Composition of Litchi Description (16 compilations)
Follow the wind and treat loneliness as freedom
2024-05-01 08:35:13

Writing about Litchi (1)

My hometown is in Guangdong, and I love the litchi in my hometown.

In March, the drizzle is like silk. Litchi trees stretch their evergreen branches and leaves, greedily sucking the nectar of spring. They are neither as tall as the kapok tree nor as tall as the magnolia tree. They laugh in the spring wind and rain, and I like it very much.

Look at the pale yellow and milky litchi flowers all over the mountains. How beautiful they are! Although it is neither as noble as chrysanthemums nor as elegant as roses, it adorns the mountains and rivers of our hometown and beautifies it.

Litchi is first light green, then light red, then dark red.

The ripe litchi shell is covered with small thorns all over its body. Remove the shell and there will be a layer of inner membrane. Tear the inner membrane apart and you will see the litchi flesh.

As the saying goes, "One litchi has three fires". Don't eat more lychees, or they will get angry.

I love the litchi in my hometown.

Writing about Litchi (2)

Speaking of litchi, many people know it. The pericarp of litchi is scaly, bright red, purple red, mature to bright red, and the seeds are all wrapped by the fleshy aril. Flowering in spring and fruiting in summer. Here are some descriptions of litchi I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Cool and moist watermelons, sweet and juicy Hami melons, sour and sweet strawberries... There are countless kinds of fruits with different flavors. I like the small and exquisite litchi.

The appearance of litchi is very attractive: the red and bright shell is not smooth, but it has a unique charm. When the litchi is ripe, small red lanterns are hung all over the branches, which makes people salivate.

Litchi is not only beautiful in appearance, but also sweet and delicious in taste. Stripping off the bright red shell, the fresh white meat is exquisitely carved, and a light bite spreads a sweet taste on the tip of the tongue, which makes people have endless aftertaste! It reminds people of Su Dongpo's poems: Eating 300 lychees a day, he never stops being a Lingnan person.

There are many varieties of litchi, among which Guiwei and Nuomici are the best varieties, and also the choice of fresh food; Hanging green is a precious and hard to find variety. "Luogang Guiwei", "Bicun Nuomici" and "Zengcheng Guilv" are known as "three outstanding litchi". Speaking of variety, there are also beautiful ones. It is said that Emperor Ming of the Tang Dynasty sent litchi to Yang Guifei from thousands of miles to eat in order to win her a smile. "When I ride on the world of mortals, my concubine smiles. Nobody knows that it is a lychee", hence the name of my concubine smiles.

Litchi is rich in nutrition. Its pulp is rich in glucose, sucrose, protein, folic acid and amino acids, which are very beneficial to human health. Studies have proved that litchi has the effects of invigorating the spleen, promoting fluid production, regulating qi and relieving pain, and is suitable for diseases such as weakness, stomach cold and pain after illness. It can also improve intelligence and brain, and can significantly improve insomnia, forgetfulness, mental fatigue and other symptoms. Litchi can also be boiled and drunk after being dried in the sun, which has the effect of expelling cold and beautifying the skin, promoting the metabolism of the skin, and delaying aging.

Having read this, I believe you are already salivating, right? Action is better than heart stirring. Buy and taste it!

"The ball is hanging on the top of the tree, wearing a purple robe, with white baby inside. The juice tastes sweet." Do you know what kind of fruit it is? By the way, it is lychee, my favorite!

In March, the drizzle was like silk. I came to my grandmother's lychee garden. The lychee tree greedily sucked the rain and dew sent by the spring girl. There are many small flowers hidden under the green leaves, just like many shy girls. When the breeze blows, it smiles and nods to me. A closer look shows that there is a lot of nectar on the flower. The flower is sucking nectar and can't wait for the moment when it blooms and bears fruit.

In early summer, when the sun was shining, I came to my grandmother's lychee garden. The green litchi is hanging on the tree. It looks like a sparkling emerald in the background of the sun. Take off one, peel off the skin, see a thin layer of pulp, gently bite, a numbing, sour, astringent taste makes you stick out your tongue. In the sunlight, the litchi is absorbing nutrients and thinking about how it will grow up.

