Partner composition 600 words Grade 4 (general 8)
Fengyun Purple Autumn
2023-11-25 09:31:15
fourth grade

Partner composition 600 words Grade 4 (1)

I have a little friend who is very good-looking: she has a round, red face, like a just mature, young red apple; A pair of watery eyes and a lovely cherry mouth are embedded in the face, and the black eyes are shining; The long brown and black hair draped on the shoulder is extremely lovely. She likes drawing, and she draws very well. She and I have a very good relationship, and we said privately that we are best friends.

I can't forget that Chinese exam. The whole class did badly in the exam. Teacher Ye was very angry and had a "terrible" look in her eyes. The voice was eight degrees higher than usual, especially for those students whose scores were below 90. The cold eyes seemed to kill them. I got 93 points in the exam and escaped being notified to my parents.

My other good friend Z, she only got 70 points in the exam. When she got the exam paper, she cried. She was still crying until the teacher explained the exam paper. My heart is also very sad to hear her unstoppable sobbing is crying. After class, I said to her: "Don't cry. You have already passed the exam. What's the use of crying?" "I... I will be scolded... scolded by my mother..." She hesitated. She still cried, and her hoarse voice echoed in the classroom. Not only I but also other students went to comfort her one after another, but everyone was helpless.

My little friend saw it and drew a picture for her. The content on the picture was: a little girl, she also did poorly in the exam, but she did not lose heart. Instead, she studied harder and harder. Finally, she got good results. After painting, she quietly picked up the picture, walked to the position of small Z, and put the picture in the drawer of small Z. Later, Xiao Z saw the painting and looked at it for a long time. He raised his eyes and looked at her. Xiao Z understood her intention, dried his tears and stopped crying. So I worked harder and reviewed every day. In the end, she achieved good results.

Yes, my little partner is such a person, a helpful person, a person who can communicate with others.

Partner composition 600 words fourth grade (2)

When I saw her, there was only one feeling - very crazy, look! Isn't it? The braid is smooth with a blue bow, a pink hairpin and a melon seed face. When you are happy, you can make it into a V shape and put it under your face. It's cool! However, people learn very well!

The information books and papers have been completed. At the same time, knowledge has been "shuffled" into her mind. When encountering questions that she can't answer, she always does them again and again, and finds out the mystery and truth according to the answers provided, accumulating bit by bit. As the saying goes, "Genius is ninety-nine percent effort, plus one percent inspiration."!

Once, she sat at the same table with a man, and he drew a "three eight line" in class, so they became a trend of "land division". One day, Li Zican couldn't stand such a constrained day, so he stretched out his arm to the man's side. The man was angry and poked and poked with his elbow. Li Zican also argued. Two elbows poked and poked. My deskmate and I laughed behind them. The "war" ended after class, We felt as comfortable as watching a "World War movie", stretched out and got ready for Chinese class——

Oh, her! Or the math monitor! Every time she collected her homework, she was meticulous, conscientious and very impartial. Therefore, the math teacher trusted him very much. Every day, she holds the number one math book in the morning and collects it at noon. She is busy every day and can be seen everywhere. Sometimes, I also secretly praised her for her spirit, and my heart could not help giving a thumbs up.

She is such an innocent, sunny and lovely little girl. Although sometimes she and her deskmate will fight and make troubles, they will make up once class is over. Alas! Such a person with a strange temper is really silly and cute! It's really lucky to make friends with her!

Partner composition 600 words fourth grade (3)

I have a friend, Li Yizheng, 13 years old. We all live in the dormitory of the school. He and I grew up together. The relationship between our families is very good. I still call him the godmother!

He is lively and cute. He is not tall. Under his thick eyebrows, he has a pair of small eyes. He is smart! He usually likes to wear yellow T-shirts and trousers, which looks very impressive from afar!

Although he is younger than me, he sometimes cares about people! I remember one time, we went surfing at the seaside of Fangchenggang. When we played at the seaside, we caught many small crabs. But when I went home, my hand slipped and the bottle fell into a deep ditch beside the road. All the little crabs ran away. I was very frustrated! At that time, I saw my displeasure in the distance. I immediately ran over and asked, "Bao Bao Luo, what's the matter with you?" I said, "What bad luck! My little crabs!" Zheng Zheng said, "Let me give you some crabs!" I said happily, "OK!" Just looking at the bottle, looked at me again, and buttoned the bottle in my hand.

I saw little crabs crawling into the palm of my hand and into my bottle. I saw my beloved animal and thought: Why are you so generous today? He is not only kind, but also capable!

I remember once we went to Jiahe Primary School to learn English. Before class, we were competing with Huang Wenxing, the most capable female classmate in Class A, in the Hula hoop competition. At the beginning, Zhengzheng shook the hula hoop, swinging back and forth, and the hoop quickly turned. I think how Zhengzheng could be her opponent?

