Subtle Love (20 Collections)
Remaining sound
2024-02-12 04:41:03

See the truth in details (1)

Mother is a lamp, illuminating the road ahead for us; Mother is a gust of wind, blowing away the heat around us; Mother is a drop of water, which moistens our dry hearts... And mother's love for me is reflected in every bit of life. These details are full of mother's deep love for me!

It was the scorching heat. When I saw the scorching sun outside, I could not help frowning. I thought that I would walk home in the sun later. I really wanted to stay at school like this. My friend seemed to see my mind. "Let's go," he said helplessly. Looking at the red sun, I could not help sighing. I bravely walked out of the school gate and suddenly saw a familiar face. It was my mother! I ran over and saw her holding a cup in one hand and a parasol in the other. "Is it hot?" She asked with concern. "I'm afraid it's too hot when you go home, so I'll come to pick you up. Drink it quickly! I spent the afternoon making this cup of lemon tea, and I also iced it in the refrigerator for two hours. It's cool to drink, and it's just right for you to heat up!" Hearing my mother's words, my heart could not help but feel very warm. I took the cup from her hand and took a sip. It was delicious. "How delicious!" I suddenly looked up and saw my mother smiling like a child, smiling so sweetly, and I also saw drops of sweat on her face, and my heart was moved. When I came home, my mother held an umbrella for me. As usual, she always put the umbrella close to me. A shadow under the umbrella enveloped me, but she was sweating from the hot sun... The details of life are full of my mother's love!

It was raining, and I was hot all over. My mother stood beside me anxiously. She was sweating all over her face, and big beads of sweat fell from her face. But my mother did not care to wipe it. She always held a bag of medicine in her hand, and a cup in the other hand. She gently put the medicine into the water, slowly stirred it with a spoon, carefully poured in the boiling water, and finally blew it with her mouth. "Good, take the medicine!" Mother said gently. Seeing my reluctance, she coaxed me patiently. Listening to her gentle words, I feel much better. "How comfortable!" When my mother patted me to sleep, I was almost no longer uncomfortable, and gradually fell asleep... When I woke up the next morning, I saw my mother smiling at me, her eyes were full of red blood. I recalled how my mother fed me water when I felt uncomfortable last night; How did my mother coax me to sleep when I couldn't fall asleep; Whenever I feel uncomfortable when I am touched by the pillow, how does my mother help me move the pillow... A glass of water, a sentence, a small action, these details are full of my mother's deep love for me!

Recalling the past, whenever I failed in the exam, my mother came to encourage me; Whenever I was criticized by my father, my mother came to coax me; Whenever I kick off the quilt, my mother comes to help me cover it; Whenever I

Little by little in life, every action, every word, every sentence conveys my mother's love for me. The details are full of my mother's love for me!

See the truth in detail (2)

The rain is still falling tonight. It is sad and desolate. But even at this moment, recalling my mother's love for me, my heart is as warm as the sun. It has always scattered all the worries in my heart, but the scar on my mother's leg has become an indelible pain in my heart

That afternoon, it began to rain heavily, hitting my face and even causing some pain. The wind blew relentlessly, blowing out my hope. "Why hasn't my mother come yet?" It was getting late, and the street was lit with warm lights, but it could not dispel my sadness. I curled up alone in the cold corner of the campus, complaining about the ghost weather, and that my mother was late!

At this moment, my mother finally arrived, but it seemed too late. On the way, my mother had been standing a little in front of me. The oncoming wind was blocked by my mother's body, and she turned around and said good words; "@ @ Ah! Mom actually went out early. On the way, she found it was raining, so she had to go home to get an umbrella. When she came out again, she was afraid that you might worry, so I stepped up. But I slipped accidentally. It was too painful to get up. Don't believe you see my scar?" Then she bent over and pulled her trouser legs. I turned my head and muttered, "I fell. What are you looking at? Is it glorious?" There was even some blame in my tone.

Mother began to say nothing, but held the umbrella handle tightly with both hands until she reached home.

When I got home, I slammed the door angrily, and sat on the chair. The white moonlight hit the windowsill, and the cold white light of the desk lamp burst into a discordant atmosphere. At this time, my mother gently pushed the door open, gave me a cup of hot milk, and gently said: "It's cold in rainy days, don't freeze!" My mother turned to give me a smile, and gently closed the door, The mother said softly, "Good night, don't be angry."

My heart suddenly trembled. I even began to resent what I had done before. My unfilial behavior made me ashamed. After a while, I walked out of the room and saw my mother smearing. God! My mother's leg broke a big piece. I asked my mother with heartache: "Mom, did I fall down to meet me?" My mother saw me like this, smiled and said: "It's nothing, just a little skin scratch, nothing important." My inner repentance, shame, warmth and emotion burst out here, tears fell down without success, and moonlight spread on the table, Just like a child's fragile skin, the orange light in the living room makes people feel extremely warm, and the mother's subtle love, although not so impressive and shocking, but all the details show your love for me.

The scar on my mother's leg was unfilial when I was young. Now if I repay my mother.

