Words of the Eyes (7 articles)
Demon dispelling heaven and earth
2024-01-05 01:57:55
fifth grade
reaction to a book or an article

Eyes (1)

Eyes -- the window of the soul -- Feeling Bai Zimeng after reading The Words of Eyes

There is a clear world in everyone's eyes. Everything is bright, but the world in my eyes is vague. I can't see anything clearly. I have just entered the fifth grade, and I have put on my small glasses with a temperature of nearly 300 degrees. This "little rascal" sits on my nose all day long, which makes me very worried. A beautiful little girl has now turned into a little four eyed girl. This event has left me with a big stone in my heart and depressed all day long. I always want my eyes to light up quickly.

On Sunday, I read the article "Words of Eyes". When I saw the title, I thought: How can eyes speak? I read the article carefully with a question mark. After reading, I found the answer. It turns out that this article was written by the author in a personification way. I summarized it and mainly talked about three points:

The first point is: "When some children see some good books, they forget everything and even read when they walk." Doing so, "makes me too tired, and the adjustment function of the lens will be affected." This reminds me that a few days ago, my father bought me a book to explore aliens, called The Mystery of Aliens and UFOs. I read it when I walk and eat. Later, My eyes were a little sore, so I closed the book and had a rest for a while, which gave my eyes a moment's rest. This makes me realize that we should take good care of our eyes and not let them get too tired, so that they can have a proper rest.

The second point is: "When some children see good books, they also read them in bed." I also have this problem. I like to read in bed, because it is very comfortable to read in bed, especially when I want to sleep in bed at night. But my brother is different. He also likes reading, but when he sleeps in bed, he doesn't even touch the edge of the book. It is because of the above two shortcomings that I am nearsighted.

The third point is: "Some children read at dusk and never turn on the light when writing." As time goes by, their eyesight will decline. I don't have this problem, because every night when I do my homework, my grandfather will remind me to turn on the desk lamp. After a long time, I have formed the good habit of insisting on turning on the desk lamp to do my homework.

In addition to the three points mentioned above, I have many bad habits, such as: I go to bed at home at 10 o'clock at night at the earliest; I am the most active when I play computer; I am close to TV when I watch TV. This is the best reason for my myopia.

After reading this article, I realized how useful eyes are to us. Therefore, we should protect it and do "eye exercises" in school recess seriously to prevent glasses from becoming more and more powerful. In this way, eyes can work better for us.

With the above three suggestions, I will take more care of my eyes in the future and let them light up quickly.

Eyes (2)

Children, of course you all know me. My name is Eye. But do you know how I work?

My knowledge is deep and complicated! In short, I am like a camera. Have you ever seen a camera? For a camera, you just need to aim at the scene, adjust the aperture and focus, and press the shutter, the image will fall on the photographic film.

But I am much more precise than a camera. I can take pictures automatically and track moving objects. My outer layer is a very strong white film, commonly known as "white eye". Although the outer shell is white, it is set off by a very strong brown black choroid inside. Just like the four walls of the camera darkbox, light cannot enter from around. The black eye bead in front of me is called cornea. It is like a transparent window and has the function of focusing the light of the camera lens. There is a round hole in the middle behind it, commonly known as "pupil", which is called "pupil" in medicine. It can automatically expand and shrink with the strength of the powder light, just like the aperture of the camera, to control and adjust the light entering the eyes. The part behind the muzzle is called lens, just like a convex lens. This is similar to the lens function of a camera. Adjust the distance to make the object clear. And the retina, just like the film in a camera. With the expansion and contraction of my six small muscles outside and the rotation of my head, I can take in all kinds of scenery like a camera.

However, I want to work in proper light; After working for a while, I have to take a break to keep my functions healthy. Some children forget everything when they see a good book, even when they walk or lie in bed. Some children can't turn on the light when reading and writing at dusk. This makes me too tired. The adjustment function of my camera lens lens will be affected. As time goes by, my diameter will lengthen, and my vision will decline. In this way, my work efficiency is seriously affected.

Therefore, everyone should protect me and do "eye exercises" seriously. In this way, I can work better for people.

