One class 600 words (19 popular articles)
Red cherry
2023-11-28 04:39:32

One lesson - 600 words (1)

After nearly half a century's journey, the Third Middle School of Lianjiang has celebrated its Nth anniversary this year. As a student, I feel very happy. "Ten years of trees, water and soil are life; a hundred years of people, education oriented" The school is the temple of teaching and educating people. In half a century, it has nurtured countless students and purified many young souls, all of which can not be separated from the earnest teachings of teachers! I am deeply impressed at this point.

The first math class after entering junior high school, I got into trouble! The math teacher stood on the platform and shouted, "Class!" The students all shouted with one voice; "Good teacher!" Of course, I'm no exception! When the teacher said, "Please open page 5 of the book!" I cried out, "Oh! Open page 105 of the book!" Suddenly, the teacher and the students looked at me and walked slowly. At that time, I was afraid. The teacher asked me, "Why open page 105 of the book? Do you know all the contents in front?" "No! No! No! No! Sorry, teacher! I didn't mean that. I just thought it was fun, just a joke! " I quickly replied. "Well, you can sit down and reflect, and give me an explanation after class, OK?" the teacher asked. At this moment, I don't seem to be afraid, because the teacher is so kind, I quickly nodded and replied: "Hmm!" Since then, I have been reflecting on my own mistakes. Before I knew it, the time passed and the bell rang. I found my teacher, who also forgave me, and told me to understand that "respect others" is not a joke!

"Only when you respect others, you will be respected by others." Although this is a small matter, it is because this small matter that I understand a big truth. I believe that the lesson that the teacher gave me will be remembered, and this lesson will change my life!

Someone once said, "If one is good, the disaster will be far away even though the good is not coming; if one is evil, the disaster will be far away even though the bad is not coming." From that day on, I told myself that I should know how to respect others, be good at standing in the perspective of others, feel deeply, and push myself to others; More importantly, we should be good at appreciating, accepting others, being polite to others, and not doing anything harmful to their personality!

One lesson - 600 words (2)

The most unforgettable thing for me is Mr. Wang, who is our math teacher in Grade Two. His classes are always very lively and interesting, which is unforgettable.

I remember that the last lesson of that afternoon was another math activity class. The students had already gathered on the playground. They were all eager to try, and their faces were full of nervous and cheerful smiles.

"Come on, come on!" After the bell rang, the cries of the students on the playground rose one after another. Only one player with a sun hat on his head was fighting for the target in the sound of shouting. What kind of activity is it? So hot?

It was a contest of oral arithmetic. The rules of the game are as follows: "River" and many "forward" and "backward" squares have been drawn on the ground of the playground. The teacher divided our class into four groups, and the students in each group ran to the back rostrum to draw a question in turn according to the order of queuing. After calculation, the answer was displayed on the small blackboard. If the answer is correct, all the students in this group can advance, otherwise they will all step back. When the time comes, the group that gets the most qualification is the winner.

With the teacher's "start" order, the students in each group quickly answered the questions in order, and then quickly ran to the corresponding grid. After several rounds, the students were sweating and panting. But the players were very busy and happy.

It was my turn to come on the stage. Like an arrow leaving the string, I rushed to the box on the rostrum and found a question. At first, it was "25+38-14" and "49!" I calmed down and quickly calculated. Then I wrote the answer on the blackboard and handed it to the judge teacher. "Correct!" When I learned that I had done the right question, the whole group applauded, Naturally, our group made a smooth progress.

After more than 20 minutes of fierce competition, one of our group's classmates lost the honor of the first place because he was nervous and miscalculated a topic. However, we are very excited and happy to get good results in such a tense and intense group competition.

Such an exciting and interesting math activity class not only tested the students' mental calculation ability and reaction speed, but also exercised the class's ability to unite and cooperate. It really killed two birds with one stone.

Who will not like and remember such a class?

One lesson - 600 words (3)

"Dongdongdong, Dongdongdong" Our class moved towards Class 5 with a stool. I was excited, happy and excited. Because this class was about to learn "the ups and downs of potatoes in liquid", I ran all the way to Class 5.

"Ding Lingling..." Class is coming! This class was given to us by Miss Ling. I glanced at the platform: there were two measuring cups, some salt, hot water and cold water. I thought to myself: just put some salt in the water, and then the potato will float! Thinking about the original high mood will reduce by more than half

I sat in the classroom with the same attitude and forced myself to listen. As a result, the more I listened, the more fascinated I became and unconsciously integrated into the classroom.

At first, I listened to Miss Ling's class casually, "Guess if this cup of water with a spoonful of salt will make potatoes float?" While I was playing with my pen, Miss Ling asked this question, and I suddenly raised my head to be attracted by this question. My eyes were fixed on the potatoes in the water. It seemed that I was attracted by a magnet, and I was reluctant to leave for a moment.

I guess it's impossible to float, but I guess it's right! This makes my passion for class more ignited.


The fourth time of adding salt began, and I watched nervously as Teacher Ling shook the salt in her hand, and my heart almost jumped into my throat. "I should be able to float this time!" I thought to myself. Suddenly, the stationery box fell to the ground with a sound of "Pa", but I didn't notice it at all. Miss Ling poured some salt into the water again. When she was ready to put the potato into the measuring cup again, her eyes flashed a little playfulness, as if to ask us: Can the potato really float this time? I gritted my teeth and thought: It should be possible! "Putong" the potato went into the strong brine, but it still didn't float. "Would you like to add some more salt?"...... Later, Miss Ling told us to add 28 grams of salt in 200 milliliters of water to make the potato float.

