Mother's Love Composition (Collection of 18)
Flat Mirror Coast
2023-09-22 04:27:03

Mother's Love Composition (1)

Dear teachers and students, hello! Today I want to tell you about "Mother's Love".

There is one of the most beautiful songs in the world! That is my mother's whisper. There is a kind of love that can never fade in the world! That is my mother's love.

Only mother is good in the world. My growth process is a process of immersing in my mother's generous and selfless love and integrating her love into my life. When I was a crying baby, my mother's love was a warm hug and a sweet kiss. When I was babbling and learning to walk, my mother's love was to teach me that my mouth was dry and my tongue was dry when I was talking, which made my waist too tired to stand up when I was learning to walk. At school, my mother's love is the back of the backpack and the hand holding the umbrella. Gradually, it became the words of "listen carefully in class", "don't fight with classmates" and "study hard". My mother's footprints are all over my growth path. It is my mother who cares for me with her selfless love.

Every mother loves her children deeply, and my mother is no exception. Every time I celebrate my birthday, my mother will take time out of her busy schedule to take photos with my father under the bamboo in my garden. The tall mother looks very handsome beside the tall bamboo. Occasionally, when I read Zheng Banqiao's Bamboo and Stone, I suddenly understood my mother's good intentions for me. "Hold fast to the green mountains and never relax, and stand rooted in the broken rocks. A thousand grinds and ten thousand strikes are still strong, and you can feel the wind blowing from east to west, north to south." Bamboo is elegant, pure, modest, and honest. What my mother wants me to learn is not just the indomitable spirit of bamboo? Simple photos contain my mother's endless love for me.

The person who loves you most in the world will always be your mother. Mother is our spiritual pillar. As long as mother is here, our world will always be happy. Mother's love is as deep as the sky and as clear as the lake. We thrive under her love!

Mother's Love Composition (2)

My mother is my first teacher, and also my guide on the path of learning and growth. It is she who taught me the principles of life and work.

My mother has always been resolute in doing things. As long as she is correct, she will be perfect. This is also what I admire most of her. From childhood to adulthood, my mother took care of me very carefully. Every time my mother and I have a quarrel, I will go to see the happy photos with my mother when I was young, and the resentment in my heart will disappear, I went to my mother to admit my mistake. When my mother saw that I was serious about my mistake, she kindly said to me, "It's all right. It's all over. It's OK to study harder in the future." Every time I heard my mother's words, my heart twitched, my nose became sour, and the little stars in my eyes kept spinning, Whenever my mother saw me like this, she would say to me: "Silly girl, how can you cry when you are so old?" When I heard this, I immediately "broke through tears to smile".

My mother is very kind to me. Every day, at the beginning of dawn, my mother will wake me up, let me sit up, and ask me to hurry to wash and prepare for school. The first ray of sunshine in the morning shines on my mother's cheek, looking very bright, like a "beacon light" illuminating the road ahead for me.

My mother is an ordinary person, with the diligence and simplicity of the working people. What she brought us is the most noble, pure and expensive "love" in the world. That kind of "love" is a priceless treasure that can't be exchanged with anything. This sincere love is the most ordinary maternal love.

I love my mother. What I love is not her appearance, but her "heart". This heart is gathered by thousands of mothers, which includes (care, worry, love, rest assured, worry, caring...) these are eternal, priceless and precious. This is "my mother, my teacher, my guide."

Mother's Love Composition (3)

Grandma keeps a dog with shiny yellow hair. It has come to Grandma's house for many years! Now she is the mother dog of several children.

One afternoon, I went to my grandma's house to deliver food to big dogs and small dogs. I put some expired ham sausages in its slot, and then went to Grandma's house to play. Inadvertently, I only heard the rustle in the yard outside. I looked out of the window curiously. Through the glass, I was surprised to find that Huang Gou was frantically plowing with his sharp front paws, fresh soil was constantly thrown behind him, and soon dug a "hole" in front of him. Then, he put a ham sausage in the groove into the pit, and then turned around to put one into the pit. There was only one ham sausage left in the trough. He dug some fresh soil to cover the intestines in the pit.

"Don't eat if you don't like it, bury it with earth!" I angrily told Grandma about the burial of the yellow dog. Grandma disagreed and said to me, "Look for a moment, how can it bury such a good thing? There must be a reason!"

