Stop occasionally (19 boutiques)
Walk on the clouds
2024-03-09 05:09:45

Stop occasionally (1)

Father was very busy, as if he never stopped.

I am also very busy. The big exam is approaching, and time is running against time.

For a long time, neither father nor son seems to have talked much. Just when they passed each other, they said something like "tired, busy". On such days, others thought that we were just tenants living under the same roof.

Although everyone didn't want to do this, it was forced by life. The father and son had to move forward and dared not stop.

On that day, my father's waist shrank because of an industrial injury.

When he got home, he cried on the bed and asked me to rub his waist. I was reluctant. He complained that he "wasted" my time, and said, "I will press it for you and continue to work tomorrow." Father did not answer, but smiled bitterly.

This waist flash is not good for a day. My father went to the TCM hospital to pull out the cupping pot for the sake of speed, but this life seems to be a joke with him. The accident of cupping resulted in a burn on the father's back. The old doctor was so frightened that his face was pale. His father wanted to be angry, but he stopped. He thought he was unlucky and had to go home to recuperate slowly.

I don't know why. When I came home, I saw my father still lying there. I misunderstood him and was about to get angry. He said, "Give your father some medicine!" with a strong tone of pleading. I smiled and walked straight over to my clothes, which was a surprise.

"Why is your waist flashing like it's on fire?"

"It was burned". After explaining the cause and effect, my heart could not help but ache.

The skin on his father's back was burnt purple red, and his muscles and veins were exposed. As I applied medicine, I shouted, "This old quack!" It seemed that I was fighting for him. My father didn't say much, but he just closed his eyes and endured pain. Sweat ran across his cheeks one by one, and finally gathered into a big sweat bead, but I didn't hear him cry from the beginning. On the rest day of the second day, I still stayed at home to take care of him.

At first, my father complained that I didn't go to make up lessons, and finally he didn't say anything.

For a whole day, we sometimes looked at each other and talked. We thought we would be silent for a day, but we had so many resonance.

The father suddenly looked up and forgot himself, pressing his voice——

"I think it's good to get sick sometimes..."

The eye socket can't help moistening. How can I think of the feelings of father and son can only be reflected in the pain, silent sigh in my heart.

My father was ill for a few days and went to work again. His injury was not all right, but he said that his heart was healed. I didn't understand everything, but I also understood it.

I think it's really good to stop to accompany my family in such a busy life.

Stop occasionally (2)

The school bell rang, and the breeze came through the window with the sound of leaves colliding. "Stop, please stop!" A voice called me. Like an invisible hand, it firmly grasped my sight.

In the late summer evening, there was a trace of hot air. The sunset drew the shadow very long and reflected the pond not far away. The lotus leaves were held high in the pond. The white lotus flowers in the pond were warm under the sun. The breeze fanned the green rice, and raised a cry of cicada hypnosis. There are mountains on both sides, shining green, and only one row of flowers seems to smile at me. How beautiful it is! Why haven't I seen it before!

Hurry up, hurry up, my partner urged me to speed up.

"Stop, please stop!" It was the voice again.

I watched the people walking on both sides, talking and laughing, and couldn't help slowing down. Someone gasped and insisted even though he was sweating heavily. His companion was urging: a child waved his hands and walked clumsily, but fell straight to the ground without crying. She pursed her mouth, stood up firmly and walked on. Her parents were applauding. There was also a girl sitting in a wheelchair, looking at the blooming flowers not far away, once she got up, fell, the second time, fell... She frowned, sweated slightly on the bridge of her nose, held the handlebars tightly, and loved ones on both sides stared silently. Maybe, more nervous than her. Once again, get up, stand up, and hold tight. Successful, she looked at her relatives. At that moment, she was so beautiful.

Hurry up, hurry up, it's getting dark, and the companion urges again. I left there.

"Stop, please stop!"

I looked at the crowds coming and going in the garden and stood up. Not far away, a big sister stroked the child's head and praised her for being cute. The young man in white in the corner plays the guitar intoxicated, as if he were the only one in the world. The children ran, played and laughed. The mother held the sleeping child in her arms and smiled sweetly.

"Come on, come on."

Back home, it was already dark. My mother asked me where I went to play and how to do my homework. I told my mother that I went to appreciate the beauty, which is as valuable as homework.

Stop occasionally (3)

In the colorful world, everyone has his own different mission, and his life will be busy. Every period has something to do. Sometimes it may be really tiring and annoying, but life will continue. When you can't walk or run, you can stop and watch the surrounding scenery. You will find that you actually have many friends with you. Like you, maybe they also have many unhappy things. But when you stop, so many friends will walk with you. Warm words, familiar faces and cheering shouts will give you more courage and let you go forward bravely.

