Traffic safety composition 800 (popular 18)
Chanting old love songs
2023-10-02 00:33:49

Traffic Safety Composition 800 (1)

Traffic safety composition 800 words [1]

——Safe travel memory room

A plane is flying in the blue sky. We always look up with an excited face and stare at the plane disappearing from our eyes. When night falls, on the road inlaid with crystal clear topaz, the traffic is always flowing like a river. When a loud whistle came, accompanied by bursts of rumbling, a train came to us, we always hurried on the train with bags. With the tremendous development of economy and the rapid progress of the times, the transportation facilities are becoming more and more perfect. Every family basically has cars, trains speed up, and roads become busy. However, have you ever thought about the frequent occurrence of many traffic accidents and the successive tragedies. How many lively little lives died on the road, and families were broken. How many people died because of one negligence and one indifference. According to statistics, more than 100000 people die from traffic every year in China, with an average daily death of more than 270 people. Why is there such a huge number? Why are there so many tragedies?

I think this is a significant sign of the elementary school students' superficial awareness of traffic safety. Many people always rush to cross the road for a few seconds, treat crossing the road at a red light as a child's play, disobey the traffic rules, turn over the railing on the road, and play skateboarding on the road... How dangerous these are! There is a true story: a student on a school bus likes to open the window, and then put his hands and head out of the window to feel the freshness of the car as it speeds along the road and a gust of wind blows. Once, a student sitting near the window suddenly put his head out and greeted the person on the bus opposite. This is, a car driving behind suddenly came, but the student's head was knocked off. This is the lesson of blood! The students on this school bus lack traffic safety knowledge and awareness of traffic safety. If the student knew how dangerous it would be to stick his head out, and this was wrong, would his life end there? Today's primary school students always try one for fun without considering any danger in the traffic.

Students, abiding by the traffic rules and knowing some traffic safety knowledge will ensure our travel. With this guarantee, we can go out with a good mood and go home with a full harvest. I'll teach you some transportation knowledge: you can't ride a bicycle until you are 12 years old. When riding a bicycle, you can't fight with each other or leave the seat plate. You should grasp the handrail and concentrate. Wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle, and do not sit on the side of the motorcycle. When taking a taxi, children should try not to be the co driver, and should fasten their seat belts. When taking a boat, don't lean out of the railing and look out. Sit firmly on the seat and don't walk around.

Let's learn more about transportation! Travel will be more safe, always keep traffic safety in mind, let it accompany me!

Traffic safety composition 800 words [2]

——Thoughts on Traffic Safety Education Film

Today, the convenient and fast transportation network in all directions has promoted the rapid development of modern society, but it has been accompanied by bloody human tragedies:

A bus was seriously overloaded, and the driver ran down the cliff due to fatigue. The bus was destroyed and people died; A young man on a motorcycle ran through a red light and died under the wheel; The driver drove after drinking, and the car accident ruthlessly took the lives of all the people in the car. It's really "a drop of wine in the cup, two tears in the eyes of relatives"

Although I saw these tragic scenes in the propaganda film of school traffic safety education, I know that these scenes are really happening, and the tragedy continues. Every day, how many people in the world are killed under the relentless galloping wheel, how many people lose their precious lives due to traffic accidents, how many happy families are separated from their families and their families are broken? "Traffic safety" is a topic that the world really calls for, but most of these accidents are caused by the perpetrators ignoring the traffic regulations. These tragedies can be avoided. Thinking of this, my heart can't be calm for a long time.

These bloody traffic accidents always remind people to never forget the painful lessons and never play with life. In a short moment, the driver of the accident became eternal regret. The relatives were immersed in the tragedy and shouted meaningless. The last thing left was a lifetime of regret and tears, and the pain of life was worse than death.

In front of me, another picture from the educational film appeared: a little girl was hit by a speeding truck when she was crossing a road, and lost her lower body. From then on, she could only walk with basketball wrapped around her body... Seeing here, my heart was only sympathetic and indignant. I sympathize with the little girl, who has lost her wonderful life at the age of flowering; I hate the driver because his "carelessness" ruined the girl's life happiness. There are countless people who are as miserable as this little girl. This bloody lesson has sounded the alarm bell for our modern people.

Everyone will be sad after watching this educational film, while those who do not comply with the traffic regulations will cry and refuse to listen to the advice... Don't they think about the future results? Yes, I just tried to be convenient and forgot so many lessons.

At this moment, I think of myself: crossing the road for convenience rather than taking the zebra crossing; Crossing the guardrail at will; Occasionally, I also play on the road with my classmates... This momentary impulse and negligence may make us disappear in this world forever. I can't help shivering at the thought of this. It is not just these small omissions that make the traffic accidents so miserable that no one can see them again and again. Is it caused by accident?

This traffic safety education film has greatly touched me. I will take a warning and start from me. Learn the traffic rules, consciously abide by the traffic rules, and even more want to appeal to everyone: human life is only once, let's join hands to pay attention to the traffic rules, consciously abide by the traffic rules, cherish your life, and let the tragedy never repeat!

