He changed my composition by 600 words (16 in total)
2023-08-29 04:39:26

He changed my composition by 600 words (1)

Is there such a person that you have never met, but you admire him? Is there such a person, even though he has passed away for many years, you still want to brush off the dust of the years and tell your favorite stories about him?

"When the wine enters Haochang, seven points will become moonlight, and the remaining three points will become sword like. Once the embroidery is spit out, half of the Tang Dynasty will be prosperous." Mr. Yu Guangzhong said of him. He is confident, optimistic and open-minded. "If you want to cross the Yellow River and block the river with ice, you will climb the Taihang Mountains with snow." There are also difficulties and dangers in his life. When I can't overcome one difficulty after another, when I want to give up countless times, when I am depressed and frustrated. I always think of his self-confidence and boldness of "going through the long wind and waves, going straight to the clouds to help the sea", which prompted me to stick to it and finally harvest one after another.

At that time, I could not discharge my worries when my grades were plummeting, so I had to slowly recall his every bit. He said that "we are not Penghao people when we go out laughing in the sky" was so optimistic and unrestrained. I envy his freedom and confidence. Since he was so confident and optimistic in that dynasty, I can only be disappointed? So, with the strength he gave me, I firmly dispelled the distractions in my heart with his momentum and grand ambition of "I am born to be useful, and my daughter will come back after her death". Continue to struggle for my life with all my strength. But he gave me confidence. I also realized the happiness and harvest brought by confidence, and encouraged me to face difficulties and challenge confidently.

When I was a child, his "look up at the bright moon, look down and think about my hometown" made me intoxicated for a long time. This well-known poem also made me obsessed with the bright moon and miss my hometown. His "I wander in song and moon, and I dance in disorder" is more optimistic and confident. From a babbling child to a young man in his prime, he was my first enlightenment teacher. As I grew up reading his poems, I experienced different positions and gained different feelings. His poems have always changed me and inspired me to come from what I am today. I am extremely honored to have his poems accompany me all the way. I will never forget them no matter how old they are.

In the midnight dream, I remembered him - Li Bai. He came into my dream like an exiled immortal, leaving a unique verse that slowly melted into my blood and my soul. How honored he is to be accompanied by his poems on the road of life.

He changed my composition by 600 words (2)

A person's life is like a treasure box, collecting all kinds of priceless treasures. There is a special treasure in my treasure box, which changed me

It used to be a bright and spotless sunny day. Students who had been studying at school for a whole day came to the school gate in twos and threes, ready to go home. At this time, it suddenly began to rain. At first, the students were not worried, and seemed to enjoy the baptism of rain. But later, the rain became more and more urgent, more and more intensive, and finally turned into a downpour, The students took out raincoats from their schoolbags one after another, but I didn't have one, so I had to ask them to wear one with my classmates. When I got to the learning point, I saw my father throw off his raincoat and ran straight to my father. I also wanted to question why my father didn't bring me a raincoat. But after I ran a few steps, I got closer to my father and saw clearly that my father was standing under a small eaves that could not cover him. He was soaked all over. I slowed down and looked up and down at my father while looking at his car. I found my father's raincoat tightly wrapped around my raincoat in the car basket, just like my father hugged me with your big body, When my father saw me coming, he ran to the south of the car and pulled me to put on my raincoat. I asked him, "Dad, you obviously have a raincoat, why don't you put it on?" Dad smiled kindly and replied, "If I put on my raincoat and your raincoat gets wet in the car basket, wouldn't it be hard for you to put it on?"

I was stunned for a moment, tears suddenly want to gush out of my eyes, I still held back. On the way home, I sat behind the car and couldn't help shedding tears. My father was still unknowingly asking me about my school life

This cry is different from the cry of fighting at home, the cry of losing at school, and the cry of being angry. This is my first sad cry. At the same time, I also understand that I should grow up and understand my father's hard work, understand his difficulties and help him do something within his power!

