Material composition saving (4 in general)
Ordinary mind
2024-01-16 07:18:19

Material composition saving (1)

Materials: On the Children's Day of June 1, my mother bought many new stationery. I took them to school. My classmates envied me very much. During the break, I threw away all my pens and erasers. The next day, the stationery I threw away returned to my desk. I was lost in thought

Requirements: Write a narrative of no less than 500 words around the materials, with a self prepared title.

On the Children's Day of June 1, my mother gave me a beautiful gift - a set of beautiful and practical stationery with novel and fashionable style, which made me love it.

After the festival, I came to the school with joy, humming pop songs into the classroom. Without attending to early reading, I carefully took out my new stationery and put it on the desk one by one to show off to the students. My deskmate was full of praise after seeing these stationery, and other students also looked at my stationery with envious eyes, and from time to time made a few exclamations. "It's so novel!" "It's so beautiful!" I felt very happy when I heard it, and I felt a sense of pride that I had never felt before.

During the break, I threw all my old stationery into the wastebasket. This move happened to be seen by several students. Suddenly, the classroom seemed to explode, and everyone talked about it: some said that it was a pity to throw away good stationery! Some people say that with new stationery, who wants old ones? More students criticized me for not paying attention to economy.

Really, I throw away my own stationery. What does it matter to you? I gave a "hum" in my nose and walked out of the classroom as if nobody were there

The next day, like yesterday, I entered the classroom excitedly. The students were reading early, and no one paid attention to my arrival. I walked to my seat and was stunned - the old stationery I threw yesterday miraculously returned to my desk. Eh, what's going on here? I was about to ask my deskmate when Mr. Wang, the head teacher, walked towards me with light steps. She pointed to the stationery on the desk and asked me, "Is this yours, Mr. Wang earnestly advised me: "Although these stationery are not valuable, they can still be used. How can you throw them away if you want? Didn't the teacher often teach you to pay attention to saving? Saving is not only a virtue, but also a glorious tradition of our Chinese nation. You should know this..."

Mr. Wang's words seemed to give me a vivid ideological education lesson, which deeply inspired me. Yes, when I throw away those old stationery, I clearly throw away the virtue of thrift; Fortunately, the teachers and students helped me pick it up again.

Material composition saving (2)

On the Children's Day of June 1, my mother gave me a beautiful gift - a set of beautiful and practical stationery with novel and fashionable style, which made me love it. After the festival, I came to the school with joy, humming pop songs into the classroom. Without attending to early reading, I carefully took out my new stationery and put it on the desk one by one to show off to the students. My deskmate was full of praise after seeing these stationery, and other students also looked at my stationery with envious eyes, and from time to time made a few exclamations. "It's so novel!" "It's so beautiful!" I felt very happy when I heard it, and I felt a sense of pride that I had never felt before. During the break, I threw all my old stationery into the wastebasket. This move happened to be seen by several students. Suddenly, the classroom seemed to explode, and everyone talked about it: some said that it was a pity to throw away good stationery! Some people say that with new stationery, who wants old ones? More students criticized me for not paying attention to economy. Really, I throw away my own stationery. What does it matter to you? I gave a "hum" in my nose and walked out of the classroom as if no one were there... The next day, I entered the classroom as excitedly as yesterday. The students were reading early, and no one paid attention to my arrival. I walked to my seat and was stunned - the old stationery I threw yesterday miraculously returned to my desk. Eh, what's going on here? I was about to ask my deskmate when Mr. Wang, the head teacher, walked towards me with light steps. She pointed to the stationery on the desk and asked me, "Is this yours, Mr. Wang earnestly advised me: "Although these stationery are not valuable, they can still be used. Why throw them away when you want to? Didn't the teacher often teach you to pay attention to saving? Saving is not only a virtue, but also a glorious tradition of our Chinese nation. You should understand this..." Mr. Wang said, It was like giving me a vivid ideological education lesson, which deeply inspired me. Yes, when I throw away those old stationery, I clearly throw away the virtue of thrift; Fortunately, the teachers and students helped me pick it up again.

Material composition saving (3)

What is the most important and indispensable to life? Is it money or fame? no None of these. Food is the most important thing for the people. Everyone must know that without food, we will be tortured to death by hunger in a few days. So I would like to say that food is the basis of our human survival. Without food, we will not survive.

