600 word composition on dream composition (18 practical compositions)
Empty man, empty world
2023-11-25 03:14:11
Junior two

600 word composition about dream composition (1)

A dream, like a flash in the night sky, is unreal and real; Dreams, changeable mysteries, are magical and beautiful.

For us in adolescence, this is a dreamy season. Dreams are sustenance and flowing good ideals, which are more desirable for everyone.

I love dreaming. In my dreams, I often dream that my insignificant self is actually driving a huge and dazzling blood red flying dragon, flying freely and soaring in the boundless air. I understand that is the freedom I need. In my dream, I can do many, many surprising events. I don't want to be bound by adults in reality. I can't do this, I can't do that, and I even have to do something that you don't want to do. Therefore, I long for the infinite happiness in my dream, and I like the freedom of being relaxed and free from bondage in my dream.

I yearn for my own ideal - to be a writer after finishing Cambridge University, and then to live happily. Many people say that I am a romantic. It is not surprising that I love writing so much. Although I am only in the fifth grade of primary school now, I am still far away from the university. Therefore, I feel that I should strive from now on to prove that my future is not a dream, but a fact in the future.

Recently, I read a novel called The Future Must Be Realized, which tells about a girl who changed from being arrogant and boastful and thinking that she would succeed in anything she did to a girl who would work hard to pursue her dreams. Because she wants to change and let her future destiny be in her own hands. In the book, her sister said such a sentence: "Since you are unwilling to give yourself the chance to fight for your own ideal, then, Liang Youxia, you will lose. Our future, our ideal is for the Gama Empire, for the Liang family, for yourself!" Such a short rebuke made a deep impression on me. Yes, we must strive for our own ideal to prove that our ideal is not a dream for everyone.

Those who do not want to bother will be swept down by the torrent vortex; Only those who are willing to fight for their dreams can go through many crises and prove that our future is not a dream!

600 word composition about dream composition (2)

Now I am a student entering high school. It has been more than three months since the beginning of the first year of senior high school, but I have not planned a short-term goal for myself, which makes me feel depressed. The learning task of high school is also much heavier than that of junior high school. Fortunately, the learning task will be reduced by dividing subjects, but you can't slack off, because once you slack off, your learning progress will fall, and you will distance yourself from your classmates who stand on the same running line. Even if you catch up, you will also pay several times more effort! Why not let yourself rise up from now on and learn knowledge from now on, so that you won't regret it.

My future is in my own hands. My destiny is not what people call "in the hands of God", not what the old saying says "there are arrangements in the dark", but that I decide my own destiny and take my own path of life through hard work. If I don't have a plan, a goal, and a road to happiness for my future, I will lose my future and beautiful life, and as a result, I may live a hard life.

Therefore, I should have a plan about my future, a sunny road suitable for myself, and not let myself regret in the future! My future, my road, all have their own way out, although this way, many difficulties, setbacks, and sometimes make people depressed, decadent! However, as long as we persevere and unswervingly follow the path we have chosen, we will see hope and a beautiful tomorrow, which will also bring a beautiful end to my people.

However, this "full stop" is not an easy way to "draw" the New Year's greetings, but through their own efforts to work hard to get this "full stop". Get "Demons and Ghosts" on the road. You need to "show your magic" to eliminate it, and then you can reach the end of your life. Although my future is decided by myself, there is no road suitable for me, and it is difficult to have that "full stop".

My future, my road, set sail from now on, and move towards the road in my heart without regret!

600 word composition about dream composition (3)

Whenever I walk past the teacher's window and see the teacher sitting there painstakingly correcting our homework, I always have unlimited reverie: if I were a primary school teacher, what would it be like? Maybe I will do well

I opened the door of the classroom, and countless pairs of eager eyes watched me together. I walked onto the platform with excitement. At that time, my heart was beating violently and my blood was boiling hotly. All these things I had been longing for for a long time! I looked at the expectant eyes and sweet smiles, and my heart swore at that moment. I want to let students calm down in the sea of knowledge and let the splashing waves knock on each happy childhood. I want them to understand that every day there is new hope, life is so beautiful, and our great motherland is as lovely as our mother.

My colorful teaching career began with the sound of reading. I will spend every day with my students.

Every wonderful moment and every small link were shown in the school. I seemed to have endless enthusiasm and drive to accompany the students crazy one after another.

