Encouraging applause (14 compilations)
Break the cocoon into a butterfly
2024-01-18 06:39:44

Encouraging applause (1)

There are many flowers, beautiful, strange, strong vitality... But I think the most beautiful flowers should be the flowers that can give encouragement to others in the fertile soil of the soul. It transmits positive energy to everyone and sows the seeds of hope in people's hearts.

I have always been an audience of class and team lessons, and never wanted to host class and team activities myself, but this time it was my turn to play. Looking at some strange manuscripts and 92 expectant eyes, I felt like a pig waiting to be slaughtered. Despair occupies my heart.

Time waits for no one. I held the determination of "dying" and carried out the class team activity class. I told it carefully on the stage, and the students listened carefully off the stage, as if I would be cut into a thousand pieces if I made one mistake. Looking forward, looking forward, the class team activity class is finally nearing the end. I let out a big sigh of relief and felt that it was almost over.

At that moment, my mouse didn't click where it should be. The picture on the computer retreated one page. The students below the stage made a confused sound. I was shocked, like a bomb exploding on my head. I quickly corrected the error and blushed like a ripe persimmon. In this way, the class team activity class ended in an awkward atmosphere. I bowed and waited for the teacher's comments and classmates' ridicule

But what sounded in my ears was encouraging applause. I looked up and saw 92 hands making a sound, like a furnace in the cold, like a heavy rain in the storm, like beautiful flowers in full bloom... I stepped down from the stage in applause, and my heart was connected with flowers.

My heart seems to be in the flowers, surrounded by flowers, and I feel very happy.

Encouraging applause (2)

I still remember learning the piano for a while when I was a child. Every year near Christmas, the piano teacher will hold a small concert, which gives us the opportunity to go on stage and also allows us to affirm the achievements of this year's practice.

My personality is good and I can't help but want to play some music that was difficult for me at that time. Every time when I pick up the music before the concert, I will be very excited to discuss it with the teacher, and I hope to play the music that makes me dream.

Finally, when I entered my fourth year of piano learning, the teacher decided to let me play "To Alice" - even for me, those skills were more complicated. At that time, I could miss cartoons for piano practice and give up playing for piano practice. In class, quietly use your fingertips to "press the key" on the desk; When class is over, I will hum the melody and smile; My world is beautiful because of a lot of bean sprouts.

On the day of the concert, I was naturally nervous and expectant, and wanted to let the whole world know. When I stepped onto the stage, I felt the silence below the stage, and even heard my own breath. I slowly cut the quiet chocolate cake with a series of slow music. Suddenly, a strange note came into this peaceful place - I played it wrong! Angry at my carelessness, I still tried my best to finish the song. When I escaped from the black and white world with ten fingers, and gradually got up.

A burst of thunderous applause came from all directions. I was like the king of Sparta standing on the battlefield, watching the enemy shoot tens of thousands of bows and arrows at me. But at this moment, my mood was like the waves on the sea, because I knew I had done it! Although the process is not as smooth as originally assumed, I have been appreciated and affirmed, as well as the motivation to continue!

Applause is a propeller to make us further. It is a goddess in charge of "encouragement". When we feel that we are not good enough because we try our best, we will give a hand and affirm the contribution of each of us.

Applause, without words, clearly expressed the admiration and affirmation of the performers, so that they can move forward with confidence and swagger to climb the peak called "success"!

Give others a round of applause at the right time. Give yourself a round of applause! Because when applause rings, people who accept applause will be more willing to give full play to their talents; Because when the applause starts, the world of those who accept it will be wonderful because of this small action. When you have heard a speech, a stage play, a concert, applaud! Because the public held the sword of applause and viciously cut open the silence. Without words, the performers could understand the affirmation and full encouragement that the public wanted to express.

Encouraging applause (3)

Have you heard the applause? Applause is everywhere: it is in the street, it is in the class, it is also in the meeting... I have also received applause once in my life, which makes me very proud!

That starts with a composition. A good composition can be appreciated, and a good composition can make people praise and applaud uncontrollably. As it happens, my composition was rated "Keda" by the teacher, which is a great honor, and our classmates will cheer for it.

