When I Face 600 (General 17)
Move in another direction
2023-08-26 08:17:29

When I face 600 (1)

Frustration is a stumbling block, and it is also a trap on the road of life. Once trapped, your life will become a dark future.

I remember that it was a summer vacation. My parents and I went to Mount Tai together. When we arrived at the foot of Mount Tai, the air was very fresh. My father made the first shot, he was always in front, and my mother was also close behind. I was too tired to climb. My father came to me and said, "Men should be strong. We will soon reach the top of the mountain. We must stick to it.". I thought: "Yes, I am a man, I can do it, come on, come on". Suddenly, my heart poured out inexpressible power. We struggled to climb up firmly. I don't know how many roads we have traveled, how many rocks and cliffs we have passed, and how many drops of sweat we have shed... We are getting closer to the top of the mountain and resting beside a stone. At this time, my feet have worn blisters, but I didn't cry pain, nor did I give up a trace. I just think in my heart now, go ahead, and the victory must belong to me. Mother said to me: "Nothing is difficult in the world as long as you are willing to climb". My mother's words strengthened my belief in climbing Mount Tai.

Finally, we reached the top of the mountain. From a distance, several hills surrounded Mount Tai. I asked my father, "Why is Mount Tai the first of the five mountains?"? "First, there were 72 emperors in China's past dynasties who went to Mount Tai to perform Buddhist rites. Second, many ancient scholars and poets left a large number of poems and poems about Mount Tai. These two points are incomparable with the other four mountains. Another point is that Mount Tai is in the east of the five mountains, and the sun also rises from the east. We Chinese people generally regard the east as the greatest!" Dad said. I forgot the pain of my feet and went to enjoy the magnificent scenery and the joy after victory.

Through this event, I learned that there is nothing difficult in the world. As long as you are willing to climb, you also know that in the face of setbacks, you should not shrink. You should bravely face it and defeat it. In this way, you can go out of your own life and out of your own world.

First grade: Chen Chen 827973320

When I face 600 (2)

600 words when I face setbacks (1)

600 words when I face setbacks

When I face>setbacks

Six year five class Sun Jian

Everyone has experienced setbacks. Some people lowered their heads in the face of setbacks, and they will never see the sun of tomorrow. Some people stand up strongly. Only those who never bow in the face of setbacks and never give up can win the final victory.

On one exam, the students were ready to win. Of course, I was no exception. As the bell rang, everyone picked up their pens and began to answer questions. Soon, I finished the previous questions like "passing the five hurdles and killing six generals", and I couldn't help feeling happy: this exam is really simple, and I will definitely score 100 points! I was proud of myself, but the questions behind the good times were completely unexpected, and I was surrounded by several questions. When I was racking my brains to think, a sentence that I didn't want to read in the book that day suddenly rang out: miracles beyond nature all appeared in the conquest of adversity. The problem now is that I should face setbacks. I immediately calmed down and carefully looked for the flaws in the encirclement. Sure enough, with my unremitting efforts, I finally solved the problem. Later, I burst out of the encirclement.

When I faced setbacks, I said to myself: "Never give up". It is precisely because the sun never gives up that it finally breaks through the horizon and shines thousands of miles. It is precisely because the grass never gives up, regardless of the dots, that it finally becomes green all over the earth.

Parent's comment: After reading this composition, the story is simple and the text is short. But I can understand the profound truth from the short and smooth text.

Today's teenagers live in the environment of being served for a long time. Their parents bear the pressure from entering primary school to going to college, to really choosing work. Therefore, they have no deep experience of various difficulties, lack endurance, and have no strong ambition. Once they encounter setbacks, they are crushed. In fact, many minor setbacks in life are the "playground" of ambition! When you sweat through the whole journey and overcome the setbacks of life, you will get a pleasant experience.

Therefore, to let children experience setbacks in their daily life and study is like a good medicine for a disease. Only through experience can we know how to face it and feel the joy after overcoming setbacks.

600 words when I face setbacks (2)

600 words when I face setbacks (3)

600 words of gratitude for setbacks

Thanks>Frustration composition 600 words (1)

In my colorful growth process, there are many things I want to thank.

I would like to thank the cleaners on the road for their sweat in exchange for everyone's happiness; I want to thank my parents for supporting the family with their own hands; I would also like to thank the hard working staff of the radio station, who have broadened everyone's vision with their own wisdom, but what I want to thank most is the frustration that has forged my strong will.

When I wrestle, it teaches me how to be strong, when I encounter problems that I cannot do, it teaches me how to think calmly, when I encounter difficulties and want to go back, it teaches me how to face bravely!

There will always be ups and downs in one's life, just like the bright moon in the sky, there will also be ups and downs. Some people may complain about the unfairness of their fate for countless times, but have they ever thought about the benefits that fate gives them? Have they ever thought that it is because of countless failures and setbacks that we can better go through the rough world road?

Frustration is a process that everyone must go through, just like people's birth, eating and drinking, aging, and death. If we do not learn more from setbacks, we will face more setbacks!

Therefore, let's use a flat, comfortable mood to thank the setbacks! It is setbacks that teach us to innovate, explore, try and face constantly!

600 words of gratitude for setbacks composition (2)

When the Chinese test paper was handed out, I was surprised by my score.

The bright red eighty cents swayed in front of my eyes, tears fell down disobediently, and big tears fell on this terrible paper one by one.

My>deskmate began to laugh loudly: "Ha ha, dear entertainment commissioner, you are worse than me once!" He also bit the word "dear" very seriously. At the moment, my tears were even worse. The monitor came to comfort me, but I couldn't listen anymore. Only bright red scores were shaking in my mind.

After school, I walked to my door in fear and thought: What should I do? My father will scold me. This is the last time I want to go home so far. I gritted my teeth and the doorbell of "Ding Dong, Ding Dong" rang. "How about the test scores?" Dad asked with a smile. I said softly, "Come out, the exam score is less than 90 points." Dad's face was gloomy, and he scolded me. So we analyzed the reason as usual.

Although my father didn't force me to do the test paper, the sarcasm and bright red scores of my deskmate were still shaking in my mind. No, I must do well in the exam! I made up my mind secretly. From then on, I insisted on making two papers a week.

The results of the stratified examination came out. I scored 125 points and won the first prize of the grade. After being praised by the head teacher, I have many feelings. When I saw the lost eyes of my deskmate, I regained my previous self-confidence.

Thank you for setbacks, it is setbacks that make us succeed! After rain, there will be a rainbow; After frost beaten vegetables, they will be sweet and delicious; After breaking the cocoon, the painful caterpillar will become a beautiful butterfly! Let's thank the setbacks and strive for success!

600 words of gratitude for setbacks composition (3)

There are many things worth thanking in life: thank teachers, thank parents, thank nature, thank society.

Many people will appreciate success because it brings them joy and excitement, while I would like to thank setbacks because it makes me more mature.

Since I was young, I have always been very satisfied. A little success always makes me happy for a long time, and I think I am very powerful. Life is filled with happiness and sweetness like falling into a sugar bowl. When I was in the fifth grade, my math score plummeted, and I only got 67.5 points at the worst time. At this time, I was stunned by my confidence, but I cried when I was strong. What's going on? I deeply review myself. I understand that I was blinded by success. I was very proud for a while and forgot the existence of setbacks. Since then, I began to like setbacks, which let me know that there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people, making me increasingly mature.

I am a man of the same appearance and inner appearance, and the expression on my face can express my thoughts, so others can often pierce my mind at a glance. After the monthly exam, I was the best among my friends in the middle school. I was very happy, but when my friends saw my expression, they thought I was gloating, laughing at her, very angry, and ignored me for several days. At first, I was angry that she misunderstood my meaning. Later, I realized that my friend was very sad because of poor performance. Instead of comforting her, I still showed an inappropriate expression of "schadenfreude". What a shame! This is also a small setback among friends! It taught me to care about others. I can't act too "outwardly and inwardly". I should hide when I should.

Repeated setbacks in my life have taught me to be strong, to fight more and more bravely, and never give up easily.

Ah! The original setback taught me so many things, you are a silent teacher!

I thank you - frustration!

