600 words after reading the kite chaser (3 compilations)
Starlight on a moonlit night
2023-08-28 02:24:33
reaction to a book or an article

Feelings of kite chasers after reading 600 words (1)

[Chapter 1]

I finished reading The Kite Runner at one go. The story is like playing a worn out old record in an old gramophone. After reading it, the sad intermittent incomplete melody is still ringing in my ears. I closed my eyes and listened quietly. A mottled picture was spliced in my brain, sometimes flashing snowflakes and sometimes flashing fragments

Amir, a 12 year old young master of a wealthy Afghan family, and Hassan, a servant, are brothers. However, after a kite competition, Amir felt remorse and pain because of a tragic incident, and he forced Hassan away. Soon, he also fled to the United States with his father.

As an adult, Amir could not forgive his betrayal of Hassan. In order to atone for his sins, Amir once again set foot in his hometown where he had been absent for more than 20 years, hoping to do his last bit of good for his unfortunate friends. However, he found a shocking lie. His childhood nightmare was repeated again. In his inner struggle, Amir finally chose to go to war torn Afghanistan to save Hassan's children. From Hassan's original determination of "for you, thousands of times" to Amir's "for you, thousands of times" to Hassan's son Sobola, the world has finally passed through a cycle and ended.

At different times of our lives, we will go all out to pursue the most persistent thing we want at the moment. It may just be the special favor of our father and the friendship of our brothers. All things could become the kites in our hearts at that time. We ran and kept moving forward, thinking about it in the center of our eyes. But as time rolls on, do we find that what we have pursued or given up is worth it? In order to get it, we have chosen to give up, betray, lie, and endure... But what will happen if we get it for a short time? Happiness and happiness are just slowly submerged in remorse, guilt, and fear! However, people always live within a certain time limit, and the world there may be beyond their understanding in a few years, But this is something we can't break through.

For you, thousands and thousands of times, maybe you will still look back after all the wounds, this is life

[Chapter 2]

Chase the kite, chase the life—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article


Amir is undoubtedly the most typical kite chaser. His life has never begun with rescuing his friend Hassan, and has undergone tremendous changes. Abandoning his friends, the seeds of guilt have been buried in Amir's heart, and slowly grow into a giant tree that covers the sky and the sunshine in his heart. Amir, who has been living in the shadow, found his kite in his heart in constant regret, which represents atonement for kindness.

The atonement kite struggled in the torrential rain and lightning, just as the atonement Amir walked in the rough night. He had no place to settle down and stumbled into the puddle, while the bitter wind and rain played a lament in his ear.

Amir groped for redemption, groped for growth, and paid a thousand times the price for his cowardice, which was blood and even death. But Amir has no regrets. He knows deeply that he once stabbed the kind Hassan with the sharp blade of class discrimination, and Hassan risked his life to protect their friendship. Amir, who grew up, finally understood that friendship was a part of life. He pursued the kite in his heart to atone for his sins. Even if he was redeeming his own life, he was redeeming Hassan's life in his memory.


The rising sun spread a brilliant glow, and there was a figure standing quietly in the gentle light. When I looked back, it was the faint smile on the corner of my lips.

This is Hassan in my imagination, kind, gentle and tough. I don't know how to describe such a young man. His kite flies with the soft wind, drawing white arcs. The sun follows the kite, and also follows Hassan's footsteps. In Hassan's hands, kites are like fairies in the wind, gentle and elegant, as elegant as jade, just like Hassan chasing kites lightly.

Hassan is a kite chaser, chasing a warm and bright kite. He longs for equality in life. His existence is as bright as breaking the class system. But Hassan is more like a kite, a kite representing life and hope.


Reading The Kite Runner, my greatest feeling is the author's description of the purity and authenticity of life. In the book, both Amir, who atones for his sins, and Hassan, who is the incarnation of light, hold a heart of fear for life. In the process of chasing kites, they all chose to respect life.

When I closed the book, it was the early autumn when the cool wind suddenly arose. So I took the kite to a small hillside and watched the kite swaying in the sky. The clouds were scattered in the sky, which seemed as high as the blue sky, just like the life in the long river of years. When I think of the twists and turns in the book, there are evil and crimes, but the vitality of life has always been embedded in everyone's kite, just like the kite flying.

The tail of the kite is waving, with the lightness and solemnity of life. The journey I pursued has also begun. The road ahead is far away. At the end of the road, there are flowers in full bloom.

[Chapter 3]

From the moment we were born, from the moment we set foot on the journey of life, we began to choose. Those endless choices will go along with you on the long road of life.