He changed my composition by 600 words (3)

I can see bus drivers almost every day, because I have to go to school and go home by bus every day. In my eyes, bus drivers work very hard. They pick people up early every day to go to work and school. At night, when the street lights are on, they are still driving on the road. At the same time, their character should be noble, their sense of responsibility is very strong, and sometimes they are especially considerate of passengers... But after an event, I changed my mind. It turns out that drivers are not all considerate of others.

Once, I was going to study in Shenjiamen by bus. Because it was the weekend, the bus was full of passengers, and the aisle was also full of people. At that time, several tourists were still talking incessantly... When the bus arrived at the Science and Technology Museum, the conductor said in non-standard Mandarin: "Is anyone getting off the Science and Technology Museum? Is anyone getting off the Science and Technology Museum?" No one on the bus answered, The car continued to move slowly forward. When the car passed the Science and Technology Museum without any sign of stopping, an old man sitting in the front of the car suddenly shouted, "Stop! Stop!" The voice revealed infinite anxiety. The car stopped with the old man's voice, and then the driver shouted, "What's wrong with you? Didn't you hear the conductor say that you should get off the Science and Technology Museum? Why didn't you say that at that time..." The complaining voice continued to shoot out of his mouth like machine guns. The old man, with a thick neck and a red face, said righteously, "Who told the conductor to speak so quietly and loudly? Who could hear it?" Then he got off the bus. At that time, I thought to myself, why is the bus driver so angry and loud? Besides, I don't think the old man did it on purpose. Can he use it to make such a big fire? It's also a warning to stop the car. Can't you say it well?

I hope drivers can change themselves well, establish a good image to serve passengers, and do their part to build Zhoushan into a national civilized city.

He changed my composition by 600 words (4)

Scattered dead memories dance with the wind at the fork in the road. Once I was confused, once I was gone.


One must experience something in his life before he can understand that things are impermanent; One must meet some people in one's life to know that the heart is hard to side; One must make some mistakes in his life before he can understand that it is difficult to distinguish right from wrong.

I used to think that heroes, like Cao Cao, were just like that. They fought, killed, and finally caught the enemy. I admit that he was a hero, but he was a treacherous minister, intrigued, and lost his heroic spirit and demeanor.

Therefore, I don't want to be a hero. I think that everything in the world has its own day to worry about. Life is still alive, playing games in life, not being dissolute and wasting your dreams; I accompanied me to carve more than ten growth rings until I met him in junior high school

Heroic status and hegemonic status make him unwilling to bow to the throne. He is a hero, and thousands of troops are running alone. He is a hegemon, and no one can match him. He is not like the heroes in history, who are cruel, loyal, arrogant and cruel. On the contrary, he values love and justice. At the Hongmen banquet, his father Fan Zeng advised him to cut grass and kill Liu Bang, so as to avoid breeding tigers. He was unwilling, because he firmly believed that, They are brothers, brothers who worship their sons, brothers who can go through life and death.

He dreamed back to the bank of the Wujiang River. The setting sun spread the river like blood and dyed half the sky red. That day, he turned red. That day, he stood on the corpse mountain. That day, he had no regrets. Yes, he was the overlord of the Western Chu Dynasty. He would not be wrong, so he would not regret. He had no face to face the Jiangdong people, watched the underground blood flow into a small stream, and went into the Wujiang River. He pulled out his sword to kill himself. The feeling of the Wujiang River, the tears of the overlord, At that moment, my tears began to flow, and I found that I was wrong, wrong, wrong, I didn't want to be a hero, I was running away, running away from what I was afraid of. It was he who let me know that heroes should not run away.

Memory, Eternity, Freeze, Change, Refresh. I understand that I will not escape from the epidemic. I will never return.

He changed my composition by 600 words (5)

He is ugly, but "he looks like Pan An and is better than Zi Jian". He is the most ordinary one among thousands of people, but he has changed me with his most steadfast and simple face, and taught me the truth that is worth learning in my life. He is my math teacher.

Since childhood, I have hated and hated everything related to mathematics, including my math teacher. My math score is also like a surging river.

