What is friendship composition (high-quality 16)
Missing is a disease
2023-09-25 00:35:31
Argumentative paper

What is Friendship Composition (1)

A flower, a cloud, a leaf.

Bloom quietly in the flowers, wander in the sky, and enjoy the moonlight on the trees.

Beautiful and fragrant. spotless white. Quiet and serene.

A butterfly, a flaming sun, a drop of dew.

Fly to the flowers, come to it, run to the leaves.

Suck nectar, make small raindrops, quietly.

And spread pollen everywhere... let them leave "home" to the ground... enjoy the moonlight with the leaves

A little friend, what is a friend? What is friendship?

If you accidentally fall down, you can give flowers and butterflies after you get them.

Crying and screaming in pain. White clouds and the sun sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others.

Another child, leaves and dewdrops, shares with others.

When they came to him, two children reached out to help others in distress

Pick him up... This is the real?? Friendship.

Go to the infirmary... This is the real?? friend!

What is Friendship Composition (2)

What is friendship? It is a hard thing to get. It won't talk or walk away. It will only lead you to find good friends and make a deep friendship between you!

It is very friendly, can smile, can comfort. A white fur, a pair of bright eyes, a small and exquisite Maoyuan tail, plus a cherry like mouth and two long ears, make up a little rabbit in a yellow skirt! (Baby Rabbit)

At that moment, I was lonely, lonely, sad, without a smile, because there were no friends. Until that day, in the hot afternoon, I got you. You are like my family, accompanying me every day.

I like it because it is friendly; I like it, because it is very gentle; I like it because it is obedient. I also love it, because it is very gentle; Because... In short, I like it very much.

That night, I watched "Qiannv Ghost". After reading it, I didn't dare to sleep and fidgeted. So I held my little rabbit, told it why I was afraid, and went to sleep early. Sometimes, it will find me in a dream, and sometimes it will play a clown.

Little rabbit makes me happy!

What is Friendship Composition (3)

What is friendship? It is a delicate flower, graceful and fragrant in full bloom. When withered, it was like a house after a fire, leaving only a piece of burnt yellow. No matter how you use the pure water of your heart to irrigate it, and how you use your beautiful dreams to care for it, it is also relentless. What is friendship? It is a colorful painting. No matter how hard you try to modify it, when there is a defect, it is still there. It is impossible to correct it. It hurts when you think of it. What is friendship? It is

Friendship is a colorful soap bubble, which is still broken when broken; Friendship is a beautiful dream. When I wake up, I still wake up

Maybe you should be silly when you need friends; Maybe people in masks are more terrible without masks; Maybe you are also a mask in his eyes, although you are honest, maybe

Maybe true friendship is not the closeness of two hearts, but the distance.

What is Friendship Composition (4)

The lively playground is full of joy, which is not the case in my eyes.

I can only look at the ball flying in the air and sit in a corner of the campus. Only the wall accompanies me.

"Kick the ball! Come on!" A group of students were kicking the ball. "One! Two! Three! Four! Pick up!" The students over there are kicking shuttlecock, but what about me? "Ah -" can only sigh.

Why is no one willing to be my partner? The teacher doesn't care. Those girls are like actors. What's on? Play "Friendship".

As time went by, the class was over in the twinkling of an eye. I'll go upstairs. When I entered the classroom, it was dark and the light was not on. I was about to ask, Min Zhiying said coldly, "You don't need to talk, turn on the light." I pressed the switch and returned to the position. The Min "brother" was really talented as an actor. He came up to me at once, looked very close to me, and said, "Let me borrow the test paper of Unit 5..." My eyes left the book and looked at her. A lot of faces came into my mind, which made people in the area, in the class, and... I came back to myself, smiled and said, "Here you are."

When she returned, I squeezed out a few words from between my teeth: "hypocrisy." And hypocrisy is the most taboo for friendship.

There is a saying in Zhuangzi · Shanmu: "A gentleman's friendship is as light as water, and a villain's friendship is as sweet as water." So, please recognize your friends around you, whether the friendship with you is a heart to heart exchange, or a fake "friendship" based on wine and meat. Although it is impossible to talk about "gentlemen" and "villains", friendship is not hypocrisy, but sincerity.