Life is a journey, a journey without an end. No matter how much success and pain you have, these will become the past. As long as you are alive, this journey will continue. There is no permanent rest, no stop, only small billboards. So, learn to stop occasionally, relax, talk with parents, walk with friends, talk with flowers, and play hide and seek with nature. You will find that it is good to stop occasionally!

It's good to stop occasionally! Sitting on the grass, basking in the sun, listening to songs, watching birds fly across the sky, watching white clouds slowly drift by, playing the guitar and reading. Run in the deciduous forest, ski in the snow mountain, play in the stream, and paint in the wooden house. Stop the busy pace, go sightseeing, draw, write, sing, jump out. Just stop and enjoy life!

It's good to stop occasionally! When you are still unhappy because of something, please stop, shout out your unhappiness, have a rest, drink some water, eat a big meal, don't force yourself to do other things, don't force yourself to go on. If this bus has too many passengers, wait for the next one! Reluctantly going up will make you very tired. Don't be upset because you didn't arrive at a certain place at this time. Maybe because you stop occasionally, you will have a better tomorrow.

It's good to stop occasionally! With your heart to do, your heart will stop, then you will put down everything and smile. Stopping is not terrible. When you want to move forward, try to move forward. Stopping is also a different taste. There are many small ends in life. Take a rest at the small end and start again with a good mood. Success or failure is all for the sake of making the next journey easier. So if you are tired, stop! Stop and look around, you will find many interesting things.

It's good to stop occasionally! Don't be afraid that others will surpass you. Life is your own. Everyone has a different life. Just live the life you want to live! The most important thing is to be happy!

Stop occasionally (4)

The school bell rang, and the breeze came through the window with the sound of leaves colliding. "Stop, please stop!" A voice called me. Like an invisible hand, it firmly grasped my sight.

In the late summer evening, there was a trace of hot air. The sunset drew the shadow very long and reflected the pond not far away. The lotus leaves were held high in the pond. The white lotus flowers in the pond were warm under the sun. The breeze fanned the green rice, and raised a cry of cicada hypnosis. There are mountains on both sides, shining green, and only one row of flowers seems to smile at me. How beautiful it is! Why haven't I seen it before!

Hurry up, hurry up, my companion urged me, and I hastened my pace reluctantly.

"Stop, please stop!" It was the voice again.

I watched the people walking on both sides, talking and laughing, and couldn't help slowing down. Someone gasped and insisted even though he was sweating heavily. His companion was urging: a child waved his hands and walked clumsily, but fell straight to the ground without crying. She pursed her mouth, stood up firmly and walked on. Her parents were applauding. There was also a girl sitting in a wheelchair, looking at the blooming flowers not far away, once she got up, fell, the second time, fell... She frowned, sweated slightly on the bridge of her nose, held the handlebars tightly, and loved ones on both sides stared silently. Maybe, more nervous than her. Once again, get up, stand up, and hold tight. Successful, she looked at her relatives. At that moment, she was so beautiful.

Hurry up, hurry up, it's getting dark, and the companion urges again. I left there.

"Stop, please stop!"

I looked at the crowds coming and going in the garden and stood up. Not far away, a big sister stroked the child's head and praised her for being cute. The young man in white in the corner plays the guitar intoxicated, as if he were the only one in the world. The children ran, played and laughed. The mother held the sleeping child in her arms and smiled sweetly.

"Come on, come on."

Back home, it was already dark. My mother asked me where I went to play and how to do my homework. I told my mother that I went to appreciate the beauty, which is as valuable as homework.

Stop occasionally (5)

Memory is a layer of dust, which is sealed in the deep heart. If no one cleans it, it will accumulate more and more.

We are used to the fast pace of life, and we have to get used to the fast pace of life. The alarm clock in the morning didn't understand the true meaning of lying in bed, and punctuality brutally broke the peace. In order to have more warmth in my sleep, I ran against the clock before reading in the morning. The childhood song "The sun shines in the sky, the flowers smile at me, the birds say, early..." was also thrown behind the hurried figure. The overwhelming exercise volumes are stacked on the desk without mercy; It is common to have a test at any time; This should also be remembered, and teachers also want to throw their "memory" and "chip" to us

After self-study at night, on the way home from school, it became the most relaxed, happy and comfortable time. Two or three friends on the way always continue to write quickly after the bell rings. Push their bicycles out of the school together, say goodbye to the security uncle they know, and ride home.

