I understand the third day of composition (15 popular articles)
Say goodbye to the past
2023-11-04 00:05:48
Junior three

I understand composition grade three (1)

Once upon a time, when we were young and ignorant, we were still blinking at the sky, hoping that the pie would fall from the sky. Sister Chang'e came to play with me to break the innocence and childishness of childhood and stop blinking foolishly.

Always thinking, what is the star, the diamond of the poor? The sea is wide with fish leaping and the sky is high with birds flying. Can I have a place in the vast sky? How can I occupy my place?

Later, when I grew up, I understood.

The stars are the diamonds of the poor. This is a sentence in the book. In fact, the stars are the light left in the sky. The star body is far away from the earth. The starlight far away from it will take many light years to reach the earth, and the star body has already changed. Even so, the light it left behind is still shining. Everyone's existence is a gift from the Creator, and there is a small world under everyone's feet. In this vast sea of people, if you really want to occupy your own place, you must adhere to yourself and show the world a different me from others. I see. I am the one with different colors. I don't learn from the sea to copy the blue of the sky. I don't learn from the sunset to imitate the red of the fire. I build my own stage, ferry my own life, and I am my Bole. The lost stars are still shining. What is there even if I encounter a small setback? As long as the hands are still there, the land is soft, as long as the feet are still there, The peak is near in front of us. As long as our heart is still there, our dream is there. Later, I saw a sentence in my father's book:

In this life, maybe we can't become a spoiled rose, or a noble orchid in an empty valley. Then we can be a brilliant sunflower and look at the sun step by step.

I think I really understand.

I understand composition grade 3 (2)

The children gathered under the tree and happily selected the fallen leaves, laughing and laughing; An old man leaned against the door and looked quietly.

The fallen leaves are swaying, getting involved in the vortex of memory.

Obviously, my father has sharp short hair, my mother has beautiful curly hair, and even I have a head of fluffy black hair. But my grandfather is very strange. He wears a head of sparse white hair, and he also drops from time to time, just like a naughty child like me, secretly dyeing white paint.

When I was young, I just leaned on my mother's arms, pierced my eyes, and wondered: white hair, strange.

Mingming's father's chin is covered with a thick layer of beard, and mother's chin is smooth and delicate. My chin is round and thick, but Grandpa is so strange. His chin is sharp and thin, with a bunch of long and dense white beard. It feels extremely soft.

I rode on my grandpa's shoulder, dragging his white beard while talking about my doubts.

I remember that grandpa only used his big hands full of cocoons to grasp the shaking me, and walked trembling, while answering:

I listened and nodded vaguely.

My father can clearly watch my homework, but my grandfather is different.

Every time my parents are not at home, I have to sign the paper. Grandpa always opens the box carefully and puts on a pair of glasses before signing.

I wondered in the bottom of my heart: Why did Grandpa wear glasses?

At that time, a voice told me: Grandpa is old.

When I ran and played to my heart's content, my slightly energetic grandfather just shivered, leaning on a dark brown crutch, shivering against the door, squinting his eyes at the children playing.

Suddenly, my eyes met his.

I understand composition grade three (3)

I always thought that the cat was a cold-blooded animal. The black figure stood on the bluestone slab beside the grass, with jewel like eyes shining, showing a noble and cool temperament. After in-depth contact, I found that I did not understand its true nature.

I used to dislike cats because their eyes were too fierce and cold. There is a fat yellow cat in my grandmother's yard, which was introduced by the black cat before. I don't like it very much. The black cat was raised by Grandma Li in the next yard. Because it was black, the neighbors were afraid of it. Every time I walk back to the courtyard at night, I can often see its green and yellow eyes in the moonlight. A chill came out of his back. I thought I didn't know it well. I took some food to Grandma Li's house to feed the black cat or reach out to touch it. It always ignored me and jumped aside, staring at me coldly. I thought the cat was so unfriendly that I didn't like cats, especially black.

Every time I talk to Grandma Li about the coldness of cats, she always smiles and says, "This is the nature of cats. If you treat them well, they will know." I don't think so. Thinking of the cold eyes of cats, I feel that they are cold-blooded animals.

