Little Goldfish Composition Grade 4 (15 excellent articles)
Proud snow and setting sun
2023-11-09 05:09:09
fourth grade

Little Goldfish Composition Grade 4 (1)

The head of the little goldfish is dark red, with a pair of round big eyes on its head, wearing gold clothes on its body, and its belly is big, bulging, and tail is big, like two small fans. It swims freely in the water, very happy.

At first, he was a little shy. When I fed him fish food, he dared not come to eat. When I got far away, he swam to the water and ate up the fish food quickly. Slowly, the little goldfish became more and more daring, and the little goldfish became more and more naughty. Once, he was probably hungry. When I fed him, he jumped out of the water to eat the fish food before I put it into the water. After eating the fish food, he looked at me with air, as if to say: "Thank you, little master! The fish food you prepared for me is really delicious!"

One day, I suddenly found that the fish did not move in the water. I thought it was dead. I am very sad. So I went to tell my father. The father said, "It's not dead. It's just tired playing and sleeping." Sure enough, after a while, it woke up and swam happily again.

I love my little goldfish. Is my little goldfish very cute?

Little Goldfish Composition Grade 4 (2)

I raised a small goldfish, which gave me endless fun.

The little goldfish has golden skin, which is golden in the sunshine. There are five red patterns on the head and neck in the shape of fire. The naughty eyes are blinking and the big red tail is swinging. It's really like the Fuwa Huanhuan of the Beijing Olympic Games. It's very cute! Like a little prince dressed in gold and wearing a crown.

The little goldfish is my little pistachio. I often play with the little goldfish. I hid behind the little goldfish quietly first, and when it turned around, I rushed over at once, and the little goldfish was stunned by me. But after a while, it swam over again with its big golden tail swinging, and kept blinking its big eyes and opening its small mouth, as if to say: "Little master, you scared me, go and play with me!" In this way, it often made me laugh.

The little goldfish is not only very interesting, but also very brainy!

Whenever at noon, my father and mother were having dinner, and the little goldfish stayed in the fish pond, it seemed that his mouth watered when he watched us eating the "delicious meal". I looked at it and stared at me as if to say: "Little master, I'm hungry, can you give me something to eat?" I calmly grabbed a handful of fish food and walked over. It shook its big golden tail and winked at me. When I put the fish food into the fish tank, it looked at the fish food floating on the water, and used its milk strength. One day, it did not eat the fish food, but also washed away the fish food. It found a fish food and washed away the fish food. It only saw its eyes turn, as if it had come up with a good solution. It carefully came to the fish food, slowly approached the fish food, and ate it at once. At this time, a smile appeared on the little goldfish's face.

Look! This is my lovely little goldfish!

Little Goldfish Composition Grade 4 (3)

In the summer vacation, my mother bought me six small goldfish. They are very cute. They have round heads, big eyes, bulging bellies, golden yellow all over, scales glittering in the water, and tails like a big fan. How beautiful they are! Every day I feed them, change their water, and observe their living habits.


Swimming is the strength of the little goldfish! Otherwise, how can they live in water! The little goldfish swim beautifully. The gills are like fans, the fins are like oars, and the fish tails are like beautiful ribbons, constantly swinging in the water. They are playing and playing in the water, looking carefree.


Alas, when it comes to eating, they are very exciting. The fish looked up high and high, staring at the food bag in my hand. They were not afraid, and rushed to the food. Their mouths opened and closed, and they ate food one by one. After swallowing the food, they vomited small bubbles. I suddenly thought of a question: Do goldfish have teeth in their mouths? So, I checked the information on the Internet. It turns out that there are no teeth in the mouth of goldfish, but the teeth grow in the throat, called "throat teeth". The goldfish finished the food in two or three seconds. While eating, the fish wagged their tails excitedly, splashing small drops on my face and table!

Change water

Goldfish will discharge a lot of feces every day, so it is necessary to change the water frequently. The water must be dried in the sun and left for a day. Goldfish are very clean. If they don't change the water one day, the next morning when they see it, the little goldfish are not energetic and happy. If they change the water, on the contrary, they will be "lively" and happy!

Little Goldfish Composition Grade 4 (4)

In the cool autumn weather, I made an appointment with some friends to take a walk by the lake.

The sun shines on the lake. The water is sparkling, and sometimes fish jump out of the water. It turned out to be a group of lively and lovely goldfish. Goldfish have red and yellow, colorful, chasing the sun, playing, very lively. I like it so much that I can't wait to get some out. Unfortunately, the little fish is too cunning. My hand hasn't touched the water yet, and the fish has already run away.

So I couldn't wait to rush home and beg my mother to help me buy goldfish. Soon, my mother came back with a big blue basin. I "whoosh" and rushed over, "wow" five beautiful little goldfish! Two golden ones, one wearing a flower robe, and two wearing black battle robes, just like two black generals.

