Family style and tutor composition 600 words (18 articles)
People's hearts are good
2023-08-31 09:05:23

Family style and tutor composition 600 words (1)

The family is a part of the society, and parents' education of their children affects the family in a small way and the society in a large way. Family civilization is the epitome of social civilization, and good social customs are composed of thousands of civilized families.

Our family is an ordinary family, but we also have a set of standards for children's education, and also draw some bottom lines for children. Those who can do what can't do, and those who cross these lines will be criticized and punished. These standards and bottom line are the so-called family customs and family instructions, which can be summed up in a few words: "filial piety, honesty, courtesy, diligence and thrift".

Filial piety means educating children to be filial to their elders and teachers. We have an elderly grandfather and grandmother in our family. We usually take two elderly people as examples to educate our children. My feeling is that we should set an example in educating our children so that they can be more acceptable and convincing. The children always teach the children to let the old people eat the delicious food they have made, and let the children hand deliver a portion to the old people in the neighborhood. As time goes by, the concept of "filial piety" has been planted in the children's minds; Honesty means educating children to be honest and honest. Whenever a child tells a lie, I always patiently guide him to tell the truth in a way that is easy for the child to accept, and tell him to be honest. Honesty means being trustworthy. Parents should follow their own example to fulfill their promises to their children, and vice versa. Courtesy is to train children to be polite. My child did a good job on this point. Every time he met people in our street, old and young, he always said hello respectfully, so that people all over the street said he was really a good boy with good manners. Diligence is to teach children to work hard, not easy

Evil labor. Thrift means asking children to be thrifty and not extravagant. In addition, I often earnestly teach children to learn to have a "love", love life, love the environment, love others, love society

In short, as long as we have a correct direction for children's family education, we believe that children will become useful talents when they grow up.

Family style and tutor composition 600 words (2)

Each family has its own family style and family education. Family style has a very important impact on each child. They refer to the landmarks that guide us and give us the strength to move forward. They give us the strength to move forward. There is no man without his family style. Therefore, its impact on everyone is indelible. People who are influenced by bad family customs and family education. My family style is "honesty"!

My grandparents are farmers who face the loess and face the sky, and their sweat has been planted in the land all their lives. Every day before dawn, he would take a dustpan and a cheap knife to pick vegetables in the vegetable field. First, we should do our best to ensure that our children and grandchildren are well fed and clothed. Second, the labor habit of working at sunrise and resting at sunset has been deeply rooted in their hearts. It seems that working in the farmland is no longer a means of survival, but a spiritual sustenance. Diligence has become a tradition that can be inherited in the long years of labor.

I remember one time, when I got up to drink water at night, I found that my grandparents were working on stacked farm tools, and opened the door quietly. I heard a squeak, and their thin figures were hidden in the darkness. I often follow them to work in the field. I sit on the ridge of the field, fiddling with the weeds at hand, and looking up at my grandparents buried in the farmland from time to time. Especially at noon when the sun is high in summer, their clothes behind them have been soaked with sweat, but the hoes in their hands are still wielding forcefully as if they had been given strength. Seeing that they are working so hard, I hurried to hoe, but I found that my heart was more than my strength. The hoe is really heavy! I waved for several times to show my ability, and my arms became sore. Only then did I know that their achievements were hard won.

Not only my grandparents, but also my parents are labor loving workers. They work like an old scalper on the ground, so their life is full. I think the diligence of grandparents is a kind of inheritance, not only their personal good qualities, but also the style of a family. My parents also inherited such inheritance. Although our generation is comfortable and doesn't have to do the rough work of farming, we still have endless interpretations of diligence. My primary task now is to study. Diligence can also be performed in my academic career, and will continue in the future. I firmly believe that I will remember and practice the indelible family tradition of diligence.

Family style and tutor composition 600 words (3)

Home is the root of flowers, children are flowers, and home is like sunshine. Flowers can only be fragrant and pleasant under the sunshine; The family is the seed, the child is the small tree, the family wind is like rain and dew, the small tree can only thrive under the moisture of rain and dew. I am versatile and grow healthily in this excellent living water.

Someone said, "Home is the first school, and parents are the first teachers." This is true. In the most prominent place in my living room, there is an exquisite brush calligraphy. I think this calligraphy may be the family motto! The above "bear hardships and stand hard work, persevere" is deeply engraved in my heart. My father took these six words as his life principles, and also used them to educate me.