Grandma doesn't seem to believe me. I feel very aggrieved. So I lay down on the window depressed. The rhubarb dog swaggered out. After a while, he swaggered back, followed by several puppies. The bitch began to pick up the soil in the pit with her front paws, and the ham intestines were exposed. She took out the ham sausage with her mouth and threw it to the dog behind her. Several dogs competed excitedly for ham sausage, which looked very cute!

Seeing this, I finally understand that the mother dog wants to leave a delicious ham sausage for her children, and I'm afraid of losing it!

I told Grandma what I saw. Grandma smiled and said, "All animals have feelings, not only dogs, but also many such things around us. The big swallow will feed the small swallow. At night, Yan Xi will leave his mother's warm nest to find the small swallow. Live, wait by the nest..."

It turns out that great maternal love not only belongs to human beings, but also to other animal worlds. This unintentional discovery made me very moved.

Mother's Love Composition (4)

People often say that father's love is like a mountain, and mother's love is like water. Mother's love is delicate. She takes care of me meticulously. Her love for me is always nagging. But my memory of her, my love for her, and her love for me are forever engraved on her back.

When I was a child, I was a crybaby and had to be held by my mother wherever I went. At this time, my mother also had to work, so she always carried me on her back. At that time, her back gave me a kind of dependence. Let me feel that I am a loved one. As soon as I cry, she will shake me and coax me. When I came to junior high school, my mother's back was left to me on a bicycle. It was quiet at night, and there were almost no people on the road. My mother and I bought clothes for me. In order to save some bus money, my mother took me with her bicycle. In fact, I have always believed that bicycles and motorcycles are better than cars. Especially in summer, when I ride on a bike or motorcycle, my brain is cool and I am extremely awake. In this way, my mother rode back on her bike with the clothes I bought for me and the back seat with me. At that time, I saw my mother's back in the dark. It was so beautiful that I couldn't help crying. In order to buy clothes for me, she is reluctant to buy one for herself. She is also a woman! Doesn't she love beauty?

When I was in high school, my mother still rode a bicycle. That day, I was afraid of being late for the train, so she rode her bicycle to take me to other stations. Surprisingly, it was raining outside, so my mother took me on the back seat. Obviously, my mother is not as old as those years. I quietly hid behind my mother and looked at her back. I remember that on the day of the college entrance examination, my mother also rode a bike to send me there. In fact, it was very close to my home and the examination hall. But I like to make a bike. The wind blew, and my brain was much cooler. Mother told me to be careful all the way and not to worry. She would wait for me at the school gate. So surrounded by mother's love.

Mother's love is on her back. I have been watching her all the time, but maybe one day her back will slowly become bent. I hope she always has this straight back and still rides her bike.

Mother's Love Composition (5)

"Only a mother is good in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure. When I throw it into my mother's arms, I can't enjoy happiness..." Whenever I think of this familiar song, my mind always shows my mother's careful care for me.

My mother often says "I'm afraid of...", which hides a strong maternal love. During the Spring Festival, my mother cooked many of my favorite dishes. When eating, my mother kept putting good dishes in my bowl and pushing them in front of me. When I asked my mother why she didn't eat, she replied, "I'm afraid I'll get fat if I eat too much!" That night, three of us went out to buy clothes. In the shop, my mother ran to the children's clothing department, and then to the men's clothing department. She kept buying clothes suitable for me and my father, but she didn't buy her own. I asked my mother why she didn't buy her own clothes, "I'm afraid there are too many clothes to wear!" My mother answered casually, and then ran to buy clothes for me again.

Another time, it was on the plane. In the hot summer, our mother and daughter were both thirsty, and I had drunk all the water in my backpack. Mother took out the only bottle of mineral water in her backpack that she had never been willing to drink, opened the bottle cap, and handed the water to my hands for me to drink. I asked my mother why she didn't leave it for herself to drink. She hesitated for a long time and said, "Hmm... I'm afraid I have to go to the toilet after drinking too much water."

I know that all my fears are reasons that my mother found out. There is a strong maternal love hidden in these reasons. But why does mother find so many reasons? That's because my mother is a good mother who cares for her daughter!

Mother's Love Composition (6)

The flowers thank the green leaves, because the green leaves set off its beauty and nobility; The bird thanks the sky because it spreads its wings; The mountain thanks the earth because the earth makes it stand high. Nature knows how to be grateful, not to mention our human beings! And the person I want to thank is my mother.