Traffic safety composition 800 words [3]

——Cherish life alarm bell

Although China also attaches great importance to traffic safety and traffic civilization, it is far from enough compared with other countries. Every day, pedestrians, bicycles and vehicles that do not obey the traffic rules are everywhere on the road. For example, when a non motor vehicle encounters a red light, it crosses the line, runs backwards in the lane, illegally carries people and goods, pedestrians do not walk on the sidewalk, cross the guardrail at will, and cross the motorway at random. Sometimes when I cross the road, I often see pedestrians running through the red light when the traffic light is red, or cars using the time difference at the intersection when the traffic light is green, regardless of the pedestrians crossing the road to speed up. Especially when there is no signal light. China's traffic laws and regulations clearly stipulate that: "When a vehicle passes a crosswalk, it must stop or slow down to yield when a traffic signal allows pedestrians to pass; when it passes a crosswalk without signal control, it must pay attention to avoid pedestrians." In real life, intersections with traffic signals are better, and intersections without traffic signals are a chaotic scene with heavy traffic, No compromise. In our modern society, vehicles and pedestrians drive in accordance with the law, which is a part of traffic civilization. In addition, the traffic police's management according to law and civilized law enforcement are another part of traffic civilization. Only when these two parts are simultaneously "shown" on the road can a complete traffic civilization be formed.

Of course, the cultivation of civilized traffic habits and quality should start from everyone, especially as a pedestrian in a weak position, we should pay more attention. Therefore, only when the whole society acts, puts people first, starts from myself, and strengthens the education of "traffic civilization" awareness can it be truly improved, can it truly achieve the "four knowledges" of traffic safety order rectification and the "four concessions" of traffic civilization, and can it truly achieve a harmonious traffic environment.

Traffic accidents account for 37% of the loss of life in the world, which is a figure that cannot be underestimated. Today, people are so absorbed in the busy life that they can't consider any rules. After a long time, people gradually forget the laws of this country, and for their interests, they are willing to risk their lives to contradict the laws. You want to break the law, but it is unnecessary to waste your life.

Too many stories cause people to think deeply that life is not a joke. Although it doesn't matter if you die, have you ever thought about how hard your death will hit your relatives? As a parent, you used to be a part of the person you call your mother. Although you are now separated from your mother who depends on October, you can not be separated from the strong kinship. Life is given by your parents. Although your parents hope you can become a dragon among people, they hope you can cherish life more.

Traffic hazards may be prevented before they happen. You just need to do your own thing and obey the traffic rules, then traffic accidents will be far away from you. A man has only one life, and can't have it if he loses it. Cherish life, the alarm bell will ring forever!

Traffic Safety Composition 800 (2)

——Safe travel memory room

A plane is flying in the blue sky. We always look up with an excited face and stare at the plane disappearing from our eyes. When night falls, on the road inlaid with crystal clear topaz, the traffic is always flowing like a river. When a loud whistle came, accompanied by bursts of rumbling, a train came to us, we always hurried on the train with bags. With the tremendous development of economy and the rapid progress of the times, the transportation facilities are becoming more and more perfect. Every family basically has cars, trains speed up, and roads become busy. However, have you ever thought about the frequent occurrence of many traffic accidents and the successive tragedies. How many lively little lives died on the road, and families were broken. How many people died because of one negligence and one indifference. According to statistics, more than 100000 people die from traffic every year in China, with an average daily death of more than 270 people. Why is there such a huge number? Why are there so many tragedies?

I think this is a significant sign of the elementary school students' superficial awareness of traffic safety. Many people always rush to cross the road for a few seconds, treat crossing the road at a red light as a child's play, disobey the traffic rules, turn over the railing on the road, and play skateboarding on the road... How dangerous these are! There is a true story: a student on a school bus likes to open the window, and then put his hands and head out of the window to feel the freshness of the car as it speeds along the road and a gust of wind blows. Once, a student sitting near the window suddenly put his head out and greeted the person on the bus opposite. This is, a car driving behind suddenly came, but the student's head was knocked off. This is the lesson of blood! The students on this school bus lack traffic safety knowledge and awareness of traffic safety. If the student knew how dangerous it would be to stick his head out, and this was wrong, would his life end there? Today's primary school students always try one for fun without considering any danger in the traffic.

Students, abiding by the traffic rules and knowing some traffic safety knowledge will ensure our travel. With this guarantee, we can go out with a good mood and go home with a full harvest. I'll teach you some transportation knowledge: you can't ride a bicycle until you are 12 years old. When riding a bicycle, you can't fight with each other or leave the seat plate. You should grasp the handrail and concentrate. Wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle, and do not sit on the side of the motorcycle. When taking a taxi, children should try not to be the co driver, and should fasten their seat belts. When taking a boat, don't lean out of the railing and look out. Sit firmly on the seat and don't walk around.

Let's learn more about transportation! Travel will be safer, always keep traffic safety in mind, let it accompany me!

Traffic Safety Composition 800 (3)

I think the topic of traffic safety is very heavy. Because I often see reports about traffic accidents on TV. It happens almost every day. Car wrecks and human deaths are also common. The tragedy is shocking.

I also experienced it once. In retrospect, I still shudder.

That happened when I was in the second grade of primary school. Not far from my home is Huayuankou, which is a main traffic road. Everyday, people come and go by car, which is very lively. One day at noon, my parents were busy and didn't send me to school. I carried a small schoolbag and ran like a bird regaining its freedom. Because my parents have been picking me up for more than a year, I have almost no chance to go by myself. Today, I finally got a chance to go to school by myself. Can I not be happy? I hopped to the entrance of the garden. At this time, it was a red light, and I didn't pay attention. I walked straight into the fast lane. At this moment, a car came at a gallop. I was immediately stunned and stood motionless in the middle of the road, at a loss. It was too late. At that time, the police uncle rushed up and took me back. The car also stopped. The driver glared at me viciously and muttered something. The police uncle saluted him and apologized. I haven't come back to my senses yet, but the police uncle bent down and said to me with a smile, "Are you scared, little friend? You must not run the red light again. The green light is on, let's go." My heart is still pounding. I don't know how to get to school. I was restless in class all afternoon.

Since then, I have never run a red light again. Of course, I didn't dare tell my parents about it. So far they don't know.

