Labor Composition High School Composition 600 Words (13 Collections)
Mature and steady
2024-01-16 03:05:57
high school

Labor composition High school composition 600 words (1)

"Brothers, take the brooms, come on, Ollie!" This is a campus with a loud book, but suddenly it wakes up the vitality. The pens and rubbers held by the students are replaced by brooms and mops.

It turns out that this is our beloved President Lv's decision, which is bound to carry forward the "style of the Fifth Middle School", so campus cleanliness is essential.

Whoa! Brush! Every student tried his best to run. If he didn't see it clearly, he thought it was "Harry Potter" flying by on a broomstick.

What we want to clean is the "office", which is a difficult task, but I, who has always taken the "Red Army spirit" as the motto, must fight the evil forces to the end! Well, first open the trash can to have a look. Once opened, the smell of soot and fruit mixed with the smell of other "unknown objects". Let me describe it, uh... "cheese in smelly shoes" is the most suitable, but I still put this arduous task on my shoulder, because I was accompanied by either girls or small classmates, So I must "take the initiative". I held it "sacred" and put it a little distance in front of my chest, because I was afraid of bumping into my running classmates, and I didn't dare to run. In this way, ten minutes later, the "Long March" was finally over. Returning to the office, I found that the students were about to finish sweeping the floor. I didn't dare to neglect them. I quickly took the mop to the water room! It is no exaggeration to call the sweat room. A small water room can squeeze more than 30 people. But what is touching is that even though the students in the seven classes don't know each other, the team is still neat.

I don't know how much time has passed since I came out fat, just like taking a bath. When I came back, I picked up a mop and mopped the floor, and everyone hurried to mop the floor. Soon, we cleaned the office into the "mirror of the sky" of No. 5 Middle School. Each student sweated heavily, but was praised by the teacher, and each student's face was full of smiles.

"How about going back?" some students asked.

"The revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard," I said.

So we took brooms and mops to the next "battlefield".

Here, I only have one feeling, labor is the most glorious!

Labor composition High school composition 600 words (2)

After a week of intense study, it's the weekend. Today, my mother announced a big event. The whole family cleaned up. In order to improve everyone's enthusiasm, my mother also proposed a reward. As long as the person who is the most diligent, he can win the mysterious award.

Hearing the words "Mysterious Grand Prize", I suddenly got excited and hurriedly picked up the broom to sweep the floor. While I was working hard, a spider suddenly came into my eyes, which scared me a lot. After several steps, I hesitated for a long time to summon up the courage to continue cleaning. When I got closer and looked carefully, I saw it crawling quickly with eight small legs, and soon escaped my eyes. I felt relieved and began to clean carefully.

When I came to see my father, my mother often said that my father was a "superman" in the family. Because my father was tall and had long legs, I could just use his strengths and arrange him to clean the windows. I saw my father with big legs make a few moves to finish the task. Looking at the transparent glass, I secretly admired the speed of Superman's father.

Then my mother arranged for my father to kill the fish. He watched his father lift the fish with a knife and prepare to kill it. But things didn't go so well. The fish swung out of his father's palm and fell heavily on the ground, still beating. I looked and laughed, and my mother laughed too. So my father smiled awkwardly and picked it up again. This time, my father had experience and successfully killed the fish, showing a happy look.

In this way, we completed our own tasks and cleaned up our homes. Because I have participated in the labor, I feel a special sense of achievement, and I am in a good mood!

After a busy morning, at lunchtime, my mother announced that our family won! And the mysterious prize is what we got today. These dishes, and a new home. This is the best gift. Our hard work has brought us a clean and warm environment. The most important thing is that I also participated in it and felt the joy and harvest of labor! Mom's mysterious award is really great!

Thanks to my parents for giving me this opportunity to exercise myself and let me feel an unprecedented sense of achievement. Labor is really glorious!

Labor composition High school composition 600 words (3)

May Day is coming, many people have a holiday, and are ready to play or family reunion. Anyway, every family has its own way. Our family is going to climb the mountain.