In the Chinese class, the teacher asked our students who wrote "Keda" to read their exercises aloud. When I heard "reading aloud", I felt like a rabbit scurrying about. Drops of cold sweat came from my head, and my teeth could not help but tremble again and again to make a sound. My whole body's hair stood straight, and my heart was a little uneasy. I am naturally timid. I feel nervous when facing so many people. Slowly, my feet got out of control and began to shake. My heart beat faster and faster. I kept sweating because I was next.

It's my turn! I slowly stood up and moved to the platform bit by bit. Standing on the platform, my hands shook and shook to pick up the composition book and read it hesitantly. At first, I read weakly, but when I saw the teacher's kind eyes, my heart beat slowly stabilized. A burst of applause came from the audience, which was an encouragement and gave me great confidence. The students and teachers looked at me as if they were saying, "Come on! You can do it!" I mustered confidence and courage and said to myself, "I can do it!" At the beginning, I didn't read very fluently, but after a while, my speech speed became fluent and smooth, my voice became sonorous and powerful, and I was no longer so timid.

When I finished reading my articles, my classmates all praised and applauded me. One after another round of applause spread from the classroom to the outside, as warm as thunder. This is a kind of affirmation and respect. After hearing these applause, I felt very proud and relaxed!

This is the first time for me to stand on the platform and read a composition. It is also the first time for me to get applause from everyone. It gives me courage and confidence.

We should learn to applaud, applaud for others, applaud for ourselves, and applaud for a colorful life! Let applause become a beautiful ornament of our life!

Encouraging applause (4)

I didn't perform very well in English class, but in one class, a round of applause encouraged me.

The bell of English class rang, and all the students entered the classroom. The English teacher went to class as before, but after the text was finished, he even asked me to perform.

I sat in my seat for a long time. I froze and burst into applause. At last, I took the first step bravely. I saw many classmates watching me, and my heart was pounding, very nervous. But I still walked to the podium, and it seemed that I had walked a hundred and eight thousand miles from my seat to the podium. On the platform, I hesitated to recite the English text. After reciting, there was a burst of applause. At this time, I was very happy. Because it's amazing that a performance like mine can still get applause. Besides, I still have many wrong pronunciation words and several wrong pronunciation words, which is unlikely to get applause.

This round of applause encouraged me. Now, I love English very much. I am very grateful for the applause and those who applauded and encouraged me! Applause, like those flowers, grows sweetly in my heart.

Encouraging applause (5)

Today is the second day of military training. The weather is even hotter than yesterday. Teacher Liang, the head teacher, has a sore foot and insists on watching our training on the big playground. Everyone is training more carefully. The contents of the training include salute, end of ceremony, deduction, dissolution, etc. The intensity of the training has also increased. One student in Class 7, who was squatting down, turned blue and vomited white, was quickly sent to the infirmary for treatment. Therefore, during the training of dissolution, a 10 minute break was adopted, and everyone was eager to drink water to replenish their physical strength, For better training.

Today's training started from reviewing yesterday's movements. The instructor called on me to demonstrate yesterday's movements and asked the students to applaud if I did it correctly and not to applaud if I didn't do it properly.

My heart beat so hard that I was afraid that I could not make a fool of myself, but I mustered the courage and determined to do my best. According to the instructor's oral order, I first completed the left and right movements, and received bursts of applause from the students; Then I got warm applause after doing it. I was so nervous that I sweated and the instructor smiled with satisfaction. I am very grateful to my classmates for their encouragement! Thank you for your trust!

It's hard work and hard work. Because I like military training very much, I practiced the movements I learned in the house even though I was tired when I came home yesterday. At noon today, I taught my sister in grade one the movements I learned, and asked her to do them like me. So this time, I could pass the test smoothly and won the applause of my classmates.

The applause of my classmates gave me great encouragement and confidence. I decided to take part in military training seriously, try to master the essentials of each action, seriously improve the quality and ideological quality, and seriously strengthen the sense of discipline and collective concept, so as to win honor for the class! It is said that all classes will have competitions at the end of military training. I hope my class can achieve remarkable results and achieve good results, which will make the headmaster happy, the head teacher satisfied, and myself satisfied!

Encouraging applause (6)

Some people say that the most beautiful voice is the singer's wonderful singing voice; Some people say that the most beautiful sound is the secret language of sea creatures; Some people say that the most beautiful voice is the blessing between people in life... But I think the most beautiful voice is loud applause.