In short: treat a person sincerely, they are called "friends"; Breaking off the relationship with another person, also called "friend", is just a fake.

So it is very important to have a pair of eyes to recognize friendship.

What is Friendship Composition (5)

What is friendship? She thinks friendship is more powerful than swords, guns and cannons! From time to time hit her vulnerable soul! She thinks friendship is the most hurtful weapon in the world! She thinks friendship is a Chinese medicine soup! Friendship is very bitter!

Some people have been hurt by friendship, so they no longer dare to make friends! She closed herself, strangled her heart to make friends! She doesn't want to cry because of which friend! She doesn't want others to see her cry! So she is alone, because she was hurt by friendship!

Her friends all left her! She tasted the pain of losing friendship! She no longer makes friends! She doesn't want to let herself feel the taste of losing friendship again! Her friends make her miserable! It was her friends who made her lonely for three years! It was her friends who turned her from an outgoing and lively girl into a lonely girl!

She thinks that friendship is a traditional Chinese medicine soup, which is bitter! She... she thinks there is no true friendship in the world! That's a lie! She often unintentionally hurts people who want to make friends with her! She thinks friendship is more powerful than swords, guns and cannons! Friendship will bleed and break her heart at any time! She doesn't let anyone touch her heart... She makes herself lonely, she makes herself lonely! She thinks friendship is the most hurtful weapon in the world! She

What is Friendship Composition (6)

What is friendship and what is friend? Maybe its definition is no longer the same as when I was a child. You can play with me as a friend. For us now, the definition of friend is more complicated.

It is said that true love is seen in adversity. Maybe it is true. Only when you are most sad and depressed can you know who your true friends are and what true love is. Some friends will not accompany you all the time. But as long as you need him, he will definitely help you unconditionally. He is really a friend, No need to say how gorgeous words, no need to vow, only need to be confirmed by actual action, only need you to say, only need unconditional help, such people can be considered as true friends.

Maybe you had such a friend, but he left for one reason or another due to some sudden changes. You may sometimes wonder whether you would be as good as before if that didn't happen, but on the contrary, what should come will come sooner or later. If your friendship can't stand the test, That's not forever. Friendship can last forever not because nothing like this or that happened, but because both people are willing to accompany, to explain, to understand, and to trust each other. Such friendship will last forever.

No matter what it is, feelings or love, it is no use for one person to work hard. It can only last long if two people work hard. When something happens, everyone should take a step back. This is the right way. Don't wait until you lose it. You can treasure it. There is no regret medicine in the world. It is the king's way to cherish the present and look forward to the future.

Some people don't know how to cherish. They miss the time they have until they lose it. They know how to cherish until they lose it. Why not cherish the present and grasp the future.

What is Friendship Composition (7)

Today, our class read and shared the picture book story "Two Trees" that won the "French Saint Exupery Prize". The story is:

There are two trees, so friendly. One is tall and the other is short. However, the small tree is trying to grow tall.

When spring comes, they bloom together. In winter, their branches are covered with snow. They compete who returns to spring first and whose leaves grow greener and more; They also compete who has more birds and can sing more.

One day, the garden was bought, and a high wall was built in the middle, blocking the eyes of the two trees. The big tree felt lonely, and its leaves gradually withered and yellowed. The little tree comforted the wall and said, "Cheer up! We must surpass the high wall." They had a long lonely time together. Finally one day, the big tree saw a piece of green leaves and climbed over the wall, just like the greeting of the small tree.

——Wait a minute! I'm coming soon! The big tree said excitedly to the little tree. It also grew much taller before the end of spring. It looks forward to meeting the little tree as soon as possible.

They happily meet again and compete with each other to see who has more green leaves and more birds. They cherish the joy of reunion so much that they are trying to extend their arms to each other, just for the sake of the reunion of friendship. Finally, their branches overlap each other, and no one can make them separate again. When people pass by, they may think they heard the wind, but in fact, it was two trees whispering their secrets. Of course, they are still growing, growing taller and more beautiful. Neither builders nor gardeners can make them separate again.

What is friendship? It is a tree that silently pays attention to another tree. It is a small green leaf. When a friend is lonely and sad, it silently climbs from the high wall, like a pair of warm hands, to comfort, encourage and hope his friends.