In midsummer, the sun is scorching. I came to my grandmother's lychee garden again. The litchi has matured. Pick one, it is about five centimeters high, and there are about 200 lychees on a tree. The skin of litchi is so red that it hangs on the branches one by one. It feels rough, concave and convex. However, you must not dislike its appearance, which is not "friendly", and do not like it, then you will not taste the delicious inside. As long as you gently peel off the thin skin, you will see the crystal clear flesh. At this time, you will be impressed with him, put it in your mouth, and gently bite it. The sweet juice will enter your heart from the teeth to the tip of your tongue.

The attractive taste of litchi has also attracted many scholars to praise it, and even poets have sighed that "it is better to be Lingnan people". Come and have a taste of such delicious lychees.

"Once riding on the world of mortals, the concubine smiled. Nobody knew it was a lychee.". Whenever I read this poem, I will remember the love of Concubine Yang for lychees. Litchi is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients.

A single litchi weighs about 30g, while the largest variety of litchi, "Litchi King", weighs as much as 50g. The shape of litchi is round, and there are many "small thorns" on its surface. Although it is a small thorn, its thorns are insignificant compared with the thorns of durian. Its whole body is red, like wearing a beautiful red dress with scaly patterns.

Litchi is not only beautiful in appearance, but also more delicious in taste, known as the "fruit princess".

The flesh of the litchi is exposed when the red peel is removed. The flesh of litchi is exquisite and transparent. It can be seen vaguely through the light that the inside of the flesh is inlaid with a pearl sized brown stone, which is so crystal clear and white, making people want to drop.

Pick up a litchi and gently smell it. Its smell is so delicate and sweet. Slowly put it in your mouth, gently push it with the tip of your tongue, and instantly the juice fills every taste bud of mine, so delicious, sweet and juicy. Take another bite, the taste is smooth and elastic. What a perfect combination of smell, taste and taste. I now realize that Su Shi's "Eating 300 lychees a day and never hesitating to become Lingnan people" is the most affectionate love and praise for lychees.

Litchi has a wide range of functions, which can supplement energy, detoxify, beautify, reduce swelling and detoxify. Litchi stone is also a common Chinese herbal medicine. However, eating too much lychee may not be beneficial. As the saying goes, "one lychee has three fires". Lichee will get angry even if you eat too much, so you can't be greedy even if it is delicious.

My hometown is the famous "hometown of litchi", which is Dalang. My hometown has beautiful hills, rivers and all kinds of beautiful scenery, which makes people intoxicated. Of course, my favorite is the litchi from my hometown.

In the spring, litchi blossoms, small yellow flowers, string by string, also exude a faint fragrance, attracting many hard-working bees to collect honey. If you walk in the woods, you will feel refreshed as soon as you smell the faint fragrance. In the lychee forest, there are many hardworking people pruning the flowers. Only in this way can the lychee be big and red.

In March and April, the flowers withered, and a lovely green litchi grew. At this time, people will carry pesticides to kill insects and protect litchi. With the change of time, litchi grows slowly, from green to a little red and green.

In a twinkling of an eye, in May and June, some lychees are ripe, that is, early lychees: concubine smile, March red, and so on. The litchi smells fragrant. I feel my hands itch when I touch it. The litchi trees are as red as red lanterns. Tear open the red skin, and there is milk white meat inside. It is very sweet to eat.

By July and August, all lychees were ripe, and red lychees were everywhere. This is the busiest season for people. They are busy everywhere, and their faces are smiling with satisfaction. This year is another bumper harvest, which is also the credit of hardworking people. Because they take care of the lychee trees carefully, they can get big and red lychees and make Dalang known as the "hometown of lychees". No gains without labor.

I love my hometown, but also the hardworking people.

My hometown is in Yongchun, which is rich in fruits, including longan, citrus, loquat... Among them, I like litchi best.

7、 In August, litchi matured and hung on the branches with red light, like small red lanterns and red rubies, which is really popular!

Approaching the lychee tree, I picked a lychee, put it on my palm, and gently stroked its prickly little pimple - small prickles. It was a bit itchy, just like my mother was tickling me. The litchi is shaped like a heart and wears red armor. It seems to say to me, "Don't come here and pinch me, or I will be rude to you!"

Take Litchi to your nose and smell it carefully. You can smell a faint fragrance. Peel off the peel to reveal the lavender yarn, and then peel off the yarn, a white fruit will appear in front of you, just like a crystal clear pearl! It really loves both arms and red clothes!