On Monday, it was our class's turn to host the "Speech under the National Flag". Six of our girls had prepared for nearly a month's dance and were going to perform on the stage. Although we had practiced countless times and rehearsed on the spot, my heart was still like a deer in a litter, and I was extremely nervous. The students who have prepared for the talent show have all come on stage to perform. It's our turn soon. I looked at the teacher's affirmative and encouraging eyes, took a deep breath, and the music slowly began to ring. I lost my nervousness, listened to the music carefully, danced with the melody, and danced. I was not nervous. The students below the stage sang loudly with our music, And with the applause, with the end of the music, we also completed the last action. The students and teachers gave warm applause, and I suddenly felt that there was nothing to be nervous about when we were performing. As long as we performed carefully, we could not feel any tension.

Although this encouraging applause was short, it made me feel confident. This applause, like a brand, was always in my heart. It helped me overcome my nervousness and learn to be brave.

Encouraging applause (7)

The colorful life needs encouraging applause, so that we can be confident and defeat one difficulty after another.

When I was 7 years old, I had not yet learned to ride a bike. Whenever I watch my good friends riding their bikes along the path, they are like happy birds flying in the sky. I envy them so much! I really want to fly with them! But... I can't ride a bike.

In order to "fly" with my good friends, I asked my father to buy me a new bike, and asked my mother to teach me how to ride a bike. At first, I didn't ride well. I just held the head of the bike firmly, but I didn't know how many meters I had to ride. The bike was like a naughty child, turning left and right, and finally I fell on the ground. My mother painfully pulled me up, brushed the dust off my body, and said to me, "Is it all right, child? It doesn't matter. When I was a child, I was just like you when I learned to ride a bike. I don't know how many times I fell. Your good friends also learned it after many times of practice.". What my mother said was very reasonable. I firmly picked up the bike and continued to train. Whenever I ride better than before, my mother will applaud for me.

After dozens of repeated practice, I finally learned to ride a bike. When I shook the bell on the handlebar, the sound of "ding bell, ding bell

If there were no words and applause from my mother, I might have given up and didn't intend to face this difficulty. In fact, difficulties are like a cup of bitter coffee. Encouraging words and applause are like a cup of sweet milk. No matter how bitter coffee is, if sweet milk is added, it will become smooth and delicious. No matter how big the difficulty is, with everyone's encouraging applause, all the difficulties will be solved.

Encouraging applause (8)

Applause is indispensable in our life. In my life, I have also won many applause, but once I will never forget the applause.

When I was young, I was very timid. My parents wanted to exercise my courage. So, encouraged by them, I signed up for the "June 1st" party in my class. It was getting closer and closer to that day. For this performance, I recited the lyrics very well, waiting for that day.

The "61" party has finally arrived! The students were performing wonderful programs, and I felt that my program was certainly not as good as theirs. At this time, I suddenly regretted that I had signed up this time.

"Liu Meixuan!" The teacher's voice split my confused mind like a bolt of lightning. "It's my turn!" Only one sentence passed in my mind. Like a snail, I slowly moved onto the platform. I felt that seventy-five people's eyes were like needles. To penetrate my body, I had to open my mouth. The tone and lyrics were already familiar in my heart, but now they are like wild animals running away. I can't catch them. I looked at the teacher helplessly, but the teacher looked at me with encouraging eyes. The teacher's eyes reminded me of my hard work in reciting the lyrics, so I don't know why, the more I sang, the more comfortable I became, and gave full play to my ability. After the performance, I made a deep bow to the audience. "Wow --" A burst of clear applause came to mind.

That round of applause gave me the strength to march forward bravely on the road of growth. Whenever I think of that round of applause, a warm current will rush through my heart.

Encouraging applause (9)

500 Words of Encouraged Applause Composition (1)

Applause composition 500 words

500 words of applause composition (1)

Applause is needed in life. To achieve achievements and honors, applause will inspire people and give them creativity; In the face of difficulties and tests, applause will give people confidence, courage and motivation. Therefore, we should learn to encourage in life: to break down for others, to applaud for ourselves, and to applaud for a colorful life. Applause, everywhere; Applause is needed every moment. Applause is wordless encouragement; Applause is the power of people; Applause is people's confidence. Failure is that others will give you applause and let you walk down the stage bravely. Encourage you to move forward next time and let you step onto the stage again. This time, maybe you will succeed, maybe „„ you will also fail „„ this will always be an indelible mark. I have grown so old, and I have tried more than once. At the last time, I thought there was no hope, but I succeeded. That time, I felt like I had two applause