600 words when I face setbacks (4)

I overcame the difficulty of writing 600 words

I overcame difficulties 600 words in composition (1)

I have experienced a lot of ups and downs in my growth. Now, I have grown from a fragile baby who cries after injection to a strong girl who dares to face difficulties. I have been learning piano since I went to kindergarten, and now I have been admitted to CET-6. Remember when I took the CET-6 exam

At the beginning of practicing Level 6 music for two weeks, I began to complain incessantly: "Level 6 music is so fast! It's too difficult! It's too difficult!" I gradually lost patience. Whenever I had piano lessons, I always had to go to the toilet and drink water. I'm looking forward to finishing class soon. I really feel like a year! Therefore, I often look at my watch while practicing the piano. The teacher seemed to see my mind. He patiently said to me: "It's really hard and tiring to practice piano, but the most important thing is to persist. You can't give up halfway. Persistence is victory." After listening to the teacher's words, I was extremely ashamed and thought: Yes! Persistence is victory. I must try my best to pass CET-6. So I began to practice seriously, and there was not so much to do anymore. Every time I insist on finishing piano lessons, I return home and strengthen training. Whenever I want to play as a child, I remind myself: persistence is victory! Once, after lunch, I began to practice the piano without being reminded by adults. Usually, after dinner, I would either lie on the sofa to watch TV or play computer games. This time I forgot about TV and computer, and concentrated on practicing the piano. My father and mother saw me and happily praised me that I have grown up and know how to work hard. My mother saw that I was tired from practice and advised me to take a rest. I will remind myself that I will never stop until the time comes. Persistence is victory. Persistence is victory. Finally, under the guidance of the piano teacher and my daily efforts, I practiced the music well. Successfully passed Level 6!

When I got the CET-6 certificate, I was very happy. I deeply realized that persistence is victory. I Overcome Difficulties 600 Word Composition (2)

In life, we will face many challenges, such as sadness, fear, shyness, inferiority, difficulties, etc., but only that one thing still fresh in my memory.

It was a fifth grade night. Under the desk lamp, I held my head and thought hard, my heart full of anger. Why do you ask me? Just now, I excitedly ran to ask my father a difficult question with my homework, but he said, "Think independently, don't always rely on us!" I went back to the room dejected and pondered on the table. Time waits for no one. As the clock ticks away, the passion in my heart is ignited. Don't you tell me, then I will figure it out by myself! I feel like my head is getting bigger, but I still have no clue. The pen in my hand was calculating again and again on the paper. Just when I was about to despair, an idea appeared in my mind. It might work with the hypothesis in "chicken and rabbit in the same cage". I squared up and wrote angrily. Five minutes later, I took the draft to read

When I face 600 (3)

600 words when I face something (1)

600 words when I face setbacks

When I face>setbacks

Six year five class Sun Jian

Everyone has experienced setbacks. Some people lowered their heads in the face of setbacks, and they will never see the sun of tomorrow. Some people stand up strongly. Only those who never bow in the face of setbacks and never give up can win the final victory.

On one exam, the students were ready to win. Of course, I was no exception. As the bell rang, everyone picked up their pens and began to answer questions. Soon, I finished the previous questions like "passing the five hurdles and killing six generals", and I couldn't help feeling happy: this exam is really simple, and I will definitely score 100 points! I was proud of myself, but the questions behind the good times were completely unexpected, and I was surrounded by several questions. When I was racking my brains to think, a sentence that I didn't want to read in the book that day suddenly rang out: miracles beyond nature all appeared in the conquest of adversity. The problem now is that I should face setbacks. I immediately calmed down and carefully looked for the flaws in the encirclement. Sure enough, with my unremitting efforts, I finally solved the problem. Later, I burst out of the encirclement.

When I faced setbacks, I said to myself: "Never give up". It is precisely because the sun never gives up that it finally breaks through the horizon and shines thousands of miles. It is precisely because the grass never gives up, regardless of the dots, that it finally becomes green all over the earth.

Parent's comment: After reading this composition, the story is simple and the text is short. But I can understand the profound truth from the short and smooth text.

Today's teenagers live in the environment of being served for a long time. Their parents bear the pressure from entering primary school to going to college, to really choosing work. Therefore, they have no deep experience of various difficulties, lack endurance, and have no strong ambition. Once they encounter setbacks, they are crushed. In fact, many minor setbacks in life are the "playground" of ambition! When you sweat through the whole journey and overcome the setbacks of life, you will get a pleasant experience.

Therefore, to let children experience setbacks in their daily life and study is like a good medicine for a disease. Only through experience can we know how to face it and feel the joy after overcoming setbacks.

600 words when I face something (2)

600 words when I face something (3)

Full score composition of Guilin High School Entrance Examination in 2008 "When I Face the Book"

Full score composition of Guilin High School Entrance Examination in 2008 "When I Face the Book"

[Composition Title]

Please complete the following questions before writing.



1. Except poetry, the style is unlimited.

2. The writing is clear, more than 600 words.

3. The true names of people, schools and places shall not appear in the text. (2008 Guilin Senior High School Entrance Examination Composition)

[Writing Guide]

1. Guess the intention of the proposition and add new ideas of the times. This is a half topic composition test. You must first complete the topic and then write a composition. The seemingly old-fashioned questions can still add new ideas.

The completion of the topic before composition is an important link that cannot be ignored, because it contains an important investigation factor, that is, the completion skills. It is undeniable that the composition of the high school entrance examination is often associated with the recent major events in the country, which also has some considerations. The premise of writing a good composition is to fill in the topic. "Dang Shi" is a prepositional phrase that expresses time. It limits the only verbal phrases (including subject predicate phrases, verb object phrases) that can be filled in the horizontal line. It can be small things that happen in daily life, or major political, economic and military events that have recently occurred in the country. The suggestive part of this semi proposition shows an important intention of the proposition. It is intended to investigate how much students know about the catastrophic earthquake disaster that occurred in Wenchuan, Sichuan this year, and how much they know about the touching stories of the people in the disaster area in front of the disaster, How much do Chinese people at home and abroad know about the spirit of earthquake relief and the determination to rebuild their homes in the face of major natural disasters (in fact, this part of the composition of the examinees also accounts for a large proportion), and the composition on the subject of the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan is also relatively easy to attract the attention of the marking teachers.

2. Try to avoid stereotyping and highlight the height of conception. The examinee has generally established the general content and scope of materials when filling the questions for the article, but there are three efforts in the formal conception and material selection: ① strive to closely connect with their own life reality, ② strive to help fully express their personal feelings, and ③ strive to avoid similarity with most people in materials and themes. This is the most ingenious and valuable point. Some people say that it is important to write an examination composition in a form that is not easy for others to think of. That is to say, the form should be innovative, the material should be new, and the idea should be high and new. Dare to use refreshing writing forms, such as on-site interview, script, diary, letter and network chat, post and reply, mobile phone text message, etc; As far as possible, the content subject matter is news events and moving stories seen in recent major media, and of course, it can be real people and stories that students have seen and heard. The theme should have a certain height, which does not mean that it must be able to express how important the political significance is, as long as it has a certain practical significance.

It is enough to see the big from the small, to touch and move the readers to a certain extent. For example, "when the wonderful no longer belongs to me" and "when the conscience is tortured" are optional examples; The article must not be elevated indefinitely or arbitrarily elevated regardless of the content, but it should also be ideological.

When I face books

2008 Guilin High School Entrance Examination Candidate

When I face the book, I enjoy the pleasure of reading which page is blown by the wind. It's really fun.

Shakespeare once vividly said: "Without books in life, it is like the earth has lost the sun; without books in wisdom, it is like the bird has lost its wings." In Shakespeare's eyes, reading has become such a process, which makes the earth get the sun, and it makes the bird have wings.

When I face a book, I think what I face is not only a book, but also the rolling Yangtze River, the vast sea, and the magnificent building. Occasionally, I turn over a page, and the charming words lead me into the boundless ocean of knowledge, which is endless.

Take books as friends, and stay away from all kinds of people. The indifferent reflects a person's good quality, and the quiet reflects a person's good pursuit; Taking books as friends makes people have profound connotation invisibly and dignified manners in appearance. This is really a few days of reading, easy to regard themselves as saints; Read more days before you know how superficial you are.

