Composition 50 (16 practical)
Rose with thorns
2024-05-21 06:45:46

Composition 50 (1)

After dinner this morning, my mother taught me to wash the dishes. I made a modest contribution to my family, and I was very happy.

First, put the used bowl in a large basin, pour water into the basin, mix well, and then pour detergent. After the detergent bubbles, use a brush or dishcloth to brush the dishes. After brushing, use clean water to rinse. After two or three times of rinsing, use a cloth to wipe dry. Finally, put the bowls in the cupboard in order.

I have learned to brush now. I will do the dishes every day, do something within my power in the family, and be a good child that my parents like.

Composition 50 (2)

In order to be selected to participate in the sports meeting, I got up early this morning to practice running with my mother. When my mother called me in the morning, I still felt sleepy, but as soon as I got out of the door, fresh air came to my face, and I woke up at once. The air in the morning was so good! We ran in the community. I saw grandparents exercising, and some middle school students had left for school.

At noon at school, Mr. Wang asked us to have a match on the playground to select people for the sports meeting. I was selected to participate in the 100 meter run and long jump. I will work hard to get good results and win honors for our class!

Composition 50 (3)

It was drizzling in PE class, and I was in a bad mood. I don't want to play any games.

I took a friend to run around the playground. I felt better without knowing it.

The heart cried, "Rain, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go bigger, let's go bigger!"!

It seems that God has heard my expectation, and the rain is getting bigger and bigger, and the rain is hitting me. After a while, my hair was soaked by the rain, but my friends and I were very excited. We looked at each other happily. Then play.

In this way, we ran in the rain for 45 minutes, shouting and laughing.

Composition 50 (4)

Today is the weekend. It's sunny. My parents took me and my brother to the forest park for an outing.

Walking into the forest park, there are a lot of people. Looking up, the small trees on the hillside are row by row, like small forest guards. We walked along the winding path until we reached the top of the hillside. At the top of the hillside was a small square where many children were blowing bubbles. Colorful bubbles floated freely in the sky. It was very beautiful! I stood on a high place and looked down. The winding path lay like a huge dragon on the hillside.

I like this beautiful forest park.

Composition 50 (5)

Today, my parents and I went to the pear garden to see the pear flowers. The pear flowers in the pear garden are very white.

It is as white as a sea and as if it had just fallen snow. To my surprise, there is a large peach tree at the end of the pear garden. Peach blossoms dyed the sky red like rosy clouds. When a gust of wind blew, peach blossoms looked like butterflies flying in the wind. The petals of both pear and peach are five. But peach and pear flowers have no taste. On our way home, I also saw a lot of rape flowers. They were golden and beautiful! How beautiful spring is! Spring is really a warm and blooming season.

Composition 50 (6)

Little rabbit has long ears and short tail. Like to jump around, like to eat radish and cabbage. It is cute and naughty. Sometimes he races with the tortoise, and the tortoise always wins. Children, do you know why?

Composition 50 (7)

A day of sadness.

Three seconds' friendship.

A year of optimism.

Unlimited joy.

First grade: gun

Composition 50 (8)

Look at the light rain outside the window

splash splosh

Who is louder than

Grandpa Lei plays the big drum

Feng Baobao wanders around

Flower bows her head and covers her ears

The grass talks and laughs

Ah, how beautiful

Grade 6: Cherry blossom and plumage

Composition 50 (9)

The song of grass.

Too thin and too small.

The canyon said, "Come, let me send out your song."

All spring.

It's all grass.

Green songs.

Grade 6: Xu Yuting

Composition 50 (10)

Willows and willows dance with the wind among the flowers. They are not afraid of no one.

People fall with the flowing water, and the flowing water rolls away several times in spring.

Butterflies in spring embrace fragrance, and willows dance with the wind.

Senior 3: Wang Xuedan

Composition 50 (11)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

I will play tomorrow.

Why don't you study hard

Only study hard.

Can win honor for the class.

Danzhou, Hainan, Nada Town, Danzhou, Hainan Province, Grade 3 and Grade 4: Wu Ze

Composition 50 (12)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

The red plum will not yield.

The trees set the wind and snow.

Baimei is still lonely and proud.

Hide from the hidden fragrance.

The yellow plum blossoms are pretty on the branches.

Charming and colorful.

All kinds of plum blossom together.

Winter adds color.

Grade 6: cool summer night

Composition 50 (13)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

I like the beautiful 'lotus'.

Blossoming on the pond.

The wind blew in gusts.

Just like a graceful girl dancing in a green flower skirt

Grade 6: Purple Moon Summer Lotus

Composition 50 (14)


In retrospect.

It's like a picture.

A beautiful picture!


This is a good memory.

Often appear in my 'mind!

It has been deeply engraved on my heart!

Grade 5: Xue Wenwen

Composition 50 (15)

Stars, starry sky, beautiful starry sky. You are always so beautiful. You are like a lamp. You shine warm in people's hearts. Sometimes you are like a naughty kid. Sometimes you joke with people, but never make people tired. You blink your tired eyes in the late night. You always want to fall asleep. But you still light the pedestrians, the teachers, and a couple of lovers to see the direction so that they won't be forced by the darkness, You should sleep till tomorrow night when you are still bright.

Composition 50 (16)

My mother signed up for me to learn swimming in the summer vacation. Today I went there and got a lot of things. The class started at 4 o'clock. The coach first said a few requirements: no urination in the water, no littering, no blowing the float too big, easy to burst, etc. The coach first taught us to hold our breath, put our head into the water first, and not breathe with our nose, otherwise we would choke. After practicing for a while, the coach took us to a long slide, which leads to the water. I was a little nervous and afraid when playing. I dared to go down. It was fun, and I played several more times. It's too hot. It's so comfortable to stay in the water. Time passed quickly. After class, I took a shower and changed my clothes and went home.