From the first grade, I wanted to be the monitor. I thought I could do it, but I didn't succeed once in the fourth grade. By the fifth grade, I had almost seen through it and thought: "Well, I have failed in the past five years. What qualifications do I have to be a monitor? Anyway, I can't be elected. It's not a shame to go up and choose again. I'm already discouraged.". However, my good friend and competitor has always encouraged me to try again. Maybe it will work! This time, he seemed to give me a round of applause, gave me courage, gave me confidence, let me step on the platform again to run for monitor. After that, the students applauded for me again! When voting, I lay on the table and dared not look. After voting, my classmates told me that there were 47 votes! I am excited to cry again. I used to cry because I failed this time, and finally succeeded! Thank you! With this success, I will continue to forge ahead!

Applause composition 500 words (2)

In today's Chinese class, the teacher asked us to write the composition "My Dream". I thought for a moment, and then concentrated on writing it. After a while, I finished writing it. At this time, I looked around and saw that others were still pondering. I thought proudly: I am really worthy of "writing as a talent".

When everyone finished writing, the teacher smiled and said to us, "Who will read the composition?" The students shouted with one voice, "Ma Minghao! Ma Minghao!" So the teacher let me go on stage to make a speech.

I nervously walked onto the platform and read hesitantly. My eyes looked at the students from time to time. My heart was like jumping with a little rabbit. I was afraid that I could not read it well. The students laughed at me. The students sat quietly and listened carefully. In the classroom, they could hear each other's breathing, even the sound of a needle falling to the ground. The wind outside the window seemed to stop. The willow branches did not move. Everything was strangely quiet. It seemed that they were listening to my composition. All this gave me confidence. My voice gradually became louder. When I read something wonderful, my classmates couldn't help giving me warm applause. When I finished reading, the applause rang again, which could not be pacified for a long time.

From the applause, I read a truth: only by working hard can we get the praise of everyone and win the applause of people.

500 words of applause composition (3)

I was walking on the bamboo path when I heard a burst of applause and admiration behind me. My heart shook slightly: what a familiar applause! When did you hear such clear applause? Oh, by the way, that's primary school. In a Chinese class in Grade 6 of primary school, the teacher gave the 20th lesson "The Poor" a moving and pleasant speech with "wonderful mouth"! The sad lecture deeply touched our hearts. How kind and helpful the fisherman and Sona are! In order to deeply understand the feelings, the teacher asked a man and a woman to perform their dialogue. The teacher stood on the platform and looked at the students expectantly. However, few people raised their hands! The teacher asked two students to have a dialogue. Because they were nervous, the effect of the dialogue was not ideal. The teacher looked at the students again. "Don't you have the courage?" The teacher was disappointed to see that no one raised their hands.

In fact, I have long wanted to have a try! My heart became more and more nervous. Raise your hand or not? Can I read aloud? It's terrible to be teased by your classmates. But how can you know if you don't try? Besides, no one teased those two classmates before, so go ahead! I slowly settled down and finally raised my hand.

The teacher beamed and immediately asked another student to start a dialogue with me.

I used my deep voice and the fisherman's kind-hearted heart to talk with the girl student with full emotion. During the dialogue, the classroom was strangely quiet, just like the quiet bamboo grove. At the end of the performance dialogue, the classroom resounded with thunderous applause and tut tut praise. I sat down with a sense of relief, but my heart rippled for a long time

Through the bamboo path, the morning sun lit up my whole body. I think the enthusiasm and encouragement from the applause will make me confident and give me the strength to move forward. I wish I could give you a round of applause!