When I face the book, my heart will calm down, and I will experience the elegant language and rich knowledge in the book. Although I know: "I am afraid it is difficult to read a drop in the sea with a limited time." But I am not discouraged, and I will work hard towards my goal. As the saying goes, books are like a mountain of sweat. Yes, when I face books, how small I feel! After experiencing the articles written by literati poets, I know how superficial my composition is!

Books are the eternal fruit of mankind, the eternal torch in people's hearts, and the reflection of the common aspiration of mankind.

When you turn to a good book, you will learn that celebrities also have their joys and sorrows, and feel Cao Cao's great ambition, Du Fu's lack of talent, Li Bai's bohemian and Tao Yuanming's Taoyuan fairyland.

When I face the book, I will be moved by the ambition in the book, and felt by the poems written by the literati poets. I will aspire to sail to the other side of success. Turn back, shake your head to failure and wave to success. When I face books, I feel infinite happiness.

[Comments of famous teachers]

Delicate and unique design, lively and flexible expression.

The first is ingenious design. The article uses the way of first paragraph parallelism to put forward the author's unique feelings about his reading life. This writing not only serves as a reminder for each paragraph, but also makes paragraphs echo each other from afar, with clear hierarchy and rigorous structure.

Secondly, the language is beautiful, the writing style is elegant, and the literary talent is flying. The vivid and accurate use of words in the article shows that the author has rich reading experience and language accumulation. The article is skillful in writing, the combination of description and lyricism, and the flexible and successful use of metaphor, personification, parallelism and other rhetorical devices make the article full of passion and appeal.

600 words when I face something (4)

When I face the book [Composition topic], please complete the following topics before writing. Requirements for when: 1. Except for poetry, the style is unlimited. 2. The writing is clear, more than 600 words. 3. The true names of people, schools and places shall not appear in the text. (2008 Guilin Senior High School Entrance Examination Composition) [Writing Guide] 1. Guess the purpose of the proposition and add new ideas of the times. This is a half topic composition test. You must first complete the topic and then write a composition. The seemingly old-fashioned questions can still add new ideas. The completion of the topic before composition is an important link that cannot be ignored, because it contains an important investigation factor, that is, the completion skills. It is undeniable that the composition of the high school entrance examination is often associated with the recent major events in the country, which also has some considerations. The premise of writing a good composition is to fill in the topic. "Dang Shi" is a prepositional phrase that expresses time. It limits the only verbal phrases (including subject predicate phrases, verb object phrases) that can be filled in the horizontal line. It can be small things that happen in daily life, or major political, economic and military events that have recently occurred in the country. The suggestive part of this semi proposition shows an important intention of the proposition. It is intended to investigate how much students know about the catastrophic earthquake disaster that occurred in Wenchuan, Sichuan this year, and how much they know about the touching stories of the people in the disaster area in front of the disaster, How much do Chinese people at home and abroad know about the spirit of earthquake relief and the determination to rebuild their homes in the face of major natural disasters (in fact, this part of the composition of the examinees also accounts for a large proportion), and the composition on the subject of the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan is also relatively easy to attract the attention of the marking teachers.

600 words when I face something (5)

600 words when I face something (6)

When I face 600 (4)

600 word composition when I face setbacks (I)

600 words when I face setbacks

When I face>setbacks

Six year five class Sun Jian

Everyone has experienced setbacks. Some people lowered their heads in the face of setbacks, and they will never see the sun of tomorrow. Some people stand up strongly. Only those who never bow in the face of setbacks and never give up can win the final victory.

On one exam, the students were ready to win. Of course, I was no exception. As the bell rang, everyone picked up their pens and began to answer questions. Soon, I finished the previous questions like "passing the five hurdles and killing six generals", and I couldn't help feeling happy: this exam is really simple, and I will definitely score 100 points! I was proud of myself, but the questions behind the good times were completely unexpected, and I was surrounded by several questions. When I was racking my brains to think, a sentence that I didn't want to read in the book that day suddenly rang out: miracles beyond nature all appeared in the conquest of adversity. The problem now is that I should face setbacks. I immediately calmed down and carefully looked for the flaws in the encirclement. Sure enough, with my unremitting efforts, I finally solved the problem. Later, I burst out of the encirclement.

When I faced setbacks, I said to myself: "Never give up". It is precisely because the sun never gives up that it finally breaks through the horizon and shines thousands of miles. It is precisely because the grass never gives up, regardless of the dots, that it finally becomes green all over the earth.

Parent's comment: After reading this composition, the story is simple and the text is short. But I can understand the profound truth from the short and smooth text.

Today's teenagers live in the environment of being served for a long time. Their parents bear the pressure from entering primary school to going to college, to really choosing work. Therefore, they have no deep experience of various difficulties, lack endurance, and have no strong ambition. Once they encounter setbacks, they are crushed. In fact, many minor setbacks in life are the "playground" of ambition! When you sweat through the whole journey and overcome the setbacks of life, you will get a pleasant experience.

Therefore, to let children experience setbacks in their daily life and study is like a good medicine for a disease. Only through experience can we know how to face it and feel the joy after overcoming setbacks.

600 word composition when I face setbacks (2)

When I face setbacks Frustration, from small to large, has appeared countless times in my dictionary, and I define it as a small episode before success. I remember that it was December 27, 2012. It was drizzling. I walked out of school with an umbrella and headed home. Although it was dark, there were still many students on the sidewalk. If I was in normal times, I would have a pleasant chat with my classmates. But today, I was really in no mood. Sure enough, everyone was shocked when they saw my silence. I think at this time, they must be thinking, what happened to me today? But I was too lazy to explain to them, so I walked home quickly. What on earth can make me so depressed. Anyone who knows me knows. I flunked my exam again. Indeed, as the final exam is approaching, can I draw a perfect end to 2012 with my level of dissatisfaction and half a bottle of uncertainty? My heart was very helpless. Finally, I got home. Maybe this failure hit me too hard. I didn't go into the kitchen as usual to say hello to my mother. Instead, go straight into your room. Sitting on the chair in a daze. After a long time, my mother's voice brought me back to reality. She told me that I had been in a daze for an hour. Seeing that I was OK, my mother went out of the room with confidence. Maybe I was really tired. I came to the window to blow the wind. Suddenly, I found the last autumn leaf on a tree in the distance. Although it was swayed by the wind, it didn't fall. It was this small autumn leaf that gave me great inspiration. It suddenly came to me. Failure is temporary. Only success is permanent. What you want to become now will become what you want to become in the future. A fire burns in my heart, and I feel that I am full of power and motivation to move forward. I said to myself in my heart: "Come on, don't be discouraged, tomorrow will be better." Finally, the final exam came. I played steadily and made a great success, and my final performance has improved significantly. In my opinion, what I draw on 2012 is not a full stop, but a big exclamation point. In fact, when you face setbacks, there are only two ways to give up or continue. If you give up, you will be like a pool of stagnant water and can only become an ordinary person. If you do not give up and carry forward the "cheeky" spirit, you will become a real wise person

600 word composition when I face setbacks (3)

When I face setbacks

On May 12, 2008, a magnitude 8. 0 earthquake hit Wenchuan, Sichuan Province. But those children who were pressed by the cement board never gave up when they faced setbacks. In their eyes, life is a treasure!

When I face setbacks, I sometimes give up, but I think as long as I have the perseverance of friends in the Wenchuan earthquake, I believe that setbacks will always be defeated by me one by one.

Sometimes I will try to defeat setbacks. Once, after finishing my homework, I opened the Mathematical Olympiad question with a sense of leisure interest. I did a few questions, smiled with satisfaction, and then continued to sit down. Unexpectedly, I was "killed"! I can't do it at all. I want to give up. Suddenly, the scene of Wenchuan children not giving up in the face of setbacks flashed in my mind, and I immediately put my thoughts on this question again, and finally, I finally lifted this question. As a result, I learned that where there is effort, there is gain.

But sometimes I run away from setbacks. I remember that time when I was practicing calligraphy, suddenly I heard the sound of playing outside. I swallowed my saliva and continued to practice calligraphy. After practicing for a while, I couldn't stand this "torture", so I threw down my things and rushed out of the door to play games with everyone.

In the future, I should not yield to setbacks and will bravely overcome them.