In this way, we suspended the sea question tactics.

Occasionally stop and unconsciously slow down. We enjoy every quiet night and discuss the interesting events of the day with interest; I also complain about the endless transcripts, exercise books and rankings. It's really a good thing to be able to relax every night and let the brain that has been immersed in learning for more than ten hours stop occasionally.

Even on a stormy night, even with a weak umbrella in one hand, even if the rain drops hit my face, the casual rest on the way home and the relaxed topic can help me regain my mood and meet the challenges of tomorrow with confidence.

Maybe we often complain about such a fast learning pace, or about the life like 4G network, but we can stop occasionally, look up at the beautiful night sky, look for the brightest star in the night sky, and maybe find the Big Dipper once again, which will soon clear the load of our hearts, and prepare to set sail again tomorrow!

Stop occasionally (6)

Stopping occasionally is a kind of enjoyment.

At night, the moon is as cold as water, as bright as gauze, so beautiful. Have you ever enjoyed it? Sunshine, rain and dew, clear water and blue sky, how many literati sent lyric natural gifts. Have you ever cared? Flowers bloom and cicadas sing, leaves fall and snow floats. Have you ever felt it? Friend, why don't you stop occasionally during the long journey?

Stop, stop and lie on the grass, please accept the invitation of Spring. Find the leaves and flowers on the bare branches. They take you to the threshold of summer; Stop, look at the stars in the summer night, accept the gift list of autumn, which will lead you to chase the pace of winter; Stop, enjoy the joy of harvest, and step into a beautiful world. How beautiful it is! After enjoying the journey, will the pace become more powerful?

It is a need to stop occasionally.

When you run after the sun, when you raise the sail of life in the sea. Sometimes the thunderbolt comes out of the blue, sometimes the wind blows, sometimes the rain blows, sometimes the wind blows. When you are down at the foot of fate again and again, let the wind and rain ravage you, why not stop occasionally, friend?

Stop, dry your tears, accept the touch of the sun, the baptism of wind and rain, and purify your mind; Stop, adjust your mind, take the mud and stand up; Stop, go to the end of the sky, pick a basket of tender, and enjoy the wonderful life; Stop and go to the mountains to listen to the birds and feel the happiness of the stream. If you look up occasionally, can you find that the flowers you like are blooming in front of you, and the sun is brighter?

It is a kind of wisdom to stop occasionally.

Life, there are many crossroads, waiting for you to choose, facing the ups and downs of fate, have you ever wavered? Have you ever been lost in the face of the so-called road of life; Have you ever been desperate in the face of difficult choices? Have you ever cried in the face of a long watch? Facing the cruel reality, do you want to let go? So why not stop occasionally?

Stop and look up at the blue sky. The eagle is flying in the sky. Do you find that you are no longer confused. Occasionally stop and look back on the feeling you once had. Do you find that you have picked up your own happiness?

Stopping is a kind of enjoyment, a kind of need, a kind of wisdom, and a philosophical attitude to life. Stop occasionally on the vast road of life, pat the soil on your body, pour the gravel in your shoes, look at the blue sky, listen to the birds in the mountains, and have a relaxed and happy attitude to meet your own beautiful life.

Stop occasionally (7)

On a short trip, we hurriedly packed our luggage and carried it to the car in order to catch the plane. On the bus, I stared at my watch closely to see the time passing by. " We are going to miss the plane! " The mentality at that time was very disturbing.

In a flash, I looked out of the window and saw the scenery that was immersive and memorable. In a forest, there are flowers and trees; There are all kinds of sounds, sweet and beautiful, which are indistinct and jump into the ears happily. The big dark trees will erect a circle of barriers around the forest. Surround it, as if they will protect the forest, prevent the invasion of external objects, and continue to maintain this beautiful paradise. Because it was autumn, the leaves were faintly yellow, and the flowers were like dancing girls. When the wind blew, they fell down lightly and cheerfully, putting pink carpets on the earth. Like a doll, with a dreamy beauty. Such a beautiful scene reminds me of my imagination: when I see it on rainy days, I can hear the call of the earth; When you see them on a sunny day, you can feel their vitality in your heart; When we see them in spring, we can see their vigorous growth; When we see them in winter, we can see their white and heavy clothes for decoration. In, the beautiful scenery that makes people linger and forget to return can reflect their own differences in different weather. I believe that we can also achieve this difference.