What is friendship? It is the flat and light competition and quarrel when meeting, and it is the treasure and treasure when meeting; It is mutual concern after leaving.

What is friendship? I don't know how precious it is when I have it, but once I lose it, I will feel its warmth, precious and great things.

What is friendship? When people pass through two trees in the wilderness, they should not think that what they hear is just a burst of wind. In fact, it is the secret that the two trees are whispering and telling.

What is friendship? The peach blossom pond is a thousand feet deep, not as deep as Wang Lun

What is friendship? Yes

What is Friendship Composition (8)

What is friendship? Can it be measured by money? Is it a mistake to shield friends? I can't define friendship, but that time, I began to understand what true friendship is.

On that day, there was a blue mechanical pencil on my desk. Look around. No one! So I carefully put it away. Whoa! I'm going to have another pen, and it's really beautiful! There is a lovely deer inside the bright blue shell

One day, Little Yu asked me anxiously, "Did you see a blue pencil?"

"There is a fawn, isn't there?"


During the conversation, I gradually learned that the beautiful blue pencil was Xiaoyu's. But it is really beautiful! So I was worried and blushed. Like Lenin who had done something wrong, I said nervously, "No, no, I took..."

Xiaoyu ignored my answer and then went to find her pen, but now I can no longer hide my heartache and shame. Heartbreak is because Xiaoyu can no longer find her beloved pen, and shame is because I stole her pen but didn't tell her the truth! I'm so nervous that I don't know what to do! It seems that the days are long.

The day passed in a restless way. The next evening, when the distant sunset had just ended, I grabbed a heart, grabbed the pen, walked slowly to Xiao Yu, and muttered like an endorsement: "Xiao Yu, I'm sorry, I shouldn't steal your pen, this is a gift for you as an apology. If... if you don't like it... I don't care..."

But she looked at the gift, shook her head, smiled and said, "No, the pen is in your place, so I can rest assured. If you like it, please tell me next time, I will give it to you!" Then she pushed away my colorful gifts. The sun shines on her, her face is as pure as the moonlight, and her heart has been kissed by an angel. She is so kind that she understands my embarrassment and guilt. Looking at her back, my heart seemed to fall to the ground, but my nose was sour and tears fell down on her pen.

I see, friendship is really simple

What is Friendship Composition (9)

What is friendship? Is it a babbling brook or a rushing river? Is it the spring rain in March or the red leaves in October? Is it the passionate sunshine or the tender moonlight?

What is friendship? Is it what Boccaccio called "sister of gratitude and kindness"? Is it Gibran's "a sweet responsibility" or Homer's "a kind of quiet and calm love"

oh What is friendship?

I think friendship should be a kind of love that makes people comfortable, happy and happy. This kind of love may not be inferior to the great maternal love, because: when you feel helpless, it will help you; When you feel sad, it will make you happy; When you feel lonely, it will care for you.

Darwin once said: "When it comes to fame, honor, happiness and wealth, they are dust compared with friendship." Yes, friendship is the most precious treasure among friends, and it is extremely sacred and pure! Maybe you have countless gold and silver treasures, or your name is famous in the world, but if you don't have friendship, your heart will feel empty one day! Because friendship can't be bought by money, and can't be exchanged by reputation! When you accidentally fail, no friend will comfort you; There is no friend to help you when you are in trouble. You may lose the confidence to fight again, and become depressed and unable to get up. It can be seen that friendship is so valuable.

People who lack friendship are empty, and I have friendship, so I am happy!

In the growing memory, how can I forget her? My best friend when I was young? Jie. At that time, we were neighbors and went to school in the same kindergarten. We go to school together, share candy together, and play the game of playing family and princess together. At that time, we were childish and lovely, but regarded our friendship as the most precious treasure. Later, we went to primary school, and we were still good friends. Let's go home together, share interesting books and discuss problems together. Such a happy time, I still remember. Later, Jie will go to the big city with her parents. I can no longer remember how reluctant we were when we parted, but clearly remember that Jie said to me, "No matter where and at any time in the future, I will be there."

What is Friendship Composition (10)

Some people say that friendship is strange because it represents courage and self-confidence.

Courage: Always think of your friends and give everything for them.

Self confidence: thinking of the strength your friends give you, you will accomplish this task very well

Some people say that friendship is power

Strength: strength is to help friends, treat enemies or strangers as friends and protect them.