I can't remember his face clearly, but his kind words are deeply engraved in my heart.

I deeply realized the importance of traffic safety. It concerns thousands of families. How many happy families have lost their wives and children due to traffic accidents, and their families have been broken and people have died. The wife lost her husband, the children lost their parents, and the parents lost their children... The happy families were destroyed in this way. Here, I would like to make a loud appeal: for your happy family, for your relatives, and for the happiness of others, please consciously abide by the traffic rules!

Traffic Safety Composition 800 (4)

With the continuous improvement of social economic development level, various cars are also constantly updated and produced. Just look at the endless flow of vehicles on the road. Today, there are many kinds of cars that can dazzle you. Therefore, our children should consciously abide by the traffic rules and cultivate good habits from childhood!

My parents often take the trouble to remind me that we must take the crosswalk when crossing the road, stop at the red light, go at the green light, and so on. But I am naughty by nature, and I always go in with my right ear and out with my left ear, as if it were a wind in one ear. Until such a thing happened one day, we completely changed our attitudes and bad habits.

I remember that it was a sunny Sunday. My mother and I went to the vegetable market together. When crossing the road, I didn't listen to my mother's stop, but I was excited to jump in the middle of the road and had already run out of the boundary of the crosswalk. Ignoring her mother's eager shouts, she ran leisurely. The sight of my mother made my face red. I was panting after him. She even jokingly laughed at her mother for being so timid. When I was in high spirits, suddenly a motorcycle came from my front and brushed past me. I felt a heart rending pain at my right knee. I tried hard to bear the pain and looked down. Not only did I get a shock, but it was the exhaust pipe of the motorcycle that burned my leg. He also lost a piece of skin, and a few blood threads oozed out faintly. I finally couldn't stand the pain, so I began to cry. At this time, my mother's face was red and red with fright, and then became pale and pale. She put me in her arms with heartache, and tears from her eyes fell from my mother's face to my wound. At this moment, I really regret it! But what's the use of regret? Alas, it's really asking for trouble!

Just listening to my mother's advice, I heard again: "Be brave, who told you to disobey! How can you run across the road? Today is lucky. What should I do if I hit you? It's your own responsibility. It's also a waste of money! It's also good to take some pains to buy a lesson, and you should obey the traffic rules in the future!" I felt ashamed and ashamed, Nod your head hard! From then on, I understood the importance of traffic safety. I will never cross the road and run the red light again. I always carefully hold my parents' hands and cross the road in a proper way.

Here, I would also like to appeal to all naughty children like me to consciously abide by the traffic rules and cross the road well, including those adults who run the red light in order to hurry up. Please cherish your life! As long as everyone can establish safety awareness, traffic accidents will be eliminated, so that our life will be full of hope!

Traffic Safety Composition 800 (5)

People don't often talk about people's daily food, clothing, housing and transportation. Traffic safety is included in people's travel. Therefore, everyone should enhance traffic awareness and strictly abide by traffic rules when traveling. Let's all make our own contribution to the traffic order.

In the class meeting class, in order to make every student understand the importance of traffic safety, Mr. Zhang had a deeply rooted ideological education class.

At the beginning, Mr. Zhang said, "Let's watch a short video about traffic safety first." Then every student talked about it; Everyone guessed the story. Some students said, "I think this short play should be a story about students." Others said, "This short play may teach people with a painful lesson from a car accident."

When the screening was about to begin, the students suddenly became quiet and the classroom was silent. At this time, two middle school students of the same age appeared on the screen. They were riding bicycles side by side on the roadside. One of the students said, "Hey, boys, do you dare to let go of cycling?" Another boy timidly replied, "No, it's too dangerous.". As soon as he spoke, he let go of his hands and "galloped" on the road, leaving another student far away.

Just then, a large truck drove behind the student who let go of his bike. The truck driver kept honking his horn. The student still did not realize that the danger was approaching him. Suddenly, the students behind shouted, "Be careful!" But it was too late. The big truck couldn't stop, and hit the classmate in front with a loud "Kuang" sound, which was on the road more than ten meters away. The students behind looked silly, and were at a loss

I took a breath, my heart was cold, and thought: The lesson of blood is undoubtedly terrible. If the student in the short play did not show off, he would not pay for his life. It's terrible

When the class burst into flames, one student said; "The traffic awareness of the students in the accident is too weak." Another student said: "Yes, yes! I sometimes saw the process of traffic accidents when I crossed the road. It's really terrible. It's creepy to see." The students expressed their views.

"Everyone is quiet! I believe every student will be shocked after reading it, right?" Teacher Zhang said, "I guess some students in the class have done this dangerous action, haven't they?"

As a result, a small number of male students lowered their heads in shame. "Boys and girls, you have seen the consequences. I hope that every student will strengthen his/her awareness of traffic safety, abide by the traffic rules and stay away from traffic hazards."

The internal meaning of this safety education course permeates into everyone's heart. This part of the short play has a great impact on my vision and psychology. It will become a warning sign in my traffic safety awareness, and will serve as an alarm bell for students to travel in the future.

Traffic safety is my priority, and traffic safety is with me!

Traffic Safety Composition 800 (6)

Everyone has only one life, after this time, there will be no more. Therefore, we should cherish it and all the good things we have.