This is really an interesting science class! This is Mr. Ling holding my hand and leading me to the door of scientific knowledge. This is a path full of birds singing and flowers fragrance, which makes us have a great interest in "science".

One lesson - 600 words (4)

Today, Mr. Chen came into the classroom with a small toy. I thought to myself, does Mr. Chen want us to describe this small toy? Mr. Chen pointed at the small toy and said to us, "Let's play a game today." We agreed with one voice. At that time, I jumped up excitedly, and the other students danced with joy. The teacher patted the table and said loudly: "Stop! Let me talk about the rules. The rules are that I start playing music. You can't throw the toys when they are passed on to you. They must be put on the table. If the music stops when they are passed on to you, you must come up and perform a program."

The first round started, and I was so nervous that I kept clutching my clothes, afraid that the music would stop when it reached me. When it came to me, I quickly passed it to the next student. I wanted to throw it out, just as I passed it to Xiao Yang. When the music stopped, he went to the platform to think, raised his hand, and jumped up in front of his chest. Another student pointed at him and said, "Isn't this a zombie dance?"? Our class laughed, and I laughed until my stomach hurt.

The second round started. I was not as nervous as the first round. But when the second round passed, the music stopped suddenly, and the toy was in my hand. The students' eyes were on me, and I performed a vertical fork. I was so nervous that I grabbed my clothes tightly, as if they were going to be damaged by me.

The third round was very intense, because the teacher said that this round could be passed on to anyone. The teacher first gave the toy to Xiaohong, saying that at the beginning of his speech, the music started, and Xiaohong passed it to Xiaoyang, Xiaoyang passed it to Xiaohuang, and Xiaohuang passed it to Xiaohong, and Xiaohong passed it to me, and I passed it to Xiaoru. Finally, when the toy fell into Xiaohong's hands, the music stopped, Xiaohong shouted, "Why is it always coming to me?" When Xiaohong performed the cock crowing, the teacher smiled and said, "You can wake someone up in the morning."

There were bursts of laughter in today's class, which was really an unforgettable lesson.

One lesson - 600 words (5)

An interesting lesson 600 words (1)

600 words for an unforgettable lesson

In the six years of primary school, I had countless classes and learned countless knowledge. But what impressed me most was a science class in Grade Four.

In the fourth grade, a new teacher, Miss Jin, came to our class. She taught us math and science. Teacher Jin speaks brilliantly and kindly. She knows mathematics very well and often gives us Olympiad math problems to expand our thinking. She not only assigned very little homework, but also was very kind to students, so she was loved by students. I remember that in the winter of that year, it hardly snowed, but when it was supposed to be warm in spring, there was light snow in the air. All the students wanted to go out to enjoy the snow after class, but to their surprise, Mr. Jin took the initiative to go out to enjoy the snow ahead of time after finishing the science lecture! The students not only love the new teacher more!

When I mentioned Mr. Jin, the first thing I thought of was an interesting science lesson. For a long time, I think science class is the most boring thing. When I open the book, I am afraid of the tadpole like words. It's a tedious process to cram knowledge into your mind. You see, once you read it, you want to share the book, twice you want to go out to play... If you read it repeatedly, you will not only gain nothing, but also waste a lot of time. This is really a headache. However, I fell in love with science class since I took the class of Mr. Jin.

In science class, we had to memorize some knowledge as usual, but Mr. Jin taught us a new way - understanding memory. There is an illustration printed on the science book, recording the whole process of butterfly growth: egg - larva - pupa - adult, which is our task of reciting. Mr. Jin first asked us to read books, then looked at the illustrations on the books, and finally looked at the blackboard, then slowly to fast. In the process of reciting, I not only saw a series of comics in my mind: a round egg, crawling out of a fearsome caterpillar, the butterfly's larva. After several times of peeling, the larva formed its own pupa and hung it on the tree. After a few days, the larva broke out of the cocoon, became an adult, that is, a beautiful butterfly, and then the butterfly regenerated its eggs, Nature has shown us many magical things.

The faster the students recite, the more interesting they are. This is no longer endorsement, but a game, who recites skillfully, who is the champion! While we forget to recite, the secret of reading - understanding also appears quietly in front of us, allowing us to savor it carefully.

This is really an unforgettable science lesson!

In my learning career from grade one to six, the most unforgettable lesson was a science open class in grade three. That class was the most unforgettable memory. Now it's really thought-provoking. In that lesson, we talked about the expansion of heat and contraction of cold. Many teachers in the classroom listened to the lecture. I was very nervous at that time. The teacher said to open the book to see examples, and then began to do experiments. First, take out a balloon, then pour hot water into the beaker, and fix the balloon at the mouth of the beaker. After a while, the balloon expanded. The teacher began to ask, "Who knows why?" The students all raised their hands, and I thought to myself: I know, I also want to raise my hands, but I don't know why my hands can't be raised. I can't control myself. The teacher asked the other students to answer, and he answered correctly. I missed an opportunity to show myself. The teacher did another experiment. He put the beaker filled with hot water into the basin filled with cold water without moving. After a while, the balloon gradually became smaller until it collapsed. The teacher began to ask questions again. I thought I could not miss this time. I would raise my hand, but my hand seemed numb and unable to move. I missed the opportunity again. In order to consolidate knowledge, the teacher did another experiment that was in line with the reality of life. He took out a flattened table tennis ball and put it in a basin full of hot water. After a while, the ball began to bulge bit by bit, and finally became a intact ball. The teacher asked why and what principle was the same? This time, I didn't hesitate any more, bravely raised my hand, and replied that it was the truth of heat expansion and cold contraction. The teacher was right. I was very happy. I took the last chance. It was not only an opportunity, but also added courage to my future study life. I think this is why I am unforgettable. This lesson made me unforgettable, but what I remember more is the brave hand raising.

