Dad wants to tell you a 600 word composition (15 in a collection)
Persistence is the key
2023-08-30 00:24:45

Dad wants to tell you a 600 word composition (1)

Dear Dad


"Mother's love is like the sea, father's love is like a mountain" Dad, as the saying goes, you are full of mountain love for me. Although you don't often express it, you accompany my growth with warm love. I have read a book and think it is suitable for you., That's Father and Son. You are very like the father in the book. You are funny and kind, and you love me meticulously.

Your love for me is all concentrated on the two bicycles outside your home. They are big and small, parked side by side, independent but close to each other, just like your love for me, giving me freedom and silently guarding.

You have witnessed my great pressure on study. In order to let me work and relax and relieve the pressure, you bought me a red and black variable speed bicycle in the summer vacation. So I went to the parking lot near my home every Wednesday and learned to ride a bike. So every Wednesday, you will take the trouble to hold the seat cushion and run behind me. I rode carefully in front of you. You were sweating after me. You shouted, "Be careful! Hold the brake. Sit straight and move forward boldly..." You know how touched I was at that time! I know that you are busy with your work and always work with your notebook. But every Wednesday, no matter how busy and tired you are, you will put down your work and teach me to ride a bike. Your company, like warm sunshine, shines deeply into my heart.

When I finally learned to ride a bike, the summer vacation was over, but your "decompression action" for me was not over. Every weekend, you will accompany me to the Qiantang River for a bike ride. When riding, I looked up at the blue sky, on one side was the sparkling river, and on the other side was the gentle river wind, which blew away my annoyance. As we rode back and forth, I couldn't help thinking of your love for me. There is always a lot of homework on weekends, and I often need to bend over my desk to study hard, but it has become a habit of my family to ride a bike to go out for the wind on weekends.

Dad, you are the father in Father and Son, and I am the son in Father and Son. I believe that in the future, I will still be the star in the book, and you will be the bright moon.

Wish you

good health!

Dad wants to tell you a 600 word composition (2)

Dad, do you know? In my heart, you are a "severely ill mobile phone patient".

As long as you pick up the phone, no one can stop it! Just like "I throw myself on the mobile phone, like a hungry person on the bread." Although you may not feel it, your daily life can be recorded by me.

I remember one time when you took me to school, when you came to an intersection, the signal light just jumped to the red light, so you stopped the car, took out your mobile phone from your pocket with "the speed of lightning", opened "Today's Headlines" quickly, and read one by one with interest. After a while, the signal light changed to green light, but you didn't realize it. I patted your shoulder and said, "Dad, it's time to go." You didn't seem to hear it. I shook and shouted, "It's time to go! Green light!......" You slowly came out of the mobile phone world, turned off the phone, and the signal light jumped to red again. You continue to turn on your mobile phone and travel in the mobile phone world... The signal light jumps again, and I yell, "Dad, the green light!" But you don't realize it. I had to grab the phone from you and shout, "I'm going to be late soon! Dad, stop playing with the phone!" You suddenly woke up and hurried to send me to school.

Another time, when it was time for dinner, you lay in bed, turned on your mobile phone and saw your favorite "dithering". I shouted to you: "Dad, it's time to eat!" You answered vaguely, but did not come. When I finished eating, I looked back and found you still lying in bed, immersed in it. I hurriedly brought the clock to you, put it in front of you, and said: "Seven o'clock!" You came to your senses again: "Ah? Seven o'clock? No, I can't, I'll be late soon!" You didn't even eat, and hurried out of the house.

Dad, although you don't play games on your mobile phone, don't play it all the time, OK? When you look at your mobile phone every day, it has become your son, and I am your son. Dad, I like you to play chess with me. I like you to take me to various places to play. Can you spend more time with me?

Dad wants to tell you a 600 word composition (3)

Dad, do you know? I have a lot of heart to say to you, but I hold it in my heart and dare not say it to you face to face. I'm afraid that if you say a wrong word, you will frown your terrible brow. I don't know what kind of "storm" it is. I'm extremely afraid. Today I will write a composition and say all my heart to you.

