Confusion (16 popular articles)
When I was young, my clothes were thin in spring
2023-12-06 09:16:56
Junior two

Confusion (1)

Very confused, very confused

What for? You have been consistent for eight years

Who is it?

Let you be infatuated

Some curiosity

I want to see the man in your heart

Very confused, very confused

Because of what? You put down everything


You said, "Let go and remember, let go, just because you don't want to lose."

Maybe I understand


You try to forget him and yourself

Just to get him

Better place it in the vacuum


Confusion (2)

This autumn looks more complicated and long. Where the wind passes, the withered and yellow maple leaves rustle down. The sun sets in the west, holding the shadow of the sun on the ground.

Like this season, we in the second year of senior high school will slowly lose our aura and prepare for the arrival of winter. In the state of hibernation, we look forward to the arrival of new "dawn" creatures in spring, and finally enter the intense entrance examination stage in summer.

In the meantime, I had a very strange dream, adding an episode to the noisy life. I vaguely remember that I fainted on the sandalwood floor somewhere in my dream, and I didn't know it on the way to the hospital. I only remember the calm promise of saying "call an ambulance for me" to the aunt next to me before fainting, and the promise of two people with me in reality! Later. Later, the teacher went to write a prescription for me, and my mother stood beside me. My empty eyes and blank expression looked at me, and the dim and bright light shone on the cold operating table. When I thought I would be pushed into the operating room, I felt uneasy.

The scene switches to the deserted desert. When my mother suddenly thinks that she hasn't taken the medicine yet, she pulls up my legs and kicks, and then Sayako runs away. The teacher took two green pills out of the big plastic bag, told me to swallow them without water, and repeatedly told me to take them three times a day on time, otherwise I would faint again.

The scene was switched to the back door of Jinli Grand Hotel again. The teacher told us to get together again for a meal in the evening, then we got on the boyfriend's van and went away. I am like an ugly, lifeless puppet, running with my mother's lead. Although the lake in my heart has already been turbulent, the kind of anxiety, the kind of hesitation, walked into the elevator with my mother's hurried pace. At that moment, I could hardly believe what I saw with my own eyes. Fear immediately covered my whole body, and all the active cells in my brain could not work normally at this moment. The men and women in the elevator were dressed in Qing Dynasty clothes, the women were smeared with thick spices, and the thick rouge powder filled the corners of the elevator. The bright red color on the lips was extremely bright, making people tremble. Wearing a beautiful bun, she showed the round beauty of her face. She stood in a crowded elevator with three inch feet like golden lotus, out of place. Men are wearing dragon robes and dragon crowns. How angry they are! Everyone in the elevator plays their own roles.

After getting off the 38 bus, I finally want to get out of the breathless weird elevator. The dark and wide parking lot is all around. The place where I can't see my fingers is like a car rather than a car. Once I turn around, my mother disappears. An old man takes me to the noisy market. Suddenly, there is no sign. I nervously gather the medicine in my pocket, I'm afraid I will faint in this fishy place. After a long time, I asked the uncle next to me. Do you know where grandpa is going? Uncle took me to the uphill direction, and the lights slowly lit up in front of me. Red lanterns were hanging outside the ancient towering houses. I looked at the wretched uncle and asked, "Where is Grandpa?" He stepped back to "Wanchun Tower". Then I saw the fat faced procuress.

Confusion (3)

The cicadas shout warmly, and summer has already arrived.

This is the 15th summer of my life, and I am 17 years old.

Summer should be a glorious season. Everything is growing crazily, forgetting breathing, pain and purpose. It is just a crazy growth, hoping to grow to the appearance that you think you are very powerful, and use it to overlook the whole world.

The age of 17 should also be such a season. We grow up desperately and like to transform the world with indifferent things. Maybe every one of us in this season is a master of imagism. We are filling the age of 17 with abstract sadness and empty and ethereal blanks.

As if they had been arranged in advance, all the experiences we need to experience in the process of growing up are gathered at the age of 17, which should be wonderful. At the age of 17, we are desperately injured, desperately absorb, and accumulate strength. Then we hope to grow up perfectly at the age of 18 and enter the adult world.