See the truth in details (3)

In the cold winter, a narrow alley is full of warmth, and a lamp emits warm light.

After school, the girl got on her bike, turned around and looked at the empty campus and rode home. It was dark, and the moon was hidden among the clouds and refused to come out. The stars hide in the clouds like urchins.

Riding, a alley has appeared in front of the girl. The girl plucked up the courage to go forward and try to ride. She pricked her ears to listen to every movement. She was frightened by a fallen leaf and felt cold all over her body.

The alley is like a bottomless cave, stretching forward. The darkness made the whole alley terrifying. I listened attentively. It was so quiet that I could only hear the beating of the girl's heart. Fear is like an invisible giant hand, swallowing up hope. In an instant, it has already disappeared.

Suddenly, a light appeared in the distance of the alley, flashing in front of the road. The girl turned pale with fear and felt hopeless. Driven by curiosity, she continued to ride forward at a slower speed than before!

The light expanded little by little, and the front of the alley was also illuminated. Finally, the girl saw clearly that there was an old man sitting beside the road, carrying a lamp. In the dim light, the girl carefully looked at the old man's face. The old man's face is full of wrinkles, his eyebrows are locked, and his eyes are muddy. The old man, with white hair and sideburns, is a kind face. The old man is illuminating the way forward for people coming and going.

Every day after that, the old man would go to the roadside to wait for the girl, so that the girl would no longer be afraid and would light the way for her. There is almost no talk between the girl and the old man, only the spiritual connection between them. Day by day, with the passage of time. The old man is getting older and haggard day by day. Everything is changing silently.

Throughout the winter, the old man took photos of the road for the girl every day. One day, the old man was still waiting by the roadside. She smiled and called to the girl and handed her a letter. The girl found the old man's hands trembling and her eyes glistened with tears. Surprised, the girl took the letter and waved goodbye to the old man.

Since then, the girl never saw the old man again. After asking around, she learned that the old man had died, and the girl's heart was empty and cool. She opened the old man's letter, gently took out the letter paper and savored it. The old man's words were crooked and illegible: "Goodbye, child!" Every word on the letter was changed again and again, which seemed very messy.

Dead trees sprout and iron trees blossom; When the cold winter is suddenly warm, the fire is extinguished and reignited. The warmth between the old man and the girl melted the cold of the whole winter.

See the truth in details (4)

Sit at your desk, open your bag, and slowly pull out the homework to be done. It was piled a foot high on the desk. The calendars on the stage, red circles on the days, red and gorgeous, hurt my eyes.

"Tomorrow is the midterm exam," I whispered softly. Since I was in the third day of junior high school, the subtle tension often stung my heart like a bug - I couldn't get rid of it.

This semester, after the school disrupted all our students in the third day of the junior high, we were re divided into classes, and our friends were scattered elsewhere. Looking at the new classmates and new faces in the new class, I felt disappointed and could not find a bosom friend.

Instead of the endless fun in the third day of the junior year, and the wide open air chat and ridicule, everyone of these new students has changed. The male students are very gentlemanly, and the female students are also many ladies. Only my restless heart is surging

Mother came in gently and put her mobile phone on the table: "The teacher has sent a message. I don't know if I can take a look at my mobile phone for homework."

Looking out of the window, there was a thick cloud in the sky. Clouds are floating slowly in the sky, and the moon is always invisible. The dark night is pressing in my heart, just like this pile of homework pressing in my heart. The heavy study in the third day of junior high exhausted me.

Impulsively grabbed the mobile phone on the desk and wrote a letter: "The exam is coming, have you reviewed? I wish you all a good result! -- Luo Zhuoyue" was sent to friends in the second day of the junior high.

Calm down and begin to do homework. Suddenly, the mobile phone beeps incessantly. Immediately, I received replies from former friends from all sides. "Luo Zhuoyue, if you want to become a master, you can't hold yourself high. Let's work together!", Immediately warm and moist. The spirit was also shocked. The dark sky seems to be full of laughter and encouragement from friends.

Outside the window, I don't know when the moon pushed away the heavy clouds and looked at me with a smile. I thought that they would not reply if they had heavy homework, but in this flying youth, they still have a tacit understanding and a heart to heart. At this moment, I deeply know that our past friendship is perfect and true!

See the truth in details (5)

Sit at your desk, open your bag, and slowly pull out the homework to be done. It was piled a foot high on the desk. The calendars on the stage, red circles on the days, red and gorgeous, hurt my eyes.

This semester, after the school disrupted all our students in the third day of the junior high, we were re divided into classes, and our friends were scattered elsewhere. Looking at the new classmates and new faces in the new class, I felt disappointed and could not find a bosom friend.

Instead of the endless fun in the third day of the junior year, and the wide open air chat and ridicule, everyone of these new students has changed. The male students are very gentlemanly, and the female students are also many ladies. Only my restless heart is surging

Mother came in gently and put her mobile phone on the table: the teacher sent a message. I didn't know that I could take a look at my mobile phone for homework.

Looking out of the window, there was a thick cloud in the sky. Clouds are floating slowly in the sky, and the moon is always invisible. The dark night is pressing in my heart, just like this pile of homework pressing in my heart. The heavy study in the third day of junior high exhausted me.