One day, Grandma Li left. Grandma Li's son wanted to take her to the apartment provided by her unit, but he couldn't keep a cat anymore. So Grandma Li asked Grandma to take care of her. Grandma Li put it on the flagstone in the courtyard. It seemed to notice something and cried a few times. Grandma Li wiped her tears and turned to leave. When the gate was closed, the black cat was still standing on the stone slab, "meow meow", but it became more and more sharp, more and more heart rending, until it became more and more powerless. The weaker the voice is, the more desolate it is. I am so desolate that I feel sad. Is it really wrong that it should have such a painful cry?

That night. It didn't eat. He squatted there all night and looked at the gate of the courtyard. The moonlight sprinkled on him and reflected his eyes. I suddenly felt that tears would flow out of those eyes. I felt a touch. I didn't like to fall apart once. Grandma Li was right about such a smart cat. If you treat it well, it will know. I never really understood it. My heart is not only sympathy, but also admiration. On the surface, it is cold and not close to people. In fact, how attached it is to its master! I was wrong, I was really wrong, its love is so profound, but it does not express friendship with people, it is just cold in nature, but its feelings for people are extremely hot!

It finally began to slowly accept my food, but it still likes to squat in front of the door, quietly watching. I looked at its jewel like eyes. I didn't understand it. It was not close to people, but my heart was full of love for its owner. It was the flame under the glacier, and it was the most fervent affection.

I understand composition grade 3 (4)

With the breeze blowing, I thought I understood the warmth brought by spring, but I didn't find a little sadness mixed in it; The sun is shining, I thought I understood the smiling face under the light, but I didn't find the cold in the sun; Surrounded by the songs, I thought I understood the melody of youth in the songs, but did not find the meaning represented in the melody; In the Dream Class, I thought I understood the wishes of the elves to move forward, but I didn't find the sadness hidden behind their smiling faces.

I thought I could understand youth and you in adolescence, but I ignored the progress of the times and your maturity. When I see you talking about an idol, a song, or even a new joke, I will shake my head slightly inaudibly, and use your great principles to prevent you from contacting; Even some pre class preview and extracurricular expansion I think you can only solve the problem by consulting books, and you tell me the changes of the times and the rich resources with facts. It turns out that I have always regarded youth as a period of time.

I thought I could read your heart and say the words most suitable for your stage, but I ignored your disguise. You showed us the most childish, ordinary and decadent side, and showed your wanton free and easy to the familiar friends you thought. It turns out that I have only read your surface.

I thought I could stimulate your desire for learning and motivate your enthusiasm, but I ignored that your foundation is different, even like a mountain, some are at the foot of the mountain, some are on the mountainside, and some are already at the peak. It's really difficult for me to insist that you keep pace with such a big gap. Seeing your scattered reading sounds in English class, your sleepy little head in math class, and your wandering soul in biology class, I can't help thinking which is the most real you. Who are these incentives set up for, and whether I have been forcing you to be that untrue self.

I thought I understood the contradiction between you and your parents, but I ignored the closeness between you and your parents. Your filial piety is great, your obedience and your excellence magnify the contradiction too much to let you face a problem you are unwilling to think about. I've been playing a bad role.

Dear dream elves, I always thought that I understood you, but now I find that my understanding is so superficial and superficial. I hope that in the rest of the time, we will treat each other sincerely, open up to each other, and find our true selves together.

The spring breeze gently blows across the southern land. The trees grow green leaves, the flowers bloom, the lake ripples, the sky is blue, the clouds are floating, the sun is bright, and the whole world is warm and bright.

I understand composition grade 3 (5)

There was a boy who had some pride and some conceit; There was a boy who had some vanity and pretended to know nothing. I am the boy.

I always thought that I was an intelligent person with strong understanding ability, so I always pretended to be knowledgeable and pretended to pose at present. For this reason, I was often laughed at by my parents, who said I was arrogant. I was also unconvinced. Instead, I said to my classmates, "Oh, I can't even do such a simple question..."

When will I know how modest I am when I am arrogant?

