandma is gone, and I miss her very much.

She cries as I do, secretly crying. She and I both bear the injustice. My silly grandma, why are you so silly.

——To my dead grandmother

Grandma, I'm sorry

Grade 5: Wu Meina

Regret (18)

Regret is a kind of beauty.

Is Guevara dead? Is Guevara sorry? When his posthumous picture still smiling spread all over the world, when the beautiful flowers in Havana bloomed again, and when European and American youth reflected his head on their T-shirts as a hero, this regret was a kind of beauty.

Someone said, "You should smile when you are not happy, but also when you are in pain." Sometimes regret is a kind of beauty. But it is not beauty to regret that loose and loose don't know how to make progress. It is not beauty to fall depressed after regret, nor is it beauty to be depressed after falling down. Only the correct treatment of regret and the efforts after regret are beautiful.

To achieve the beauty of regret, we must first treat regret correctly. Dialectical philosophy teaches us to treat life correctly. Life is long and full of thorns. It is impossible for everyone to have a smooth journey. When you succeed, you should be happy and beautiful. When you fail, you should also be treated correctly. Meng Jiao won the first prize at the age of 50. If he did not correctly deal with failure when he failed again and again, who would be the one who "sees as many Chang'an flowers as possible in a day"? Italian Marconi always encouraged himself after failure, otherwise, who developed the wireless telegraph? Balzac said: "misfortune is the ladder for genius to rise, the baptism water for believers, and the bottomless abyss for the weak." Therefore, regret is not misfortune. As long as we treat regret correctly, the flower of life will be more abundant and beautiful.

Secondly, the efforts after regretting are also indispensable. Cao Xueqin mourned the ten years of hard work in Hongxuan. Did he regret it during this period? But he worked hard. After Schumann's death, did Brahms have no regrets? Of course, as a friend and student of Schumann, Brahms didn't play his best music to Schumann. Can he not regret that? But with this regret, Brahms also worked hard, and finally he became a great man in the history of music. "A falling star cannot darken the whole sky, and a falling flower cannot desolate the whole spring." So, don't give up, fight back after regret, and the sky is free for you to travel.

When you step out of the jungle, you will see the beauty of water and sky. When you climb the mountain, you will see the beauty of green clouds. When you stretch out the thorns, you will find the beauty of broad roads. The beauty of regret can be found only when we treat it correctly and try to overcome it.

Regret (19)

I can always catch a glimpse of several vagrants or disabled beggars when I pass the street. There are always kind-hearted people who give them some unnecessary change. But, this is their shackles! With this money, there is no next meal, sleeping rough; Save this money, this is no good, that is no good, die suddenly in the wilderness. At this time, I believe that those kind-hearted people also have difficulties, and they may not be rich. Is this the only human nature today?

When passing the street, you can always see several people running red lights or crossing the street. Some people say they are just in a hurry. This is really not their fault, because if you don't hurry, you can't make any money, and if you don't make any money, you can't eat and wear. It is impossible to survive in this place with almost no welfare. Some people say that they just didn't have a teacher to teach them when they were young. It's really not their fault, because remote areas are so poor that they can't even afford food. How can they afford to go to school. In this unfair place, the TV station pays attention to a poor child, and launches a donation to let him go to a famous school, have enough food and clothing, and study abroad. It's better to use this money to set up a local school. In this unfair place, good officials pay attention to the already poor families and make them rich, but they don't know that there are millions of families who can't afford to eat. Is this the only human nature today?

Let some people get rich first, and then the immigrants who want to emigrate, and those who want to go abroad go abroad, almost no left. Those left behind became the second generation rich.

When a disaster occurs, everyone donates money to the people who really need it. There is no need to worry about it. There is certainly not everything.

The systems in Chinese history were all exchanged by the revolutionary pioneers with their blood lessons: Yao's system of giving way to the cicada, Qi's hereditary system, Shang Yang's feudal system, Sun Yat sen's capitalist system, Li Dazhao's socialist system... Now it is like a dictator's world.

Isn't that everyone's regret?

Regret (20)

When I had a science class, my heart became nervous again, because as long as I had a science class, my heart would not know where to go, and there was no gain. The teacher began his class. The main content of this class was plant planting methods, but I didn't listen to a word. I thought: Do I still need to listen to the planting methods of plants so easy! After this class, the teacher began to assign homework. The homework for this class is: plant and observe plants, and write observation reports. I am very happy because it is not easy for me. When I got home, I quickly took out some mung beans from the kitchen bag and went to the balcony to plant mung beans.

First, I loosen the soil in the flowerpot, put green beans into the soil, and then fill the soil to water them. I water every 30 minutes, and I think: Ha ha, this time I will plant very lush green beans. At this time, Grandma came to her and said, "You can't water them like this. You'll kill them." I didn't listen, so I had to water them every 30 minutes. I came to observe them four days later, and they were no different from the time when they were planted. I saw that the green beans planted by other students had sprouted. I really regret not listening to my grandmother. I should also listen carefully in class. If I listened then, maybe my mung beans would sprout.

After this incident, I have summed up a sentence: no matter what you do, you should think about the consequences in advance, so you won't regret yourself.