"Growing up is a happy process, or just for the sake of growing up happily," I once told myself, but who knows? When I was young, I always hoped to grow up quickly, but now

Growing up means giving up, giving up those beautiful temptations that we once thought were the best, and then shuttling back and forth in one and another beautiful temptations that are not beautiful at all, just for the sake of that beautiful thing called responsibility, will you forget when you grow up, forget those that we once thought were the most innocent, just think that I can enjoy it, have a rest, forget the ideal, forget the struggle, Forgot to insist. That's too cruel for me to accept.

Wandering between the world of growing up and the world of children, we were all confused, so we ran desperately without direction, living in a fictitious world, sad and helpless, so we grew up crazily, hoping to protect ourselves, transform the world, and no longer helpless. Obviously, I don't want to grow up, but I'm growing up crazily. It's contradictory to want to grow up, but... I don't know, maybe life itself is contradictory.

In fact, no matter how disorderly we run, the final result can only be 18 years old. Growing up is an inevitable process. Like everything in the summer, whether consciously or in a fit of pique, the final result is just to bloom flowers, which cannot be shrunk back into seeds. Of course, there is a chance for flowers to become seeds. Are the seeds that can become seeds ever obtained? No, that is another new life, the beginning of another cycle.

Our road can only go forward, not backward, can only grow up, can only fly. How should we accept the cruel things in the future, and what should we do... But maybe one day, maybe one day we will really grow up, and when we grow up, we will no longer think those things are cruel. Just like Zhu Bajie, who hated him when he was a child, but now thinks he is cute and unacceptable, he finally accepted it. Will we change it someday? Why?

What kind of sky is our heart looking up to?

Confusion (4)

Nowadays, many people are greedy for the fame and wealth of those who lie. They take it for granted, but because they can't resist the temptation, they end up hurting themselves!

Today, I was almost tempted by this small profit.

The papers for the English unit test have been handed out. For this exam, I was very confident, because the roll paper was done before, I should have the impression that I would do better... However, the result surprised me, 98 points! If I remember correctly, was the last exam 100 points? This time, why did it go backwards? It was obviously done before

While I was immersed in sadness, the teacher began to lecture. My thinking has always followed the teacher. When teacher Yan said that the past tense of "stop" is double writing "p" and "ed", I found that I actually wrote "stopped" as "stopping"! I'm secretly glad that the teacher didn't see it, hey hey! However, when I was about to change "ing" into "ed", the sharp eyed old Su saw it and said, "Hey, Zhang Jing, you seem to be wrong about this question?"

No good, I was found, and my face suddenly turned red. It was really a shame. I wanted this false achievement for a temporary profit. I blushed and admitted my mistake

When the teacher finished all the questions, my heart suddenly crossed and I ran to the teacher and said, "Teacher, I made a mistake on this question, and you didn't find it." The teacher took the red pen and circled the question, then changed the big "98" to "97".

Looking at the score on the test paper, my heart was much more secure in an instant.

Honesty and lying are the two extremes. It seems very simple, but it really makes my choice, and it becomes much more difficult. Honesty and trustworthiness require a price and a firm belief. However, if you lie, you will get a lot of things that do not belong to you, and you can get benefits, even if these benefits are false.

From the perspective of profitability, most people will choose to lie because they can get interest. However, you have to pay for lying. If you tell a lie, you will need to tell thousands of more lies to round the lie. What a terrible thing!

Now, if I tell a lie and get this 1 point, I will never make that mistake again! This is just a unit test. If I lose this point and make up this wrong question, if I get this question in the final exam, my memory will be very deep and I will never be wrong again. If I hadn't revised it, I might continue to make this mistake in the future exam

If I tell a lie, I will lie in the future. If I tell a lie, I may like to lie. I like this kind of unreal and illusory things. I may face more than one point in the future. If I develop the habit of dishonesty, I will make many mistakes in the future. If... what a terrible fact!