On the short journey, although we are very urgent, we can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the natural decoration full of vitality on the journey. The next year, because my father was going there on business, it was summer vacation, so I followed him. When I came back, I asked my father to stop at that place. I looked carefully this time. It was very different from the scenery I had seen last time. It had become a high-rise building. The great changes in the scenery reminded me that during the ten year Cultural Revolution, all good things would be destroyed, just like this scenery.

When you are upset, you can stop to have a rest and go out for a walk and breathe the "breathing" of nature, so that you will feel better. Ordinary scenery can bring our own advantages into play, so we should also play our own advantages and keep moving forward without falling behind.

Stop occasionally (8)

Write the moonlight to a path, a garden, and a pot of wine between flowers; Write the brook to the two cases of Qingshan, a line of egrets and thousands of tree flowers in the village; Write the spring wind to the warblers singing for thousands of miles, the pavilion is ten miles long, and the earth is in April; Write plum blossom to a piece of paper at dusk, a curved eyebrow, ten thousand volumes of ice and snow.

Displaced young people set out without changing their shoes.

The pace of youth is like the rut of time, racing against the clock. Sometimes, time is far away before we can pack our bags; Before warming up, you are already on the journey. Some people say that youth is a long play without rehearsal. It is self directed and self performed.

However, the fast-paced life can make people naughty and laborious. Youth and caprice are never synonymous. In addition to being crazy and struggling once, there may be other ways to view the world.

I like to visit the garden in spring and watch the morning light sprinkle on the tender grass before the dew falls, making tears fall to the ground. You can also listen to the contention of birds, talk with birds about the weather of yesterday, or sing a song to welcome the spring.

Regardless of the several aircraft clouds flying in the sky, it is also full of fireworks. Under a small window, it is also simple self-reliance to watch the anxious footsteps at dusk and the pedestrians whose faces are full of sunset flowers.

Admittedly, we can't go back to the simple life called "Rumengling" or "Drunken Flower Yin", but we can still draw flowers with pen; Even though the Yangtze River beside me is still there, I can live in Chang'an and rely on the canal when facing the water.

Unable to write a valuable poem in Luoyang, I let my hair grow white on my temples. There are thousands of birds flying in the distance, and my heart is full of people who have disappeared along thousands of paths.

You can not be a hermit, but you can hide in the city. After living in the countryside for a few days, I will see three or two pairs of peach blossoms fall down and moss stains fill the steps. Next year, I will see plum blossoms fall in succession and snow is like white hair. In the distance is a stream. After a long time of rain, a stream formed between the rocks. The transparent torrent collides with the lush plants at the lower edge. The dense, vaguely clear air wafts.

The fluffy air, like a torn cotton cloud, fluttered and swayed into my eyes, and gave birth to a clear sense of water. It moistened my eyes, and the eyelashes crisscrossed up and down, looking like a scrawl. The stamen that looks like water and ink blooming, and the light white ink lined rice paper, strong and vivid, have a kind of careless beauty.

Listen to the laughter and bird talk in the school hall, and see the peach and plum in the campus. The melody of youth can be marked with a small pause, with sunshine and ink mountains and rivers in the middle. Everything is wonderful.

And I just stop occasionally.

Stop occasionally (9)

If you are on a long journey, breathing heavily and sweating heavily, stop, wipe your sweat and drink water. Don't let the sweat sting your eyes and blur your vision; Don't dry your throat. It's hard to move forward.

Give yourself some way back, don't force yourself into a dead end. Since entering the third day of the junior high school, there have been many experts. The glory that used to appear on me is gloomy. The ranking of each exam is unsatisfactory, and my heart is tortured. I often have tears, I forced myself to brush the questions, tears often wet my test paper.

I am immersed in the comparison with my classmates. Who do I want to catch up with and who do I want to surpass. Gradually, this mentality of comparison blinded my eyes. I only knew what others were doing and what I was doing, and I had to move faster. So my life became irregular, like a wild animal that lost its reason and was difficult to tame for the sake of comparison. But my body couldn't resist torture, so it became ill.

Lying in bed, I often wet my eyes. I think my progress is slow again because I stopped. On the first day of fever, the whole body was weak, and a burst of "now I know the taste of sorrow, and I want to say that I still have to rest" came to my mind. I can't study anymore, so I think of the past. At this moment, I really wanted to cry, and let the tears wash away my troubles. I really stopped.