Although my father is an ordinary worker, he has always taught me to "bear hardships and stand hard work and persevere", which has made my calligraphy honored. Speaking of honor, I remember one time that I went to the calligraphy class to practice calligraphy for a long time every day, and I was a bit bored. I had a brainwave and thought that if I had a stomachache, I would not have to go to the calligraphy class. At first, my father thought I really hurt and bought me some medicine. So I cheated again and again quietly. I didn't expect my father to see through this time. After strict education, I also told a story: "Zhu Houxuan, the Emperor of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty, was fond of playing when he was young and didn't want to read. His father Xingwang was worried, so he locked him in his study and repeatedly copied a pair of tutor couplets:" It's better to read and practice martial arts well; it's hard to know whether it's hard to start a business or not. "It is stipulated to copy 100 times a day, or else whip. Zhu Houxuan had to copy it 100 times before he understood his father's painstaking efforts, and cried bitterly and knelt down in front of his father to plead guilty. From then on, he hung couplets in his study and urged himself to study hard.

After listening to the story, I began to "study hard and practice persistently", and insisted on learning calligraphy every night whether it was windy or rainy. The teacher carefully taught me how to write, how to reply, how to write with ecstasy, and how to give play to my "spirit". In this way, day after day, year after year, finally, the people who want to work hard won the Grand Prize in the "County Primary School Calligraphy Competition". There are also "Advanced Calligraphy Examination for Social Adults", which has passed Level 5, and so on. Now I'm also a little famous in school. My classmates call me "little calligrapher", and my parents are also proud of me. These are all due to my good family style. It is like a classical book without words, which makes me accept edification and baptism in this soft atmosphere.

Family motto is an inspiring note, and family style is a song without words and beautiful melody. They are the beacons that I keep moving forward, and they also give me the strength to keep moving forward.

Family style and tutor composition 600 words (4)

A family of four is always full of joy, but it is also full of quarrels and quarrels. People in my family are very stubborn. Once they decide something, they will not change it. Because everyone thinks differently, they have different opinions. Sometimes even where to go, what kind of transportation to use, and even what to eat today, there will be bickering.

During the summer vacation, my father settled down in Hong Kong. Of course, there are many formalities involved. Several times he called me back and asked me to help him make a proof. He said a lot. After I listened, I repeated my meaning to him. He insisted that I was wrong, but I still insisted on my idea. Finally, he hung up angrily. The end is over. Then one day later, under the regulation of my mother, I took the initiative to send a message to admit my mistake, and he accepted it. But in fact, I still insist on my idea. Later, I forgot how to call the certificate.

In fact, in retrospect, I felt guilty afterwards, probably because I was sensible. I think I will avoid a quarrel now, and if I have any complaints, I will wait until later to be mediated by my mother.

In fact, my brother is also a naughty guy. He likes to make trouble and steal snacks every time. Who told him to have a witty sister? Every time he found her, he quarreled again.

My family has my brother, which is a great treasure. Naturally, there is a lot of laughter. Sometimes we exchange nicknames half jokingly. He calls me "brother", and I call him "sister". Then, he calls himself "brother". Ha ha, I'm crazy to be a brother. Moreover, my brother is very funny when he takes a bath. Sometimes he is afraid of being alone, and then he dare not close the door. If neighbors come and hear that my brother is taking a bath, he will go in and laugh at him. However, he will occasionally be shy and throw water on others in anger.

My mother is also a living treasure. Not only is the laughter low, but it's also strange. And the laughter is still very big, you can hear it outside the door. My mother is the only object my brother can "bully", so he likes to sleep with my mother. Of course, my father is not at home.

My father likes to give other people nicknames. He has given our family a special "nickname". All outsiders will laugh at us when they hear about it. But now they are used to it, and it's strange to hear his name. My father has another characteristic that children are afraid of him, but my family is not afraid of him. Last time, he scared other children to cry, which became a good way for me to make fun of them.

Sometimes teasing is also a necessary wonderful thing at home.

Family style and tutor composition 600 words (5)

Home is our root; Family style exerts a subtle influence on our character. Home is the deepest place in my heart; Family style is the temperament of life.

Home is fertile land, we are the tender grass in the home, and home wind is spring wind and rain drops. When I was a child, my family was not as rich as it is now. There were only a few expenses for a family of four, and my parents did not have much knowledge or great ability... What was just the most common and simple essence of a farmer - diligence and thrift. Family style has affected me little by little. My family style helps me grow, and it is indispensable for me to grow up.

The family style has no power to shock people like the summer storm, but only grows gently and leisurely like the spring wind. Gradually grew up, the family also gradually receded from the initial poverty. I began to become more and more extravagant. However, no matter whether it's half eaten at the table, half bitten apples in front of the table, the newly opened milk on the desk, and not much messy toilet paper in front of the computer... there is always such a figure - finish the meal, put away the apples, store the milk, and separate and pack the toilet paper... Slowly, I began to realize that I felt that I was changing! My family style accompanied me to grow up. Along the way, I pointed out my arrogance and extravagance, and showed my mistakes and confusion.