500 Words of Encouraged Applause Composition (2)

Applause of encouragement Applause is of great significance to us. It represents an affirmation, an encouragement, a support, and also a symbol of recognition and praise; With applause, it may become a powerful force to promote us in the process of struggle. If you want to get applause, you must really work hard. But in the process, you will inevitably suffer some setbacks, and also experience some hardships. There will be hard setbacks, and there will be a smooth process. Applause is not an easy thing to feel. When you expect applause from others, you should show others the results of your efforts. Sometimes, You get applause, but it can also be boos. In my life, I also received applause: after the final exam, when the teacher gave me a 100 point exam paper, the whole class applauded and cheered for me, as if I could lift the ceiling. At that time, I could not control my tear glands, so I was moved to cry. I felt that I would get applause because of my efforts before the exam and the glory brought by various setbacks, Before the Taekwondo competition, my heart beat very fast, and I was confident that I would win. So I kicked my legs, punched my fists, and defended my body vigorously in the competition. Finally, I broke through the tight encirclement and won the championship. There was thunderous applause from the audience. I was very proud at that time. I worked harder than anyone in the Taoist Temple. I would get applause, which should be because of my real efforts! In the example of getting applause, I realized a truth: "The emperor does not let the painstaking people down". As long as you are willing to bear hardships, you will succeed. Applause can push us to hope when we stand on the stage of life; Applause is recognition and praise; Applause is a kind of encouragement, but also a kind of support!

500 Words of Encouraged Applause Composition (3)

Composition about applause

Applause When we fail, applause is the most wordless encouragement; In applause, we forge ahead; In the applause, we grow up.

I was highly praised for my math in my class, but I scored 55 points in a mock exam. Looking at the dazzling scores on the test paper. The 55 points seemed to be grinning at me, as if laughing at me. Vaguely, I heard the 55 points of ironic laughter. I closed the test paper and my heart cooled a lot. This was the worst test I got in the past year. How can I face the math teacher who had high hopes for me; How can I face my classmates who always praise my mathematical genius; How can I face my parents. Every time I take an exam, my parents always ask me with concern: "Have you brought your calculator? Have you brought your draft book?" I think about that. When I got home, before my parents could speak, I sighed and said, "Maths, 55 points, I didn't do well this time, and I will work hard next time." After listening to this, my parents were stunned, and then said, "Let's eat." At the dinner table, everyone looked at the food on the table, but was in no mood to eat. They were silent.

"Pa, pa, pa..." The sound of applause broke the heavy atmosphere. I looked up and saw my father clapping and saying, "It's OK. Winning or losing is a routine thing for soldiers. You don't need to lose confidence for an exam. Come on, let's break down for you, encourage you, and inspire your confidence." After that, my mother and sister also applauded for me. I said, "I'm not so easy to be defeated. Look, I will be ashamed of myself in the next exam."

After saying these words, the applause was louder, and the loss in my heart disappeared. After we had a happy meal, I went back to my bedroom to prepare for the humiliation.

Applause is just a simple and rhythmic sound made by two hands clapping together. Applause is the greatest encouragement in the world. Applause for yourself, applaud for others, and regain confidence in the applause.


Friend, do you know the most beautiful voice in the world? That's applause. Applause can give people encouragement and confidence. Applause can also make you feel happy and happy. Applause, what a beautiful voice!

I remember that in the Chinese class, the teacher asked me to read. I stood up, my heart pounding, for fear that I would lose face in front of everyone if I could not read well, for fear that my classmates would laugh at me, the champion of reading aloud. I was about to open my mouth when my lips began to tremble. I took a long breath, calmed down, and bowed my head in recognition of Huakao Fanwen. Then I remembered the sound of "Pa Pa", and my classmates were applauding for me! My heart is full of joy. Smiling, she glanced around, and the students looked at me with approving eyes. I am proud of my straight back, can not help chuckling, my heart is more happy!

Applause gave me great encouragement and encouragement, which made me gain joy again and again and feel successful. Applause, the world

The most beautiful voice, the most beautiful music.


When others applaud me, I think of the first time that Mr. Zhang gave me applause. I will never forget the applause. When I was in Grade Two, I was very timid and didn't dare to speak. Even I seldom spoke in class. Maybe the teacher was exercising me! Every time I asked questions in class, as soon as I stood up, my heart leaped like a rabbit, my hands sweated, and hesitated to say a word or two, I sent the teacher away. Because of this, I have never been applauded and praised by teachers.