Once, he praised my math homework in front of the whole class. Those words used to praise three good students were used on me, but I was not happy at all. The answer in his hand was soaked in cold sweat and looked so dazzling. After class, I went to him to admit my mistakes, but he didn't criticize me. Instead, he encouraged me to study math hard. He drank tea and looked out of the window. His glasses were colorful under the sun, and his eyes were shining with wise eyes, which had a certain flavor of immortality. Therefore, from that day on, I took the attitude of "mathematics abused me thousands of times, but I treated it like first love" and headed for the "no return road" of mathematics.

With his help, my math scores have improved by leaps and bounds, and I have a strong interest in math. He has also become an indispensable part of my life.

One day, I had to leave the school after dark because I arranged blackboard newspapers and cleaned up. Before passing his office, I saw him still correcting his homework in the dim light. The white shirt was soaked with sweat and stuck to his back. He found my existence and smiled at me. I asked him why he worked so hard. He firmly said to me: "Everyone has his own love and wants to protect things. Being a teacher is my wish from childhood to adulthood. What I need to do is to teach every student well and not let myself regret. You must also have something you love. By the way, it's already dark. Go home quickly and don't worry your parents. " My eyes were wet, I bowed deeply to him and left his office.

Now, I am working hard to complete what I love and study hard, while he is still struggling in the teaching position, giving full play to his light and heat. He is a meteor, which can leave a flash of brightness; He is a cherry tree, bringing people the beauty of the moment; He is a candle, burning himself and illuminating others. I can see from him that he is firm, simple and dedicated. He is our model and he has changed my life.

He changed my composition by 600 words (6)

After entering junior high school, I met a friend. We share the same ideas, but we have different personalities. Therefore, we soon forged a friendship.

His quick thinking was vividly displayed in math class. So much so that I think he knows what the teacher is going to say. At that time, mathematics was the most troublesome thing for me. It seemed that I understood it and didn't understand it every time. The bad start of the first test greatly reduced my morale, and when I saw the bright red 98 on his paper next to him, my mood was even worse.

The flash of fear on my face did not seem to escape his keen eyes. He moved his eyes from the examination paper, smiled and said to me, "Friend, how was your exam?" I was a little unprepared for his sudden question. "This time I made a mistake, I didn't do well in the exam, 76." I said that I made a mistake. In fact, my heart was very complicated at that time, and most of the mistakes were due to basic concepts. He seemed to be able to understand my mind and glanced at my test paper: "Look, there is no sign change, and there is..." Then he began to explain to me patiently.

Due to the frustration of the first time, the next few quizzes were even more unsatisfactory. Every time he asked me about my grades, I always said it lightly, but my sadness turned into a river. Gradually, I lost confidence in mathematics completely. Finally, I didn't even want to write math homework. But every time I have his patient guidance, I always feel some comfort.

Finally one day, he said to me: "Friend, I think you have made more than mistakes these times, haven't you?" "Oh? That's......"

"Some concepts are beyond your grasp," he pointed out pointedly. So he began to explain those concepts to me.

His patient guidance moved me and made me have confidence in this subject again. I did the exercises from Chapter 1 to Chapter 4 again, and finally got the same brilliant 98 in the final exam.

Thank you for your patience. You have made me confident in my study, and you have changed me.

He changed my composition by 600 words (7)

On my way of growing up, books are good teachers and helpful friends. When I look back, every footprint of growth exudes the flavor of books and hides the shadow of books. It was books that changed me and gave me full growth.

When I was an ignorant little girl, the word book left a deep impression on me. In my young eyes, books are a sacred thing, but full of infinite fun. As a result, that pamphlet became my favorite. In the turning of the pages, the beautiful pictures came into sight, but I didn't care about the profound words. Colorful pictures paint a colorful picture in my heart, giving me a beautiful world.

When I grow up, those illustrations are not enough to satisfy my taste. Then, the comic book came into my view. The vivid and interesting pictures with simple and understandable words gave me a wonderful world, and the comic book also left indelible memories in my mind, creating a inquisitive me.

Later, the pictures disappeared in my mind. Instead, various masterpieces were created. The faint fragrance of books flowed through the thin pages of my heart. When I opened the pages, I was deeply attracted. It was they that taught me a lot of knowledge, gave me different ideas, made them affect me, and changed me.

