Narrative on environmental protection (5 in a collection)
I am a cloud
2024-03-10 06:35:53

Narration of environmental protection (1)

Today, I read three compositions, namely, "Snake and Crops", "Deer and Wolf Story", "Sweeping the Forest", and "Snake and Crops". They said that there was a tsunami along the coast of Guangdong, and the crops could not grow. An old farmer bought a batch of snakes back, and the crops were harvested. Why should snakes be kept in the fields to harvest? It turned out that the flood drowned all the snakes hidden in the cave, but the vole swam to the trees and the hillside to save its life. Later, when the flood subsided, the voles returned to the bad crops in the fields. There was no snake to catch them. They were in a very fast series, and the crops were spoiled by the voles.

Now there are snakes in the fields, and a large number of field mice are eaten by snakes, so the crops have been harvested well. In fact, the interaction between things is very complex. We must study them so that things will not backfire. The Story of Deer and Wolf tells that there are more than 4000 deer living in Kaibabesensen in northern Arizona of the United States, but the President has more deer in the West. Roosevelt wanted to have more deer and killed all the wolves. As a result, less than 8000 sick deer are surviving. The creatures living on the same earth are mutually restricted and interrelated. It sometimes makes serious mistakes to judge the good and evil of animals only based on their one-sided understanding of the nature itself. People must respect this relationship in animals and even in the whole biological world.

"Sweeping the Forest" tells us that the forest officials cut all the weeds, leaves and bushes, and then the forest was destroyed. We should respect the laws of nature.

There are connections between creatures. Don't destroy them until you know what's going on.

Narration of environmental protection (2)

The night before yesterday, I went for a walk after dinner. When I went home, I passed by the supermarket and bought a lot of food. When I checked out, the cashier lady asked me whether I wanted to buy a plastic bag. First, I was stunned, and then I realized that the plastic restriction was implemented from June 1, which made me notice that the stacks of plastic bags of different sizes that were placed neatly on the table had disappeared. Because I didn't prepare in advance, I had to spend three yuan to buy a large plastic bag and put everything in it.

In fact, the awareness of environmental protection has been established for a long time. Some people proposed shopping with cloth bags long ago, but this time is the real participation of the whole people. Although at the beginning we were not used to putting different categories of goods in the same bag, let alone preparing several bags when shopping on the street. I believe it won't be long before everyone gets used to it.

I watched an episode of "Iwatsu Watching Japan" hosted by Bai Yansong a long time ago, which was about Japanese environmental awareness. The disposable lunch boxes that Japanese buy when they go shopping in supermarkets need to be cleaned and recycled. One of the five lunch boxes is environmentally friendly; The milk packaging box became a special paper with supermarket name, which was very touched at that time. Some time ago, I read the book "Iwatsu Watching Japan" from beginning to end, and was deeply touched again. It is hard for me to imagine how an ordinary Japanese family classifies garbage into 17 types, and how to put different garbage into different garbage points at different times.

Why is the sky more blue, why is the water clearer, why is the air cleaner, why is the city cleaner

To protect the environment, start with me.

Narration of environmental protection (3)

Everyone is responsible for environmental protection. I accidentally caught a cold. I didn't know why, so I went to see a doctor. My mother asked if it was flu. My mother asked.

The doctor shook his head and said: because there are too many viruses in the air, garbage everywhere, dust from house repair, industrial exhaust gas, etc., these all lead to poor air quality and many viruses. I seem to understand a lot.

With the development of society and the continuous improvement of living standards, we have drunk tap water, used TV sets, refrigerators, heaters, elevators, etc. But in life, we are constantly wasting resources: water for cleaning, watering flowers, and washing clothes are wasted every day. How useful is water for us? Water is needed for watering farmland, building houses, flowers and trees, as well as people's domestic water and industrial water. Without water, we cannot survive. However, water is being wasted and polluted by us. If we use the water for washing dishes to water the flowers, the water for washing clothes to clean, and the water for washing hands should be boiled down, how much water should we save. The same is true for electricity. Each of us turns on one less light, watches one less hour of TV, and takes one less elevator every day. How much electricity should we save. When we stood on the street, we smelled stink. When we walked on the street, there was garbage everywhere. Looking up, we saw that the sky was gray, one car after another was emitting exhaust gas, and some people were cutting down trees to observe. After careful consideration, our environmental awareness was really poor.