When walking in this busy street market, looking at the rolling "Loushan", the endless traffic, the scenery with green trees, and the people coming and going, I can't help sighing: What a beautiful world! It has been so prosperous that the wheel of history no longer has a trace of stop, but hurried forward

However, every day when I heard the screeching brake sound outside the window, and then the blood in the pools, it was

In the 21st century, with the rapid development of science and technology and the continuous progress of society, people are gradually getting rid of poverty and entering a well-off life. However, in this colorful world, there is always an unknown murderer who reaches out to us every day to take the brilliant life away from this nostalgic world

Or a sunny morning! The sun shines warm on the earth, the city is still so busy, people are still thinking about their own things

In his early 30s, he sat in the driver's cab and listened to the phone with his mobile phone, without listening to a song. Suddenly, a person appeared in front of me, walking slowly. "Ah!" The driver screamed, and the mobile phone on the side fell to the ground. The car suddenly burst forward for tens of meters because it could not withstand the sudden sudden brake, and a living life immediately passed away. This case happened in our capital, Beijing. When this case happened, the driver, Mr. Wang, immediately ran away, but the deceased, Mr. Yang, died of serious brain injury.

What caused the accident was that the driver did not obey the traffic rules and still did other things when driving. Every day, because of such drivers, traffic has become the number one killer of people. According to statistics, in the past 10 years, there have been 600000 road traffic accidents and more than 100000 deaths every year, and the number of deaths is increasing. From January to October this year alone, 426378 road traffic accidents occurred nationwide, resulting in 87218 deaths, 391752 injuries and 20 direct property losses. 200 million yuan, 1618 more deaths than last year, up 1. 9%。 Traffic accidents have become the number one killer in the world today. Such dazzling numbers, people do not necessarily have a little awakening, the number of death has been rising.

There is only one life. If you lose it, you will no longer have it

Please cherish your life. When you live in this world, you should remember that your life belongs not only to yourself, but also to your parents, your friends, and all the people you love and love you. Make the most brilliant contribution to your life!

Everyone is responsible for obeying the traffic rules

Traffic Safety Composition 800 (7)

It is a wise policy to build a safe society and develop harmoniously. It is a long-term and peaceful move with a long-term vision. However, traffic accidents continue to run counter to the road of harmonious development, and people have a vague understanding of it. It is advisable to keep the road unblocked and free from physical and mental worries, so as to make the family and country peaceful. It is not advisable to shout slogans in vain, to be happy with great achievements, even to lose the original intention.

The rules of vehicles, roads and people are integrated, well managed and orderly. If anyone is arbitrary and prudent, it is advisable to discuss the punishment and reward according to the articles of association, and make clear the strict law. It is not advisable to ignore it, and make good and bad equal.

Railways, highways, water transport, aviation, bicycles, etc., all rely on constraints and have a sense of confidence, so that everyone can enjoy the ease of access. Don't act on your own will for your own benefit. Although you are lucky, it is inevitable that you will think of yourself and others in case of any chance.

Whoever does not wait to drive safely, benefit each other, create a life and benefit the society, is ordered by the state repeatedly. It is clear that it is for myself that I will not offend, and then I will get peace and security, and others will not offend me.

Courtesy, not wanton, so this smile is permanent; It is difficult to sweep away the worry of speaking recklessly and not giving way politely. When it comes to family reunion, every time we talk about tomorrow, we always expect to pray for peace. Walk, take a bus, board a ship, and board a plane. Knowing that we must borrow something for survival, we are willing to think carefully together, and then a beautiful flower can be colorful.

Life is precious. It comes from parents who end up with disease and old age. They are most afraid of being buried in traffic. It is not exaggeration if the disaster is extremely terrible. Although there is pain and unbearable pain, go there and add relatives to mourn. Therefore, only following the rules is the most beautiful. Peace is a blessing. You don't need to know about dignitaries. You don't need to devote yourself to wealth. Life is always full of laughter.

Social development has increased the number of people and vehicles, making transportation a top priority. It's about you and me. It's worth worrying about how to be safe and finally become harmonious. It's gratifying. I'm willing to practice it. Today, the country attaches great importance to it, and the government pays close attention to it. It should take advantage of this east wind, widely publicize it, influence the surrounding areas, and make the people aware of it. It has made great contributions to the formation of the climate. The reason why this grand idea of building a harmonious and prosperous age is more pleasant, let's imagine it, why should we say it clearly one by one.

I would like to sincerely consider the importance of a smooth return, understand, remember, and take action. If you still go your own way and endanger others and hurt yourself, how can you punish them? The above guidelines should be put on the line, and we should accept the saying, so as not to cause man-made disasters, and we can always enjoy a happy time.

Traffic Safety Composition 800 (8)

As the saying goes, "Traffic accidents are more violent than tigers." We often see many reports about traffic accidents in real life and in news reports. Many people not only bring great misfortune to themselves and their families, but also cause great harm to others because they do not obey the traffic rules. One after another shocking traffic accidents have left a bloody lesson to people.

Whenever I go out with my schoolbag on my back, my mother always tells me: "You should obey the traffic rules and pay attention to safety when crossing the road." But every time I don't take this seriously, until I witnessed a traffic accident, I didn't know how important what my mother said to me was.

That afternoon, I was enjoying the cool under the big tree in front of my house. I saw a group of children playing football in front of my house. They were very happy. A child accidentally kicked the ball onto the road. In order to pick up the ball, a child involuntarily crossed the road. In the middle of the road, he was about to pick up the ball. Suddenly, a car came at a gallop. The child was stunned, neither walking nor running. In order to avoid hitting the child, the driver had to use emergency braking. In a twinkling, the two cars immediately behind the car collided with each other without enough time to brake. Look, the children's weak awareness of traffic safety has caused great losses to others!