Some people say that friendship is an angel, friendship is happiness, and friendship is beauty.

And I think friendship is a beautiful force!


Please look at the following incident: I had a war with Murong Wan'er because of my composition. At this moment, I felt very guilty. I don't know why. I didn't regard her as an enemy, just pretended to hate her. In fact, I have been waiting for her to apologize to me, but a few days later, I was desperate. I knew that I should go and apologize to her.

But I didn't. I want to say to her solemnly: Sorry! I shouldn't break her heart. If I tell her well, our friendship will not break. Really, no matter what she thinks, no matter whether she originally doesn't forgive me, I will regard her as my best friend. I love her, love her beauty, I love her, love her smile.

Wan'er, I didn't regard you as the enemy. I'm also a knife mouth and bean curd heart. I hope you can understand me. If you forgive me, we will be good friends

What is Friendship Composition (11)

When I was young, I was simple and lovely, and I didn't know any feelings at all. Now I have grown up and have endless friends at my age, but I still don't know what friendship is.

In the eighth grade, we were divided into the same class. At the beginning, we didn't know each other, but now we are so close. We study and play happily together. We are as united as a group. It is because of this unity that I feel the happiness of friendship for the first time. At that time, I naively thought that it was friendship. In those happy days, we went crazy and played games. We did almost everything we could do. For me, that period of time is a good memory and also an unforgettable memory.

I forgot my troubles when I was with them, and I could smile every day. The happiness they brought me was as warm as my homesickness, which almost made me intoxicated with their time. Every holiday day, everyone is always reluctant to part, as if everyone wants to stay at school. At that time, I was secretly happy for myself and said that I had finally found my own friendship.

No matter how beautiful it is, it can only be the past. Now we have parted ways long ago, and each of us has our own new friends. Although each of us has new good friends, we are not the kind of people who dislike the old when they have new friends. As long as we meet them in school, we will still talk and laugh like before, and even if we do, we cannot completely return to the past.

This week, for a small reason, it broke up completely. I don't understand. Is this our friendship for half a semester? Can it be broken up just because of such a small thing? Is this friendship? Why don't you listen to others' explanations and believe what outsiders say? Is this our friendship? It's so easy for others to break through. Is this friendship!

It's really hard to be misunderstood by others, or by those friends who used to call them sisters. I don't understand. In your heart, what do you think of our friendship. What is friendship in your heart!

What is friendship? Who can tell me?

What is Friendship Composition (12)

Chen Ming is a good friend. One day, we took out the small wooden boat made in the handwork group to play, and Chen Ming accidentally broke mine. In the dispute, Chen Ming trampled on it again, and I was very angry. I grabbed his boat and wanted to break it.

When I raised my hand to hit the ground, Chen Ming shouted to me: "Sorry! Please forgive me, don't break the boat!" But I didn't take his apology to heart, thinking that he just wanted me to return his boat to him. I threw his small wooden boat into pieces at once. Chen Ming glared at me with tears in his eyes, then turned around and ignored me.

When I saw two unrecognizable wooden boats on the ground, tears could not help falling on the wooden boats. Maybe it's because I keep my head down and Chen Ming doesn't notice my mood. I silently picked up the small wooden boat. Somehow, the good times with Chen Ming come to mind. It is said that only when people lose something important, can some previous images appear in their minds. Does Chen Ming really stop talking to me? Can't we go back to the old time? The problem that I can't accept emerged in my heart.

When I got home, I took out the two wooden boats, and tears fell down one by one, wetting the books on the table. As long as the small wooden boat is repaired, Chen Ming will be my bosom friend again. After a few months, I merged two small wooden boats into a very beautiful wooden boat. I packed it in a gift box and wanted to give it to Chen Ming on his birthday and apologize to him.

Unexpectedly, I was going to transfer school, and Chen Ming's birthday was the day I left. I wrote a farewell letter. When Chen Ming received this special gift on his birthday, he burst into tears. It turned out that Chen Ming wanted us to make up, but he didn't speak up.

What is Friendship Composition (13)

It is the east wind that drizzles the grass; It is the forest that gives birds a gentle song; It is the sincere friendship that gives us endless happiness. Friendship is like a spring in the desert, which moistens you when you are thirsty. Friendship is a bridge between you and me to promote spiritual communication; Friendship is a song that flows into my heart and makes us happy together.

