A Complete Composition of 600 Words High School Life (6 compilations)
Ten years of sword sharpening
2023-09-12 07:51:09
Junior high school

High School Life (1)

In the sea of the world I live in, there are many colorful shells, each of which clearly records my life. The shells left on the beach of memory that can withstand the waves always look particularly beautiful under the sunshine of the soul.

Once upon a time, when I played with my friends, little people looked so cute on big bicycles. At that time, we didn't understand anything, but simply liked the feeling of freedom when pedaling a bicycle. The world I lived in as a child was our village, leaving a string of laughter in the familiar streets.

When I grow up, I have a more classmate relationship with my childhood friends, so the world I live in is on my way to school. Fortunately, we were not separated. We still loved bicycles so much and ran together on the way to school. The carefree life in the past continues with everyone's expectation. The only difference is that there are many colorful schoolbags on the back of the bike. However, no one went too much on the weight of a schoolbag, because everyone's mouth was stubbornly raised at that time. On the way to school and after school, my friends and I rushed forward against the wind on the racing bicycle, always rushing across a bridge, a certain section of the road. When going downhill, I opened my arms and shouted loudly, hitting the soft wind violently, so rebellious, so unbridled. Cycling with the both legs will make you feel tired. After getting off the bus, none of us bought a bottle of mineral water, so that the cold liquid flowed into our mouths, refreshing the whole body. At that time, we all liked that kind of life. The world we lived in was as pure as water and as passionate as fire.

Nothing can remain unchanged. I don't know when we have grown up quietly in the wind. When we grow up, we have troubles, our own secrets, and various stubborn or weak personalities. We also clearly feel that the backpack in the back seat is getting heavier and heavier endlessly. Even middle school students seem to be exhausted. So, everyone chose to abandon their beloved bicycles by accident, in order to get into the ideal university in their hearts, and for the so-called future of their parents and teachers. We put our bicycles in the old garage of the school and threw ourselves into the sea of questions, so the world I live in has become a school again.

After the beginning of school, my naughty habits have converged a lot. Under the teacher's earnest instruction, I gradually made friends with the book. After finishing my daily lessons, I like to read literary works. I know that life is not as beautiful as literature, but literature can make my life more beautiful. After school, I occasionally rush to the garage. Through the narrow gap in the school garage, I try to find my old love. Looking at the dusty car, I know that the world I live in will never return to my childhood.

I am full of longing for the future world. I will try my best to give my life wings of wisdom, and soar in the future world to enjoy my own beautiful life!

High School Life (2)

My high school life ended like this.

I have faced many ways to end high school: introspection, dismissal, going abroad, dropping out... These results did not happen. I ended this three-year struggle in the college entrance examination like hundreds of thousands of people. It can't be dull anymore.

This life won't surprise us, it must be plain, and we can only accept it and face it, but we must reject it, stop being cowardly, and be our own heroes and go forward bravely.

I remember that on the morning of the ninth, I almost cried for the last oath in the class. On the way to the exam, I always feel bad. Three years have passed in a hurry. What have we gained in this time?

On the evening of the seventh, when reviewing Wen Zong and going to politics, Mr. Wu said that we should look forward, so we should forget him. This makes me more or less sad. Although it is inevitable to forget later, how can I forget at this time?

After the exam, I met Mr. Wu and hugged him. In fact, the love between teachers and students is just like this. I can't give up, even if I didn't understand a lot before.

Hug. From the day of the college entrance examination, I wanted to hug Brother Jian when I got off the bus or came out of the exam, but I was never shy.

Brother Jian has been my head teacher for three years. In the three years of high school, the most time spent with me was not my parents, but my classmates and brother Jian. I really want to embrace him and thank him for his patience, tolerance and encouragement during the three years of incomprehensible youth rebellion and slow maturity and sophistication, which is a turning point in my life.

I think it would be a pity for me to leave school like this. After the exam on the 9th, Brother Jian finished speaking in the class, and everyone had a holiday. I met the math teacher not far from the door of the class and hugged him. The math teacher was still smiling. I got rid of mathematics. I think it's a relief. The math teacher is a real person. After hugging the math teacher, I went to the history group. The teachers are waiting for the meeting. Brother Jian is there. I went in and hugged Brother Jian. I felt that when I hugged Brother Jian, he hugged him forcefully.

Teacher Liu Dan said at the same time, look, the teachers and students are almost crying.