After this traffic accident, I learned that if those people can abide by the traffic rules, if those drivers can also follow the traffic rules, then the world will never have traffic accidents. I also learned that abiding by traffic rules means cherishing my life. As a primary school student, I want to say to my classmates: We should consciously form a good habit of abiding by traffic rules, and firmly do the following: First, we must take the zebra crossing when crossing the road; 2、 If there is no zebra crossing on the road, it is necessary to stop, watch and pass three times; 3、 At the intersection with signal lights, do not run the red light. Stop at the red light, go at the green light, and stop at the yellow light; 4、 Do not play on the road; 5、 Usually walk on the right side and the sidewalk; 6、 Children under the age of 12 cannot ride bicycles on the street.

We must remember that life is only once for us, and all the splendor in life is only once for us. With life, we can enjoy the care of our parents; With life, we can enjoy the fun of learning life; With life, we can realize the value of life. Life - we must treasure it!

Traffic Safety Composition 800 (9)

Life is precious. Everyone has only one life. If you lose it, you won't have it anymore. In a sense, life is more difficult than death. Death only needs a moment of courage, but life really needs a lifetime of courage. So safety and life are connected, and traffic safety also accounts for a part

Some people think that fatigue driving, drunk driving, running a red light, and retrograde driving are all minor problems. However, these traffic accidents often happen in small things. Once they happen, they are not trivial. In recent years, with the economic development of the motherland, almost every household has cars, and traffic accidents are becoming more and more uncountable. How painful it is to think of the tragic sound and the blood reserved! I once heard such a story: there were two little girls who had just turned ten. One was Xiaojiao, the other was Lingling. Every night after school, Lingling waited for her at the gate of Xiaojiao's school. Every day, they were so happy that the days passed by. However, tragedy is at hand. One day after school, Lingling waited for Xiaojiao as usual. Suddenly, a big truck flew by, accidentally hitting Lingling and splashing her blood, killing her on the spot. Xiaojiao never saw Lingling again. What a sad story it is! Lingling's life ended after only ten years. If the truck driver drives slowly, pay more attention to the front; If Lingling crosses the street, she will circle around more; If we obey the traffic system, maybe these tragedies will be less. Have you complied with all the traffic rules in the society? Did you slow down when you saw children and old people? Are you sure you don't drink and drive fatigue? Don't think that you can indulge in the disaster before it comes to you. When it comes, it will be too late! Here, I would like to remind you that if there are old people in the family, they should not ride tricycles, electric bikes and bicycles as much as possible, and they should reduce the opportunities for old people to drive; Children should never play or fight on the road; More attention should be paid to that all people should not run the red light. Wait a little while to ensure a lifetime. We must be small citizens who obey the traffic rules and create a beautiful and harmonious society.

After reading the above stories and reminders, you must also attach great importance to traffic safety, right? Whatever it is, the purpose is to protect our strong and fragile life. Things and characters in life are rare and beautiful, so you should protect this fragile glass. Although the god of death is terrible and fierce, if we strengthen the protection of life, he must also be unprepared. We should "hide" from it! Protect your life and fight against him! Remember one sentence: no matter what you do, you can't risk your own life! To protect life, start from me, start from small things, and start from the traffic around!

Traffic Safety Composition 800 (10)

Life is precious. The world becomes wonderful because of life. Do you cherish your life? To ensure your life, please obey the traffic rules

From ancient times to the present, not only dynasties are changing, but also science is becoming more and more advanced in transportation. In a prosperous society, there are more and more vehicles on the street. Maybe at this time, because of your negligence or violations, it will bring inconvenience to transportation, and may also cast a shadow on your mind

According to incomplete statistics, there were 21922 traffic accidents in Fujian Province in 20XX, 3871 people died, 25000 people were injured, and more than 80 million yuan was lost. The number of traffic accident deaths in China has always been the first in the world in the past 10 years. Because of traffic accidents, how many families lost their loved ones, and their families were broken and died; How many families are stuck in debt because they are liable for car accident compensation

Last weekend, when my mother and I were passing the square, we suddenly heard a scream behind us. I looked back, and with the harsh sound of the brakes, a van had stopped in front of a little girl who fell to the ground. At the same time, a group of people rushed there, and my mother and I also pushed past. The girl was shocked and pale. After a while, she cried. The girl's mother bent down and lifted the girl's trousers and sleeves. The bloody hands and feet really hurt. The woman did emergency treatment for the child, so she quickly asked the van driver to take the child to the hospital. The people around me said, "Oh, this girl is really serious. She didn't obey the traffic rules. Fortunately, it's not a big problem." The accident made me feel the seriousness of not obeying the traffic rules. Because a moment of carelessness will cause irreparable mental damage

Here, I appeal to every student and friend: "Traffic safety is created by all of us. We should establish the concept of starting from ourselves, starting from small things, starting from now, and everyone strives to be a good citizen who abides by traffic rules. I believe that with the joint efforts of all of us, traffic accidents will be far away from us, and tomorrow will be more happy and beautiful!

Traffic Safety Composition 800 (11)

Traffic safety in life is closely related to us, and it is like our protector. Keep by our side day and night, educate us and admonish us.

