About 500 word composition (18 compilations)
2023-08-24 01:46:53

About 500 Word Composition (1)

In the surging waves, the person who is forever remembered in the heart is the mother, and the person who is concerned about is the mother. At the moment when life ends quietly, the person in the eyes is still the mother, the mother's hand, the mother's face, and the mother's plain hair. In the place where you can't find but can see, the murmur of the night and the dawn of the morning call you to run on the grassland of your hometown, the mountain forest of your hometown, until the wild geese fall on the flat sand, the solitary sail is far away, and you can dream of the cradle of your home, Once again, I met in my mother's arms. The sky is quiet, the ground is clear and bright, and the wandering soul is like a blue boat that evokes the wind bell of yearning. Under the old tree, you can review your mother's memory. Tears flow continuously, and you can count how many times you leave your back, and then you can understand what is "the thread in the hands of a loving mother, the coat of a wandering son".

Mother, from the ancient beauty of that moment, has the good name of March. It is the thick love in March that wakes up the spring shoots in the tired soil and the plums sprouting after enduring the cold. March endows all things with the aura of life. With the pink dew falling from the peach petals, the beauty of mother's beautiful city is suddenly reflected in the years when the beam of light passes through.

Mother is a quiet bay under the moon. From the blue wave rising and falling in the far and boundless distance to the flickering fishing fire of the boatman in the distance. On the way back to berth, the harbor has become a permanent habitat in people's minds. Because when we reach the quiet harbor, we are no longer afraid of wind, waves, hurricanes and roaring. The harbor is the mother. The mother stretches out her broad arms to support you to wander in the distance, hoping you can come back to her.

Ah! Mother is also so great. She uses her weak arms to protect you. She never complains, because she has a heart that loves you to support her and sacrifice herself for you to have a good life.

All mothers are the same. In the soft and beautiful spring, I learned that a heart full of maternal love is built from the shape of life.

About 500 Word Composition (2)

It's sunny autumn! Why, you don't believe it?

Look, her footprints are everywhere. The air is so fresh, the weather is so blurred. The sun is warmer. Her golden light happily kisses everything, so gentle and comfortable. Autumn is here, indeed! Just after the autumn equinox, I felt a bit cool. The gradually withered and yellow leaves cannot withstand the destruction of wind and rain. One leaf after another falls on the roof, on the roads of all sizes, and in the crisscross ditches. The autumn rain is light blue, crystal clear. Thousands of silver threads rippled in the air, and the mysterious gauze was draped over the dark and secluded fields. The rain falls in the water, like dropping into the crystal clear jade plate, splashing pearls; The rain falls on the trees like soft hair on the branches; The rain fell on the ground and rolled up a puff of smoke. The ground seemed to bloom into a laughing dimple.

In the continuous autumn, the green mountains are washed and the earth is nourished. Large and small puddles on the ground are full of water. They slowly flow to the big ditches and small canals, gathering the deep feelings of this year and the hope of the next year. This autumn rain is also like sweet wine, dedicated to the land where everything grows, dedicated to people full of harvest joy... autumn rain is not annoying. Behind the misty rain curtain, there are sweet smiling faces. It is a smiling face celebrating the birthday of the motherland; It is the face that makes the fruits of all over the mountains red. The era of "autumn wind and autumn rain make people sad" is long gone in the golden autumn of the motherland. I looked up at the blue sky, and felt that the sky was more clear and the sun was more brilliant. The white clouds like gauze embroidered white flowers on the blue sky. The scenery is refreshing and refreshing. The autumn rain is not only wonderful, but also full of new hope.

Ah! Autumn rain - intoxicating autumn rain.

About 500 Word Composition (3)

Guide: How to write a composition about riding a horse? Next is a collection of articles for you, welcome to read!

Composition I on Horse Riding

One day in 201x, I learned that Grandpa was going out to do business. And I heard that if you are lucky, you can ride a horse. As soon as I heard the word horse riding, I suddenly felt an inexpressible joy, and pulled my grandpa to say that I would go. My grandpa didn't want me to go, but because he couldn't stand my noise, he answered.

The next day, my grandpa and I got on the bus together, and just got off the bus, I couldn't wait to pull my grandpa to the riding track, and with excitement and nervousness, I rode on a big horse. As I was a novice, I just sat on the horse and rolled over and sat on the ground. If there were not many people nearby, I would have cried loudly.

The second time, I learned from the last lesson and rode carefully. This time, I finally succeeded. But before he could sit still, the horse suddenly ran. I was afraid of the Blissful Valley and cried out, "Help!" But no one came. I had to hold on to the stiff rope of the horse for fear of falling suddenly.

Slowly, I was not afraid. Looking around, blue clouds, green grass, colorful flowers and gurgling streams formed a wonderful picture, and I was one of the attractions. Even if Qi Baishi were here, it would be difficult to draw such a vivid picture, even if Li Bai and Du Fu's poems could not depict such a beautiful scene, and even Beethoven could not play such beautiful notes. I was deeply attracted by the beautiful scene. Suddenly, I loosened my hands and felt a shock. Then I woke up and grabbed the rope to avoid falling. Although these scenes have not changed, my mood has changed. The original feeling of nervousness and fear turned into a feeling of joy. I rode my horse towards the end of the line, and became the real scenic spot of the painting. At this time, Grandpa took out his camera and snapped down the beautiful picture.

Whenever I see this picture, I will remember the exciting moment, and I believe I will never forget it in my life.

Composition 2 on Horse Riding

Another beautiful day, my father took me, my cousin and some friends to ride in Futian Farm. On the way, I kept thinking: I have never seen real horses, and I would like to know whether those horses are fierce or gentle... I want to know too much, and I wish I could be there soon.

I couldn't wait to get to the place where I was riding. As soon as my father's friend got out of the car, he said, "Go and pull two horses!" We came to the road where we were riding. My eyes were looking around to see if anyone was riding, and there was no one. Occasionally, I saw a small blackboard with the price of riding a horse on it. I looked down and suddenly found a donkey cart and a camel. I hurried to talk to my father about riding a donkey cart for a while. My father promised, and I was very happy and overjoyed.

They pulled the horse out. The horse was a little brown, with big eyes and a bigger mouth. The other one is white.

My cousin and I were carried on horses by the staff, feeling like people in ancient times. On the first lap, a staff member followed us. The horse began to walk. It shook and made my heart tremble. My cousin held me tightly for fear of falling.

On the way, the staff member patted the horse's bottom, and the horse ran faster. My cousin and I screamed with fright.

On the second lap, my father came to lead the horse. My father kept shouting, "Drive! Drive! Drive!" and slapped his butt. No, the horse ran away. My cousin and I cried and cried and told Dad to stop, but Dad said that we should pull the reins. I pulled the rope hard and the horse slowed down. So I can feel relieved. On the third lap, we rode by ourselves. Watching the little white horse walking leisurely, he couldn't help humming a song: "The white dragon horse, with its hooves facing west..."

Next, we take the donkey cart. A friend drove a donkey cart and patted the ass of the donkey. The donkey ran faster and faster. Fortunately, the man was highly skilled and helped us through a "difficult situation".

Finally, I learned to ride a horse. As long as we persevere, there will be no difficulties we cannot overcome.

About 500 Word Composition (4)

Moving 500 Word Composition (I)

Moved 500 words composition

Moving 500 Word Composition (I)

Today, I am very happy because my father is coming back. Early in the morning, my mother and I went to the railway station to meet my father. When we arrived at the railway station, we waited left and right without seeing Dad. Mom picked up her cell phone and called Dad. Only then did she know that the train Dad was on was late, so we had to wait. We waited for a long time and looked at the exit from time to time. Dad's figure finally appeared in our anxious expectation.

I haven't seen my father for a long time. I rushed to hold my father. My father smiled and said to me, "My dear daughter, look, what did my father bring back to you? This is your favorite crisp candy." I looked puzzled and took it. I was very strange: I didn't say I liked to eat crisp candy. To tell you the truth, my father brought me a bag of crisp candy when he came back from a long way away. I really didn't like it.

After dinner, our family sat together and chatted. The mother said to her father, "Why did you buy her a bag of crisp candy? Didn't she say she liked it?" The father said, "That time, when we went to the street together, the daughter saw a child eating crisp candy, and her eyes kept staring at it. Because she was in a hurry, she didn't have time to buy it for her. This time, I took a bus to Changchun in advance and ran to four stores to buy it!"