Fortunately, I found my mistakes in time and corrected them in time. If I didn't ask the teacher to give me a score of "97", would I be very nervous when others asked about the exam?

I think honesty is the best. Although there is no obvious benefit, it is not necessarily beneficial to lie! I think I did a very bad job at the beginning today, and I even tried to change the answer secretly. I think I should thank that classmate for reminding me in time. I think that after this experience, I will never have the idea of lying again.

Don't be confused by interests! After getting some benefits, how many unnecessary troubles should there be!

Confusion (5)

Ono was confused. He didn't know how to deal with his feelings.

Only three years later did he understand the result

"She is the one I love the most truly, and the one I hurt the most deeply..." This is the most conspicuous sentence in Ono's diary.

The last time I saw her was at noon three years ago. She carried a fashionable handbag with nothing but some clothes and supplies. The only thing she had was all her possessions in the city at that time. This was what Ono saw. Maybe... enough. This was the last message of her departure. In the past, opening, closing and closing were just transitions again and again, and finally came to this step.

That day, Ono learned from a friend that she was leaving. He was stunned. He was complaining. He hurt her again and again. His heart ached. Why? Only when she really had to leave did she find her heart hurt more

Ono ran to her rented place like crazy... There was no one, the door was closed, but a note was pasted on it, falling gently with the light wind: I like to be watched silently and watching you silently, I long to be loved deeply and love you deeply!

The kind-hearted landlord told Ono that she cried for a long time last night. She got up early in the morning and picked up her things. She had just returned the key and left for a short time. Ono arrived at the station in the fastest time. It was his intuition and the last chance. Otherwise, he would never forgive himself in his whole life, even if it was the last one, because... the result was no longer important.

She is still there. Ono took a deep breath.

She stood alone at the entrance, facing the buses coming in and going out, the conductor did not pay any attention to her. The buses drove out one by one, but she had no intention of leaving, as if she was waiting for something... Looking at her lonely back, Ono could feel the loneliness in her eyes, and Little Ambition was more painful. The situation in front of her was so bleak. He hesitated for a while, and finally called out her name. She did not look back.

"Stay, will you?" Ono pleaded. She slowly turned her head back and looked at Ono affectionately. No, not affectionately. What is it? Is it resentment? Are you reluctant to give up? Yes... Ono can't feel it. His eyes were once familiar but so strange

"Once there was a sincere love in front of you, but you didn't cherish it" she said:, I will see you at some place.

Ono was speechless. Because something began to gush out from the fundus of his eyes and slowly slipped down, blurring his vision and her figure.

So she left. I've been away for three years. No, maybe

In the past three years, there has been no news of her. Ono asked for information, but there was no news. Ono has not left the city for three years. Always thought that she would come back, certainly, Ono, who was full of confidence in his belief, waited like this, waiting for... but he didn't wait for anything. So my intuition made me wonder if I was a chess piece arranged by heaven, and I wondered if the world was changing and the creation was making people. I circled on the chessboard until I found that I was standing on the edge of the cliff when the war was coming to the city.

Most of the time, Ono would go to the places they used to go. The hillside, the bar, and a stream far from the city were his sustenance. Every time I went there, I would think of the days I had walked with her, and my thoughts would rise one after another. Every scenery outside has become Ono's unforgettable memory. The place has not changed, the scenery is still there, but there is one person missing... Will all this go with the wind?

Occasionally, when I came to the station, I would think of the parting scene: the incisive words, the inexplicable eyes, the "inexplicable eyes", and ponder the artistic conception, a kind of longing and kind eyes. "Ah" Ono woke up suddenly, as if looking at him again, full of surprise and so confused, without any emotion beyond the boundaries of friendship, understood, Ono finally understood, and the brain nerve suddenly diluted all thoughts: it turned out that her eyes were very clear three years ago. She had her reason to leave. Since she had decided to leave, she would not look back. As for the last sentence, she just didn't want to hurt Ono's heart and let him have a dream that he expected but could not meet again.