I want to read a poem for the students - Tomorrow:

Tomorrow is green, its vitality is enviable, tomorrow is red, its fiery is exciting, tomorrow is golden, its wealth is joyful, tomorrow is blue, its quiet is intoxicating, tomorrow is purple, its romance is pursued, tomorrow is colorful, and its variety is always loved.

I want to teach them about China's history, teach them to sing the vigorous and unrestrained national anthem, and let them write the composition - "China, I'm proud of you!" with the most passionate pen. I want to explain the ancient literature for everyone, let them know Li Bai and Du Fu, read excellent essays and Lu Xun's novels for everyone, so that they can understand the meaning of it. I want them to have a look at the surging heroic momentum and elegant style of the great writers, their unique innovation and rich imagination. I saw that their childish hearts had begun to mature under the sun.

If I were a primary school teacher, they would be all my hopes.

600 word composition about dream composition (4)

Youth is a picturesque time, a season of dreams.

There have been many sunsets, I sing to the sunset, and there have been many dawns, I talk about my yearning to the sunrise. I don't want to cycle the life path of my grandparents, but I want to have my own life interests and ways. But there is no smooth life, no ideal that can be easily realized. The higher the expectations, the more lost.

For a period of time, I could not forget my plummeting grades and transcripts. I wept secretly because my teachers did not pay attention to me, and I was worried about my deteriorating eyesight. When all difficulties and setbacks hit me relentlessly, I was shaken, and felt that all my ideals were so far away, so dim, that day, my life fell into an unprecedented low. However, it was said that life is like a play, and the future is a dream.

Until one day, I got up the courage and walked into the teacher's office with a difficult math problem. Unexpectedly, the teacher said, "This question is difficult for you." The teacher's voice was very calm and his speech was very measured, but my heart shook, and I returned to my seat silently. "Ding..." The class bell rang, and the teacher smiled into the classroom, took a basic exercise book to me, and said, "Maybe it is more suitable for you." The exercise book, like a handful of hay, ignited the dying spark in my heart, making it a bright flame, illuminating my way forward, so my courage increased greatly. At that time, the encouragement of my teachers, parents and classmates made me understand the vastness of the sky and the breadth of the sea. The poet Shelley was right: the past belongs to death, and the future belongs to myself!

In the later study, I worked extremely hard to let myself spend every minute in the fight of reason. I firmly remember that the loss of today's hardships will promote the enjoyment of the future. Only after the wind and snow can I truly feel the warmth of the sun. The moment my fist is loosened or clenched, it also creates the smallness and greatness of life.

My future is not a dream, I will cherish every minute to create a better tomorrow.

600 word composition on dream composition (5)

The flashing lights on the ambulance made me panic, and the continuous sound made me worried. Who walked through the gate of death again? Watching the ambulance passing downstairs, I thought silently.

Disease is inevitable for human beings. No one is immortal. You should face it calmly. The more you fear, the more afraid you will be, and the disease will tightly entangle you. My dream is to be a doctor who can eliminate the disease.

When I was young, I accompanied my mother to the hospital for injection. I asked my mother why she wanted injection. My mother said it was for our health. In the hospital, I saw many patients, all looking listless, some still waiting in line for doctors to come to see them. In the crowd, I noticed an old grandma.

Her hair was white, her face was covered with fine lines, and she was thin and bony. She was holding a cup beside the water dispenser, her hands trembling, as if she would fall down the next second. I quickly stepped forward to help her, "Grandma, let me help you!" I whispered, grabbed the cup in her hand, and helped her get a glass of water. "Thank you, little girl, you are old and have no flexibility, so you can only rely on the hospital to survive for a few days." "Grandma, don't be so depressed, as long as you have an optimistic attitude, you can overcome everything. You will certainly live a long life." Grandma, who was originally worried, finally smiled.

Doctors are the angels in white in the world. With one hand, they have pulled countless people back from the jaws of death. Doctors are the most noble profession and the profession I aspire to. It is valuable to alleviate the pain of patients. Countless people wailed and were depressed because of the death of their loved ones.

I believe that as long as I work hard, persist and strive, my dream will come true. Dreams are not made with your head, but with your own hands. Never just talk about it. Such dreams are worthless. Everyone has dreams, and some people realize them, while others still dream. I firmly believe that my dream will come true.