Dad, you have a bad habit - smoking! You smoke at least three packs of cigarettes a day. There are cigarettes on the table, near the TV, and at the computer table almost all over the family. But you know, when you smoke, my mother and I keep away from you. I asked my sister to draw a "No Smoking" sign, but you always turn a blind eye to it. When you smoke, you look "beautiful": you take out your cigarette and lighter expertly first, light the cigarette and sit on the sofa with a bang, cross your legs, take a hard puff of the cigarette, and then slowly spit it out from your nose. This may be a "enjoyment" for you, but it is "suffering" for us. My mother and I have set up a lot of smoking cessation plans for you, but you always disobey them. First, say it's OK, and then take two puffs, and then say haha. If it's OK, I'll go outside and smoke······ Now we won't give you any more, you will smoke secretly. One day when I came back from school, a smell of fragrance came to me when I entered the room. I thought it was my mother's smelly perfume, but my mother was not there. I carefully smelled the smell of cigarettes hidden in the aroma, and I knew that you were smoking again. When I wanted to go in and expose you, I couldn't bear it. I wanted to quit smoking for a day or two. Maybe you only smoked a cigarette? If you smoke in the future, I will tell my mother to teach you a lesson. But your mother can't clean you up when you smoke!

·Dad, can you think for me and my mother, and for your body, please give up smoking!

Dad wants to tell you a 600 word composition (4)

Dad, "No pine grows in the flowerpot and no eagle flies in the birdcage." I agree with that very much. However, the "hill" of pressure can crush people, and please respect my choice and don't force me to do what I don't want to do.

First of all, thank you for your kindness to me over the past ten years. Thank you for helping me with my homework, teaching me how to behave and caring about my growth.

Dad, please let me relax properly in the track of life. The requirements and homework of the school have been quite harsh and strict, but you have added fuel to the fire, put more pressure on it, and assign "homework" such as: calculation exercises, new words, word dictation... Please reduce some appropriately, so that you can practice without too much fatigue. This is like another burden on the shoulder, becoming heavier. Please don't let me always sit on a chair and look out of the window to daydream. Can you let me get to know the vast and abundant China or go to a nearby park to enjoy the beauty of nature? Although I know you are doing this for my good, I want to combine work and rest to improve my learning efficiency. Moreover, your constant pressure may backfire.

Dad, please respect my choice. Remember that time, you signed up for a cram school, and you chose composition and English. I asked tentatively: "Can you sign up for music? I... I want to learn guitar." Your eyes immediately became sharp and terrible: "What?" The stiff tone made me timid, and I had to swallow my breath without further questioning. I know the reasons why you disagree are: the weekend is very tight, and music skills are optional. However, I have such interests and hobbies, as well as basic knowledge, but I can't cultivate them. I ask you to put yourself in another position and give me a result after careful consideration. Of course, if you still deny it, I will not refute it.

Dad, please don't force me to do things I don't want to do. I did it for a reason. I want to relax, I want to take a rest, or I am not interested in that matter, it is not good for me. And please don't force me to do something by means of beating and scolding. When I grow up, I have my own decision. Please don't interfere. My decision will not be too presumptuous.

Dad, please listen to my suggestions carefully, so that learning can be fun and rewarding, and life can be enlightening and joyful, can you?

Dad wants to tell you a 600 word composition (5)

Time flies like an arrow. Time flies like a shuttle. In the twinkling of an eye, nine years have passed. In the years when I was growing up, Dad, you have always been the best dad in my heart.

Dad, I want to tell you that if you are the big tree to shelter from the wind and rain, I will be the weak grass under the tree. I still remember that when you picked me up from primary school that year, dark clouds covered the sun, and the sky seemed to be covered with a layer of black cloth, the more the pressure was getting lower. The wind is raging madly on the earth. It calls lightning. The sky is like a big hole. The rainstorm pours down. I am anxious to look around at the school gate. I don't know where to go. I saw you running towards me with an umbrella. I looked like I saw a life saving straw and slipped under the umbrella. You held my hand and listened to me talk about a busy day in school. Your hands are so warm, I can't help but warm my heart. When I got home, my mother said to you, "Oh, this is the drowned chicken coming back!" I just saw that your back was wet a lot, but there was no sign of rain on me. My nose was slightly sore, and my eyes were also wet. I know you put your umbrella on my head. Dad, I want to say to you, thank you for your meticulous care for me.