Eyes (3)

Today, I read The Word of Eyes. When I saw the title, I thought: How can eyes talk? With this question, I read this article carefully. It turned out that the article was written by means of personification. In summary, the article focuses on three points. The first point: "Some children forget everything when they see a good book, even when they walk." This "makes me too tired and affects the adjustment function of the lens."

I know this. A few days ago, I read a book called "Pharaoh's Favourite Concubine". I watched it when I walked and ate. Later, my eyes were a little sore, so I closed the book and had a rest to make my eyes rest. The second point is: "Some people like to read books in bed." I also have this problem. As soon as I have a book, I can't wait to finish it. If I don't finish it before I go to bed, I will read it in the bed. Third point: "Some students read at dusk and never turn on the light when writing. This is very bad, and their eyesight will be weakened after a long time." I don't have this bad habit, because my father never allows me to do this. After reading this article, I realized how important it is to protect eyes! Therefore, we should let our eyes have a proper rest and seriously do "eye exercises." In this way, our eyes can work better for us.

Eyes (4)

There is a clear world in everyone's eyes. Everything is bright, but the world in my eyes is vague. I can't see anything clearly. I have just entered the fifth grade, and I have put on my small glasses with a temperature of nearly 300 degrees. This "little rascal" sits on my nose all day long, which makes me very worried. A beautiful little girl has now turned into a little four eyed girl. This event has left me with a big stone in my heart and depressed all day long. I always want my eyes to light up quickly.

On Sunday, I read the article "Words of Eyes". When I saw the title, I thought: How can eyes speak? I read the article carefully with a question mark. After reading, I found the answer. It turns out that this article was written by the author in a personification way. I summarized it and mainly talked about three points:

The first point is: "When some children see some good books, they forget everything and even read when they walk." Doing so, "makes me too tired, and the adjustment function of the lens will be affected." This reminds me that a few days ago, my father bought me a book to explore aliens, called The Mystery of Aliens and UFOs. I read it when I walk and eat. Later, My eyes were a little sore, so I closed the book and had a rest for a while, which gave my eyes a moment's rest. This makes me realize that we should take good care of our eyes and not let them get too tired, so that they can have a proper rest.

The second point is: "When some children see good books, they also read them in bed." I also have this problem. I like to read in bed, because it is very comfortable to read in bed, especially when I want to sleep in bed at night. But my brother is different. He also likes reading, but when he sleeps in bed, he doesn't even touch the edge of the book. It is because of the above two shortcomings that I am nearsighted.

The third point is: "Some children read at dusk and never turn on the light when writing." As time goes by, their eyesight will decline. I don't have this problem, because every night when I do my homework, my grandfather will remind me to turn on the desk lamp. After a long time, I have formed the good habit of insisting on turning on the desk lamp to do my homework.

In addition to the three points mentioned above, I have many bad habits, such as: I go to bed at home at 10 o'clock at night at the earliest; I am the most active when I play computer; I am close to TV when I watch TV. This is the best reason for my myopia.

After reading this article, I realized how useful eyes are to us. Therefore, we should protect it and do "eye exercises" in school recess seriously to prevent glasses from becoming more and more powerful. In this way, eyes can work better for us.

With the above three suggestions, I will take more care of my eyes in the future and let them light up quickly.

Eyes (5)

Yesterday, I read the article "Words of Eyes". When I saw the title of the article, I thought: How can eyes speak? I read it carefully with my greetings. After reading, I found the answer. It turned out that this article was written by the author in a personification way. I summarized it and mainly talked about three points:

The first point is that some children forget everything when they see some good books. They even read when they walk. This makes me tired and affects the 'adjustment' of the lens. I know this best. A few days ago, my classmates introduced me to read some interesting books. I read them when I walked and when I ate. Later, my eyes were a little sore, so I closed the book and had a rest for a while, which gave my eyes a moment's rest.

The second point is that some children lie down in bed to read good books as soon as they see them. I also have this problem. I love reading in bed, especially when I sleep at night. But my sister is different from me. She also loves reading, but she never reads in bed. I must learn from her and be a person who takes care of my eyes.

The third point is that some children love reading at dusk and never turn on the light when writing. This is very bad. Your eyesight will decline after a long time. I don't have this problem, because every night, I turn on the light. Even if I don't turn on the light, my mother will remind me to turn on the light.

After reading this article, I realized how useful eyes are to us. Therefore, we should protect her and do "eye exercises" seriously. In this way, eyes can work better for us.