600 word composition when I face setbacks (4)

When I face setbacks Everyone hopes to have more happiness and less pain in their life; More success, less frustration. However, fate always seems to play tricks on people, always giving people more loss, pain and frustration. When you face success, you may smile easily, but what about setbacks? When I open the door of memory, a thing that will benefit me all my life will appear in front of me. Once, the teacher told us that we would have a Chinese exam tomorrow. When I got home, I reviewed carefully and made full preparations. The next day, I went to the examination room with confidence. "Ding Ling Ling -" As the bell rang, everyone picked up their pens and answered the questions "brush". The exam took a long time. I quickly finished the questions. After repeated checks, I thought: The exam questions are so simple that I can score! However, the good times didn't last long. When the teacher handed out a roll of paper, I opened my mouth in surprise. Ah! Is this my score? I looked at my font again and again, and saw an amazing number on the test paper. I was surprised to see the wrong question on my test paper. God! Deduct 2 points for composition, 2 points for reading, and 3 points for basic knowledge, ah! This simple blank filling question didn't even write... At ordinary times, my Chinese score is above 95 points. Why today... when I got home, I rushed into the room, threw myself on the bed, and shed tears sadly. Tears soaked the sheets and my heart. Why is that? Didn't I review it? yes! I have! And really reviewed! Didn't I check? yes! I have! And it is repeatedly checked! Then why did you succeed in the exam? Maybe I don't have talent? impossible! Otherwise, why could I do well in the exam before? I turned over and saw a small grass outside the window. It was so weak that its delicate body seemed unable to withstand a little pressure and frustration. However, it could still thrive under the pressure of stones. It chose to survive and had to face the storm bravely. And me? Can't even accept this setback? Not even a blade of grass? I braced myself up, found the reason for the error, changed my learning method, worked hard on the problem, and would not ask the teacher. Finally, in another Chinese exam, I achieved good results that satisfied me! In life, everything can not go smoothly. We should face setbacks and overcome ourselves. As long as we have perseverance, there will be no insurmountable peak. As long as we have the determination to forge ahead, there will be no insurmountable obstacles. The dragon slaying sword is extremely sharp only after being forged by fire, and the gorgeous rainbow only appears after the wind and rain. Let's face setbacks with laughter and open up the road to success for ourselves.

600 word composition when I face setbacks (5)

When I face setbacks When I face setbacks, on May 12, 2008, there was a magnitude 8: 0 earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan. But those children who were pressed by the cement board never give up when they face setbacks. In their eyes, life is a treasure! When I face setbacks, I sometimes give up, but I think as long as I have the perseverance of friends in the Wenchuan earthquake, I believe that setbacks will always be defeated by me one by one. Sometimes I will try to defeat setbacks. Once, after finishing my homework, I opened the Mathematical Olympiad question with a sense of leisure interest. I did a few questions, smiled with satisfaction, and then continued to sit down. Unexpectedly, I was "killed"! I can't do it at all. I want to give up. Suddenly, the scene of Wenchuan children not giving up in the face of setbacks flashed in my mind, and I immediately put my thoughts on this question again, and finally, I finally lifted this question. As a result, I learned that where there is effort, there is gain. But sometimes I run away from setbacks. I remember that time when I was practicing calligraphy, suddenly I heard the sound of playing outside. I swallowed my saliva and continued to practice calligraphy. After practicing for a while, I couldn't stand this "torture", so I threw down my things and rushed out of the door to play games with everyone. In the future, I should not yield to setbacks and will bravely overcome them.

600 word composition when I face setbacks (6)

When I face setbacks Frustration is like a stumbling block, it keeps you back. Frustration is like a desert, making you lonely and helpless. But the experience of that setback made me learn to face it bravely. It was the summer vacation of Grade 5 in primary school. I signed up for the provincial Go contest, which was a good opportunity for me to show my talent. I was excited about this for a long time. Finally, I look forward to the day of the game. I mentioned my beloved Go and came to the match. The match field was ablaze with lights. A golden light shone on the referee's platform. I seemed to see me standing on the podium, with thunderous applause from the audience. A burst of rapid voice interrupted my thoughts, the game began, and I stepped onto the court confidently. At the beginning of the game, a clear sound of chess pieces floated in the air over the game field. Something unexpected happened - my chess pieces were misplaced, which could have been saved, but I was in a mess in my busy time. I walked more and more wrong. In desperation, I walked out of the game field with the regret of the audience and a black chess box. The podium was gone, the applause was gone, and even my confidence was gone. When I got home, I put aside the chess box that was once regarded as the apple of my eye, closed the Go manual I bought, and sat in a daze in the room. At this time, a pair of strong hands on my shoulder. Looking back, my father came to me with the Go box and said he wanted to play a game with me. I reluctantly agreed. When I played chess with my father, my father said to me: "Frustration is like a stone. For the weak, it is a stumbling block that stops you, while for the strong, it is a stepping stone that makes you stand higher." What my father said inspired me deeply, and I also realized a truth: when encountering setbacks, you should face them bravely, not escape. So I defeated my father with my own strength. Another game, I met a master who was very arrogant towards me. After the last experience, I was no longer afraid. My father's words flashed in my mind, so I thought about every move carefully. At the end of the game, the referee counted and then announced that I had won. Happiness was like a wisp of wind, blowing away the dark clouds that enveloped my heart. Thanks for the experience of that setback, it made me understand that we should face setbacks bravely and learn to be confident.

600 word composition when I face setbacks (7)

When I face setbacks There is nothing in the world that can be gained without effort, and there is no person who does not encounter difficulties. I remember an article that said: "Half of life is in your hands, usually in the hands of God. You should use half of your efforts to win half of God's hands." I still remember that when I was in the fifth grade, I was always in the top of the grade. Every time I take an exam, I force myself to do my best and make up my mind not to let others surpass me. This time, the exam questions are not too difficult, it can be said to be handy. After a while, the time is up. The examination papers have been neatly placed on the desk. I laughed to myself because I thought I had done well this time. I'm sure I can get a good place in the exam. After class, I ran out quickly. Suddenly, I saw several students who were studying in the top few were discussing questions. I also ran to join in the discussion. I listened carefully to their answers, and my heart was half cold. Most of my answers were not related to them at all. I began to regret that I had not carefully examined them. I blamed myself for not caring. A few days later, the school held a general meeting of teachers and students, and announced the top five students of the grade. They cheered happily, but I just listened with dismay. Finally came in the air

When I face 600 (5)

About 600 words of composition when I face lying (1)


After studying Weixue, we learned the truth that "if we do something, it will be easier; if we don't do it, it will be easier." We also learned the story of poor monks who are determined, practical and successful in the face of difficulties. How do you think and do when you face a detail or a journey in your life?

When I face

1. Fill in appropriate content on the horizontal line, such as success, progress, honor, failure, frustration, difficulty, retrogression, disappointment, criticism, misunderstanding, accident, danger, darkness, choice, parting, reunion, doubt, life, competition, sunshine, starry sky, books, food, strangers, etc

2. Write an article with more than 600 words from any angle.

3. The writing is neat and tidy.

[Since the students are not good at grasping the center, refining the center and deepening the center on the basis of material selection, and their articles are not in-depth and can't point to the point, the following model articles are provided. Each article is worth learning in different aspects, which can be selected according to their own preferences.]

When I face the sun

The sun shines into the window, shines on me, sits quietly, accepts the baptism of the sun, and turns his heart to the sun to shut out all troubles. Sunshine, make your heart comfortable; The sun makes your dreams fly; Sunshine makes your feelings intoxicated

I am drunk when I face the sun. The sun shines into the deep forest, charming light, gentle light, light light, maple leaves are like fire, trees are shaded, and a path stretches far away.

There is sunshine, but who knows how many hardships it has experienced when it shines into the window, through heavy clouds, through dust, and through the shade of trees. How many heroes in China, like the fiery sun, have overcome many difficulties and crossed the road. For the rise and fall of the country and the rise and fall of the nation, they always have the determination that "every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the country" and "the head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the body cannot be humiliated". The Yangtze River and the Yellow River have nurtured the Chinese people, while the sun has nurtured all things in the world. The sun has nurtured the people, and we are grateful for its kindness to people. The sun is sacred, noble, and selfless. It sprays its own blood into the world, which makes us sigh and awe. How many people are selfless like it. The Curie couple made selfless contributions, gave up the splendor and wealth, dedicated themselves to science, and dedicated themselves to the people of the world. Their hearts held the whole world. We all have a bunch of sunshine in our hearts. We can also use sunshine to pave our own different roads. Life depends on our parents, but life depends on ourselves. Facing the sun, you will find strength, you will find light. On a boundless road, some people are sad and depressed, while others chant, "There is no way to go after mountains and rivers, and there is another village." The mood depends on yourself. Sometimes, the sun is dim, but the mood is sunny. Sometimes, the sun is bright, but the mood is dim. The sun in my heart is always bright, so the sky is cloudless, and I want the sun to be bright forever.