Dad, I want to tell you that if I were the child groping in the dark, you would be the street lamp with sunshine. Every weekend, you accompany me to cram school. When the exam is coming, you accompany me to analyze the wrong questions. In the days when I am at a loss, you always explain difficult problems to me again and again to help me build confidence. In order to improve my math scores, you even pretended to be a child and held math competitions with me. Every night in the dead of night, I can always see you working in the weak light in the room. I know that only when I sleep, can you have time to do something of your own. Dad, I want to say to you, you know, protecting your body is the greatest happiness for my mother and me.

Dad, your love for me is like kindling, which ignites the hope of my soul; This love is like a green shade, covering the hot sun; This love is like rain and dew, moistening the small seedlings. Dad, I want to tell you that I will work hard and repay your love for me with my excellent achievements.

#P # Subtitle # e#

Dad wants to tell you a 600 word composition (6)

Father, I am the bud you take good care of. Soak in your sweat, absorb salt and water, and gradually grow.

There must be an indulgent, selfless and tolerant person behind a crying child who supports all troubles. You stand behind me. You always tolerate my capriciousness and my vexatiousness. My life has been smooth all the way, but actually I have faced countless mistakes. It is your careless words of encouragement, meticulous care, or slightly modified glares that have inspired me to withdraw my feet at the crossroads. Spend it without danger.

Unlike many people, most fathers give their children reasonable and restrained love, while you give me all your love. Many people will say that it is childish and hypocritical to express feelings with things from the past, but those childish but sweet memories are often worth cherishing. Someone always tells me that you are really your father's treasure. If you hold it in your hand, you will be afraid of falling. If you hold it in your mouth, you will be afraid of melting. Every time I hear such words, my heart can't help being sweet, and the whole person is floating. When I'm tired, I hold it. When I can't walk, I carry it on my back. I don't beat or scold on weekdays. It's always the first thing to eat and drink. So I was spoiled and grew up.

Every child has a hero in his heart. He is all powerful and omnipotent. He is in the forefront of all difficulties. Perhaps the best interpretation of such a hero is his father. He does not care about gains and losses, and does not clearly draw boundaries. He brings the best in the world, the best he thinks, to his children without reservation. My father, my hero, he has never changed.

My dear father, you give me all your love without reservation. You don't compare me with other children, and your attention is always mine. You will never let me compromise. Even if I do something wrong, you will firmly stand by me and never compromise.

My most beloved father, I am learning your footsteps to stagger and run forward with your back, supporting your palm. I am always capricious, but I suddenly understand that I should not be capricious any more. I want to accompany you to see the vast expanse of the sea and the sky, and to enjoy the spring breeze with you. I want to make you proud, father.

Dad wants to tell you a 600 word composition (7)

One by one, summer, autumn and winter slipped away from us. In a twinkling of an eye, you have accompanied me for 18 years. Since I had the memory, your sternness and love intertwined in my life.

Neither of us is good at expressing feelings, so most of the time I prefer to stick to my mother, so sometimes we even have no communication. I am sorry for this. Sometimes I will ignore your feelings. Similarly, I am ashamed to talk with you.

However, fortunately, you are my father, and our relationship will not become rigid. We will still happily talk about our recent life. You are also very fond of me. When you want to buy a piece of clothes and some snacks, my mother will let me know that useful things can be bought, and you will persuade my mother to meet my unreasonable requirements.

But that kind of love is not groundless. You are still very strict with me in learning and doing things, but I did not meet your expectations, and my performance has declined again and again. However, please believe that I will try my best to change the current situation and stop you from getting angry, so that you and your mother will not feel that they can't count on me in future life. I won't hurt your heart again, I will try my best.

Because my sister and I have taken a lot of care of you. In addition to the hard work day after day, your body is getting thinner and thinner. Your back has been bent after giving in to time, your face is no longer smooth, and disease has haunted you all the year round. Every time I see you taking various medicines, I feel a twinge in my heart. I thought that this was the same year when I asked you to go home sweetly, Are you a man who my sister and I always want to rely on?

I dare not think about what you will be like in the future.

I know you had many regrets when you were young, and now you have no chance to make up for it. Dad, please trust me for the last time. In the future, I will not be the one who will only make you angry. I will only hold my mobile phone when I go home all day and do nothing. I will study hard and do my best to cure your disease and keep you healthy.