Life is like a night sky. Every star is my unforgettable memory. That interesting thing is the most dazzling one among countless stars.

I still remember that when we were in Grade 3, we had a very interesting lesson. On that day, we prepared our books early to learn the lesson of One Minute, but the teacher did not give us a direct lecture as usual, but asked us the meaning of one minute. Some people said that one minute passed quickly, and one minute was nothing. Others said that one minute was too small compared with the time of a day, and everyone was talking about it. Then the teacher said, "How about we play a game first?" As soon as we listened to the game, naturally we were very happy and agreed to it. The teacher first asked us to stand with our arms up for one minute. At first, we were able to hold on, but later, our arms were very sore, and someone began to shake. Then the teacher asked us to compete in writing to see how many words we could write in one minute. When the teacher stopped, we were surprised that we could write so many words in one minute! Later, the teacher said, "Now you can calculate how much the whole class will waste if each person wastes one minute?" After the calculation, we opened our eyes in surprise. A small minute adds up to half an hour! Then the teacher asked, "What about China? What about the world?" We really dare not continue to imagine.

After the game, the teacher said earnestly: "You have spent countless minutes now. One minute, sometimes the pen tip rustles in the classroom; sometimes it is washed away by laughter in play; sometimes it is taken away by snoring in deep sleep; sometimes it is driven away by anger in anger. Every inch of time is an inch of money, and every inch of money can't buy an inch of time. Some people never know how to cherish time before. They always think: It doesn't matter. There is still tomorrow. They always put things on tomorrow. When I grew up, I began to regret: if I had cherished time when I was young, I would not have grown up like this. Who has ever thought about how many tomorrow will be?

After this interesting lesson, I really know the importance of one minute. In the future, I will cherish time and not waste every minute of my life. Here, I sincerely hope that everyone can understand the value of time, cherish time and do the most things in the shortest time

Stars were blinking brightly, and I stopped under the starry night sky, which reminded me of my yearning for that lesson.

I remember a Chinese class where we learned how to read and recite the allegorical sayings. When we understood the composition of the allegorical sayings, the teacher said to us, "Now whoever I draw will be deducted from the group points if he can't recite them." "OK!" We answered the teacher with one voice. I felt uneasy and thought: If the teacher draws Yan Haoran, he will lose points if he can't recite. What should I do? The students who were drawn by the teacher passed the exam one by one. At this time, tragedy came, and the teacher shouted: "Yan Haoran, you come to carry sesame blossom on your back, and then what?" Yan Haoran stood up, my heart also followed, and she bowed her head and said nothing. I looked at other students, and saw that some talked with their deskmates in a low voice, some grinned, bared their teeth, a sarcastic look, some looked left and right, and thought of coaxing... As for our group of students, some were anxious, some were angry with Yan Haoran and their faces were red. More interesting was that some students learned from the Western countries and drew a cross to pray for miracles, I was also worried about Tan Xiaotong, and thought: Why did the teacher order a classmate who shouldn't? Knowing that she won't recite, I hope a miracle will happen.

Unexpectedly, the miracle really came. Yan Haoran mustered up his courage, raised his head slightly, and said hesitantly: "The festival... the festival... the festival is high." "OK, let's applaud!" The teacher was very happy, and then said: "Nothing is difficult in the world. I'm afraid that if someone has a heart, Yan Haoran will recite it. It shows that he has worked hard and paid. We can't look less at others. Look at everyone with colored glasses. This is a kind of unfair behavior that does not respect others. I hope students can get rid of their bad habits. "I lowered my head and regretted that I accidentally hurt a fragile soul. I also decided to take off my eyeglasses when looking at people in the future.

That Chinese class made me, a better student, deeply regret and remorse, and also deeply realize that people will have shortcomings and advantages, but will never be perfect.

The teacher's earnest words echoed in my ears and encouraged me to move forward. In the future study, life and work, no matter whether your conditions are better than others, you should take off your eyeglasses and treat everyone fairly in order to be respected and welcomed by others.

Special gifts

Open the small notebook, which records the joy and emotion of the birthday! But once it was the most unique. The top was empty, and there was only a big "100". When I saw it, the scene at that time came back to my mind.

It was in the sixth grade.

One day, when I came home from school, my father mysteriously pulled me to my room.

"What's the matter, Dad?" My curiosity began to stir again.

"Next month is your mother's birthday. Are you going to send a gift to your mother?" Dad told the truth and looked at me with a smile.

"What are you two doing? Dinner!" Just as I was about to answer my father, my mother pushed the door and came in. In order to give my mother a surprise, I immediately stopped talking.