We got up at more than six in the morning. It was still very quiet around before dawn. We have packed our things and are ready to go. We soon came to the foot of the mountain. I looked up and said involuntarily, "Ah! The mountain is so high and steep." I was a little afraid, but I still didn't give up and insisted on climbing.

We began to climb, and soon came halfway up the mountain. Suddenly, my stomach hurt and my parents were tired, so we sat on a big stone to rest our feet. After a while, Mom and Dad were about to leave, but I was too tired to climb again, so I said to Dad, "Dad, let's go back!" Dad said seriously, "No? Yes, but you will never see the beautiful scenery on the top of the mountain. You can rest here, and we will go up." I heard that and jumped off the stone immediately, "I want to see the scenery at the top of the mountain," Mom and Dad laughed. They knew I was lazy, so they gave me a plan.

We began to get up and soon came to the top of the mountain. "Ah! How beautiful the scenery is!" I couldn't help admiring it. I thought: If I didn't come up just now, I would really regret it.

I stood on a big stone and looked down. There was smoke below. We were like standing in a fairyland on earth. The mountains are green, and we seem to be in the green world. I also saw an unknown flower, very fragrant. I also heard the sound of birds, which sounded very happy and comfortable. I also saw the cars at the foot of the mountain, like little ants, driving on the road. As the saying goes, stand tall and look far. At this time, I can smell a charming breath of nature in the morning.

From this incident, I learned that if you don't persist in doing anything, you will never want to see a good result.

Labor composition High school composition 600 words (4)

Today is the "May Day International Labor Day". The school is closed. I decided to use this day to sell newspapers and earn money by my hard work.

So I told my mother my idea. My mother agreed and gave me 30 yuan. I pushed the children's cart to the neighbor's aunt's newspaper booth to wholesale some newspapers, put them on the cart, and came to the __ bus stop, shouting: "Newspapers are sold! Newspapers are sold! Fifty cents a share, come and buy them quickly..." After a long time, my face was burning with the sun, and I thought: Why didn't anyone come to buy newspapers? Just as I was about to give up, an uncle finally came to buy my newspaper. I was very excited. I hurriedly handed him the newspaper with both hands and said loudly, "Thank you, uncle!" Gradually, many people came to buy my newspaper. At this time, I was already sweating heavily, but I was very happy when I saw that the customer took the newspaper and kept abreast of the news of the day, It's like eating honey.

After a few hours, the newspaper finally sold out. I counted the money. I spent 30 yuan to buy the newspaper, and now it is 38 yuan and 50 cents. I calculated it and made a net income of 8 yuan and 50 cents! I was so excited that I jumped up at once. Then I donated 50 cents to an old lady begging on the roadside and took 38 yuan home.

I ran home cheerfully. As soon as I entered the door, I couldn't wait to yell, "Mom... I earned eight yuan! I earned eight yuan!" When my busy mother heard my voice, she rushed to me, held me in her arms, wiped my sweat, and said to me with a smile: "You did well! You used your hard work to serve the people, and my daughter grew up!" I listened to my mother and smiled happily.

Although it's hard for me to sell newspapers today, I'm happy to realize the glory of labor.

Labor composition High school composition 600 words (5)

In the morning of May Day, the sun yawned, stretched out and climbed slowly into the sky, illuminating the silent earth. We climbed onto the car quietly, and the motor made a brisk roar and rushed to the field.

Seven turns and eight turns, we are shuttling in the concrete world, but there is a clear direction in our heart: to the west, to the west! There are beautiful fields and peaceful farmhouses in the west!

I do not know how long to walk, the building suddenly disappeared, replaced by a dense forest. A path winds through the woods. The world around is full of green. The land is green, the brook is green, and even the air seems green. The hospitable birds in the trees became excited when they saw us entering the forest, chirping and singing excitedly from the deep forest to the branches beside the road, and greeted guests from afar with their distinctive clear throat. The bird's big tree friends also seemed to be interested in joining us. A south wind blew, and the "Hua Hua" song went from far to near, and soon came to our heads. On the tree, the leaves embraced each other, playing a beautiful and beautiful "Leaf Symphony", echoing the chorus of birds. Then there was a refreshing strange aroma, the fragrance of soil, leaves, and streams, all perfectly integrated into the moist air. I closed my eyes, listened, breathed, and thanked the trees for their generosity.