My Chinese notebook is from Grade One to Grade Three. Instead of turning over a new page, I turned over the first page. Those immature fonts are strongly branded on the notebook, extremely clear and penetrating - is that the past learning? No, that's my eternal honor. It is like a wisp of warm sun in winter, like a drizzle in the desert, warm and nourishing me. I stopped all the trivial comparisons, and dumped the gravel in my shoes during the long journey. Sure enough, my "sorrow taste" is just "strong sorrow for new words". I stopped in the long road. Although the end was far away from me, and although I walked from the rising sun to the setting sun, I stopped, looked back on the road I had walked, and removed the heavy burden, I would cheer up again.

Why compare? Looking at my notebook, I thought. Stop and compare yourself with the past. Progress is progress. You don't need to put too much pressure on yourself in the process of progress. Stop occasionally, move on, move on.

Stop occasionally (10)

Life is like a journey of chasing dreams, with happiness and beauty; There is also loss and hesitation. Why not stop to relax and find the beauty of life; It's good to stop occasionally!

Little by little, the rain became a curtain of rain, and the rain drummed on the window frame. The dazzling scores, like a sharp sword, deeply hurt my heart. The air around him seemed to solidify and become cold in an instant.

I stood up from the stack of books and rubbed my sour eyes. Gently open the stereo, and the music flows down like water. Warm and soft notes seem to jump on my skin. When I close my eyes, I feel comfortable like velvet brushing my cheeks.

Opening the window, raindrops mixed with the fragrance of brown and yellow soil. Not far away, a delicate pink is waving in the wind and rain. Like a girl with a quiet warmth, a soft and charming. In the misty drizzle, the bright leaves stretch out, and a cluster of bright, sun like, dark yellow stamens seem to push out the girl's soul. At this time, a feeling suddenly rose in my heart. She experienced a long and cruel winter, and finally waited until the arrival of spring. She tried to bloom and looked up. It seems that I am the whole spring. She is very inconspicuous, but she keeps working hard to convey the vitality to the earth. The beauty of life lies in hope.

The green pineapples beside the bed, with their heads down shyly, are smiling and making noises in the courtyard like stiff children. They are naive. Deep and shallow green, green tranquility, green purity. I have no scruples about the noise of the world, but I am intoxicated with my own world. The beauty of life lies in keeping a sense of peace and innocence in the noise.

At the end of the song, the rest is heard. I felt an unprecedented ease, like an electric shock, from my fingers to every corner of my body. It turns out that the beauty of life is right beside me, in the casual discovery.

If you stop occasionally, you will find that the sky is so blue, the clouds are so white, and everything in life is so beautiful. Everything is so beautiful.

Occasionally stop, the world at that moment is really beautiful.

Stop occasionally (11)

I don't want to have any fun in tomorrow, because in "tomorrow", my life has been formatted, and life seems to be just a formula, which circulates at a fast pace every day. I only know that one day will be copied after another.

The madness of the teacher is unmatched. The bell rings after class. We are in class. The bell rang, but we were still in class. The teacher always said, "We are on a bus. You can go to the service area for many times to have a rest, but it will take a long time on the road. If we continue to drive, we can reach the end point quickly." Now I have caught the express and rushed to an unknown destination, but I am eager to enter the "service area".

I fantasize about stopping occasionally after studying. Throw away all the important points in the text that I just recited. Read comics, throw dolls, listen to music, and then steal some snacks in your busy time. After finishing the "juvenile delinquents", pick up the texts and exercises in the trash can.

My sister in Japan has not been in touch for a long time, but learning makes me miss her so much. Her "good" and "disaster" have not been heard for a long time. I sent her a message after taking the bus, and she replied in seconds. Such a relaxed life is enviable. But I can only talk with her for two minutes and leave because of study.

Looking at my grandparents' farming life, I was even slightly jealous. Although they are still busy when we stop occasionally, their slow life is enviable. I was washing my face and brushing my teeth when they were drinking morning tea; When they decide what to plant in this season, I read early in school without feeling; After sunset, they watched TV and ate while I wrote my homework and wanted to eat. I would rather plant in the deep mountains and forests than work endlessly.

I hope to slow down and live a real life, even if it is just an occasional stop. With sufficient energy, I can tighten the spring and continue to move forward. The puppet will also "strike" when there is no power, and I also need to rest to get energy.

Stop occasionally (12)

Sixth grade, carefree life has become a hurry. My friends are like robots. They almost refuse to go out to play after class. They sit in a row in the classroom and work hard on their homework.

"Why is the proportion of homework and study far greater than happiness and freedom from grade one to grade six?" I often think so. In fact, I think the more tense and hurried the time is, the more I need to give myself some proper physical and mental relaxation.