The family style is not as solemn as the cold in winter, but only the warm fruits in autumn. When I entered middle school, I gradually grew up and matured, and my family style still fluttered in the deepest place. For several years, even more than ten years, under the influence of my parents and family style, diligence and thrift began to emanate from my body. He has no pungent fragrance, just a light fruity fragrance. Diligence and thrift quietly flow on me. After growing in spring and suffering in summer, we finally got the harvest in autumn. The tender grass in the past is fruitful today, and the family style helps me grow.

Diligence and thrift, the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, is a part of Chinese culture. Every one of us should remember this! My family style - diligence and thrift, it has no gorgeous appearance, no ability to overturn the world, and no ability to change the world... What he has is the most essential simplicity and subtle touch in everyone's heart.

My family style helps me grow. On the way to growth, my family style points out my arrogance and extravagance, and reminds me of every step of luxury and waste. Long life, long family style and I accompany.

Family style and tutor composition 600 words (6)

We say that example teaching is more important than precept teaching, but is there anything more important than example teaching? If we look at this problem in a larger scope of definition, then family style is more important from a certain point of view. The most important quality of children comes from social heredity, just as the most important physical quality of children comes from physiological heredity, social heredity determines children's psychological growth genes. Social heredity is different from physiological heredity. Physiological heredity can only come from parents and go up to their parents' seniors. Social heredity comes from all people who contact children, first and foremost family members. As long as they have contact with children, they will have an impact on children. All behaviors that can enter children's eyes and voices that can enter children's ears, In fact, they educate children. Therefore, every family member who comes into contact with children is actually teaching them. Therefore, the family style, as a reflection of the family and even the overall quality of the family, has a greater impact on children than the individual personal education.

Just as physiological heredity hides our biological gene code in our bodies, social heredity also hides our talent gene code in our conduct. It restricts and restricts the development of human spiritual world. The more positions that need good quality, the more obvious the imprint of family style deeply embedded in the spinal cord. A good family style is the treasure of life, while a bad family style is the evil of life.

Family style is more profound than personal education, and what is more profound than family style is the country style, which is called "different styles within ten miles". More profound than the local style is the regional culture, such as "Qilu Culture", "Yanzhao Culture", "Lingnan Culture", "Wuyue Culture", "Bashu Culture", "Shanghai Culture", "Beijing Culture", and so on. What is deeper than regional culture is nationality and national character. Therefore, social heredity is deeply rooted in society. When we look at family education in this way, we will not stick to that narrow concept.

Family style and tutor composition 600 words (7)

Our family motto: loyalty, filial piety, justice, honesty and diligence. The word "filial piety" means to support parents wholeheartedly and obey their will. The word "diligent" means: try to do more or continuously; Frequent; Be on time to work or work at the shift within the specified time.

"To do good to parents is filial piety". Have you ever thought of helping your parents when they are sweating for housework? Have you ever taken a towel to wipe the sweat off your parents' heads? Have you ever done housework when we were idle? Doing housework is a small thing within our power. It can not only alleviate parents' fatigue, but also exercise our small hand ability, which is part of filial piety. On the day of the Mid Autumn Festival, my aunt gave me my favorite pitaya. I was very happy. But my aunt said that everyone wanted to eat, so I had to share it. I looked at my grandparents' wrinkled faces and thought of their love for me at ordinary times and the story of Kong Rongrang pears. I cut the pitaya fruit in half and gave half to my grandparents. The word "filial piety" is composed of "耂" and "Zi". The part above "耂耂" is just the upper part of "old", while the part below "Zi" is the meaning of children, sons, descendants and children. The word "xiao" means that descendants and children should respect the elders and the elderly.

Everyone will always become an old person, and the traditional virtue of loving and respecting the old must be passed down from generation to generation. "I am old, and people are old". Respect for the elderly should respect all the elderly. Born my loving mother, live my strict father. The son is filial and the father is generous. The former king was filial to the world. Who said that the heart of grass inch, reported three Chunhui. These are famous sayings and sentences about loving and respecting the old. Filial piety to parents is not only a family virtue, but also related to the quality of a person, a generation, even a nation and a country. We can't treat it lightly! Let me recite another famous saying of respecting and loving the old: taking Mount Tai as the starting point of the North Sea, it is impossible and necessary to do nothing; It is neither right nor wrong to break branches for the elderly. Don't let our parents sigh again that the French poet Heine sighed: "What I sow is dragon seed, but what I harvest is fleas".