When I opened my eyes, the scene in front of me shocked me even more. This is a boundless wheat field, a boundless green, a boundless hope! The sun gently sprinkles a piece of sunshine, the wheat awn shows little golden light, and the whole field is covered in a brilliant. The light wind blew, setting off huge waves, and the wheat waves rolled, galloping, laughing and rushing from far to near, making a shocking sound of "whoosh". What a magnificent scene. The farmers working in the wheat fields stopped their farm work, stared at the wheat waves, let the waves wash themselves, slap themselves, and embrace themselves. His hands caressed the wave, as if caressing his naughty child. Mai Hao's mighty waves rolled in, as if to drown everything. Suddenly, it stopped suddenly, as if the waves hit the rocks, splashing away. Then came a wonderful smell of wheat. The aroma flowed into my body and washed my body with too much smoke and waste gas. I felt refreshed and my tiredness disappeared all the way.

Just walked through the wheat field, a strong fragrance came again, it was a mu of roses. The flower growers are busy in it. The rose has just formed a bud, showing a little bright red. The bulging flower buds filled with life energy are about to release, but they are picked by the flower growers and will never open. This seems to be a tragedy, but it has a gratifying ending: unable to open, unable to wither, the whole flower becomes eternal when it is in bud. The car is still moving forward. From time to time, a small forest, a cluster of roses, a farmland emitting the fragrance of soil, a clear river... tender green, dark green, cyan, red, light brown, light blue... Together, they weave a colorful, concave and convex tapestry. I can't help being deeply intoxicated with the beautiful scenery.

It was getting dark, and I reluctantly left the countryside and returned to the "Stone Forest". The air is full of smoke and noise. I closed my eyes in disgust

Labor composition High school composition 600 words (6)

As a new volunteer, I am honored to participate in the 5 · 1 Shuishui Qinchuan Outward Bound Training held in Jiangxiang Village.

I arrived at the assembly place before dawn in the morning, and soon met the team members. After the team leaders had gathered the team members, the group set out. We talked and laughed all the way. Although we didn't know each other very well, we unconsciously approached each other in this harmonious atmosphere. When we arrived at the training site, the instructor briefly told us some training common sense, and randomly divided the team to do some warm-up games. Then we started the morning rock climbing and the challenge of "high-voltage power grid". Looking at the high rock climbing wall, I felt a little uneasy, but when I saw the team members' efforts to climb the peak, I also completed the climbing. Both men and women, young and old, strong and weak, have personally experienced the true meaning of this sport - that is, confidence. Rock climbing is a test of oneself, while "high-voltage power grid" can only win if it has team wisdom and team spirit. Only through activities can we truly understand the Wearefamily, and mutual assistance and trust are the key to success. After lunch, everyone took part in the lunch. After a break, we entered the climax of this outward bound training, team competition and climbing the graduation wall more than 4 meters high with bare hands. Seeing the impossible tasks taken down by us, the joy of success turned into laughter, and the sun and sweat of the scorching sun had become the embellishment on the dark smile. We ended the day with a little tired figure and full of positive energy. "Everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high". The power of one person is limited. Only when everyone works together can we overcome difficulties. The power of a team is infinite.

We should be grateful. To achieve a goal, we should not only rely on ourselves, but learn to learn from each other and help each other. We should thank our teammates for their joint efforts, but also those who have given in silence. We should thank those who have helped us, and thank ourselves for their ability to help others. The best kindness is like water, making life better. This is the spirit of flowing water.

Labor composition High school composition 600 words (7)

I went to work in the field today, because I always have to do something on May Day!

Once in the vegetable garden, there are a lot of flowers and trees and grass. The wind blows the grass and makes a rustling sound. The willow is rustled by the wind. The flowers are more attractive. They sway with the wind, and the colorful flowers look more eye-catching in the sun. The grass on the side of the road emits a charming smell, and the river beside it is sparkling. The sun shines on the river and reflects a dazzling light. The style of the field is really unique.