When I was bored with my homework, I stopped occasionally, took out my sketch book and began to "create" freely. Sometimes when I was drawing, I lost my mind and even forgot the time. I was still indifferent to my homework after eight o'clock; Sometimes my mother "caught me on the spot" and scolded me when I was "painting"

I remember from grade one to grade four that I kept a diary every week. But as soon as I entered the senior grade, countless homework was like a mountain, which almost crushed me. But in the past few weeks, I have been taking a break from my busy life, occasionally stopping to open my favorite diary, write a few paragraphs, and talk to myself.

When I was young, I liked to use paper clay to make small cakes. Now, I have no time, no energy to do this. While it was the weekend, I stopped my homework, took out paper clay and made a lovely "cake". I felt that at that moment, I found the joy of childhood.

We should stop occasionally, put aside our homework, and do something we want to do but have no time to do. Only in this way can happiness and learning go hand in hand. Stop occasionally. Every day is more than just learning and homework, which can relax the nervous brain and extend the tentacles of the mind to areas other than learning and homework, because there will be more wonderful and fun.

Stop occasionally (13)

On the way to school, there are only two words in my heart. Have you ever thought about how many beautiful scenes you have missed.

Every day, the learning life at three o'clock and one line is like a tight spring, sometimes a little tired, a little confused. Until one day, I stopped occasionally to relax and appreciate the original color of my heart, and suddenly realized that life is so beautiful.

Alone, riding a bike, walking on a secluded rural path, have you ever seen the colorful scenery. Occasionally stop to look at the green grass at the foot and the tall poplar in the distance. Perhaps you have been intoxicated with the beautiful countryside. Stop the car, lay down your feet, open your arms, embrace the beautiful seasons, embrace the beautiful nature, and embrace the beautiful world. The light wind blows across your face, and the fragrance of the air penetrates your body, making you feel peaceful and distant. At this moment, you can lie in the lush green leaves and look up to see the blue sky dotted with several white clouds. You may be thinking in your heart, how wonderful it is to stop once in a while and enjoy the baptism of sunshine, trees and flowers. Indeed, you may have done less, but it brings you endless happiness and comfort.

I have a good habit of cleaning up my desk with a smile after finishing my homework every day. Looking at the neat desk, I feel very comfortable. Ah! Another beautiful day, another hopeful tomorrow. Stop occasionally in life to gain more. On the way to school, I stopped occasionally. When I saw people in need of help, I greeted them with a smile and concern, and warmly extended a helping hand. What I got was infinite happiness. During the break, when you stop occasionally, look up at the sky and down at the ground, you will get an open mind; On the way to school, I stopped occasionally to see my old classmates and friends, say hello and joke, and I got endless good memories; When you are tired of doing homework, you stop occasionally to talk with your father, help your mother, and feel warm and caring. What you get is the exchange of family affection, and what you sublimate is the selflessness of your heart.

If you stop occasionally, have you ever seen the genial spring breeze and the bright sunshine waving to you frequently. Only when we stop occasionally can we understand the bad taste of life, and thus make ourselves comfortable. No matter what you are busy doing now, if you stop occasionally, you will understand that there is a newer life outside the original life, and there is a bigger world outside the world.

Stop occasionally, let us enjoy the freedom of life, the original color of the soul

Stop occasionally (14)

Life is a long way. It may flow slowly, fluctuate, or surge. No matter what chapter of life is, they all have their own attitude towards life. The voice of "stopping occasionally" still reverberates in my ears

She is about to face the high school entrance exam, so my sister has spent all her energy in these days. When the sky has just broken through the curtain of night, you can hear her fast reading. When the night has already entered the palace of sleep, you can still see her studying hard. She got up early and went to bed late, convinced that her hard work would not be wasted. However, the achievements of Model One and Model Two are not ideal. I wonder if her efforts have turned into bubbles? Instead of crying bitterly, she stopped, bathed in the sun quietly, listened to music leisurely, and sometimes brought the fragrance of books into her dreams. I thought she was discouraged, but she wasn't. She stopped and began to think quietly, thinking about where she was insufficient and where she didn't need to do no hard work, so she made the final sprint. During the middle school entrance exam, she was very satisfied with her answer, but I was puzzled about her stopping. I asked her why she stopped? She told me that when fate knocks you down again and again, you should stop and think about your mistakes quietly. You will suddenly realize that success has taken another step. It is a need to stop occasionally. "It is a need to stop occasionally", this sentence is deeply engraved in my heart. When you run in pursuit of the sun, when you raise the sail of life in the sea, sometimes the wind blows, sometimes the rain blows, sometimes the wind blows. When you fall at the foot of destiny again and again, let the wind and rain blow, why not stop occasionally? If one day we are tired of walking, we might as well stop for a moment and sit down quietly to taste the memorable fragments. The precious memories are enough to make us feel love and hope.