Family style and tutor composition 600 words (8)

When I was born, that is, at the end of the 20th century, our family was a shabby small bungalow, and my grandparents were doing small businesses. Later, I moved into a small suite. Eight people lived in a small house less than 90 square meters. The living room was smaller than the current room, and the TV was still black and white

At that meeting, Grandpa was paralyzed, Grandma was still doing small business, Mom was a tailor, Dad was driving a taxi, and the family's income was very small. As the only child in the family at that time, my grandpa cared for me very much.

But grandpa was angry with me once, which makes me still remember.

I was still in kindergarten at that time, and I especially liked to play with paper. Once in Grandpa's room, he tore a lot of paper and played happily. When Grandpa saw it, his face changed. He angrily scolded, "How can you waste paper like this! Paper is also bought with money!"

Grandpa and grandma usually use things sparingly. A suit of clothes can be worn for several years. So can Dad. Many things used in marriage are still in use now. When I was a child, I had few toys and wore clothes left by my brothers and sisters. I think this is not stinginess, but generosity!

In 2004, I was surprised to learn that there was a big house with seven floors in our house. I was shocked when I saw the effect picture. I asked my father what was going on, and he said, "This is your grandfather's half life's work. He usually lives a simple life, and he wants to save money for your benefit!"

When Grandpa was alive, he often taught us to help others with enthusiasm and try our best to help others. Grandpa often eats simply by himself and saves money. If someone is in trouble, he will definitely help him without saying a word.

At home, my brother and I each have a bamboo tube. My mother asked us to put one yuan into the tube every day, and by the end of the year, we would donate 365 yuan to the Gongde Association to help more people in need. My mother was never stingy. Even if the economy was not optimistic that year, she would donate more than 700 yuan. My parents often encourage me to volunteer and help others during the holidays. Mother said: "To do my part is a blessing."

Thank you for my family style, so that I will not waste like the rich children, so that I can use my ability to help others!

Family style and tutor composition 600 words (9)

I know a new word in the New Year - "family style".

On this day, I saw an interesting topic in the TV program: What is family style? Let me also want to know what is my family style?

The uncles and aunts interviewed on the news said: "Family style is the whole picture of a family; family style is to know the good family style of others on the basis of good family style. Family style is to do good things without seeking return; family style is to be honest and not do bad things. Family style is to create virtue through small actions; family style is to do good things without complaint; Family style means having a home in your heart and a country in your heart. "

I would like to talk about my own family style: hardworking and hard working; We should face the difficulties ahead with a positive and sunny attitude.

My dear mother is a good example. She sells clothes and is not afraid of wind or rain. After coming back, he didn't complain about hardship or fatigue. Mother is the greatest contributor at home.

I remember one time, there were guests at home. At that time, the house was very messy, and my mother spent the whole morning cleaning the house. In the afternoon, guests came, including grandma, grandpa, cousin, cousin and uncle. Mother has been making tea since they arrived. When I came home from school, my mother touched my head and said, "Call Grandpa!". Just after I called "Hello grandpa", my mother was busy cooking again. Make dinner and let everyone eat! Everyone asked her to have a rest, but her mother always smiled and said, "Nothing, nothing!" So her mother was busy all afternoon. After the guests leave, mother will be busy sweeping the floor and cleaning the table. I grabbed the tools in my mother's hands and let her rest. Mother smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. I asked my mother if she was tired? My mother said, "Not tired!" At night, I heard my mother say, "Please press it. It hurts a little." My father said, "I know." I saw from the crack in the door that my father was rubbing my mother's waist. At that time, I cried. You see, my mother is so hardworking!

Family style is the face of a family. I should remember the good family style told me by my elders!

Family style and tutor composition 600 words (10)

Family style is actually a moral standard that constrains us and makes us integrate with the spirit of the family. In our family, of course, there is also family style. Our family style has taught me how to be a man.

To be a man, we must be kind. There is a saying that "the heart of harming people is indispensable, and the heart of defending people is indispensable". My parents also taught me this way when I was young. I remember once, when I was young, I deliberately threw small stones at a path. Although the path was narrow and remote, my father saw it and hurried to stop me, and taught me: "How can it be like this?" "What's wrong..." I felt my father was angry, but said wrongly. "You may make the cyclist fall down like this, which is tantamount to framing others!" Dad said excitedly, while I listened silently and slowly realized my mistake. Seeing that I seemed to be aware of the mistake, my father's voice softened and continued: "Son, you should remember the pain of falling last year? Falling on a bike is more painful than that!" I subconsciously covered my left hand. The injury was unforgettable. At this time, my father became as kind as ever and said, "Pick up those pebbles quickly." "OK!"