After entering the garden, I saw a large area of green seedlings, accompanied by little grass. First, I saw the seedlings of Chinese cabbage. They were like small umbrellas. Then I went to see the leeks. What surprised me was that a small seedling could lift up a large area of soil! I am very surprised that the small seedlings have such great power!

I went to the sunflower field again. There were many weeds in it, so my mother and grandma and I weeded the sunflower together. At first, we felt very tired and difficult. The hoe in the field did not obey the orders, and the grass in the field was not easy to hoe. At that time, I wanted to give up, but under the guidance of my mother and grandmother, I found that weeding also needed skills. If I tried too hard, I would hoe the sunflower seedlings. If I tried too hard, I would not be able to hoe the roots. Hold the hoe tightly, and after finding weeds, I would use balanced force to cut the roots. So I wanted to try again. According to their guidance, I tried to hoe, feeling better and better. So we weeded slowly in the sun. Finally, I got rid of the grass in the sunflower field. Looking up, I found that the sun had set and it was very late.

I couldn't help sighing and saying, "How time flies!" So we packed up our things and went home reluctantly. Although very tired, I will come again. Labor is attractive.

Through this experience, I know that labor is not easy to pay. It's much harder than we do in the classroom, so I must study hard and cherish the good time of study.

Labor composition High school composition 600 words (8)

Wow, so many mice! What's going on here? Listen to me slowly.

It was the day of the National Day holiday. We followed our mother to the vegetable field where sweet potatoes were grown. What are you doing—— Dig sweet potatoes! You may frown when you hear that. Aren't you tired of working? Hey hey, I'm not tired!

First of all, my mother divided work for us - my mother dug, I cut seedlings, and my brother filled sweet potatoes.

I picked up the sickle and waved it like a hero on TV, dragging out a bunch of "prisoners" for "execution". A quick knife cut the mess, and I cut nearly half of it in three or two strokes. It's like an overwhelming force!

My mother's work is also in rapid progress. The sweet potatoes are almost piled into hills. As soon as my mother hoed down, the fat and big sweet potato could not wait to show its belly. I saw it and begged my mother: "Mom, I also want to dig sweet potatoes.". I listened and excitedly picked up the hoe to show my skill. Unexpectedly, it seems easy to dig sweet potatoes, but difficult to make them! I cut a piece of sweet potato just after I took the third move. I was very sad to see it scarred. My mother comforted me and said, "It's OK. As long as you are careful, you won't make such a mistake." So I dug carefully. After several operations, I finally dug out a bunch of big sweet potatoes. God pays the man who wanted it!

After being busy for a while, Grandma came to help. As soon as she saw some "grinning" sweet potatoes, she angrily scolded, "These sharp nosed monkeys are really annoying, they have bitten so many sweet potatoes."! I have hoed a nest of mice! These crafty guys were panicked, and the older ones had already disappeared, leaving only a nest of furry mice running around like headless flies. They screamed as if they were saying, "Help! Help!" It seems that they were abandoned by their parents just a few days after they were born. Grandma did not care. She was as happy as she found a treasure. She captured the eight "little villains" one by one, which was the beginning of the article.

It was getting late. We walked on the country road in the sunset, talking and laughing, carrying a basket full of booty. Although sweat has already soaked my clothes, my heart is filled with happiness.

Labor composition High school composition 600 words (9)

Labor is sometimes happy and sometimes painful. What impressed me most was a labor in our class. I feel the joy of labor from it.

It was a big break. DK and some tall students carried a bucket of water into the classroom. Suddenly, Zhang Daotong didn't lift it steadily, and the bucket fell to the ground. "Whoa..." The water rushed out like a tiger, and the students immediately became a mess. As they watched the water spread along the floor, Wu Hongrui shouted, "Get a mop!" Soon, mops and brooms were all in place. I also took mops and joined the "Water Treatment Group".