I face the sun, thinking, thinking, the sun has moved, the cabin is dark, the sun in my heart is always bright, in this sun, I don't want to wake up

When I face defeat

"Bao Jianfeng comes from sharpening, and plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold". I always think of this sentence whenever I encounter setbacks. This is not my motto, but a simple truth that few people will understand.

In my fourth grade, it was a habit to be scolded because of my poor grades. However, since I went to cram for composition, I was not used to it at that time. How luxurious it was to be praised by the teacher

Ah, but I have lived such a luxurious life by burning the midnight oil every day. I was seduced, and I made up my mind that I must always do this. I will not hear the teacher's harsh voice again.

As the days passed, I played in this "luxury" day, indulged in it, and could not extricate myself. Everything was so quiet, as if it was the eve of bad luck. The quiet was terrible, as if it was poison. Once I ate it, I would never leave. I was afraid of losing it carelessly, and protected it carefully. But God seemed not so kind, and what was coming always came.

In the Chinese midterm exam on November 12, our composition was called "The Most Beautiful Scenery", which required us to write a composition based on a scene in life as the most beautiful scenery. But I didn't finish reading the topic, so I wrote it. At that time, I wrote about the peonies in my hometown. Ironically, I got such a result by practicing composition every night. Just when I was about to give up, my deskmate made the same mistake. He usually ranked first in our class. I think he would also give up. His self-esteem must be damaged. But no, he practiced composition more diligently. At first, I thought he was stupid, but in the end, his composition won a prize, which was beyond my imagination. I began to have some self-confidence again, and I began to work hard and achieved results.

Frustration is accompanied by life. What do you think of it? If there was no my deskmate at that time, I might also have been. But at least I understand that frustration makes people grow and transform. It is the hammer that sharpens the sword and the source of plum blossom fragrance.

When I face failure

I was born a self-confident. When faced with failure, the words "I can do it" often ring in my ears. As the saying goes, failure is the mother of success. After many failures, I finally grew up. I remember when I was in the fourth grade of primary school. The art teacher selected me to participate in the "National Art Festival Calligraphy and Painting Competition for Primary and Secondary School Students". The teacher said that my paintings were imaginative, well matched in color, and meticulous... In the face of this string of praise, confidence quietly grew in my heart. I think I can certainly achieve good results. I first spent a sketch, and after the teacher's correction, I seriously colored it. When the painting was finished, I was so happy that I ate honey.

One day, two days... one week, two weeks... one month has passed. Why hasn't the award been announced yet? A few days later, the teacher called me to the office and told me that I had not won the prize. It's like a bolt from the blue to me. How could it be like this? Why didn't I win the prize for such a serious painting? Thinking, my heart was like a knife. Tears rolled in my eyes. I went back to the classroom and cried loudly on the table. In the face of failure, I lost confidence for the first time.

When I got home, I told my mother about it. My mother said, "Baby, don't be sad. You didn't win the prize because there are still some flaws in your painting. You should be happy!" After listening to my mother's words, I don't know when I felt confident again. I practice drawing every day. A year later, I was selected to participate in the art festival competition. My painting won the first prize in the primary school group of Fangshan District, and won the third prize in the city competition. I was very excited at that time.

Now, I no longer study art. But if I have time, I will often pick up a pen to draw a picture. You know the value of laughter only after you cry; Only after suffering can we know the sweet taste. When I face failure, I have been discouraged, but confidence has always been like a beacon, illuminating my way forward.

When I face difficulties

The blue sky becomes colorful because of the white clouds, and life becomes colorful because of difficulties. Overcoming difficulties is like crossing the cold winter in spring!

"Who has set such a difficult problem? It's even harder than going to the sky." I said angrily, and I was puzzled by the math problem again.

"Dad!" I shouted habitually, "Come and teach me how to do the problem."

"Coming!" Dad hurriedly answered. In the twinkling of an eye, my father had picked up my lessons and practiced them carefully. After a while, he replied, "This question is too simple. Think for yourself!"

"Who is it?" I complained.

"Son, it's inevitable that you will encounter many difficulties on the road of life. Dad can't always solve your problems for you. You should learn to rely on your own efforts to overcome difficulties and achieve success. I will test you this time, come on!" Then he turned and walked away.

Cut, can this overwhelm me? I have my own way.

"Hey, is it Yan Ran's family? Yan Ran, can that problem be solved? „ No, forget it." My heart was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and I was knocked down by the 18th layer of hell. It's useless to call for help. Wuhuwu is going to die, and the magic weapon of victory is gone. It seems that I really have to finish the math problem by myself, but can I do it?

At first sight, I have never done difficult problems on my own. He was a mathematician, and his face turned blue after thinking hard, which made his brain anoxic. I am very relaxed. I drink a mouthful of water, eat a mouthful of bread, scratch my head and twist my waist. It is clearly a pastime. However, when the dramatic scene happened, the problem was solved by me eating bread. The reason is that the word problem is also about eating bread. I ate the bread as required by the question, and the answer came out. There is a good saying: "Thinking requires sufficient material conditions."

When I wanted to write a question, I called the whole class with ecstasy and took the initiative to deliver the solution to the door. The next day in math class, Miss Bu asked, "Why did you all do it right? This question is very difficult!" Everyone said with one voice, "It was given by Master Yuan!" Then everyone laughed. But no one laughed very much, because this was the first mathematical problem I had to solve with my own strength.

A drop of water can reflect the brightness of the sun. Although this is a small difficulty, it leads to a truth: difficulties are like springs. If you are weak, they will be strong, and if you are strong, they will be weak. We often encounter difficulties when we do things. As long as we overcome them, we will succeed. If you flinch in the face of difficulties, you will only give up halfway and lose all your previous achievements. Remember: don't be afraid of difficulties, and work hard to overcome them!

When I face failure

People will always experience many failures in their life, but only by constantly overcoming difficulties and finding out the reasons for failure, they will move towards success step by step.

In a math test a few years ago, I experienced the biggest failure in my learning history - 78 points. When this achievement that I couldn't believe myself reached my ears, not only I, but also many others

The students were also surprised. It seemed that I was struck by lightning, took back the paper, and sat on the seat in a daze. For a good student, this is the biggest failure

When the paper was finished, I still hung my head, unable to believe that it was true. I could not face the laughing eyes of boys, the surprised eyes of girls, and the stern eyes of teachers. I could not get out of this heavy blow. In a trance, the first question was finished, but my spirit was still weak to the extreme. But when I talked about the second and third questions, although I just looked down at the paper, I had already begun to listen carefully to the main points of the teacher's topic. I had realized that as a good student, at least I should listen carefully and correct well. Although I didn't do well in the exam, I should not forget this!

Gradually, my attitude turned again. When I was talking about the fifth question, I slowly raised my head and bravely faced the teacher's eyes, because I had completely awakened. A test is to test how well I learn this knowledge. If I fail in the test, it means that I have not mastered that knowledge and need to work harder. But I just need to find out the mistakes and try to correct them to warn myself not to make the same mistakes again? Why should I be depressed? Keeping my head down is just a wrong way for losers to avoid failure. Since I failed this time and failed in the exam, I must face it bravely and correct it

In this class, I listened very carefully, especially when the teacher talked about my mistakes, I would analyze my mistakes and come up with a good way to correct them. At the end of class, I had analyzed the wrong questions thoroughly

When faced with failure, we must overcome it and wave to success with victory.

When I face disappointment

Hope comes from disappointment, and rising from distress. As a poet said, "Those who feel must digest well, those who feel urgent must be efficient, and those who feel crisis must make rapid progress.".