One day, I was doing my homework at home, and suddenly a problem baffled me. Here comes my grandfather. My grandfather used to be a teacher. Now he has become my savior. Grandfather looked at my full manuscript, looked at me again, picked up his reading glasses, and said kindly, "I heard your mother say you are proud, but you are not convinced. Let me have a look." I giggled and gave my seat to Grandfather to listen to his lecture.

Grandfather was calculating on the draft and telling me while I pretended to listen carefully. But somehow, I was still thinking about the TV play last night, thinking about the next plot. After a while, Grandpa finished his topic and asked me, "Can Can, do you understand?"

"Oh, I understand, I understand." I haven't regained my consciousness yet, and I am dealing with my grandfather.

"You really understand?"

"Of course! Grandpa, you speak very well. The language is specific and vivid, hey hey, humorous, and worthy of being a gardener who cultivates flowers." I nodded my head like a chicken pecking at rice, and still praised Grandpa.

Grandfather smiled, patted me on the shoulder, and said, "My son, just talk, not practice, fake moves. Real kung fu is good."

My grandfather went out, but what he said made me feel guilty. Alas, do I deceive myself when I do this!

The next night, I walked home and was called into my study by my grandfather. Grandfather sat at his desk and said to me, "Cancan, do that question again for me."

Ah! I was worried: "No, Grandpa!" "No, I must do it!"

I had to work hard. My heart was like an ant in a hot nest, with sweat big as beans on my head. Maybe the more anxious I am, the more unable I am to play to my level, and my mind is blank. After dawdling on the paper for a long time, it was still a mess.

"Do it quickly!" Grandpa urged.

"I -- I -- I won't!"

"Hum, didn't you say it yesterday? Get up and teach it again!" Grandpa was also angry and shouted at me.

This time I honestly listened to my grandfather's calculation, and really understood.

Moreover, for me, it is not only to understand the answer to a question, but also to understand a truth that has never really understood before: knowing is knowing, knowing is not knowing, and knowing is knowing.

I understand composition grade 3 (6)

Love, a very simple Chinese character, can easily find its notes in the dictionary. I thought that I could easily understand the meaning of love when I learned the radical to look up the dictionary. But I didn't expect that even now I am only a novice in love, and even I haven't entered the door of love. It is much thicker than I thought.

When I was a child, the most important thing in my father's memory was to scold him for one thing. Therefore, when my father was gentle, he carelessly kept one thing in his heart as the most precious treasure. As a child, I was not as quiet as I am now. I always liked to play with older brothers and sisters, so falling down became the most common thing. But every time, I was afraid to tell my father, because what I got was not easy to be gentle words, just a scolding and strange liquid painted with purple sauce. Every time my father found the wound, he was timid and unwilling to apply the medicine. But the next day, he found that there were traces of the medicine on the wound and had scars. Later, he knew that it was the medicine that my father secretly applied at night for fear of my pain. At that time, I just liked the father who silently applied the medicine for me at night. I thought that was my father's love.

I thought my father's love was very valuable to me, but I didn't know when it was so worthless in my eyes. Every time my father came home from work in a different place, I didn't want to call him actively and talk actively. The term "father" has become a cheap thing that can only be accessed when necessary. After the third day of junior high school, I had to live in a friend's home because of late study. I thought that the relationship with my father would always be the same. But all kinds of inconvenience at my friend's home made me miss my father who worked hard for me all the time. What really impressed me was the demonstration class. The content of the demonstration class is very simple. It's just a reading article. The content of the article is called "Just want to be close to you". When I read that the eldest son cuts and trims my father's fingernails, the taste of my childhood is more clear, but the roles are changed. Because almost all my father cuts and trims my fingernails... At the end of the class here, The teacher played the video of Wang Feng's song for everyone - Father, I didn't think so, But when we heard "Father, I guess you", my eyes were full of tears, which had always been strong in self-control. These memories that were put in the corners of my heart also poured out, and I was about to swallow me up. I found out that my father's love was far from being imagined cheap, because at this time my heart seemed to be filled with lead.