It is a kind of happiness to have books accompany me on the way of growing up. They give me a lot. In the ethereal words, I swim in the sea of books, and in the affectionate words, I soar in the blue sky. It is they who tell me the truth of life and the mystery of the world that make me learn to cherish friendship, feel beautiful, and experience everything in life. The book told me unreservedly that it made me strong and no longer timid. It made me cheerful and no longer silent. It made me confident and no longer inferiority complex. It was books that changed me.

Books are the ladder of human progress, and they are the mentors and helpful friends for my growth. They have left a colorful mark in my growth and deeply influenced me in my mind.

He changed my composition by 600 words (8)

Students, do you know how powerful our motherland was once? But there were twists and turns in the middle. We were accidentally blown open by foreign powers with our own invention of gunpowder, and we were bullied. Unexpectedly, after only a few decades, we have become the world's second largest economy. Our life has undergone earth shaking changes. Among them, this small mobile phone has played a huge role. Therefore, I would like to say that mobile phones have changed our lives.

Mobile phone, the earliest function of which is mobile communication, rose in the late 1990s. At that time, China did not have its own brands, but only foreign brands, such as Ericsson and Motorola. But now, these foreign mobile phones have long disappeared, except for Apple in the United States. All the mobile phones are made in China, and Huawei is the main one. Our Huawei mobile phones not only dominate China, but also are sold all over the world. From 1G to 5G, leading the world in mobile communication.

What I want to say is that this small mobile phone is powerful. Its function is far beyond the first call. It has changed our life and made us inseparable from it all the time. Students must have played these functions of mobile phones: WeChat social networking, news browsing, online games, online shopping, online learning, etc. These functions have brought us a lot of convenience, such as ordering takeout, students, your parents are not at home, do you want to cook by yourself? In fact, there is Meituan take away on the mobile phone; Hungry, these software can order the food you want to eat. Order whatever you want, and someone will deliver it to your home. Such a function would have been the material for students to imagine writing 10 years ago, but now it has become a reality.

There are Taobao and Pinduoduo. These online shopping software are not only fast, but also convenient. You can buy what you want with your fingers. Look, is it very convenient! There are also entertainment software such as Tiao Yin, Fast Hand, King Glory, Peace Elite, etc. When you are bored, it is good to brush Tiao Yin and play a game!

Students, all this is the result of the country's efforts to develop science and technology. From a small mobile phone, we can see the degree of scientific and technological development in our country, so that we can pass it on from generation to generation, fall in love with science and technology, keep science and technology young, and make the country prosperous and strong forever.

He changed my composition by 600 words (9)

I am a nearsighted girl. I like reading and watching TV very much. My eyesight once declined severely.

There is a blind grandfather in the community. He takes a guide dog to walk around the community all day long. At first, I didn't care too much, but as time went on, I couldn't help feeling my eyes to see if it had changed. The blind grandpa took a crutch and walked slowly. He had to grope forward when he took a step. His eyes were wide open, as if he wanted to see through everything. This kind of life is always on the edge of danger, because guide dogs and crutches are not omnipotent. They cannot completely help a blind person and give them a free and safe life. Only healthy and normal eyes can avoid tragedy. Stumbling over stones and encountering car accidents, the blind grandfather told me again and again with his experience silently: cherish your eyes.

Slowly, I have changed. I no longer watch TV for a long time. When reading, I also keep books away from my eyes. If I want to take online classes, I will do eye exercises at rest or look into the distance after class to relax my eyes. Eye drops are my must use before going to bed every night. After class, I no longer indulge in homework, but spend more time watching green scenery. What should I do if I don't cherish my eyes and unfortunately become blind? How to live? The world is so beautiful. There are many things in the world waiting for me to explore and appreciate. I must protect my eyes.

By cherishing and caring for my eyes, I learned to slowly cherish everything in life, because life is very impermanent. If you don't pay attention, beauty may pass away and never come back, which makes people feel regretful. Only when I lose something can I know how to cherish it and how valuable it is. I don't want to regret it, so I should cherish everything in front of me and be grateful for what I have. Grasp them. Even if it is a sports meeting or a small opportunity to answer questions, I will cherish it. Maybe I will regret my life if I miss it.