Take a bite of the fruit, the juice and pulp are mixed together, revealing the sweetness of litchi; The flesh is QQ, smooth, tender, fragrant and sweet. "This thing should only be found in the sky, and can be tasted several times in the world"! Take out the seeds from the flesh. Some of the black seeds are like a person's black teeth, and some are like a nail, with different shapes!

While tasting lychees, I suddenly remembered Yang Yuhuan. Because she lived in Xi'an at that time and could not eat lychees, she had to send some people to the south to pick them. To eat fresh lychees, those people had to go on the road without stopping. How many people died on the way, which made me recite the poem of Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty: riding the world of mortals, concubines laugh, no one knew it was lychees.

Litchi is not only delicious, but also has many functions. Its skin can be used as a traditional Chinese medicine, and its pulp can be used as a tonic. It is rich in nutrients, sugar, organic acids and vitamins; It can also relieve heat, invigorate the brain and body, stimulate the stomach and benefit the spleen, and promote appetite. However, you should not eat more lychees, or you will get angry.

My hometown is in Yongchun, and I love the local product - litchi.

Writing about Litchi (3)

My hometown is in Huidong, and I love the litchi in my hometown.

Spring is coming, and litchi trees are covered with beige flower buds, like wheat ears, attracting groups of small bees. They suck honey with their long, pointed mouths. They hide in the flowers and fly out again, like playing hide and seek.

When summer comes, there are many red lychees hanging on the lychee trees, like shy little faces. Litchi is green at first, then becomes dark red, and finally almost becomes black. It is not really black, but it is red and purple, so it looks like black.

Some lychees are round, some are oval, and some are grotesque. Its shell is red and has small thorns all over its body. The spines of mature litchi are soft. There is a thin moist film inside the shell, like the coat of litchi. Its flesh is crystal clear through the shell. Take off one, peel off the shell, and put it into your mouth. The tip of your tongue touches the white, tender and oily flesh, which makes you feel delicate and refreshing. When you bite gently, your lips are covered with sweet juice. This sweet, sweet into the heart, really make people eat more and more like to eat.

Grandma said, "You can't eat more lychees because they are easy to catch fire.".

Ah! The litchi in my hometown is unforgettable!

Writing about Litchi (4)

Litchi is a popular fruit, and I am no exception. But my hometown does not produce lychees. Our lychees are transported from other places. In May, lychees were sold on the fruit stalls in the market. But that's because things are rare. Litchi is very expensive. In June, a large number of lychees came to the market at affordable prices. Every family was tasting lychees. It was really a fruit on the market. Baiguo, make way!

There are many varieties of litchi, among which Guiwei and Nuomizi are the best varieties, and also the best choice for fresh food. Taste it, and it's really delicious!

The appearance of litchi is rough, and the whole body is covered with tiny lobes, like the cracks of a turtle. The color of lychee is deep red, and after a few days, it will not become dark red, but become yellowish brown. Bai Juyi once said that litchi changes in color after one day, fragrance after two days, and taste after three days. Indeed, litchi is not easy to store.

Peel off the skin, you can see the milky white pulp, some crystal clear, some with some yellow. I can't wait to take a bite. It's sweet and refreshing, delicate and without residue. I still want to eat after eating. I can't stop talking. Litchi is of high value, rich in sugar, phosphorus, vitamin C and a small amount of protein!

It is said that Yang Guifei, the favorite of Emperor Tang Minghuang, loved litchi very much. Emperor Tang Minghuang sent people to transport litchi from the south to Chang'an overnight. Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote in his poem: "When the concubine smiles in the world of mortals, no one knows that it is lychee." Look, lychee has been loved by people since ancient times.

Do you like litchi more?

Writing about Litchi (5)

Today, I read the article "Litchi" again, and my heart was surging, which could not be pacified for a long time. I was deeply moved by my son's respect for his mother and his mother's love for his son.

It can be seen from the fact that the mother inadvertently took away the sand fruit that she understood the author very well. She knew that the ugly duckling like sand fruit had hurt her son's self-esteem, so she inadvertently took away the sand fruit to maintain his son's self-esteem and vanity. It can be seen that the mother was very considerate. In addition, the mother regards litchi as a treasure and doesn't let the meat get dirty. First, she really likes litchi, and second, she cherishes her son's filial piety!