When I was a child, I thought that father's love was an invaluable tenderness for my father. Later, I found out that father's love was not only gentle, but also deep love for scolding. Now it is more clear that father's love also comes from my deep yearning. Maybe now I only hold a little.

I understand composition grade three (7)

One day, I was revising my homework in the teacher's office. While waiting, I saw a famous saying on the wall: It is the saddest failure for me to be defeated by myself, and the most gratifying victory for me to defeat myself. It's really a profound sentence. After thinking for a long time, I didn't know what I meant. When it was my turn to revise, I left him behind.

A few days later, I thought I was right in the midterm exam. When I recalled the excellent results in the last monthly exam, I felt proud again. When answering questions, you can write like a god. When writing, you can fly like a dragon and fly like a phoenix. When reviewing questions, you can sweep past the answers without thinking. It takes no less than 30 minutes to finish an examination paper! Check again and again for the rest of the time, but I feel that the exam will be so simple! Wait for the end with a "winning" mood and hand in the test paper.

The sense of victory brought by the ease of the exam is full of confidence in getting good grades and entering the top ten of the grade.

This feeling of levity lasted until the day when the score came out.

That morning, I woke up and began to calculate: today, the four main subjects had no other homework except for correcting the test paper because of the scores and the presentation of the test paper, and the remaining four minor subjects were all my favorite subjects. In addition, the examination was already good, and the revision must be less. Saturday and Sunday can be assured, bold and cheerful play. yeah! Excitement did not occur in the voice, woke up the parents.

The score of the first math class is very good, 95 points. I thought to myself: the first shot at 95 points was so loud, and the results of the other three courses must also be very good! Excitement and pride can not help but add another point. But something unexpected happened. The first shot did ring. The next three shots were all Squibs: 71, 72, 85. I had broken my glasses long ago. What a "shocking" score. At home, I promised my parents that I would get three 90's and one 80's. But now that the score is out, I really want to cry.

When I was feeling uncomfortable, a word suddenly flashed in my mind: it is the most tragic failure to be defeated by myself. As if I had been instructed by a master, I immediately understood the meaning of this sentence. Being defeated by myself means that I am defeated by myself in the past, which means I am going backwards. If you look at yourself now, you are really as the saying goes, and you are ashamed.

Ah! I finally understand for you! You will be my motivation to study with me all my life. I will definitely reach the level of self defeating myself as you said.

I understand composition grade three (8)

The white clouds are floating in the sky, like holy Hada, and the streams and rivers are flowing at the feet, which inlay the earth with silver edges.

In front of the window and on a lawn near the door, a strange sound appeared, breaking the beautiful silence. Look, under a small stone, a bulging nose and tile waist grass is struggling to 'push against the stone.

What kind of story is this? If you were a grass? How will you face this fact?

As usual, in the vibrant spring. I follow my companions and strive to grow up. But God seems to want to play a joke on me. When I was about to sprout, a huge stone pressed on my body. My heart seemed like a bolt from the blue. But I dare not give up the long lost blue sky and white clouds, longing for the bright sunshine to bathe my whole body.

I tried my best to push up and open the stone. But when the pain on the head said again and again, the stone did not move, even a small gap was left, as if it had taken root. The faith in my heart began to shrink. I think: I may never be able to stay in this dark and humid place to die and rot. But it does not originate from the strength in my heart - strong. Take a picture of my last glimmer of hope in the haze.

After countless days and nights, I kept trying to break through the last barrier, but he hit me again and again. I kept accumulating strength to push him away, even if there was only a crack. Ah! Finally, a mouth was opened. But outside it was stormy, and the rain was all pervasive needles, constantly eroding me. I have no consciousness. I even looked at it with incomprehension. It has gone through countless times of head broken blood and wind and rain erosion. This stone has only one small opening.

I want to give up again.

It seems that he is under the pressure of the Monkey King at the foot of the Five Fingers Mountain. Only a small head can stick out. Feel the beauty of nature. But the stubborn voice in my heart has been shouting. A fire of hope sprang up in my heart. Accumulated my last strength. For the last time, I rushed to the stone that seemed to fall in love with me. In my cry, a bright sun stabbed my eyes. Ah! Finally came out.