Suddenly, I saw Zhengzheng jump up and shake and turn around and shake, which made my eyes glaze over. The first time that sister lost to Zhengzheng, at this time, I saw that sister was unconvinced and said: "Try again!" Zhengzheng raised his head and said: "Try again, who is afraid of who!" The second time, that sister lost again, and the third time started immediately. But when the time came for class, I thought: Zhengzheng is really capable. Now I admire him from the bottom of my heart.

It is just a capable and caring child. I like him very much. If only he could get rid of the shortcomings of crying and impoliteness.

Partner composition 600 words Grade 4 (4)

I have many friends, but the first person I think of is Xiang Junhao.

He has a big face. He has a lot of meat on his face. He smiles all day long, making people think he is fat. Because he is tall, looking up at him will make you feel intimidated.

He can be said to be "sharp tongued and heartless." Although he sometimes hurts others and often plays tricks on me, he does not mean any harm and treats me well.

I remember one time, after school, I went to the shop with several classmates to buy something, and a classmate gave me a package of "none left", which made me happy. On the way home, I was about to open it when Xiang Junhao suddenly appeared and said, "Give me none of them.". He smiled and said, "Well, you can change with me." I didn't suspect that he was just playing, so I gave him "none left". Before I knew it, he ran away. I didn't catch up for a while and thought, "Forget it, just give it to him."

As I walked, I thought about it. The more I thought about it, the more angry I became. I thought to myself: He is going to go to cram school anyway. He must pass this road and see how I can deal with him.

After turning the corner, I heard his laughter again. I saw that he was still smiling, and I was angry again. I wanted to get back "none left", but unexpectedly, he had to return it to me first: "You don't wait for me." I was just about to ask why he waited for him. He took out his bag first, and said with a smile: "The rest of this bag is also for you. I want to go to cram school, and I can't eat it." I hurriedly said, "No, thank you." He said, "It's OK, I'll give you a present." Then he put his bag into my hand and turned away. I stood there, looking at his back, thinking, in fact, he is not so bad.

He is such a person, who is kind to me even though he sometimes hurts others. We will soon graduate from primary school. I must cherish this partner.

Partner composition 600 words fourth grade (5)

When the sun breaks through the sky, it blooms a bunch of light; When the lark opens its voice, it sings a song tactfully; When a small flower with dewdrops, it will stretch its buds. I was filled with passion and dreams, smelling the wisps of fragrance bestowed by nature, and walked through the tree lined paths to the sunny campus, a place full of joy.

When you enter the campus, you will feel energetic. When we walked to the corridor, the neat reading sounds became notes, which were transformed into beautiful songs. When we came to the classroom, every student and teacher's face was full of happy smiles. Here, books are the ocean of knowledge. We roamed in it, looking for the key to open the treasure. On the playground, one by one vigorous posture shuttles on the basketball rack, flashing left and turning right, aiming at the time, shooting! yes, A perfect spike. In the library, the "hissing" sound of turning books comes and goes. They are doctors and professors, looking for the truth of the world.

In this campus full of sunshine and fun, I am no longer me, but we.

Remember the tug of war? The slightly tough partners in our class bravely stepped forward and actively participated. It was a sunny afternoon, our steps were firm, our bones were full of pride, and this was the moment to safeguard the honor of the class! We stood in two lines orderly, moving our shins and preparing for the tug of war. "Hoo" blew with the whistle, and our group used all their strength, even every small pore was exerting. "Ah --" The roar came from the bottom of our hearts, and sweat flowed to our faces. "One two one, one two one refuel, refuel" The partners next to us were not idle and cheered us on. But somehow, the other end is like an abyss with "gravity". No matter how hard you try, you can't pull it over. However, we did not give up, and still fought tenaciously. "Whew!" The whistle sounded again. It's a pity that we lost. The boys were depressed and regretful one by one. At this time, the monitor stood up and said loudly, "Don't be discouraged. Through this competition, we have narrowed the distance between our partners and gained friendship, haven't we?" Then a smile came to his face again.

Sunshine campus, you witnessed our friendship, right? Oh, my dear classmates, maybe after many years, you will also smile and remember all this

Partner composition 600 words fourth grade (6)

My little partner is Min * *, who is my best friend. Min * * is wearing a pair of glasses. Whenever the glasses are about to slide down, he will push them up, just like a young doctor. Min * *'s performance is among the best in the class. Now he serves as the chief monitor in the class and the monitor on duty on Friday, and as a member of the team (flag bearer) in the school team department.

Min * * has a nickname of "bookworm". Because as soon as it touches the book, it will be absorbed in reading. Sometimes, I don't even eat food. He read a lot. If he saw that he was possessed, would he not even want to play? Will he forget my good friend?