"Nothing, eat, eat." My father pulled my mother and me out as if nothing had happened. At night, I tossed and turned in bed, thinking about what gift to give my mother. It can't be too tacky, it should be a surprise! By the way, the final exam is coming, why not... I was so excited that I almost cried out. Yes, let's do it!

The next day, I told my good friend what I thought. Who would have thought that my good friend denied me and thought that I didn't have such great ability. And the teacher repeatedly stressed in the class that the difficulty of the final exam had increased, and hoped that the students would strengthen their review in this month and a half.

These two episodes undoubtedly hit my full self-confidence. Give up? Hold on! These two thoughts compete with each other in my mind.

At this time, I thought of what my mother usually did for me and what she had done for me. I firmly said in my heart: Never give up! absolutely!

From that day on, I listened more carefully in class and completed my homework more meticulously. In the evening, after finishing the homework, review and preview carefully. When I am sleepy, I think of my mother's busy figure. My mother has paid so much for me, and I have done such a small thing for my mother. What's the reason to say it's hard? Finally, my mother's birthday came and she passed the final exam successfully.

Mother's birthday, the home is very lively, sister, aunt, uncle. They all came, and mother's face was always filled with a happy smile.

Here we go. Here we go.

"What gift should I give you when I'm so old?" Mother said shyly like a child.

An interesting lesson 600 words (2)

An interesting composition lesson

Xie Chikun, Class 52, Jiangyin No. 3 Experimental Primary School

As soon as the bell rang, Mr. Ma walked into the classroom with a smile on his face. "Today, we are going to play a word game," Mr. Ma said brightly. "The rules of the game are as follows: the students in the first group write a character, the students in the second group write a place, and the students in the third and fourth groups write what to do. After writing, the teacher asks the three students to connect the sentences to see what the effect will be." Everyone listened with enthusiasm.

The game started, and the students wrote what they wanted to write on the paper. "The first group, Xie Chikun, the second group, Zhang Zhengxun, the third group, Shen Dawei." The teacher called me first. "Obama drives a plane in the classroom." The three people are so confused. The classroom immediately boils up, laughing constantly. Some of the students laughed in front of each other, some burst into laughter, and some laughed straight at the table. Zhang Zhenyang, the "comedian" in our class, had a stomachache and cried out, "I can't do it, I can't do it." Others even laughed out of tears. With the teacher's repeated signals, the laughter finally stopped. Teacher Ma called three more people. This time, the sentence was: Mom caught a shark in a Chinese class. Simple one

One lesson - 600 words (6)

Today, Mr. Chen came into the classroom with a small toy. I thought to myself, does Mr. Chen want us to describe this small toy? Mr. Chen pointed at the small toy and said to us, "Let's play a game today." We agreed with one voice. At that time, I jumped up excitedly, and the other students danced with joy. The teacher patted the table and said loudly: "Stop! Let me talk about the rules. The rules are that I start playing music. You can't throw the toys when they are passed on to you. They must be put on the table. If the music stops when they are passed on to you, you must come up and perform a program."

The first round started, and I was so nervous that I kept clutching my clothes, afraid that the music would stop when it reached me. When it came to me, I quickly passed it to the next student. I wanted to throw it out, just as I passed it to Xiao Yang. When the music stopped, he went to the platform to think, raised his hand, and jumped up in front of his chest. Another student pointed at him and said, "Isn't this a zombie dance?"? Our class laughed, and I laughed until my stomach hurt.

The second round started. I was not as nervous as the first round. But when the second round passed, the music stopped suddenly, and the toy was in my hand. The students' eyes were on me, and I performed a vertical fork. I was so nervous that I grabbed my clothes tightly, as if they were going to be damaged by me.

The third round was very intense, because the teacher said that this round could be passed on to anyone. The teacher first gave the toy to Xiaohong, saying that at the beginning of his speech, the music started, and Xiaohong passed it to Xiaoyang, Xiaoyang passed it to Xiaohuang, and Xiaohuang passed it to Xiaohong, and Xiaohong passed it to me, and I passed it to Xiaoru. Finally, when the toy fell into Xiaohong's hands, the music stopped, Xiaohong shouted, "Why is it always coming to me?" Xiaohong performed the cock crowing. The teacher smiled and said, "You can wake someone up in the morning."

There were bursts of laughter in today's class, which was really an unforgettable lesson.

One lesson - 600 words (7)

An Unforgettable Lesson

Class 61, Mujiazhuang Primary School Wang Haorong

There are many unforgettable things, one of which is still fresh in my memory.

It was Wednesday afternoon, and the first class was English. With a melodious and gentle bell ringing, our English teacher came in from outside with a book in his hand, walked onto the podium and started the class. After the text, the teacher asked us to close the book, and then said, "Let's play a game. The teacher said: "Don't worry, everyone. Listen to me about the rules of the game. I said (red light) you don't move, I said (green light) you go, and I said (yellow light) you put your hands on your chest. Do you understand?" "Yes," everyone answered in unison. Then the teacher called Gao Xiaoqiang, Li Shaoyong, Chen Yunqi and Bai Shu up.

The teacher was too quick to find time. When they just went up, they didn't stand still. The teacher stamped her foot and said, "yellow light!" At the same time, others were barely OK, but Chen Yunqi was stunned. Her eyes rolled up, her hands shook twice, and she stopped in mid air. She didn't know what to do, ha ha! The embarrassed appearance made the whole class burst out laughing, while Chen Yunqi ran back to her position from above with her face covered.