The blind grandpa still walked in the community as usual, but I changed because of him. I began to cherish the things in front of me, and I thanked him for the inspiration he brought to my life.

He changed my composition by 600 words (10)

When I was young, I went to the seaside mainly for playing. The golden and soft beach left me a series of deep and shallow footprints, and the humid air with the smell of the sea echoed with my innocent laughter... At that time, the sea was just my paradise.

As I grow older, my troubles and frustrations follow. It is in these days that I really know the sea.

I remember one time, I was full of hope to achieve good results in the exam, but I failed. I suddenly fell from the peak of hope to the abyss of disappointment. I often think: "Why can't hard work bring rich fruits?"

A chance, I came to the seaside and sat quietly with the sea. The sea is so deep, like a kind old man who has gone through many vicissitudes of life, he must know many things. While I was meditating, it was windy, but I still didn't care. It seemed that I wanted the sea breeze to wake my heart.

The wind grew stronger and stronger, and soon, a wave came from the broad sea, which hit the coast fiercely, and then retreated back in a blink of an eye.

I continued to ponder. It seemed that the sea could not accommodate me, and gradually became restless.

In an instant, waves of different sizes swept up from the sea, like vast armies. It pounded and slapped the shore, making a ceaseless popping sound. It is all over the beach, not over my instep, until I wet my clothes. It attacks me recklessly, as if laughing at me for being so cowardly. Under its attack, I had to stand up, look out at the sea, see the waves hitting the coast, and have to admire its surging waves. Soon the waves receded again. At this moment, it seems that in my eyes there are many colorful pictures: the sea water falls together, ups and downs, and never stops. The sea is dull without waves. The same is true of life. There is no setback on the road of growth, and life seems too boring. Accompanied by setbacks, life is colorful after suffering!

Thanks to the sea, let me regain confidence. Because of the sea, I am not afraid of setbacks and learn to be optimistic and strong. All this comes from the sea!

He changed my composition by 600 words (11)

He is an ordinary and great person. He has changed my view on learning. He is my teacher from grade one to grade four, Mr. Zheng.

1、 In the second grade, I didn't love learning at all. I was very naughty. Every time I did my homework, I got ten wrong questions. But Mr. Zheng's appearance changed me. Mr. Zheng is usually very kind. He helps me every time when I am troubled by difficult problems, and until I understand. In this way, the teacher opened half a window for me to learn. I like it a little, but my grades have never been improved. I felt like I failed the first exam, but I didn't know it. So I went to the office and asked, "Teacher, I must have failed this time, right?" I was waiting for the teacher's criticism, but I didn't expect him to say, "You have made progress this time, and you will be better next time, right?" Suddenly, I really want to open up a new road in the thorns, and I will be more serious later, but I feel it is still difficult to do well in the exam, so every time I go to ask Mr. Zheng how I did in the exam, and Mr. Zheng's answer is: "You did well in the exam, but you should work harder!" Every time I listen to this sentence, I have more confidence, and every time I want to be the top student in the class, At the end of the semester, the teacher handed out all the exam papers of this semester. When I saw my own score, my eyes were wet. The score was like this: 41, 45, 58, 61, 69, 77. The last one was 97. I saw some words beside 97. Only if you work hard, you will be the smartest child in the class. Suddenly, tears of excitement filled his eyes.

Since then, I have become more and more interested in learning and more progressive. In fact, what changed me was not my score, but that always said to me behind my back: "You are the best, my child." Teacher Zheng. As long as I remember the clear and refreshing words, I will study hard. That sentence changed my self-confidence and mischief towards myself.

He changed my composition by 600 words (12)

Scattered dead memories dance with the wind at the fork in the road. Once I was confused, once I was gone.

One must experience something in his life before he can understand that things are impermanent; One must meet some people in one's life to know that the heart is hard to side; One must make some mistakes in his life before he can understand that it is difficult to distinguish right from wrong.

