Spicy Taste (4 in general)
have experienced all sorts of hardships
2023-11-06 04:06:07
primary school

Spicy Taste (1)

Everyone's childhood is full of ups and downs. What I want to tell you today is the unforgettable "spicy".

It was an exam. I thought this exam paper was similar to the midterm, but I didn't take it seriously. I finished in a hurry. When I looked at my watch, I found that there was still a lot of time left. I thought to myself that such a simple paper would not need to be checked carefully, so I simply checked it once and began to play.

When I got home from school, my mother asked me, "How was the exam?" I said proudly, "It's very simple. I can get 100 points."

Finally, on the day when the test paper was handed out, I got a look. How could I only get 89 points but not even 90? I felt like being struck by thunder.

I went home dejected, and felt fifteen buckets of water in my heart - up and down, and took the test paper to my mother. My mother said seriously, "Why didn't I even get 90 points this time? What happened?" I lowered my head in shame.

Although my mother didn't hit me or scold me this time, my face was still hot. I should not be conceited or careless in the future. I should know that modesty makes people progress and conceit makes people lag behind.

Spicy Taste (2)

Sour, sweet, bitter, hot and salty, the taste changes every day. You must have tasted all kinds of flavors. So do I. But the taste of "hot and sweet" was too deep for me to forget.

When I was young, I went to my grandpa's house to play in the summer vacation. On that day, only my grandfather and I were at home. When I saw my grandfather reading a newspaper on the sofa, I wanted to pick an apple for him to eat. I ran to a green apple tree and reached out to pick the lowest apple. Just when I met it, the apple fell down on its own, hit my head and rolled into the mud. I was so regretful that I had to stand on tiptoe to pick a higher apple and grabbed it with all my strength, Pulling down, I fell to the ground. Fortunately, I picked the apple, but it was not easy!

I looked at the green apple in my hand. I thought it was not ripe, so I began to worry and worried. God helps me! Suddenly, I saw a pepper field nearby. I thought to myself: The pepper is not red. I can just paint pepper on the apple! That's a great idea! I ran excitedly into the pepper field, pulled up and picked many peppers, and painted them on the apple. After a lot of painting, the apple really turned red miraculously.

I ran into my grandpa's house and handed him the apple. "Grandpa, this is the big red apple I picked. Eat it!" My grandpa happily took the apple and just bit it, he frowned. I'm confused. What's wrong? "Grandpa, I picked the apple from the immature tree. When I saw the pepper beside it, I put a lot of it on it. Isn't it sweet?" Grandpa swallowed the apple with difficulty and said to me with a smile, "The apple is very sweet, thank you!"

When I grew up, I realized that the apples on that tree were originally green, and I also understood the consequences of adding so many peppers that the apples turned red. I know more about Grandpa's selfless love for me. Grandpa said to me later, "Although he ate hot apples, he was sweet in his heart." It's the so-called "hot and sweet" taste!

Grade 5: Wang Kaixuan

Spicy Taste (3)

Sour, sweet, bitter, hot and salty, the taste changes every day. You must have tasted all kinds of flavors. So do I. But the taste of "hot and sweet" was too deep for me to forget.

When I was young, I went to my grandpa's house to play in the summer vacation. On that day, only my grandfather and I were at home. When I saw my grandfather reading a newspaper on the sofa, I wanted to pick an apple for him to eat. I ran to a green apple tree and reached out to pick the lowest apple. As soon as I met it, the apple fell down on its own, hit my head and rolled into the mud. I was so regretful that I had to stand on tiptoe to pick the higher apple, Pulling down, I fell to the ground. Fortunately, I picked the apple, but it was not easy!

I looked at the green apple in my hand. I thought it was not ripe, so I began to worry and worried. God helps me! Suddenly, I saw a pepper field nearby. I thought to myself: The pepper is not red. I can just paint pepper on the apple! That's a great idea! I ran excitedly into the pepper field, pulled up and picked many peppers, and painted them on the apple. After a lot of painting, the apple really turned red miraculously.

I ran into my grandpa's house and handed him the apple. "Grandpa, this is the big red apple I picked. Eat it!" My grandpa happily took the apple and just bit it, he frowned. I'm confused. What's wrong? "Grandpa, I picked the apple from the immature tree. When I saw the pepper beside it, I put a lot of it on it. Isn't it sweet?" Grandpa swallowed the apple with difficulty and said to me with a smile, "The apple is very sweet, thank you!"

When I grew up, I realized that the apples on that tree were originally green, and I also understood the consequences of adding so many peppers that the apples turned red. I know more about Grandpa's selfless love for me. Grandpa said to me later, "Although he ate hot apples, he was sweet in his heart." It's the so-called "hot and sweet" taste!

Spicy Taste (4)

In daily study, work or life, everyone has been exposed to composition. Composition requires a complete text structure, and must avoid the appearance of open-ended composition. I believe many friends are very upset about writing compositions. The following is a carefully arranged composition of Xuejing High School: "hot and sweet" taste, for reference only, let's have a look.

Sour, sweet, bitter, hot and salty, the taste changes every day. You must have tasted all kinds of flavors. So do I. But the taste of "hot and sweet" was too deep for me to forget.

When I was young, I went to my grandpa's house to play in the summer vacation. On that day, only my grandfather and I were at home. When I saw my grandfather reading a newspaper on the sofa, I wanted to pick an apple for him to eat. I ran to a green apple tree and reached out to pick the lowest apple. Just when I met it, the apple fell down on its own, hit my head and rolled into the mud. I was so regretful that I had to stand on tiptoe and pick a higher 'apple'. I caught it with great effort, Pulling down, I fell to the ground. Fortunately, I picked the apple, but it was not easy!

I looked at the green apple in my hand. I thought it was not ripe, so I began to worry and worried. God helps me! Suddenly, I saw a pepper field nearby. I thought to myself: The pepper is not red. I can just paint pepper on the apple! That's a great idea! I ran excitedly into the pepper field, pulled up and picked many peppers, and painted them on the apple. After a lot of painting, the apple really turned red miraculously.

I ran into my grandpa's house and handed him the apple. "Grandpa, this is the big red apple I picked. Eat it!" My grandpa happily took the apple and just bit it, he frowned. I'm confused. What's wrong? "Grandpa, I picked the apple from the immature tree. When I saw the pepper beside it, I put a lot of it on it. Isn't it sweet?" Grandpa swallowed the apple with difficulty and said to me with a smile, "The apple is very sweet, thank you!"

When I grew up, I realized that the apples on that tree were originally green, and I also understood the consequences of adding so many peppers that the apples turned red. I know more about Grandpa's selfless love for me. Grandpa said to me later, "Although he ate hot apples, he was sweet in his heart." It's the so-called "hot and sweet" taste!