That was the first time that the teacher gave me applause and praise. From that day on, I had confidence again. I remember clearly that once, when Mr. Zhang told the lesson of "skydiving", he raised a question. What did "skydiving" say? I have already figured out the answer to this question in my mind. However, I dare not raise my hand. The teacher looked at me and I shook my head slightly. The teacher seemed to sigh from his heart. I feel sorry from the bottom of my heart. The teacher turned to call someone else, but he didn't answer. My chance came again, but my hand was raised again, like tying a sandbag. Although my hand was raised, it was raised low, almost stuck to the table. Maybe the teacher didn't see it. Another student was called. Alas, what happened today? It's really an evil school. The student didn't answer. The teacher became angry and said angrily, "Why is there no one in our class who can answer my questions?" Then he called several people and failed to answer them. The teacher was more worried, seeing the teacher like this. I mustered up my courage and raised my hand. When the teacher saw me raise my hand, it was the first time for "groundbreaking" and he called me up. I stood up and my legs shook a little. I pulled my clothes to strengthen my courage, and answered: "I think" Parachuting "is about" "I finished my answer. There was a feeling of relief. Waiting for the teacher to "judge" me. Unexpectedly, the teacher smiled at me and said, "Let's applaud Li Sujuan." As soon as the teacher's voice fell, "Pa, Pa, Pa" applauded everywhere, and the students gave me praise. I thought to myself: What's wrong with the teacher? Did I answer well? How can you applaud me? When I was puzzled, the teacher opened her mouth. She said: "Li Fang's answer is very wonderful. This is the first time that she has answered such a complete and accurate question boldly." After listening to the teacher's words, I could hardly believe my ears. Since then, I have raised my hand to speak in every class. The courage has become greater and greater, and the academic performance has gradually improved.

"Pa pa pa" applause. Whenever I hear this sound, I think of the first time everyone gave me applause. The first round of applause, I will never forget it.


Applause gives me motivation when I fail, and makes me dare to struggle; Applause give me comfort when I succeed, let me

Confidence doubled. Today, I was baptized by applause again, when the annual class cadre election was held.

I remember that it was a Friday afternoon. Life was boiling in the classroom. Everyone argued about who could be elected monitor. Suddenly, the noise came to a sudden stop. It was the teacher. Everyone immediately straightened up and waited. Look, Huang Xingyi is sitting straight with a determined expression. Look at Jiang Daxuan again, he is not so confident. He looks sad as if the end of the world is coming. The teacher went up to the platform and began to give the names of the candidates. When I was called, there was thunderous applause in the classroom

The injection of stimulants made my blood boil at once. So, in the applause, I walked briskly onto the platform and stood in the line of candidates.

At the beginning of the speech, all the candidates talked about their advantages and tried to canvass. It's my turn. I took out my speech and began to read it in a vivid voice. I lost my old timidity and wrote every word with great voice. Finally, I won a burst of applause. When the election entered the voting stage, the classroom immediately became silent, even a needle fell to the ground. This "stillness" is terrible. My heart is already in my throat. I stopped breathing for fear that my breathing might affect their voting. Finally, the ticket singing started. "No. 2, No. 2, No. 2..." The loud voice of the ticket singer echoed in the classroom. What melodious music it was! When I know that victory is in hand, I will not mention how happy I am.

I finally got my wish and became a study committee member. When the last applause sounded, I knew that the most unforgettable thing in my life was it --- applause


Applause is a bland voice that can be heard everywhere. However, there is a special kind of applause, which is encouraging applause.

There are many kinds of applause, including encouraging applause, happy applause, gloating applause, etc. However, encouraging applause is the most pleasant and pleasant. Once, I had to run in PE class. We are all at the starting line, waiting for the teacher's whistle. It can be seen that "everything is ready, except the whistle". Then the teacher whistled. I rushed out at a brisk pace and ran in the first place. I think: I may win this running race. I have been practicing running for several days, and it should pay off.

I sped up my speed, ran more vigorously, and rushed towards the end. At that moment, my shoelace was loose, and I stepped on it and fell down. "Ouch, hello!" With a scream, blood also ran out from the broken skin on my knee. Finally, I won the last but one. I limped into the classroom, but my classmates gave me warm applause. Hearing the warm applause from my classmates, my heart felt hot. I think that although I didn't win the first place this time, the applause from my classmates gave me great impetus, which made me confident in the next game and confident of winning the first place in one fell swoop.

Applause It can

Encouraging Applause (10)

Since we want to have our own sky, what extends under our feet is not only the smooth road, but also the thick fog in addition to the long white clouds.

If you want to keep abreast of the journey, why complain about the journey?

Only by roaring up to the sky and lifting the whip and hooves, can we reach an unprecedented height.

If you want to stand on the top of a high peak, you must work hard, climb up, and have courage and determination.