A lesson, let me know, I should be careful to do every detail, I am afraid of a casual action hurt others.

When I am a person, I have to be punctual. Although my mother didn't tell me this truth, she always tells me this truth with her actions. Every time, when making travel arrangements with others, my mother always arrives a few minutes early. She said that in this way, we won't let others wait for us. Once, I jokingly said, "It is better to teach me to wait for the world than to teach the world to wait for me.". However, over time, I also learned from my mother and formed the good habit of punctuality!

Some actions of parents can always affect children. Excellent quality is cultivated from it.

This is our family style. It has taught me a lot about being a man. What's your family style? Let's share it!

Family style and tutor composition 600 words (11)

What is family style is the concept of life. A word, a sentence, a family story and a family memory are all carriers of family style.

There are many rules in our family, which have been passed down from generation to generation. There is no saying that they have been lost. Everyone who has been trained in the family is under control, so the appearance of a person is the embodiment of family style. From the time I remember, every summer I would sit in a cool chair and enjoy the cool, holding a big watermelon. When I was young, I was short and my feet couldn't touch the ground. It was very uncomfortable. In order to find a comfortable position, I put my feet on the handrail. I was shaking my feet while eating watermelon. How nice! Grandma came out and saw me hit my foot on the arm. She was stunned at first, and then pulled me off the cool chair. Her action was neat and straightforward without any pity. I was hurt by my grandmother, and frowned and murmured, "What are you doing? The watermelon is going to fall off. I was stunned and promised to behave myself in the future.

Children's nature is easy to make mistakes, but hard to change. Since I was lectured by my grandmother last time, I didn't dare to be so "crazy" in front of outsiders. I sometimes sat like that, but I gradually felt that it was inappropriate to be a lady. This bad habit has changed, and there is another problem. When I was eating, I stepped on the stool. I was having a good meal. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in my leg. I could not help crying out, with my food in my mouth, which was still vague. My mother beat my leg hard, and I looked at my leg, and it turned red! I felt distressed myself, and complained: "Mom, I'm not your own! It's cruel to start!" I swear, I will change my mind!

Family style and tutor composition 600 words (12)

China is a nation of ceremonies. Five thousand years of cultural heritage has been deeply engraved in the hearts of Chinese people. Every family has its own family education, family rules and family customs. As the saying goes, "No rules, no square": from Meng's mother to her mother-in-law, good family education, family rules and family customs not only carry the hope of generations for future generations, but also reflect the fine national style of the Chinese nation!

Every family in China has its own family education, rules and customs, and my family is no exception. My tutor is: respect teachers, elders, classmates and anyone with disabilities; Diligence and frugality know how to manage the family; Far relatives are not as good as near neighbors, treat neighbors well; Do not act on a small scale of good and do not act on a small scale of evil. These tutors have existed in everyone's mind since ancient times, but few of them have really done so. My grandparents, my parents and my parents set them as tutors to let the next generation remember the bright history and culture of China for five thousand years. I will try my best to do so, and at the same time, I will also influence people around me and let them do the same. My family rule is: take the initiative to say hello to the elders; Respect each other; Wallets and other valuables found on the road must be handed in; Yourself do things yourself. When homework is finished, there will be entertainment time; Do the things of the day on the same day without delay; Exercise every day. Some of these family rules were set by my grandparents, and some of them were set by my parents. The increasingly perfect family rules let me understand the progress of Chinese culture. Since I was young, my parents have asked me to follow good rules, which has made my current achievements. My family style is: build a family with virtue, and govern a family with virtue. A good family style is a kind of moral force for the society. Family customs need to be passed down from generation to generation. As the ancients said, a family with family rules belongs to a scholarly family.

A family with family rules and family education belongs to a family of rich and noble families; Families with family rules, family education and family style belong to the family of princes, generals and ministers.

I hope my family education, family rules and family style can be passed down from generation to generation, and the four goals of happiness will be realized one day: harmony, civilization, health and wealth.

Family style and tutor composition 600 words (13)

Parents are no strangers when they grow up. For example, the father in Fu Lei's Letter to the Family influences and educates children by writing letters. My parents are also well intentioned, with a good family style with my growth!

"The thread in the hands of a loving mother, the coat on the body of a wandering child" praises the great image of a loving mother. That time, my mother's tolerance and kindness accompanied my growth. For the first time, I really felt that I had grown up. On that day, my mother went out to buy vegetables as usual and left me alone at home. Everything was so normal, but somehow, when I saw a beautiful vase in my mother's room, my heart was hooked. I couldn't help picking up the bottle to enjoy it. Suddenly, I broke into a cold sweat and thought: It's over, I broke my mother's favorite vase! So, I immediately ran to lock the door, and then quickly ran back to the "crime scene" to stare at the pile of broken glass flashing like tears. In deep regret and fear, I gradually fell asleep.