Like those who chase kites, each of us has a beautiful kite in our heart. It is sometimes an ideal, sometimes a hope, sometimes a personality. Since we have chosen it, we should pursue it without regret. At the same time, we should also be responsible for our own judgment. Otherwise, it will become a lifelong regret and regret. Even if it is self blame, it cannot be remedied. We have to double the compensation and atonement.

In "The Kite Runner", it tells about an Afghan rich young master Amir and his servant Hassan who grew up together. However, after a kite competition, a tragic thing happened. Amir chose to run away, which made him feel painful afterwards. He forced Hassan away... As an adult, he could not forgive his betrayal at that time. He set foot on his hometown again, hoping to do his last bit for his friends. But at the same time, he found a lie, and his childhood nightmare repeated again, Amir made a great choice

Betrayal is often an instant decision, but redemption is a long way. There is usually a word between the two: regret. Because the past is always the past, and can not be saved in any way, regret is a kind of blame in people's hearts.

In today's society, in the pursuit of progress, in the pursuit of human beings, we will also be confused, confused around, what should we do? How to face the constant choice? How to make your heart regretless in the choice? A dilemma choice has decided my own destiny in an instant decision, but at the same time, a small turning point will also change my destiny again. This is the only way to step onto a good person again from betrayal, and also the only way to compensate. But there are not many such opportunities. What is important is to have no regrets about self selection.

There is only one kite. Go after your ideal bravely! But don't forget, in the face of the choice of chance encounter, don't be ashamed of your personality, let your heart have no regrets!

Feelings of kite chasers after reading 600 words (2)

After reading this book, I am also reflecting and recalling how I treated my friends.

I thought of a former friend of mine who had accompanied me in my childhood. He is one of my kindergarten classmates. I was originally one of those people who didn't have any friends chatting in the class. He was lively compared with me, and I didn't care about him. Later, we met in the elevator. The scene was very embarrassing, and we were very shy, so we didn't say hello. Later, it was through the communication between parents that they became familiar with each other.

When it comes to weekends or holidays, as long as I have time, I will go to his home or he will come to my home. Slowly, they became inseparable friends, and they would tell each other everything. But sometimes I feel selfish (maybe because I was younger at that time), and I have to focus on myself. Even if he came to me to propose, I would not give in. Once, we argued about how a toy should be played for fun. We all have our own views, and we are not willing to give in. It is clear that we can solve the problem by taking a step back. Because of this incident, we haven't played together for a long time. It may be that after a long time of treatment, we have forgotten some of the contradictions and reconciled again. I really appreciate the good medicine of time.

Now, I have moved. I don't live in the same community with him anymore. Of course, I have less and less contact with him. Now I recall the scene when I used to play, and I feel it was good to have friends with me in my childhood.

The Kite Runner gave me a new understanding of making friends. Looking back, I found that I was ridiculous and naive before.

Feelings of kite chasers after reading 600 words (3)

1. After reading The Kite Runner

The kite chaser, just five words, has always been the most simple and beautiful belief in my heart.

I was shocked by the ingenious and undulating plot of this novel. In this amazing book, there are two teenagers: one is Amir, the other is Hassan. They grew up together as brothers, but their status is very different - Amir is the master, and Hassan is only his servant.

In the winter of 1975, Afghanistan held a kite competition as usual. Amir became the last winner. His father cheered for him, but he lost his most loyal Hassan. He watched Hassan being bullied, but did not lend a helping hand. He felt remorse and pain for this. Hassan reflected all his ugly betrayal like a mirror, and he finally forced Hassan away. Soon after, Amir and his father fled to the United States due to war, until 25 years later

Amir finally returned to Afghanistan. He was surprised to learn that the dead Hassan, who had been betrayed by him but always loved him, was his half brother. Amir set foot on the road of becoming a good man again in order to "atone for his sins". After all the hardships and dangers, he finally saved Hassan's son, Solabo.

After reading the last sentence of the novel - "I chase", my mood could not be pacified for a long time. This book made me so close to Afghanistan for the first time. What I saw was not war and terrorism, but those persistent kite hunters.

I hate Amir's cowardly selfishness. When he saw Hassan being bullied, he chose to escape and betray; But I also admire Amir. He has a kind heart. When he became an adult, he could not forgive his betrayal of Hassan. So he returned to his hometown, hoping to do his last bit for his friends. He was brave once.

Hassan's kite is Amir, he chases; Amir's kite is his father, he chases; Hassan's son's kite is Anding, and he chases it. All our lives are a process of chasing kites. Whenever a kite is flown, we should tell ourselves to treasure everything we have.

Everyone has a kite in his mind. No matter what it means, let's chase it bravely!