In life, too many people die from traffic accidents. I once heard of such a traffic accident: it was a sunny day, my mother and I were walking on Fangta Street. Suddenly, a car passed by, and I stared at it. It turned out that a boy was riding his bike, and I didn't know where he was going. Because he was riding too fast, he almost ran into the pedestrians on the zebra crossing. Pedestrians advised him not to ride so fast, but he did not listen to the advice and continued to ride his "flying bike", with a proud and hurried look on his face from time to time. I think: the boy may have something urgent! Otherwise, how could he ride so fast? But it is very likely to cause traffic accidents. As expected, my mother and I were at a corner. Seeing many people around the middle of the road, we went there with curiosity. "Ah!" I could not help exclaiming. Isn't this the boy who just rode the "flying bike"? Why was he hit by a car? I heard the bystanders talking, "Alas! This child is so pathetic! Just now, he accidentally hit a big truck and took off with his car." If this child's bike was slower, if that driver was slower, if... however, no amount of it could make this completely withered flower bloom again, The boy's parents didn't know how much they cared for the child who fell in the pool of blood, but now they can only watch their child go, which makes the parents extremely sad

Now there are too many cars in cities and the traffic is more crowded. Such tragic traffic accidents often happen. Therefore, whether the traffic police are present or not, we should consciously abide by the traffic laws. For example, when crossing the road, you should see the signal lights clearly, stop at the red light and go at the green light, walk along the crosswalk, and do not cross the traffic barrier; Children under the age of 12 are not allowed to ride bicycles on the road; Do not play and play in groups on the road. Our students should not only abide by the traffic regulations themselves, but also timely criticize and dissuade anyone who has violated them.

Let's take the four words of traffic safety into our hearts forever, let the people of the city consciously abide by the traffic rules, let traffic accidents disappear in our lives forever, and let our tomorrow be full of flowers and sunshine. Then, traffic safety is your friend. It will always protect you and bring you happiness. Let's strive to be good teenagers who obey the traffic rules!

Traffic Safety Composition 800 (12)

With the rapid development of society, the pace of life and work is getting faster and faster. The car has become the main means of transportation for people. It has brought us unprecedented convenience and speed. When people fully enjoy the wonderful life and work brought to us by the scientific and technological society, threats often look at us, making us have to wake up. For the sake of our life safety and our healthy growth, we should always pay attention to traffic safety, which cannot be ignored.

We should know that the loss of a traffic accident can be more or less compensated for for an enterprise, but what does it mean for a happy family? This may mean that a happy family is facing a breakdown and its life has fallen into the bottom since then, or it may mean that a family has lost its main labor force since then. Do these people have the heart to watch their wives and children suffer and their parents grieve? Traffic accidents are also a serious burden to the society. Have we ever been vigilant?

That time, because my mother was ill, my father took my mother to Shantou Hospital for inspection. There are a lot of cars coming and going on the street. An uncle accidentally drove into his father and mother. The collision left his left arm broken and his mother's left eye blurred. This reminds me that I should obey the traffic rules and cherish life. My parents often taught me to obey the traffic rules. Once there is a car accident, it may not only cause disability, but also cause life danger and even death. So far, we must obey the traffic rules and cherish life.

Traffic accidents often happen around us. I think "Everyone is responsible for security" should not be just a slogan. We should take action instead of words.

We should pay attention to traffic safety, and we should get rid of some bad habits, such as driving after drinking, answering the phone while driving, eating while driving, being distracted while driving, and prohibiting the hanging of ornaments in the car because it affects the driver's driving.

People give way to cars, warmth and order; The car makes people feel safe and understand. In this world, only when people and cars are modest to each other, can we avoid traffic accidents as much as possible, reduce the number of deaths, and cherish precious lives.

There is only one life for people. Now there are more and more vehicles, and many people die. Let traffic laws take root in our hearts! Let's take action, call on more people to obey the traffic rules, so that our tomorrow will be safer and better!

Traffic Safety Composition 800 (13)

With the prosperity and development of the economy and the development of the transportation industry, traffic accidents often come into our lives. Therefore, everyone should be aware of traffic safety.

There is a little girl near our house. Her father left her because of a traffic accident. The little girl's family is not rich, but she lives happily with her parents. Every morning when she gets up, her mother will cook a delicious breakfast for her and her father. The family is very warm. After breakfast, Dad took her to school by bike. Along the way, father and daughter always talked and laughed. After school, no matter how hard the rain is, the little girl always sees her father waiting patiently. On the way home, the little girl always happily told her father some interesting things that happened in the school day.

One day, the little girl's father went to school to pick up the little girl as usual. However, an oncoming truck crashed the little girl's father to the ground due to illegal driving, and his father died on the spot. In a flash, the god of death took his life. How he wished he was alive, how he wished he could stay with the little girl, how he wished he could watch her grow up... The little girl did not know that her father had died, and she waited for her father to pick her up at the school gate as usual. After waiting for a long time, no one came to pick her up, The little girl thought to herself, "Why hasn't Dad come to pick it up by this time?"? Is something wrong? Or what's going on at home? The little girl was worried. When the little girl learned that her father had died, she seemed silly. She threw herself on his body and kept pleading: "Dad, wake up! I want Dad! I want Dad..." How she hoped that the traffic accident did not happen, how she longed for Dad to wake up and use her bike to carry her to school and school as usual!

Traffic accidents are so terrible that they take people's lives in an instant. Now there are more and more vehicles on the road, more and more crowded roads, and more and more traffic accidents. Every year, how many lives are taken, how many families are destroyed, and how many people are going to lose their loved ones. If we all have traffic rules in mind, everyone can consciously abide by traffic rules. I believe we can avoid many tragic traffic accidents. Let the traffic regulations take root in our hearts, and let us firmly remember that abiding by the traffic regulations is to cherish life!

Traffic Safety Composition 800 (14)

hello everyone! Welcome to the studio of Class 12 in the second year of the junior high school to participate in our program. I'm Xu Xiaosa, the host. The guests invited today are school leaders, head teachers and teachers of various disciplines.

At the crossroads, there is no police on duty. Will I wait for the green light to light up before crossing?

There is no traffic flow on the busy road for the time being. Will I cross the fence in that gap?

I am eager to go home. Without other vehicles, will I take this overloaded bus to return?