The days are always like the fine sand passing through at the fingertips, which has slipped down a lot in a difficult time. Those old worries and sorrows, washed away by the passage of time

When I face 600 (6)

When I face setbacks, I write 600 words

A calm lake cannot make a strong sailor; The comfortable environment can not create the great man of the era -

From childhood to adulthood, I have never experienced any big storms, but that event has taught me what is called "How can we see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain?"

When I was young, I was still very young. When I saw people around me riding beautiful bicycles, I was curious, but more envious.

So, I made a bold request to my father: I want to learn bicycle.

"No, no, you are too young!" My father, who always responds to my requests, unexpectedly refused me.

"I can, I can learn!" I begged my father. "That's what you said. Don't cry at that time!" Father reluctantly agreed to my plea

So I have my first bicycle.

Seeing the beautiful bicycle filled my heart with joy. "I bought the bike for you. It depends on whether you learn it or not." Father pointed at the bike and said to me seriously. "I know!" I replied, but my heart had already flown out.

It's time to start learning. I think it's very simple, so I started practicing without hesitation.

"Step over the bicycle slowly, step on the pedals on both sides, hold the handle in front of you with both hands, control the direction, and take turns using the strength of the two legs." Father patiently taught. I followed my father's instructions, bit by bit, and began to ride forward. The bike soon began to move. When I was riding, suddenly, the front of the car seemed like an elf trying to get rid of the bondage. It shook uncontrollably from side to side. I tried hard to control it, but it didn't help. Then, "bang", the car and I fell to the ground.

The heavy body of the car pressed on my calf, causing great pain, which made me cry out uncontrollably. Father quickly ran over, moved his bicycle away and helped me up. "I told you, you are too young to do it!" Father comforted. "No, I will learn!" I said firmly, "I can learn by myself, I can do it!"

So, I began to practice again and again. "Bang, bang..." Again and again, I fell down again and again, with wounds everywhere. After repeated setbacks and failures, after countless pains and failures, after the sound of falling down, I was able to ride my bike steadily, and I succeeded. I finally overcome the setback!

"How can plum blossom smell until it is cold?" I deeply understand this truth. In fact, when we move forward in life, we will encounter many unpleasant things. But as long as we are not afraid of dangers and difficulties on the journey of life, as long as you persevere, persevere, and cheer up, success will be in sight!

When I face 600 (7)

At the Winter Games, I signed up for the 800 meter race. I looked at the list of other classes participating in the 800 meter race. I think I have no problem in running the top three.

On the day of the sports meeting, after 200 meters, it will be 800 meters. First, boys in Grade 9 will run, and then girls will run. After the ninth grade run, the eighth grade run, also first male and then female. When the boys are running, we girls will report for duty. The boys are about to finish. We drew lots, one runway for each class, and we drew runway 2. Friends and classmates said to me, "Come on!"

We stood on the runway, and the conductor teacher came over and said to us, "You can only grab the runway after the first turn. If you grab the runway in advance, it will be a foul."

We were standing on the runway and taking the starting position. At that time, my heart was very nervous. Afraid of running to the end, the staff raised the gun and said, "Ready." I listened carefully. As soon as the gun rang, I would rush. I took the lead first. After the first turn, I ran to Runway 1. After running for half a circle, I felt my legs were weak. I looked back and they all caught up with me.

At this time, the students standing on the playground saw that I fell behind and shouted to me, "Come on! Come on!" I said to them, "No, I don't have strength in my legs, so I can't run." They said to me, "It's OK! Or abstain." I said, "It's OK." Then I was farther and farther away from them, and I didn't hear what they said.

When there was only one hundred meters left, I tried my best to catch up with my classmates in front. When he saw that I was catching up, he also sped up.

But the reality is cruel. She arrived at the end before me, and I fell on my friends. I wanted to sit down, but they let me go. I walked for a while. Go to your seat and rest.

Although I fell to the end of this run, failure is the mother of success. As long as I use more work in sports, I will be able to achieve a good result next time.

When I face 600 (8)

When I come across a dense number of problems that make people's brains swell, and when I am blocked by the thorny difficulties in my life, do I cry and complain repeatedly, or do I face it calmly, deal with the problem in an orderly manner, and seek the best way to solve it?

Between the two, I chose the latter without hesitation. There was such a catchphrase: difficulties are like springs. If you are strong, they will be weak, and if you are weak, they will be strong. It also reminds us of a well-known saying: Nothing is difficult in the world if you have a heart! Yes, difficulties are the stumbling blocks on the way to success, but which successful person does not come from difficulties? I will never be afraid and face up bravely. This is my unswerving attitude towards difficulties.

I remember once, the teacher handed out an exercise paper to the students. The teacher does not require to complete everything, but he should try his best to think about each question. In the evening, I did the rest of the homework, leaving only the volume. It was only half past nine. Looking at the seemingly profound problems, I know that I am not only practicing, but also competing with difficulties.

The first few questions are relatively simple. Just draw a picture on the paper, and all the difficulties will be solved. But with the rule of writing from simple to deep, I looked at the last question slightly, and my hair became numb. This is my weak link -- the problem of distance. I stared at the topic, meditated, and muttered: "This journey should be two-thirds of the whole journey, and Xiao Ming's journey is 2/3 times 2. Eh, how could the calculation be wrong?" I started the calculation again on the paper, but the difficulty was not so easy to yield.

My brain is almost exhausted, but I still can't think of it. What a rat pulling a turtle -- there's no way to start! At this time, a sense of fatigue flooded my whole body, and I subconsciously looked at the time. Oh, it's already eleven o'clock! At this time, my mother came in and urged me: "Don't go to bed soon! I'd rather not do it than get enough sleep." My mother's endless nagging made me moved. I really wanted to leave, but thought: "Do I want to continue thinking?

It would be better to listen to the teacher's comments tomorrow and figure it out again. Why bother? " But reason controlled me: "Is this my usual style? Is it really so easy for difficulties to block my progress? How can we see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? When is the time? If we do less, we will have one less chance to exercise than others, and then we will fall behind others! No! I can never give up!" I stopped worrying about fatigue, regained confidence, and looked up such topics in extracurricular books. Everything comes to him who waits! I turned to an example and read the analysis and solution in the book carefully!

I suddenly began to think about the meaning of the topic again, and drew an orderly diagram on the draft paper. I stared at the line segment diagram and listed the formula by analogy. Recalculate again, ha, you did the right thing! I was ecstatic and filled with a sense of achievement to write the correct formula on the volume. Once again, I personally experienced and proved the truth that "nothing is difficult in the world, if you have a heart".

Overcome a difficulty and move forward; Overcome a difficulty and increase your tenacity. When I face difficulties, I will never complain, but be fearless and fight bravely with difficulties. I have no regrets whether I win or lose

Only those who dare to face difficulties are strong in life.

When I face 600 (9)

When I face difficulties, what will I do? I don't know whether to face difficulties again and again like those great people or just choose to escape, but what happened next made me draw a conclusion.

It was dark outside the window, the moonlight was covered by thick clouds, and the cold wind was howling. The delicate flowers had no protection from the sun, so they had to endure the cruel treatment of the inhuman cold wind here. The room was also dark, and I couldn't see my fingers. The lamp on the desk was turned off by me. I sat in front of the desk and quietly combed my confused melancholy.

Looking at the math problem in front of me that I can't solve all the time, my irritable mood slowly comes to my mind. I can't help asking: Why is this question so difficult? Is it God's punishment for me? Slowly, I want to give up. I want to turn off the lamp that I turned on again. As the words in my exercise book become more and more confused, my thoughts become more and more confused. Just when I wanted to give up, a voice suddenly appeared in my mind: Do you want to give up? No, no, you have to persevere. At this time, the persistence and abandonment of these two beliefs appear at the same time. They are like angels and demons. What makes me give up is the devil in an angel's coat, and what makes me persist is the angel with a devil's appearance. They form a fork in the road and appear in front of me. I hate multiple-choice questions, but now the problem has appeared. After a long time of ideological struggle, the devil like angel won, and finally I chose to persevere. What else can I do if I have to avoid even this little difficulty? I told myself again and again in my heart.

Outside the window at this time, the howling cold wind disappeared, perhaps because it was unwilling to watch these delicate flowers freeze here! The desk lamp was still on, and I fulfilled its mission dutifully on the desk. The math problem was finally solved. It turned out that it was not so difficult.