"Bang Bang Bang, open the door quickly!" Mother's voice came from outside the house. I was awakened and jumped out of bed. I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. I hesitated to open the door? Suddenly, I vaguely heard several cries coming from the door, and my impatient heart calmed down, as calm and serene as the sea. I opened the door, "Sorry!

Mom, I thought, "Before the words fell out, my mother hugged me tightly and saw the" mess "in the room. She said," I'm worried about you. No matter what you did wrong, you apologized with all your heart. Your brave opening of the door is the door in your heart! So today, when you grow up, my mother is proud of you! "I cried, immersed in my mother's love, and more tolerant.

Mother's "wind" is tolerance, courage, love, these kinds of species accompany my growth. However, there is a kind of "wind" that is stern, stable and meticulous. After an ordinary meal, my father made me understand the extraordinary significance. At noon that day, my father and I ate together. When I saw soup on the table, I naturally took a spoon and placed it in front of my bowl. Suddenly, my father put down his chopsticks, looked at me seriously, and said to me earnestly, "No matter which elder you eat with, my son, the elder should use the chopsticks first. If the tableware is not complete, he should take the initiative to give it to him.

”I nodded and did so despite my doubts. Over time, I gradually got used to that no matter which uncle or aunt I ate with, they would praise me for being polite and civilized. After hearing this, I understand. My father taught me to be a respectful, polite and civilized person.

The two family customs of my mother and father have made me learn a lot in such a family. I understand that good family customs accompany me to grow!

Family style and tutor composition 600 words (14)

I hope that every child has a happy family, and that every child has a good tutor. The country is made up of families, and the family is the unit of the country. Children are born and grow at home, become builders of the country, and form families to raise the next generation. In this way, the nation will continue to develop. Good family education can not only cultivate good offspring for families, but also determine the quality of national development.

Like countless happy children, I grew up in a happy family. In my family, there are some tutors who have accompanied me since I was born.


No matter where I am, no matter what I do, my parents always tell me to be honest. Don't be smart. When I did something wrong, I should dare to admit that when I was young, I only knew to act according to their warnings. Now I know that parents just ask me to be honest. Yes, people can't stand without faith. If they lose faith, they lose friends and opportunities. Sometimes, honesty is more important than money or even life.

When I was young, I broke the glass at home. In the face of Grandma's question, I didn't dare to admit it. Grandma said kindly, "Son, if you beat it, you'll beat it. But you should tell me the truth and not cheat people. You know what?" So I admitted, and my whole body felt very relaxed. Grandma didn't scold me, but also praised my bravery. After this incident, I no longer shirk my responsibility. I honestly admit that it was my own mistake, and try not to make the same mistake. I did not become an unwelcome person.


Grandparents are very thrifty people. I, a child living in a better society, used to be a bit extravagant and didn't know how precious a grain of food is.

In the fifth grade, my grandparents suggested that I go to the mountain with them to pick tea, and I collect my own tea, and the money I sell is my own. I was so happy that I thought I could get a large sum of money and buy a lot of snacks. However, after sticking to it for most of the day under the scorching sun, I was half dead and got 14 yuan, but I was reluctant to buy snacks. Later, I learned that this labor was a "conspiracy" of my grandparents, just to let me experience the hard won truth. After this labor and the past life they talked about, I understand why my grandparents would not waste a basin of water and would pick up and eat a grain of rice that fell on the table. I don't waste money any more. I often help my family with some things.

A home without education is not a home. If you have a family, you can bring up your children with good family style and discipline. I grew up healthy in my lovely home.

Family style and tutor composition 600 words (15)

Since I was sensible, my mother is my strong dependence. Can't do homework, you can find your mother; If you want to eat delicious food, always look for your mother; I was also the first to tell my mother what happened in school.

Mother is an optimistic and cheerful person. She always works with a smile, works with a smile, talks with a smile, and infects others with enthusiasm and enthusiasm. A strange parent may become a friend that his mother has not seen for many years in less than ten minutes. Even in the face of difficulties, she maintains a positive attitude. The unexpected death of her grandfather was the greatest misfortune she had ever encountered. I was not born at that time. I heard from my father that my mother fell into extreme grief for a period of time, unable to eat or sleep. But she quickly put away her tears, entertained her relatives and friends, and dealt with the affairs of the future in an orderly manner. The dead rest in peace and the living are strong. I think this is my mother's belief.