Mom, it was you who gave me my life. You made me feel the beauty of the world, the deep kinship, and the love, hate, love, sorrow, sadness, joy, separation, and harmony in the world.

When I was young, you helped me to learn to walk step by step. When I fell down again and again, you helped me up. In the future, you will continue to teach me every step of my life. When I made a mistake, my mother taught me to be brave, to face it with confidence, and not to lose heart; When I made achievements, my mother taught me not to be proud, but to continue to work hard; When I lied, my mother taught me to be honest and trustworthy. Thank you, Mom. You taught me how to walk and how to behave. Every time I come home from school, I can always eat delicious food you cooked yourself; When it rains, you always wait for me at the school gate with your umbrella; When you are sick, you always feed medicine at the front of the sickbed and ask for warmth. This is the love you gave me. Under the nurture of love, I grow up healthily and happily. Mom, I want to say to you, "Thank you, Mom."

We should learn to be grateful, to repay our parents, and to be filial to them. Here, I would like to say to my mother again: "Thank you, Mom!"

Mother's Love Composition (7)

There are many manifestations of maternal love, some people think that maternal love is shown in the ever-changing eyes of mother; Some people think that maternal love is expressed in the warm words of mother; Some people think that maternal love is shown in the delicious food that mother cooks for you every day... However, I think that maternal love is shown in the warm and powerful hands of mother.

In my memory, my mother's hands were always beside me. On rainy days, my mother's hands sent me an umbrella to cover the rain; In the hot summer, my mother brought me a cold drink with her hands; When I forgot to bring my textbook, my mother handed it to me like a magician... One thing I remember most clearly was that on a hot summer vacation day, my mother and I hurried to the hospital, because I had a bubble as big as a "small marble" on my eyes, and the doctor said it was because of too much anger, Surgery is needed to treat it. In the corridor leading to the operating room, a pungent smell of medicine came to my face. Fear immediately occupied my heart. I shivered at the thought that I was going to have an operation soon. All this was seen by my mother. A pair of warm hands grabbed my little hands, bit by bit resolved my fear, and boldly walked to the operating room. It was a dark and cold room. There was an old doctor waiting on the operating table. A chill filled my body. I began to be afraid again. The old doctor's kind smile suddenly turned into a vicious sneer in my eyes. He was picking up the scalpel for surgery. I hope the scalpel will not fall down, but after all, the operation is an operation and will not be terminated because of the fear of a child. Suddenly, the pain filled all parts of my body, and even my hair stood up one by one. When I was about to lose my hold, one hand held me. A miracle happened, and the warmth of the hand resolved the pain. I had finished the operation silently.

Mother's hand has always had a magical power, which can resolve pain and fear and help me overcome difficulties. This power is the great maternal love. Maternal love can shake the sky and earth. Maternal love can make us overcome all difficulties. Maternal love is the most selfless and pure love in the world. Maternal love is shown in my mother's warm hands!

Mother's Love Composition (8)

People often say that maternal love is great. Let's feel my maternal love today!

I usually don't think there is any maternal love in the world, because my mother usually beats me and scolds me. Until I went through that, I didn't understand my mother's love for me.

It was a snowy night. I suddenly fell ill. I kept sobbing and sometimes coughed heavily. When my mother heard this, she got up and touched my forehead. Suddenly, she said, "Oh, my son has a high fever! Without saying a word, he took 200 yuan, picked me up and ran away. Because it was raining outside, my mother was too worried to take an umbrella. She looked at the storm outside, and my mother didn't go upstairs to get an umbrella. She just carried me on her back, against the storm, and the puddles formed by the heavy rain at her feet. She didn't care whether her feet were wet or her clothes were wet, and she carried me straight to the nearby pharmacy. Because my mother didn't care about anything on the way, I soon went to the small drugstore nearby and bought some antipyretics for me. When I got home, my mother immediately asked me to take the medicine, and then put me in the quilt. After a while, I sweated. My mother touched my head and said, "Hey, my son's fever has finally subsided!"

This is my mother, the mother I like. If you want to find your mother's love, ask your mother!

Mother's Love Composition (9)

In the world of hands, there is a pair of hands that can not be replaced, that is, mother's hands.

Mother's hands are no longer so white and soft as before, but now they are so black and covered with calluses. The skin is so dry, like a dehydrated apple.

My mother's hands are industrious. Every day when I have time, I will wash all my clothes with washboard. So my hands are injured when I wash them. My mother has to work hard with her hands. We ate delicious food and put on comfortable clothes every day.