See mother so love son mother so love son, and I? Usually, my mother cares about me: she covers my quilt, picks me up from school, tutors me with my homework, helps me review before exams, and takes food for me at meals. What about me? Seems not to care about her. For example, when she was ill, I only went to watch TV after finishing my homework, without asking my mother how she felt, nor gave her water or water... But sometimes I also cared about her, but she was "ungrateful".

Once, when I was doing my homework, I heard the "ah" sound. I looked for her and saw that my mother hurt her finger. I immediately gave her some red potion. After she took it, she said to me seriously, "What's your business? Do your homework quickly." I thought to myself: It's really good to be struck by lightning. I know that she is for me. She didn't let me do my homework distractions, so she deliberately did. In fact, my mother is the same as the mother in the text, no, just like the mother in the world, all for our healthy growth.

Let's take action quickly and repay our mother!

Writing about Litchi (6)

The shell of lychee is very strange. Its shell looks like a person who is frightened. The body is scared with "goose bumps", and the face is red.

The flesh of litchi is very white and delicious. You feel its flesh. It is dripping with water, like an athlete who has run a marathon. If you take another bite, it is sweet and delicious. It is really delicious. Its flesh is translucent, through which you can also vaguely see the core inside!

The stone of litchi is small and thin. When you see it, you seem to see an old man who is desperately poor, and it also seems to be a little bullet.

There is also a story about litchi. Once upon a time, one of the four beauties, Princess Yang, loved to eat litchi very much. The emperor asked people to transport litchi in order to please the beauties, and people hurried. How many horses died on the way to send litchi!

In the Song Dynasty, the poet Su Shi wrote a poem saying: Eat 300 lychees a day and become a Lingnan person. I would like to be a Lingnan person. In that way, I can eat a lot of lychees every day.

I also like to eat lychees, but I can't eat more!

Writing about Litchi (7)

I can't help laughing when I think about it now. Most of the lychees we eat in Hejiang are produced in Guangxi and Guangdong. You know what? Hejiang, Sichuan is also a place rich in litchi. It is said that the litchi that paid tribute to Concubine Yang in those days was the litchi in Hejiang, Sichuan, so the litchi in Hejiang is also very famous. In midsummer, litchi is ripe.

So my father drove us to Hejiang to pick lychees. When I came to Hejiang, I saw that every household on both sides of the road was planted with litchi trees. Two, ten more. Litchi trees are one after another, forming a litchi forest from afar. The litchi trees grow luxuriantly in patches, with numerous fruits hanging all over the branches, which are heavy and bend the branches. A gust of wind blew, like a blushing girl, the litchi pulled over the green leaves to cover her face. There are many varieties of litchi in Hejiang, including Dahongpao, Feizixiao, Dajin, Xiaojin, etc. There is also a kind of litchi with a crispy and sweet taste, called dailv, which is especially precious because its output is very small. My father picked a lychee from the tree for me to eat. I peeled off the fish scale like lychee skin and saw the bright white lychee flesh, fresh and transparent. After tasting it, I felt that there was a unique sweet taste, which was really sweet and delicious.

Last year, Hejiang litchi was sent to Beijing as a designated fruit for the Olympic Games. Do you think Hejiang litchi is very excellent?

Writing about Litchi (8)

I am the cute little litchi that everyone loves and flowers blossom. I am handsome, delicate, pink, and dressed in red. I am also a fashion expert in fruits.

In our lychee family, I have many brothers and sisters, big and small. The bigger one is about to catch up with the ping-pong ball. The smaller one is bigger than the pigeon egg. Although my body is uneven and has many small protruding edges and corners, don't worry. I am very gentle. My sharp bag won't hurt you, but a symbol of beauty.

Some people think that we are very similar to longans, which is really good. From the appearance of the pulp, we are really similar, but in fact, we are not the same kind of fruit. Our growth process is very interesting. First, we form the outer shell and regenerate the inner core. In the days when we are about to mature, we rush to produce crystal clear, white flesh that makes people salivate at the first sight.

My nutritional value is rich, including glucose, protein, and vitamin c. It has the functions of invigorating the spleen, promoting fluid production, regulating qi and relieving pain. I have the effect of beauty. My fruit flesh makes the beauties eat the facial juice, which is smooth and white, and can play a role in beauty. "No one knew it was lychee when she rode on the red earth and laughed." It is said that in ancient times, Concubine Yang sent 3000 soldiers like a relay race to bring lychee to Chang'an, the capital, because she liked to eat lychee. The most famous and famous person in our litchi family is me, Concubine Smile. It may be related to this poem.