Then, the teacher changed his "tactics" again. After saying "green light" for several times, he suddenly said "red light", and sent the two people back at once. The teacher raised the hand of the last person standing on the platform and said: "This is our" Great Sage "today!", Everyone laughed again.

Watching such a fun and interesting game, everyone was eager to try, and the momentum was like a rainbow. Everyone rushed to play, and the teacher was overjoyed. As a result, the teacher thought of an idea and asked the whole class to stand up. She said, everyone should do it together. After I count one, two and three, I should sit down immediately. The last one who sat down should be punished. We can imagine what will happen later. The last person who sat down came up and gave us a song. We are happy now. Class is over!

This is really an interesting and unforgettable English lesson!

One lesson - 600 words (8)

This is a real lesson, and the chance made me recall those green days.

"Hello, boss, do you want to recruit temporary workers?"

At nine o'clock in the morning, two young figures appeared at the door of a restaurant. One of them was a boy and the other was a girl.

The restaurant owner is a middle-aged man in his forties, who is preparing dishes for opening at noon with his wife.

They were obviously a little surprised to see the two children appear.

After all, they look young, and they may still be reading. They are very bookish.

"No need for the time being!" The boss gently waved his head.

"Boss, you'd better invite us. We don't need to pay, but we can provide a lunch this noon." The boy opened his mouth first, and his pretty face turned red. After all, this is the sixth restaurant they found this morning.

Compared with the white eyes and impatient tone given to them by other shopkeepers, he felt that he saw hope here.

"Boss, we can do anything. We can also choose your dish. Boss, take us!" The girl saw that the boss seemed to be swaying, and chased after her, saying as she walked to the landlady to help.

"The boy's father, look..." The woman was soft hearted after all. When she saw these two cute children who were almost as young as her own children, the landlady gave the boss a wink.

"Well, then you can stay." The boss is also a cheerful person.

"Child, a meal, it doesn't matter. You don't need to do this." The proprietress reluctantly took the food from the girl's hand.

"Aunt, thank you. You can rest assured that we can do this, and thank you for giving us this job. We can't eat your food for nothing, but we need to pay with labor." The girl beckoned the boy to come to help, and the two young faces were no longer nervous, but full of gratitude and joy.

They finally finished the homework assigned by their teacher. This is a practical lesson of ideology and society they have today.

One lesson - 600 words (9)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Speaking of this embarrassment, alas, it's too hard to look back. Let me give you a detailed explanation;

"Today we have a comprehensive practical lesson!" "Yep" You should know that this comprehensive practical lesson is not easy to get, because the exam is coming, Miss Li usually uses this lesson to review. "Today, our major theme is our views on primary school students' Internet access." Mr. Li said in his deep voice, "As for the minor theme, please think about it yourself!" As the group leader, I said, "Hmm, the minor theme is the parents' views on primary school students' Internet access, OK?" "OK, what the group leader says is what" Liu replied. Next are some questions, which ushered in the heated discussion of our group... and then came down to interview.

We took the lead in running to the gate keeper's house and asked, "Do you have any children?"


"Does your child surf the Internet?"


"Ah! Thank you~"

When we were depressed, Xiao Zhu suddenly said, "Hey, there's someone there

"Do you have any children?"


"Does your child surf the Internet?"

"Up." When the aunt said this, my fist on my clothes finally loosened.

"What advice do you have for your children to get online?"

"No suggestions."

"Well, thank you"

What should we do? The interview time is running out, and we are as anxious as ants on a hot pot. We had no choice but to write:

Ask, "Do you have any children?"

Answer "Yes."

Ask "Does your child surf the Internet?"

Answer "Yes.".

Ask "What advice do you have for your children to surf the Internet?"

Answer "No suggestions."

Ah~The conclusion will be published soon. After I publish it, the students will surely die of laughter. God, save me! But, as I expected, there was deafening laughter before I finished publishing.

Alas, this is really an embarrassing comprehensive practical lesson.

Grade 5: Cold Moon and Starry Sky (Fu Yan)

One lesson - 600 words (10)

Ah! Today, as soon as I entered the writing classroom, I found that the classroom was different from usual. The teacher moved the desk aside, leaving a lane in the middle, which looked like a runway from afar. What is the teacher going to do? The students were also puzzled. Finally, the teacher solved the mystery: we are going to hold a pocket sports meeting today!

The content of today's sports meeting is "500 cm dash". The rule is: bind your feet, neither jump, nor climb, nor roll. You can only twist it, and the first one wins. Hearing this, some students jumped three feet high; Some students sighed; Other students were giggling.

After selection, the first group selected Xiao Xia and the second group selected Xiao Liu. Xiaoxia smiled and shook her body fat, and walked clumsily onto the stage. At this time, Xiao Liu smiled confidently, and even raised his forefinger to Xiao Xia's classmate provocatively, as if to say, "Come on, baby!" This performance made Xiao Xia blush and turn green. Then, a female classmate and I tied Xiao Xia's feet. I tied them up and strangled them, causing Xiao Xia to yell, "Ouch, be gentle!" The following students burst into laughter. The two boys who tied Liu's feet were clumsy, and they finally tied them with the help of two gentle girls.