Mother's hands are warm. I remember that in the winter of last year, it snowed heavily, and my mother cooked at home. When I came back, my mother saw, "Ah, you are wet all over. Come and I will wipe you." My hands are also cold. My mother gave me a warm hand, and I immediately felt warm.

My mother's hands are dexterous. One time in school, I had a hole in my coat. Upon returning home, my mother saw it and thought it would be a pity to throw it away, so she cut my coat into a white pear flower and embroidered it on my upper garment.

Ah! Maternal love is great.

Mother's Love Composition (10)

Some people worship singers, some people worship revolutionary martyrs, and some people worship doctors. But what I worship is an ordinary human. She is my mother.

Who opens your umbrella when it rains? Who gave you something to eat when you were hungry? Who picked you up after school? That's Mom. She doesn't have such a beautiful voice as the singer; There is no great country like the revolutionary martyrs to defend the motherland; Nor is he as knowledgeable as a doctor; But she is the greatest in my heart.

One day during the holiday, I had a fever. When my mother knew about it, she immediately rode home from her work unit. Who knows, it rained heavily on the way home. I lay in bed and watched the heavy rain outside the window hit the window violently, and the dark sky seemed to collapse. Suddenly, thunder and lightning flashed, and the storm seemed to engulf the whole universe! Just then, my mother dragged her wet body into the room, and my tears fell like drops of water. "Honest, do you feel better?" I cried and said, "Hmm." It's time for dinner. The smell of this dish contains my mother's devotion to me, and the taste contains her love for me

My mother has done so much for me. I am proud of my great mother!

Mother's Love Composition (11)

Maternal love is higher than mountains and deeper than sea. Maternal love is the greatest love in the world.

When I was sick, my mother took care of me, comforted me, and bought me delicious food; When I failed in the exam and felt depressed, my mother enlightened me, encouraged me, and gave me the courage and hope to study more.

I remember when I was five years old, I played the game of "limited explosion of landmines" with several friends. Because I played too crazy and ran fast, I accidentally fell down, and blood immediately flowed out. When my mother heard about it, she rushed over at a speed of 100 meters. She quickly carried me back home, half a boy and half, who weighed 100 kg, and carried me to the bed, and quickly bandaged my wound. In pain, I found that my mother, who screamed loudly when she saw a little blood on weekdays, was totally like a female military doctor who had experienced in the battlefield. She wiped my wound, applied medicine and bandaged it with quick action.

Mom, there are many stories about loving me...... I will treasure them forever in my memory from childhood to childhood.

Mother's Love Composition (12)

Motherly love is like a drop of rain, which moistens your heart when our hearts are dry. Mother love is the shining sun, warming every corner of our hearts. Maternal love is selfless and great. Sometimes, maternal love seems insignificant, but it happens around us.

I remember when I was in the second grade, it was a very hot summer vacation. My mother hoped that I would make a big breakthrough, that is, enter the gate of the Chinese school. When I heard the news, I was elated and felt that I could finally make a great achievement. However, I saw my mother bought the Olympiad Maths from Grade One to Grade Five for me! Full of confidence, I was immediately discouraged. I have no courage to face such a big challenge again. But my mother said, "Don't worry, you must have no problem!" She constantly encouraged me, cheered me up, and restored my confidence.

In only two months, it is a huge and difficult project to learn and master five grades of Olympiad Maths. My mother took the trouble to find questions for me and made plans for me carefully. Every day, from morning till night, I am always with you. Because I am young, my understanding ability is also limited. My mother often repeats the meaning of the same question for me again and again. After repeated explanations, I often feel dizzy. At this time, my mother will leave me angrily, as if to relax. However, within three minutes, she returned to me again, explaining more carefully and patiently until I fully understood and was able to narrate by myself.

The summer vacation is still extremely hot. The sun is burning outside and the house is extremely hot. This kind of weather makes people upset and confused. In this way, I became more and more impatient. Whenever at this time, my mother avoids my inefficiency and ineffectiveness, and often takes a fan to fan. A small fan, without a large fan, has a strong force supporting it all the time. My mother has never been tired. She is fanning at a constant speed. Looking at her mother's appearance, her hands were numb and sore, but she still smiled and said: "Not tired, not tired, learn quickly!" I nodded vigorously. The wind from the fan is cool, which makes people feel cool, but it also carries the mother's plain but extraordinary love. Maybe this is the real maternal love! Did I not realize it before?