What gives you such motivation, such heroic words?

It is applause that enables me to have my own sky, it is applause that enables me to keep pace with the Qianlima, and it is applause that gives me the courage to climb the peak.

The applause was silent, sincere, enthusiastic, and even more enthusiastic

I remember that it was a crisp autumn afternoon. I participated in the speech contest held by the school.

A few minutes before the speech, I was still making final preparations to ensure success.

When I was making a speech, I looked at the familiar faces below the stage, but became more nervous, my heart beat very hard, and only felt my legs trembling.

At this time, the whole audience was quiet. Even the sound of flowing water by the river could be heard clearly. My heart was even more panicked. I only felt this quiet, terrible silence. Standing on the stage, I was stunned for a moment. I was at a loss. I could not speak for a long time.

Suddenly, a crisp applause came into my ears. It was him, the headmaster, who was applauding for me. He was calmly and forcefully clapping his hands, like a spring pouring into my heart, like the fragrance of a flower flowing into my nose, like a flood surging my heart.

The applause opened my mind, and the speech ended unconsciously, but the applause echoed in my mind for a long time.

Applause is the driving force for me to move forward and give me the power to continue to explore towards the peak of life.

People need applause. It can give people confidence.

Let's give it a round of applause!

To the sun, to the blue sky, to the white clouds, let them pass our hearts!

Brief comments:

This article writes that the president's "calm and powerful" applause made "I" a successful speech.

Instead of focusing on the description of the headmaster, the author focuses on the changes of his own emotions and psychological activities, which makes readers feel strongly how precious "encouragement" is!

Encouraging Applause (11)

Today is the second day of military training. The weather is even hotter than yesterday. Teacher Liang, the head teacher, has a sore foot and insists on watching our training on the big playground. Everyone is training more carefully. The contents of the training include salute, end of ceremony, deduction, dissolution, etc. The intensity of the training has also increased. One student in Class 7, who was squatting down, turned blue and vomited white, was quickly sent to the infirmary for treatment. Therefore, during the training of dissolution, a 10 minute break was adopted, and everyone was eager to drink water to replenish their physical strength, For better training.

Today's training starts from reviewing yesterday's movements, The instructor called on me to demonstrate the action I learned yesterday and asked the students to applaud if I did it correctly and not to applaud if I did it irregularly.

My heart beat so hard that I was afraid that I could not make a fool of myself, but I mustered the courage and determined to do my best. According to the instructor's oral order, I first completed the movement of turning left and right, and received bursts of applause from the students; Then I turned back and got warm applause. I was so nervous that I sweated and the instructor smiled with satisfaction. I am very grateful to my classmates for their encouragement! Thank you for your trust!

It's hard work and hard work. Because I like military training very much, I practiced the movements I learned in the house even though I was tired when I came home yesterday. At noon today, I taught my sister in grade one the movements I learned, and asked her to do them like me. So this time, I could pass the test smoothly and won the applause of my classmates.

The applause of my classmates gave me great encouragement and confidence. I decided to take part in military training seriously, try to master the essentials of each action, seriously improve the quality and ideological quality, and seriously strengthen the sense of discipline and collective concept, so as to win honor for the class! It is said that all classes will have competitions at the end of military training. I hope my class can achieve remarkable results and achieve good results, which will make the headmaster happy, the head teacher satisfied and self satisfied!

Encouraging Applause (12)

Applause, equal to encouragement; Applause, the main purpose is to make people get a kind of self satisfaction; Applause is to encourage others as well as yourself.

Applause is like a mother's big hand, pulling you up when you are defeated or frustrated. When you are frustrated, others give you applause and encouragement, which will make you see hope and regain self-confidence; Applause includes enthusiastic encouragement and boos that make people want to give up. Therefore, the key to whether applause makes people confident is whether they are sincere. There is a story like this: "There were two frogs trapped in a big well. They kept jumping and wanted to jump out. The other frogs asked them to give up. One frog gave up because he was discouraged by his partner and fell to the ground due to exhaustion; The other frog jumped out regardless of everything. It turned out that the frog could not hear. It thought that his companions encouraged him to jump out. " This story tells us that encouragement and booing from others are the key to making people decide whether to continue their efforts.