Ono's love was sentenced to death three years ago

Confusion (6)

My birthday is coming, but I'm not happy. I don't know how to spend that day. Is that man the father I know? I'm so confused. For several days in succession, I seemed to be dreaming, and I didn't know what I had done. A big question mark came into my mind. That night, I cried. I hid in a dark corner and cried secretly. I let the darkness erode my body wantonly. I felt the thorny vines of sadness wrapped around my dry heart. So I chose to use the pen in my hand to vent my pain. At least now I have an object to pour out my sadness, which can make me feel much better.

Have you ever felt hurt by someone you love? Have you ever felt helpless when the person you most depend on becomes the person you most hate? That kind of heart rending pain can only be chewed slowly by oneself, which is a kind of sorrow that cannot be expressed in words.

As long as you close your eyes, the picture will emerge reluctantly in your mind, and everything will become a picture album, and some cruel fairy tales. It was the first time that I saw my mother so angry. She took the phone and shouted abuse at that shameless woman. At that time, I could not bear it. My father let that woman abuse my mother. The person's words were stabbed into my bone marrow, and a word of hate was deeply rooted in my heart. I grabbed the phone and wanted to shout abuse, But my throat seemed to be blocked by something. I could not speak. The voice of "Du Du" echoed in my ears. I sat on the ground powerless, tears split into two lines on my cheeks.

My heart is struggling in pain, struggling, trying to get rid of the devil's claw, trying to let my heart get rid of the shadow that is closely followed. However, all this seems to be in vain. I seem so powerless in front of this shadow. I can't fight it after all, and I have to surrender.

In pain, I recalled that happy time:

When I was discouraged, my father gave me hope for success; When I was sad, my father made me laugh; When I cry, only my father will understand my difficulties... But now, everything has changed, and it has become so strange, so strange

Dad must have had a hard time, didn't he? I tried to use my father's feelings for me to see him, but my mother's sad back told me mercilessly that this was just a reason for me to cheat myself to make myself feel better.

After writing these words with tears in my eyes, I just want to tell parents all over the world that when you make a conflict, it is your children who are hurt the most. Don't think they are still young and ignorant. At least they know the feeling of heartache. Please don't let them be afraid. The seemingly simple ones will actually be upset by your things

Confusion (7)

One day, Baby White Rabbit followed his mother to the forest to collect mushrooms. They walked and walked, and after a while, they had already picked half of the basket! But at that moment, the white rabbit found a cluster of colorful mushrooms not far away. They are really many colors, yellow, red, white, pink... just like groups of beautiful butterflies dancing in the grass. The white rabbit liked it very much. He thought that such beautiful mushrooms must be delicious. By the way, he must pick more and go back to score for his good friend Liangliang and Meimei. Thinking about it, Baby White Rabbit couldn't help drooling. He rushed to pick it, but heard his mother shouting behind him: "Army, army, wait for mother!" Then he ran out of breath.

Seeing the colorful mushrooms in front of him, he stepped back in horror and said, "Jun Jun, what are you doing?" Baby White Rabbit said, "I'm picking mushrooms for you! Look at how beautiful the mushrooms are, and they must be delicious." "But the colorful ones are poisonous mushrooms, which have poisoned our ancestors. How can you eat these poisonous mushrooms?" said Mother Rabbit. "Then why is the colorful poisonous mushroom?" asked Baby Rabbit curiously. "Because there is a saying '' since ancient times, you should read more books in the future!" "I know, I know, let's go home!"

Confusion (8)

In the morning, the mother rabbit put on a pink skirt and scarf to wake up the sleeping rabbit. "White white, get up quickly. Today is a sunny day at last. Mom will take you to pick mushrooms in the forest."

As soon as he heard that he was going to pick mushrooms, he got up from his bed without a break. Mother walked in front of him and white walked behind him. He either caught dragonflies or butterflies. He also laughed from time to time, "Ha ha... It's so funny, so funny."