"The sword is sharpened, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold. People need to experience many difficulties and setbacks in their life. Don't give up 30 million yuan. We should be like the grass that" can't burn out the wildfire, but can grow again when the spring breeze blows ". The quality of our grass - strong. In fact, the victory or defeat is in a flash. The key is to see whether you can survive the last hurdle.

I understand composition grade three (9)

The ocean holds blue. He knows the secret of blue; Fish play in the water, he knows the depth of water; The big tree guards the green leaves, and he knows the sentimentality of the leaves... I am the sentimental leaves, and Grandpa is the big tree who knows me best

As a new leaf, I was born in the spring and began to sprout with several expectations. Day after day, I continued to grow slowly with the nutrients provided by the big trees. I think Dashu knows me best because he always knows what I like. When I was a child, I was very picky about food. My grandpa developed a good skill of cooking under my pickiness. Braised chicken wings with tomato and fried potato shreds are my favorites. Although they are home cooked dishes, I can choose them! Chicken wings must be tender, crisp, fat and not greasy; Shredded potatoes must be thin and crisp, but they must not have raw taste. Grandpa finally found the taste I wanted after fumbling again and again. Later, he pushed through the old to bring forth the new, making more delicious dishes for me like top chefs studying new dishes. Later, I never tasted the taste again. Even if others cooked delicious food, it was not the taste I wanted. As long as grandpa understands me, like a big tree, he understands the nutrients needed by leaves. As time goes by, the tender new leaves have worn out edges and corners, and their veins begin to be clear. Gradually, they want to escape from the trees and find the distance they want to go. I still cling to the branches of the tree, but I began to yearn for the freedom brought by the wind.

"It's cold. Put on more clothes." "It's too late. The TV is off and go to bed." "What do you want to eat today? Or roast chicken?" That's what he says every day. But I always look impatient, "OK, I know. I've said it many times, are you bored?" In a trance, Ye heard the sigh of the tree, sad and helpless. The tree still uses its old branches to pull the leaves, and with a strength that can bear each other, gradually the tree finally lets go of the leaves, because he understands the leaf's desire for freedom and yearning for the outside world, so he resolutely opens his arms to embrace the wind and sunshine. When the storm comes, he no longer gathers branches and leaves to protect me as he used to, but lets me sharpen my will against the wind. The big tree knew that the leaves that had been protected could not bear the change of seasons. However, after the storm, the big tree came quietly to comfort the leaves so that they could cheer themselves up again and send out the green they should have. Grandpa always did this. He gave me care and guidance when I was frustrated, so that I could set foot on the journey again and move forward all the way. Grandpa knows my thoughts best, like a tree knows the distance that leaves will go. The time I spent with my grandfather was so ordinary that I didn't know how to cherish it. In a twinkling of an eye, Grandpa was old. His gray hair, thin mouth, and bent waist...... Grandpa, thank you for understanding me.

I understand composition grade three (10)

I like to see your bright smile, because there is light in the abyss; I like to see your clear eyes, because there are stars in the night; I like being held in your arms because it is the source of warmth. Understand me, why say more? One look is enough to stretch the trouble in your heart and make happiness stay.

Knowing that he has been working hard for a long time, he still missed the center of the stage, and the loss arises spontaneously. Recall that I danced with the moonlight, sang a tune for many times, jumped in the rhythm, even if there was no one in front of me, even if I was just a person directing and acting, I also wanted to do every step and every action beautifully. It is what I know now if I have to work hard and get nothing. I think I am an outstanding person in front of dance, but I don't know that there are people outside the world.

When I walked out of the classroom in despair, the cold wind cheered me in a hurry, which made me shiver. Looking at the starrless sky, only dark clouds rolled and the cold wind roared, which was the bone of winter. Eyes staring blankly ahead, the yellowing leaves turned into a ridiculous landscape. The dry and bald branches were stretched, and there was no shade of green leaves. They could only shiver in the cold wind, waiting for the destruction of ice and snow. The fortress named Faith built by the high wall in the heart was destroyed and collapsed together with the fallen leaves. I walked silently with the my head bent down, but I heard familiar voice calling me. I tried to endure loss and cover up sadness in my eyes. figure of the that person was only comfort in my heart. I rushed over and held you in my arms. You stroked my flushed cheeks, took my hand and accompanied me through the city lights.