I used to think that heroes, like Cao Cao, were just like that. They fought, killed, and finally caught the enemy. I admit that he was a hero, but he was a treacherous minister, intrigued, and lost his heroic spirit and demeanor.

Therefore, I don't want to be a hero. I think that everything in the world has its own day to worry about. Life is still alive, playing games in life, not being dissolute and wasting your dreams; I accompanied me to carve more than ten growth rings until I met him in junior high school

Heroic status and hegemonic status make him unwilling to bow to the throne. He is a hero, and thousands of troops are running alone. He is a hegemon, and no one can match him. He is not like the heroes in history, who are cruel, loyal, arrogant and cruel. On the contrary, he values love and justice. At the Hongmen banquet, his father Fan Zeng advised him to cut grass and kill Liu Bang, so as to avoid breeding tigers. He was unwilling, because he firmly believed that, They are brothers, brothers who worship their sons, brothers who can go through life and death.

He dreamed back to the bank of the Wujiang River. The setting sun spread the river like blood and dyed half the sky red. That day, he turned red. That day, he stood on the corpse mountain. That day, he had no regrets. Yes, he was the overlord of the Western Chu Dynasty. He would not be wrong, so he would not regret. He had no face to face the Jiangdong people, watched the underground blood flow into a small stream, and went into the Wujiang River. He pulled out his sword to kill himself. The feeling of the Wujiang River, the tears of the overlord, At that moment, my tears began to flow, and I found that I was wrong, wrong, wrong, I didn't want to be a hero, I was running away, running away from what I was afraid of. It was he who let me know that heroes should not run away.

Memory, Eternity, Freeze, Change, Refresh. I understand that I will not escape from the epidemic. I will never return.

He changed my composition by 600 words (13)

A morning meeting, let me out of the dilemma of timidity, step by step.

In the third grade, it was my class's turn to have a morning meeting. The teacher said, "Our class is going to arrange a program of poetry reading. There are only four students in our class. The students who want to participate will come to me as soon as possible to sign up." I hesitated. How I wanted to show my face on the stage! But what if there is a little mistake? Isn't that a big joke?

At that time, several students constantly encouraged me, and the teacher also hoped that I would attend the morning meeting. Inspired by my classmates, I finally got up the courage to attend the morning meeting. Although it is hard to recite the script and remember the action, how can you shrink back when you choose to participate.

On the morning of the morning meeting, I came to the school early and rehearsed the performance again and again until I was finally satisfied. When the morning meeting began, I could not help regretting it. Standing on the rostrum, there were teachers and students from all over the school, which was really terrible. I was pale and trembling. After reading the script several times, I still felt empty. It's our turn to show. Fortunately, everything went well without any mistakes. After stepping down, I still felt my hands and feet were stiff, my palms were sweaty, and my head was dizzy.

That morning meeting seemed to have changed me. After that, I had more confidence and courage to stand on the stage and show myself. I participated in all kinds of performances in classes and schools. Now, I have participated in the piano competition, morning performance, textbook play performance... I am more and more calm in various displays and believe in my potential. Once, I saw a classmate's composition writing: "The group of students who participated in the performance all looked nervous." I smiled with disdain: "That's you, I'm not nervous at all."

That morning meeting changed me. It made me no longer afraid of difficulties. It taught me that only when I bravely face and overcome difficulties, can I usher in real success.

He changed my composition by 600 words (14)

The first time I saw him, his face was red and his voice was thin, like a full girl. When class was over, I asked his name on my own initiative. He timidly told me that his name was Li Xiaoming.

The first PE class, the teacher let us free activities. Li Xiaoming and I ran a race. Just as we were about to decide the outcome, he tripped over a small stone. I quickly helped him up and asked him if he was busy. He nodded tearfully and showed me his arm. I almost didn't laugh, but I scraped a little skin. Man, what's this little wound? As for that? Looking at my disdain, he cried wrongly: "I hurt!" I left him and strode away. It's a shame. How could I make friends with such a coward?

In the second PE class, the teacher asked us to do push ups in groups and asked each of us to do 50. Hearing the number, the girls were so frightened that they stuck out their tongues. Many male students were also whispering, and they felt they could not do it. Only Li Xiaoming said nothing and looked confident. Just you, a somersault can make you cry, and you still have the ability to do 50 push ups? I laughed in my heart, waiting to see his jokes.