Once, when Lu Bin finished publishing magazines, we read with interest after receiving them. "Jingle! Jingle!" When class was over, the students went out of the classroom to play in the corridor. Some of them were kicking shuttlecock against each other, some were lying on the railing in a daze, some were skipping rope, some were chasing and fighting... while Min * * was silently in the classroom, reading books alone and attentively.

When I saw this scene, I shouted, "Min * *, let's go kick the shuttlecock, OK?" Min * * was still reading somewhere, and it seemed that he didn't hear what I said.

So I shouted to Min * *, "Min * *, let's go kick the shuttlecock!" This sentence was too loud. Min * * heard it, and couldn't help jumping. When he saw that I was calling him, he replied, "Oh, wait a moment, let me finish reading this book. You can find someone else to kick the shuttlecock first." "Oh, I'm dizzy! Why should he look at it? Who should I look for? Min * *, a 'nerd', must have relapsed 'nerd' again. It seems that there is no hope to kick shuttlecock with him. Alas! It seems that I have to find someone else to kick the shuttlecock, "I thought.

Because Min read a lot of books, he is knowledgeable. So I will ask him for advice on some topics I can't do.

My little partner is really a "nerd", but he is my good friend!

Partner composition 600 words fourth grade (7)

My little partner is Yan Tiannuo. She has long eyelashes, a pair of big eyes, and her bangs just cover the thick eyebrows. Her hair is a little curly, matching her small and exquisite body. She is very cute. Even our math teacher said that she looks like a Barbie doll. She is kind-hearted and has a strong ability to take care of herself!

I remember once, when we were walking home, we saw a fierce big dog bullying a small dog. Xiao Nuo immediately picked up a stone and pretended to throw it at the big dog. In fact, she just wanted to scare the big dog away. Then she checked the dog carefully to see if it was injured. I advised her to go, "let's go. There's a lot of homework today, so let's leave the dog alone.". "No, think about it. If you were hurt and you were helpless, but someone around you didn't help you and walked away, what would you do? This puppy is also alive." Yan Tiannuo said without looking up. OK, let me help you see if the dog is injured! After we confirmed that the dog was not injured, we continued to walk home, and Yan Tiannuo also returned to his old smile.

Another time our best friend Liu Xin came to visit us. So we took her to play in the fields. At first, she was afraid, but later she gradually adapted. We were having a good time when suddenly I saw a wounded bird outside our house. I was about to leave, but Yan Tiannuo saw me. She ran to the door and gently picked up the injured bird. She said to herself, "Poor bird, let me see if you can save it.". Xiaoying and I helped the bird wake up under her command. After a long time, the bird gradually regained its vitality. Liu Xin and I also looked at Xiao Nuo with admiration. She touched the back of her head and said shyly, "The bird's wings are broken. Just wrap them with gauze. Besides, I just let the bird's wings heal faster.".

This is my little partner Yan Tiannuo. She is really a kind and lovely girl.

Partner composition 600 words fourth grade (8)

She has eyes that turn into crescent moon when she smiles, a tall nose, a mole under her right eye, and a mouth that is not very talkative but likes to laugh. Her hair is often tied into a very high ponytail and sways from side to side when she walks. She was my playmate in my hometown when I was a child, and also my little cousin.

In my words, she is too timid and "lady". I was originally an impetuous person with lively personality. She and I became a "sharp contrast". That time she came to our house. I was overjoyed and took her to Xinhua Bookstore to read. But she walked slowly with small steps. I had to wait for her for a while when I walked. Finally, I arrived at the crossroads. Seeing that the red light was about to pass, my impatient son came up and simply grabbed her hand and ran. "Run slowly! Run slowly!" I ran and ran and finally crossed the intersection, ignoring the cries behind me. She immediately pulled out her hand and groaned in a low voice, with unbearable pain on her face. "What's the matter?" I couldn't help wondering. "My hand is hurt by you!" Then he gave me a big white eye. How come? I don't use much! My mother could not laugh or cry after listening to me: "Your cousin's personality is just like this. She is not as cheerful and outgoing as you are. You can't ask her according to your standards!"

The most worthy thing for me to learn from her is to work hard. I remember when she first came to Zhumadian, I once took her to my alma mater to have a look. When she passed the Second Middle School, she stared up for a long time, her eyes were full of obsession and expectation. Then she turned her head to me: "I now have a goal, that is to become a student of No. 2 Middle School." Her tone sounded understated, but there was a kind of heartfelt determination. "I will work hard and struggle for it." Her face was full of a firm and expectant smile, and her hair was stirred by the breeze. Every time she came, she would tell me how much she had improved. This time, she stood at the gate of No. 2 Middle School and said to me, "You know what? My goal is about to be achieved." She stood there, like a determined statue polished by hard work. My heart was shocked.

She is my cousin Xie Sirui. Although she doesn't often come to Zhumadian, her spirit has always influenced me, inspired me, and taught me that hard work is the most important thing in life.