Yes, at that moment, my eyes were full of tears, and I saw Brother Jian as well. three years. When I hugged him, he gave me the same feeling that I hugged my father when I was going home for the last time before the college entrance examination. It was unforgettable and profound.

I used to be stubborn, arrogant and arrogant, and they disappeared in the past three years. I learned to hug. A hug is a true love for many things.

I still remember the hug Dongyang gave me when he saw me at a public welfare party. It was at that time that I learned to hug. It was a wonderful feeling, and I was happy to share it.

To embrace, whether relatives or strangers, whether people or things, whether good or bad, open your heart to embrace, this is my greatest harvest in this time.

In this rebellious age, I have worn off many edges and corners. I don't think it's necessary for me to fight against this society with all my flaws. I can't fight against this huge society. I can only pray with my original childlike heart that this society can be honest with me.

My parents have grown old in the past three years. Sometimes they feel bad when they waste time and money outside. I used to want to do something by myself, but now I often want to help my parents do something. Even if I buy them some food they like, I feel better. I know that when they gave birth to me, they were paying for nothing in return. What I can do is insignificant, but even so, I will do it. I don't want this kind of tragedy to happen. I don't want my mother to be like Shi Tiesheng's mother. The world understands that her departure is that God thinks she is too bitter, so he took her away in advance. I can't promise them a luxurious life, but I think I can do my best. It doesn't matter if you are bitter, but you must be as willing to buy things for them as they are when you buy things for yourself.

In these three years, besides my parents, I have to mention Dongyang and Brother Wang again. Yes, they, like my parents, are paying without return.

I sometimes feel that this fate is unfair. I have no golden key to hold. I have not become the second generation of officials and the second generation of rich people. Like many people, we have to fight to get what we want. However, God treats me well in this unfair fate. I can have a lot of frank treatment, can have a lot of friendship online love, which is enviable.

I can tell my parents about things I don't want to tell them, and I can tell them about problems I can't solve. This life treats me well.

Many people say that they envy me. A sense of freedom, a sense of love. In this wonderful time, I have a full and comfortable life. In fact, sometimes it's tiring to be busy outside.

People need a support point. People without a support point are easy to collapse. When I wrote a message to Chen Daqi, I said that sometimes I was tired outside and wanted to go back to school because I had you with me in school. I didn't need to be strong to face things. I didn't need to clear complicated interpersonal relationships. As long as I played with you heartlessly and only with my stomach, I would feel happy, simple and beautiful.

I think I haven't wasted these three years. No matter what, it is a growth exercise. Every thing can be turned into experience. There are gains and losses. It is impossible to describe success and failure in detail. Everything happens with its own reason.

I have had many dreams in the past three years, and those who have countless dreams will surely have countless dreams broken in the years. Some dreams are vulnerable, while others are laughed at. In the eyes of many people, I am not a hero, but in my own mind, I should always measure and motivate myself by the standard of a hero!

Goodbye, my high school.

Goodbye, my three years.

High School Life (3)

Time flies, and I have grown up in a hurry with the passing of years.

Looking back on the past and looking forward to the bright moon, I am full of infinite imagination and hope - I am about to start my dream of high school life!

Being a high school student means that I will shoulder more responsibilities. What is the responsibility?

First of all, I should be responsible for my own learning. I know that "learning is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will fall back." I also know that "if you don't accumulate silicon steps, you will never reach a thousand miles; if you don't accumulate small streams, you will never become a river or a sea.". The study in high school may be a little heavy, but today's accumulation is to lay the foundation for future success. I am determined to listen carefully and study hard. After a busy and intense day of study, I will stick to finding time to read. Learning is a process of constantly absorbing knowledge. I am determined to be a sapling, and I will not miss any opportunity to learn. I will try to absorb the nutrients of growth and progress from teachers and books, so that one day in the future, I can grow into a towering tree, stretching its thick branches and leaves.

Learning is important, but I think a person's moral cultivation is also important. The study of high school life is not only academic, but also personal character. The word "senior high school student" not only marks my academic progress and physical growth, but also requires my mind to become mature. Maturity means that I want to lose my youth and tenderness in primary school and junior high school, use polite language, treat people with integrity, and pay attention to national and international events at the same time. I know that our generation is the hope and future of our motherland. To care about current events is to care about our motherland. We grow up together with our motherland. I want to be a positive young man with ideas, morality and good quality.