However, no matter how good it is, we should not be greedy. Some people will get angry and have nosebleeds if they eat too much. So Cantonese have a saying: One litchi has three fires.

After listening to my introduction, do you know me? You know me, don't invite me to your house as a guest.

Writing about Litchi (9)

Litchi is my favorite fruit. Although it has no beautiful appearance, its taste is so unique and sweet.

The skin of litchi is rough, thick and hard, like the armor of a soldier. The small bumps on the top add to its ugliness. Take a gentle bite with a bitter taste. Its skin color is not beautiful. It is red, but it is dirty and not so pure. It is difficult to compete with the pink peach and crystal grape. But just under this ugly shell is wrapped a pearl like litchi, which has been praised by many scholars!

Look, the white flesh of litchi is as white as jade! I can't use words to describe the color of the pulp accurately. Let's say it is white, and it looks so crystal clear, like crystal shining with water luster; I can't accurately describe the texture of the flesh with words. It is smooth and elastic, as soft as a girl's jade muscle.

The litchi meat tastes sweet and beautiful. Look at the litchi that has just been shelled. It is so fresh and moist that your mouth is watering before you eat it. If you bite it, you will feel like you are drinking nectar. What a fresh and clean taste! Enough water flows into your mouth, then slowly moistens your throat and your stomach all the way. Close your eyes and quietly taste the sweet melting and spreading in your mouth. With the wonderful reverie, it moistens your heart, which is probably the best enjoyment in the world.

The taste of litchi pulp is very smooth, with a small piece of pulp in the mouth. It is smooth, like pearls. It's really delicious to eat one.

Lichee is one of my favorite fruits. As the famous "Ode to Lichee" said, "Eat 300 lychees a day, and become Lingnan people." If I can, I would like to be Lingnan people like Su Dongpo.

Writing about Litchi (10)

"Take off the red robe and he is a white fat man. Go to the white fat man and leave the black round man." Do you know what fruit this is? This is the familiar litchi.

Litchi is bright red, and its shape is like a heart. Touch it, its skin is rough, with a thorn on it, just like a hedgehog meets a beast, and hurriedly curls up to protect itself. It is also like a warrior wearing hard "armor", who is invincible and invincible. Although the appearance of litchi is rough, its taste is sour, sweet and delicious, which gives people endless aftertaste.

I carefully peeled off the litchi, revealing a layer of pale pink film, just like wearing a pale pink yarn clothes. Touch it. It's soft. Compared with the appearance of litchi, it's a world of difference! I can't wait to peel off the film and pop out a plump baby with delicate skin and flesh, with an attractive fragrance coming. I didn't expect that there was such a delicate little guy hidden in the rough appearance. I couldn't resist the temptation and took a bite. The juice of lychee gushed out like a broken pipe. Sweet and sour, delicious! I quickly put the whole litchi into my mouth, and the juice slowly flowed out, into my mouth, and into my heart. No wonder Su Dongpo would say, "Eating 300 lychees a day, I will become a Lingnan person." It can be seen that lychees are very popular with everyone.

Litchi is not only delicious, but also has high nutritional value. Litchi contains sugar, phosphorus and vitamins, which can enhance our immunity and body resistance. Litchi peel can be used as medicine. But it's easy to get angry when you eat too much lychee. You should not be greedy because you can't resist the temptation of delicious lychee!

The delicacy of litchi is memorable. I know from lychee that the beauty of appearance is not important, but the beauty of inner beauty is important. We should also learn as human beings.

Writing about Litchi (11)

There are many litchi trees around our school playground.

The shape of the litchi tree looks like a big umbrella and a green cloud in the distance. There are many twigs on its big trunk. Oval. The leaves are dense, like small banyan leaves. Its strong and straight branches are not afraid of the typhoon. They can only bend rather than blow down. Because its roots are very deep, it has to stand on the ground and sign steadily.