I see! My father kept a casual look in his heart. At this time, an unspeakable feeling rises from my heart. I threw myself into my father's arms. At that moment, my tears flowed down like broken beads.

Moving 500 Word Composition (II)

One night during this winter vacation, it snowed heavily. When I got up the next morning, I saw through the window that there was a vast expanse of white everywhere outside, as if it were a world of snow. I cried excitedly: "Ah! It's snowing! I'm going to make a snowman!"

I hurriedly put on my clothes and rushed out of the house. As soon as I ran outside, I slipped and fell to the ground. It hurt so much that my tears almost fell out, so I had to climb up hard. At this time, I heard the sound of "Qiang - Qiang - Qiang" outside. I looked for the reputation. It was my grandfather next door who was sweeping the snow on the road. The cold wind hit grandpa fiercely and got into his neck without mercy. But he did not care at all and still swept calmly. I ran to my grandpa and asked him, "Grandpa, are you cold? When will you finish sweeping such a long road?" My grandpa said, "It won't be cold to sweep the snow. I have cleaned the snow on the road. It will be convenient for everyone to walk or ride a bike. Giving convenience to others is giving convenience to yourself!" Then he picked up the broom and buried his head in work. After a while, the snow swept away, but the glistening sweat on Grandpa's forehead, and his wrinkled face seemed more kind than usual.

My grandfather's spirit of serving the people with all his heart and not taking personal interests into consideration deeply moved me. Looking at everyone walking along the path opened by my grandpa, I think I should learn from my grandpa next door, his spirit of helping others and loving labor.

Moving 500 Word Composition (3)

There are feelings everywhere in life, even on buses.

Today, my mother and I went shopping in Xinyijia by bus. There were very few people on the bus. My mother and I chose a window seat and sat down. After a few stops, there were more and more people on the bus. There were no seats on the bus. Even the handle of the bus was almost gone. There was a heavy smell of sweat in the bus, which made me breathless.

When we arrived at Yingbin Road Station, a white haired grandfather came up. He leans on crutches, hunches his back, and barely reaches the handle of the car. Suddenly, the car shook violently, and the old man stumbled. A big brother helped him and said to him, "Take a seat, Grandpa, I'm going to get off." The old man smiled and said, "Thank you." After another three stops, the big brother didn't get off. The old man seemed to notice something, He said to the elder brother, "Young man, you have several stops to go. I'm fine. Sit down." He was about to get up. The elder brother quickly helped him to sit down and said to him, "Grandpa, I really want to get off the station. Sit down and see you later." The elder brother got off. Then an old woman came up with a big bag. Seeing that the old woman was very tired, the old man quickly stood up and offered her his seat. The old woman pushed aside for a while and then did it. After a while, the old woman noticed her little sister and said with a smile, "Come on, little girl, let me give you Grandma's seat." But the little sister was very sensible and insisted not to sit.

Moving 500 Word Composition (2)

The composition moved me 500 words

Whenever I think of my aunt's help, I feel grateful.

One cold winter afternoon, when I went to class, I stood alone by the roadside waiting for the bus. I huddled in the thick cotton padded jacket, and a cold wind blew, and I couldn't help shivering. I thought to myself: If someone would send me to school, I would not suffer here

At this time, an aunt on a bicycle passed by me and just met me. My aunt turned around and apologized to me. At this time, she saw that I was carrying my schoolbag, so she smiled and said to me, "Are you going to school?" I hesitated for a while, and answered, "Yes, what's the matter?" The aunt said, "It's too cold. Why don't I take you there? On the way, and ride fast. Otherwise, when will you wait?" I hesitated, but did not move. My aunt seemed to see through my mind and turned to me and said, "Get on the bus quickly! Go to school early, it will snow soon." My aunt's sincere words moved me, and I immediately got on the bus. When I was seated, my aunt rode quickly to the school. My aunt stepped on the pedal against the wind, holding the handle with both hands, and rode forward, reminding me to sit still from time to time. I think: Aunt is so kind. I must thank her later. At this time, a cold wind blew, not as cold as before, but as warm as the spring wind.

Soon, the school arrived. I got off the bike, took five yuan out of my pocket and handed it to the aunt. Unexpectedly, my aunt waved her hand and said, "No, go to class quickly!" Then she got on the bike and left quickly.

I stood at the school gate, looking at the figure of the aunt, mixed feelings, a warm current slowly flowed into my heart. There are true feelings everywhere in the world. The true feelings always warm people's hearts. The love of strangers around everyone is always moving.

The composition moved me 500 words

Pan An is a nice young man in our community. He is also kind, but he is a little timid. He usually stews fish soup (reproduced on Weishui Xuezi.com on a sunny afternoon, people in a building suddenly smoke, and neighbors run down when they smell the smoke. "Uncle!" a man shouted. At this time, everyone thought that the old man was on fire, but the old man was still sleeping soundly at home! People began to talk about who would save the old man. "An Lin, you should go." "Why?" "You are the opposite of the old man, you should go to wake him up." "That cloud should go even more." "Why?" "The chicken soup should be cooked for you! Don't you turn off the gas?" " Just as the family was arguing, Pan An came over and asked," What's the matter? " "The old man's house is on fire, but he is sleeping at home! But none of us is willing to save him," said An Lin. Pan An looked at the growing black smoke and said, "Let me go. Ten minutes later, the 119 car arrived. Before people saw him get down, they began to worry. He would be OK. Another 10 minutes later, we heard a familiar voice: "Come and help!" It was Pan An, it was him! He was greeted by an old man who was over 70 years old. "Xiao An, I'm sorry for you.

I witnessed all this in front of the window, and two lines of tears remained. I was deeply moved by him. Every time I stand at that window again, I will think of how many people like him in the modern society, who have the same quality as Halwe. In the modern society, doesn't it just need such a character? Pan An and Halwe, they are all examples for us to learn from.

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Moving 500 Word Composition (3)

One thing that moved me

In my mind, there are many moving things, but one of them is the most unforgettable.

The night is more beautiful because of the bright moon, the brook is clearer because of the pebbles, the flowers are more beautiful because of the green leaves, and the world is more beautiful because of the touch. There was a small thing in life that left a deep impression on me. Grandpa's deep love warmly surrounded me. Perhaps in my memory, with the passage of time, other things have faded, but this matter will always be remembered in my heart.

I remember that time, my stomach somehow hurt for several days, especially uncomfortable. I can't eat anything. I just pinch my nose and take medicine. Grandma and grandpa saw me lose weight day by day, and they felt bad about me. They made delicious food for me every day. One night, it was raining cats and dogs, and I suddenly wanted to eat an orange, so I said casually, "If only there was a sweet orange!" I just said casually, thinking that Grandpa would buy me an orange tomorrow. To my surprise, grandpa turned around on the ground twice and said, "There is something wrong with the unit, I have to go to see it." Then, despite the strong protest of my grandma and I, he took an umbrella and rushed into the rain with lightning speed.

I prayed silently in my heart that Grandpa would never get wet! Seven o'clock, eight o'clock, nine o'clock, the time passed by minute by minute, I was almost asleep, vaguely heard the knock on the door. Ah! Grandpa is back. I rushed out and opened the door to see that Grandpa's clothes were all wet. The water dripped into several thin rain lines along the collar and trouser legs. The shoes were also filled with water, which looked like a drowned rat. My grandpa said to me, regardless of the muddy water, "Eat quickly. If you put acid on it, it will not taste good." Looking at the yellow oranges, my nose was sore, tears were in my eyes, and all kinds of thoughts came to my mind. At this late night, it was raining heavily, and the nearby fruit stores were closed. Grandpa had to go a long way around for these oranges. Suddenly, a warm love enveloped me in an instant.

Now, although it has been a long time, I still remember it vividly. It will become the brightest star in the sky in my memory.

Moving 500 Word Composition (4)

One thing that moved me 500 words

There is always one thing in life that is moving and a group of people that is unforgettable. In this world full of love, there are moving pictures everywhere

I remember when I was a child, my relationship with my neighbor's family was not very harmonious, and we often refused to say hello when meeting each other. Although we have been neighbors for several years, we seemed to be strangers to each other. My best playmate at that time was the month and month of my neighbor's family. When we saw our parents were so strange, we all felt very strange. What happened to adults? One thing that moved me 500 words

With doubt, I went to ask my mother: "Why don't you talk to Yueyue's mother?" At first, my mother didn't care about me. She always thought I was young and it was useless to talk to me too much. Besides, I was still young at that time and didn't understand anything. In order to find out this problem, I ran to Yueyue's home to ask her mother. After asking, her mother didn't talk, which made me even more surprised, Did my family do something to upset her family? Or our two families quarreled before

About 500 Word Composition (5)

500 words composition on puppy love (1)

The price of puppy love

Maybe growth is doomed to bear setbacks notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Sun Xing said, "puppy love is an immature green peach in the Queen Mother's Peach Garden." At that time, I was just in the first day of junior high school.