When I came to the forest, I saw many mushrooms like umbrellas. As she walked, Mother Rabbit suddenly bent down, picked up the gray mushrooms and put them in the basket, and went on walking. Suddenly, Baibai saw several beautiful mushrooms, but her mother did not pick them, so Baibai also did not pick them. As he walked, Bai Bai saw the beautiful mushrooms again. Bai Bai couldn't help pointing at them and saying, "Mom, what a beautiful mushroom! It must be delicious. Let's take it back and fry it." Then he reached out to pick it.

"Kid, this mushroom can't be picked!" The mother rabbit put down her basket and ran over, shaking her hands.

"Why, it must be delicious." Baibai looked up and said doubtfully. "Although this mushroom is beautiful, it is poisonous. It is poisonous. The mushroom I picked is not beautiful, but it is not poisonous. So we can't just look at the appearance." Mother said patiently.

After listening to this, she hurriedly stopped and went home with her mother.

Confusion (9)

These days, I am always in front of the computer. Because I threw a QQ penguin sister when I smashed an egg, I named her "Linlin". Lin Lin is very cute, and her words often make me laugh. Therefore, my evaluation of Lin Lin is: a sweetheart with mild personality, lovely nature, and humor. Little Linlin is growing up slowly, but I found that to raise Linlin, I need to use some qcoins, so I very much hope that I also have qcoins, so I begged my mother to top up for me, but her mother firmly refused, so I have not been able to do so. One day, when I was playing the 4455 game, I saw a small cloud floating beside the game, which said: "Do you want to have 200 qcoins? Come and answer the question quickly! You can take the qcoins!" I looked at it and thought: Wow! Q coins can also be obtained by answering questions? It's worth it! It's just like a timely rain! So I immediately clicked on the following two words to answer the question. Three very simple questions appeared on the computer. I finished answering them in a minute. I clicked on the word "OK", and the computer displayed congratulations on my correct answer. Then I could have the qcoin by sending a message. So I took my mother's mobile phone to operate. Then the mobile phone repeatedly asked me to reply to the message, and I counted, It's already eight. At this time, another message appeared on the mobile phone, asking me to answer the last five questions. I looked at it and thought: Why is it not over? I must have been taken in. So I told my mother, and when she heard this, she severely criticized me and said, "There is no free lunch in the world, will someone give you the qcoin for free? It is also to make money to open a website! If you give you the qcoin for free, even a millionaire will go bankrupt!" At this time, 16 yuan information fee has been deducted from the mobile phone.

I regret it, but I also learned a lesson: there is no free lunch! The website should also be practical and realistic. Don't set a trap for people to drill for their own interests! I would also like to warn you: don't be confused by greed.

Confusion (10)

At noon that day, the uncle came back from the city with a small cage in his hand. There were five cute puppies in the cage, two all black, two flowered and one all white. The puppy is furry and has round eyes. It barks at me, but it is not fierce at all. I think. Maybe it's asking me to release them. So I opened the cage and five puppies jumped out of the cage and jumped around the house. What a naughty puppy! The dog became my playmate at noon.

When I came home from school in the afternoon, I rushed into the house eagerly, but I didn't hear the barking of the dog or see the shadow of the dog. When I went to school at noon, I put them into the cage, but now why are they missing? Ask Mom and Dad, no one knows. After looking for a long time, I vaguely heard the barking of a dog on the side of a hill not far from my home. I followed the sound and finally found a black one and a flower one. What about three more? As I continued to look along the path, I saw a black one and a flower one lying beside an abandoned tomb. There is a pile of skeletons in the tomb. Beside the skeletons lies the little white dog. It seems that it has died. I couldn't help being afraid, and a terrible thought flashed in my mind. I quickly picked up the dog and ran home like an arrow. When I got home, I asked my grandfather, "Why did the dog lie next to the skeletons?" My grandfather said he didn't know.

The next day, I went to ask the school teacher, and the teacher also said he didn't know. After school, I went to the grave where the dog had been, and still found nothing, only the dead white dog and a pile of skeletons. I asked myself repeatedly whether those skeletons were the dead mother of the little white dog? If not. Why did the dog run up the hill?