Mother has the quality of being hardworking and capable. When I went to kindergarten, I could say that it was the most difficult time at home. Nobody took care of me and I couldn't afford to hire an aunt. In order not to be late, my mother often sent me to the kindergarten early in the morning, often without even the teacher coming. After finishing her work at noon, she hurried back to buy vegetables, mop the floor and wash clothes. He picked me up from school on time in the afternoon and was also busy taking care of my food and drink, which can be said to be "the leader inside and outside". After the fourth grade of primary school, my mother took care of me wholeheartedly. She was not only my tutor, but also my bosom sister. We always had endless topics to talk about.

Mother is very principled and never gives in to me. My mother and I have a gentleman's agreement that we don't watch TV at ordinary times, but we can see 9 pm on Friday and Saturday after finishing the required homework. Sometimes the program is really wonderful, I want to watch more minutes; Sometimes I do well in the exam and want to take the opportunity to "ask for credit" and apply for more time, but I never succeed. Sometimes I made a little mistake, and my mother would never be partial. Only after "thinking about it" can I pass the test.

Mother also has many warm places. She always taught me to "do my own thing" and not rely on others. In the first grade of primary school, she opened a bank account for me. The "New Year's money" was kept by herself, and she also wanted to "maintain and increase the value". She always said "a girl must be able to manage her family". She often took me to buy vegetables and taught me to cook. She always encourages me to associate with my classmates. When I take my classmates home, she cooks a good table of food and treats them warmly. Sometimes she is also willing to be my "student" and listen to me tell her about the knowledge and popular elements of music.

Over the years, my mother's good family style has deeply influenced me. When working, she is a good leader, good colleague, good subordinate, conscientious, responsible and proactive. At home, she is a good mother, wife, daughter-in-law, and she is happy to meet her husband and teach her children. She taught me to be strong and brave in the face of setbacks in learning and life; She taught me to sacrifice, sometimes for the sake of the overall situation; She taught me to be responsible and dare to perform my duties; She taught me to be assertive and learn to make independent judgments; She taught me to follow the rules and take honesty and trustworthiness as the foundation of my life.

I want to thank my mother! Her words and deeds are not "meaningful", but it is the most simple family tradition inheritance, which is enough to turn the spring breeze into rain and moisten things silently. Like a bright lamp in the night, it will illuminate my long road in the future. When I grow up and stop to look back, I can still remember my mother's good family style.

Family style and tutor composition 600 words (16)

Every family has its own style. Family style is the working style and atmosphere in the family. This is passed down from generation to generation by ancestors and elders. What is our family style? Do you want to know? Don't worry. I'll tell you slowly.

In our family style, the most important thing is diligence and thrift. Diligence is best reflected in Mom and Dad. Dad works hard every day, leaving work at 5:30 p.m., but he often does not come back after 6:00. He leaves early and returns late. Working at home until 11:00 p.m. is also common. But as long as you have time, you still insist on asking me English words.

My mother has been pregnant for more than six months and could have rested in bed, but she still insists on going to work every day and has to help me check the completion of my homework that day when I return home. Grandmother and mother are the most frugal. Every time he buys vegetables, he never buys those expensive and luxurious dishes. When he has time to throw away garbage, he can pick up a foam container for growing vegetables. My mother never wastes water resources. The water that has washed clothes is used to flush the toilet. She never lets me buy useless things. Of course, she is also a good bargain hunter. She often shop around and buy whatever is the most economical.

In our family style, the second most helpful person is helpful. No matter who is in trouble, my parents will lend a helping hand in time and do their best to help others. Even when I have time to meet people I don't know, such as when I go shopping with my parents and meet poor beggars on the street, my mother will let me put a few dollars in front of the beggar. I have also formed the good habit of helping others. Last year, when I was at a summer camp, I lent my 10 yuan to fellow alumni, but now he hasn't returned the money to me. It seems that before I decide to help someone, I must first see his character.

The third custom of our family is to respect the old and love the young. Every Spring Festival, Dad always takes his family home from a long distance to visit their grandparents and buy delicious food for them. I also asked me to accompany my grandma more and talk with her, so that she would not feel bored lying in bed.

I have the most profound experience and the most say in caring for children, because so far I am the youngest at home. My parents always let me eat the delicious food at home. Every year, they buy me a big Lego toy. If I have a hot head, my parents are more worried than me. Of course, sometimes my parents' love makes me a little unbearable, such as my mother's nagging and forcing me to study. If I refuse to study hard, I will be greeted with a round of fat beatings. "Beating is kiss, scolding is love" is probably like this!

