Courage Composition for High School Students (4 selected)
Kindness is my nature
2023-11-25 05:49:57

Courage Composition Senior High School Students (1)

We are all protagonists. We are all singing our youth with passion, looking at the tears on each other's faces and laughing like a fool.

Whose youth is so shining and dazzling, turning the court high.

That year, I was only 14 years old. I was lonely and obsessed with Mayday and rock. That night, they accompanied me to release the passion of youth.

On the New Year's Day of that year, the literary and art commissar and I ran around the classroom with small notebooks to encourage people to participate in the show, but no one participated except those naughty boys. The literary and art commissar and I looked at each other with hope in our eyes. That was the only time we had a tacit understanding. At the same time, we pointed to each other and shouted that there was still you. Watching her helplessly shake her head, I realized that she was just a longer and more beautiful vase. Then I spent a whole night in a fierce ideological struggle. I was determined to die.

On New Year's Day night, when everyone looked at those jerks' sketches and laughed heartily, I looked at my accompaniment tape and became fascinated. What a sensational scene! I sang rock and roll, and the representative of Chinese class sang rock and roll, which was considered to be that class. But when I saw those boys coming to me with a bad smile after their performance, I knew I could not escape. Let's go!

It doesn't matter if I go shopping with you and become flat footed. The first sentence is out of tune. It's too embarrassing. When I look at the students who laugh so much, they suddenly ignore their image. Anyway, they don't know who they are. Being in love INGHAPPYING is like sitting on a jet machine... With the mentality of shaking over the roof, I hold the microphone in one hand and make blind strokes in the air, skipping and singing. A few minutes later, I unexpectedly heard the chorus. I completely broke out and howled more forcefully. The boys under the stage roared with their voices, and some people sprayed with ribbons everywhere, We danced in the classroom, yelling and singing the rock and roll of Mayday together, and the scene quickly evolved from my blind jumping like cramps on the stage to dozens of people dancing together in a crowd, with the intention of collapsing the building.

I stood on the stage and cried while singing. Looking at the classmates who had been together for more than half a year, the smiles were on everyone's faces. They were all so simple and beautiful. I mustered the courage to sing rock and roll for a time, and then I enjoyed the smiling faces of each student. That night, we were all protagonists. We were all singing our youth in a passionate and unbridled way. Looking at the tears on each other's faces, we laughed like a fool.

That time, we took enough courage to shout and shout. We looked at each other's unmodified smile, pure and clean tears, and breathed each other's naked youth breath, just like the young plants just emerging from the ground. We all had courage. We let each other look at our youth so loud, so shiny, so simple and beautiful!

Courage Composition Senior High School Students (2)

Trees can regenerate after cutting branches; Grass can grow again after burning. A pine tree on the cliff is growing vigorously, and no one needs to fertilize or irrigate it. A seed can overturn the stone that is pressing it and grow up tenaciously.

Plants cherish life so much that they don't give up any chance of survival. They overcome many difficulties with courage and strive to grow. Although they don't grow luxuriantly, I have to admire their perseverance and courage.

We human beings should do the same. We should face any difficulties bravely. As long as we work hard, we will not be afraid of any big setback. But in life, many people run away from difficulties. A few days ago, I read in the newspaper that a college student was very poor at home. The country helped him to go to college, but he suffered a little setback in school and jumped off a building to commit suicide. In doing so, he failed to live up to his parents' expectations and the country's concern for him. How can he be so cowardly and do not love life when he can grow up and thrive even a small seed? If I were him, I would face it bravely. Isn't there a saying, "How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain?"? No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must face them bravely.

Whenever I see flowers and plants standing tall in the wind and rain, I will tell myself to cherish life and have the courage to overcome difficulties like them. Life is full of brilliant brilliance!

Courage Composition Senior High School Students (3)

Accidentally, I remember reading a story. It seems that every child will experience it, and I am no exception.

"A group of children were distributing fruit. Facing a green apple, its skin was wrinkled and ugly. 'Let me try it.' A group of children watched him bite the ugly apple. 'This apple must be bitter and astringent, right?' 'It must be sour and toothless.' 'It can't be sweet, right?' 'Of course! You can try it. ’Then he handed the apples to a group of children. But no one will accept an apple that has been bitten, or no one dares to try an ugly apple. He didn't know what his friends thought. Anyway, it was really a sweet apple. He enjoyed all the delicious apples alone. "

I don't remember that I was the child who tried apples or watched others enjoy apples. However, if there is such an apple in front of me now, no matter how it looks, I will definitely try it. Even if the apple finally soured my teeth, I would feel happy. Because I have the courage to try.

Life is just like this. There may be many times when opportunities are in front of us. However, it seems that no one likes it, no one pays attention to it, and people around you advise you not to approach it. Curiosity is often strangled in the cradle at this time. Gather up your courage and take a step forward. Maybe you will find it is a sweet apple.