"One failure is not forever. You should face up to yourself and believe in the next success, When you walk on the light filled overpass, you are kind and gentle: "Silly boy, I think that it is the principle of life not to fight, not to rob, not to show, not to reveal, in your world, you are the unique yourself. As long as you don't look down on yourself, others will appreciate you, and you have the ability to let others praise you. In fact, you are only responsible for doing well in yourself, understand?" This speech seems to have magic power. It can blow away the dust in my heart and sweep away the haze. Once again, it pulled me from darkness to dawn. I didn't speak. Maybe I had an answer in my heart, or I had already made a decision. I suddenly looked up and looked at the bright lights, like a new world.

The step is more firm.

Understand me, why long talk, a few words and a few sentences, knock my heart, enough!

I understand composition grade three (11)

On the road of life. There are many people that I can't forget. They teach me truth, teach me how to behave and teach me rich knowledge. They know me and accompany me, but the teacher Wu in primary school is the person who knows me best.

When I was in the sixth grade, the annual "I have an agreement with Du Fu" activity began. In our school's Du Fu Festival, we not only had to clock in every day, but also held a Du Fu contest. The contest of Du Fu poetry is a contest about Du Fu culture held by several contestants selected from different levels.

In that competition, I was elected to the finals and needed to recite many topics and Du Shi. At that time, I was facing the dual pressure of the school mid-term exam and the tutorial class selection competition and needed to review. I almost could not spare time to recite the knowledge related to the competition. Therefore, I was very nervous and worried that I would not play well.

When I was very distressed and worried, my tutor of Du Shi contest, Miss Wu, talked to me, and she saw my troubles as if she had the golden eye. She said to me: "There is nothing to be afraid of and nervous about in a race. The key is our attitude towards the race. It doesn't matter if we have a lot of pressure to learn. Just let it go. You can go to the test field to run around or go to the empty place to shout. You worry that you can't do it, but you can try and choose the content purposefully. If you don't fight hard, you will never know how great your potential is! Let go and become a better and better person. You just have to calm down to face the exam and competition. Believe in yourself, you will always be the best! "

I kept my teacher's words in mind. After school, I came to the playground, put down my schoolbag and ran around the playground again and again. The teacher's words echoed in my ears: "If you don't fight hard, you never know how good you are... Believe in yourself, you will always be the best!" Suddenly I was greatly encouraged and supported. When I returned home, I finished my homework quickly, And reviewed the examination content. Then take out Du Fu's poems and the topic to recite.

Sure enough, the teacher's words are useful. After my hard work and dedication day and night, I answered questions fluently and achieved excellent results in the mid-term exam and tutorial class exam. I also won a trophy in the Du Shi contest.

When I stood on the podium, I knew that Mr. Wu was the beacon of my life and the person who understood me best. She is like the cup in my hand shining in the sunshine, and her words are accompanied by my life.

I understand composition grade three (12)

"I gave all my love and the world to me. Since then, I don't know the pain and happiness in your heart. I want to be close to you and tell you that I have always understood you."

——- Title

In the beautiful years, our young and sensitive heartstrings are often inadvertently touched. Don't say I am too young, in fact, I know how to cherish, know tenacity, know happiness; But I know you better - my mother.

You always think that I am still a young child. I do not understand the value of kinship, the bitterness of adults, the love you have for me, and the miracle of your life. No, I understand, I understand you, understand your bitterness, understand your love, understand your expectations, understand your loneliness.

Whenever you go home from work when you are tired, you will cook for me, sweep the floor, and do all kinds of housework. Whenever I hear your cough, I want to help you, but you just say no, that you can do it. In fact, I understand that you want me to devote myself to my study.

