My favorite game composition (6 preferred)
Crystal Time
2023-10-04 02:32:33

My Favorite Game Composition (1)

I love playing with water at the seaside, especially in the hot afternoon, when the sea breeze blows, it's really comfortable!

Once, my father took my family to a beach without serious pollution. My sister and I had a fierce 'world water war'. We guessed to decide who would attack first, but I was the first to attack. I poured a lot of water on my sister. She defended with all her strength, but she was still defeated. Then my sister attacked, and she threw a pool of water at me. I quickly dodged, but slipped. My sister took the opportunity to attack me, and I had a brainwave. I threw sand at the pool of water that my sister threw. My sister stamped her feet angrily. When I attacked again, my sister announced her surrender... It was already dusk, and she sat in the sea looking at the red sunset, It's so beautiful!

On the way home, my mother told me: "There used to be a clear river in front of our house, with live fish and sleeping shrimp..." Now the river has turned into a black road, with fish and shrimp poisoned. I really hope that in a few years, I can go back to the old way, so that I can play with water at the door every day, Instead of going all the way to the beach.

My Favorite Game Composition (2)

My favorite game is traffic light, because it is very interesting, so I like to play.

The rule of traffic lights is that you can't catch people when they are "red", but only when they are "green". Although this game does not need equipment, I still like to play it! I always play traffic lights on the playground with my good friends after class.

When playing the game, my mood is cheerful, and playing this game can let me know many new friends, and also can train my running speed!

When playing the game, the most unforgettable thing that ever happened to me was that someone broke the rules and destroyed the atmosphere of playing the game, which made the originally interesting game very unpleasant. If I have time magic to control the time, I will make the class time stop, and then play until I am tired. Then I will return to class.

My Favorite Game Composition (3)

"Jingle bell", the bell rings after class. My heart is no longer in the classroom, and I have already flown outside. I held the "bread" tightly in my desk and made a "first level combat readiness". I only waited for the teacher to let us out of class, but the teacher seemed to be against me and refused to let us out of class. The laughter of others playing outside is echoing in my ears.

"Let's finish class." The teacher's command finally came out. I grabbed the bread and rushed out of the classroom like an arrow leaving the string to the long lost battlefield - the free playground.

Several rivals have already been waiting for me there. Ji Rongke took some big bread, but he didn't need it. But I can only stimulate him with a prod. So I said to him with the a sneer: "Don't dare to use big one to have a son?" He didn't say anything. When I saw that this plan failed, I made another one. I asked Yuan Zengguang to use a big one to fight him, so Ji Rongke would naturally use a big one. Hehe, this is called long line fishing. As expected, Ji Rongke used his own big one in order to win the big one.

He raised the bread and hit it hard on our big bread. His bread made a graceful arc in the air and fell down. Our bread bounced in the air under the powerful impact of his bread, just like a diver who turned several somersaults in the air and landed on the ground, front or front. "Yeah! No counter attack, yeah!" Our side cheered.

It was Yuan Zengguang's turn. He took a step forward with his left leg, grabbed the bread with his right hand, and swung it up and down. "Pa." Ji Rongke's bread turned upside down. "Oh!" We cheered again.

Ji Rongke used another big one in order to earn back his old money, but he didn't knock over our bread. It was my turn this time. I folded a corner of the bread and hit the bottom of his bread with a forceful impulse, which knocked it over.

"Ringing bell." After class, we rushed back to the classroom like bees, looking forward to the next bell ringing.

Grade 5: Li Fulong

My Favorite Game Composition (4)

Part 1: My favorite game

In the physical exercise class, we played the game of eagle catching chicken. This time, we were divided into groups. If the eagle catches any chicken, the eagle and the hen will be re elected. That's right, so when the "chick" hasn't dispersed yet, and the "eagle" runs behind the "hen", the "hen" must defend.

At first, the "chickens" hid behind the "hens", and then scattered around. The "chickens" often confused the "eagle". The eagle thought of another trick: sit on the ground and let the chicken relax its vigilance. Coincidentally, a "chicken" fell into the trap, but the "eagle" didn't catch the "muddy chicken", why? Because the chicken hid behind the hen.

It lasted for five or six rounds. The eagle had not caught the chicken yet, and finally the chicken was caught by the eagle. The incentive game continued for several rounds until the bell rang after class. The students are still reluctant to leave!

Chapter 2: My favorite games

My favorite game is hide and seek.

It was a Saturday afternoon. I played hide and seek with some friends. Let's have some stones, scissors and cloth to determine who should catch them.

I was chosen, not caught. They continued to scissor stone cloth, and finally Liu Yuanbo caught us. When he counted to 50, he began to catch us.