At the moment when I entered the new class, I caught a glimpse of her -- beautiful, like a lotus just emerging from the water, slim and graceful, and she also had a beautiful name -- Tingting. She is not very beautiful, but there is a temperament in her - a unique temperament that can only be understood. This temperament attracts me at a glance. I really hope to get close to this girl and understand her, but I don't know why I dare to talk to her. I can only look at her from afar and chat happily with other people, and stay in a daze. At those times, somehow, my heart felt astringent. Chang moth said, "puppy love is a poison taken by mistake and a miserable life in the Guanghan Palace. I despise myself, even hate myself - why am I so useless. Opportunities are all the same. They always appear when you don't need them, but when you want them to appear, they won't come. I dare to talk to her now, but now they are separated by two places. In this way, over the past three years, I have left many tears for my incompetence. Every night in the dead of night, when I think about it, I cover my head with a quilt and sob silently. Although the man's tears do not flick, but it is just not sad. Sister Xianglin said, "Early love is my Ah Mao. He died before he grew up." I don't know how sad Sister Xianglin was when Ah Mao died, but I know how sad I was when my first love died.

It was June 22, the last day of the high school entrance exam. I knew that this day might be my last chance.

After that day, I may not see her again, so I must take this last opportunity to express myself to her. The success or failure of the high school entrance exam will determine my future life, but this confession will also affect my next life. In the last chemistry exam, I answered quickly. After a cursory examination, I handed in the paper in advance and waited downstairs for her. The bell for handing in the paper finally rang, and my heart beat faster. She walked out of the examination room slowly, and my heart hung to the Adam's apple, and soon jumped out. I dare not go to see her directly after all. So I asked two girls in my class to help me and asked her to go to a place where there were few people. The wait for a few minutes was as long as centuries. When there was no Tingting among the people waiting, there were only two girls in this class - I guessed the result. "She said she didn't want to come." At that moment, my heart dropped from the Adam's apple. I seemed to hear the sound of it breaking. There was a pain in the Adam's apple. I cover

Keep your mouth open and run all the way to the balcony -- nobody here. My tears could not help bursting into my eyes. I roared out everything. Obviously, I guessed the outcome of the failure before, but I don't know why I was so sad when the outcome really appeared. I cried bitterly and thoroughly. I saved everything I had accumulated for three years with tears. At a loss, the two girls found my best friend to comfort me, and my pain was absorbed by the paper towel he handed me. "Crying is instinctive, not crying. It's a skill. Do you have this skill?" "Yes." I tried to stop the retention of tears, but the tears kept falling in my heart. "Crying is important for health, not for growth," said the friend word by word. This cry, I cried away everything in the past three years. Maybe when I wake up tomorrow, I will feel that these three years are just a dream. Hurt, don't love pain, understand cry, heartbreak wake up, forget tired, tired, over.

Out of the Mistake of puppy love

Holding the window lattice, I gazed at the street lights outside the window. It was an ordinary overnight, and it had just rained during the day.

The wind is particularly warm and moist, like the breath of the sea in the distance, gently passing through the vast darkness and touching my face. Why are your eyes moist? Is it because it is difficult to get rid of the entanglement of lost feelings? Or is it because of falling into the emotional quagmire? I asked myself, but the deep sky was speechless. A thin rain was falling outside the window, and the wet fog covered my whole body. I knew that I was in a dilemma I had never met before. What's scary is that I was at a loss in the face of difficulties.

Another sweet voice came from his ear: "My name is Xiaoxiao, Jianguang. Please take more care of me later." "Well

That's what a man should do. " When I was a sophomore in senior high school, I heard the teacher say that a girl named Xiaoxiao came to join the class. Unexpectedly, she happened to be at the same table with me, and I stumbled when talking to her for the first time. She flew into my vision like a butterfly, white, elegant and crystal clear, so extraordinary and refined that a bunch of gorgeous words suddenly lost their color. She is like the "Angel in white" in Bing Xin's pen, "waving her wings and holding flowers", always smiling at me. The first time I saw her, a pearl hidden in my heart. After that, my eyes often involuntarily followed her beautiful figure, happy with her, and worried with her excellence. Her smile is like a swallow's wing, just a flash, it makes me feel the spring is infinite; Her worries are like summer clouds, only one piece of them makes me feel twilight

Dark. Even in the air after she passed, I could smell a fragrance, like the mellow wine volatilizing.

A few drops of cold rain recalled my feeling. For a long time, I have been thinking about the plan to break through the tight encirclement. In the past, my grades were far ahead in the class. Since I became my deskmate with her, the white swan has become an ugly duckling, and has plummeted. If I should be eliminated in the college entrance examination, my future would be dark. "I have no right to fail! The beloved teacher will not allow it, the poor family will not allow it, and the elderly parents will not allow it!" This is my own aphorism, and I wrote it into my diary.

Standing at the window tonight, I am like a lonely goose falling into the valley, depressed and helpless. At this moment, a flash of lightning shone through

The whole sky, followed by the deafening thunder! My eyes suddenly became clear: it was like silk

Is it not under the call of thunder and lightning that rain comes to me and creates this poetic mood for me?

"A man should be self strengthening". Rather than let illusions make him mediocre, it is better to keep a beautiful return in mind

Memories, accompany me to finish the road ahead.

Just tonight, I feel that I have walked out of the misunderstanding of puppy love.

My opinion on puppy love

Since Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, and since human beings were divided into men and women, love has become the eternal Lord of the world

Question. For virgins, youth initiation is a normal phenomenon, an inevitable stage of physiological development, and it is by no means an artificial imprisonment.

It is often said that some middle school students should strongly prohibit puppy love. I think, "Morning

The word "love" is not properly used. "Love" means love. But we middle school students who are in the prime of life have too little understanding of love. We still do not know what is the true "love" and what is the true meaning of "love".

As one student said, boys and girls are attracted by each other's temperament, or because

Admire someone's talent, love someone's demeanor, and would like to associate with them and become friends. This may be the law in physics: the same sex repels each other, and the different sex attracts each other. But whether it is "attraction", "admiration" or "love", it cannot be equated with "love". I don't deny that it may not develop into love, and teachers should guide them correctly instead of scolding and prohibiting them, otherwise, it will only backfire.

"Love" is supreme and sacred. Because of this, we should not say this rashly

A word, indiscreet, is a blasphemy of love. In the young years, we should treasure this word in our hearts until

One day, we really met that unforgettable happiness.

At our age, there are few people who can really match that word. "Love" is not simple, it contains responsibility. According to statistics, the success rate of love in middle school and even in college is very low.

There is more friendship than love between men and women. We middle school students, boys and girls should communicate with each other generously. Originally, boys and girls talked and played together. It was nothing. But some students became nervous first and became unnatural, even their tone of voice and eyes changed. In this way, it attracts the attention of people around and makes all this more mysterious by joking. After a long time, I felt that something was really wrong and added an unnecessary worry.

The world is made up of men and women, and the lack of either side is not a complete world. I remember the writer Liang Xiaosheng said that women are a university, where men can learn a lot. Similarly, men are also a university. Only in men's universities can women become more perfect and mature.

Girls should learn boldness and perseverance from boys, and boys should learn gentleness and carefulness from girls. It was pointed out that the conversation between the opposite sex is often more enlightening than the conversation between the same sex.

As for the communication between boys and girls, I think educators should not be indiscriminately beaten to death and put on the hat of "puppy love" without argument. In the 1990s, young boys and girls should break the boundaries of "angry giving and receiving", and communicate boldly and sincerely.

Of course, I firmly oppose that kind of too casual and vulgar exchanges. For those boys and girls who blindly advocate the western world and consciously take the initiative to "taste the forbidden fruit", teachers and parents should timely help and educate them to rein in the precipice.

About puppy love

In recent years, puppy love has always been a sensitive topic on campus. In the words of my old class, it is normal to have such things here at this age. In my mother's words, he is excellent, so you like him. What's wrong with that?