When I faced difficulties, I chose to persevere. Now I have the answer to this life problem. Such a small thing, let me harvest the courage to go on the fork road.

When I face 600 (10)

"You can't get the fragrance of plum blossom without a lot of frost" Everyone's road is rugged. Only by pouring hard sweat, hard work and lifelong effort on this road, can you finally get the "fragrance of plum blossom". Life is action, and life is struggle, All things that are true, good and beautiful are acquired through hard work. Because the road of learning and living is not broad and flat, it moves forward in the wilderness, sometimes through dust, sometimes through mud, sometimes across swamps, sometimes through the jungle without fighting head-on. We can never move forward to face the difficulties in life. How should we choose?

It was a series of crooked footprints, which accompanied me through 14 years of spring, summer, autumn and winter. It was hard to imagine the deep and shallow footprints full of tears, but how can I not remember the traces that belong to me?

Once life gave me many dreams, which made me look forward endlessly, and endless melancholy filled my eyes when I could not feel the starting point of the dream; But I am not afraid because I have a firm belief. I will use my wisdom and strength to change my persistence, my reserve, and my sophistication to make me full of strength again to fight and pursue.

Pursuing dreams always turns a thousand times. Failures and setbacks hit me again and again with a share of pain, a share of worry, a share of sadness. When I encounter these problems, I will always sigh with emotion. When I encounter difficulties, I will always tell myself again and again: Don't be discouraged. You should ride the wind and waves in the face of difficulties. How can you see the rainbow without going through the wind and rain, What does this difficulty mean? It's just a small stumbling block I met in my life. I can't fall flat. As the saying goes, I should take a fall and learn from it. I should turn failure into a driving force for learning

One's life cannot be smooth. There will always be some ups and downs. When we accept the challenge of fate, we should bravely say, "I can do it."

When I face 600 (11)

too bad! I broke the bowl again. What should I do? What should I do? When I was helpless, my mother suddenly appeared in front of me and said angrily, "Why did you break the bowl again?"! Didn't I tell you I had to solve problems by myself? You still don't understand? " After listening to this, I wanted to say again: "I just can't understand!" But later I thought it was too "white headed". Because our parents taught us to solve difficulties when we met them, instead of sitting there watching the "difficulties" stage.

Like once, when I was writing a math problem, there was a problem that I didn't know. When I was trying to give up, my father said, "If you can't solve such a small problem, what will you do if you go out to work in the future?" After listening to my father's words, I immediately racked my brains and finally came up with an answer! At that time, the mood of "sunny after rain" seemed to appear a colorful and beautiful rainbow, which made me excited!

This experience made me remember what my father said to me. I have another unforgettable experience. One time when I was eating, I suddenly lost my mind and slipped my hands - the whole bowl of rice fell to the ground, and I was too frightened to know what to do. Just when my parents were away, I was at a loss when my father's words suddenly appeared in front of me, so before my parents came back, I had saved the crisis of the next "World War II"! Difficulties, it turns out, can be saved in an instant. Although I am silent, my heart is ecstatic!

When I was in the fourth grade, I slowly learned how to solve problems when I met them. I also learned many different solutions, such as quarreling with my classmates. I should try to fill this gap as soon as possible. Of course, I should also make reconciliation with my classmates to avoid being out of control. So, when we encounter difficulties, don't panic, and try to solve them! If we overcome it, the obstacles and difficulties in our hearts will not become higher and higher, and will be more and more difficult to surmount!

When I face 600 (12)

Difficulties are like springs, depending on whether you are strong or not. If you are strong, he will be weak, and if you are weak, he will be strong. Frustration is a rope. We should use it to climb mountains, not hang ourselves. I lost walking in the street, let the cold rain hit my face. I looked up and saw that the sky was dark

If you fail, you will fail after all. Tears mixed with raindrops flowed down my neck into the already wet clothes, and the cells frozen by the autumn wind became colder. I have always been very proud of my spoken English. So I signed up for an off campus oral contest. In the preliminary contest, I was high spirited, passed five hurdles and killed six generals, convinced my opponents and smiled at the judges. Not surprisingly, he entered the semi-finals.

I am complacent and no longer seriously preparing for the semi-finals. But to show off, as if he is already a champion.

Finally, the day before the game, I found that I had not prepared any "magic weapon" to win by surprise, and I found that my mind was blank, even I forgot the place of the game.

The next day, I dragged a tired body to the match ground. My mind is empty. God, there are so many people! It turned out that the preliminary contest only eliminated half of the number of applicants, but even so, there were still hundreds of people.

My proud heart was broken. Looking at those eager people, I closed my eyes painfully. I lost, lost in that complacent heart. So, I gave up. Under the surprised eyes of the judges, I left the competition venue sadly and went home alone.

When I got home, I changed my clothes and sat on the balcony, looking out of the window. The wind is tighter and the rain is more urgent, but all this has nothing to do with me. Just as I was about to leave, I saw a bird.

The bird fought in the wind and rain. It was very thin, but it flew up as far as it could. It goes up and down in the air like a "dry duck" struggling in the water after falling into the water. Finally, at the moment when the wind and rain were about to become stronger, he rushed into the sky and issued a loud "cry". It was successful. I saw the bird leaving behind, if I had some understanding.

In the face of setbacks, we should not be negative, which will only destroy your confidence. What we need is to continue to persist, to climb bravely, and to forget the past.

We should not be discouraged by setbacks and use them to face them. We should remember that we should use it as a rope for success! Instead of hanging yourself with it.

When I face 600 (13)

When I face difficulties

As I walked on the street, I heard a childish voice, "Mom, Mom, what are difficulties?" "Difficulties are stumbling blocks on the road of life." "What are those difficulties like?".

After listening to this paragraph, I nodded slightly thoughtfully. Yes, a person may give up or insist when encountering difficulties. However, no matter whether you give up or insist, difficulties need to be overcome. If you put it aside, it will hinder your progress. It is better to face it calmly and overcome it. No matter how big the difficulties are, they will be solved.

Speaking of it, it was last year's National Day. That day, I went to my brother's house to play. There was a back hill behind his house. I said to my brother, "Brother, let's go to the back hill to play."! It turns out that the mountain is so beautiful, with flowers competing for beauty, the leaves on the trees dancing gently with the wind, and the birds in the sky seem to be sighing for such beautiful scenery, chirping beautiful music

The restless brother didn't sit down to enjoy the scenery slowly, but went to catch crickets. He jumped around. Suddenly, he frowned and turned to me and said, "Sister, we seem lost." "Ah!" I cried while enjoying the beautiful scenery. I stood up hurriedly and looked around. Why is it so strange here? Really lost? It can't be true?

"Come on, I'll go there. You can go to the other side to investigate the situation. Don't get lost. Don't be nervous." I said to my brother. After that, we started to take action.

After a while, I heard: "Sister, sister, come quickly!" I hurried to the road, ah, what a familiar road, my brother and I immediately went down from this road.

At dinner, my mother asked, "Where did you go to play?" My brother and I looked at each other, smiled, and said, "I won't tell you."

This shows that difficulties need to be overcome.

When I face difficulties

One cannot live without difficulties. When difficulties come, you may be upset - however, difficulties need to be overcome. If you put it aside, it will only hinder your progress. It's better to calmly cope with the difficulties and accept new challenges.

In retrospect, it was last summer vacation. At that time, my mother often took me to Grandma's house to play. I really like it there. All day long, I went to the fields with my cousin and younger cousin to look for crabs, climb trees in the lychee garden, and sit beside the fish pond to fish... So I cried out every other time that my mother would take me to Grandma's house. Once, I wanted to go again, but my mother was busy with work, so I decided to go alone.

The weather was particularly good that day. I was in a good mood all the way and unknowingly arrived at the fork road. Go left and you will reach your destination soon; Keep to the right. I've never been there, but every time I pass, I can always see my uncle coming out from that road. So, sent by curiosity, I set foot on that strange road.