We quickly hid, and I hid in a small bush without making any noise. I saw him walking up and down in front of the tree, looking around. My heart has been pounding. I'm afraid he will find me. After a while, he saw that there was no one here and left. I'm relieved now.

I ran out quickly to hide somewhere else. I ran to a place where there was no one and hid. I want to hide here. No one else will find it.

Suddenly, I heard someone calling me behind. I was too frightened to open my eyes. Something moved me. I thought it was a rabbit. When I saw it, it was Liu Yuanbo. I was caught, and he and he went out of this place.

We played until more than five o'clock, my mother told me to go home for dinner. We had to part reluctantly.

Chapter 3: My Favorite Games

My favorite game is: shrimp fishing. I remember I was once caught by "shrimp".

The rule is: one person is a shrimp, and the others are fish. The shrimp must cover its eyes with cloth to hear the sound and touch people. If the shrimp is about to hit the wall or go to the wrong place, we will tell the shrimp not to go that way, and the shrimp will turn to catch us. The caught wheel becomes a "shrimp" and continues to catch others.

The game begins. We use the method of "scissors, hammer, cloth" to decide who is a shrimp. The loser is a shrimp. "Shrimp" was covered with cloth to catch us "fish". We "fish" scattered around and shouted in the same place: "Come on! Come on! Catch me!" "shrimp" would catch us with the sound, and we were scared to run around, and then changed positions, "shrimp" would not catch us. A man thought he could run better than "shrimp", so he made a loud noise and still stood there. "shrimp" grabbed the sound. The man started running when he saw that "shrimp" was only about one meter away from him. Unexpectedly, "shrimp" reacted quickly and caught him at once.

Such games make me feel happy, interesting and fun.

Chapter 4: My Favorite Games

I have played many games, of which the most favorite is stone, scissors and cloth!

During the activity after class, my friends and I would play with stone, scissors and paper in groups. Stone can block scissors, scissors can cut cloth, cloth! It can wrap stones. Everyone passes the old man together first. Whoever wins will stand at the front and choose three people to compete with the rest. Those four students fought with us one by one. If the four partners lose, they have to stand behind. The winning partner still chooses three people, and then the four people compete with the rest one by one.

Whenever I run past an old man with others, my heart beats very fast, because I don't know whether I can win or not. If I lose the first one, I can only go back to the end of the platoon with dejection. If I am about to win and lose the last one, I always say: "This one doesn't count, come again, come again!" The partners say: "Don't take this one." I can only go back to the tail. If we can win several people in a row, we won't be happy.

This game made me feel the helplessness of failure and the joy of victory.

My Favorite Game Composition (5)

I like playing Moore Manor, qq Hall, Obi Island... but I like playing Moore Manor and QQ Hall best, but QQ Hall was deleted by my brother as soon as I downloaded it. I know that my brother didn't intentionally delete it because he didn't like it. In this way, I didn't download it later, because it was also a whitewash. I've been playing at Moore Manor. The characters in Moore Manor are funny, lively and lovely, and very polite. They don't curse people indiscriminately. Each has its own advantages. They can also open their own restaurants. Another reason why I like it is that "their plants grow very fast, and there are many animals, including docile, timid, shy, lovely, lively, naughty... They are all the same. Animals have different personalities, maybe they live happily in the manor?

I like to play Moore Manor. It can enlighten my brain and let me get more knowledge.

My Favorite Game Composition (6)

It was almost 10 o'clock. "Go out and play." Mom's password finally came out. I grabbed the new card I just bought and rushed out of my house like an arrow to the battlefield I had long missed - the activity site in front of the building.

Several good friends have been waiting for me there. Du Jiayi took some big cards, but she didn't need them. But I can only stimulate her with encouragement. So I said to her with the a sneer: "Don't use big one, keep small one?" She didn't say anything. When I see one plan fail, I have another. I asked Yuan Yaoyu to fight with her with a big one, so Du Jiayi would naturally use a big one. Hehe, this is called long line fishing. Sure enough, Du Jiayi used her own big one in order to win the big one.

She raised the card and hit our big card hard. Her card crossed a beautiful arc in the air and fell down. Under the powerful impact of her card, our card bounced in the air, just like a diver, who turned several somersaults in the air and landed on the ground, face to face or face to face. "Yeah! No counter attack, yeah!" Our side cheered.

It was Yuan Yaoyu's turn. She took a step forward with her left leg, held the card tightly in her right hand, and swung up and down. "Pa." Du Jiayi's card turned over. "Oh!" We cheered again.

Du Jiayi used another big card in order to earn back her old money, but she didn't overturn our card. It was my turn this time. I folded the card into a corner and hit the bottom of her card with a strong impulse, which knocked it over.

At noon, Du Jiayi's mother asked her to go home for dinner. We also reluctantly left, looking forward to the next fight.