Stop, dry your tears, accept the touch of the sun, the baptism of wind and rain, and purify your mind; Stop, adjust your mind, pat the mud off your clothes and stand up; Stop, go to the end of the sky, pick a basket of flowers, and enjoy the wonderful life. When you look up occasionally, do you find that the flowers you like are blooming in front of you, and the sunshine is more brilliant?

Stop occasionally (15)

Memory is a layer of dust, which is sealed in the deep heart. If no one cleans it, it will accumulate more and more.

We are used to the fast pace of life, and we have to get used to the fast pace of life. The alarm clock in the morning didn't understand the true meaning of lying in bed, and punctuality brutally broke the peace. In order to have more warmth in my sleep, I ran against the clock before reading in the morning. The childhood song "The sun shines in the sky, the flowers smile at me, the birds say, early..." was also thrown behind the hurried figure. The overwhelming exercise volumes are stacked on the desk without mercy; It is common to have a test at any time; This should also be remembered, and teachers also want to throw their "memory" and "chip" to us

After self-study at night, on the way home from school, it became the most relaxed, happy and comfortable time. Two or three friends on the way always continue to write quickly after the bell rings. Push their bicycles out of the school together, say goodbye to the security uncle they know, and ride home.

In this way, we suspended the sea question tactics.

Occasionally stop and unconsciously slow down the driving speed. We enjoy every quiet night and discuss the interesting events of the day with interest; I also complain about the endless transcripts, exercise books and rankings. It's really a good thing to be able to relax every night and let the brain that has been immersed in learning for more than ten hours stop occasionally.

Even on a stormy night, even with a weak umbrella in one hand, even if the rain drops hit my face, the casual rest on the way home and the relaxed topic can help me regain my mood and meet the challenges of tomorrow with confidence.

Maybe we often complain about such a fast learning pace, or about the life like 4G network, but we can stop occasionally, look up at the beautiful night sky, look for the brightest star in the night sky, and maybe find the Big Dipper once again, which will soon clear the load of our hearts, and prepare to set sail again tomorrow!

Stop occasionally (16)

On the way to school, there are only two words in my heart. Have you ever thought about how many beautiful scenes you have missed.

Every day, the learning life at three o'clock and one line is like a tight spring, sometimes a little tired, a little confused. Until one day, I stopped occasionally to relax and appreciate the original color of my heart, and suddenly realized that life is so beautiful.

Alone, riding a bike, walking on a secluded rural path, have you ever seen the colorful scenery. Occasionally stop to look at the green grass at the foot and the tall poplar in the distance. Perhaps you have been intoxicated with the beautiful countryside. Stop the car, lay down your feet, open your arms, embrace the beautiful seasons, embrace the beautiful nature, and embrace the beautiful world. The light wind blows across your face, and the fragrance of the air penetrates your body, making you feel peaceful and distant. At this moment, you can lie in the lush green leaves and look up to see the blue sky dotted with several white clouds. You may be thinking in your heart, how wonderful it is to stop once in a while and enjoy the baptism of sunshine, trees and flowers. Indeed, you may have done less, but it brings you endless happiness and comfort.

I have a good habit of cleaning up my desk with a smile after finishing my homework every day. Looking at the neat desk, I feel very comfortable. Ah! Another beautiful day, another hopeful tomorrow. Stop occasionally in life to gain more. On the way to school, I stopped occasionally. When I saw people in need of help, I greeted them with a smile and concern, and warmly extended a helping hand. What I got was infinite happiness. During the break, when you stop occasionally, look up at the sky and down at the ground, you will get an open mind; On the way to school, I stopped occasionally to see my old classmates and friends, say hello and joke, and I got endless good memories; When you are tired of doing homework, you stop occasionally to talk with your father, help your mother, and feel warm and caring. What you get is the exchange of family affection, and what you sublimate is the selflessness of your heart.

If you stop occasionally, have you ever seen the genial spring breeze and the bright sunshine waving to you frequently. Only when we stop occasionally can we understand the bad taste of life, and thus make ourselves comfortable. No matter what you are busy doing now, if you stop occasionally, you will understand that there is a newer life outside the original life, and there is a bigger world outside the world.