My personal opinion is that this is a kind of green memory unique to our youth. Since God has given us love, we should make full use of it. The most brilliant smile in the world is heat

People in love, and most of the tears in the world, are also lovelorn people. So there are many...... My deskmate's composition is copied love letters every time, and each time can get high marks. From small to large, how many people tell us that the green fruit cannot be picked. But sometimes green fruits are also delicious, such as green apples. (I didn't find a green picture, so I got a familiar one. Let's make do with it.) How many people tell us that the chances of campus love getting together at last are very low. But only one in ten thousand lovers are willing to get involved, believing that one in ten thousand miracles happen to them. (Just found, this one is half cooked). Some people also said that if you want to enter the university, you should not engage in those things. However, if people can control emotion, it is not called emotion. My parents are very open. There are many male students who have eaten at my home. My mother is warm as if she is entertaining her future son-in-law (sorry, this rhetoric is a bit inappropriate). They never ask about it, and that's right. Usually they don't ask, I reveal myself. Even several boys told me this week that I saw a handsome boy in XX class today, And I lament that the boys in our class can't do anything directly. I will tell her that my mother just listens quietly. Once, before going to bed, I asked my mother, "What is love?" My mother said, "I like a person, and I will be happy with him." "What's the difference between love and liking?" "Love means that you will actively approach the person you like, and will miss him if you don't see him." "Then I miss Han Yang very much. Mom, do you remember Han Yang?" "Is that the boy who came to our house when you were in the fifth grade?" "Well, we have no contact now." "Then keep him in mind. Don't think about him. When you enter the university and graduate school, there are many good boys." My mother never worried about which boy I would love. I asked her why before, but her answer made me want to cry, "Because I know that you will never forget Han Yang, and you will always wait for him." My classmates said that my requirements are too high, and there is no such perfect person in the world. However, I firmly believe that in ten years or even decades, I will meet a boy as excellent as Han Yang

Parallelism of puppy love


About 500 Word Composition (6)

500 words moved (1)

The composition moved me 500 words

Whenever I think of my aunt's help, I feel grateful.

One cold winter afternoon, when I went to class, I stood alone by the roadside waiting for the bus. I huddled in the thick cotton padded jacket, and a cold wind blew, and I couldn't help shivering. I thought to myself: If someone would send me to school, I would not suffer here

At this time, an aunt on a bicycle passed by me and just met me. My aunt turned around and apologized to me. At this time, she saw that I was carrying my schoolbag, so she smiled and said to me, "Are you going to school?" I hesitated for a while, and answered, "Yes, what's the matter?" The aunt said, "It's too cold. Why don't I take you there? On the way, and ride fast. Otherwise, when will you wait?" I hesitated, but did not move. My aunt seemed to see through my mind and turned to me and said, "Get on the bus quickly! Go to school early, it will snow soon." My aunt's sincere words moved me, and I immediately got on the bus. When I was seated, my aunt rode quickly to the school. My aunt stepped on the pedal against the wind, holding the handle with both hands, and rode forward, reminding me to sit still from time to time. I think: Aunt is so kind. I must thank her later. At this time, a cold wind blew, not as cold as before, but as warm as the spring wind.

Soon, the school arrived. I got off the bike, took five yuan out of my pocket and handed it to the aunt. Unexpectedly, my aunt waved her hand and said, "No, go to class quickly!" Then she got on the bike and left quickly.

I stood at the school gate, looking at the figure of the aunt, mixed feelings, a warm current slowly flowed into my heart. There are true feelings everywhere in the world. The true feelings always warm people's hearts. The love of strangers around everyone is always moving.

The composition moved me 500 words

Pan An is a nice young man in our community. He is also kind, but he is a little timid. He usually stews fish soup (reproduced on Weishui Xuezi.com on a sunny afternoon, people in a building suddenly smoke, and neighbors run down when they smell the smoke. "Uncle!" a man shouted. At this time, everyone thought that the old man was on fire, but the old man was still sleeping soundly at home! People began to talk about who would save the old man. "An Lin, you should go." "Why?" "You are the opposite of the old man, you should go to wake him up." "That cloud should go even more." "Why?" "The chicken soup should be cooked for you! Don't you turn off the gas?" " Just as the family was arguing, Pan An came over and asked," What's the matter? " "The old man's house is on fire, but he is sleeping at home! But none of us is willing to save him," said An Lin. Pan An looked at the growing black smoke and said, "Let me go. Ten minutes later, the 119 car arrived. Before people saw him get down, they began to worry. He would be OK. Another 10 minutes later, we heard a familiar voice: "Come and help!" It was Pan An, it was him! He was greeted by an old man who was over 70 years old. "Xiao An, I'm sorry for you.

I witnessed all this in front of the window, and two lines of tears remained. I was deeply moved by him. Every time I stand at that window again, I will think of how many people like him in the modern society, who have the same quality as Halwe. In the modern society, doesn't it just need such a character? Pan An and Halwe, they are all examples for us to learn from.

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500 words moved (2)

One thing that moved me

In my mind, there are many moving things, but one of them is the most unforgettable.

The night is more beautiful because of the bright moon, the brook is clearer because of the pebbles, the flowers are more beautiful because of the green leaves, and the world is more beautiful because of the touch. There was a small thing in life that left a deep impression on me. Grandpa's deep love warmly surrounded me. Perhaps in my memory, with the passage of time, other things have faded, but this matter will always be remembered in my heart.

I remember that time, my stomach somehow hurt for several days, especially uncomfortable. I can't eat anything. I just pinch my nose and take medicine. Grandma and grandpa saw me lose weight day by day, and they felt bad about me. They made delicious food for me every day. One night, it was raining cats and dogs, and I suddenly wanted to eat an orange, so I said casually, "If only there was a sweet orange!" I just said casually, thinking that Grandpa would buy me an orange tomorrow. To my surprise, grandpa turned around on the ground twice and said, "There is something wrong with the unit, I have to go to see it." Then, despite the strong protest of my grandma and I, he took an umbrella and rushed into the rain with lightning speed.

I prayed silently in my heart that Grandpa would never get wet! Seven o'clock, eight o'clock, nine o'clock, the time passed by minute by minute, I was almost asleep, vaguely heard the knock on the door. Ah! Grandpa is back. I rushed out and opened the door to see that Grandpa's clothes were all wet. The water dripped into several thin rain lines along the collar and trouser legs. The shoes were also filled with water, which looked like a drowned rat. My grandpa said to me, regardless of the muddy water, "Eat quickly. If you put acid on it, it will not taste good." Looking at the yellow oranges, my nose was sore, tears were in my eyes, and all kinds of thoughts came to my mind. At this late night, it was raining heavily, and the nearby fruit stores were closed. Grandpa had to go a long way around for these oranges. Suddenly, a warm love enveloped me in an instant.

Now, although it has been a long time, I still remember it vividly. It will become the brightest star in the sky in my memory.

500 words moved (3)

Moved 500 words composition

Moving 500 Word Composition (I)

Today, I am very happy because my father is coming back. Early in the morning, my mother and I went to the railway station to meet my father. When we arrived at the railway station, we waited left and right without seeing Dad. Mom picked up her cell phone and called Dad. Only then did she know that the train Dad was on was late, so we had to wait. We waited for a long time and looked at the exit from time to time. Dad's figure finally appeared in our anxious expectation.

I haven't seen my father for a long time. I rushed to hold my father. My father smiled and said to me, "My dear daughter, look, what did my father bring back to you? This is your favorite crisp candy." I looked puzzled and took it easily. I was very strange: I didn't say I liked to eat crisp candy. To tell you the truth, my father brought me a bag of crisp candy when he came back from a long way away. I really didn't like it.

After dinner, our family sat together and chatted. The mother said to her father, "Why did you buy her a bag of crisp candy? Didn't she say she liked it?" The father said, "That time, when we went to the street together, the daughter saw a child eating crisp candy, and her eyes kept staring at it. Because she was in a hurry, she didn't have time to buy it for her. This time, I took a bus to Changchun in advance and ran to four stores to buy it!"

I see! My father kept a casual look in his heart. At this time, an unspeakable feeling rises from my heart. I threw myself into my father's arms. At that moment, my tears flowed down like broken beads.

Moving 500 Word Composition (2)

One night during this winter vacation, it snowed heavily. When I got up the next morning, I saw through the window that there was a vast expanse of white everywhere outside, as if it were a world of snow. I cried excitedly: "Ah! It's snowing! I'm going to make a snowman!"