Dad, please take care of yourself to see my changes. I want to walk a long way with you and spend the next day happily with you.

Dad, please slow down and get old. Please wait for your daughter who wants to make up.

Dad wants to tell you a 600 word composition (8)

Dad, Mom, for many years, only I can meet my family in winter vacation or summer vacation. I study in Peng'an, while you work in Fuzhou far away. We only have two opportunities to meet each other once a year. My heart has a lot to say to you: Dad, although we don't have many opportunities to meet, you always tell me by phone that we must study hard, In class, you must pay attention to the lecture and be careful not to be careless. Your words always make me remember that reading is your only way out and the door of the treasury, and you are the tool to open the door. Dad, you are a good father. You have given me motivation and made me have an indomitable spirit in the future society. Thank you.

Mom: You also love me very much. You can sing well< There is only a mother in the world. A child with a mother is like a treasure.>I think I must be your treasure! I still remember the time when I failed in the exam. I had scolded you, but you changed my mind with one sentence, that is, failure is the mother of success, so I believe you will get a good result next time. Don't let me down, come on Mom, it is your words that make me feel confident again, so I want to say to you, you are really my good mother, I love you!

Mom and Dad, I will never forget your kindness to me. I will always love you! Because you are my good mother and good father! I hope you will come back early so that our family can celebrate the New Year again. I'm waiting for you to come back and play with me!

Dad wants to tell you a 600 word composition (9)

I have a mother that I am proud of. My mother's love moved me. From then on, I felt that money was not as important as I thought, but just a piece of broken paper. But my mother's love for me is selfless. I think I am very happy!

It was a very happy day. It was my grandma's birthday. In fact, my grandma, my father and my mother didn't manage it very much. I don't know why they managed it this year?

Mom and Dad hurried back that day and bought a lot of things. It was Grandma who smiled. She really smiled. That day I saw my mother. Mom only comes back after the Spring Festival. So I can only see it during the Spring Festival. It's like dreaming now. So my mother is not with us, but her love for us is not less. We are the apple of my parents' eyes. My mother lost a lot this time. First, my mother took us to buy clothes, boots, and... In a word, there are many things. On the way, I helped my mother get things, and my mother said I was sensible. My heart is as sweet as honey. In fact, I just want my parents to hurt us. Really hope.

My parents went back to work, and I cried. Because as soon as my parents leave, I can't find motivation. Anything I want to do will disappear because my parents leave. Mom and Dad, I just hope you can care more about us. If you alienate us, we will also alienate you. But I don't want this. I hope we can play together, laugh together, and live happily together. I hope so!

Dad wants to tell you a 600 word composition (10)

Dad, I have a lot to say to you in my heart. I am honored that I have a father who cares about me, and proud that I have a warm home although not as luxurious as a palace.

When I was young, I always felt that my father was a symbol of severity. My father was like a sharp axe to cut off all my bad habits. For example, if my head is low and my waist is not straight when I write a composition, please correct me, Dad. You know I like reading books, so I bought Haodu Books for me, including comic books, story books and composition books. My drawing level is getting better and better because I read comic books. Because I read the storybook and the composition book, my writing level is getting better and better. I know that you asked me to keep a diary in order to improve my writing skills. As long as you take me back from the trip, you will let me write a composition about the process of this trip, which can not be less than 500 words. You also want me to copy two pages of good words and sentences every day. Now I know more and more words, and I can also use these words in my composition. You bought a learning machine for my study, and soon you knew that the computer could learn, so you bought another computer. Dad, you work hard for my study. I want to say, "Thank you, Dad."

Dad, unlike other people's parents, you seldom play for children. When I want to play, I can play as long as I finish my homework. You didn't watch TV for fear that I might be nearsighted. Dad, I want to say, "It's very kind of you."

Whenever I see your weather beaten face dripping with sweat, I can imagine how hard you work. No matter how tired you are, you will still go to work. When it's windy and rainy, you always work against the wind and rain. Your hands are getting rougher and rougher. Sometimes your hands are injured for work. I don't know how many times. After the injury is healed, there are many scars left on your hands. Dad, I want to say: "You have worked hard."

Dad, the love you gave me is like kindling, which ignites the hope of the soul; This love is like green shade, covering the hot sun; This love is like rain and dew, moistening the small seedlings; This love is like a street lamp, illuminating our way forward. Dad, I want to say to you: "You will always be the best dad in my heart!"