Impulsively grabbed the mobile phone on the desk and wrote a letter: "The exam is coming, have you reviewed?"? Wish everyone a good result! Luo Zhuoyue sent them to his friends in the second day of junior high school.

Calm down and begin to do homework. Suddenly, the mobile phone beeps incessantly. Immediately, I received replies from former friends from all sides. Luo Zhuoyue, if you want to become a master, you can't hold yourself high. Let's work together! Yes, many skills are not practiced, but forced. So they are forced to do well in the exam tomorrow. Looking at their humorous and funny replies, my heart was like a warm wind blowing through the sky in March, suddenly warm and moist. The spirit was also shocked. The dark sky seems to be full of laughter and encouragement from friends.

Outside the window, I don't know when the moon pushed away the heavy clouds and looked at me with a smile. I thought that they would not reply if they had heavy homework, but in this flying youth, they still have a tacit understanding and a heart to heart. At this moment, I deeply know that our past friendship is perfect and true!

See the truth in details (6)

Motherly love is like a bright lamp, which can light up the road ahead when you are in pain and make you not lonely and dark. And filled with your true feelings.

In the evening, my mother and father had just finished dinner and were watching TV while eating sweet yellow honeydew melon! But my "Ouch" broke the precious harmony and sweetness. Then came bursts of severe pain from the bottom of my neck. I frowned and thought: This is the third time. I rubbed my neck gently, eh? How hard! I tried a little hard, ah! What a pimple as big as peanuts! I was surprised, "Mom, I have a pimple, I see. My mother must be worried about me. Tomorrow, I will take you to the hospital.

The next morning, my mother pulled me out of bed and said, "Hurry up, or else I won't be able to hang up the number!" After a hasty breakfast, she pulled me to take the subway. My mother's dark circles under her eyes were even darker, and she must have stayed up all night last night. On the subway, she touched the knot on my neck from time to time and said, "Is it still painful?" "It's still a little painful." I replied, I can feel her helplessness and deep love for me. Mother kept comforting me not to be afraid, but at the same time, did she comfort herself? I was a little suspicious that every time she touched her, she could feel her hand trembling slightly.

When I got to the hospital, the pungent smell made me hold my nose. Ah! A sea of people poured out like a crowd. The cry of children and the voice of adults gathered together. People crowded together. The queue was like a long dragon flying in the hospital. Looking at the long dragon, we sighed helplessly and stood at the end of the queue. I looked at my mother. Her originally radiant face became dim, and her bright eyes were covered with blood. Looking at her bitter face, I understood what she was hiding from me. In fact, my mother had been caring about me meticulously. When we lined up, my mother was already very sleepy.

The truth can be seen in every detail. Although your love is not as shocking as an epic, it is everywhere in every detail, and I will always remember it.

See the truth in details (7)

In life, there are many subtle actions. Have we ever paid attention to them? The truth is often in the life of the tiny bit by bit.

On Saturday, I went to the art class in the studio, where Mr. Zhu liked me very much. Once, we were going to draw a sketch of children, which was a very difficult cartoon character. Mr. Zhu asked me to shape myself first, but I was very confused. I thought: Mr. Zhu is my favorite teacher, and every time I want him to see the best of me, what if I can't shape well! When Mr. Zhu saw that I had been hesitating to write, he seemed to have guessed my mind and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here, and I'll help you correct it." My heart warmed, but I still didn't dare to write. My hands trembled slightly. When Mr. Zhu saw me like this, he looked at me and said, "What's wrong with you?" I closed my mouth and looked at my feet. He said, "Tell me the truth, OK? Do you think it's difficult?" I thought a little, shook my head gently, "Why don't you paint?" This time, I didn't answer quickly, but grabbed my clothes tightly with my hands, Hesitate to tell the truth.

"Afraid!" Finally, I decided to tell the truth to Mr. Zhu. He said, "What are you afraid of? You know what? When I was in college, my first class was handwork, and I had to make a piece of work called concave and convex face. That small piece of paper, if the carving knife made a mistake in one place, the work would be ruined. I was even more nervous than you are now. I felt that I must not do well and would leave a bad impression on the teacher. But what can we do except carve? So I thought about it carefully, and then I did it slowly and carefully. As long as you are serious, you will not do too badly. So, don't put too much pressure on yourself. You just need to feel that you have done a good job. You know what? "

"Hmm!" After listening to the teacher's words, my heart lit up like a sun. "Well, after thinking about it clearly, sit down in a quiet place and draw slowly, even if you only draw a head, it is good." Teacher Zhu patted my shoulder and walked away. I calmed down, sat in a quiet corner and slowly painted. After drawing a head with my heart, Mr. Zhu came up and said, "Look, isn't it very good? Don't be too modest. Be more confident in the future. Come on, go home and practice hard."

Teacher Zhu's words have been echoing in my ears. These words seem to be very subtle and ordinary, but they planted a seed of confidence in my heart, which reflects teacher Zhu's concern for me!