(Laughter from the audience)

Our program today is to tell you that traffic always happens around us. Safety reminds us all the time.

Please see the following report:

1、 On the broad road outside the city, all kinds of transport vehicles are flowing. A tractor loaded with goods is accelerating. The driver staring at the front did not expect that there was a student holding the handlebar with one hand and climbing on the edge of his car with the other hand to follow the car. A bus was coming. When the driver braked, the tractor stopped and the students' lives stopped. Only the wheels of the bicycle were still turning.

2、 On the busy city avenue, there are green trees on both sides. Under the shade of the tree, a green protective fence looms. In the fence, pedestrians walk in a hurry. What does the person who suddenly stops doing? He looked around (there was a pedestrian zebra crossing in the distance), raised his hands and feet, and went out of the fence. It was too late. It was fast at that time. A car came at a high speed... Not long ago, a car with a red light flashing on the top came roaring, and a lively life was lying on the stretcher.

3、 Under the bright lights of the night, people who had been busy all day had a rest. "Xiao Li, go away, no more." A restaurant said goodbye. "No, I can go back." Then the sound of the motorcycle started. Tired and drunk, people and cars hurried to the road. "Di - Di -" The harsh sound of the horn awakened the drunken people, but the hands and feet that did not obey missed the event. The motorcycle ran out of the road, and people were thrown on the cold and hard cement road.

(The audience is full of excitement. One sentence from the east, one sentence from the west, and the discussion begins)

The host Xu Xiaosa asked the guests: Why does such a tragedy still happen today?

Guest: Tragedy is something we don't want to see. But when it happens, we need to think about the reason. The Traffic Management Regulations clearly stipulates that "no hands are allowed to leave the handlebar when riding a bicycle, and no hands are allowed to climb or hold other vehicles", "no pedestrians are allowed to cross or lean on the barriers of sidewalks, roadways and railway crossings", and "no drunken people are allowed to drive motor vehicles". Obviously, the parties have ignored traffic safety and violated traffic safety regulations. This is the main reason.

The host Xu Xiaosa asked the guests: Is it possible to reduce the tragedy?

Guest: It is absolutely possible. As long as the traffic safety regulations are observed and the vehicle is driven safely, the tragedy will not happen. There are laws to follow, and there are laws to follow. We will also make our traffic safety laws and regulations widely known through more publicity methods, make people attach great importance to them in thought, and make safe driving a habit, so that the incidence of traffic accidents will be reduced.

Moderator Xu Xiaosa: According to statistics, hundreds of millions of people die in traffic accidents every year in the world, and the direct economic losses are up to hundreds of billions of dollars, and the indirect losses are far more than that. It is imperative to eliminate unsafe traffic behaviors.

Fortunately, our country is aware of this. Not long ago, the state re enacted and promulgated the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China. This law will be implemented on May 1, which will regulate our daily traffic behavior and ensure our traffic safety.

It is our task today to study this law, publicize this law, and let the boring articles evolve into vivid stories.

Thank you for watching. See you next program!

(Applause, a class meeting of "I and traffic safety" is over.)

Traffic Safety Composition 800 (15)

When you see a seriously ill patient struggling painfully on the edge of life and death, numberless times of coma, countless times of life hanging by the thread... Does his longing for life make you regret the fragility of life?

When you see a green grass bud sprouting in the cold of early spring, miraculously surviving after countless severe tests of thunder and lightning storms, standing as a winner, writing its growth perseverance, will you be surprised by the tenacity of life?

You can't ride a bicycle under the age of 12. You should keep to the right when riding a bicycle. You can't drive on the motor vehicle lane. You should drive on the non motor vehicle lane. You can't wear earphones to listen to music when riding a bicycle. It's easy to make your ears dull. You can't ride with one hand or let your hands go. You can't carry people on the back frame when riding a bicycle, and you can't drive over speed.

When crossing the road, you should watch the "traffic lights". Stop at the red light and go at the green light. As a famous saying goes, there are countless times of red light, but only one life. If you run the red light, you may lose your life.

When you travel outside, you must not take a tricycle or a dragon carriage, because the back compartment of tricycles and dragon carriages is used to carry goods, not people. Some tricycles are not equipped with mirrors, so it is dangerous to sit on them. When riding a two wheeled motorcycle, you must wear a helmet. You can only carry one person. The bus should not be crowded. People who want to get off the bus should get off first, and then get on. When taking a bus, you should fasten your seat belt, hold your hands firmly, do not put your head or hands out of the window, do not throw garbage outside, do not stand near the door, and do not take combustible materials, such as firecrackers, fireworks, and other combustible materials, onto the bus, You can't take some irregular cars or cars without certificates. You can't read in the car. It's easy to become myopic.

Life is equal to everyone. Whether they are well-dressed dignitaries, or ugly street beggars, whether they are intellectuals or illiterate, whether they are elderly or children who have not experienced the world, they are equal in life. In front of life, we should strive hard. There is a good saying that if we live well, there will be no misfortune. Take every minute of your life seriously, and life will open its most beautiful smile to you.

Listen to me: "Human life is only once, and human life is the most precious thing. We should protect life, love life, and let our life safety be everywhere!" Student days are the most brilliant season of life. When enjoying the happiness of the cardamom years, don't forget that good things are to be enjoyed by life, and nothing can be said without life. Having a healthy life is the premise of having everything. Your life is your own, but it also affects the hearts of parents, teachers and friends. "Protect life, travel safely", let the flower of life bloom heartily!