What if it is not a ripe apple? Just as life always meets the choice of going left or right. We should also have the courage to swallow the sour apple, because the sour apple can also provide us with energy after digestion. Life is like an apple that doesn't know its taste. Someone must have the courage to try it. If you give up an apple that may be sweet because you are worried that it is sour, you will lose a rare opportunity to summon courage. Maybe you will really meet a sweet and attractive apple after biting it, or you may accidentally eat a sour apple that is not sold or bought. Walking to the left or to the right will have a scene, and those who have the courage to choose will enjoy the scenery along the way.

Don't miss your life. Keep your courage and choose bravely. It will bring you a heaven.

Courage Composition Senior High School Students (4)

In daily study, work or life, everyone has written a composition. Surely they are familiar with all kinds of compositions. Composition is a speech activity with high comprehensiveness and creativity. I believe many people will find it difficult to write a composition. The following is the composition of senior high school students who have the courage to give up. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

Giving up is a sad topic that can be expressed in words. It is unique and unique. It uses giving up to write the missing emotion between two people. It makes people recall this feeling of giving up again and again. It will always turn our thoughts around and make us confused when we miss it. Because give up, so regret, think regret, so miss.

In a twinkling of an eye, it is the end of October. Looking back on the quarrels between us in the past two years, now slowly returning to silence, I have finally learned to speak insincerely, and some unnecessary words are no longer as nagging as before.

Think of the time we used to be together, how busy we were, and now everything is dull. The ruthlessness of time and the helplessness of life have to make people bow their heads in front of reality. Even if you have become my passer-by, such passers-by will still feel pain, tears and sadness if we come to the end

I once thought that I was a person who would bow down and admit defeat without fear of encountering a little setback, but finally I accepted your departure. Always unwilling to lose, in fact, there is no such thing as winning or losing in the emotional world. When a person calms down, he will always remember a lot of times. Sometimes he looks up and smiles. It was a dream after all. It will never return to real life. Because the dream is too beautiful, it makes people feel too empty.

The more cruel you are to me, the more I miss what I used to be. Is it silly? But the past always appears inexplicably in my mind, and I can't forget it if I want to. He lowered his head and sighed softly. He saw the autumn yellow leaves falling down one by one. It was very beautiful. I remember the scene of you and me picking up leaves in this autumn forest. It was like a dream, like a dream. Those leaves were still vaguely sandwiched in a thick notebook. Looking back at the way they came, all personnel were cruelly scattered at the moment you left. Even if I wanted to catch you again, I could not regain the old dream. Standing alone in the familiar shade of late autumn, I closed my eyes, Without saying a word, I can only pretend to enjoy the beautiful scenery in late autumn.

The sky suddenly began to rain. I don't know why there was so much autumn rain in this season? I took two drops of tears from the sky with my palm, kissed the tears of God, and my heart was entangled like silk. Maybe everyone has his own story! It is either happy or sad, crying or sad. It records our past, and the unforgettable memory engraved in the heart can never erase the trace

I have chosen many ways to pretend to quit, or to be indifferent, or to let go, or to leave, but my heart has been rejected by all the efforts I have made. It doesn't matter how I pretend to be, but my heart and tears won't lie. It always makes my heart ache when it hurts when I have no reason. I can't do anything about this tangle. Maybe I should live in the fireworks far away from the world, and let go of the repeated entanglement. Maybe this can make me retreat more thoroughly, so I gradually learned the habit of not disturbing anyone, not getting involved in more people or things, not wanting to become bored in some people's eyes again. Looking back, all the stories were crushed helplessly, But now I only leave myself to stare at the sky, like the single cycle, listen to the melody of the story in the song, like to think of everything in sadness, it seems that that is closer to my state of mind.

Always find out who is right and who is wrong between us? I always think too much, but later, some people mistook me as a sensitive type of person. Hehe, sensitivity and sensibility are also a sin. So, when I can't look back on the past, I like quietness more. The words are no longer as true as they used to be, and more is decoration. Now, it seems that all the camouflage has become very real, and I continue to start my 'fake smile, fake happiness, fake never had sadness.

In this world, there are many things that do not need us to prove, such as the heart that I loved you. I used to think that time can finally move your heart. I stubbornly believe that one day you will always understand that I love your heart. But I can't get close to your heart! There is no way to explain all the sadness in the world. Maybe let go of me to grasp more tightly, I think I can really, give up the persistence of loving you. Today, I can also understand your choice and accept my fate. I must have loved you very much, because when you left, my heart hurt again and I really wished you happiness! To love someone, you need courage. To love someone who doesn't love you, you need courage even more. Have you ever heard that there is a kind of courage called "giving up"? It's my fault that we missed it. I shouldn't toss myself about like this. I shouldn't always think about you like this.

In the days to come, although I am reluctant to part with you, I will finally be willing to put you down. I can't support you until the end. I'm sorry. My heart will be more painful when I look at the familiar pictures. It's just futile and wasteful for me to miss you again. Why should I let you get stuck in it?

From now on, I will keep company with time and regard loneliness as your tenderness towards me. Maybe everyone's emotional experience may be with sentimental heartache, letting his tears fall on his face, on my palm, on my palm

The autumn rain in late autumn, walking in the crowd with an umbrella, people are in a hurry, and they are also in a hurry. Who is the one who meets, and who passes with whom?