600 word composition on dream composition (6)

"My future is not a dream, I seriously live every minute..." Whenever I sing this song, I will remember that my dream is to be a people's teacher. Some people will say that what's good about being a teacher is to eat chalk every day. No, if you think like this, you are totally wrong. What a sacred profession a teacher is! The teacher is the great engineer of our human soul.

Some people say that "father's love is like a mountain, mother's love is like water", it is landscape that continues life. But this kind of life is fragile. What gives life power? What gives life its color? It's love. It is the teacher's love. The teacher's love is as beautiful as water, giving us wisdom; The teacher's love is as majestic as a mountain, giving us a sense of security.

Teachers are the key to our wisdom, the golden key to our happiness, the guide of our life journey, and the conductor of our life movement.

In a spacious classroom, a teacher of medium stature, carrying the students in the classroom, was laboriously writing on the blackboard. Her sweat had soaked the clothes on her back. Many years later, a male college student who graduated from a normal school, led by his teacher, stepped onto the sacred platform. Use what you have learned to water and fertilize the flowers of the motherland for these students.

In order to achieve my dream, while studying hard, I will also read a lot of books to increase my knowledge. In addition, I will participate in various public welfare activities to cultivate love and patience. For this dream, I decide to work hard from now on!

600 word composition on dream composition (7)

Dream is the dew sprinkled on the lotus leaves in the morning. After decorating the lotus leaves, it evaporates instantly. Dream! The poet's expectation, the eternal pursuit, the dream is just the yearning for life, but the dream is the eternal pay and faith—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

The future is a confused place. No one has ever imagined its end. It is a greedy person who picks up the chips paid by passers-by without caring how much others pay.

When I was young, I naively weaved reverie dreams, no! That's a dream, not a dream. When I grew up, I became sensible and realized for the first time what I wanted? Today, I am not suspicious of my answer, but more sure of this dream. This is my first dream. To pursue dreams, complete the great project of mankind - study, and complete the most famous university in the world. The world once said; Your dream is too much an astronomical figure, ordinary people dare not think, you are too greedy. Someone said, "Your dream is very possible!"! But please remember that the premise is that you pay a huge price. The same fact, from different angles, can lead to two different results. The world is not single. The answer comes from your own efforts to pursue, prove and realize.

The future, though, I do not know how far, although it is still far away. However, I never give up my belief in it. I believe that maybe I will control the future in the near future. Maybe, everything is just a persistent effort, waiting for the harvest.

Life is the pursuit of a dream. If we succeed, life will buy meaning. If we fail, everything will be illusory. But only by pursuing, our life will be more exciting, more beautiful and more harmonious.

For this dream, I never stop paying. Once it was naive, but now I'm sure I just want to prove to myself that my future is not a dream.

600 word composition on dream composition (8)

Dream is the dew sprinkled on the lotus leaf in the morning. After decorating the lotus leaf, it evaporates instantly. Dream! Poet's expectation, eternal pursuit, dream is just a yearning for life, but Meng County is an eternal devotion and belief -----

The future is a confused place. No one has ever imagined its end. It is a greedy person who picks up the chips paid by "passers-by" and never cares how much others pay.

When I was young, I naively weaved reverie dreams, no! That's a dream, not a dream. After Zhang Da, I became sensible and realized for the first time what I wanted? Today, I am not suspicious of my answer. Knowledge has confirmed this dream. I first had this dream: to pursue dreams, complete the great project of human beings - blood, and finish the most famous university in the world. The world once said: "Most of your dreams are astronomical, and ordinary people dare not think that you are too greedy." Someone said, "Your dreams have great possibilities! But please remember that the premise is that you pay a huge price." The same fact, from different angles, can lead to two different results. The world is not single. The answer comes from your own efforts to pursue, prove and realize.

The future, though, I don't know how much, though it is still far away. However, I never gave up my belief in it. I believe that maybe I will control the future in the future. Maybe, everything is just dedicated to pay, waiting for the harvest.

Life is the pursuit of a dream. If we succeed, life will be full of meaning. If we fail, everything will be illusory. However, only by pursuing, our life will be more exciting, more beautiful and more harmonious.

For this dream, I never stop paying. Once it was naive, but now I definitely say that I want to prove to myself that my future is not a dream.