I took the mop and pushed the water forward little by little, shuttling through the shouting. Soon, there was less water, and Zhang Yunhua also "went to battle" with his mop. I sweated a lot on my back, but I was not tired. I was happy and satisfied when I watched the water gradually decrease. I worked harder and sped up the speed of pushing water. With a mop in my left hand and a broom in my right hand, the water had no resistance under my hands, so I was dragged under Zhang Yunhua's suction mop. ah I also found that there was also a "water army" on the left side of the classroom. Let me kill you! I rushed over again and dragged it back and forth for several times. The "bandit army" disappeared before I could figure out what was going on. I'm very proud. I'm going to celebrate with mops and brooms. My feet slip, bad! I fell on the ground with my broom. I got up in confusion. It turned out that a group of "defeated soldiers" had played a prank and made me suffer a big loss. I was so angry that I cleaned up the classroom again and was relieved after making sure there was no "water army".

I raised my head and looked at the floor of the classroom. A sense of achievement came into being. The floor of the classroom was like a mirror, smooth and bright. Everyone was clearly reflected. This was the result of my labor! The original labor is so happy!

I was very happy with this labor, and I still remember it vividly. I learned that labor is not only tired, but also happy.

Labor composition High school composition 600 words (10)

From ancient times to the present, our country has advocated taking labor as pride. There is one of the eight honors and eight disgraces in our country. It is proud to be industrious and thrifty, and it is ashamed to be lazy and work hard. Take pride in labor. As the saying goes: No pains, no gains. Without hard work, we won't have today's beautiful life.

In this era of social development, what can we do without labor? What Madame Curie can win the Nobel Prize is the result of her hard work.

Now people have to rely on their own hard work to win something in our life. Do you know the father of rice in our country? In order to research new varieties, he has been working hard in the field. It is precisely because of his hard work that he finally became the father of hybrid rice. How can these successes be separated from his hard work?

In today's era, many post-90s have formed the habit of relying on their parents to help them with their own affairs. Let's take our school students for example! Some students are lazy and unwilling to wash their own clothes. They send their clothes to the laundry. They know that this is a waste of economy. Maybe we spend money lavishly and never think of how our parents make money. Many families are not rich, but they take money from their parents without labor. These people may never know the meaning of "labor".

For example, in the process of learning, if you want to achieve excellent results, you need to work hard to earn them. Many leaders in our country say goodbye to us because of overwork. In today's society, especially among students, few of us get what we want through labor.

For whom the working people work, many people may say that it is for their own country, but the most important thing is for their own survival. A life exists in this world. If he doesn't work, he is dead. In this era, students work too little and are unwilling to do anything. They think that they can gain happiness by taking other people's things as their own. In fact, that's a wrong idea. I remember a great man once said that whatever you gain through your efforts, whether it's sweet or bitter, you will always be happy in your heart.

Working for ourselves, we should work for ourselves and take what we should take. Working is glorious. Please wake up and get your share through your hard work. Cheer for labor, labor is glorious.

Labor composition High school composition 600 words (11)

In the afternoon of May, the sun was shining brightly. Taohe Fengfeng, Gao Gao, Chen Yu and other students seemed to be just happy tuners. They sat in a few cars, hummed tunes and participated in Zhang Ranran's birthday party.

After about half of the adjustment schedule, Hu Huzhang's father led him to Kasuo Grey Farm. Like a car seeping into the air, you can see the cherry tree pinching in a high profile. It's really up to us to pick cherries here! The staff gave us every hair like a basket, and the students rushed into the cherry orchard. Ah! Pinch cherries all over the tree, such as clusters of nails, such as clusters of red. The branches were lifted up by pressing armour, and they could reach for cherries. Hujia is like a greedy monkey. When he sees the cherry tree dotted with hujia, he pinches the "ruby" slowly, crystal clear, and quickly picks hujia like a string and puts it in his mouth. Wow! Cherry is sour and sweet, and tastes delicious. Then look at Feng Feng and Wu Pantong. They are adjusting their hearts and minds. They are missing many rubies. Before long, the transfer guys are carrying armour like baskets full of cherries. It seems that we are more happy than others to pick more. Zhang Ruxi smiles, and she has picked many "quintuplets"! It seems that we leave Ka Cherry Orchard with laughter.