Stop occasionally, let us enjoy the freedom of life, the original color of the soul

Stop occasionally (17)

I spend every day doing homework and exercises. It seems that I have nothing else to do, and I am almost full on weekends. On weekends, I have no way to sleep late in the morning. I have to get up early as usual to catch up with cram school. I want to know; Do I eat, study, do my homework and sleep every day?

Every weekend, I applied to my mother to take a walk in the park, and my mother asked me to write exercises; I want to listen to music and relax. My mother asked me to listen to English; I want to draw a picture. My mother said that art doesn't matter, and I should follow up on important lessons first... Why doesn't my mother let me relax? Is academic performance more important than my own wishes?

Learning kept me busy until I had no time to rest. I had to finish my homework and preview the next lesson. When I am tired of writing, I will stop secretly to have a look at the scenery outside the window, listen to the birds, and breathe fresh air. Pick up your mobile phone to listen to music and see what interesting photos are in WeChat and QQ. When the relaxation is enough, I have to do my homework again.

On the bookshelf, there are a lot of books and exercise books that my mother doesn't know where she got from. When I finish writing, there will be a lot of new exercise books waiting for me to write. I hope to stop occasionally so that I can go for a walk in the park or do something I like.

Stop occasionally to relax, not only without any loss, but also to relax and become more energetic. Only by stopping occasionally, saying goodbye to the monotonous problem solving mode, and letting your tentacles stretch out, can you see more beautiful things.

Stop occasionally (18)

Stop occasionally

Stop occasionally, look at the footprints you left, whether to walk out of the lines in your heart, and don't care too much about the result. The arrogance of a king is to raise his mouth. After all, what he gains may not be all happiness, but what remains in his heart will be eternal happiness. Because stopping occasionally is an attitude of life, and he doesn't need to change anything. He just needs to face it with a peaceful heart. People who always move forward will always tighten their eyebrows and always want to take this step, But you won't stop to look for the footprints left behind. Don't just look at the distance and ignore the road at your feet. Go forward forever. Your life won't go out of a circle, it's just going around yourself. To die is just pursuing yourself, knowing only your beliefs, but not knowing the height of the sky and the breadth of the earth.

Those who do not stop occasionally will have a scar in their heart. They dare not face the reality and only live in their own dreams. In the end, they defeat themselves and are captured by themselves, but they let their fantasies fly all over the sky.

Occasionally stop, in their own patchwork of life, waving a flying figure, even if there is an abyss in life, we can also plug in the invisible wings, and those who do not stop occasionally are sure to go to the abyss. You are always revolving around the track of failure. No matter how strong your belief is, it will be hit by time. Although you are down-to-earth, the abyss has blocked your way. You do not turn back and will not stop, so you step down calmly.

In life, we might as well walk on our own side, walk out of our own way according to our own feelings, face the wind of time, enjoy the scenery along the way, the charm of spring, the warmth of summer, the maturity of autumn, and the silence of winter. We don't care where we go, nor will we lose ourselves, because I have the courage to stop. The motto of moving forward forever is Pifu's record writing, running with others, Maybe when you are exhausted, you will not doubt what you are chasing. Maybe stopping means the end for some people, but in fact it is not. Stopping is for better efforts.

Confucius once thought about himself three times a day. The wind of time always pushes us forward. But at the crossroads of fate, we might as well stop and take a breath of fresh air occasionally.

It is sincere to stop occasionally. He will always tell us the shortcomings and fight for his future.

Suddenly, when I stop occasionally, I always understand a lot

Stop occasionally (19)

There is a circle with one corner missing. It rolls slowly. It wants to find another part of it. It turns, turns, sees beautiful flowers, green grass, flying butterflies, withered and yellow leaves, and suddenly feels that it is good to be without an angle. Such a beautiful scenery is not noticed when it rolls quickly.

Yes, why walk so fast? It would be nice to stop occasionally to enjoy the scenery of the journey. I like to stop occasionally. Unlike other students, I have been bound by the formula and the words in ancient Chinese. I am not so "cute". I am tired of the boring study and want to relax.

After finishing my homework, I didn't go to practice the piano as usual. Instead, I put on my earphones, played music and wrote a novel that I hadn't written for n years. In this way, I had a good swim in my small world. I always felt that time passed quickly. Sometimes, I will play with my sister crazily for a while, forgetting all the unpleasant things in the day, and even sleep soundly.

A little while, a little reading, a little snack, a nap. Isn't that just stopping? Maybe, you should stop occasionally to see the beautiful scenery along the way