When spring comes, after a spring rain, litchi trees send out tender green buds. It has a new leaf every day. A few days later, it grows more than a foot long branches and leaves. The tender green new leaves and pale green old leaves form a sharp contrast. A few days later, white flowers bloomed. Its flowers, accompanied by the aroma of litchi, attracted many bees to collect honey. When the flowers wither, there will be a lot of honey dripping on the plastic floor, soaked in oil. Once, I rubbed my hand on the honey on the ground, smelled the aroma of litchi, and licked it with my tongue, wow! It's sweet. Litchi honey has very high nutritional value. If people who have just recovered from a serious illness drink it, they can quickly recover!

In summer, it just grows out of green fruits, like mung bean sized fruits; Then it grows to the size of a pea, and then it grows to the size of a quail egg. When it finally matures, it is red. At this time, the litchi is ripe and ready to eat. If you peel a litchi, you can see its crystal clear flesh. The big one is called Bai La, and the small one is called Fei Zi Xiao. If you want to eat a lot of lychees without burning, you can drink light salt water while eating. What strange things!

I like litchi fruit very much, like its green branches and leaves, and more like its nectar. It provides people with the best litchi fruit among the fruits, which is endless to enjoy!

Writing about Litchi (12)

This article, "Good Words, Good Sentences, and Good Sections of Lychee," is organized by the composition of primary school students, for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Extract of good words:

It is fresh, tender, juicy, crystal clear, elegant in texture, thin and flat in shell, clear in aroma, thick and shiny in flesh, excellent in flavor, very strange in shape, sweet in taste, and purple in film

Excerpts of good sentences:

1. The shell of the litchi is red and colorful, and is also covered with small thorny projections. It really feels prickly. I carefully peeled off the gorgeous red clothes, and the litchi pulp was tightly wrapped by a layer of pale pink film, emitting an attractive fragrance. I gently put the pulp into my mouth, and when I bite it, the juice overflows my mouth, and the sweet taste seeps into my heart

2. The color of litchi is deep red, which turns to dark red and then to earthy yellow in a few days Bai Juyi once said that litchi changes in color after one day, fragrance after two days, and taste after three days.

3. Litchi is flat and wide on the top and small on the bottom, like a heart or a ball. It also wears a spiky "war armor", just like a rolled up hedgehog.

4. The appearance of litchi is very rough, and the whole body is covered with small decisive lobes, like the cracks on the tortoise shell. The base of litchi is larger, and the tip is slightly smaller. It looks like a heart, and some of them are slightly oval.

5. When litchi is immature, its skin is green. After maturity, it will become bright red and dazzling. The flesh of litchi is sweet, juicy and nutritious. When you peel off the litchi peel, you can see the pulp that is enough to make you hang for three feet. A fresh fragrance immediately hits your face, which makes you cannot help but put it into your mouth. In a short time, a sweet, cool and fresh smell will emerge spontaneously, making you want to eat the first one and the second one.

6. First, litchi was green and green, Then it turned green with red, and finally almost all became red. You can see the white pulp when you gently bite its peel, and the lips and tongue are full of sweet juice at the same time.

7. There is no ripe litchi with a little sour in its sweetness. The ripe litchi is sweet and delicious, which makes people like it more and more.

8. You gently peel off the "battle armor" of litchi with your hand, and you will see a pearl like pulp streaming towards it. Once you bite it, the juice will shoot out continuously. It is sweet and sour, delicious, delicate and refreshing, and it is really a holy product of good fruit. The delicious food in heaven will leave you with endless aftertaste and praise. You will want to eat another one after eating one.

9. If you hold the litchi sweet clover in your hand, its thorns will make you whine, and feel like pinching a sea urchin. If you put litchi close to your nose and smell it, a faint fragrance will haunt you, like a hook stuck into your nostrils to hook up your greediness, making people salivate.

10. It was said that Yang Guifei, the favorite of Tang Minghuang, loved litchi very much. Tang Minghuang sent people to transport litchi from the south to Chang'an day and night. Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, described in his poem that no one knew it was a lychee when his concubine laughed in the world of mortals. Look, lychees have been loved by people since ancient times. Do you love litchi more!

11. The lychees in my hometown are bright red or yellow green, but in other places, some lychees are green, some are yellow green, and some are purple, dazzling.

12. I looked at it. I was so seduced by the lychee that I put my hand on the branch and broke it with my right hand. A piece of skin fell off. I looked at the skin my father peeled. It was wavy and connected with the whole litchi, just like a piece of art.