When you comb your hair, you see a few silver threads added to your hair, and you will smile and say, "I'm old!" In fact, I understand that you are only in your early thirties, and your hair is gray because you are worried about me, and I will not let you down!

Whenever I get good grades, you will always touch my head, smile at me, and kindly say: "It's really good, keep it up next time!" If you fail in the exam, you will not scold me, but still smile and ask me to work hard. I know that you will still love me no matter whether you do well in the exam!

There are too many, I understand. Mother, you are like the 'rain' that moistens all things, and the selfless spring breeze has nurtured my flower. Of course, I will understand you and live up to your expectations!

My daughter grows up day by day, and gradually understands your good intentions. Every time you nag me to hurry up and study, I turn a deaf ear to it. Now I know that it was the most beautiful language in the world. Every time I complain about you, I always say that others are the best. Now I know that you are letting me learn from others' strengths. Every time I complain that you didn't buy me beautiful clothes, I now know that you want me to learn to be simple. I complain that you have failed to give me delicacies and silks. Now I understand that what you have given me is selfless love, and only your love is the greatest wealth in the world. Your love is like a cup of tea. It keeps the bitterness in your heart and emits fragrance. You gave me the right to come to this world. You gave me a fresh life. I will cherish the beauty of life, whether poor or rich, noble or humble.

Whenever I think of your meticulous care for me, but I am always tired of your nagging, my heart always has a slightly sore feeling. Mom, I will study hard, and when I grow up, I will care about you and respect you as you care about me.

Mother's love is selfless, valuable, gentle and kind.

We should understand our mother and her love for us; We need to understand my mother's love for us. I read my mother's love for me.

Mother has many articles to praise and eulogize, and how many literary masters have made it their own literary material, because it is great and does not lose its color, it is always so proud. The mother's eyes are like an inexhaustible spring well, while the mother's heart can be said to be a gentle trickle, or as passionate and energetic as the sun.

I understand composition grade three (13)

In our daily study, work and life, we have more or less come into contact with composition bar. Composition is a narrative way that people express the relevant knowledge, experience and ideas stored in their memory in written form. Still at a loss for composition? The following is a careful compilation of my third grade composition. I hope it will be helpful to you.

"Yes, he understands me, he trusts me, and I am very moved"! If we trust each stranger a little more, the world will be full of the fragrance of trust.

Finally, the weekend came. The rain on Saturday was just fine, which set off the sunny weather on Sunday. Today is a good time to go to the library to "gobble up"! This sunny weather sets off a good mood, so there are a lot of people on the street. After a busy week, today is the day to have a family reunion dinner.

Walk to the bus stop sign, let alone there are so many people! I was afraid of losing the money for books, so I tightly covered my pocket! But it happened! A thief patronized the money of a new elder sister! The hateful thief only left one yuan for his sister. Unfortunately, it just cost two yuan to take the bus. The sister who was eager to go to the company for business had to borrow money from the person next to her.

"Sister, can you lend me some money? My money has just been stolen." Sister said with a tearful voice. The lady in fashionable clothes said, "It's too fake. You don't have a dollar? Why not cheat at a young age? Don't borrow!"! The words "cheat" and "don't borrow" made my sister feel like a thunderbolt! There was no way. She thought of the bus driver again in the place where she could not reach the village in front of her and the shop behind her. Maybe he could be flexible! "No money, no two yuan. It's all right. You can't borrow money!" The driver's words made my sister can't help crying! Yes, the sister who was not hit by unemployment cried!

"Here you are," he said with a smile. Young people. He was tall and burly in a tattered military coat. There is a mole on the chin, and those eyes are shining in the dark, which makes people feel rough and smart. He is a beggar. Yes, the beggar who begged along the street gave his sister one yuan! My sister was in a hurry to do something. She said thank you and left crying! After that, I saw this sister on the news. He had been looking for the beggar's eldest brother and wanted to thank him again in person, but he couldn't find her. The reporter asked her, "My brother only borrowed one yuan from you, why did you want to look for it?" "I want to look for it, I want to thank him, because only he knows me, and only he trusts me. I am very moved. He makes me feel warm!" My sister cried once!