Everything is all set. He shouted to the teacher: "Ready --" I saw Xiao Xia standing on his side, clenching his fists and preparing to start. But Liu's face was red, but he looked relaxed, as if he had won the competition. "Start!" Just listening to the teacher's order, they both rushed out almost at the same time. Xiao Xia twisted her waist at this time, like a Latin dancer performing a wonderful dance. But Xiao Liu twisted his buttocks and moved forward with all his strength. Because his feet were tied, he acted like an old hen about to lay eggs, which made us giggle. However, the result was unexpected. Xiao Xia, who looked as clumsy as a bear, won the victory. The members of the first team immediately beamed and cheered loudly for the victory, while the students of the second team looked like defeated cocks, dejected.

This is really an interesting lesson!

One lesson - 600 words (11)

On Monday afternoon, it was drizzling. After the third class, the radio shouted: "The top 20 students in the monthly examination of the whole school grade will have a meeting in the conference room on the second floor of the audio-visual education building!" We went back to the classroom, borrowed an umbrella, and came to the conference room. As soon as I stepped into the door, I saw many people, but there were several empty seats in the crowd. I said loudly, "My God! How can we save so much face in the ninth grade? We have to leave seats for us." My voice just dropped. I saw the headmaster. I quickly found a seat and sat down, thinking how humiliating!

When everyone was almost there, the headmaster began to call the roll. A few students didn't come at o'clock, but they also came later. After all arrived, the headmaster said to us, "I went to Nanjing and Shanghai these days to see their junior high school, attend the Nanjing Museum, and talk to a professor. In fact, you think the Internet is very good now, but the Internet of Things will appear soon. You can buy things and cook through the Internet of Things..."

Later, President Zhou talked about competition, dressing up, reading, making friends and saving time. He said that if a person does not want to live a low life, he must have the capital to raise his head; We should dress up with knowledge. Knowledge is the best cosmetics. Good quality will make people more attractive, which is an attraction that can not be deprived by years; Is it useful to read books? The concept is how to see whether it is useful or not. It cannot be measured by the standard of money. Knowledge makes life more possible. Knowledge determines a person's temperament, taste, vision, appreciation level, values... These are the key factors affecting a person's quality of life. These are the results of knowledge edification, not the products of money exchange

The headmaster's speech shocked my soul and made me understand that we should start now again, study hard, increase knowledge, stick to our dreams and never give up. Youth should have no regrets. Don't let youth leave regrets. I would rather have less fun in my youth than live a life of inferiority in my adulthood.

One lesson - 600 words (12)

Bad luck, bad luck, bad luck! I thought I could escape the control of the writing class, but the team leader was better at it and pulled me back to hell. My friends pray for me!

Under the supervision of the group leader, I walked into the classroom of the writing class. As soon as I entered the classroom, I thought, "I'm dead, I'm dead! I'm bound to be scolded half dead by the teacher because I played truant in the last writing class. Although I know it's not good to play truant, I don't like writing. I have to use my head and also work hard. It's not as good as sports. Just run a few laps, and nothing will happen if I run well. How relaxed! You know that I skipped classes out of frustration. Please forgive me, everyone. Thank you!

Fortunately, the teacher just looked at me and began to lecture. I thought to myself, "The sun is coming out from the west. What medicine is sold in the teacher's gourd? Can it be..." Countless questions were floating in my mind, but the teacher was still so calm and naturally speaking, and praised our class for its discipline and good writing... Alas, I am losing face for my class, I am really... such a good teacher, such beautiful content, such interesting knowledge... Hmm, how can I hate it? How can I regard it as hell? How can I find reasons for my laziness? As for people, they should always make a difference. Yes, it's still too late to make efforts now! At this moment, the writing lesson in my eyes suddenly became a paradise on earth.

After class, I said to the group leader, "I will not skip classes any more. You don't have to catch me and put me in the writing class, because I am proud to be here."

One lesson - 600 words (13)

In daily study, work and life, we often see the figure of composition. Composition is a speech activity in which people express their feelings in written form. I believe many friends are very distressed about writing compositions. The following is a 600 word composition collected and sorted out by the editor for parents, which is very beneficial. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Yesterday was the fourth parent class in our class. The class lasted far more than 45 minutes. The parents' interest in this class has not ended, and the students' desire has not been satisfied. The students who usually sleep on their stomach in class today also straightened their backs, and the eyes of several sleepers also gave off strange light. The children who wanted to know listened attentively to the parents and teachers, What's more, they took notes of the knowledge they needed. This class, whether parents or students, has more than enough. It's good to see this scene.

I think that if some students really go to the parents' classroom to learn tasks, they can also go back and forth for five thousand years. There will be no enemies between teachers and students because of their achievements.

I think that if we reform education, we should do our best to cultivate students' various skills? It's better than letting the children waste their good time!

I also think that for those students who are not interested in learning, entering the school is like entering the "Sanwei Bookstore". They are not interested in learning. They are afraid to see their teachers. They always think they are inferior in front of their classmates. They have far different requirements for their parents and feel sorry for them. This group of students is in a dilemma. A child of 13 or 4 years old is too difficult for them in such a complicated contradiction. If only he could develop himself according to his local interests. Education has too many problems to solve.

