Primary School Composition Shopping (10 in general)
2023-11-06 05:19:17
fourth grade

Primary School Composition Shopping (1)

After listening to my mother, I went on my way happily. This is a narrow road, few cars pass by.

I was walking on the road when suddenly a car came up behind me. I quickly dodged. Whew, the car drove away like the wind. The car has passed, but I'm still sweating. I went into the supermarket, and a variety of goods were neatly placed on the shelf, which made me dizzy. I looked around for a long time, but I couldn't find them. I had to ask an assistant aunt, "Where is the milk counter?" "Are you really here to buy milk, little brother?" I said, "No, I won't." "The milk counter is right beside you." Ah! I'm surprised. I've been looking for it for a long time for nothing! I began to choose milk. After a long time of choosing, I found that the production date of Yiyi full fat milk was the closest to today, and the shelf life was very long. It was also good for health because it did not contain sugar. So I picked up the milk and ran to the cashier. I asked the cashier aunt how much the milk was, and she said 22. 5 yuan. I gave 50 yuan, and my aunt called me 24 yuan. 5 yuan. I picked up the money and milk and went home.

I suddenly felt that I had grown up and could help my parents.

Primary School Composition Shopping (2)

Today, my mother called me to her and said, "Our family has run out of vinegar, but can you go to the supermarket to buy something?". I took the money and started off skipping.

When I came to the supermarket, I was immediately attracted by a lot of snacks, such as lollipops, raisins, potato chips, etc. When I was about to pick up one or two and put them in the box, I remembered that I didn't come to buy snacks. So he reluctantly walked away.

I looked around in the supermarket, but I couldn't find the vinegar I wanted to buy. I was so worried that my feet began to wander around. At this time, I thought I could ask the waitress for help. Later, the waitress aunt told me where to put vinegar. I took a bottle of vinegar and walked to the cashier.

When I got home, I handed the vinegar to my mother. My mother praised me happily and said, "Kexin has grown up and can help my mother." Hearing my mother's praise, I felt very happy.

Primary School Composition Shopping (3)

I remember my first shopping experience. On that day, my mother said to me, "You have run out of oil at home. You go out and buy a bottle of oil for me. There are two points when you go to the supermarket to buy oil. First, be careful of the cars on the road. Second, don't forget to change.". I jumped up happily. But I haven't gone shopping alone.

I held my mother's money tightly in my hand and went out.

I walked while singing. After a while, the bike came, and I remembered what my mother said, and hurried back.

When I came to the supermarket, I couldn't find anyone selling oil. An aunt said, "What do you want, little friend?"? I want a bottle of oil. Auntie took me to the shelf selling oil, ah! There are many kinds of oil.

I walked around from beginning to end, but I couldn't pick up any more. I went to the second row of shelves, picked up a bottle of oil, and then walked happily to the cashier. My aunt said, "This bottle of oil is seven dollars and two yuan in total.". I proudly gave my aunt 20 yuan. After my aunt finished looking for money, I went home skipping.

When I got home, I took out this bottle of oil to show my mother. My mother said happily that I had grown up.

I like this shopping very much.

Primary School Composition Shopping (4)

One day, my mother suddenly said, "We don't have any toilet paper." My mother said, "Baby, you can buy it alone, OK?" I said happily after listening to this, "I can do that. You can give me this task."

My mother gave me thirty yuan and I walked out of the house quickly. Along the way, I thought happily: This is the first time I have helped my mother buy something. I believe I can complete the task.

I walked into the supermarket and saw a dazzling array of goods, which made me dizzy. I couldn't find the toilet paper that my mother asked me to buy. My tears were rolling in my eyes and my smiling face was drooping. I looked unhappy. Suddenly, I heard a big sister beside me enthusiastically say, "What are you looking for, little friend? Let me help you!" The big sister took me to the daily necessities area. I said, "Big sister, I can do it alone." Then the big sister walked away, and I started my own selection process. I looked at this package of toilet paper, and then looked at that package of toilet paper, and finally I saw a pink package of toilet paper. It was 28 yuan, and it was produced on November 9, with a shelf life of 12 months, so I bought it.

Primary School Composition Shopping (5)

Today, there were many guests at home. My mother asked me to go shopping alone when she wanted to entertain guests. I was both excited and afraid when I heard that. I am excited about something I have never experienced while shopping alone. What I am afraid of is whether I can complete the task my mother has given me? I asked my mother with a worried heart: "Mom, what do I need to buy?" My mother said: "I need to buy three jin of potatoes, two jin of beef, one jin of cabbage and some fruit." After listening to my mother's words, I went out happily.

When I came to the supermarket, I saw a variety of goods, some of which were placed in a rectangle, some in a square, some in a triangle, and some in a trapezoid, which dazzled me. I thought: where is the thing to buy? Why don't you ask the salesgirl aunt! At this moment, a salesgirl aunt came by, and I politely said to her, "Aunt, where can I buy potatoes, beef, cabbage and fruit?" The salesgirl aunt told me, "You can find potatoes and cabbage in the vegetable area, beef in the meat area, and fruit in the fruit area." After listening, I said, "Thank you, aunt!" I went to the place my aunt told me.