See the truth in details (8)

Truth is the most beautiful word in the world. But some people complain that they didn't get the truth. They just put the material things that can reflect the truth, but they didn't cherish the present. They didn't have it, but gave it up. Even if it is just a tiny act of accompanying people when they go out, it can also reflect the true feelings.

I once read a story

A father's son was admitted to a university. At that time, his son was preparing to pack his luggage because he was going to school soon. There was a strong wind outside the window, beautiful snowflakes were dancing wildly "listening to music", the earth was covered with snow, and the weak sunlight made people's eyes ache.

The father was smoking on the chair. Seeing his son who was about to open the door, he said, "Let me take you to the station.". The son was surprised. Because he, who has seldom talked with me, offered to send me off. The son replied, "No, it's not far from the station anyway.". My father stood up and said dryly, "I'm going to borrow something from someone else's house. I'm just on the same road.". The son knew his father was not so kind, so he just looked at him naturally, and then opened the door and went out.

The father walked in front of his son, and without looking back, he just walked forward. When the son saw that all the visitors were parents who helped their children carry things, he also greeted them with concern. At this time, the son could only follow his father. The son always wondered why other people's fathers were so kind to their own children, while their own destiny was so miserable.

The son continued to walk behind his father, looking at his father in front, as if he saw a stranger. When the station arrived, the father stopped, but still did not look back at his son who was coming. The son got on the bus with his luggage. When he sat down, he saw his father standing for a while and then walked back home. The son doesn't understand. Isn't he going to take things? At this moment, he understood his father's intention and knew that taking things was just a kind lie. Looking at his father's back, his eyes were full of tears

In life, seeing off is not uncommon, but we just lack a pair of eyes to discover beauty. In fact, this truth has always been——

There is truth in every detail.

See the truth in details (9)

If we want to talk about big things in life, maybe everything else is trivial except life and death, but small things can also be full of truth.

"Why are you playing with your mobile phone again? Don't you see it's almost time for the exam? Can't you go to review your eight subjects? Look at your eight subjects. Your reading is so poor, shouldn't you read more extracurricular books? Holding your mobile phone all day, is it so fun? If you have time to play with your mobile phone, you can read more of your books. I think you can live without your mobile phone...?" My mother's words poured into my brain like a floodgate. The small flame in my heart suddenly erupted like a volcano. Even the potted plants outside the window noticed the anger in the room, hung their heads down, shook and swayed

"What is playing with mobile phones? Playing with mobile phones will also have many things worth learning! For example, if I read a novel, there are many good words and sentences in it, I know I will learn! You know how to tell me, why don't you go to see your brother!" The words that have been deposited in my heart for a long time, have not been filtered or edited by the brain, and all of them are said in my heart. But on the other side, he just hung his head and sighed. When I saw this, my heart was moved in half and shook gently. When the breeze blows, the relentless autumn wind seems to be silently criticizing my unreasonable behavior. Although not vent.

The rippling waves and white clouds suddenly made it time to go to school again. "Are you rich? Did you have enough last time?" It seems that my mother heard the catharsis in her heart today. When she told me, she was gentle, soft, talking and laughing. But like a small stone, it fell into the lake and rippled in circles

Your words are sometimes harsh and sometimes warm, which makes me angry and angry, but also feel warm. Your concern is never expressed in words, but you care about me, love me and help me in a small act.

However, when I think about it later, I know that you are only worried about my study, afraid that I will fall; Worried about my eyes, afraid that it will be hurt... Your hard work has hurt your heart by my thoughtless words. How can I be so foolish

Ah, mother, you gave me life and brought me up. I really appreciate it. Here you are. I want to say: "Mom, I love you all my life!" Although maternal love is not magnificent, she always shows her true feelings in details!

See the truth in detail (10)

Time flies, and every past event has become my good memory. But there are several events that I can never forget, that is, the subtle actions.

Grandma not only takes care of me, but also does a lot of housework. She wears herself out. That's why, after a long time, Grandma had high blood pressure and had to lie at home to rest. I didn't know that at that time. I watched my grandmother lying in bed all day long and thought to myself: It's such a time, why doesn't my grandmother get up yet? At noon, my grandpa was still working, and my stomach was growling with hunger. I said to my grandma: Grandma, I want to have lunch. Grandma said kindly: Grandpa hasn't come back yet. I yelled angrily: Can't you do it for me? Grandma didn't even think about it. She said: OK, I'll do it for you. Grandma sat up from the bed and shook her head to clear her mind. Grandma soon began to cook, and it was not long before she finished cooking. Grandma shook and swayed. I was afraid that she would fall. She quickly brought the food one by one. I swaggered out to eat and kept saying: this dish is too salty, that soup is too weak. But my grandmother said calmly: I have high blood pressure, just put up with it. Hearing this sentence, I immediately felt extremely ashamed. Grandma was ill, and I asked her so. My tears were about to burst out, but Grandma touched my head and said: It doesn't matter. Grandma should take care of you. I will never forget Grandma's care for me.