Yes, every insignificant person around us has his own value. I should not respect everyone, including beggars, because they do better than us! If each of us has more trust in strangers, the world will be full of the fragrance of trust!

I understand composition grade three (14)

In the daily study, work or life, everyone has the experience of writing a composition. I am familiar with composition. Composition is a speech activity in which people express their feelings in written form. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is a 600 word composition I didn't understand for you. It's for your reference. I hope it can help you in need.

The door opens quietly, but the rain is majestic, forming pearls, curtains and waterfalls.

The clothes have been wet by the rain and are slightly attached to the body. Accompanied by the legs, the leaps and bounds, one Weng and one He, all in confusion. Huge raindrops also broke their hair ties and ran across my face along my hair, falling to the ground, silent

School is over! I don't know who called, so everyone rushed out of the classroom. Only I am indifferent. Alas, it's going to rain! I sighed silently and looked out of the window. My heart was even more gray. With my schoolbag in my arms, I walked out of the classroom with heavy steps. Stand at the bottom of the building, look at the rain curtain, and cheer up for yourself: be afraid of something, the big deal will become a drowned rat, come on! Then he rushed out.

I was about to run out of school. Wu Di, a figure that I could no longer be familiar with came into my eyes. Is it Geng Nan? No, it's impossible. They must be home! Although it was decided or not, I stopped gradually.

Maybe she saw me too, and ran towards me with an umbrella. Standing still, she stood on tiptoe, straightened her arms, held up the umbrella, and tried to take me into it. Why? How could she? Has she been waiting for me? In my mind, thousands of thoughts flashed, and I felt that I could not speak. Is it shock, disbelief, or joy? Oh, yes. Sister. She gave a sweet cry. The sound of honey broke my mind. I came back to my senses and took the umbrella handle. At the moment when my fingers touched, my heart trembled heavily: What cold hands! Ice is nothing but that. She is bitterly cold, which makes my heart ache. Her hair has been very messy by the wind. It is scattered in the east and west. Her little face is red with cold, and her nose is half hung in the air, teetering

I quickly opened my eyes and dared not look at her again for fear that tears would overflow in the next second. Walking home with her hand in hand, the short and familiar road in my eyes becomes quiet and long. In fact, I always think my younger brothers and sisters are my burden. I always think they are boring and childish. I always think they are boring and only know how to make trouble without reason

My oldest sister is 12 years old this year, and the youngest is 10 years old. The funny thing is that the water is fleeting and the years are running fast. I even realize today that they are not a burden to me, they are blood relatives, they are ties, they are endless love

Originally, I have not understood.

I understand the third day of composition (15)

Half of the twenty-four hours of a day are spent in frustration. What a pain it is! I have tried to change this situation, but every time I failed, even deeper.

Days pass by day by day. Helplessness and depression are deeply rooted like seeds. They can't be removed or pulled out. I'm helpless! Where should I go.

It was not until the next day that I felt that I had left the 'track' of life and slowly and slowly fell into the uncontrollable field. At that time, I realized something. Looking at those brothers and friends in the past, I felt ashamed. We broke through together, but now they are more advanced, and I still stay where I am. Envy!

Obviously, I can't lag behind everyone. I want to catch up. As before, we will work together, struggle together, and break into the world together... I want to return to the sea of books that let me lose my direction, and pick up the pen that I worked hard with. But then again, can I really do it, can I really return to the endless sea of books, can I really?

"Time can change everything, and hard work can turn the tide," a master said to me. I also felt that this sentence contained infinite attraction, which sucked me out of the confused jungle. To this end, I will study hard and become an example in the eyes of others.

But it's not that simple

At the beginning, I collected a lot of materials and prepared a vigorous review plan. But I can't hold on to the suffering of those years, and I'm tired of wasting those precious time again and again! I have lost everything. My brain is like a switch. Sometimes it seems very clear, sometimes it seems very painful. I cannot think of it.

So far, I don't have that heart anymore

Maybe, I think too much, I think every day, I think every night, I think all the time, what am I thinking! I have too many things to think about. There is no room for the sea of books any more.

In fact, I still don't understand