This is maternal love. In my memory, maternal love makes me feel very warm every time I think about it. During my growth, my mother's love for me was so meticulous that it was always around me. Now, I want to love my mother like this.

Mother's Love Composition (13)

There is one person, she is the greatest. There is one person who is the most amazing. There is one person who is the most diligent. There is one person who is most careful. Who is she? She is my mother.

All mothers are the same. When we were young, they would be like hardworking gardeners, carefully pruning us and carefully caring for us. In order to let us become towering trees, no matter how difficult things are, we only choose to move forward, rather than retreat.

My mother is one of these mothers. Beneath the ordinary appearance, there is an extraordinary heart. She is a person I cannot lack on the road of growth. She has made me understand a lot of truth. She has made me understand that I should believe in myself when facing difficulties. She has made me understand how to deal with people. She has made me understand that where I fall, I can get up... In short, I have learned a lot.

In the noisy city, she seems so small. In order not to let us be late for school, she must get up early every day to make breakfast for us and do housework. As the years passed, her once white face also had wrinkles, and there were several dazzling white hairs hidden in her dark hair, but in my eyes, it was the most beautiful scenery.

My mother is a very strong woman in my eyes. It may be because of her personality that her destiny is determined. She can suffer what other women cannot and do what other women cannot.

This is my mother, an extraordinary mother. In a word, "She is a person I cannot lack on the road of growth."

Mother's Love Composition (14)

My mother is my first teacher, and also my guide on the path of learning and growth. It is she who taught me the principles of life and work.

My mother has always been resolute in doing things. As long as she is correct, she will be perfect. This is also what I admire most of her. From childhood to adulthood, my mother took care of me very carefully. Every time my mother and I have a quarrel, I will go to see the happy photos with my mother when I was young, and the resentment in my heart will disappear, I went to my mother to admit my mistake. When my mother saw that I was serious about my mistake, she kindly said to me, "It's all right. It's all over. It's OK to study harder in the future." Every time I heard my mother's words, my heart twitched, my nose became sour, and the little stars in my eyes kept spinning, Whenever my mother saw me like this, she would say to me: "Silly girl, how can you cry when you are so old?" When I heard this, I immediately "broke through tears to smile".

My mother is very kind to me. Every day, at the beginning of dawn, my mother will wake me up, let me sit up, and ask me to hurry to wash and prepare for school. The first ray of sunshine in the morning shines on my mother's cheek, looking very bright, like a "beacon light" illuminating the road ahead for me.

My mother is an ordinary person, with the diligence and simplicity of the working people. What she has brought us is the most noble, pure and expensive "love" in the world. That kind of "love" is priceless and can't be exchanged with anything. This sincere love is the most ordinary - mother love.

I love my mother. What I love is not her appearance, but her "heart". This heart is gathered by thousands of mothers, which includes (care, worry, love, rest assured, worry, caring...) these are eternal, priceless and precious. This is "my mother, my teacher, my guide."

Mother's Love Composition (15)

In this world, the eyes are the windows of our hearts. My mother's eyes are the source of happiness and warmth for me forever.

My mother is the person I love most, and also the person who loves me most. You can see that full of love in her eyes, giving me strength. When I wake up in my bed, I will see my mother's eyes full of love. When I won a certificate in school, I would see my mother's happy eyes. Ah! My mother's eyes are the gentle light in my heart, and I will never forget her affection. When I finish singing this song, my mother's gentle and bright eyes always appear in my mind. I know that it is these eyes that give me confidence and strength, and they make me feel the warmth of a mother. I love my mother's eyes. As the song says, they are the gentle light in my heart and the bright light in my heart. I will never forget her affectionate, mother's eyes.

I remember that it was the morning of the final exam of grade two. My mother prepared the tools for me to take the exam. When I was leaving, my mother comforted me and told me not to be nervous. Even if I did not do well in the exam, my mother would not blame you. Because my mother knew that you had tried your best. Although I listened to my mother's words, I was relieved, but I could not control my nervousness. Finally, I came to school, When the test paper was handed out, I finished all the questions I could do, checked a few changes, and felt relieved, so I handed in the test paper. When I reached the last question in the Chinese paper, I was foolish, because the last question was to write down what your parents told you before the exam and your mood. I felt that nothing had been written down. After handing in the paper, I went home.