I remember when I was in the fifth grade, my head teacher's surname was Wang. One day, I got laryngitis, so painful that I couldn't even drink water. Miss Wang saw my laryngitis in class. After class, Miss Wang took me to her office and went to buy tea eggs and soy milk for me. But who knows, there was nothing for sale at the school gate at that time, and Mr. Wang walked around several streets to buy it for me. Moreover, the teacher uses his own meal time. I asked the teacher: Teacher. Did you have your meal? The teacher said: I eat, you don't have to mind. The teacher said so, but I know the teacher didn't eat. After I finished eating, the teacher touched my head and asked me about my sore throat several times. I can't figure out why the teacher can treat me so well.

These two things, these two little movements, touch my head twice, as if engraved on my heart. Father, mother, you gave me life; Grandpa and grandma, you have taken care of me for more than ten years; Teacher, you gave me knowledge. Without you, there would be no me. Thank you for your meticulous care and care for me.

See the truth in details (11)

Grandpa saw the little boy curled up on the edge of the overpass, and slowly walked there. The little boy was wearing a torn dress and dirty shorts at the corner. Obviously, he was a little beggar. There was no point in the old hat on the ground. He put his hands around his legs and his head in front of his chest. He could not see his face at all.

I found that passers-by ignored the little boy. I found my change and was trying to hand it over, but the bad smell of his body forced me to return.

In the cold wind, the old man's torn cotton padded clothes were blown up by the wind. He took out two crumpled pieces of one dollar from his oily pocket, took back one of them, and trembling put the other dollar into the little boy's hat. Just ten centimeters from the hat, he paused, bent down and put the money in.

Grandpa did not give much money, but he must have fought in his heart.

This one yuan can buy two steamed buns; Can buy a bottle of water; He could buy a small piece of bread... But he didn't leave the dollar, but gave it to a person who was more pitiful than him.

See the truth in details (12)

The sky was so quiet that I could not help but be upset. Outside the window, the balcony was full of my mother's work achievements, piles of clothes, which blocked my vision, as well as the ever standing red plum, which stood alone. For a long time, I slowly began to write, and thousands of thoughts came to my mind. Suddenly, I was so excited that I could not write. I recalled those small scenes on the road of life in my mind; Whenever I go home, I drag my tired body to the door. My father always opens the door. Then, when I step into the house, my parents watch me enter the house, and then close the door carefully.

Although this is just a trivial act, I can see from it that my parents' unknown love is like a cup of refreshing tea, which is not as fragrant and strong as coffee, nor too sweet and greasy as drinks. What it pursues is just a clear and light touch. It often makes you forget it when you still react to it, but it can leave you cool like the breeze. It's as cool as the breeze blowing on your face, with endless aftertaste. Such fragments full of unusual love can be found everywhere in my life: I always turn on the light in front of me in the dark, hand over a pair of gloves in the cold weather, give up my break time at noon to spend time with me in the wind and rain, and send a word of comfort to calm my mind when I am worried. How ordinary and great it is. Recalling my various shortcomings, my heart is full of remorse, asking myself, I do have a little bit of sorry for my parents, the sea of my heart has become sparkling, difficult to calm. I swear silently in my heart that I will let my parents worry less in the future. Suddenly, I came back to reality from the recollection. The pen had fallen straight on the white paper. My heart was no longer hesitant. I firmly wrote down the details to see the truth. The spark of inspiration was out of control, and I fell into the sea of writing

My love for my parents has become more and more harmonious, becoming a good friend who talks about everything. I also learned from it that love does not have to be so earth shaking, so sacred and great. It is often the more you can see the true feelings in every bit of life, or in an inadvertent action, or in every detail.

See the truth in detail (13)

Recently, I went to Beijing by train and found that Xuanhua Station had undergone some changes. The waiting room of the station was equipped with an electric water heater. I remember that when I took the bus to the waiting room to fetch water, it was still a thermos bucket. The water temperature was not high. Sometimes it disappeared after drinking. Sometimes it was not good to eat instant noodles. In order to let passengers drink hot water, we can often see the staff pushing a water cart with two boiling buckets on it to deliver water, which is extremely inconvenient and easy to burn the passengers and personnel around.

Now, hot water is available 24 hours a day, and passengers can drink hot water at any time, which saves both manpower and material resources. And when people draw water, as long as they observe carefully, they will find that no matter how much you draw, the water temperature remains the same, 100 degrees Celsius, but the water volume changes. A few days later, people found that the water heater had been raised again. Many passengers gathered around to fetch water and looked at the new equipment. Although it is a small improvement, it has brought great convenience to our passengers. The railway service is really meticulous and considerate.

I think our passengers should give Xuanhua a "like". In addition, one-way revolving doors are installed on the east side of the waiting room, from which passengers can get out of the waiting room to the square and ticket office, which greatly facilitates passengers. Obvious marks were made around the door, saying "One way exit, pay attention to safety". In order to see if I can enter the waiting room from the outside, I tried again. It really worked. The door turns in one direction, and the entrance is blocked by a guardrail. When I went to Xuanhua Station to buy tickets, I saw that the ticket office was equipped with security equipment and security personnel, which also made us feel safer.