In my primary school days, I also had the experience of being encouraged and applauded. In the group relay in the fourth grade of primary school, there were 25 people in our class to compete. I was the 19th baton. Everyone in front of me rushed forward at a lightning speed. The players in all classes also worked hard, kept abreast of each other, and my former number one classmate was approaching me, As soon as I received the baton, I rushed forward with all my strength. I heard the applause of my classmates, which made me more confident! Although we only got the second place in the end, the students' achievements were recognized by everyone!

Applause is equal to encouragement. The main purpose of encouragement is to make people get a kind of self satisfaction; To encourage others is to encourage yourself! Under the influence of encouragement, they can recognize their own potential, constantly develop various abilities, and make themselves successful.

Encouraging Applause (13)

Since we want to have our own sky, what extends under our feet is not only the smooth road, but also the thick fog in addition to the long white clouds.

If you want to keep abreast of the journey, why complain about the journey?

Only by roaring up to the sky and lifting the whip and hooves, can we reach an unprecedented height.

If you want to stand on the top of a high peak, you must work hard, climb up, and have courage and determination.

What gives you such motivation, such heroic words?

It is applause that enables me to have my own sky, it is applause that enables me to keep pace with the Qianlima, and it is applause that gives me the courage to climb the peak.

The applause was silent, sincere, enthusiastic, and even more enthusiastic

I remember that it was a crisp autumn afternoon. I participated in the speech contest held by the school.

A few minutes before the speech, I was still making final preparations to ensure success.

When I was making a speech, I looked at the familiar faces below the stage, but became more nervous. My heart beat very hard, and I only felt my legs trembling.

At this time, the whole audience was quiet. Even the sound of flowing water by the river could be heard clearly. My heart was even more panicked. I only felt this quiet, terrible silence. Standing on the stage, I was stunned for a moment. I was at a loss. I could not speak for a long time.

Suddenly, a crisp applause came into my ears. It was him, the headmaster, who was applauding for me. He was calmly and forcefully clapping his hands, like a spring pouring into my heart, like the fragrance of a flower flowing into my nose, like a flood surging my heart.

The applause opened my mind, and the speech ended unconsciously, but the applause echoed in my mind for a long time.

Applause is the driving force for me to move forward and give me the power to continue to explore towards the peak of life.

People need applause. It can give people confidence.

Let's give it a round of applause!

To the sun, to the blue sky, to the white clouds, let them pass our hearts!

Encouraging Applause (14)

In the ordinary study, work and life, everyone will inevitably come into contact with the composition bar. Writing a composition is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. I believe that writing a composition is a headache for many people. The following is the applause collected and sorted out by Xiao Bian. It is a sincere and enthusiastic encouragement to write a 600 word composition in Grade 6, hoping to help everyone.

Since we want to have our own sky, what extends under our feet is not only the smooth road, but also the thick fog in addition to the long white clouds.

If you want to keep abreast of the journey, why complain about the journey?

Only by roaring up to the sky and lifting the whip and hooves, can we reach an unprecedented height.

If you want to stand on the top of a high peak, you must work hard, climb up, and have courage and determination.

What gives you such motivation, such heroic words?

It is applause that enables me to have my own sky, it is applause that enables me to keep pace with the Qianlima, and it is applause that gives me the courage to climb the peak.

The applause was silent, sincere, enthusiastic, and even more enthusiastic

I remember that it was a crisp autumn afternoon. I took part in the speech contest held by the school.

A few minutes before the speech, I was still making final preparations to ensure success.

When I was making a speech, I looked at the familiar faces below the stage, but became more nervous, my heart beat very hard, and only felt my legs trembling.

At this time, the whole audience was quiet. Even the sound of flowing water by the river could be heard clearly. My heart was even more panicked. I only felt this quiet, terrible silence. Standing on the stage, I was stunned for a moment. I was at a loss. I could not speak for a long time.

Suddenly, a crisp applause came into my ears. It was him, the headmaster, who was applauding for me. He was calmly and forcefully clapping his hands, like a spring pouring into my heart, like the fragrance of a flower flowing into my nose, like a flood surging my heart.

The applause opened my mind, and the speech ended unconsciously, but the applause echoed in my mind for a long time.

Applause is the driving force for me to move forward and give me the power to continue to explore towards the peak of life.

People need applause. It can give people confidence.

Let's give it a round of applause!

To the sun, to the blue sky, to the white clouds, let them pass our hearts!