I hurriedly put on my clothes and rushed out of the house. As soon as I ran outside, I slipped and fell to the ground. It hurt so much that my tears almost fell out, so I had to climb up hard. At this time, I heard the sound of "Qiang - Qiang - Qiang" outside. I looked for the reputation. It was my grandfather next door who was sweeping the snow on the road. The cold wind hit grandpa fiercely and got into his neck without mercy. But he did not care at all and still swept calmly. I ran to my grandpa and asked him, "Grandpa, are you cold? When will you finish sweeping such a long road?" My grandpa said, "It won't be cold to sweep the snow. I have cleaned the snow on the road. It will be convenient for everyone to walk or ride a bike. Giving convenience to others is giving convenience to yourself!" Then he picked up the broom and buried his head in work. After a while, the snow swept away, but the glistening sweat on Grandpa's forehead, and his wrinkled face seemed more kind than usual.

My grandfather's spirit of serving the people with all his heart and not taking personal interests into consideration deeply moved me. Looking at everyone walking along the path opened by my grandpa, I think I should learn from my grandpa next door, his spirit of helping others and loving labor.

Moving 500 Word Composition (3)

There are feelings everywhere in life, even on buses.

Today, my mother and I went shopping in Xinyijia by bus. There were very few people on the bus. My mother and I chose a window seat and sat down. After a few stops, there were more and more people on the bus. There were no seats on the bus. Even the handle of the bus was almost gone. There was a heavy smell of sweat in the bus, which made me breathless.

When we arrived at Yingbin Road Station, a white haired grandfather came up. He leans on crutches, hunches his back, and barely reaches the handle of the car. Suddenly, the car shook violently, and the old man stumbled. A big brother helped him and said to him, "Take a seat, Grandpa, I'm going to get off." The old man smiled and said, "Thank you." After another three stops, the big brother didn't get off. The old man seemed to notice something, He said to the elder brother, "Young man, you have several stops to go. I'm fine. Sit down." He was about to get up. The elder brother quickly helped him to sit down and said to him, "Grandpa, I really want to get off the station. Sit down and see you later." The elder brother got off. Then an old woman came up with a big bag. Seeing that the old woman was very tired, the old man quickly stood up and offered her his seat. The old woman pushed aside for a while and then did it. After a while, the old woman noticed her little sister and said with a smile, "Come on, little girl, let me give you Grandma's seat." But the little sister was very sensible and insisted not to sit.

Moved 500 words (4)

One thing that moved me 500 words

There is always one thing in life that is moving and a group of people that is unforgettable. In this world full of love, there are moving pictures everywhere

I remember when I was a child, my relationship with my neighbor's family was not very harmonious, and we often refused to say hello when meeting each other. Although we have been neighbors for several years, we seemed to be strangers to each other. My best playmate at that time was the month and month of my neighbor's family. When we saw our parents were so strange, we all felt very strange. What happened to adults? One thing that moved me 500 words

With doubt, I went to ask my mother: "Why don't you talk to Yueyue's mother?" At first, my mother didn't care about me. She always thought I was young and it was useless to talk to me too much. Besides, I was still young at that time and didn't understand anything. In order to find out this problem, I ran to Yueyue's home to ask her mother. After asking, her mother didn't talk, which made me even more surprised, Did my family do something to upset her family? Or did our two families quarrel before? Then I grew up

About 500 Word Composition (7)

Composition on self-confidence 500 (1)

500 words of confident composition

Confident composition

Wang Jiaxin

Maybe what you have seen so far still leaves me with a sense of inferiority and nervousness that cannot be faded, but it is a miraculous change compared with me who was afraid of speaking nervously until my stomach hurts.

If children are compared to stars, I must have been one of the stars that dare not shine. Until one day, my moon lit me up, let me summon the courage to shine.

When I was in primary school, I was recommended by the head teacher to run for the election of a member of the brigade. Although I was the monitor at that time, I was afraid to speak in front of people because I was inferior. I was afraid that others were better than me, and I was more afraid of being laughed at by others. I didn't want to run for election, but my mother didn't agree with anything and insisted that I participate. I clearly remember how I cried "I don't want to go" at the top of my voice that night.

My mother was very strict that day. She didn't allow me to cry. She instructed me to write a speech with hundreds of words and asked me to read it to her. I refuse to say that I'm afraid I can't read it well. Going on stage is like making a fool of myself. My mother did both hard and soft, and I read it out hesitantly. I read without skill, even I felt ridiculous. That day, my mother left a "cruel word": "If you don't go, don't call me my mother again." At that time, I was very afraid and had to agree.

On the day of the speech, I went there with fear. Experts are like clouds. I have another stomachache.

Standing on the stage, I was silent for a second, and then did not speak fluently. The applause was sparse, but I was very happy: I finally dared to speak loudly in front of everyone!

I didn't succeed in that election, but I overcame my fear and succeeded. Since then, I have confidence.

This seemingly small but significant success lit up my star light and illuminated my way forward.

Composition on self-confidence 500 (2)

Chinese characters are not only magical and interesting, but also have a long history and rich culture. There are many kinds of Chinese characters alone! Ancient seal script and clerical script; Smooth and natural running script; Dignified and generous regular script; The free and unrestrained cursive script is like a phoenix dancing and a dragon flying.

These wonderful combinations of vertical and horizontal strokes are the treasures of the Chinese nation. I firmly believe that these colorful, vocal and smelly characters will be more and more treasured by the world.

Composition on Confidence 500 (3)

Composition on self-confidence: confident me

Hou Xiang, Junior 2, Qingxu County No. 2 Middle School, Qingyu County, Taiyuan, Shanxi

Composition on Self confidence 500 (4)

If life is a sailing ship, then confidence is the sail on that ship. A ship can't sail in the vast ocean without sails, and life can't be short of confidence when walking on the muddy road. Confidence+diligence=success. If you lack confidence, you will lack the conditions for success. Turning over history, you will find that all the inventors and creators from ancient times to the present have suffered difficult setbacks. If there is no self-confidence, there will be no scientific today. Newton, a famous physicist, was a naughty boy with poor grades when he was a child, and his friends looked down upon him. Once, he made a beautiful windmill and got it to the school, but everyone's cynicism greeted him. However, Newton did not sink in the contempt of others, but saw himself clearly, worked hard, and finally succeeded. Just think, if Newton did not find confidence from his appreciation of himself, would there still be inventions from then on? There are many, many examples of this. Which of them is not appreciating themselves and affirming their success? Once, near the exam, my father asked me: "Are you sure to win this exam, Perhaps the difference between me and Zhang Hai lies in self-confidence. In fact, anyone can succeed and become the envy of others. However, just because of the lack of self-confidence, there are different outcomes and missed success. The road of life is full of thorns and frustrations. There are both desolate deserts and deep canyons; There are both mountains with transverse resistance and torrents with open circuit. Life itself is not only a successful smile, but also bitter tears, heartbreaking wine. But at any time, we should say to ourselves with passion: I can do it, I can do it. Even if you are an ordinary person with no talent or beautiful face, you can't lack self-confidence. As human history enters the 21st century, appreciating oneself has almost become a necessary quality. In the face of fierce competition, if you just blindly appreciate others, but forget yourself, then you can only fall into the quagmire of inferiority, and inferiority is the biggest natural enemy of success! French sculptor Rodin once said: "Life is not lack of beauty, but lack of eyes to find beauty." What we lack is precisely the eyes to find our own beauty. Believe: you may not be the best, but you are the strongest. You should know that although failure is inevitable, success is not accidental as long as you have confidence. My friend, stand in front of the mirror and take a good look at yourself. You are not inferior to others. Open your wings that have accumulated fighting power. When the eagle spreads its wings to the sky, you will find: I can do it. Go forward bravely. Maybe it is you who finally reached the other side of success.

Composition on self-confidence 500 (5)

3、 Composition related to "self-confidence"

1. Self confidence makes you successful

Life needs confidence. Confident people are expected to succeed; Those who are not confident have no chance of success.