It also reminds me of my mother's second year granddaughter, a neighbor aunt, who committed suicide in the middle of the East Lake the day before yesterday. It can't be said that it was not pressure that led her to despair. Foxconn's "Thirteen Jumps" ended the young life, not all of which show that the energy is also used in learning culture classes, so our teachers should worry about it. How comfortable parents should be.

I think if our teachers are not forced to finish teaching this problem.

There is no way to change others, only to change yourself. But I will be careful when facing students every day. Look at students' likes and dislikes. It doesn't matter if you don't study. Life comes first.

I also benefited a lot from a parent lesson.

One lesson - 600 words (14)

The first performance class is about to start. I am a little nervous, excited and expectant. Soon, the teacher of the performance class came into the classroom. This is a male teacher with a small braid on his head. His name is also very special, called "Tudou". So we affectionately called him "Mr. Potato". The teacher Tudou went on the stage to clear his throat and announced loudly: "Today we are learning 'performance without material objects'." "Performance without material objects?" The students stared in surprise. "That's right." Teacher Tudou said, "I'll show you." And he began to dance. "Eat noodles!" we shouted together. His performance was so vivid that we could see it at a glance. "Yes!" Teacher Tudou smiled proudly. Next, he called out our names one by one and asked everyone to perform one by one.

It's my turn at last. The topic I got is "Play with Mobile Phone". I thought to myself: Is it not easy to play with mobile phones? So, he casually made two strokes as he usually played with his mobile phone at home. Teacher Tudou looked at it for a while, shook his head and said, "Well, I'll give you my mobile phone, and you can feel it for yourself." I took the phone and found that there was a very interesting game installed inside. After playing for a while, I thought I had found a feeling and returned my mobile phone to Mr. Tudou. Then, while recalling how to play the game in my mind, I began to perform again. I first slid two times to the left, then four times to the right, and finally clicked on the game to turn the screen horizontally, click east, click west, move to the left, and then move back to the right. Teacher Tudou thought that my performance was very impressive and rewarded me with a "little apple". Although this is just a paper apple that can't be eaten, my heart feels sweet.

This is my first attempt at acting. Only now do I understand that to become a good actor, one must not only learn to observe carefully, but also have a strong imitation ability. I'm really looking forward to stepping on the real stage and giving more wonderful performances in the future.

One lesson - 600 words (15)

One day, the teacher came in mysteriously with a stack of test papers. "Boys and girls, today we have a quiz. The questions are relatively simple, but they are huge and need to be completed in five minutes." When the paper was handed out, I saw the first question: please write the names of five kinds of fruits. Question 2: Please write the names of five animals... Is the question really so simple?

In order to hurry up, I did it without thinking. Time is like running water. Five minutes passed quickly, but I haven't finished yet. As the teacher asked me to hand in the paper, I had to write my name in the upper right corner. I looked up and saw that all the students were in a panic. No one had finished all the work. The teacher looked at the paper roughly, and then sent it to us again: "Please look at the questions carefully."

I looked at the topic carefully: please write the names of five kinds of fruits, five kinds of animals, and five kinds of plants... Until I saw the last question, I suddenly realized that the last question was: please write your name in the lower left corner. "The original question is so simple!" The students chattered. After a while, the teacher asked, "Who can tell what the teacher meant by this little test?" The students raised their hands. Some said they always wanted us to get rid of our bad habits of carelessness, and some said that the teacher taught us to examine the questions carefully in future examinations... The students expressed their opinions, and the teacher nodded repeatedly, "The students are all right. When doing the questions, we should examine the questions and find out the requirements of the questions. You have more or less bad habits that are not serious, which will not only affect your academic performance but also affect your future work and life." After listening to the teacher's harsh and sincere words, we can not help but lower our heads in shame. "Boys and girls, let me announce the result of this exam - the whole class is 0!" the teacher said loudly, "I hope this exam will serve as a warning to you all."

See here you see, the teacher asked us to test zero, in order to let us get rid of the bad habit of carelessness!

One lesson - 600 words (16)

That day, as soon as the bell rang, we sat upright in the classroom waiting for the Chinese teacher to come to study at night. "Deng, Deng, Deng..." After a while, the teacher came in with a textbook, cut his hair on his temples and said, "Tonight, everyone should write a diary.".

At this time, a "guest" wearing a black coat suddenly came to visit. He was black all over and could not see the specific appearance clearly.

Zhang Cheng suddenly shouted at the top of his voice, "Bat! Yes, I have!" I saw the UFO like a little mouse, which I had never seen before. The students also stared at the flying "guest". The classroom is noisy again. The teacher immediately stood up and ordered the monitor to manage the class discipline. He and several "strong men" in my class joined in the "battle".

Some of the "soldiers" took a broom from behind the door and waved it around; Some took off their coats and covered their heads. The little guy didn't feel the unfriendly atmosphere at all and still hovered over the classroom. The big guys attacked and chased with brooms. It didn't mean to fly out of the classroom. Then there was a chase. The little guy played a trick and refused to leave the classroom. The "soldiers" pursued from here, and it flew back from there. In a word, the main force pursued the east, and it went west. Twenty minutes later, our "soldier" was tired and panting, while the bat was leisurely and contented. Still flying around the classroom. After a while, the little guy seemed to understand everyone's meaning, and flew away like a knowledgeable person.