Traffic Safety Composition 800 (16)

"Safety is as important as life is precious." There are countless tragedies that happen around us because we ignore the importance of safety. In this seemingly peaceful world, people are born and died every moment, even every minute. Those changing figures are merciless, and the destruction of families and deaths of people is real and profound. Take traffic safety as an example. The development of science and technology has improved people's lives, so that the roads are full of endless vehicles, and road killers are also emerging in endlessly. Looking at the bloodstained road, the fragmented vehicles, and the gradually cold and stiff bodies in the pool of blood, whose heart does not tremble? Life is not a joke. Disasters don't pay attention to human feelings. It is not difficult to imagine that those facing disasters will not give up and regret before they die. They will not give up their family, friends, and career, and regret that they did not attach importance to safety. But at that moment, you will understand that it is too late to say anything. Will the disaster give you a chance to start again? can't. Death is like the devil. Little by little, it stretches its claws towards you. You can't resist it. You can only bow your head in front of death.

Every accident has its "contingency", but when almost the same accidents happen in succession, there must be our own problems behind it. Drunk driving, overloading, red light running, fatigue driving, are all accidental natural and man-made disasters? no It is our disregard for safety and our luck.

Speaking of this, I have had similar experience myself. I take the bus, but it is crowded every Friday. When the bus stops near the team, the crowd will rush to the bus and run around the bus. At that time, the guard will also keep shouting, squeeze again, squeeze again, there are several people. When all the people got on, the car was seriously overloaded, but the driver specially asked another car to send some people away in order to avoid the traffic police. After waiting at the location of the traffic police, the car was again full of people. Looking at the tire that was about to explode and thinking about the crowd's containment before getting on the bus, I was afraid, angry and helpless. This is not a joke, and everyone is joking about themselves. The driver also gambled with the lives of all of us with a fluke mentality.

There is only one life, and our negligence may cause irreparable consequences. Therefore, we should start from ourselves and from small things to enhance the awareness of traffic safety, which can really make more people and families happy.

Traffic Safety Composition 800 (17)

Few people can bear death calmly. I think no matter who you are, where you come from, or where you are going, you can't hinder your confidence and courage in life. But while you are enjoying the endless fun brought by this beautiful world, the disharmonious word "traffic accident" has broken the original balance and tranquility.

According to relevant data, only in the first half of 20xx, 190270 traffic accidents occurred nationwide, causing 41933 deaths, 221838 injuries and 7 direct economic losses. 100 million yuan.

After a car accident, apart from the economic losses it causes, the damage to a family alone is devastating. The bloody scene five years ago is still fresh in my memory. It was a foreign couple who lived next door to our family. With a happy family and a lovely young girl, their life could have continued happily. On that very day, they somehow ran through the red light without the advice of the audience, which led to the tragic consequences of Shuangshuang's death. For the first time, I saw the dark red liquid outside the TV set... The ambulance team rushed to the scene quickly and took the wounded away. That was the last time I saw them, and the expression of that woman before she left was always fixed in my mind. A little sad, a little helpless. Looking at the shocking blood stains on the ground, I turned to the children who didn't understand the world. I felt a suffocating pain in my heart

The city is developing and the civilization is progressing. Why is our awareness of traffic safety delayed? Maybe you will understate that "traffic safety is nothing, and development is the absolute principle", but ask how to ensure the personal safety of citizens without traffic safety awareness; Without security guarantees, how can we promote horizontal development and strengthen and enrich the people?

Sometimes, things don't happen to you, so you can't understand the damage. But if one day, I mean, if an unexpected accident takes away your young life or your closest person, can you still ignore its seriousness?

People only know that "fire and water are merciless", they do not know that "traffic accidents are merciless"! Hate it! Sad!

Busy people, please slow down your hurried pace and enjoy the endless scenery along the way; Please slow down your hurried pace, and don't let your life appear -- "flashing red light"

Traffic Safety Composition 800 (18)

One night this week, one of our classmates in Class 2, Grade 2, didn't cross the road or play on the main road at will, but he just caused a lot of trouble.

That night, the classmate and her mother went for a leisurely walk on the 24 meter road. They talked and laughed. The moon mother-in-law followed them and shared happiness with them. Stars, the little attendant of the moon, hide behind the moon, as if there were some hidden secrets. Many little stars blinked.

They talked happily as they walked. Suddenly, a fashionable motorcycle with fashionable appearance came towards the mother and daughter. The driver was a young man in his early twenties. He drove fast, listened to the music happily, and ran without scruple. At this time, he may have heard some beautiful music, and his eyes closed, intoxicated with this wonderful "fairyland on earth". As he closed his eyes, regardless of "east, west, north, south", the motorcycle lost control for a while. With a bang, the motorcycle hit the mother and daughter, who were immediately hit far away and flew out. As soon as the young man saw that he had hurt someone and caused a big accident, he immediately picked up his motorcycle and fled.

The blood spattered on the ground, and passers-by immediately called the emergency number.

According to the doctor's diagnosis, the student's brain was severely hit, leading to cerebral hemorrhage, while her mother's spine was broken in many places. What a serious consequence! This is the tragedy of ignoring traffic safety! Although the two lives were saved, the disease would bring them unimaginable pain and suffering.

Ignorant young man, because you ignore the traffic rules, because of your mistakes and recklessness, a happy family has been plunged into grief ever since. But you ran away in such an irresponsible way. Where is your conscience? Where is your morality? You are so irresponsible! Have you ever thought about the future of this child? What about their mother and daughter's expensive medical expenses? How should they go in the future?

Every year, there are many people who ignore the traffic rules and cause others or themselves to lose their precious lives. How should this not be! If the perpetrator obeys the traffic rules and drives safely, many innocent people will study happily in school and live happily in life, instead of staring at the drop bottle with dim eyes in the hospital