It has been more than two years since the four puppies got on a black dog. Now it has grown up. I never mentioned that terrible thing to anyone again, but I can never forget it, which is a mystery I can never solve.

Confusion (11)

Open up the right view, break the confusion net

-Reflections on the Reading of "Enlargement of Mage Yin Guang's Literary Notes"

Zhu Ping

Master Inguang devoted his whole life to expanding the Pure Land, advocating chanting Buddhism with his name, skillfully using the words of Samadhi, and explaining the true meaning of Buddhism. The master wrote all his life, without a word or a word that contradicted the Buddhist scriptures. As Master Dixian praised, "with correct knowledge and vision, we should show great compassion. Candle Zhiju can break through the dim Qus, wield a wise sword, and see the net. It can explain the right way, turn the tide of the sea of teachings; instruct the true way, and guarantee the practice." Reading the Master's "Wen Chao" can help us establish the correct knowledge and vision of Buddhism, and break the incorrect views that are popular among some believers.

1、 The master devoted his life to the Pure Land, but never belittled his sect

Master Inguang is recognized as the 13th ancestor of the Pure Land Sect. From the beginning to the end of the "Wen Chao", the Lotus Clan is held high everywhere, and all living beings are encouraged to chant Buddhism and live in the Western Blissful Pure Land. The master said: "The most round and profound, the most wonderful and profound, easy to start, the most successful, the less effort, the faster to get results, the three root universal, master all the Dharma, the holy and the common practice, the big opportunity and the small root are the same as the victory of the Pure Land Dharma." Therefore, the master will praise the Pure Land when he meets people, open his mouth to urge the Buddha, universal exhortation to die, and spare no effort. However, after reading Wenchao, we can see that the master has no words that derogate from other sects within Buddhism. On the contrary, the Master always criticized some people in the sect for belittling the words and deeds of other sects while advocating their own sects. In The Origin of Shanghai Buddhist Editorial Society, the master clearly pointed out: "By the end of the Tang Dynasty, all the sects were well prepared, which can be said to be extremely prosperous. Tiantai, Xianshou, and Kindness were great teachings, Linji, Caodong, Weiyang, Yunmen, and Fayan were great sects, Nanshan was strict and clean, and Lian sects were dedicated to clean land. If the branches of each department were responsible for their duties, the six roots would serve each other. Good people regard teaching as the language of Buddhism, religion as the heart of Buddhism, law as the line of Buddhism, and heart language as the line of three. "When talking about the revival of Buddhism at the end of the Ming Dynasty in the Book of Newspaper with Buddhism, the master said with deep appreciation:" Xian Shou was the leader of the Lotus Pond and the Snow Waves shook the Yuan Clan, the Tiantai was the Youxi and Ou Yili macro Taoism, the Zen had four illusions, while Tiantong and Qingshan were all over the world, Shouchang were under the cave, and Boshan generation were experts, and the Lv Clan was the Huiyun revival. In fact, it was Youbo, the moon followed the heel, and it was originally Kasyapa. Miaofeng, Zibai, Lianchi, Hanshan, Ouyi are especially outstanding, which is rare in the last law. Although it is not as prosperous as the Tang and Song dynasties, it can also be said that the Buddha has been reborn. "The master praised the Huayan Sect in" Praise to the Universal Return of Huayan Sutra ":" Dazha Huayan Sutra is the king of all sutras. Dharma and merit are immeasurable. "In the" Origin of Guangdong Gaozhou Buddhist Research Association ", the author commented on Zen Buddhism as follows:" Zen Buddhism is very popular. Although there are two people at home, many of them have a thorough understanding of the original and have a clear mind. During the Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties, the law of Taoism was replaced by the law of Taoism. At the end of the next season, it is thriving. "He said in the scroll titled Six Chants of Master Hanshan," Master Hanshan shows his great power, has profound skills in Dharma promotion, and those who avoid it are framed. "Worship Han Mountain" enhances the Buddha's day and becomes the moat of Dharma City. There are many words praising Xianshou, Tiantai, Kindness, Zen, Legalism, and Esoteric Buddhism in Wenchao. It is unnecessary to enumerate them here. In Fu Xu Wei Ru Ju Shi Shu, the master criticized the phenomenon of internal competition in religion: "Li Dun said gradually, Li Jian said suddenly, Li Dun said gradually, left the sect, left the sect to preach, held up the Esoteric Buddhism, despised the overt religion, all called Xu Liudan board, See only one ear. If the Buddha dharma is good at understanding, then both dharma and law can be understood. Otherwise, both dharma and law will hinder each other. "Then, how can we correctly carry forward our own religion? The master gave a correct attitude that a Buddhist disciple should have with correct knowledge and right views in the Book of a Buddhist in Fuyongjia III:" The Buddha praised Fahua as the king of scriptures in Fahua, and the same is true in Huayan. Should future generations of great scholars have to decide that the five major parts should go out of this high place and not be praised all over by scriptures? Those who practice Zen praise Zen, and those who practice Pure Land praise Pure Land. It is better not to be honest and respected. "