Dad wants to tell you a 600 word composition (11)

Dad, I want to tell you a lot. For example, my helplessness, my loneliness, my worry, but I don't want you to worry; I also want to share my happiness and success with you, but I'm afraid you will say I'm proud.

From childhood to adulthood, I know how much expectation you have given me and how much effort you have devoted to me. I, in order not to disappoint you, also worked very hard: I studied very hard, worked very hard to accomplish many things in life that were impossible, and tried very hard to be strong. In the eyes of my classmates, I am just a little hedgehog, and no one can hurt me; In the eyes of the elders, I am a "model girl" who performs perfectly no matter what; But in your eyes, I will always be a child. Every time you take an exam, you will say to me: "You must be able to do it!" I will smile and nod every time. But do you know? My heart is always full of fear that I will fail in the exam and let you down. Fortunately, I didn't collapse every time. But when I took the roll of paper that was the first in my class or grade, but not full marks, to tell you, your dissatisfied eyes cut my strong disguise.

I don't know since when, I have stopped telling you about me, and I have stopped smiling to tell you how many points I have scored or what results I have achieved. I only remember that I was afraid of your expectations, which made me nervous; I don't want to see your critical look again, which makes me despair. I hope that when I fail, someone can enlighten me and encourage me; I wish I could share with others when I succeed. However, when others share and burden with their parents, I prefer to hide in my small world and solve problems by myself, and stand up on my own when I fall down.

Dad, I know you love me and have given me great expectations, but I am still a child. Dad, I have my own ideas about some things. Please don't misunderstand me. Dad, sometimes I lose my temper at you because I'm too confused and helpless. I'm sorry. Dad, I failed in my study or life. I want to solve it by myself. Please don't hit me again.

Dad, I want to say to you: "You love me, but I hope that while you love me, less restraint and criticism, more autonomy and encouragement, and I will not disappoint you!"

Dad wants to tell you a 600 word composition (12)

Dad, I want to thank you! Every morning, you will get up early and go to the market to buy fresh vegetables and meat for me to eat. You will tell me the breakfast of the next day every night and listen to my advice. If I don't like it, you will change to a better recipe until I am satisfied. When my mother is not at home, you will accompany me. Although the desk lamp is on and makes you uncomfortable, you never complain. Whenever I want to play, you will be the driver of my mother and me. No matter how far the journey is, you will never blame me. Whenever I have a question that I can't do, you will patiently explain it to me. If I can't understand it again, you will explain it to me for the second time, and for the third time until I understand it. Dad, you work hard every day to make money and give us food, drink and have fun. Dad, you have worked hard!

Dad, I hope you can play less mahjong. You will be happy if you win, but if you lose, it will not only waste money, but also affect the mood of the day. You can accompany me more on weekends and take me out to see the beautiful nature. Dad, I also hope you can smile more and keep your back straight, so that you can be 10 years younger. You are still handsome when you smile.

Dad, please play less with your mobile phone. Every day you look at your mobile phone, as if it is your second "daughter". Watching mobile phones is very bad: first, it will affect your eyesight; second, it will hurt your cervical spine. You always look at your mobile phone when you walk, go up stairs or take the elevator. When I talk to you, you just say, "Hmm!" and ignore me. Once I said to you: "The mouth will become bigger, the eyes will become smaller, and the nose will become very collapsed when you look at the mobile phone more!" You listened and said: "Is this really the case? I will never play with the mobile phone again!" But a day has not passed, you picked up the mobile phone and looked at it with interest. How could you persuade me not to listen? I hope you will play less with the mobile phone in the future, and put down the "daughter".

People say: "No gold is perfect, no man is perfect." Dad, if you change your shortcomings, you will become the best dad in the world.

Dad wants to tell you a 600 word composition (13)

Remembering every bit of everyday life, my mind always can't get around the picture of you coming home after many social engagements. I don't know since when, you seldom smile, seldom talk and play with us when you go home, and the number of social intercourse is increasing. I don't want you to feel bad because of drinking, and I don't want you to be depressed because of the pressure of life. Although I know these are unavoidable, I still want to make you happy.