600 word composition on dream composition (9)

Today is the New Year's Eve of 2049, and now I want to go to see my relatives by aerial cable.

On the way to my relatives' home, I couldn't see enough: the traffic lights were floating in the air and became fully automatic. When someone's car crosses the line at the red light, a barrier will rise on the road. If they want to change the road, the manipulator will pull the car back. If they must rush, the manipulator will press the car from the sky to the ground, and take photos to call the traffic police. The viaduct also has new changes. The red light and green light assign vehicles on the bridge. When the red light is red, the left side is combined with this viaduct. When the green light is green, the viaduct is connected with the road on the right side, and the vehicles pass smoothly. I suddenly felt that I was lagging behind.

Entered the house, eh? Why can't I find the room? It turned out that the current room was underground, but the house was still very bright through the sun reflection plate on the roof; The bed that usually sleeps can not only be used for sleeping, but also be used as a table, a locker, and a toilet. At night, you don't need to run off the bed to the toilet, but can be used as a refrigerator, a stove, and so on. In this way, you can have everything with a bed at home; Computer TV is combined into one, which can be directly controlled by voice, and can also be commanded by action; Automatic hot water from kettle; Pencil can be pen, grease pen, neutral pen, marker pen. Everything is easy as long as there is ink. At this time, my uncle came out with a smile, beside him was a little girl born in 2047, as well as an aunt and niece. I suddenly saw my niece holding a square as big as a building block in her hand. I couldn't help asking: "What is that?" "That's the latest multimedia display screen." It turned out that it was a display screen keyboard. With a little switch, there was a three-dimensional transparent display screen in the air. It gathered the advantages of projection, computer, TV, mobile phone, etc

At this time, I suddenly heard my mother's voice: "Get up quickly, I will be late!" I tried to open my hazy eyes and stretch my waist, ah! It was a dream! But if only it were true!

600 word composition on dream composition (10)

Today is the 60th anniversary of Shuanglin Qingtong Primary School. I felt very tired when I returned home after a day of activities at school. I didn't eat dinner, so I fell asleep on the sofa. A noise of "beep, beep" brought me into a strange world. I was walking on a busy street, and the traffic was full of passengers, but there was no sign of the driver.

So these are driverless! I used to look at my electronic calendar, which showed that: at 11:26 a.m. on November 8, 2216, I suddenly realized, and said to myself: "So I have come to the 23rd century!" At this time, a silver robot came to me, with a "cleaning number" written on its body. One hand of the robot is a multi-functional broom, and the other hand is a multi-functional vacuum cleaner. Just sweep and suck. The street was clean and there was hardly any dust. I walked to the "Lucky Luck" supermarket and saw a robot in an apron, holding a child in his hand and a shopping bag in his other hand.

He wrote "nanny number" on his body, and hummed songs to coax the children. I came to the "Ten Thousand" Bookstore again and saw that many children had bought a storybook, but they didn't read the book. They just took out a pair of yellow and red shoes from the bag, put on the shoes, and jumped onto the storybook. Everyone was missing. Why? So they jumped into the story book to experience the story! I strolled leisurely and came to an apartment. I saw a little girl coming out of the apartment with a bow on her chest and a schoolbag on her shoulder. She lowered her head and said to the bow: "Take me to school!" The little girl disappeared in an instant. When I was wondering, my mother's voice came from my ear: "Yanyan, wake up!" I opened my eyes and saw that it was a dream! If dreams can become reality, we will not be so tired. I am determined to turn these into reality when I grow up.

600 word composition on dream composition (11)

As time goes by, in our world, time passes like a fleeting horse. Day by day, every day, the same melody is repeated around me, and the same thing is happening. What happened yesterday impressed us deeply, and what happened today surprised us. What about tomorrow?

What will the world be like tomorrow? Is it repeating the old stories over and over again or will there be new excitement and challenges? We have no way to know. It seems that it is an unknown number, and the unknown number left to me is sure to be solved by me.