13. I licked the litchi water on my mouth, relishing the taste of the litchi I had just eaten. It turns out that there are so many "mysteries" in the small litchi. It not only has bright colors, but also has sweet pulp, so I like to make and eat litchi!

14. In summer, litchi is ripe. From a distance, the red litchi trees all over the mountains seemed to be on fire on the hillside. The ripe and plump litchi was dressed in red. Some lychees bend the branches "waist", and the branches seem to be shouting "Help! Help!"; Some lychees crowded together, as if whispering; Some lychees hide behind the branches, like shy little girls showing half their faces.

15. When the skin of these lychees is torn open, you can see their crystal clear flesh. From the flesh, I can vaguely see the black core inside, which looks like a black pearl wrapped in crystal.

16. Ripe litchi is dressed in red "armor". Peel it, and there is fragrant, sweet, crystal clear pulp inside. Put it in your mouth, and your mouth is full of sweet juice. It's delicious!

17. Put the peeled litchi into your mouth and gently bite it down with your teeth. Suddenly, a stream of fruit juice flows into the mouth, sweet and delicious, relieving heat and fever, making people keep eating. If you take the ice in the refrigerator and eat it later, you will feel more satisfied. But as the saying goes: One litchi has three fires. You can't eat more lychees. 18. At the end of summer, litchi trees bear fruit. The fruit just produced is small and green, and then slowly grows up and turns red. It is heavy in clusters, bending the branches. A gust of wind blew, and litchi looked like a blushing girl, pulling green leaves to cover her face.

19. The shell of litchi is red and covered with many pimples, which is very stinging to the touch. Peel off the peel and see a crystal clear white tender flesh, just like a night pearl. When you put the night pearl in your mouth, you will feel a cool feeling. When you chew it, you will feel sweet and delicious, cool and juicy, with endless aftertaste.

20. Peel off the fish scale like litchi skin and see the white litchi flesh. Litchi meat is fresh and transparent. It seems to be covered with a layer of oil. After tasting it, I feel a unique sweet taste.

Writing about Litchi (13)

Composition Describing Litchi (1)

My grandmother's home is in Yulin, Guangxi, where is rich in lychees. I love my grandmother's lychees.

Litchi trees sprout in spring. From a distance, they look like green pavilions. Soon, litchi trees will bloom white flowers, and you can smell the fragrance of flowers from a distance. At this time, groups of hardworking bees will pick flowers and make honey on the flowers, which is very lively.

Litchi is divided into early ripening, middle ripening and late ripening. There are many kinds of litchi, including March red, cinnamon green, crystal ball, glutinous rice, etc. After the Dragon Boat Festival, litchi trees are covered with litchi, which look like strings of sparkling rubies set on green branches from a distance. Green leaves lined with red fruits are really beautiful! Look closely at the bright red lychees. There are many shapes of litchi, including round, oval and toad.

The litchi fruit is covered with small nails all over its body. You can see the white pulp when you remove the red shell. There is a black stone in the pulp. I like glutinous rice best because the stone is small and the meat is tender and sweet. Take a bite, wow! It is tender and crisp, very refreshing.

Whenever I go to my grandmother's house in summer vacation, I can always eat the lychees that my grandmother planted herself. Grandma likes me very much. Every time she gives me more lychees than my cousins.

I like litchi very much because it is not only beautiful in shape and color, but also delicate in quality and taste. It is known as the immortal fruit and Buddha fruit in the world.

Composition Describing Litchi (2)

My hometown is in Maoming, and I love the litchi in my hometown.

The drizzle is like silk. Litchi trees are greedily sucking the dew of spring. They are stretching green branches and luxuriant and dense leaves like an open umbrella.

Autumn is coming, and litchi trees are covered with litchi.

The appearance of litchi is heart-shaped, and its skin is lumpy, especially prickly. If you peel it gently, you can see the crystal white litchi meat, which is juicy, sweet and delicious. There are many varieties of litchi, including Feizixiao, Nuomici, etc. There is a lychee garden in Xinxu. People living there can eat lychees at any time. I think: autumn is a harvest festival. When lychees expanded, farmers transported them to cities to sell them. They sold it for a good price. People's life in the countryside has caught up with that in the city. They have bought high-rise buildings and cars. Litchi is a blessing to people.

I love the local product of my hometown - litchi!

