I'm really a junior high school student (4 in total)
Elderly but not young
2024-02-28 00:56:34
junior middle school

I'm really in junior high school (1)

Everyone has a pursuit, a goal, and wants to achieve their own value in life. When you give love, sincerity and help others; When you are not afraid of hardship, meditate and solve problems; When you sweat, make achievements, and go to the podium, you will silently applaud yourself: in fact, I am really good!

In the school, I play, study, play, and exercise with my classmates every day, always accompanied by happiness. When some students encounter difficulties, I will not hesitate to help them. When I hear the sincere "thank you", I will feel very relieved. In class, when I answered the teacher's questions, she would give me a happy praise: "Good answer, you are really good!" When encountering a difficult problem, after racking my brains, the idea of solving the problem would suddenly become clear. At this time, I would be overjoyed and pat my forehead: "I am really good!"

I never relax in my study. Even if I failed in the exam, I would silently encourage myself in my heart: Lan Xueting, come on! Be sure to succeed next time! I firmly believe that as long as I work hard, I will achieve good results!

Every week, the whole class will take turns to clean the classroom. When it's my turn to be on duty, I never goof off and will definitely clean the classroom. Even if I am not on duty and find there are paper balls and garbage on the classroom floor, I will "catch" it in time and let it disappear. Seeing the students studying hard and happily in the clean classroom, I will feel that I am really good!

Every day when I come home from school, I will relieve fatigue for my parents who have worked hard all day, knock their backs, massage, tell stories... My parents always praise me as a good daughter. I'm not free on Saturdays and Sundays, either. In the morning, I help my parents buy breakfast and prepare lunch dishes; At noon, I will go into the kitchen and cook with my busy mother; In the afternoon, our whole family started cleaning together, sweeping, mopping, cleaning tables and chairs... I also helped my mother wash clothes, I don't know how much effort I saved my parents! Every night before I go to bed, I will think about what I have done in the past day. I am very happy: "I am really good!"

In front of the elders, my grandparents praised me for being polite and sensible. My older brothers and sisters, who were five or six years older than me, also said that I was cute and obedient. Between friends, they will sincerely communicate with me and never snub me or bully me. Even younger brothers and sisters said I was a good sister. These make me very happy, I am very good!

My friends, do you want to be a good student whom everyone likes and praises? Then please extend your hands and offer your love; Please muster up your courage and play your own specialty; Please develop the habit of bearing hardships and standing hard work, and establish self-confidence of never giving up! Although I am good, I hope everyone is good!

I'm really in junior high school (2)

I am a little fat, and I have no advantage in land sports. Swimming in the water is just right, and tumbling in the waves is the best.

As a junior high school student, the ultimate goal is the high school entrance exam, and sports is also very important. As a chubby, if he chooses to take the long-distance test, he overestimates himself. But as long as fat people get into the water, they have their own buoyancy rings. They are much more powerful than those thin people who can't move and sink! Therefore, this summer I chose to work hard to train the 200 meter freestyle, and I want to reach the standard of full swimming score in the middle school entrance exam of 4:36 seconds.

I am Xiaopang who sweats like rain and sticks to it. Put on my swimming cap, adjust my swimming goggles, and I jumped into the blue embrace. I practiced carefully according to the coach's requirements, and mastered the basic essentials and various tips suitable for me. Kick, row, breathe, and practice again and again tirelessly. In the 50 meter swimming lane, I swim hard. The whistle blew on the bank and the water was silent. At that time, I was tired only when I left the blue swimming pool.

Finally, I am familiar with the essence of these movements, and the speed is getting faster and faster. I felt that I was really good, so I confidently asked the coach to help me with my model exam.

At the command, I climbed the wall with my legs and rushed out like an arrow leaving the string. The first lap was easily completed. "It's too easy. It seems that 200 meters is too simple." I was proud of myself. My legs made great efforts to make a huge white "flower". My hands worked hard with the stroke, and strings of transparent bubbles followed my sea lion like posture, never giving up. At the end of the second lap, I felt something strange. By the third lap, I was a little overwhelmed. Maybe the physical strength was exhausted before, too hard. My lungs protested, "Master, I'm going to die. I'm too overloaded. Can you slow down? I'm almost out of breath." I adjusted the rhythm slightly in time and passed the third lap smoothly.

At the fourth and final lap, I suddenly accelerated like Sun Yang and sped away like a target, when all the organs of my body began to protest: "No, give us a way to live, please!".

"Four minutes and eleven seconds, you are really good!" Coach Shao praised me loudly and excitedly, and coaches from other swimming lanes also came to see me. Coach Shao proudly said to everyone, "I have six successful students, and this is one of them".