Say goodbye to the childishness of junior high school students, and we will gradually become mature; Waving to yesterday's ignorance, we will travel in the ocean of knowledge. High school life, everything is full of infinite beautiful fantasy. I will be full of hope!

High School Life (4)

I hope this dream is sweet and fragrant, which makes my mouth smile. It doesn't need to be perfect, but it is unforgettable until I wake up—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

When I first came to Ngao, I listened to a new classmate in a new seat in the new classroom say, "I came here to go to Tsinghua." I think my dream of Ngao is not limited to that.

Leaving the nest for the first time, go ahead alone. The first time I lived on campus, I was curious and nervous. The first night I was not used to it. Fortunately, the head teacher gave us nearly an hour to adapt. The roommates were not familiar with each other, so they washed together with shyness. After I washed, I found that the clothes were wet, but I had to make do with it; After washing my hair, I found that there was no plug board to blow my hair, so I had to sleep wet; I went to the public toilet to wash my clothes and squatted on the ground, only to find that I didn't take any soap. All kinds of situations can only be shouldered by oneself without parents, which makes us realize the difficulty of facing alone. My Engo dreams of independence.

When you get along with others, you will become sentimental over time. When we get along with our classmates day and night, friendship comes into being inadvertently. That time I caught a cold for a long time, but I didn't get well. I always coughed gruffly in class. After a class, classmate T compared his mouth with me across several rows of seats and said, "Have you taken medicine for your cold. "I have some, no need." But she still ran to me and gave me the box. I left again without saying thank you. This little thing has warmed me for a long time. Of course, there are many others, such as helping when cleaning, helping when falling, and explaining when confused. My Engo dreams of friendship.

There is no end to learning and a long journey. Since the first monthly exam, my heart seems to be scratched by my paws every day due to the coming of the Three Festivals. Failing the weekly exam several times in succession. The approaching of the second monthly exam forced me to adjust my condition and be fully armed. Before the last weekly math exam, I told myself that I should adjust back and not drop any more. Who knows, when I read the grades, I went from more than 140 to 120, and the next one was 105. I bowed my head, grabbed my pen, and my palm was sweating: it's over! Then I heard my name: 109! My heart jumped, and my weakness and loss wrapped me. Back in the bedroom, lying on the bed, there were still people laughing and playing, no change. I said to myself, "This is a lesson. It hasn't changed anything except inspiring you. The upcoming second monthly exam is the focus!" I knew that I needed to practice. My Ngao dreams of struggle.

My dream of Engao is not only about learning, but also about teaching my own life. My dream of Engao has nothing to do with achievements, only gains.

High School Life (5)

What is magnificent is that the train of the third year of senior high school has already arrived with a roar. My high school career is almost finished.

In the noisy classroom, when I can sit down very quietly, hold my cheeks, and think about a third of the dead. A little surprised, a little happy, and a little sad. Sometimes I think about the advantages of life.

Almost every day, I travel alone in the stream of people. Get up at 6 o'clock on time in the morning, wash and tidy up the bedding, and pick up a handful of books. Either Tagore's Selected Poems is a Chinese textbook or an English textbook. Run straight to a meadow. This is the base camp for reading in the morning. I think I read it very quietly. This is the conclusion drawn from the fact that several schoolsisters who came here early to study like me later gradually moved to the site.

Then, with only 20 minutes left for self-study in the morning, he hurried to the canteen, exchanged a few notes for a steamed bread and a bottle of soya bean milk, and hurriedly picked up a seat to sit down.

After school at noon, it was hard to find me in the mess hall, which was full of food shopping wounds. I'm doing my homework this morning in the classroom. Save time and watch your favorite poetry collection freely later.

In a day's time, it is the afternoon time that makes me most happy. I am glad that the gentle wind in the afternoon brings me a bit of coolness. It is a gentle caress when I travel through the coastal city and the space between the octopus palms of every plane tree on the campus. In such a gentle breeze in the joyful afternoon, standing on the library steps facing the west from the perspective of sadness that is defined by people, I calmly watched the parting between sunset and sunset in the sky. I'm glad to be able to walk to the classroom alone with a little turbulent peace after watching, rubbing white canvas shoes and listening to the slight "rustling" sound. One half of the heart is cool and the other half is soft and warm. A cavity of warmth slowly sublimated.