What is friendship?

Some people say that it is in swordsman novels to make every effort for friends; Some say that they give up their happiness for friends in romantic novels; Others say that they would rather sacrifice themselves to keep the secrets of old friends. In fact, friendship is not just that. You can also experience the warmth of friendship in some small things.

When you are happy, someone is happy with you; When you are suffering from setbacks and hardships, someone will comfort and encourage you by your side; When you swing at the crossroads of life, someone guides you... All these things are friendship. Friendship can make people warm, just like being bathed in the sunshine in winter. It comes from the sincerity of friendship from the heart. Friendship is a pure thing, which can not tolerate any impurity. Friendship is not equal to money. Friendship is not just a gift bought for you on your birthday, but a gift that helps you when you are in trouble.

When a person betrays friendship, he will lose great happiness and gain great sorrow. It's too late to regret.

When a person is betrayed by the friendship, he will begin to close his heart and never open his heart to the friendship again. Instead, he will silently swallow his emotions. Because he is afraid, he is afraid of being betrayed by the friendship again.

Friendship should be faced with concentration and sincerity from the heart. When that sincerity is polluted, it means that this friendship will end. Because the friendship is polluted, it will never emit holy light again.

You can't live without friendship. Since friendship is the source of happiness, we should cherish and respect friendship and make it a unique landscape in your life!

What is Friendship Composition (14)

In real life or work and study, we often see the figure of composition. Composition requires a complete text structure, and we must avoid the appearance of open-ended composition. Still at a loss for composition? The following is an excellent composition about friendship. Welcome to read and collect it.

A bosom friend in the sea is a neighbor in the world.


What is friendship? Friendship is power. As the saying goes, "The flame is high when everyone gathers talent". With friendship, we have infinite power. Only with friendship can we be invincible and have cohesion and combat effectiveness. We should treat friendship kindly with our simple hearts. We should build a bridge of friendship with others with our hearts. If we treat friendship with our hearts, the bridge between us and others will be stronger and will last for a hundred years. "It is bound to hold the pen high and win the blossom". When the storm comes, we should closely rely on our friends, fight side by side, and struggle with our friends at the regimental level. Only in this way can we overcome difficulties, move forward and reach the end of success.

What is friendship? Friendship is a smile. When we suffer setbacks, we should not be discouraged, let alone slack off. We should firmly believe that "sunshine always comes after rain, and success always comes with friendship and smile". Smile with your friends in frustration. Because smile is encouragement, smile is friendship, smile is perseverance in the face of setbacks. Smile is a pump for friends to overcome difficulties, and also the best witness of friendship. When a smile is lost among friends, the motivation is buried and the friendship is driven away. Smile is the seed we sow in spring, and friendship is the wheat sprouting from this seed. Only a long smile, the seeds will thrive. Only when friends smile at each other will friendship between friends become more sincere. Be kind to friendship with a smile, and friendship will turn the discouragement of setbacks into the motivation of never losing.

What is friendship? Friendship is trust. Bacon once said, "I look forward to the arrival of friendship, but I more expect others to trust me.". Yes, only when we trust others will they trust us. Only when we open the door of the haze in our hearts can we win trust with others. Only in this way can we have the most sincere friendship, taste the sweetness of friendship, and see the magic of friendship overcoming difficulties. In our learning life, we should treat our classmates sincerely, so that we can establish deep feelings with them and feel the happiness of learning. Only when we trust our classmates can we have the most sincere friendship and understand some worldly wisdom.

What is friendship? Friendship is sunshine. I always feel lonely when I fight alone; If you fly alone, you will always scratch your wings; Singing alone always seems monotonous. A person's silence, silent bewilderment, silent darkness, silent fall into the abyss. Only with friendship can we not be lonely, and the flowers in our hearts will bloom. Only with friendship, can we have the courage to fly in the sky, our songs will be more loud, and our songs will be more colorful. Our casual silence will also become wonderful, dancing like a girl. I remember a story, "There were three people traveling, two of them in a group, and the other one chose to be independent. God knew this and brought the independent person into the darkness. The man was very angry, so he asked angrily," What's wrong with me? "God said; "Friendship is the sun, how can you look at the sun without friendship?" That person will be trapped in the night forever. Friendship is sunshine, and friendship is life. In the long river of our struggle, we should have friendship, we should embrace friendship, and we will go to the other side of success. Be kind to friendship, and our future will be ignited by the sparks of friendship. Friendship is sunshine. Whether the sunshine of tomorrow can be seen will be witnessed through our efforts and friendship.