What about? Our family style is good, right? Good family style and family discipline can really benefit our next generation, and benefit them for life. Family customs and family instructions accompany my growth, and I let them inherit and carry forward.

Family style and tutor composition 600 words (17)

Everyone knows that "the state has its own laws, and the family has its own rules". However, what is family style? Simply speaking, family style is the traditional fashion of a family or family. Family style is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and it is also the virtue of modern inheritance. The splendid culture of our Chinese nation over 5000 years has bred many fine traditional cultures.

My family rule is to be generous, caring and filial. In order to express some family rules, the reason why my name has the word "respect" is that my parents want me to respect the elderly, care for the weak and respect teachers.

I remember when I was seven or eight years old, adults didn't always like to hear what they said. But then there was a guest at home, and a little brother took a fancy to my toy, which was also one of my favorite toys. He threw my toys around, knocking here and there. As soon as I saw it, I rushed to him in a rage, grabbed him and pushed him aside.

At that time, the little brother cried loudly and called "Dad" and "Dad" at the same time. I thought to myself, "Hum! You are the villain who complained first. Who told you to damage my toy? I would not play with it!" The little brother's father coaxed him for a long time before he stopped crying, but he was still unhappy. Finally, his father agreed to buy him delicious food. When my father heard about this, he said angrily to me: "Shan Jingxuan, I have told you many times. Don't fight, be kind, and share good things.

Now one: either say sorry to your little brother; 2: Don't eat lunch! " I heard a blank in my mind and said: "He took my favorite toy first, why was I wrong?" Dad said: "How many times have I told you that you must learn to be generous and not stingy. Otherwise, you will have no friends in the future." I heard that although I was not reconciled, there is no way. My father's tone must not be lunch if he does not apologize. I had to go and apologize to my little brother.

As for filial piety, Mom and Dad said to us, "filial piety is the priority of all good deeds", and we must respect teachers and the elderly. No matter where you meet a teacher, you should say hello and be polite. Let grandpa eat first. Don't grab TV with grandpa. Give seats to the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled on the bus, and help the elderly in need as much as they can.

By the way, there is also a family rule in my family, that is, you should be accountable when you go out, and you must go home at 10 pm. I used to forget the time when I went out with my brother. I had a good time. I didn't want to go home. Once I went out with my brother for a car race and forgot to explain it to my family. The two of us went out by bike, regardless of where we knew each other.

As we rode farther and farther, it became darker and darker. We were clearly afraid, but no one wanted to give up first. In this way, my car fell into the pit with a bang, and my feet were injured and bleeding. I was so frightened that I cried out loud, and my brother followed me. Fortunately, a kind passer-by helped me up and called my mother for me. Mom said hoarsely on the phone, "Don't worry, don't be afraid! Mom will come soon".

It was already 12 o'clock at night. Mom and Dad had been looking for us for several hours. Mom's eyes were swollen with tears, but she didn't say anything when she saw that I was injured. I thought they would be angry and hit me. Since then, it has become my family rule.

Family rules are a motto to remember. With it, we can have a foothold in society and go further! Remember your family style, lay a firm foundation for your life, take a firm step, and become a pillar of the country.

Family style and tutor composition 600 words (18)

My parents are intellectuals. They carry on the fine traditions of the Chinese nation. They often teach me to be helpful to the society. With their words and deeds, I, at the age of 10, not only understand reason, but also be polite and considerate.

This summer, two large puddles were formed at the entrance of our community because of the heavy rain for several days. It is very inconvenient for people and vehicles to get in and out. I thought to myself: my parents said that the neighbors should keep watch and help each other, so that everyone is convenient for themselves. These two pits have seriously affected the access of people and vehicles in the community. I will find a way to fill them up!

So that Saturday, I took a small bucket from my home and started to take action. First, find some gravel and sand. I looked around and found only a little gravel for half a day. Just when I wanted to give up, I suddenly had an idea, right! There are many gravel and sand beside the stone wall at the entrance of the community. I quickly ran there and collected the rubble. Then, I put the sand beside the gravel into the bucket one by one. After a while, the sand was collected, but my hand had already been abraded, and the sharp pain came to my heart, but I still gritted my teeth and insisted. Then, I mixed gravel and sand together and filled it into the big hole.

The big hole was filled up and I was so tired that I sweated. At this time, several cars drove into the community. My uncle and aunt leaned out of the car window and gave me a approving look. An uncle gave me a thumbs up and said, "This child is really sensible. His parents can teach him a lot. He must have a good family education..."

Yes, good family style and tutoring can make us have a warm family; Good family style enables us to have good moral character; A good family style can make our life smooth.