Engineer Dad (3 selected articles)
Heart to heart
2023-12-30 09:22:23

Engineer Dad (1)

My father is an engineer. I will take him to play badminton, take a walk and borrow books when I am tired.

He always reads some books about engineering in the bookstore, but there are several such books at home. My father likes playing computer as much as I do. My father is so cute.

Engineer Dad (2)

My father is an engineer

My father is an electrical engineer. I love him very much, but sometimes I'm afraid of him, because my father's temper is hot and irritable. It's a bit scary to get angry, but he is always kind!

Whenever I was doing my homework every day, my father would make a simulated plane in the basement below my house. There are many gadgets in the airplane that I don't know. These are the gadgets that make up the airplane model. Sometimes my father will also give me one or two fun gadgets, I am very happy. Every day, I have to wait for my father to sleep. However, I only waited for a while, and I gradually fell asleep.

Sometimes, when my mother finishes cooking, I ask my father to have dinner. My father didn't seem to hear it. He didn't even answer. He was still studying his simulation plane. Dad is so focused. Later, the simulation plane that my father studied was finally successful! Sing. Flying high, especially at night, it is more beautiful to put on colorful lights, flying in the middle of the sky, sparkling, like a real plane. It often attracts many people to watch it, especially many children, who are curious about it. At that time, my father looked very happy, and I was proud of him.

This is my father. He knows a lot and teaches me a lot. He pays me silently. I want to say to my father sincerely: Dad, I love you!

My father is an engineer

Everyone has their own father, what about me? There is also a father.

My father is an engineer. He is very handsome. He has a square face, sword like eyebrows, big eyes and wide mouth. His face is black and red, his teeth are white as snow, his hands are big and fat, and his body is still tall and fat, not to mention.

He cares about me very much. That time, I was playing with my doll. Who knows, I felt a little dizzy and fell asleep on the floor. After a while, my father came back. He felt very strange when he saw me lying on the ground. He shook me up and asked, "My child, why are you lying on the ground?"? Confused, my dizzy father heard about it and quickly took the thermometer and put it in my arm. After 5 minutes, my father took it out again and looked, ah! Not good! It's almost 40 degrees! Then he took me on his back and ran to the hospital. When I woke up, it was already evening, and my father just looked at me quietly.

My father also cares about my study. Once, the teacher asked me to print a composition. When I got home, I was worried: I didn't have a printer at home, so what could I do? I have no choice but to do other homework. Ding Ling is my father back. I quickly opened the door for my father, and then said to him: Dad, the teacher asked me to print the composition. Dad said: Where is your composition? Here. Dad took the paper full of words and walked away. I sat on the sofa and waited for a long time before looking up at my watch. At 11:00, I had to go to bed. When I woke up, I found a piece of paper on my bedside, on which was printed the composition I wrote yesterday.

dad! I love you just like mice love rice!

My father is an engineer Composition [Part 3]

My father is an assistant engineer of the Construction Bureau. He works hard and often forgets to eat and sleep.

One night, when I woke up, it was half past ten at night, and my father had not come back to sleep. My mother and I are worried!

I quickly put on my clothes and ran to my father's office. The light in the office was still on. I looked in through the glass window and saw that my father's desk was full of books. He was reading the materials attentively. Sometimes I hold my chin in my hand to think about problems, and sometimes I pick up my pen to write something on the paper. I look so focused. I called through the window: Dad! But he didn't hear.

After a while, he lit a cigarette, took two puffs, and went on working. Seeing that the smoke was going to burn on my fingers, I was so worried that I shouted loudly, but Dad still didn't hear me. I got angry and kicked the door. At this time, he slowly came to open the door. When I saw my father, I said angrily: Dad, it's late. It's time to go home and have a rest. He hummed and hawed twice, looked at his watch, and said: It's not eleven o'clock, it's not late, it's not late!

The next morning, I got up quietly for fear of disturbing him. But when I looked closely, my father disappeared again. It turned out that Dad went back to the office to work on his business in the morning.

My father is such a person who is dedicated to his work.

Engineer Dad (3)

My father is a construction engineer. He will go home only on weekends because his construction site divides water in Tonglu. I have always thought that my father's work is not busy at all. It's just to make a few phone calls in the office, arrange this, arrange that, and the work can be completed.

This summer vacation, I had the opportunity to go to the construction site of my father in Fenshui, Tonglu for a "field visit". As soon as I walked into the construction site, I knew I was wrong. My father's construction site was dusty, and entering the gate seemed to enter another world. This is a world full of dust, and my father works in this environment every day. From the moment I entered the door, I knew I was wrong again. Inside the door, you can see the holes on the ground. It's very difficult to walk. I think that if it rains, muddy water will flow in every corner of the construction site, and the path will be even more muddy. But my father will pass here every day, and I feel a little uncomfortable when I walk along the potholed path. When I entered the office, I found that although the sound inside was a little better than that outside, it was noisy. There were dogs barking, roosters chirping, engines roaring, and birds singing. Although the birds sang beautifully, I was not happy at all. Especially when all kinds of voices were intertwined and delivered to my father's office, I was very upset. I didn't think it was beautiful or pleasant at all. From that moment on, I knew I was completely wrong.

I sat on the sofa on one side playing with my mobile phone, while my father had no spare time. I saw him call and answer the phone from time to time, and go out to have a look... I silently poured a cup of tea for him and put it on the desk. When I went to see it again in the evening, I only saw that the tea was cold, but there was not a drop of water in the cup. At that moment, my mood was complicated.

My father is an engineer. He has no clean and peaceful working environment. He has no free time. Busy is his synonym. Dad, you are too hard!

Author | Yu Luqi