Although it is necessary to pass the package before entering or leaving the station, I don't think it is troublesome because safety comes first. We people understand. The security personnel carefully check the passengers' luggage and parcels. They have to pass large and small bags, and they also use the security equipment to detect the passengers from time to time. The truth can be seen in the details. It can be seen that Xuanhua Station is changing. Anyway, we people support it. I hope you will continue to work hard!

See the truth in detail (14)

Last week, my father scolded me severely because I didn't dress in cold weather. I contradicted him and haven't spoken to him for several days. It happened that his crow mouth was right. When his mother told him that I had a cold, he said with glee: "How about it? I don't listen to the old man, but I suffer. I'm still a middle school student. Even animals are inferior. Many animals in the animal world also know how to prevent and treat diseases..." The more I said, the worse it became. "Don't you mind." I ran into the room and closed the door with a bang.

Later, under my mother's "reconciliation", I promised him to send me to the hospital. My father didn't look any better, which made me feel worse.

He drove me to the village medical center on a motorcycle. The wind blew fiercely, stabbing me in the face like a dagger, and my hands were heartbroken with cold. He seemed to feel my discomfort. He stopped the car, took off his gloves, slightly sidetracked his face, and said to me in an imperative tone: "Wear it!" "But you......" I knew that if he didn't wear gloves, driving would be more painful than me. "Sit down and stick to my back." I could hardly tell, so he started the car. I had to put on my gloves, and a warm current flowed into my heart. My father's gloves were as big and warm as his father's hands! Father straightened his back. I've never seen my father's back so straight, like a mountain, blocking the cold wind for me. I hugged his waist gratefully.

When he came to the village medical center, his father kept rubbing his hands and breathing. His hands must be bitterly cold. When the doctor was ready to inject needles for me, my father said: "Doctor, please be gentle, the child's hands were frozen when he came." The doctor smiled and said: "You are really a good father!" Many people looked at us, which was probably envy! I feel very happy. After dribbling, my father found a thermal bag from somewhere and handed it to me. "Take it, keep warm." Then he asked me what I wanted to eat. I really don't want to let him suffer. "I don't want to eat. You can have a rest." But he smiled and said, "Wait! I'll be back soon!" At this time, I think my father is much older. His face is full of wrinkles. A smile will bring people a sense of vicissitudes. I really regret that I didn't obey! I tried to hold back my tears. After a while, my father appeared in front of me with a hot steamed bun, "Eat quickly, don't be hungry." The steamed bun's hot air rushed into my face, looking at my father's bent back in the hot air, my eyes were moist again.

Although his father is usually careless, his heart is so subtle.

When I got to school, my father took out a bag of things and said, "This is cold medicine. You should eat it on time. You are afraid of hardship. I bought sugar and ate sugar after drinking the medicine. This is chilblain cream, this is..." At this moment, I could not help but burst into tears.

See the truth in detail (15)

Whether in study, work or life, we are inevitably exposed to composition, which is a speech activity with a high degree of comprehensiveness and creativity. What kind of composition can be called excellent composition? The following is the 650 word narration of the first grade composition of the junior high school, which is organized by the small editor for everyone. Welcome to share.

Home is the nest where lonely geese yearn, the shore where ships dock, and the root where fallen leaves return.

Once, I like home; Now, I rely on home; In the future, I miss my family. Home is an inseparable part of my life. They gave me too much.

There have been a lot of examinations since the third day of the junior high school, and the students around us worry about their scores in the exams. Once we were not familiar with the world, we began to haggle over the scores.

A few days ago, I didn't sleep well because I was preparing for the exam. Either I'm burning the midnight oil, or others are burning the midnight oil. Only I'm sleeping. But I slept very restlessly, because I was still thinking: How can I sleep when others work hard! This kind of delay soon reached midnight. I still insisted on fighting hard, but I didn't notice that the light in the opposite room was still on.

I can't help complaining about why adults can do what they want, without being bound by time. Even late at night, they can stay tired and lean against the bed to watch the seductive TV series, or sit at the computer desk and chat attentively. So, I began to fight with myself. If you don't sleep, I won't sleep either. Time is still passing, it is already early in the morning. However, I still have a lot of papers to write when I'm not in the homework state. Eyes slowly drooped, leaning against the table, and did not want to move. At this time, my mother came into my room silently with a cup of hot milk in her hand, gently woke me up and told me to finish drinking. At that time, I was not in the mood to drink milk, and went straight into bed. She stood still for a moment and left.

The second night, time is still like this cycle. I still carry the lamp and fight hard. But tonight, my mother brought the hot milk into my room early and put it on the writing table. When I tired myself down, I noticed that the light in my mother's room was still on. So I turned off the light and went to sleep happily. After a while, the opposite light also went dark. At this time, I understand. Why does the light in my mother's room always stay up late? Because she can only fall asleep when she knows that I am sleeping well, and she will smile when she sees that I have drunk the milk she made with her own hands.

Finally, in that sleepless night, my tears poured out like a tide. Countless regrets flashed through my heart. But the past has been unable to change, so I can only work harder and use my achievements to repay her my favorite mother.