Fifteen years later, I came to class with the bell ringing, and a pair of big glasses stood on the bridge of my nose. Holding the book in hand, I gently told the students all kinds of complicated formulas and reasoning in mathematics. I was eloquent and tireless in teaching them. Until everyone achieved good results, I felt relieved and smiled knowingly

Fifteen years later, when I came out of the locker room, I looked fresh and bright. Wearing a white coat and a nurse's cap, I came to the ward with other nurses to check the patients' health. I often talked and walked with these patients. They liked me because of my care for them. They really recovered from their illness and were healthy, I will show a knowing smile

Fifteen years later, when I was busy sitting in the office, a lot of documents on my desk made me frown. After a morning of review, we can finally relax, but the financial department's funds have problems again, and we have to rush for a period of time. As the CEO of the company, I hardly have time to self allocate my daily work and documents. Since working hours, I have plunged into a lot of work. Only when I know that the company is operating normally and prospering, can I smile knowingly

Fifteen years later, I...... Our future is infinite. As long as we can withstand difficulties and challenges now, the unknown of the future still needs the known number of the present! Believe, my future is not a dream!

600 word composition on dream composition (12)

We all don't know what the future will be like, but what we can do is to step forward with our feet on the ground, not turn back

The pansies in front of the door haven't opened yet. It's raining first. The plane trees stand erect in the rain. I can only hear the sound of raindrops beating the leaves. My heart ripples. My thoughts are introduced into another world. I don't know where I am now

I like to be quiet. I sit alone and let my thoughts drift on the kite with the wind. I always have little thoughts in my heart. On and off, when I was alone, I suddenly had some thoughts about life, but before I could think about it, I drifted away in the busy life again.

I don't know what I can do in the future. I sometimes think about these problems in my spare time. I don't agree with Elder Zhou Dunyi. Because I think there should be no difference between people who choose to achieve fame and those who choose to defend the Pure Land alone. People have different values and ideals. There is no right or wrong here, and no one should be criticized.

What about me? Do I want to be immortal or remain elegant? When I look back, I find that I have no ideal. It turns out that I am the most critical person in the world, and people without goals are the most miserable.

But where is my future? I always believe that the past is closely linked to the future, but I can see the future, but I can't find the future

I don't know where to start. My thoughts are so light and intermittent

I can choose and choose the future. There are too many things in the world that I don't understand, but at least I have thought about and considered the future. I know that at least I can choose, choose to change, change me, and my future story.

The string leading the kite broke, and my thoughts floated away with the wind. The kite went away, leaving traces, but my thoughts went away, leaving only silence. I thought in the familiar silence: it was not necessary to be complete, and I could get a belief by putting together countless intermittent thoughts. I should always believe that I can interpret the future.

I am the story of the future, and the future is my story.

600 word composition on dream composition (13)

Are you busy pursuing an unexpected gentleness all day like me. I am pursuing my future and my dream. Even the terrible waves and turbulent sea can not stop my progress. I am glad to believe that there is a rainbow behind the dark clouds; There is sweat behind success; There is bitterness behind the pursuit.

Are you like me, wandering around all day, not knowing your future and your dreams. Water the seeds with my sweat; Use my perseverance to seek truth; Use my sincerity to find the future; Use my dream to weave the future. Smile after hesitation; There is harvest after bowing; After pursuing, I have learned something.

My future is not a dream.

I want to say that my future is not a dream. I seriously live every minute, and use every minute to weave my dream, my future. Carefully observe the things around you, not letting go of any drop of water on the lotus leaf; Careful consideration of the things around you, do not miss any of the beautiful clouds in the sky; Worry about thinking about your future, and never miss any chance to realize your dream and achieve your future.

I want to say that my future is not a dream. My heart is moving with hope. People often say that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. But in the face of future problems, you should be extremely serious. Don't let any beautiful scenery slip away from your eyes. Even if there is only 1% hope, try to keep it in your eyes.

It turns out that my future is really not a dream.

How far is the future? Will we become immortals. Is the road paved with love smooth or full of thorns? Is the ship built with hope favorable or adverse? Is the sky propped up with dreams sunny or cloudy? The truth tells us that the future is not far away, and we will not be immortals at that time. The road paved with love is smooth. The ship built with hope is Shun. The sky propped up by dreams is clear.

Let's shout to the sky and say: My future is not a dream. Speak to the wandering white clouds

My future is not a dream. Look at the persistent blue sky, listen to the oath of the sea, let us fly freely.

The future of the future has dreams, and the future of dreams also has dreams. I just want to say: "My future is not a dream."

600 word composition on dream composition (14)

On Saturday, I lay by the bed.