Jono Gillard, the most famous sales magnate in American history. He was born in a slum in the United States. He was even poorer than people thought. When he was very young, he went to the streets to clean shoes to subsidize his family. Finally, he dropped out of school before finishing high school. His father always said that he could never become a talent. His father's attack once made him lose confidence, and even for a period of time, he even became tongue tied. Fortunately, he has a great mother. She often told Jono Gillard: "Joe, you should prove to your father that you can become a great person. You should believe this: people are the same, and opportunities are in front of everyone. You should not be depressed or discouraged. His mother's encouragement strengthened his confidence again and ignited his desire to succeed. He became a confident person! From then on, a person who was not optimistic and who was almost desperate with debts was called "the greatest salesman in the world" by Guinness World Records in just three years. And so far, it still keeps an unprecedented record of selling expensive goods - an average of six cars a day! It has always been regarded by European and American business circles as a legendary figure who "can sell any product to anyone".

We can see from his legendary life that life needs self-confidence, and self-confidence makes you successful. From the growth of Yoshihiro Hara, known as the god of Japanese marketing, we can also see that confidence is needed in life, and confidence makes you successful.

Yuan Yiping was short. When he was a 25 year old intern salesman, he was only 1.45 meters tall. He was small and thin. Looking horizontally and vertically, he was really unattractive. It could be said that he was congenitally deficient. However, all this did not defeat Yuan Yiping. On the contrary, he became more and more brave as he became more frustrated. He was always burning a flame of "never admit defeat" in his heart. With the super confident and self strengthening mentality of "I will never admit defeat, never admit defeat!" and "Yuan Yiping is unique in the world!", he successfully created one marketing myth after another with tears and sweat, Finally, he became the first salesman of Japanese insurance.

Confidence can be said to be the incubator for the birth of heroes. A little conquering self-confidence has created a number of legendary figures. However, self-confidence not only makes heroes, but also becomes a necessity for ordinary people in life. I believe that a life without self-confidence must be incomplete. I also have profound experience.

Because there is a belief in my heart supporting me, that is, success, I want to succeed, so my life has been going very well. The result of all this depends on my own firm confidence and indomitable will. My friends, please remember: we must be full of confidence, because life needs confidence, confidence makes people successful.

2. Make friends with self-confidence

In a debate, I dared not stand up and express my views. As a result, we lost the debate. I experienced the bitterness of not having confidence. From then on, I forced myself to muster up courage, not to be afraid of anything, and believed in the words of the American poet Edison: "Confidence is the first prerequisite for success." So I made friends with confidence, walked with confidence, and let confidence grow with me.

How do I make friends with self-confidence? These are all due to the successful people who pursue self-confidence. Faced with the negation of the authorities, Xiao Zhengzel still insisted on his correct position of "wrong music score", thus winning the title of conductor contest, which moved me. In the face of the director's ridicule, Holly Henry always insisted that he could create a more moving heroine image than the script, and finally won the "Oscar heroine", which also moved me. What touched me most was their confidence! Gradually, confidence took root in my heart.

Confidence also made me taste the sweet. When I hosted the program for the first time, my legs shook so hard that I wanted to escape. At this time, the teacher said: "Don't be afraid, you can!" Immediately gave me a thousand times the courage. Confidence made me successfully host the program and let me taste the joy of the first victory.

Still confident, save me from embarrassment. I was nervous when I made an impromptu speech. In the middle of the speech, I suddenly forgot my words. I paused for a moment and thought of Churchill's eloquence. I was immediately full of strength. When I started again, I felt the strength and courage that self-confidence could bring me.

Confidence is the music in fidgety, the color in blank, and the lubricant on the ideal runway. Only when you make friends with self-confidence, will you have the power and capital to strive for your ideals, fight against difficulties, and move towards success and glory. Without self-confidence, you can only face failure even if you try hard. The source of a river has dried up, how can it flow into the ideal vast ocean?

Self-confident Helen Keller said: "For those who are above the destiny, self-confidence is the master of the destiny" Just because of self-confidence, how many heroes have been built! Only self-confidence can bring optimism, courage and other qualities together.

In a word, we should make friends with self-confidence. Confidence is the need of life, the only way to success, and the shortest and most effective way to success. Let us become good friends with self-confidence, and follow the path of self-confidence to success!

3. Sail with confidence

The reason why the eagle can dominate the blue sky is that it has the confidence to keep forging ahead; The reason why the spray can beat the reef is that it has the courage to overcome fear; The reason why a successful person can succeed is that he has the perseverance to overcome difficulties. Self confidence is the first secret of success.

Self confidence is the courage to overcome setbacks. Mark Twain once said: "In the 19th century, there were two outstanding figures, Napoleon and Helen Keller. Napoleon tried to conquer the world by force, but he failed; Helen Keller conquered the world by pen, and she succeeded." Helen Keller, in a world without light, voice, and language, put her achievements Spirit refers to the peak of life. In such a cruel life, she did not complain, but faced it with her courage to overcome setbacks, and she succeeded. Her success means how strong the power of self-confidence is!

Self confidence is the confidence to keep forging ahead. Mao Sui used to be a nobody under the Emperor Pingyuan. He had not been put in an important position for three years, but he was unwilling to be buried. So when the Qin State attacked the State of Zhao and the King of Zhao sent the King of Plain to the State of Chu, Mao Sui took the initiative to ask him to go to the State of Chu together with the King of Plain, and successfully persuaded the King of Chu to rescue the State of Zhao. "Mao Sui's Recommendation" will become a legend that will be passed down through the ages. Therefore, only with the confidence of continuous progress can we achieve success.

About 500 Word Composition (8)

This morning, the first day of school after the winter vacation, our school held the Winter Star Award Conference. Among them, the headmaster told us several theme stories, which are also some small requirements that I will learn in the future: self-confidence, responsibility, cooperation and gratitude.

Be confident, but not complacent. Have confidence in yourself when answering questions in class, believe you can do it when making contributions to the class, and have enough confidence in yourself.

Be responsible, be able to take responsibility, be able to take responsibility for what you have done, and be brave to admit and take responsibility for what you have done wrong.

Cooperation, as the saying goes: "One monk carries water to drink, two monks carry water to drink, and three monks have no water to drink." Why do three monks have no water to drink? Because they all want to let others carry water, but they are resting, so they have no water to drink. We should learn to cooperate. Many people have great power!

Gratitude, we should always be grateful everywhere, thanking our parents, teachers, and people who have helped us... Because without them, we might not have the present self, so we should be grateful to repay the people in need in the society.

In short, after this conference, I understand that I will strive to be confident, responsible, cooperative and grateful in the last semester of primary school. And I will write more blog posts in the future. I believe my blog posts can be recommended. Why can others be responsible for their own homework, but I can't? The key is perseverance and cooperation, persistent blogging, and commenting on others. If we comment on others, they will also comment on us. Isn't that what the students are like? This is the goal I want to achieve and work hard to achieve in the new semester!

About 500 Word Composition (9)

The new semester began. We changed into new books, sat in the bright classroom, started the life of the new semester, and experienced the fun of learning. Everything has changed. Of course, the monitor of our class has also changed. The new monitor is serious and responsible. Let me introduce to you next.

The new monitor of our class is Xue Yan, and her blog is Qisi. She is not tall or short, with bright eyes and a small nose. She often wears a ponytail and simple and elegant clothes. Her academic performance is one of the best in our class. The teacher observed for a long time, and after careful consideration, he gave her the arduous and glorious task of the monitor.

As soon as the monitor was changed, some people in our class were unconvinced: Hum, it's not just being the monitor. What's the big deal? It's up to me. With these words, Lao Nie, the "smart ghost" in our class, deliberately ran to Xue Yan and tripped other students. "Nie Rong Village! What are you doing? It's wrong to trip people. Let me punish you." "Whatever you do," Nie Rong Village said carelessly. "Learn to recite the poem" Seeking Flowers Alone by the River "three times!" Nie Rong Village was ready to escape, but Xue Yan stopped her. "If you want to escape, see our teacher there." "I can learn to recite it."

That day, after math class, Dai Zhiyan and I played on the seat. I opened the book, smiled and said to Dai Zhiyan, "This perch is you!" "This Snow White is you!" We both laughed. Xue Yan is right next to me. Unexpectedly, what Dai Zhiyan and I said was heard by Xue Yan. She came over and we pretended not to do anything. "What are you two doing?" "No... What are you doing?" "Apologize to each other quickly!" We are unlucky, so we have no choice but to apologize and walk away.

With this new monitor who is so conscientious and responsible, I believe that the classroom discipline of our class will be greatly improved, and we will also be able to make greater progress in learning under her supervision and guidance.