2、 Master is dedicated to chanting Buddhism, but he never rejects the study of scriptures

At present, among believers of the Pure Land Sect, there is a paradoxical theory that people who practice the Pure Land Sect can only recite Amitabha, and studying Buddhist classics is even more unprofessional. Someone said, "Master XX has already read all the Tripitaka and Twelve Ministries for us. We just need to follow his words, hold a Buddha's name and wish to die.". Turning to Yin Zu's "Wen Chao", the master always advised believers in the Pure Land to keep their names, which was the main way of the Pure Land Sect's practice, but it was not to stop people from studying Buddhist scriptures. In "The Book of a Buddhist in Fuyongjia III and IV", the master told his disciples: "If you are instructed to read, you will always be upright for Buddhism", "If you are instructed to read, all scriptures are better than you are", "The same is true when you look at Buddhist scriptures. The ancients said that once you know God, you will always be a kind of Tao, and you should believe in it". In "A Record of the Newly built Sutra Pavilion at Wuyou Mountain Temple", the master said of Buddhist scriptures: "There is an endless collection of books, which can be used without end, and which can be used without end in the future. All four people are willing to explore this treasure, and to benefit others by themselves, then the lights will continue." In the "Book of Fuwang and Ji Jushi", the Grand Master advised his disciples: "When you have spare power, you can study all the sutras." In the Fifth Book with Xu Weiru, it is explained that studying classics can open up the right view, and a hermit is cited as "at the beginning, he mistakenly recognizes the news, and there will be a loss if he has not got it, and then he will know the wrong recognition after reading more scriptures". So, how to study the canon? In the Preface to the Origin of the Circulation Buddhist Sutra in Xiamen, the master taught us that the Buddhist Sutra and the writings of Gude, "as vast as a sea of water, are random to approach, enjoy with others, and think they are poor to study. Or study all sects, or specialize in one gate. If there are four gates in a city, you can enter nearby. Although the gates you enter are different, the fields you enter are the same." For the disciples specializing in the Pure Sect, the master wrote in the fifth book of Fu Yongjia a hermit It says: "We should focus on chanting Buddhism, and read scriptures as a help. If we are dedicated to reading Dharma, Shurangama, Huayan, Nirvana, Vajra, Yuanjue, or just one scripture, or reading the six scriptures one by one, we can't help it." In the third book of Fuzhou Qunzheng Jushi, we use a clever metaphor to explain the relationship between chanting Buddhism and reading scriptures; Like the body, it must be dignified with clothes. Why is it that after long distance practice of life and death, you want to go deep into one door and destroy the others? One door goes deep, and all the remaining doors are abandoned. Only seven hours can be played. "In the whole" Wen Chao ", the master often lists many scriptures for his disciples and asks them to study them carefully. For example, in the fifth book of a Buddhist monk in Fuyongjia and the Kunji book of a Buddhist monk in Fuyongjia, he lists them again and again." The name of translation is a book that explains the name of Sanskrit, "Shi's Jigu Lue" is a book that records the deeds of Buddhism in past dynasties, and "Reading Tibetan Zhijin" It is a book that marks the quotation of the Tripitaka Sutra and the general idea of various writings. The Collection of Dragon Collections is the catalog of the Qing Dynasty, and all these books are indispensable. These books are like a teacher who follows him and answers when he asks questions. In addition, the first, second, third and fourth episodes of Biography of Eminent Monks, Biography of Jushi, Biography of Bichuni, Biography of Good Women, and Biography of Holy Men in Pure Land all record the praises and deeds of Gude. Reading them, one has his own heart of prosperity. There is no shortage of gains and losses. "Hongming Collection", "Guanghongming Collection", "Tanjin Collection", "Zhe Yi Lun", "Dharma Protector Lun", "San Jiao Ping Xin Lun", "Xu Yuan Jiao Lun", "Yi Cheng Ju Yi Lun" are all books for protecting religions. Reading them will not be confused by the devil, but will destroy them and see the city. "When you read the Ten Essentials of Pure Land, the Record of Pure Land Sages, and the Lebang Essays, there is no reason for doubt. The book "The Pearl Forest in the Law Garden" talks about cause and effect in detail, and the directors advance together, which can cure such incurable chronic diseases as eliminating causes and eliminating consequences, and recklessness in modern times. Anyone who has confidence in reading should read this book. "