Nature cannot be improved, and people can choose green life and environmental protection. Everyone is responsible.

Narration of environmental protection (4)

Water is the source of life. We should protect every drop of water. Everyone knows this sentence, but how many people can do it? People always leave the tap on after washing their hands, and then pour out the rice washing water.

Each of us can't live without water, so we should use it when washing our faces; Use it when drinking water; Even when children are splashing water, it is so important to use water, but people are still wasting water.

Once, our family went to Grandma's house for dinner, and we all ate delicious food with relish. After eating, I found my hands were very dirty, so I went to the bathroom to wash them. Suddenly, I saw a large washbasin slowly dripping water from the tap. At that time, the water had already dropped half of the washbasin. I immediately asked Grandma: Grandma, why don't you turn off the tap? It's a waste of water! Let me turn it off! No, no. Grandma smiled and said, "I opened it on purpose. I always use it to hold some water, right?". I didn't say anything. After a few minutes, I went to the bathroom again. I looked inside and saw that the basin was already full, and the water had splashed out. Then I said to Grandma, "Grandma's basin is full!"! Then turn off the tap. Grandma said. I thought to myself: I didn't know how much water I wasted in the few minutes I threw out!

Not only water saving, but also environmental protection!

Narration of environmental protection (5)

Narrative composition for environmental protection 600 words 1

The earth is our home on which we live. Like our mother, it provides us with resources and conditions for survival. We are the masters of the earth. We should protect it as if we were good to ourselves.

Who doesn't want to make their home better and more beautiful? However, with the development of science and technology, there are more and more kinds of household garbage, most of which will cause environmental pollution. For example, if our commonly used batteries are not properly treated after use, it will cause great environmental pollution. According to research, a waste button battery can make 600000 liters of water undrinkable. If everyone discards a waste battery, then water will become a luxury at that time.

Therefore, in order to protect the environment, please classify the garbage.

China implemented the "plastic restriction order" on June 1, 20xx, which saved 37 million barrels of oil every year. Plastic bags are very common for ordinary families, but did you know that plastic bags are a major factor in environmental pollution. Plastic bags are made of petroleum, which not only consumes a lot of resources, but also takes 520xx years to be naturally decomposed.

Therefore, in order to protect the environment, please reduce the use of plastic bags.

The recent global climate change conference held in Copenhagen has sounded the alarm bell again. Although it failed to achieve the intended effect, if we failed to do so, no matter how big the meeting was, it would be just a figurehead. The meeting said that now the global average temperature is gradually rising, and most icebergs have begun to melt. If this continues, the world will be flooded. The current global average temperature has increased by 1.1 ℃ compared with the past. Although it is only a small 1.1 ℃, this is the "global average temperature"! If the global average temperature increases by 4 ℃, the temperature in the Arctic and Antarctic will increase by 16 ℃. By then, big trees will be seen in the Arctic and Antarctic. Think about what the world will be like then?

In fact, we humans are the culprit of these disasters. According to research, the electrical appliances or other things we use every day will emit a lot of carbon dioxide, which is a major factor in raising the temperature. If you reduce the use of electrical appliances, the carbon dioxide emissions will also be reduced. Car exhaust also contains a large amount of carbon dioxide, so parents should always be reminded to take the subway or bus when going to work or traveling, and drive less private cars as far as possible, so as to reduce the emission of a large amount of carbon dioxide.

Therefore, in order to protect the environment, please reduce the use of electrical appliances and drive less private cars to work or travel.

As the master of society, it is our bounden duty to improve the earth environment. If everyone in the world is environmentally friendly and environmentally friendly every day, we can create a new and beautiful world!

Narrative composition for environmental protection 600 words 2

Looking around, there are only concave and convex land. Large areas of forests have been cut down and become wood products in people's lives. People only make groups of animals homeless and rush to other places for their own interests. This is not a false illusion, it is a bloody fact.

Once upon a time, a large number of animals and plants in the world were extinct, and many more animals and plants were endangered. Why? This is because people cut down trees and destroyed the ecological environment, which is the fundamental reason.