"Bai Shucheng." It was my turn to play. I stretched my legs and bent over, pretending to smile at the class with ease. Li Xiaoming gave me a thumbs up sign of encouragement.

"One, two, three... At first, I could count with the teacher's command. Soon, I felt exhausted and my legs and feet were weak. When I was almost forty, I was sweating.

"Bai Shucheng, hold on, there is another student competing with you." The physical education teacher cheered me up. I glanced at Li Xiaoming, who winked at me with a relaxed face.

I gritted my teeth and thought to myself: What can I say to be a loser under such a person? I didn't know where my strength came from. My tiredness was swept away and I did twenty push ups without hesitation. Li Xiaoming didn't show weakness. As a result, we tied for the first place in this push up competition.

Since then, I have changed my opinion of Li Xiaoming and think he is really a man.

He changed my composition by 600 words (15)

That winter morning, after the heavy snow, the sky and the earth were white, like an endless lonely desert. In this desert, there was a spotless path that stretched far away... This path was a traffic fortress for pedestrians, and every day there were bustling crowds, pedestrians to work, students to school... But this morning's path was somewhat different, Each small section of the road up and down the slope was carefully sprinkled with fine sand.

I seem to see a busy figure in front of me. He or she should be smiling at the corners of her mouth. It's the purest smile

That night, the heavy snow once again mercilessly blocked the path. At night, I no longer felt that the flying snowflakes were like pure fairies, but more like evil spirits with a bad smile on their lips. That night, my liking for snow disappeared.

The next morning, it was light, and there was just a glimmer of dawn in the eastern sky. I heard a rare sound of friction. I saw from the window that an old man was busy downstairs. His figure was as weak as straw in the white snow, but his power to push snow was great. Xueer seemed to inspire his majesty and quickly gathered together. I was fascinated by the sight, and my face unconsciously drew an arc. I smiled, and the warmth came into my heart and penetrated into every pore. When I walked down the path again in the morning, I thanked the old man who silently guarded the path from the bottom of my heart.

There are always some good things to meet you by chance. As Long Yingtai said, life consists of light happiness. The grandpa's dedication and love made me feel happy, and his busy back changed me a lot. I will not be a "watcher" like before. From now on, I will really do it, become a warm hearted person like grandpa, and make the whole world warm because of my existence. And these happiness I will use a lifetime to slowly experience.

He changed my composition by 600 words (16)

He changed my composition 600 words Everything in the world will change: the leaves on the tree will become withered and yellow after hanging for a long time, and finally fall; Flowers will wither if they bloom for a long time; People grow old after a long life. People will not only change their appearance, but also their temper, morality and character will change because of certain people and things.

Before the third grade, I was a poor student and a fighter. From the second volume of the third grade, I changed my life because of several people. In the second volume of the third grade, I entered the class with a score of 40 to 50 percent. As I expected, I just entered the classroom with another newcomer, and their eyes were all cast on us. I don't care so much. I just find a place to sit down. After a class, those so-called classmates "brushed" up to me and the new comer. I didn't say anything but glanced at them coldly to tell them that I was unfriendly. They left one after another with good sense. So after a morning, everything was calm in the afternoon. "Hey, what's your name?" broke my thinking. "Go away! I'm in no mood." I said coldly. He continued to "pester" me, and I directly waved a punch. He clearly could avoid, but he did not. I think: just came here, or not to cause trouble. I stopped at the last minute and got up to get books from the office. When I came back and saw him still sitting there, I thought he was very interesting. I decided to make friends with him. "Wang Minghui" I put down a sentence and left with the book.

From then on, I played with him, and so did my homework. His enthusiasm for friends deeply influenced me. I also became less cold-blooded and heartless than before.

It was he who changed my character and made me disbelieve that I didn't have a bosom friend before; It was he who changed my grades so that I was not called to the office by the teacher every day as before; What's more, he changed my indifference and didn't like fighting like before. We will always be good brothers - Ye Junhao.