When I was walking, I suddenly saw a big wooden sign with the words "vegetable area" written on it. I ran to it happily and carefully selected some green cabbage and big round potatoes; Then I found the fruit area and saw red apples, yellow pears, golden oranges, etc. They seemed to say, "Come and buy me!" Then I selected some red apples. Finally, I came to the non-staple food area to select a few jin of beef; After shopping, I went to the cash register to pay the money and went home happily.

Although I was tired today, I was very happy because I learned some new knowledge.

Primary School Composition Shopping (6)

I came to the supermarket with money, a list and a shopping bag. I first pushed a shopping cart at the door, and then bought one by one according to the items on the list. I went to the dairy counter first. There was a variety of milk on the counter. There are Mengniu, Yili, Sanyuan, and Guangming... which one to choose? I picked and picked, but the price of Mengniu brand milk was cheaper, so I took ten bags of milk and put them in the shopping cart. Then, I pushed the cart to the daily necessities counter. I chose a bag of salt, a bag of sugar, a bag of chicken essence and two towels. When the task is completed, I calculate that it will cost 35 yuan in total, and there is still 15 yuan left. I can buy the kitten stickers I most want. I cheerfully pushed the car, looking for stickers.

"Sales promotion, sales promotion! Gloves are 15 yuan a pair, buy one get one free!" I heard, hurried to the past, a look, what beautiful gloves! There are men's and women's, and a lot of people are crowded to pick gloves. I think that when winter comes, my parents' gloves are broken. I want to change them for a new pair, but only 15 yuan is available. If I buy gloves, I can't buy kitten stickers. That's the stickers I've been thinking about for a long time! I thought about it, and I was extremely ambivalent. I walked to the sticker, looked at it, and thought: Is it for Mom and Dad to buy gloves? Or buy my own stickers? Finally, I decided to buy gloves. I picked a pair of black ones for my father and a pair of red ones for my mother and put them in the shopping cart.

I hummed a song and pushed a shopping cart full of goods to the checkout counter.

Primary School Composition Shopping (7)

I cried, put my only five yuan on the counter, took the receipt and left. On my way home, I was always frightened, afraid that my mother would scold me. When I got home, my mother not only didn't scold me, but said to me earnestly; Don't cry. Everyone has made mistakes. If you do something wrong, just correct it. Mother Qian will pay you back tomorrow. '

After hearing these words, my heart was much flatter. Until now, I still feel ridiculous when I think of my shopping at that time.

Primary School Composition Shopping (8)

On Saturday, my mother called me up early: "Let's go and buy some vegetables for dinner, and buy you a toy as a 100% reward." I was very happy and went to the supermarket with my mother.

At this time, the supermarket was already full of people, airtight. Some of them are buying vegetables, some are picking toys, some are choosing different brands of diapers... When I walked into the toy area, I saw hundreds of toys on the shelves, all packed in colorful and eye-catching. I have trouble choosing, and I can hardly pick out my favorite. I ran here to see the Phantom Ninja and there to see the Lego puzzle. Suddenly, I saw a salesperson, and immediately ran to him and asked: "Sister, which toy is the most interesting here?" The salesperson immediately sold melons - boasted: "Little friend, you are too discerning. This is the best toy area. All toys are good enough to fall and play. You can pick and play freely, and all of them are of good quality." I immediately set my eyes on it and looked around in high spirits. Finally, on a shelf, I found the assembly toy I dreamed of - Storm Hunter.

Mother went to the vegetable and fruit area, felt the vegetables and looked at the tomatoes. I took some more turnips, checked them carefully, and put them in the basket after confirming that there were no problems.

After picking up all the things and paying at the cash register, we went home happily.

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Primary School Composition Shopping (9)

When I got to the supermarket, I directly selected peanuts, put three shovels into plastic bags with a shovel, and then went to the cashier to weigh and pay the money, which was nine yuan and sixty cents in total. I gave the waiter aunt ten yuan, and she gave me forty cents in change. I took peanuts home.

On the way home, I looked at the peanuts in my hand, and the greedy insects in my stomach growled, so I took a peanut and put it into my mouth to chew it. It was really delicious! I couldn't help but eat again, so I got home unconsciously. When my mother saw that I had bought peanuts, she said happily, "Honey, you are so good, you can go shopping by yourself!" Then she went to cook.

After a while, my mother cooked the meal. My father and I ate the old vinegar peanuts made by my mother with peanuts I bought with relish. Ah, they tasted great!

Primary School Composition Shopping (10)

The three members of our family have a common feature - they love shopping in supermarkets. My father likes to buy melon seeds in the supermarket. He always buys several packages. My mother always followed me and shook her head, saying, "Every time I buy so many melon seeds, I feel like a child." As soon as I entered the supermarket, my mother would run to the household goods, wondering if the washing powder was used up at home? Or what else do you need? It is also necessary to put several bags into the car at once. I love to buy snacks, but my mother stipulates that I can only buy two at a time. As soon as I saw the drink, I immediately brought it over. When I saw the potato chips later, I put the drink back and replaced it with potato chips. After a while, I saw the biscuits again and replaced them with biscuits?? So I kept changing until I paid the bill. I couldn't help looking back to see what else I could buy. I asked my mother, "Can I choose more than one?" My mother just didn't agree. Alas, why can adults buy so many, but children can't?