About 500 Word Composition (10)

"Snow augurs a good year." When the New Year is coming, it snowed, so happy! It is because of this snow that we have the feeling of celebrating the New Year. Although the snow blocked the traffic, it did not affect people's yearning and determination to go home for the Spring Festival. We also went home on the bus with New Year's goods in our hands. Along the way, people were bustling with people and cars, carrying large bags and small bags, and our faces were filled with joy, ready to go home for the Spring Festival.

When I got off the bus, looking around, the whole village seemed to be covered by a layer of white silver. I walked across the silver white fields, across the unforgettable bridge, and came to my door. The only chimney on the roof that was not covered by snow emitted wisps of smoke, and under the eaves hung strips of bacon. On New Year's Eve, Grandma steamed steamed buns and wrapped dumplings in the kitchen. Mother prepares New Year's Eve dinner. Grandpa pasted couplets and hung lanterns at the door. The big uncle is cleaning the snow in front of the door. Dad planted pomegranate trees and persimmon trees in front of and behind the house, looking forward to flowering and bearing fruit in spring. My friends and I played snowball fights, made snowmen, rolled snowballs and set off firecrackers in the snow and wheat fields. We were extremely happy! Before dinner, firecrackers need to be set off. The louder the firecrackers, the better. This can drive away the "Nian" beast. Then burn candles to worship ancestors, burn incense and kowtow to the deceased ancestors. I hope my ancestors can bless me with good health, progress in learning, and success in my father's career. Finally, I ate the New Year's Eve dinner. During the dinner, my grandparents would give me a big red envelope - lucky money.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, the whole family sat together, watched the Spring Festival Gala, talked about family customs, and ate snacks. Until the early morning, we went out of the house and lit fireworks. Looking at the fireworks flying in the sky, I thought: next year must be a harvest year.

About 500 Word Composition (11)

The days around the New Year's Eve were my favorite days. First, the New Year's Eve, then the first day of the lunar new year, and then the Lantern Festival. These were the three most grand days in our family. The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month is the beginning of the New Year. On this day, I will eat sweet melon or sesame sticks. In addition, I will cook Laba porridge on this day, which can be big or small, red or green. On January 23 this year, the New Year's Eve that I had been looking forward to for a long time came. General cleaning is the first thing we should do during the day of New Year's Eve. Everyone in the family is involved in cleaning. After cleaning the house, it's time to "always replace the old peach with the old charm". My father, mother and I have replaced all the old window decorations, couplets and characters of happiness with new ones. Now the house is really spotless and full of flavor!

Buying New Year's goods is an important thing in our family. Eating New Year's goods is an important thing for me! At night, when it was just getting dark, every family made their own lanterns bright. Red lanterns and colored light strips were hung high on the roof beams, which made the dark night especially bright. Eating New Year's Eve dinner at my grandparents' home is a consistent custom in our family. It is better to say "New Year's Eve dinner" than "New Year's Eve dumplings". This is because our family only eats delicious and warm dumplings made of carefully prepared stuffing, not to mention delicious! After the New Year's Eve dinner, it is time for the whole family to watch the "Spring Festival New Year Party" together, waiting for the bell to ring in the laughter. At the same time, our family will also set off firecrackers to celebrate the end of the past year and the beginning of the new year. Every New Year's Eve, three members of our family will return to their homes after the firecrackers are set off. When the firecrackers sound at that time, it means that the new year of our family has begun! With the sound of firecrackers in the New Year, the new year is about to begin. When I was one year old, I watched the arrival of the New Year, and then quietly passed by me!

About 500 Word Composition (12)

On New Year's Day, our class will hold a special get-together. When we arrived at school in the afternoon, we also dressed up the classroom. The classroom was covered with colorful ribbons and colorful balloons, and the windows were also pasted with various window decorations. It was very beautiful.

The get-together began. Zhang Chen and I were the hosts. We walked onto the platform with our heads held high and smiles. We read out the New Year's greetings to everyone with deep feelings. After saying the greetings, we reported the program list. Everyone performed happily one by one, including singing, guessing, and reading... I like the riddle that my good friend Zhang Yu said: There is a big lawn, A group of sheep came to eat up the grass on the lawn and hit a fruit. Some of the students were thinking aloud, and some were thinking hard, when Xia Yiming shouted, "Strawberry". The sheep ate up the grass on the lawn. The grass is gone. The homonym is "strawberry". Ha ha, it's very interesting.

The funniest and most humorous one is Dayou Sun, who talks about the comedy "Smiling in the Jianghu". Just listen to Dayou Sun's vivid performance. "There are hundreds of laughing circles. Today I will not talk about the Three Kingdoms. Let's talk about Latin. Latin means there is a nail on the tail drum, and we need to pull it out." Speaking of this, the students all burst into laughter. Together with his cute and funny actions, we couldn't stop laughing.

I will tell you a riddle. Tang Pak Fu drew a dog with black hair all over his body and guessed a word. "The answer was quickly guessed by the students. It was" silent ", a black dog.

The get-together gradually came to an end. There was a layer of happy laughter everywhere in the classroom, and the students' faces were filled with happy smiles. This New Year's Day get-together was particularly successful, and it was also my happiest day, because for the first time I hosted it, I was both excited and happy.

About 500 Word Composition (13)

January 1, 20XX is New Year's Day, but we have three days off on the 1st and 3rd, so we spend New Year's Day in school one day in advance.

In the afternoon, in order to celebrate New Year's Day, I came to the school early and dressed our classroom with my classmates. The students bought some flowers and hung them in the classroom; Bought balloons, pasted on the glass. The first class is English, and the English teacher has no choice but to start the second class again.

The second class finally ended, and we immediately set the table. The get-together started. We haven't chosen the host yet, but the students unanimously let me be the host because I have experience as a host!

As soon as I came to the stage, I said: "Dear students and teachers, happy New Year's Day! First of all, we welcomed the annual New Year's Day get-together. The two episodes of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, which were prepared for us by the girls, were sent to us for 2008, ushering in the new year! As soon as the words ended, deafening applause began.

"Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" This is the most popular action movie for the students. The students watched it happily.

In the middle of the performance, junior high school students also came in to watch the excitement. I think: the next one has the bottom! Let the boys in junior high school sing a song for us!

After the action movie finished, I said, "Let's invite the boys from junior high school to sing a song for us." Now we are happy, but the junior high school students are embarrassed. They are not ready yet! We all asked them to hurry up. They sang a song for us called "Stepping on the Waves", and then the girls sang a song for us called "Welcome to Beijing".

When they finished singing, the party was almost over. So I announced, "This is the end of our get-together!"

About 500 Word Composition (14)

In the afternoon of December 30, XXXX, the school broadcast room broadcast the third and fourth classes in the morning and held the celebration of "Entering the New Year and Welcoming the New Year" in each class classroom.

On December 31, in the third class, the classroom became lively and said to the teacher: "Students with balloons should blow up and tie up the balloons, tie ribbons on them, and then hang them on the window and blackboard." Then, the teacher wrote the words "Happy New Year" on the blackboard. The classroom became a sea of joy. The students were busy arranging the classroom, some blowing balloons, some hanging ribbons, and the happy atmosphere permeated everyone's face!

"Ding Ding", class is over. I couldn't wait to run out of the classroom and downstairs. I saw that every classroom was beaming and the whole campus was jubilant. Especially the classroom in our class is beautifully decorated. The ceiling is covered with heart-shaped balloons, flashing ribbons, red lanterns and colorful flowers, which make people dizzy.

Class, the classroom boiling up, because the celebration of New Year's Day activities began. Students all want to perform their own programs in the activities, and I am no exception. Some students told stories, which made us laugh; Some students talk about brain teasers, but I can't guess. At last, I performed the song "Snails and Orioles" with Fu Yumeng, Yan Yu, Jiang Zuoyao and other students, which won bursts of applause from students. We sang, danced and laughed in the classroom to celebrate the arrival of the New Year.

"Ding Ding", class is over. Students saw off XXXX year and ushered in xxxxx year in the carnival. The "Happy New Year" class team activity of our class was joined by the happy songs and laughter of teachers and students!

About 500 Word Composition (15)

The annual Spring Festival is coming again. The Spring Festival is a traditional festival in our country. On this day, people like to wear new clothes to express their good expectations for the coming of the new year; This reminds me of many ancient poems, such as an old poem by Wang Anshi: "The firecracker is one year old, and the spring breeze warms the Tusu". It makes me see the happy scene when people greet the warm spring breeze and welcome the arrival of the New Year. I think again that this year's New Year must be very lively.