Composition Describing Litchi (3)

My hometown is in Lianjiang, where is rich in litchi. In the spring, litchi bloomed, and in the summer, litchi matured and hung on trees in bunches. From a distance, the whole mountain is red and green, which turns into a colorful mountain.

The bright red skin seems to be covered with many small bumps. Pick a bunch of lychees and peel them. You will see the meat inside. Look, look, I can't help but be greedy, so I can't wait to take a bite. All the juice in it flows out. The juice is sweet and delicious. There are also many varieties of litchi, such as Feizixiao, white wax, black leaves, and so on, which are very delicious. But you can't be so greedy, because lychees are easy to catch fire and you can't eat more. But don't worry. If we want to eat more, we should first peel the litchi and soak it in the salt water, so that we won't get angry.

Welcome friends to Lianjiang in June. We will certainly give you the sweetest lychees to eat, so that you can have a full meal.

Writing about Litchi (14)

Litchi is wearing a dark red coat with thorns. There is a thin white film inside the coat. If the skin is peeled off, it will reveal its white and plump body. It is soft and tender. After taking a bite, the juice will flow into the mouth, just like a thirsty person drinking a cup of sweet dew.

I like to eat lychee, not only because it is sweet and delicious, but also because it brings me a good memory! I remember when my grandparents came back last July or August, because they had been in Guangzhou all the time. It was not easy to come back again. I jumped and shouted happily. They also brought me a big bag of Guangzhou lychees. The litchi, the red shell, is big and sweet. I ate happily. Soon, a hill of skin was piled up beside me. Like a fish getting cool spring water, I could not leave lychee for a moment. My grandparents patted me lovingly and said, "Eat slowly. It's all yours. If you eat fast, be careful of your stomach pain."

This lychee reminds me of many memories! It seems that I saw my grandparents living with me when I was young. They cooked delicious food for me, kept secrets for me... and sweet dreams in their stories

At that time, the sun came in and shone on me. It seemed to know what I was thinking, as if it was telling me a moving story... I like to eat lychees.

Writing about Litchi (15)

"The ball is hanging on the top of the tree, wearing a purple robe, with white baby inside. The juice tastes sweet." Do you know what kind of fruit it is? By the way, it is lychee, my favorite!

In March, the drizzle was like silk. I came to my grandmother's lychee garden. The lychee tree greedily sucked the rain and dew sent by the spring girl. There are many small flowers hidden under the green leaves, just like many shy girls. When the breeze blows, it smiles and nods to me. A closer look shows that there is a lot of nectar on the flower. The flower is sucking nectar and can't wait for the moment when it blooms and bears fruit.

In early summer, when the sun was shining, I came to my grandmother's lychee garden. The green litchi is hanging on the tree. It looks like a sparkling emerald in the background of the sun. Take off one, peel off the skin, see a thin layer of pulp, gently bite, a numbing, sour, astringent taste makes you stick out your tongue. In the sunlight, the litchi is absorbing nutrients and thinking about how it will grow up.

In midsummer, the sun is scorching. I came to my grandmother's lychee garden again. The litchi has matured. Take off one. It is about five centimeters high. There are about 200 lychees on a tree. The skin of litchi is so red that it hangs on the branches one by one. It feels rough, concave and convex. However, you must not dislike its appearance, which is not "friendly", and do not like it, then you will not taste the delicious inside. As long as you gently peel off the thin skin, you will see the crystal clear flesh. At this time, you will be impressed with him, put it in your mouth, and gently bite it. The sweet juice will enter your heart from the teeth to the tip of your tongue.

The attractive taste of litchi has also attracted many scholars to praise it, and even poets have sighed that "it is better to be Lingnan people". Come and have a taste of such delicious lychees.

Writing about Litchi (16)

I have a hometown in Dongguan. Dongguan has the reputation of "the hometown of litchi". It is famous at home and abroad for its litchi which is full of color, fragrance and taste.

The main varieties of litchi in Dongguan are Nuomici. Gui flavor, concubine smile, March red. Black leaves. In recent years, new varieties such as red hydrangea and seedless litchi have been cultivated, which are traditional fine varieties such as sophora japonica.

The best time to eat lychees is in June and July every year. Red and green lychees are hung in lychee gardens everywhere. The shell of each litchi is dark red and the skin is spiny. Peel off the skin and take a bite of the slippery acetic acid. It's sweet and delicious. Welcome to taste every year!

I love the litchi in my hometown!