I carefully moved the fish to a large fish tank, where two fake seaweeds were placed, and the bottom layer was paved with colorful small stones to create a warm home for goldfish. The little goldfish happily spits bubbles and swims back and forth.

I make friends with fish every day. She feeds the little goldfish, cleans the little goldfish's home with her mother, and sometimes makes various decorations for the little goldfish's home.

Later, several goldfish were added, but my favorite was the first five. The smallest eye is "flower fish". The big red and white tail is like a big fan. It swings up and down in the water with great agility. The two black generals are the most powerful. They are all black, just like ink. The most beautiful are two "goldfish". The whole body is glittering with a pair of transparent blister eyes, and the top is dotted with two white dots. At first glance, I thought it was a "little professor" with four eyes.

Happy time in autumn, accompanied by me and my little goldfish.

Little Goldfish Composition Grade 4 (5)

My little goldfish I raise two little goldfish, one tail is like a three pointed two edged knife, called "Miyagi"; The other tail is like a tiger hunting steel fork, called "floating red bear". They are about 6 or 7 cm long, lively and lovely. Therefore, I like them very much. They have big red cheeks and round big eyes on their heads, but the eyes of Miyagi are prominent, while the eyes of the floating red bear are shriveled. Both of them have fins on their backs and bellies. The tail is like a steering wheel, controlling the direction. Miyagi swims very fast, and the floating red bear swims very slowly. Sometimes they stop quietly at the bottom of the water without moving. Sometimes I swim happily in the water. They occasionally jump out of the water and very high. I feed them every three days. Whenever I feed them, they quickly swim to eat the "delicious food" I prepared for them. Once, I put the animal toys in the "Ocean World" into the basin. The two little guys were scared to swim everywhere. I couldn't help laughing at the way they looked. When I stopped, they stopped at the bottom, motionless, as if looking at me. Seeing their funny appearance, I couldn't help laughing again. But one day, two small fish jumped from the pot to the ground, hurting their vitality, and they are no longer as smart and lively as before. I hope Miyagi and the floating red bear will always be alive and more agile and lively than before.

Little Goldfish Composition Grade 4 (6)

My family has two cute little goldfish. They are my animal friends. There are many interesting things about them. I like them very much!

Every day, when I feed them, they surround my hands and try their best to find food. In order to compete for a piece of fish food, they will hit each other with their bodies. The most powerful thing is to jump up from the aquarium and sink the other person to the bottom. But nobody noticed that I put another fish in it.

The two fish are different everywhere, just like "enemies". One big, one small; One white pattern, one black pattern. One swims slowly, like a gentleman, while the other swims as if he is in debt for several hundred million yuan and runs away with his life. But they have many similarities. Big belly and big eyes. When frightened, one swims faster than the other.

Our fish are very clever.

Whenever I want to change the water in the aquarium, I will get them out. They are unwilling to leave the aquarium, so they swim around the aquarium quickly, as if they can get rid of us. But I caught him in the end. It must be thinking: How can it be faster than me? If it knew that I hadn't taken a step, it would certainly not do any useless work around the fish tank.

This is my friend - goldfish.

Little Goldfish Composition Grade 4 (7)

Grandma gave me three small goldfish, one is red, one is white, and the other is flower. They are my good partners. Goldfish of different colors are kept in a small aquarium. When the sun shines, they are colorful and beautiful.

The little goldfish has black eyes, like black gemstones shining; The scales on the body are shining, red like agate, white like silk, and flowers like watercolors; The tail is like a soft fan, swaying and swaying with the body movements, so that goldfish can move freely in the water.

However, there is a very strange thing that I found goldfish didn't close their eyes when they slept! At first, I thought the goldfish was dead and almost cried. My father comforted me and said, "Don't worry! Goldfish won't die. They are sleeping."

When I first received the goldfish, I didn't know what they liked to eat, so I shared with them what I ate, such as bread, steamed bread, beef, etc. However, they didn't seem to be interested at all. They came close and smelled, then turned around and swam away, as if to say, "Hey, she likes these things. Why did she feed them to us?"

Later, I finally knew what they wanted to eat, fish food! I put the fish food into the fish tank bit by bit, and the fish scrambled to grab it. They swallowed the fish food in one mouthful. Now, feeding fish is my best job and my happiest time.

Little goldfish are my good friends. I will raise them well.

Little Goldfish Composition Grade 4 (8)

On my eighth birthday, my mother bought me three goldfish. A goldfish is black all over, I call it "all black", a goldfish is golden all over, I call it "the sun", and a goldfish has a little red on its head, and other places are black, I call it "a little red". They are just different in color and identical in appearance. Big eyes, a mouth that keeps spitting bubbles, a triangular tail

Once, I accidentally moved the fish bowl, and they seemed very afraid. Maybe they thought the sea was strange.