Dad, I hope you don't stay up too late. I remember one time, when you came home at 2:00 in the middle of the night, you didn't know why you talked loudly in your bedroom, and the whole family woke up. The younger brother cried all the time because he didn't sleep well. It took her a long time to put him to sleep. As a result, you were lying on the ground again and couldn't get up. My mother and I had a lot of trouble to carry you to bed. As a result, you just lay on the bed and turned over and vomited all over the floor. My mother asked me to go to bed first. She cleaned up the vomit on the floor for fear of affecting the next day's class. I hid quietly in the quilt so that my mother wouldn't worry, but I couldn't sleep until I saw the lights in your bedroom go out. The next morning, my mother dragged her tired body to make breakfast for me. Seeing that you were still drunk, she had to put her sleeping brother in a quilt on the car and drive me to school. Seeing my mother's dark circles under her eyes was very heavy, I was both distressed and angry. My mother saw what was on my mind and asked me not to blame you. She said it was not easy for you to wander outside.

Dad, I know you have to go out to socialize in order to give us a better life, but I hope you can socialize less. Because you have to drink and smoke every time you go to social gatherings, which is bad for your health. I don't want to see you drag your tired body home every day. I want to see the happy father back.

Dad wants to tell you a 600 word composition (14)

Mom and Dad, I want to tell you

Mom and Dad, my daughter will never forget your ten years of nurturing, your anxious eyes when she was sick, and your hard work for her daughter! However, my daughter is puzzled by some of your practices. Taking the opportunity of this composition, my daughter wants to talk with you.

Every Saturday morning, when my classmates are still sleeping in the bed, I have to warm the bed immediately, eat breakfast in a hurry, and go to the remedial classes you arranged for me in a hurry. I went home at noon, had lunch in a hurry, and had to catch up with the English tutorial at two in the afternoon.

"Tingting, take a rest and hurry to do the" Peiyou Test Paper "......" My mother told me. The afternoon tutorial has just ended, and a new round of "fighting" has begun!

Mom and Dad, for my study, you have paid more money and sacrificed more rest time than other parents. Your daughter sees your hard work. However, have you ever thought that my daughter is only 10 years old this year, and there is still a long way to go in the future. If this continues, I will feel unbearable.

Mom and Dad, you should know better than I do that there are no flowers that can stand the wind and rain in the greenhouse, and there are no eagles that can fight in the sky in the birdcage. However, you are like a mother chicken, carefully protecting your daughter under your wings.

I remember that on Christmas night, I made an appointment with my friends to go to the Confucian Temple Square to celebrate, but you told me in a long way how unsafe the outside world is. There are so many people, and Mom and Dad are not here. What should I do if I get lost... I have no choice but to play in the community you think is safe. This too familiar environment makes me feel boring. I feel extremely depressed to think that my good friend must be chasing happily in the Confucian Temple Square with an inflated "mace". So, after a few laps in the community, I went home. What a boring Christmas!

Mom and Dad, one day, my daughter will leave you to explore her own world. At that time, in the face of a strange environment, without your protection, what should I do?

Mom and Dad, you are my daughter's guardian angel, and my daughter will always love you! Please also give your daughter more space to get out of your protective circle, so as not to feel confused when I face life alone in the future.

Please give me some autonomy

I want to tell you my truth, my parents who raised me and nurtured me, that is, I have grown up, please give me some autonomy and let me fly freely in the free sky!

I have grown up, and I am no longer crying like before; When I grow up, I am no longer a coquettish girl who follows her buttocks all day long; I have grown up, and I am no longer a child who is always mouthing and licking lollipops all day... There is a lot of romance in my childhood, but I must accept the reality that I have grown up. Dear father and mother, please face the reality with me. Although I am the apple of your eye, please don't spoil me too much. I can't always open my mouth and reach out my clothes.

When I was a child, I often saw my mother washing clothes in the river. The river was very clean and lovely. Groups of small fish were circling around the washed bubbles, as if they were blowing them out. You rubbed my muddy clothes with detergent, and the clothes became dry and clean. I looked at it strangely, blinked my innocent eyes happily, and said tenderly, "Mom, Mom, let me rub it too. It's really interesting. I also want to touch the water and tease the fish. Maybe I can wash it as clean as you!" Mom smiled, The answer was: "Silly child, you are still young. You can't do it until you grow up. Now it is cold and the water is not warm, which will freeze your hands. I feel distressed." I looked up at the sky, looked at the hot sun, and walked away in confusion. Until now, you still repeat that sentence as always, but I have grown up after all - I can do nothing!