Suddenly! I have come to a strange place, what a beautiful kingdom! There are four powerful characters carved on the door: Vegetable Kingdom. "Vegetable kingdom?" I've never heard of it, and I can't help thinking about it.

When I came back to my senses, a spinach man had stood in front of me. The vegetable kingdom really deserved its reputation! The spinach man said to me, "Our king has invited you to the palace." I agreed without hesitation, stepped on the carrot cart, and in a twinkling of an eye, I came to a magnificent palace. The tomato king said to me warmly, "Welcome to the vegetable kingdom!" I also said hello to them. The king was very hospitable. He talked with me and asked me questions. Then he took me to visit the palace.

The palace is really big and lovely. The stairs paved with green vegetables are soft; A house made of various vegetables, colorful and beautiful, and a car made of large pumpkins and other interesting things.

The king asked someone to arrange me to live in a luxurious vegetable house. Hey! Even the furniture is made of vegetables. When you walk in, the delicious smell of vegetables comes from the walls and floors. I also ate delicious meat that made everyone drool. What a happy life!

One day, I felt bored with the food in the palace, and asked the king who was happy with me: "Are there any vegetables to relieve boredom? For example, vegetables, etc." The king immediately turned against me, and all the people on the scene hugged and scattered. The king shouted: "Do you humans eat vegetables? Do you want to rebel? Come on! Throw this man into the prison and kill him three days later!" I left sad tears in the prison. When I thought about the king like life before, I cried sadly.

After three days, I was pulled to the beheading table. I fainted in fear when I saw the bloody knife. Eh? How can I sleep beside the bed? Is this in hell or heaven? Look around carefully. This is my room! It was a dream just now. But is there really a vegetable kingdom?

600 word composition on dream composition (15)

Like everyone else, I also have a dream of my own, but this dream is too far away from me, too far away, but I will stick to it, because I firmly believe that persistence is victory, in the pursuit of dreams, persistence is like a pair of wings, which can let us fly to the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun, and can let us further in the pursuit of dreams.

There are many rumors about dreams. Some people say that when they see a meteor falling across the sky and silently say their dream in their heart, the dream will come true. However, if the dream is really so easy to realize, what's the use of dreams? Dream is just like a goal. Let you slowly approach it step by step and footprint by effort and sweat? In fact, I think the important thing to realize a dream is not the result, but the process of realizing the dream. Only in the process of realizing the dream can we experience the ups and downs of life, which is the meaning of dreams; This is the meaning of dreams.

Some people have paid everything for their dreams, even spent their whole life, but they failed to realize their dreams in the end. However, some people said, "What a fool, it's not worth paying so much for a dream that can't be realized and can't be completed!" However, I would like to say that although he didn't realize his dream, at least he insisted on his dream all his life and devoted his life to it. He is much closer to his dream. His persistence alone is enough to make people admire him, while those who do not even have dreams and are unwilling to pay anything for their dreams are not worth mentioning in front of him! I will, like the previous person, stick to my dream, struggle for my dream, and work hard for my dream!

Dream, you are really a dream for me. We are thousands of miles apart. I want to give up, but you always open your broad mind to me. Don't worry! I will persist, even if I can't get close to you, I will not be thousands of miles away from you.

600 word composition on dream composition (16)

What is the dream? Some people want to be doctors to relieve pain for patients; Some people want to be scientists and become pillars of the motherland. My dream is to become a pianist like Lang Lang and bring beautiful music to people.

I remember that when I was in the middle class, I began to learn the piano. Just started, the music is very simple, I can play it easily. In addition, my sister is an expert at playing the piano. When she plays, she skilfully jumps on the keys, and the sound of the piano is like a spring. I admire her very much, and I am very enthusiastic about playing the piano. But after learning for a period of time, the music became more and more difficult. With the added notes, the rhythm of the left and right hands was different. When I practice, either my left hand plays fast or my right hand plays fast, and the rhythm is always unstable. I want to give up, but on second thought, isn't it a pity to give up halfway? Isn't Prince Bruce learning from Spider's never giving up spirit and winning the battle for the eighth time? All the successful people in the world have worked hard to achieve fruitful results. A world-famous pianist like Lang Lang will practice for 7 or 8 hours a day! What are these little difficulties I have encountered? So I practiced hard at home and listened to the master's performance on the Internet when I could not. I often practice for an hour or two. If you play too much, your hands will become stiff. I shook my hand, relaxed, and continued to practice. "Hard work pays off.". After concentrated practice, my piano skills have been greatly improved.