Eyes (6)

In our daily study, work or life, we have more or less come into contact with composition bar. Composition is a speech activity with a high degree of comprehensiveness and creativity. I believe that writing a composition is a headache for many people. The following is a small compilation of words for everyone's eyes. The primary school writes a people's chronicle composition for reference only. Welcome to read it.

Our head teacher, Miss Yan, has a pair of formidable eyes. From the appearance, it's nothing, but look carefully. Hey, Miss Yan's eyes can talk.

My classmates and I all know what teacher Yan said about eyes.

Once at the opening ceremony, I talked with several students in the back and was about to point to a student in front. I squinted at Teacher Yan, who was staring at me! Teacher Yan's eyes showed a stern look, as if to say: "Don't talk, this is the opening ceremony, can't talk, quickly shut up!" I immediately sat down, stopped talking, and looked at the end of the opening ceremony.

Another time, in a Chinese class, the teacher asked a question, and the students raised their hands. I was not an exception. When the teacher called me, I was very nervous. I looked into the teacher's eyes, and there was a kind look in them, as if to say: "Don't be nervous, speak slowly, but hurry up, and the students behind will say more!" I said all the answers, and the teacher said: "Yes!" The eyes looked happy as if to say: "You answered correctly!"

Teacher Yan's eyes are like a person who can speak. What he says reminds me and lets me move forward on the road of life.

Our head teacher, Miss Yan, has a pair of formidable eyes. From the appearance, it's nothing, but look carefully. Hey, Miss Yan's eyes can talk.

My classmates and I all know what teacher Yan said about eyes.

Once at the opening ceremony, I talked with several students in the back and was about to point to a student in front. I squinted at Teacher Yan, who was staring at me! Teacher Yan's. eyes showed a stern look, as if to say: "Don't talk, this is the opening ceremony, can't talk, quickly shut up!" I immediately sat down, stopped talking, and looked at the end of the opening ceremony.

Another time, in a Chinese class, the teacher asked a question, and the students raised their hands. I was not an exception. When the teacher called me, I was very nervous. I looked into the teacher's eyes, and there was a kind look in them, as if to say: "Don't be nervous, speak slowly, but hurry up, and the students behind will say more!" I said all the answers, and the teacher said: "Yes!" The eyes looked happy as if to say: "You answered correctly!"

Teacher Yan's eyes are like a person who can speak. What he says reminds me and lets me move forward on the road of life.

Words of Eyes (7)

When you finish reading a work, you must have a lot of experience worth sharing. At this time, how can the most critical feeling of reading fall! Don't think that you can just deal with the feelings after reading. The following is a small compilation of the feelings after reading The Words of Eyes. I hope it can help everyone.

At the beginning, I felt very strange when I saw the name of this book. How could my eyes talk? With this question, I entered the world of books. The original full text was written in a personification way. Although my eyes are small, it has great effect! Now let me tell you!

First of all, as soon as the primary school student saw the book he liked, he used it regardless of everything and kept reading. Finally, as an eye, I was extremely worried that the master would let me work again, but I still could not escape the fate of the devil, and was caught by the master to read. The master was not aware of my fatigue, and I finally could not bear a heavy burden and put on a pair of glasses, Eyes are very important and need to be protected.

Second, read books in bed. For today's friends, don't talk about going to bed first, even walking and sleeping! The master is walking and reading again. I can't stand it. If only I were someone else's eyes! At this time, I really want to quit the strike. You are no stranger to the word "overtime". I will work overtime every day, and I am almost exhausted. God! Come and help!

3、 Watch TV. Many children like watching TV for a whole day. These children finally become "big fools", wear small glasses and become "four eyes". Think about it: who wants to become four eyes! But most students still can't escape from the "control" of TV and are still addicted to the world of TV. Look at how beautiful the world of knowledge is. How many successful people have gone through this road! Although I love reading; But since I read the book "Words of the Eyes", I will not work for the eyes like the primary school students above. I will also give eye holidays. Just like our weekends, the eyes are the windows of the soul, which are used to record the moments of life... When we use this partner and good helper, we should also take more care of this good partner. At the same time, I would like to remind all the children who love reading, please take care of your "window of mind" and make it more shining!