As I walked, I didn't expect that there was a beautiful pastoral scene in front of me: green fields, and butterflies flying in the flowers. While enjoying the pastoral scenery, I hummed a tune. I don't know how long I have been walking, my mood has changed from relaxed and happy to fearful and uneasy, and the scene before me seems to have changed: it is quiet around, and I am alone walking on the path. In my panic, I tripped over a protruding stone, and my knee was bruised immediately. I resisted the pain and reluctantly stood up, more afraid in my heart. Looking ahead and back, I found myself in a dilemma, and my eyes were moist.

However, a stream of courage from somewhere came to me like a spring - the road was chosen by myself. No matter how rough and difficult it was, I should finish it. It is this belief that drives me. I run hard despite the pain of my knee... Finally, "there is no way out when the mountain is poor and the river is exhausted, and there is another village". Not far away, I saw the familiar lychee garden.

After people fall to the ground, they have to follow a lifelong path. There are countless stumbling blocks on this path, and people cannot completely avoid it. Therefore, to move forward, we must eradicate it.

When I face difficulties

Four years ago, I went to Xiamen. Under the guidance of my aunt and Uncle Wu Kan, I visited the beautiful city of Xiamen, embraced the sea, played with fish, and was free. While playing on Gulangyu, I took a map as a guide. I found that there was an ancient smell of bamboo leaves on the map, with a faint smell of milk. I have always wondered how this taste came about. After I came back, I used some milk, water and paper every day, but the smell was different. I really want to give up, but there is a word encouraging me: no one can casually succeed without experiencing the wind and rain. This matter has always been on my mind.

Four years later, I grew up and became a fifth grade student, with more knowledge. I didn't forget my experiment. I often asked my grandfather some questions about the source of taste. I also mixed milk and water together and observed them carefully under a microscope. However, God still doesn't give me face, I still haven't succeeded. However, I did not bow to difficulties. I believe that one day, I will succeed.

By chance, when I was reading a newspaper at school, I accidentally spilled the students' milk on the desk. The milk was all scattered on the newspaper. I took out a tissue, wiped it bit by bit, and put it in my schoolbag. A few days later, the "milk newspaper" was dried by the sun. At this time, a familiar smell came, and I found that it was the ancient smell of bamboo leaves. I jumped up happily, knowing that the "roadblock" lowered its head and that I had overcome another difficulty. I am proud; I'm proud. I solved the secret four years ago. I also know that the reason for this taste is something called acid glyceride. It is fermented and emitted in the sun.

Difficulties, this thing is not terrible, the key is whether you can deal with him, whether you will surrender to him. We must overcome difficulties so that we can move forward smoothly.

When I face 600 (14)

This time it is because we need to pour sesame oil from large bottles to small bottles. Mother said she would pour it in the house. Father said he would spill it on the floor or pour it out. So their "quarrel" began. Of course, there was no result. There are two bottles in the room. Father takes one bottle to pour out, and Mother takes one to pour in the room. The key is that neither is spilled! They found me to judge who was right and who was wrong. It's hard for me! Forget it. I'd better not participate in their "quarrel"! But in order that the next "quarrel" will not happen again, I said: "There can be different plans for one thing. You both are right, but your thinking is not comprehensive enough! In the future, we should learn from each other. We should learn from each other." Alas, we would rather "persuade".

Let's forget about the judgment. The "quarrel" is their business, and there is no need to implicate me. The reason for this "quarrel" is that I am too thin! It's too thin. All right! But my father insisted that the food my mother cooked for me was not delicious and didn't let me eat well. Mother retorted: "Who said that my cooking is not good? Our daughter is thin. No matter how much she eats, she will not get fat!", I had to admit defeat.

One war is not over, another war is coming! My father accidentally stepped on my mother's foot. Mother deliberately raised her voice and said, "You are stepping on my foot! When will parents not quarrel?

I used to wonder why my parents quarreled. Now I think it's a strange thing in our family that my father doesn't "quarrel"?

Listen, what's the sound? Dad's "quarrel" started again.

When I face 600 (15)

Frustration, when I face it, I will work hard, maybe that's right, because that's what I am confused about. I tried hard before, and he was a small stumbling block on the road to success. On the road to success, there will always be many setbacks waiting for us to hone and break through. It is indelible, because it is waiting for our success in the front, It doesn't need complete perfection. It doesn't matter if there is a flaw in it. I'm going to succeed step by step. I'm trying hard!

Frustration, when I face it, when I face it, I will smile, as the famous writers said, smile, ten years old, yes, smile, ten years old, all the troubles are forgotten, smile is the privilege of mankind, frustration, he seems to smile at me, she said to me, come on, you will survive. I am like a tiny bug. Although I am not as fast as other bugs, I have to work harder than other bugs. I can also reach the end and am more glorious than them. I smile!

Frustration, when I face it, I will be discouraged. That's because there are too many hardships I can't bear on the road to success. I will be discouraged, I will cry. On the road halfway, I will shrink, I will give up, I am discouraged!

Setbacks. When I face it, I will have no idea. That's because I will face a choice. When I wander between A and B, I will hesitate to choose which one? When I wander between life and death, I will escape and retreat, I will not think so, I will be at a loss!

When I face setbacks, I will

When I face 600 (16)

Frustration is a summer storm, which often comes suddenly. I often panic in the face of this oncoming storm. However, facing it again and again has unconsciously faded the innocence of my childhood, bringing me the maturity that years have given me. Facing its coming again, I have no fear.

Frustration is the cool wind in late autumn, which blows so gently, but leaves every scar. In the face of the rustling autumn wind, there is always a touch of sadness and melancholy in my heart. However, bathed in the cool autumn wind again and again, it has gradually blown away the fallen leaves in my heart, brought me the fragrance of autumn fruits, filled my open heart, I think, bathed in the autumn wind, I may harvest a golden autumn!

Frustration is the snow in winter, which freezes a vibrant world. Facing the vast snowfield, I feel helpless and lonely. However, I also saw that there were traces of forefathers on it. When I walked on it, it began to melt. It turned into water and went away, leaving my heart behind. What passed away was the incompleteness covered by the snow. What showed me was a world that needed to be redrawn.

Faced with this special gift from heaven again and again, and examined my true self again and again, I shook off the debris of the ground and let the messenger of heaven take them away, leaving me with the bumps that need to be trimmed. It may be very helpless to face it, but I am very happy after passing it, just like a young tree, afraid of the baptism of storms, but it grows strongest in summer; Just like Fruit is afraid of the autumn wind, but it emits intoxicating fragrance in the autumn wind; Just like birds are afraid of snow, but they have learned how to meet the challenge of a snowstorm after snow

I am a white lotus in the pond. I am afraid of Jiaoyang, but I am also very happy when facing Jiaoyang, because only in the sun can I blossom more brightly.

So I told myself to be kind to setbacks and bear hardships, because I firmly believe that one day, colorful pearls will be formed to illuminate my life!

When I face 600 (17)

The midterm exam is over, and the most impressive result will also be announced to the public!

Why don't you study hard when you know you are not good at the exam? Why don't you listen carefully? Why not study hard? Why not check carefully Alas, what's the use of regretting now? It's not just what happened at the beginning. After all, it represents the past. We should look forward! No matter how brilliant it was before, it was "floating clouds"! Can you turn back the clock? No, we can only continue to do a good job in the immediate future and prepare for the brilliant future!

When I was depressed, the Chinese teacher read an article "How Mozi Whips a Horse and Beats a Sheep". I feel deeply.

Just such a common story can cause me to think deeply?

If a person does not always urge himself and urge himself, he will fall behind and become a "sheep" that is no longer worth "whipping"! If you were a "sheep" before, there would be no remedy. As long as you work hard, struggle and pay, you will succeed! Become a "horse" that will always be brilliant! Climb the peak bravely and never stop!

Yes, if a person does not have the ability to learn independently, it is useless to "whip" him or her. After all, he or she can only "eat old bread" and do useless work. He or she has to do nothing in life, which is mediocre. On the contrary, it will become great and brilliant!

Faced with two choices - first, life is mediocre, not outstanding, to be an ordinary person can no longer be ordinary. 2、 Go forward bravely, surpass yourself, and reach the peak of life. Even a little more tired than others.

What are you looking at? Still brooding? Enough! Choose "Two" decisively!

Isn't it a miracle that people are born? Life creates miracles! Use your actions to add a new luster to your life! miracle! You deserve it!

Throw away the past, challenge yourself, create miracles, and climb the peak!