With a spirit of hard work, I reached and exceeded my goal. I know that this is the spirit of the Chinese people. I will win if I love to fight. I'm really good.

I'm really in junior high school (3)

In the summer vacation, my father and I came to Changzhou Play Valley to play. We played a lot of projects, including pirate ship, rudder of heaven and various 5D movies. One of the most exciting is the roller coaster.

In the past, when I saw other people playing the roller coaster, they were sitting on the roller coaster happily spinning up and down, and there were bursts of screams from time to time. I was very envious, but I was very afraid, so I would not hesitate to give up the idea of playing the roller coaster. Today, in order to realize my "wish", I took the courage to pull my father's coat and said to him, "Today, I'm going to take the roller coaster!" My father was stunned at first and asked, "Aren't you afraid?" I forced out two words: "No no fear!" My father firmly said, "OK! Let's pull the hook!" I reached out my trembling hand and hooked my father's big hand, I whispered, "Pull hook, pull hook, don't change in a hundred years!" I walked to the roller coaster in fear.

We walked to the front of the roller coaster, and the crazy screams of tourists came from the air. Some of the tourists coming out of the exit looked pale, and some of them vomited as soon as they got out of the car. Some of them touched their tears and said, "Oh, I really shouldn't play!" "I don't want to play again next time, which scared me to death!" said another tourist. At this time, I was even more afraid. When I was about to back down, I thought of the promise with my father, so I had to follow him. But at this time, my hands and feet were cold, and my heart was racing. "Dong, Dong, Dong..." It seemed that I was about to jump out. Maybe it was a roller coaster phobia! Just then, the roller coaster started unconsciously.

Strange to say, I suddenly felt light when I got on the bus. The car came first and slowly climbed the slope. I felt like sitting on a bus, and I was not afraid at all. When I was proud, I suddenly went downhill at a high speed. My heart and intestines seemed to be pouring out, and it was dark before my eyes. Before I recovered, I made another sharp turn. My body leaned to the right, as if I were about to fall into the abyss. I felt dizzy again.

"Please prepare yourself and make a second turn at once." A voice came from the radio.

"What? Another lap?" I shouted in panic.

My father comforted me, "I'll teach you a clever trick, and I'm sure you won't be dizzy any more."

"What kind of trick? Tell me quickly!" I asked eagerly.

"Curl up, look down at your feet, and yell when you are in danger, which can relieve tension. Try it!"

I turned around according to my father's "trick", but I was still nervous, and I held my father's hand tightly. The car is like a mouse drilling a hole in the ground, while it is like an eagle spreading its wings and flying... In just two minutes, it seems that two long centuries have passed. But this circle has eased me a lot, and I can walk out of the car safely, but my father's hand has been caught red by me.

Playing the roller coaster not only made me feel the thrill of the roller coaster, but also made me understand that when encountering difficulties or emergencies, don't panic, don't hesitate and retreat, and have a calm and strong heart.

That roller coaster taught me how to be brave!

I'm really a junior high school student (4)

Because of the cold, my voice has become very bad. However, in the restaurant, I still didn't resist the temptation of delicious food and ate a spicy fish flavored shredded meat. He has violated the precept of "acrimony and stimulation". Because of this, my voice went down three thousand feet.

When I woke up at noon one day, my voice was hoarse to the end. At this time, the fourth Mencius asked me something, and I immediately replied. Mencius found something wrong, immediately put down his work and ran to me. I was shocked by her. I just wanted to spit out something about her, but her serious expression made me speechless. Although Mencius did not like to laugh, he also did not like to keep a straight face. Mencius asked seriously, "What's the matter?" I replied weakly to the truth. Now she was even more unhappy. She asked, "Did you take the medicine?" She replied, "No, I didn't." She replied, "How dare you say... where did you put your medicine? It's good to have such a roommate. Although she has a stiff face, it's also because I don't care for my voice!

Although the medicine was found, didn't it still need to be soaked? I have no water. When she saw me, she grabbed my cup without saying anything. I went to the place where the water was collected. When I got to the classroom, Mencius had already collected the water and soaked it with medicine. It was also placed on the window next to my seat, and there was her cup on the table.

Pick up the cup, it's very hot. My colleague said that she stayed here specially. Maybe I'm afraid of scalding. Let me drink some cold water.

Although the cup is very hot, I feel very warm. Don't feel warm in your hands, but also in your heart. After drinking the medicine and finishing class, she ran to ask questions again.

I think my voice is much better, not only the medicine, but also her concern. This concern is not to give help in time of need after experiencing difficulties, nor to casually ask for help, but to really care.