The car had been running for half an hour, but we arrived at the hometown of Ranzhang. Here, the air is fresh, the scenery is beautiful, and the high ranking house is breathtaking: the kitchen and dining room on the second floor, the living room on the third floor and the bedroom on the fourth floor, the chess and card room, studio, KTV and cinema on the fifth floor, all of which are well coordinated. This is indeed a real luxury house of Sri Lanka!

Just when our Zara stopped talking, Father Zhang said, "Today's lunch should be done by the students themselves!" After that, they infiltrated into the auspicious courtyard and greeted our uncle Bu Siji. Whether there are special forces in the Wansi Army or not, after the field survival training class for our Lajiaji Hall, we gathered around our uncle and listened with great interest. Then he taught his uncle how to make bamboo rice. Fresh bamboo tubes, glutinous rice and other materials have already been prepared for us. The students had rushed to fear that Ji Ji would be busy and seep, so they loaded glutinous rice into the mouth of the bamboo tube and filled it with Ji Da. They stuffed the mouth of Yan with carrots. Ran Ji set up a cooking stove with some bricks found, and asked his uncle to light a fire with a flint to help them build a fire, so that he could cook on the stove with bamboo tubes. It takes about 20 minutes to pass through Jiajia, and the rice is cooked in a bamboo tube. When they opened the bamboo tube, the bamboo fragrance and rice fragrance began to seep. Then they pulled Uncle Xiang to make Jiajiao chicken for them alone. They were salivating and gobbling up the rice in the bamboo tube. The table also lights Jia's birthday candles, and Huhuji sings Jia's birthday song

For lunch, Lamen Rong sings in KTV and watches TV for a rest. In the afternoon, the pullers faintly pulled the cat hoe, Ding Gashan pulled the bamboo shoots, pulled and raised several groups, and worked together. Although they dug slowly and sweated deeply, the Galas were full of harvest, and the green bamboo forests echoed with the cheers and laughter of the pullers.

This is such a wonderful birthday party, and let the abandoned people spend such a happy Labor Day!

Labor composition High school composition 600 words (12)

"Mom, what can I do for you?" Early in the morning on the May Day, when I saw my mother busy in the kitchen, I ran to her and couldn't wait to ask. "When are you willing to help me? Why did you ask today? Well, go and tidy up your room and clean it by the way." Mother said with a pout. Mom didn't know that it was also a teacher's requirement to help parents do housework during the holidays.

"OK." I ran to my room on the second floor. I didn't pay attention to it at ordinary times. At this time, I was shocked. The room was really a bit messy. The quilt on the bed is not folded, and clothes and small articles are lying around like a dog kennel. In the house, it is even more difficult to say that no table, stool or thing I have used is neat and clean. There are several food bags lying on the ground beside the wall, which I didn't throw into the garbage can... Alas, I said it myself, and I can't regret it. I sighed and began to work. I first make the bed, then put the things in the room, and finally sweep the floor and take out the garbage. It was not easy to finish it, and it was time for breakfast.

After breakfast, my father and mother would go to the shop to do some work, and I was the only one left at home. I wanted to do something else, so I asked, "Mom, the room has been cleaned, what else can I do. Don't be surprised, today is not an ordinary day. " My parents have gone to the store to cut the customer's hair. I went into the kitchen, took a deep breath, and worked with concentration. Unconsciously, when I finished, it was already over ten o'clock. I thought to myself, these things seem simple, but I didn't expect to spend so much time. How tired my mother should be when she does them every day. But now, looking at the front, the floor is clean, the table is polished, and the kitchen utensils, bowls and chopsticks are neatly arranged in the cabinet. My heart is happy again. Maybe my mother will praise me when she comes back.

My little aunt lives nearby. I think it's hard for her to take a ten month old baby with her. I'd better help her take care of the children, so I went to my little aunt. The child smiled at me as soon as he met me. I thought it might be a relaxing and interesting thing to take care of the child. So I took the child from my aunt and amused him. Unexpectedly, after playing for a little while, when I threw the very elastic ball to him, my leg and foot accidentally cramped, causing me to exert a little more force, and the ball jumped onto my nephew's head. This is the trouble. My little nephew cried wildly. It's useless to pacify him. He was crying all over the place, which made me upset and at a loss. The little aunt came back to carry the child over, and he gradually stopped crying. Alas! It's not easy to play with children. I remember when I was a kid, I was a "naughty boy". How hard my parents should be. It seems that I should do more for them in the future.