2. Feelings of kite chasers 600 words

Perhaps, each of us is like a kite chaser. We are all chasing something that we really want to get; Perhaps, each of us dreams of chasing our own kite in our dreams; Maybe we all paid a lot and gave up a lot in order to catch the kite. However, some people are bold to chase, some people are cowardly to chase, and some people are still standing still.

In the process of chasing kites, you may encounter many difficulties that you cannot imagine. You may encounter many people and things of all kinds, and sometimes you may even be bruised and shattered.

However, Amir did not give up, and we should not give up.

Just like a sentence in the book: "For you, thousands of times." Amir chased the kite for Hassan, and I also chased the kite with multiple meanings for a person.

I remember that before, many people asked me: "What is the purpose of learning?" At that time, in order to perfunctory, I said very popularly: "In order to enter a good university in the future and find a good job." Yes, this is the answer of many people, but this is not my answer.

When I first came here, I was not familiar with the place and could not go anywhere for almost a day. I stayed at home because I was afraid of getting lost. Fortunately, there is a park downstairs, and there, it has become my greatest pleasure.

One summer night, it was too hot at home, so I ran out to the park to play for a while. When I was sitting on a stone, a girl about my age came over and greeted me kindly. At the beginning, I was a little shy. Slowly, we became familiar with each other. Every day, as soon as I finish my homework, I run to the park to find her. She always accompanies me warmly; Sometimes, I will be a little headstrong, she did not alienate me, more tolerant of me; Whose sky does not rain, sad sad, she will accompany me, comfort me. Sometimes I also think that God is so kind to me. When I met her here, she understood me so well. Every time, I told her all the big and small things that happened in my life. When talking about sad things, she accompanied me to be sad; When it comes to happy things, she is happy with me. Of course, there will be some problems in her life, but she didn't tell me, maybe she was afraid that I would follow her to be sad!

In this way, we had a happy holiday.

At the end of the holiday, she asked me to accompany her to the park for a while, and I agreed. When I arrived at the park, I saw that she was still sitting in the same place, with the same sitting posture and dressing up. Everything was the same as before, and had not changed. I walked up to her and sat down beside her. I just sat quietly for a minute. We didn't speak. Suddenly, her words broke the silence: "I... have to go." I was very surprised, maybe I should have thought of it. I asked nervously, "Why.

A few minutes later

"It's time to go."

"So fast!"


"Well, goodbye then!"

"Uh huh, goodbye!"

Her back gradually receded, and my heart became empty. Go home and open QQ and see her message to me:

Ran, thank you for accompanying me and meeting you in these two months. It's so lucky. Never say goodbye, okay? crystal-clear

"Mm-hmm. Don't say goodbye!" I said silently.

We agreed to study hard and get admitted to the same university. For this agreement, I worked hard, until now, have not given up.

I always chase the kite in my heart. I don't know what will happen to us in the future. But I know that as long as we catch up, we will not regret it.

Because the friendship between us is better than everything. Love can be connected forever! The kite in my heart can also fly very high, very far!

3. Kite chasers' impressions

Beautiful and cruel, these two extreme contradictory words have shrunk into an inconspicuous kite and an ordinary servant under the knitting of the book. This unforgettable and shocking book is The Kite Runner written by the famous writer Khaled Husseini!

The protagonists in the Kite Runner are the young master Amir and the servant Hassan. They used to have a good relationship and share weal and woe in everything they did. But because of the contradiction between the victory and defeat of a kite competition, Assef felt humiliated and asked his servant to vent his anger. Therefore, Hassan was beaten by Assef, a violent boy. Amir dared not stop him and betrayed his friends at night and day. When the adult Amir returned to Afghanistan, he found an earth shaking lie that Hassan was his half brother! Amir fell into a nightmare that he could not return

After reading this book, my new look is like Amir, shrouded in gray haze - I don't understand that people always bow their heads in front of reality! Amir looked at the pitiful brothers being beaten, bowed his head and became a coward; Under the temptation of fame, wealth and money, Asif bowed his head and became a jackal... However, we can still see some people with solar terms, such as Amir's father, who has been fighting with bears all his life and has a very broad mind. He will not be afraid because his opponents are lions and tigers, and will not betray the country because of interests. The most important thing is that he will not abandon his friends, but will treat him as a brother wearing trousers and care about him everywhere. Amir is no better at this than his father.

My fellow countrymen! The reality is beautiful and cruel. We should not envy the victory of others, but find the reason for our failure. We should not be cowards, wolves, and traitors! We should raise our heads in front of the reality, let the experience of failure be remembered in our hearts, and let the dawn of success shine on us, so that the real destiny is firmly in our hands!