In the morning, the sun rises gradually; The sun dispersed the mist, and the sky was blue. Today is the Spring Festival, so people get up earlier, of course, we are no exception. After I got up and washed, I put on my new clothes, made a beautiful circle in front of the mirror, and slightly adjusted my bangs; After we happily finished the mutton dumplings, I listened to the crackling sound of firecrackers and rushed to Grandma's home, because there were red envelopes waiting for me for a long time, and Grandma and Grandpa who hadn't seen me for months. When I got to Grandma's house, I saw that Grandpa and Grandma had white hair again. My nose couldn't help getting sore, and I couldn't help rushing into their arms any more

At noon, uncles, aunts and unmarried brothers and sisters gathered together and ate delicious food; But what I look forward to most is setting off firecrackers, watching fireworks and watching the Spring Festival Gala in the evening. Night came. After we finished the New Year's dinner, uncle, brother and father went to visit the neighbors. We little girls were waiting in the living room for the start of the Spring Festival Gala, and maybe we were wondering who could attend it. But before that, we were happy to set off some more firecrackers. I lit the fairy stick with fire, and I felt more comfortable watching the colorful balls with fire fly into the sky.

The Spring Festival on New Year's Eve passed away, and I tasted delicious food; See the wonderful Spring Festival Gala; I enjoyed the colorful fireworks. Now, I have further realized the feeling of moving, missing and happiness.

About 500 Word Composition (16)

It was the first day of the year again. On the fifteenth day of the first month, there were lanterns. Joyful Yangge is twisted, ear splitting firecrackers are fired, and bright lanterns are hung.

ha-ha! Let me tell you a good news - we are going to see lanterns! First, we entered from the north gate of the Labor Park. It seemed that we had come to the world of lanterns. The red lanterns on both sides of the road seemed to welcome us. Wow, it's so busy here! The dragons on the left and right are offering us New Year greetings. Not far away, a frog jumped up and laughed, as if to say, "Happy New Year, children!" A few butterflies flew around in midair, as if to say, "I wish the children good study and progress in the new year!"

Ha ha, don't get me wrong. These are lanterns. The design and installation workers are really superb! Next, we came to the lotus pond through the long corridor where two dragons played with pearls. In winter, the water in the lotus pond is covered with ice, and we can't see the water flowing. But in a twinkling of an eye, we can see that the lotus is blooming, the flowers are beautiful, the lotus leaves are like millstones, and some of them are shaking like floating boats. I thought to myself: Ah! Why did it come to the summer of 2012? Originally, this is the lotus lamp! There is a group of colorful dragon lanterns on the square not far away, which is so spectacular. We swarmed away, so beautiful! Isn't that Xiangyun? These white auspicious clouds are at the bottom of this group of lanterns. Two golden carp jump in the middle, reminding me of the carp jumping over the dragon gate, and also reminding me of the blessing words of "more than every year". The four dragons are shining, and one of them seems to be saying to us: "Children, I wish you all a smooth journey, two dragons playing with pearls, three sheep having a peaceful day, four seasons being safe, five blessings coming to your door, six or six great blessings, seven stars shining high, eight directions coming to wealth, nine or nine concentric, perfect." I am also happy to say thank you to the dragon! thank you! Because I am the descendant of the dragon. Look, a dragon on the top is winding up and down to form the 2012, which is really spectacular. Two towering firecrackers stood on both sides, as if I heard a crackling sound. At last, around the square, we saw all kinds of dragon lanterns in all colors, and the palace lanterns with strange shapes and grand grandeur... They are really colorful! How happy today! I have never seen so many interesting lanterns.

I want to thank the craftsmen who built these lanterns. They are really amazing!

About 500 Word Composition (17)

I know it sounds incredible, but I did become a butterfly.

I also want to say that this is just a dream, but the pain on the wings really makes me unable to avoid the reality. I clumsily waved my wings to leave the place where I was injured. As soon as it flew off the ground, a white butterfly came to me and chattered in my frightened eyes. How strange the scene was! In order not to reveal my identity, I imitated other butterflies to work in the following days, and I had a happy life.

But things just didn't go my way. On that day, I suddenly met a human being. I was overjoyed to meet "the same kind" and said hello to him eagerly. I forgot that I had become a butterfly, and he could not understand what I said. In the face of the approaching big hand, my body was faster than my mind and escaped from the devil's claw, but he seemed to have expected it earlier. He covered it with a prepared glass bottle while I was still in a daze. At that moment, the world around me was isolated from me. No matter the sky or the forest, it seemed to be covered with a veil, and I also experienced despair for the first time. The glass bottle is like a prison, trapping my body and the joy of seeing fellow villagers. I stayed at the bottom of the bottle and looked at the figure reflected on the bottle - dark blue wings seemed to be a night, mottled dots decorated the night, making this butterfly look very dreamy, but I would rather not have this beauty if I knew that this was the reason why he caught me.

He seemed a little surprised to see me so "cute", but facing the butterfly coming to rescue me, he did not take this matter to heart and continued to lure "fish" into the bait. Like the previous one, he also succeeded. Looking at the white butterfly caught for following me, she struggled feebly. Her face was no longer the warm and pure smile of the first time, but instead was full of panic and helplessness - only no regret. This moved me very much. I realized that there was precious friendship between any living creature, but it was too late. The sickle of death had come, and the beautiful specimens had been prepared. I could not go back to heaven. The initiator looked at the specimen in his hand with satisfaction, as if he was complacent about keeping the "beauty" of the butterfly... I felt as if I was struck by five thunders, and my whole body was stiff, and I could no longer move! The expression on his face is so familiar to me. At the beginning... now, I will become an immovable specimen in the glass bottle

Do you humans really have the right to decide the life and death of another life? Is beauty without vitality really "beauty"?

About 500 Word Composition (18)

Dumpling is a kind of folk food with a long history, which is very popular among the people. There is a folk saying that "dumplings are not delicious". During the Spring Festival, dumplings become an indispensable delicacy.

According to "Guangya" written by Zhang Yizhu, a member of the Wei Dynasty in the Three Kingdoms period, there was a food called "wonton" in the shape of crescent moon at that time, which was basically similar to the shape of today's dumplings. In the Northern and Southern Dynasties, wonton was "shaped like a crescent moon, and food was available all over the world".

By about the Tang Dynasty, dumplings had become exactly the same as today's dumplings. In the Song Dynasty, dumpling was called "Jiao'er", which is the etymology of the word "dumpling" in later generations. This kind of writing can still be seen later in the Yuan, Ming, Qing and the Republic of China.

The Yuan Dynasty called dumplings "flat food". In Shen Bang's "Wanshu Miscellaneous Records" during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, it was recorded that "New Year's greetings... making plaque food". According to Liu Ruoyu's Drinking Records, "Eating fruit snacks on the first day of the first day of the New Year... is also called plaque food." The "plaque" of "plaque food" in the Yuan and Ming dynasties is now commonly known as "flat". The name "Bianshi" may come from Mongolian.

In the Qing Dynasty, new titles for dumplings appeared, such as "Jiao'er", "Shuidian", "Boiling Bobo", etc. The increase in the names of dumplings shows that the spread of the region is expanding.

The custom of eating dumplings during the Spring Festival was very popular in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Dumplings are usually wrapped before 12:00 p.m. on New Year's Eve, and eaten at midnight. This is the beginning of the first day of the first lunar month. Eating dumplings means "more years to hand in the dumplings". "Zi" means "Zishi", which is homonymous with "dumplings", meaning "happy reunion" and "good luck".

There are many legends about eating dumplings for the Spring Festival. One is to commemorate the founding of Pangu's family and end its mixed state. The other is to take its homonym with "Hundun", meaning "full of food". In addition, the folk custom of eating dumplings is related to Nuwa's creation of human beings.

Dumpling has become an indispensable program food during the Spring Festival. The reasons are as follows: First, the shape of dumplings is like a treasure. People eat dumplings during the Spring Festival to "attract wealth and treasure". Secondly, dumplings have stuffing, which is convenient for people to pack various auspicious things into the stuffing, so as to express people's hopes for the new year.

Dumplings are various because of the different fillings and production methods. Even though they are the same kind of dumplings, there are different ways to eat them: the Daur people in Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang want to cook the dumplings in the vermicelli broth. Then eat it with soup and dumplings; In some areas of Henan, dumplings and noodles are boiled together, known as "gold thread wears gold ingot".

Dumpling, a delicacy in the program, has become an important part of Chinese food culture while bringing people joy in the New Year.