Now, I can not only play some world famous music skillfully, but also improvise accompaniment to the music I learned in music class. Everyone praises me as a "little pianist". I have taken a big step towards my dream. Twenty years later, there will be several "Lang Lang", "Qian Xuesen" and "Yuan Longping" on the land of China... Let's weave the great dream of our motherland with our small dreams!

600 word composition on dream composition (17)

I have many dreams: dance teachers, scientists... and so on. My dreams are as shining as the stars in the sky. It is as colorful as a seashell on the beach. It occupies my whole mind. But I finally chose the sacred profession of teacher. This is for a reason.

Every day, I will carry my lovely schoolbag and go to school to study with the singing of birds. I think learning is a kind of fun, which makes our teachers suffer and work hard for us every day. My mother is an excellent teacher. He gets up early every day, gets organized, and then rides his bike to the school to start the day's hard work. My mother nurtures new people with all her heart and blood. Like a flower, she cultivates the beautiful flowers of our motherland into the pillars of our motherland in the future. Mother also keeps working after work. In addition to taking care of me, she was correcting her students' homework. My mother broke her heart and her hair became much white.

I remember yesterday. Mom went to work as usual. It was the rush hour at that time. At an intersection, Mom was hit by an oncoming motorcycle. Her right hand was bleeding and tied with a thick bandage. However, Mom, you still insisted on going to work and wrote strong words with your injured right hand. After coming home from work, I found that your hands were badly swollen, and the bandages were stained red with blood. I stroked your right hand, as if I saw your shaking right hand holding the chalk tightly in class, writing on the blackboard one stroke at a time. Beads of sweat rolled down from your forehead, and you wiped the sweat and began to lecture laboriously. You held back the pain of your right hand and finally successfully finished a lesson. After work, you are still preparing lessons in the deserted office. Mom, you are so dedicated, hardworking and strong!

Since then, it seems that a seed has been planted in a corner of my heart - the dream of being a teacher, I hope that a seed can sprout, blossom, bear fruit, and grow into a towering tree... Tomorrow is Mother's Day, and I wish all mothers in the world good health and good luck.

600 word composition on dream composition (18)

I have a dream that is big or small. Just to be fully realized. I'm afraid it's very difficult.

In recent years, Japan has repeatedly challenged its neighboring countries, of which China is the main target. The reason why Japan dares to challenge China is that they look down on Chinese people. The cowardice, cowardice and disunity of the Chinese people are enough to make all developed countries laugh. One sentence is enough to prove that even if the Japanese never visit the Yasukuni Shrine again, the Koreans will not buy a Japanese made product. Even if the Japanese have been visiting the Yasukuni Shrine, the Chinese will still scramble for Japanese products. This is the biggest difference. Maybe decades later, the new generation of people in China did not know that China had been invaded by Japan.

As early as the Japanese invasion of China, they called us the sick man of East Asia. A few officers and some Japanese soldiers can sweep a city. The traitors are the product of that era. The traitors who are willing to betray the country in order to protect their lives and money seem to have no good end in the end, because the Japanese themselves despise them, because people who can sacrifice the country for money and reputation are not credible. Finally, the Chinese people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, drove the bandits out of China. For a long time, Japan has not provoked us, but why have they become rampant in recent years? How about repeatedly challenging China? Because the new generation of Chinese children is still called the sick man of East Asia, the new generation of Chinese people are becoming more and more black sheep and more and more despised. There are the second generation of officials and the second generation of rich people who are lazy, there are cousins and room sisters who are corrupt and take bribes, and there are senior officials who flout laws and regulations. Most of the major components of a society have done bad things. How long can we persist. Compared with the children of the two countries, the children of Japan are not afraid of hardship and have their own judgment. The children of China like to enjoy happiness and comfort. Everything is properly arranged by the parents. When meeting small things, they should ask their parents. Spoiling has caused misery to Chinese children for generations. If these people are to be relied on in the future war, it will be impossible. The future they dominate has no future.

So my Chinese dream is that the new generation of Chinese children can be as tough as the children of Japan and South Korea. Even without the family umbrella, they can still survive, live with value and have a wonderful life. Chinese parents can not spoil their children and give them independent thinking.