Goldfish are active during the day and sleep at night. When I woke up one day, I found that they all opened their eyes and did not move. I thought they were dead and very sad, but when I thought about it, the dead fish turned white. I went to ask my father and mother, and they didn't know why. I went to check the information, only to find out that fish have no eyelids, so they can't close.

When they eat food, they are ridiculous. If they don't eat, they will not eat at all.

Goldfish have strong regenerative ability. I accidentally cut the tail of a goldfish from the middle. After a period of time, it will be better. I can't see the trace of cutting.

In order to let me keep the fish well, my mother borrowed many books in the library for me to read. These books let me know a lot about fish.

This fish farming has taught me a lot about fish farming, and also made me, a person who doesn't like fish, like fish!

Little Goldfish Composition Grade 4 (9)

On the windowsill of my living room, there are two "fish houses" where my little fish live. Three big goldfish live in the big "fish house", and two small anchovies live in the small "fish house".

One of the big goldfish in the big "fish house" is red, and the other two are golden yellow, very beautiful. Only a few days after they came to my house, I saw their characteristic - timidity. Any disturbance around the fish tank, or we speak louder in the living room, will frighten them. Some hid behind the stone in a hurry, and some bumped into the fishbowl recklessly. The water in the fishbowl was splashed onto the windowsill by them. Why are they so timid? I really can't handle them. However, it's fun to scare these cowardly fish occasionally!

In the small "fish house", there are two anchovies, one male and one female. I named them "thin little red" and "fat girl" respectively. Every time I go to see them, they swim to me. As long as I feed the fish, they will quickly swim to the food and soon eat everything. Do you think they can eat very well? Sometimes I would throw a thread into the fish tank to tease them. They thought it was food, and they swam excitedly to touch it with their mouth, only to find that they could not eat, and then turned around and swam away. What two greedy fish!

I like my little fish. They bring me a lot of fun. I hope they have a good time in my home.

Little Goldfish Composition Grade 4 (10)

There are two cute and lively goldfish in my fish tank. One is Heihei, the other is Huahua.

The whole body is black, as if painted with black paint. The eyes are very big. They are bulging like two light bulbs. In addition, I also found that goldfish's eyes are unblinking. When they sleep at night, their eyes are still wide open. The black belly is as big as my father's, but it can also highlight the cute black belly. The most interesting thing is its tail, just like a black butterfly. As long as it swims, the "black butterfly" will "fly" with it, especially beautiful.

Heihei and Huahua looked friendly, but when I fed them, they seemed to be enemies, and they would not let anyone. Once, when I spilled fish food, Heihei and Huahua seemed to smell the fragrance and began to look for food. At this time, Huahua suddenly saw the food. He aimed at the target. Suddenly, it opened its big mouth with a lightning speed. Suddenly, the fish food disappeared without a trace.

Heihei and Huahua sometimes fight, but sometimes they also play like children.

I also raised several hanging orchids in the fish tank. I wanted to purify the air, but it turned out to be an amusement park with black and white flowers. Look, they are circling around a hanging orchid. How interesting!

Heihei and Huahua are really naughty and cute. I really like them.

Little Goldfish Composition Grade 4 (11)

My family has welcomed two new guests. The glass jar is their home. They swim happily in the water all day. Now, I don't need to tell you who they are. Yes, they are goldfish.

A goldfish is red. It swims slowly, but it is more active than anyone in grabbing food. I often wonder, it always swims so slowly. When did it practice lightness skills? It wears a red hat and red clothes on its head, which looks like an ancient bride. The other one is golden. A pair of blister eyes, open mouth like the letter o. The golden scales sparkled in the sunlight.

Once, when I went to see them, I suddenly found that the red goldfish was missing. I was worried. Look carefully, a tail is exposed outside the rockery. Maybe he wants to play hide and seek with me. I carefully removed the rockery, and a goldfish swam happily in the water. I threw some fish food and saw a 60 meter sprinter running towards the end of the fish food like an arrow. A red glow drifted past my eyes.

I like these two goldfish very much. But a week later, they were killed by their brother. It's really a pity.

Little Goldfish Composition Grade 4 (12)

With a small body, a pair of big eyes on the head, and a smart big head, I run around in a small aquarium every day. That is my most lovely little goldfish.

The cleverness of the small goldfish is more shown in its playing and eating.

The little goldfish is very skillful in eating. As soon as I put the fish food down, it slowly rises from the bottom, and then touches the food with the part above the mouth, as if to see if it can be eaten. Then he jumped up, opened his mouth in the air, threw himself at the food and swallowed it. Then he sank to the bottom to enjoy his delicious food.