Home is my warm harbor, my strong backing and my ardent expectation.

See the truth in detail (16)

The dark clouds and the freezing rain were blown in by the cold wind, and the cold rain poured into the curtain cloth blown by the wind and soaked the pages. I looked up from the book and looked out the window at the winter evening scenery. The distant scenery was covered in a light white mist. In front of me was the wet city, and the continuous rain was swayed by the howling wind.

My eyes were drawn back, and my mood was bad with the weather. The first place in the carefully prepared singing and dancing competition is not my fault again. I have no intention of reading, so I can only listen to the rain impatiently, and let the rain hit my face and my heart. The air seemed very dull, only I was beating my chest and stamping my feet.

Mother pushed the door in, and I buried my head.

"Kid, do you have something on your mind?" Her kind face appeared in front of me, and the wrinkles around her eyes were vaguely visible. I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes. "No, nothing...". She suddenly smiled, revealing pearly white teeth. Her hair was messy in the wind. She raised her hand and closed the window with difficulty. The raindrops were supposed to spill in, but they were blocked by this horizontal object. They were hanging pitifully sideways and scratched water marks. "Can you cheat me?" She pulled out a chair from behind, sat down, leaned slightly and opened the curtains. In the cloudy sky, nothing can be seen but the rain and the trees blown by the wind. But she said to me, "Look, what a beautiful moon." Her beautiful look made me feel that she really met the moon. She smiled mysteriously around her mouth, "She is behind the clouds, waving to you? Although you can't see her, someone can see her, her beautiful glory." She looked down at me again, her eyes shining with joy, and my heart was happy, relaxed, and more comfortable than ever. "She may not be seen and evaluated by everyone, but if someone sees her, she also knows her charm." She stood up and smoothed my hair around my ears. "You are the best of yourself!"

Her smiling eyes were warm and proud, and I felt like I had taken a tranquilizer. Yes, I have become a better self, maybe only I can see it, but I have been satisfied, with a poetic and distant. The rain is still falling, and the moon behind the clouds is emitting beautiful light

See the truth in details (17)

The bird will grow up one day, and it will fly far away. The wolf will also get away from their relatives one day. Facing the challenges of nature, the fish will grow up one day, and go to live in other lakes... Everything in the world is the same, but they will return to their hometown one day to repay their parents. Aren't we? Go home to visit your parents no matter how far you go.

Every Chinese New Year, one day after the big day, we will go back to our parents' home. This is a rural custom. In short, we go home to visit our parents, just the parents of our mother.

Every time I go to Grandma's house, I feel very happy because Grandma treats me best. Every time I go there, she is always kind. I usually go there to play with my brother, sister, sister and brother. After all, children are children. I'm afraid they can only play. We can't understand what adults say. We always have snowball fights outside and pinch snowmen... The cold snow always turns our faces red, our hair silvery, and turns into water and disappears under the sun.

When we had enough trouble, we went back to the house and asked our grandparents to wash our faces with hot water and drink some water. After playing, a group of us fell asleep, and adults were still talking. After a while, I was awakened by the nightmare, and my face was frightened. At this time, my mother hurried to comfort me. The dark hair has been inlaid with silver threads, and there are a few wrinkles on the once beautiful face, but the dark eyes still remain unchanged. Her eyes smile like a round of curved moon. She smiled and comforted me. Her eyes were full of kindness and a kind of inexpressible feeling, as if she loved me. Her once red and plump lips gradually became dark red, losing luster and beauty. Mother is getting old. She is getting older and older, while we are getting stronger and stronger. We are growing and our parents are getting older. Isn't it like exchanging their youth for our youth? I don't want to, but what can I do about it? Everyone is like this! In retrospect, she was combing my hair, wiping my face with a towel, and telling me before going to school... These details, which I had never noticed, deeply contained my parents' love for me, but I forgot so carelessly, and didn't care... Now when I recall such subtle actions, I feel that everywhere is full of love and care.

I feel love from the subtle aspects of my parents' care for me. Do you feel friendship from the subtle aspects of your friends?

See the truth in details (18)

It was a Sunday. I was going to take an interest class. My mother suddenly grabbed my bag and began to rummage through the boxes and cabinets. I was puzzled and thought: Eh? What's the matter, Mom? What's my responsibility? What are you looking for? But as soon as I glanced at my watch, I was in a hurry - class was five minutes away! " Mom, class is coming soon. Give me the bag quickly! "As I lowered my head and put on my boots, I yelled at my mother in a hurry. It seemed that I saw my mother put something in my schoolbag. I didn't care about it. I rushed to grab the bag and looked at my angry face. Just as my mother wanted to explain something, I was covered by my" bang "of closing the door. Even the zipper of the schoolbag was not properly pulled.

I rushed out of the house and ran quickly on the road. Suddenly, a crystal rain fell on my nose. Then it began to rain more and more, like beans falling down. I had no choice but to speed up my pace and continue to run. I watched the children on the edge still laughing under the umbrella. My heart seemed to be cold like the weather outside······

Just listen to "Pa". I stumbled and fell heavily because of the slippery road. The zipper of my schoolbag was also broken, and a striking blue umbrella fell from my schoolbag to the ground. What's going on? How can I have an umbrella in my schoolbag? Did my mother put it in? When I thought of this, I felt like I had knocked over a bottle of Schisandra, which was full of ups, downs, bitters, and salty. I held up the umbrella my mother gave me and ran into the interest class.