A few days later, it was time to send my grades. It was supposed to be my most nervous day, but I didn't feel nervous at all. When the teacher read out my ranking, I was really excited. When I returned home, I told my mother my exam results, and then I saw my mother's eyes full of joy.

These are my mother's eyes, which are always full of love for me. I love my mother and my mother's eyes!

Mother's Love Composition (16)

Mother's love, like a sweet sugar, sweet in the mouth, sweet in the heart; Mother's love, like a net of clear water, moistens in the mouth and cools in the heart; Mother's love is like a ray of sunshine shining on her body and warming her heart

My mother's love is my soft comfort when I am wronged and criticized. I remember one time, I was severely criticized by my teacher because I didn't finish my homework at school. When I got home, I didn't have the heart to do my homework at all. My mother quickly held me in her arms and sat down in a comfortable small chair. She asked me what was wrong with me? I cried and said 'what happened' all day long. After listening to this, my mother said to me gently: "In fact, the teacher's criticism is also a kind of care." After hearing this, I immediately ran happily to do my homework.

Mother's love is a delicious food. Every day, when I come home from school, my stomach is always hungry, but I always see a table of delicious food, including tomato scrambled eggs, fish flavored eggplant... Especially when I eat my favorite "sweet and sour ribs", when I look at the golden tenderloin and smell the fragrance floating all over the room, my stomach is hooked. I thought that if my mother sold the "sweet and sour tenderloin" on the street, the business would be very good. Eating such delicious food, my heart is sweet beyond words.

Mother's love is the way of thinking for every math problem I can't do. Every time I encounter a problem I can't do, my mother patiently teaches me, explains it carefully, and calculates carefully. My mother's way of thinking for solving the problem is left on the paper soon. With my mother's explanation, my thoughts became clearer and clearer, and my grades became better and better.

Mother's love is in every meal; In the dark circles of my mother's eyes; In every word of my mother... I must repay my mother when I grow up.

Mother's Love Composition (17)

"There is only a mother in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure. You can't enjoy happiness when you are in her arms." Whenever I hear this song, I always think of my dear mother. I also have a mother who loves me very much.

One morning, when I woke up from my sleep, I looked at the clock and was surprised! It's already twenty past seven. I'm going to be late. I called my father up in a hurry, put on my clothes quickly, and hurried to school with my father. When I got to the school gate, I found that I didn't bring my schoolbag. I was so worried that I looked like an ant on a hot pot. I thought: It must be too late to get my schoolbag back. Today, I can't escape the teacher's criticism. Dad was also at a loss. At this time, I suddenly saw my mother, and she handed me the bag breathlessly. Watching my mother sweating, I was so excited that I didn't know what to say.

Every morning, my mother would bring food to the table. But when I woke up, I had no appetite at all, but as soon as I got to school, I was hungry. My mother always gives me some money to buy steamed stuffed buns. Looking at the delicious steamed buns, I ate them voraciously. My mother always looked at me with a smile. Sometimes, I would give my mother a steamed stuffed bun to eat, but my mother said, "Thank you, my mother won't eat it." She handed me the steamed stuffed bun again.

In this way, my mother always cares about my study and my life. Under the care of maternal love, I have grown up healthily and carefree. Ah! How great maternal love is!

Mother's Love Composition (18)

My mother is the cashier in the hotel. She and her father opened a seafood shop in Qiandao Lake and left me at my grandmother's house. At first, I was a little angry with my mother, but later I realized that my mother and father went to Qiandao Lake to make money and would come home to see me at a certain time.

My mother is very kind to me. Although we are far away from each other, my mother will call me every week to ask me about my school or buy some clothes to send. These are nothing. My mother's kindness to me is not limited to these things.

One afternoon, my stomach suddenly hurt. My mother used a lot of methods but it didn't work. She was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot - all round and round. My mother sent me to the hospital in a hurry. After the fever reduction injection, my body was soft and I couldn't use any strength. My mother asked me to lie down on her to sleep... When I woke up, it was midnight. Looking at my mother who was driving the car, tears could not help flowing down. Because I slept on my mother's legs for two hours.

Another time, I went to Qiandao Lake to play. When I arrived at the store, my mother came out with rich dishes to greet me. The most touching thing is that my mother made all these dishes herself. You should know that my mother usually does nothing but make instant noodles. For this meal, my mother may have consulted with the staff before making these dishes.

This is my unique good mother!!