Once, I opened the lid of the pressure cooker, looked at the steaming rice, and was about to install it. My father stopped me, immediately took my job, and said to me, "My child, you are still young. What should I do if you are scalded? I am distressed! Come, let me come." After hearing this sentence, I asked myself: Am I still young? no I grow up, otherwise how can my mind mature? How can you judge by yourself?

Who says young people don't know the taste of sorrow? I can't always grow up on the life track you have drawn and in your indulgence. I want to surpass myself and fly to a bright future.

Thank your parents

The noise broke my train of thought. It turned out that another couple quarreled for their children. The ancients said: "The kindness of parents is unforgettable.". Isn't that true? It is they who give us effective life; It is they who make us stand up again when we fail; It is they who make us successful.

Once, Mr. Wang brought us a stack of papers. The students were frightened. Because it is more difficult than climbing into the sky. At that moment, the smiles on the students' faces disappeared; At that moment, the students seemed unable to breathe freely; At that moment, the students were desperate.

When school finally came to an end, the students would rush out of the classroom one by one, but today it was totally different. The students walked out of the classroom one by one listlessly

When I got home, I threw my schoolbag on the ground angrily and only watched TV. When my parents saw my sad face, they asked, "My son, do you have any difficulties?" I answered with indifference: "No difficulties.". He picked up his schoolbag and went back to the house. When my parents saw me like this, they stopped doing the "required courses" every day.

I just sat down and took out my homework. My parents ran in quickly, and I said angrily, "Why don't you knock when you come in?" In order not to make me angry, my parents went out again and knocked. "I'm really bored. If you have anything to say, please say it." I yelled at my parents. They didn't care. When they saw a blank paper on the desk, they knew everything.

My mother went out, took a stool and sat down beside me. She calmly said to me, "My son, you should do everything calmly, so that you can do it well."

After listening to my mother's words, my heart calmed down and I started to do it, but it was really too difficult. I was a monk of two feet in a row -- I couldn't figure out. When my father saw that I was in a hurry, he was most ready for the veteran to go.

Dad looked at the paper and said, "Although this paper is really difficult, as long as you are patient to do it, you will always do it." Dad first asked me to hand in the method, and then I slowly did it, and also did it. In this way, I successfully overcome the difficulties.

Mom and Dad, I want to say to you: "I thank you!"

Dad wants to tell you a 600 word composition (15)

At night, I always miss people. Whenever someone mentions the word "father", I can't help feeling a kind of pride, at the same time, I also feel a little lost.

Dear father, I think you are a responsible person, do you know? When you work in the office of Guangzhou factory, I always have a feeling of expectation to ask you: When can I come back? But in return: sorry! Son, my father has to rush the goods, so I can't take time to go back. If I go back now, it will not only delay the time, but also delay the whole order! Let's wait until we have time. So, in every day, I look forward to the surprise that Dad can go home. At the same time, I also feel that you are a task assigned to you by others, and you must be the ultimate person.

My dear father, I still think you are a person with clear movement. When you say it's time to play, enjoy and relax. When you shouldn't play, study hard and throw the game to the other side.

I remember one time when I was playing in Meilehui and said that I would go back to study at five o'clock, but I still hung on and refused to go back with my mother. And you also trotted to Meilehui. Regardless of your sweat, you turned around and carried me back. When I got home, you took me to my room and taught me a lesson for more than ten minutes. Hearing your words, I would be ashamed of my behavior!

My dear father, you are still a very strong and confident person. On one occasion, the funds of the factory were not enough, because other factories stole our materials, so the sponsor was lured to the factory there. People said that it was one of the darkest moments in our factory. And you worked all night without even sleeping. Finally, with your confidence and eloquence, you succeeded in knocking down the factory that stole our data and pulling back the sponsor. At that time, you were my most brilliant moment.

Now, you are very old, and your past glorious history has been deeply branded into my mind. I thought I could visit you in Guangzhou soon. I was so happy that I couldn't sleep for a few days!

Your son: Ming Hao

November 24, 20xx