Let's embrace friendship! Let's cherish our friendship! Let's sow the future with sincere friendship! Let's use our sincere friendship to brew a perfect spring! Let our friendship become a dancing "dandelion" flying to the warm sun in that spring!

What is Friendship Composition (15)

What is friendship? She thinks friendship is more powerful than swords, guns and cannons! From time to time hit her vulnerable soul! She thinks friendship is the most hurtful weapon in the world! She thinks friendship is a Chinese medicine soup! Friendship is very bitter!

Some people have been hurt by friendship, so they no longer dare to make friends! She closed herself, strangled her heart to make friends! She doesn't want to cry because of which friend! She doesn't want others to see her cry! So she is alone, because she was hurt by friendship!

Her friends all left her! She tasted the pain of losing friendship! She no longer makes friends! She doesn't want to let herself feel the taste of losing friendship again! Her friends make her miserable! It was her friends who made her lonely for three years! It was her friends who turned her from an outgoing and lively girl into a lonely girl! She thinks that friendship is a traditional Chinese medicine soup, which is bitter! She... she thinks there is no true friendship in the world! That's a lie! She often unintentionally hurts people who want to make friends with her! She thinks friendship is more powerful than swords, guns and cannons! Friendship will bleed and break her heart at any time! She doesn't let anyone touch her heart... She makes herself lonely, she makes herself lonely! She thinks friendship is the most hurtful weapon in the world! She

What is friendship? I think friendship is a pair of gentle hands, touching our vulnerable hearts! I think friendship is the best thing in the world that can make people happy! I think friendship is sugar water! Friendship is very sweet!

Some people have been nourished by friendship, so they want to make more friends! I open my heart to others, and I warmly accept my heart to make friends! I want to cry for my friend and her victory! It was not sad tears, but excited tears! Friendship will always make my heart sweet! I believe there is true friendship in the world! Friendship will make me strong when I am sad! Friendship will let me see hope when I am in despair! Friendship will give me strength when I am weak! I regard friendship as the most important thing in my life! I think friendship is the most precious thing in the world! We can't refuse the most precious thing in the world! We must accept the most precious thing in the world! I think friendship is the best thing to make people happy! It can't be seen or touched! He hovers around us, if we can't grasp it, we will pass it! The sugared water of friendship often moistens my heart!

What is friendship? That person can tell me!

What is Friendship Composition (16)

"What is friendship?" This simple five words, but there are thousands of answers. I think friendship is a bridge. My heart is tied to one end of the bridge, and my friend's heart is tied to the other end of the bridge. Loyalty and unity are the pillars under the bridge. Friendship is a small drop of water. The help of friends in distress is like a thousand springs and hundreds of streams, which have combined into a brilliant world shaking. Friendship is the trunk of a tree, connecting with the crown. Friends are roots, and you are the crown. Only with the help of friends, can you absorb nutrition from the soil silently, and make you flourish. Friendship is a blue sky. You and your friends are like two birds, flying side by side under the same blue sky to experience ups and downs and meet challenges. Friendship is a ribbon, which is closely linked to the fate of you and your friends. Your breath and breath are closely linked, sharing weal and woe. Friendship is a flawless jade. The contradiction between you and your friend is like a flaw on the jade. As the contradiction worsens, if both sides refuse to give up, the jade will be broken. Friendship is a small flower. It is so delicate that a pinch will kill its vitality. Friendship is a piece of chocolate, which is a little bitter and a little sweet. Friendship is Mr. Lao She's experience of growing flowers. There are joys and sorrows, smiles and tears?? After some thought, I finally understand what friendship is - a friendship is a heart forever hidden in two people's bodies. As long as everyone uses loyalty to sow friendship, enthusiasm to irrigate friendship, principles to cultivate friendship, and understanding to care for friendship, we can cultivate the most precious friendship in the world!