Land resources are one of the three major geological resources (mineral resources, water resources and land resources) and the most basic resources and labor objects of human production activities. The degree of land use reflects the development of human civilization, but it also causes direct damage to land resources, which is mainly manifested in water and soil loss, land desertification, land secondary salinization and soil pollution caused by unreasonable cultivation, of which water and soil loss is particularly serious, which is another serious crisis facing the world today. It is estimated that the amount of topsoil loss of cultivated land in the world is about 23 billion tons/year.

Some people believe that acid rain is a silent crisis, the most serious environmental threat that has ever hit us, and an invisible enemy. This is not alarmist. With the increase of industrialization and energy consumption, acid emissions are also increasing. They enter the air and form acid rain through a series of actions.

Although red tide has existed since ancient times, with the rapid development of industrial and agricultural production, water pollution has become increasingly serious, and red tide has become increasingly serious. Since the first report in 1933, there have been 194 large-scale red tides in China until 1994, of which only 4 occurred before the 1960s and 157 since 1990. Petroleum pollution is quite harmful to water quality and aquatic organisms. The oil floating on the water surface can quickly diffuse to form an oil film, which prevents the water surface from contacting the air and reduces the dissolved oxygen in the water. Oils contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) carcinogens, which can harm human health after being enriched by aquatic organisms. Sulfur dioxide is mainly generated from the combustion of sulfur containing materials such as coal and fuel oil, followed by nature, such as volcanic eruptions and forest fires. Sulfur dioxide has strong irritation on human conjunctiva and upper respiratory tract mucosa, which can damage the respirator tube and cause bronchitis, pneumonia, even pulmonary edema and respiratory paralysis. The mortality rate of elderly or chronic patients exposed to sulfur dioxide with a concentration of 0.5 mg/m3 for a short time is higher, and those with a concentration higher than 0.25 mg/m3 may worsen the condition of patients with respiratory diseases. The respiratory system diseases of people exposed to 0.1 mg/m3 air for a long time increased. In addition, sulfur dioxide is easy to cause corrosion, peeling, fading and damage to metal materials, housing construction, cotton textile chemical fiber fabrics, leather paper and other products. It can also make plant leaves yellow or even wither.

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment.

Narrative composition for environmental protection 600 words 3

Protecting the environment is not a temporary matter. We need to adhere to it every day and take practical actions anytime and anywhere. As long as everyone of us takes action, we will be able to save our living home - the earth.

Save electricity, protect resources and reduce pollution.

Electricity is something that every primary school student has access to every day, and it is also inseparable from our daily study and life, but it is now consumed alarmingly. Therefore, every move in electricity use should be based on saving.

In China, power generation mainly depends on coal, while the coal on the earth is limited. At the current consumption rate, the world's coal will be consumed in 250 years. After that, we will have no coal left to our descendants.

To save electricity is to save coal and directly contribute to reducing air pollution. Because acid rain is formed due to coal burning, it can strongly corrode buildings, acidify soil and water quality, lead to food production reduction, and kill vegetation, fish and shrimp. It is calculated that the economic losses caused by acid rain in South China and Southwest China alone amount to 14 billion yuan every year.

Saving electricity can slow down the global warming. Due to the large amount of carbon dioxide emitted from coal combustion, it acts as a cover to block the heat from the ground to the sky, resulting in the greenhouse effect. If the earth temperature rises, drought or floods will occur, and icebergs will melt. If all the icebergs on the earth melt, the countries and islands with lower elevations will disappear.

We who live today are sure to enter the next century. Many of them are vulnerable to global warming. 135000 children in 192 schools in Germany vowed to reduce the harmful greenhouse gases in their communities by 10%. They changed into energy-saving lamps, refused to use air conditioners, gave up using cars and chose bicycles. After seven months of hard work, they have reached their goal.

In a twinkling of an eye, we are about to enter the beautiful June again. This is a good time to plant trees and green the country. In order to create a good green home and protect the ecological environment, I suggest that students:

Love nature, love flowers and trees, protect rare animals, and carry out tree planting and green protection activities.

Actively promote environmental protection and bring environmental awareness to thousands of households.