The warmth in my heart is everything I like. I like to be deeply immersed in Zhang Ailing's harmonica, which is stripped of vermilion paint, in the cold night, playing a sad and desolate gesture to perform a long long ago... long long ago... I am looking for that sad and desolate girl. I like to retreat quietly in a dark corner in the midst of a hilarious scene. If it is not completely dark, half of the afternoon sun will hit the ground and climb slowly on the curled up heart. Looking far away, that farther place, Haizi has untouchable happiness in the distance, but the happiness in the distance is how painful.

The surrounding area is as noisy as it is. Outside the window and downstairs, the intermittent pedestrians are not more fragmented by the overhead electric fan. The tail wind in summer, blowing in gusts, still carries the unique damp heat of this southern city. The aluminum alloy guardrail on the balcony is shining in the noon sun, a little hidden in the arms. Finally, it was quiet. Finally, it was quiet

When the whole sky was still shrouded in a thick fog, there was a girl holding "Children's Poems". Her short hair was lifted up by the first wave of Buddha in the morning, and flew in the morning. The girl suddenly stopped a little surprised, and immediately raised an upward arc in the corner of her mouth. She saw a dewdrop beside her toe sleeping in the scoop of petals falling last night, and was opening her mouth to ask her clear morning. She also whispered "Hi, morning" Hi, good morning. Hi, my crisp and bright high school career, in a colorful dawn, is a new sail.

High School Life (6)

Some people say that high school life is like a cup of bitter and astringent coffee, which needs sweet laughter to adjust; Some people say that high school life is as tough as hell, and it needs the will of a steel man to persevere; And I said that high school life is like a youth march, which needs a young, confident and outstanding musician to play her, that is, me

Youth March

1 -- Rainbow friendship

"Ding Lingling", the class bell rang suddenly in the silent classroom. It seemed that the students were still intoxicated with the knowledge points of the old exam and did not wake up. The classroom continued to be silent. Then there was a burst of laughter, and the class was boiling up in an instant. Everyone played together. Yes, this class of students who are both dynamic and static are my new classmates

The rain patted gently on the window. I stared blankly at the falling rain and thought, "It's too bad I didn't bring an umbrella. After the school bell rang, the rain didn't seem to stop, and it was falling more and more. Helplessly, I looked at the students who had left one by one, and felt a sense of sadness in my heart."

Suddenly, I saw several students turn back. I didn't know when they had an umbrella in their hands. More and more students turned back, and my eyes began to slowly pour out tears. I took one of the students' umbrellas, and everyone laughed spontaneously

We were walking on the wet road, the rain stopped at some time, but I was reluctant to let go of my umbrella. I looked up at the sky gently, and suddenly there was a beautiful rainbow in the sky. I fell into meditation - isn't our friendship just like a rainbow? The same beauty, the same illusion, the same preciousness--------

Youth March 2 --- Love in Silence

"Ding Lingling" The class bell rang, and I went back to my seat to wait for the class to finish and then went home. This is the class of the head teacher. She is a teacher of physics. I heard that she has taught for many years. I dare not be too presumptuous or speak too loudly, but gently tilt my head out of the window

After class, when I want to go home immediately, the teacher always takes me to the office to help me with my lessons, In fact, the teacher didn't say that I also knew that my grades had been sliding down like a "slide" since I was in the second year of senior high school. However, the teacher didn't give up my silent help. An hour later, the teacher explained the homework that was specially assigned to me tonight. I only promised and then ran away. I didn't know whether I had conscience to find out, I went back to finish my homework carefully. I got up early in the morning and returned to school

Unexpectedly, the teacher was earlier than me. I stood outside the office secretly and looked at the teacher. There were several silver threads in my dark hair, and my face was full of traces of years. When I thought of her kind smile, she always cared about me. The teacher never used words, but took actions to care about me. In this room, I suddenly understood that the teacher's love was speechless. I summoned up the courage to shout out "report, teacher"

Youth March 3 --- Phoenix Bathing in Fire

The bell "Ding Zero" reminded me that the college entrance examination was not far away. In the oath taking ceremony the day before yesterday, I vowed that in the college entrance examination, I would use the pen in my hand to turn into a pass knife in Guan Yunchang's hand to "one man can take the pass, ten thousand men can't defeat" and ride Zhao Yun's white horse to gallop in the college entrance examination battlefield

The college entrance examination is burning like a bath fire in my heart. Come on. I won't be afraid of you. If you are a bath fire, I will be a bath fire phoenix. Let you achieve me

Let my youth march ring in the old music room of the school; Let me leave this movement of Youth March in the school's long library

Come on, let's hear the Youth March now