The game of water goldfish is more interesting. What they like most is to play a race. Two little goldfish compete several times each other, and they don't run very fast. They often catch up with each other, and the scene is very interesting. But the little fish are very honest, and never a fish goes to the shortcut in the middle of the super fish pond. In addition to running, the little goldfish also likes to play handstand. The "handstand" of a small goldfish is to touch its tail against the bottom of the pool, lift its head up, and stand vertically at the bottom of the pool. Although it sounds very simple, it is very difficult for the little goldfish, because the tail of the little goldfish is not very powerful.

The little goldfish is so smart and interesting. I like this little partner very much!

Little Goldfish Composition Grade 4 (13)

My family has a fish tank with rockeries, small trees, beaches and many shells. Illuminated by the light, it is sparkling and colorful, just like a small underwater world.

In this beautiful world, there are three cute little guys - three goldfish. The big one is fat and strong, called Feifei. The smallest one is the smartest, called Congcong. There is also a beautiful color, so it is called Meimei. The three of them live in harmony, just like a family.

The three little guys are really cute. The eyes on the head are bulging, just like two big light bulbs, which look bright and energetic. An "o" shaped mouth is always bubbling happily. Their tummies are chubby, and their backs are inlaid with orange, white and golden scales. When they swim, they sparkle, just like wearing a glittering pearl dress. The two fins on their chest are like two oars, which help them paddle and make them swim. They are very cute. But the most beautiful one is their tail, which is composed of three colorful petals, just like a fashionable princess skirt. Especially when swimming, it is a blooming chrysanthemum.

Feifei, Congcong, Meimei and I are good friends. Whenever I go to feed them, they will swing their tails and swim happily to the water surface. They will stare at big eyes and open their mouths while eating and greet me. But these little guys are very stupid, and they never know what "full" is. If you keep feeding it, it will burst its belly. I used to have one like this. Therefore, I can only feed them a little at a time.

Look! How lovely my little fish is!

Little Goldfish Composition Grade 4 (14)

My family keeps a group of lively and lovely small goldfish. They have a black fish scale, like wearing a piece of armor. Every time they shake their bodies, they always seem to brag: "Do you think my clothes look good?" Their brain bags are also inlaid with a pair of big round eyes, "O" shaped mouth, and they are constantly singing in the water. The small fish has fins like two fans under its belly, which can help it to march freely in the water! The most beautiful is the tail of the little goldfish. It looks like the gauze skirt that Snow White wears. When it swings the gauze skirt, it looks very beautiful!

My goldfish are very shy. Whenever I feed them bread, they are like timid little girls. When my father, mother, grandfather and grandmother and I left, the little goldfish ate up the bread. I remember another time when my classmates and friends came to my home to see these shy and lovely little goldfish. A minute ago, I saw them fighting for bread. But later, a little goldfish saw my classmate coming and opened its mouth. Other little goldfish looked up curiously when they saw the little partner's mouth opening. When he found that someone was there, he also put down the bread. When the students left, the little goldfish scrambled again. I picked up the bread angrily. When I was about to take it away, I looked at their grievances again, as if to say, "Dear master, don't take it away, don't take it away, can you? Give me another chance." I thought about it, and then I tore up the bread and put it back into the fish tank. This time, they didn't compete any more. Instead, they enjoyed the delicious food in a friendly way and soon wiped out all the bread. It seems that my little goldfish are still a group of food!

This is my little goldfish. Do you like my little goldfish?

Little Goldfish Composition Grade 4 (15)

I like raising fish since I was young, and I have raised many kinds of fish. So far, there are six cute little goldfish in my cylindrical fish tank.

These small goldfish have different shapes and colors. There are red ones, white ones, red and white ones, golden ones, and two black ones. They swim in different ways, which is very interesting. You see, that red crowned crane is just like the bride at the wedding. It is beautiful and elegant. It swims with a bit of arrogance. Maybe it is too beautiful! Look at Miss Crown. She is golden all over. Her gossamer tail is bigger than her whole body. When she gently swings, she looks like a fairy coming down to earth. The black one is called Lion's Head. It is round and round. It seems a little hard to swim, but it has a calm and gentlemanly manner. When these six small goldfish swim together in a fish tank covered with water plants, they really have a special interest, not less than that wonderful dance.

The most wonderful scene is the little goldfish eating. When I put a pinch of fish food into the water, six small goldfish changed their usual slow and gentle attitude, and rushed forward with quick reaction. It's unbelievable. Sometimes, because the turning is too fast, the body is almost turned over. Even so, it will not affect them to pounce on the fish food, and they will swallow the fish food with half leaning back. They often knock people upside down in order to fight for a fish and insect, which makes people laugh.

My little goldfish is lively and lovely, which adds endless fun to my life.