A bat fight ended and the whole class cheered. "Quiet!" The Chinese teacher gasped and said with a smile, "Now the diary question has come out!" "Ha ha ha..." The classroom was quiet, and only heard the sound of "rustling" writing.

One lesson - 600 words (17)

"Ding Lingling", finally it's time for class. The students returned to the classroom one after another to prepare for class. After a while, Miss Wang came and saw her carrying a big green basket. The students immediately talked excitedly. It was not easy for the classroom to be quiet, and then Miss Wang gave each of us a small box in the basket. I can't wait to open it. I found some iron blocks with red and blue colors inside. The teacher asked, "Does anyone know what the iron block in the box is?" The students were silent. After a long time, one of the students finally stood up and said, "This is a magnet." Oh, the iron block was called a magnet! Other students suddenly realized. Mr. Wang asked us to look at an illustration on the textbook, which shows a train suspended on the railway track, and let us say what Yue found. The answer of most students is that this train can fly. Mr. Wang shook his head and said, "This train is not able to fly, but uses the principle that magnets with the same poles attract and repel each other, and different poles attract each other. I asked doubtfully," Teacher, what is' the same poles repel each other, different poles attract each other '? "Mr. Wang told us:" The same poles repel each other, that is, putting the two poles of the same magnet together will produce mutually exclusive force; The opposite poles attract each other, that is, putting the different poles of the magnet together will produce the force of mutual attraction. "

After that, the teacher asked us to verify. I couldn't wait to put the red end of one magnet against the blue end of the other magnet. Suddenly, like a pair of invisible big hands, I squeezed the two magnets together firmly; I put the red pole of two magnets together again. It was strange that there was a deep brook between them that could not be crossed, but they refused to suck together. Forcibly close them, and as soon as you release your hand, they will immediately pop open again.

It turns out that the magnet is so magical that it is hard to part with the opposite sex; Confronted with the same sex, but shy away. There are endless anecdotes in the scientific world, which I didn't know before. "There is a long way to go. I will go up and down."

One lesson - 600 words (18)

In this class, the teacher casually told us an aside in the self-study class, "How many times do you need to read a book before you can memorize it?" The teacher said that you need to read 35 times before you can memorize it.

Although the teacher only talked about it as a digression, I thought about it again and again. Doesn't this just verify the conclusion that "reading a book a hundred times, its meaning comes true"?

Isn't Lu Xun's dialogue with student Zhou Jiamei just revealing this? Zhou Jiamei asked him, "I have read a lot of books, but I can't remember anything. Why?" Lu Xun told a story: "Once upon a time, there was a scholar. One day, on a whim, he went to a restaurant to eat and drink. After eating eight plates of famous dishes and eight plates of fruit, he bragged to others: 'I am really full of food today, and I eat so much.' Others asked, 'What did you eat? ’'I can't remember', 'What's the flavor', 'Forgot', others laughed, he kept saying: 'You don't believe it? I really ate a lot. '" This story is very funny, but also very thought-provoking. How stupid it is for two people to gobble up dates and only look at them without understanding taste! I have had this experience before. When I was in primary school, the teacher asked us to recite "One Hundred Ancient Poems". I just recited it. I thought I had already recited it, so I closed the book and recited the next one. I memorized the second chapter and forgot the first one. I don't think so. During the exam, retribution came. I only got 80 points. Book is a kind of literature and art. Roughly read, you are a "barbarian with high IQ". Only by carefully tasting, can we understand the truth and mystery. The example of Confucius' "Wei Bian San Jue" also shows this well. When Confucius read a book, the bamboo strips were worn three times by him. People with superb skills have to read it so many times. What's more, we are just ordinary people? Reading is a virtue, while intensive reading is a strategy. Since ancient times, who can become a great litterateur at a glance? No, At the beginning of Dream of Red Mansions, others skimmed it, so "the author is crazy" later, after others read it intensively, they "didn't understand its flavor". Read the book a hundred times, and its meaning will show itself. Let's "read the book a hundred times"!

One lesson - 600 words (19)

"Teacher! What's the news? It's so mysterious!" The teacher burst into flames in an instant. The students talked to each other, and the teacher could not get a word in.

"All right! Let's be quiet! Let me go on!" The teacher's voice sounded again, and the classroom suddenly returned to calm. The students were curious to wait for the teacher to say, "Tomorrow morning, the whole class will have a lesson in dumplings! Let's see if you can really do housework!"

With excited mood, finally, the dumpling class is coming. In the morning, we gathered on the small playground and saw that the uncles and aunts in the kitchen had put the leek meat stuffing and dumpling skin on the table. The teacher held the loudspeaker in front of the team to tell us the precautions, arranged the students to wash their hands and prepare to start making dumplings.

First, the teacher took a piece of dumpling skin and spread it on his left hand. With a spoon in his right hand, he dug a spoonful of stuffing and put it on the dumpling skin on his left hand. I began to imitate the teacher in a hazy way, trying to make the first dumpling in my life. "Eh? Why is my hand out of control? Why did the stuffing run out from the other side?" New situations kept happening. I looked up at the dumplings in the hands of my classmates. They were all kinds of dumplings.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the dumplings were successfully completed. The kitchen aunts moved our finished products into the kitchen, and soon we could eat a bowl of hot pork dumplings with leeks! This dumpling lesson gave me a taste of labor. Dumplings made by myself taste very delicious. In the future, I must show my parents how to make dumplings at home!