After class, my heart could not be calm for a long time. My heart was full of warm currents and turbulent waves. It turns out that love can also be hidden in subtle places... I walked home with the umbrella my mother gave me. I was not happy, and scenes flashed in my mind like a movie: every time my mother went out, she would constantly tell me: "son, be careful when crossing the road, look at both sides; My mother always carefully picked out the fish bones when I ate fish; My mother always brings me a cup of hot milk when I do my homework; Every time my mother reminds me of these past events, she no longer hates her mother's nagging. Suddenly, his nose became sour, his eyes turned red and his tears fell like pearls.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, as if God is crying for this great maternal love.

Love doesn't need to be spectacular, it doesn't need to cry, it's like a glass of water in the desert, a piece of paper when crying, these are all love. Love in the subtle, subtle see the truth!

See the truth in details (19)

Since junior high school, with the growth of age, I have learned more and more things. Slowly, my temper has grown gradually, and I have quarreled from time to time. The distance between me and my parents has been widened. There are few common topics, either studying or taking exams. Life is full of nagging, criticism and complaining. Sometimes I think they don't love me anymore. But that time, it made me understand clearly that, no matter what, we are all pieces of meat that fell from our mothers, and we are their favorite.

"Mom, come here quickly and help me find my pants," I shouted.

"Oh! Come on," my mother always said.

After a while, my mother came to my place and rummaged in the wardrobe. She found a pair of black old sports pants with a sound of "tearing".

"This one!" Mom said to me with the clothes

I frowned, looked down and said, "No, it's too ugly."

"What's wrong? I think it's good." Mother questioned very much.

"Too ugly."

"You can't wear it!" Mom's face was a little ugly

"No!" I said stubbornly

My mother suddenly became angry. She grabbed the pants, threw them on the bed, raised her hand, and hit me. While hitting me, she said, "Some clothes are good, but I don't like the east or the west..." I bit my lips, but I didn't cry

It was getting dark. It was ten o'clock before I knew it. I turned off the light, turned on the blue light of Little Bear, and gradually fell asleep

I don't know how long later, I woke up from my sleep with the "squeak" of the door opening. I opened my eyes and saw a familiar and vague figure in my vision. After a careful look, it was my mother who had quarreled with me. She walked gently to my bed, looked at me, and carefully covered the quilt with her hands, It seems that I am afraid that I will wake up from my sleep. Gently, help me cover up every place. Finally, touch my face with your hand, and then gently turn around to leave

At that moment, I really understood that no matter how my mother criticized me or scolded me, it was for my good. Suddenly, tears came from the corner of my eyes, and I put my head into the quilt, sobbing

Mom, in such a small place, your love has surrounded me and accompanied me to grow!

See the truth in details (20)

There are 800 words of true love composition in every detail - time flies, and every past event has become my good memory, but there are several things that I can never forget in my life, namely, those "subtle actions".

Grandma not only takes care of me, but also does a lot of housework. She wears herself out. That's why, after a long time, Grandma had high blood pressure and had to lie at home to rest. I didn't know that at that time. I watched my grandmother lying in bed all day long and thought, "It's such a time, why doesn't my grandmother get up?" At noon, my grandfather was still working and still hadn't come back. My stomach was growling with hunger. I said to my grandma, "Grandma, I want to have lunch." Grandma said kindly, "Grandpa hasn't come back yet." I shouted angrily, "Can't you do it for me?" Grandma said without thinking about it, "OK, I'll do it for you." Grandma sat up from her bed, shook her head and cleared her mind. Grandma soon began to cook, and it was not long before she finished cooking. Grandma shook and swayed. I was afraid that she would fall. She quickly brought the food one by one. I swaggered out to eat and kept saying, "This dish is too salty and that soup is too weak, "Never mind, Grandma should take care of you." I will never forget Grandma's care of me.

I remember when I was in the fifth grade, my head teacher's surname was Wang. One day, I got laryngitis, so painful that I couldn't even drink water. Miss Wang saw my laryngitis in class. After class, Miss Wang took me to her office and went to buy tea eggs and soy milk for me. But who knows, there was nothing for sale at the school gate at that time, and Mr. Wang walked around several streets to buy it for me. Moreover, the teacher uses his own meal time. I asked the teacher: "Teacher, did you eat?" The teacher said: "I ate, you don't have to mind." The teacher said so, but I know the teacher didn't eat. After I finished eating, the teacher touched my head and asked me about my sore throat several times. I can't figure out why the teacher can treat me so well.

These two things, these two little movements, touch my head twice, as if engraved on my heart. Father, mother, you gave me life; Grandpa and grandma, you have taken care of me for more than ten years; Teacher, you gave me knowledge. Without you, there would be no me. Thank you for your meticulous care and care for me.