Maybe, you will think, who has nothing to eat now? Don't alarmist. Yes, how happy we are now! Eating delicacies from the mountains and seas, wearing silk and satin, being offered as ancestors at home and protected as treasures outside... Because we live in such a rich era, we do not understand the pain of those who are hungry, the aspirations of those who struggle in troubled times, or a bowl of rice A loaf of bread is precious to those who are going to starve to death. Food is so ordinary and insignificant in our eyes.

In the hotel, I don't know how much food will be dumped every day. Some people order a lot of delicacies because of their face; Some people use public funds to eat and drink, thinking: it's not their own money anyway. It doesn't matter whether they can finish eating or not, they can only attend the Manchu and Han banquet! As a result, on the dinner table, some dishes only moved a few mouthfuls, some left half of the country, and some even remained intact... In short, it is rare to eat all of them. Others think that packing food is disgraceful, and the more left, the more face

The little friends around us also have wasteful behaviors: when eating at home, some students are often thrown away because they have snacks and drinks before meals, and the prepared meals are not finished; In the morning, in order to hurry up, some students ate while throwing away; In school, some students also bought a lot of snacks in order to show off their money when they entered the canteen. As a result, many snacks could not eat half of them, so they threw them into the garbage can for bad taste

Do you know Africa on the other side of the earth? There is rampant hunger and disease. Many children are so hungry that they are skin and bone. They desperately struggle on the edge of death. As they walk on the road, vultures hover behind them, always ready to eat a meal

In fact, our ancestors also experienced the famine era. At that time, let alone braised pork in brown sauce, the dishes were boiled with water, and they often ate the last meal. If you are hungry, you have to eat wild vegetables and gnaw on the bark. What should you do if you finish eating wild vegetables and bark? They even eat a soft soil. Many people died from eating soil, and countless people died of hunger.

Now, although our country has basically solved the problem of food and clothing, our food is not abundant. Many of our food is imported from foreign countries and comes to our table across the sea. You know, our motherland is a great country with the largest population in the world, and our population accounts for one quarter of the world! But our arable land area only accounts for 7% of the world! Although the grain imported from foreign countries can solve the problem of temporary food shortage, it can not solve the fundamental problem after all.

"Take it in a proper way, and use it sparingly, and it will be enough." Therefore, cherishing food has become the most important thing at the moment. If everyone can save every grain of food, it will not only be enough food in our country, but also maybe we can donate some food to children threatened by hunger in Africa or other regions!

Cherish food, cherish everything we have, our world will be better!

Material composition saving (4)

In that year, my family went to Yunnan for tourism. The scene I witnessed in Shangri La completely changed me. It taught me to save and cherish food.

On that day, we were having lunch. Due to the plateau climate, the rice was not cooked well and was hard. I was not very cold with rice, but I was very picky when I saw such rice. Mother advised me: "You should eat more or less! Otherwise, you will have no energy to play in the afternoon!"

But I "hummed" from my nose and pushed away the rice. "No, I won't eat it!" I became a big lady.

My mother had no choice but to frown and take out two pieces of bread from the backpack: "Then you can eat some bread!"

I took a look, took it, bit a small piece and swallowed it. It was delicious. As I was about to eat again, I suddenly felt ashamed when I was young and energetic, so I threw two loaves of bread on the ground in anger, crossed my legs, crossed my hands, and looked disdainful.

"This child..." Mother sighed.

Finally, I took out my favorite chocolate from my bag and ate it with relish.

In a twinkling of an eye, we are leaving the hotel. I suddenly found a local Tibetan boy, about seven years old, with a purplish red face, a pair of big eyes protruding from his thin face, sticking out his tongue and licking his chapped lips from time to time, wearing a red blouse with patches on it and a faded blue shorts underneath. He looked closely at the two loaves that I had thrown away. Seeing that we were leaving, he picked up the two loaves of bread without paying attention. Without taking care of the mud on them, he stuffed them into his mouth and ate them greedily. He was so hungry that he just stuffed bread into his mouth, which made his eyes straight with choking, but he didn't spit out, stretched his neck, and swallowed the bread directly. At this time, a bread fell from his hand, as if someone had robbed him. He immediately bent down, grabbed the bread, and greedily stuffed it into his mouth.

My mother told me that most of the children here are left behind children. Their parents are not at home all the year round, and life is difficult. Even food and clothing are a problem, not to mention snacks. Looking at the way he ate and the bowl of rice I left on the table, I felt ashamed and ashamed.

That scene impressed me deeply. Since then, when I saw the rice on the table, I always saw the little boy eating bread. The act of gobbling and the look of hunger and thirst can never be erased from my heart