In the evening, I went to the store to wait for my parents to come home together. The shop was full of broken hair, which made me feel a little happy. I found something to help them again. I quietly picked up the broom and began to clean the hair from the inside out, never letting go of every corner. Clean floor tiles are exposed in the swept area, and the whole store is much brighter. The hairdresser chair near the door has the most hair under it. It may be because there is a gap at the foot of the chair. It can't be cleaned. After several times of sweeping, as soon as the broom was removed, the end of hair appeared again, so I had to squat down and clean it with my hands... I was busy, but my mother was urging me to eat again. Alas, mother usually has to sweep three floors and face the shop full of hair. What's the feeling. I can feel my mother's tired feeling at ordinary times.

When I was having dinner, I braced myself up and said to my mother seriously, "Mom, I have all the work of washing dishes and sweeping the floor during the holiday." Instead of looking at me, my mother turned to look at my father and said, "What's the matter today? Is it still addictive to accept labor?"

Labor composition High school composition 600 words (13)

In the field of hope, green mountains and green waters are wrapped with rich treasures, and planting in spring and harvesting in autumn is an eternal longing. Farmers are like artists, sculptors and painters, and their agricultural works are full of value. Farmers are the backbone of China and the pride of the nation! In the process of moving towards industrial development, the beautiful rivers and mountains have left places of interest, and the characters look at the present. Worker, you use that solid arm to support our life. It is the workers who poured the foundation of the Republic with painstaking efforts, so that the Chinese nation's fleeting trains can drag away poverty and bring prosperity. In front of the three feet lectern, because of love, I can bear to see the peach is ripe and the plum is ripe and the branches are broken; Because of perseverance, we choose to fill the world with poems and paintings. The teacher who imparts knowledge is so great that the engineer of human soul cannot measure the value of life with a money ruler. They planted seeds on the land of spring and planted beautiful buds, waiting for it to blossom like a flower. They planted the seeds of knowledge, hoping that it would be fruitful. They sow with words, plough with colored pens, water with sweat, and nourish with painstaking efforts. They have devoted their lives to making a human ladder for the prosperous times. They have no complaints about their contributions, no regrets about their choices, and are worthy of their title. They deserve the respect of the whole society! In the field of creating spiritual products, Tianzhan Yunjian, visiting the world with heart, has many scenes along the way; Life is like a scroll, writing about heaven and earth, three rivers and green waters are all rhetoric. In the sacred land of one mu, the writers use the sacred and lofty ideal lamp to illuminate the corners of society. They write down the flow of their thoughts with burning poetry and passion and deep feelings; Wipe the spark of others' wisdom with a kind heart; Use the pen and camera in your hand to discover beauty, excavate beauty, shape beauty, spread beauty, and write a life without regret! Let literature and beautiful and immortal workers, they let history pass on, and history will remember them! In the service industry, the heart has the spring breeze, and the industry can excel; Work hard and selflessly. When you walk into a restaurant, a shop, or a busy business district, do you know how hard the service is? These ordinary workers melt ice and snow with smiles, sow warmth with love, and promote social harmony with sincerity. Their cause is equally great, and their character is equally noble. In the blue waves of the East China Sea, we saw the military power of the oceangoing soldiers and men; In the laboratory where we conquered the scientific fortress, we realized that knowledge is the truth of productivity; In the field of healing the wounded and rescuing the dying, we learned the holiness of the profession engaged by the angel in white

All workers who create material and spiritual civilization are the backbone of the Republic. You selflessly handed over your fiery life to the victory and progress of the motherland, and meticulously integrated your lofty belief, hundred times confidence and dedication into the foundation of the Republic. It is countless workers from all walks of life who have written into history the desire of human beings to conquer the universe and turned the expectation of human beings to challenge nature into reality. Workers are glorious, and workers are happy!