3、 The Master taught the Pure Sect that people should focus on the afterlife, but he did not advocate the abolition of good deeds in the world

The uniqueness of Pure Land is that it believes in wishing to hold its name, relies on Amitabha Buddha's benevolent force, and its own deep desire to live in the Blissful World. On the day of its death, it will leave the Saha World and go straight to the Western Pure Land. A "Wen Chao" can be said that every article is guided to the Pure Land, and it advocates specialized study of pure industry everywhere. Just as the master said in the "Book of Peace and Harmony with Daxing Shansi Temple": "Take the upper, middle and lower roots, and surpass the Zen Buddhism of law. Realize the thorough compassion of all Buddhas, and also the inherent body nature of all living beings. Gather the three and five natures, and return to the Pure Land; guide the saint to the earth, and prove the truth." However, the master in "Wen Chao" China does not advocate abandoning all good laws in the world and refusing to practice them, just holding a Buddhist name and waiting for death. Such as loyalty, filial piety and righteousness, propriety, honesty and shame, freedom from life and killing, respect for the old and be kind to the young, build temples and towers, seal scriptures, repair bridges and roads, fast and eat vegetarian food, pick up demons and distinguish differences, open the hall, apply medicine to cure diseases, run journals and associations, water and land rituals, and all other worldly good laws. The Master advocated that scholars in Pure Land should follow the fate and do their best and practice them. There are many remarks about the above good deeds in the Preface to the Commentary on Wen Chao and the letters advocating people in the Pure Land to accumulate wealth, wisdom and food. For example, the First Book of Lin Jiesheng, a Buddhist monk, "The Tathagata said that he would always be obedient to all living beings, be kind to his father, be filial to his son, be ethical outside, and be considerate inside, so that the duplicate would be sincere." In the Declaration of Buddhist Association in Qinglian Temple on Lushan Mountain, he was called a Buddhist disciple It points out that strictly abiding by the precepts is also important for cultivating the native people, The master told us the reason why we must do good deeds widely: "But since we want to live in the West, we must be merciful, do convenient things, stop greed, anger and delusion, stop killing banditry, and self-interest for others. Otherwise, our heart will be separated from the Buddha's back, and we will feel separated from the Tao, but it is hard to achieve results by planting causes." A few people advocate that as long as we believe in the true will, can recite the Buddha's name, but still go our own way, and do evil and sin, It is said that you can also pass away by virtue of Buddha's benevolent power. Here, you will be criticized by the master. Because the heart of doing evil does not correspond to the Buddha at all, it is extremely difficult to get the induction of all Buddhas. This kind of chanting Buddha can only be said to plant the seed of liberation in the afterlife. It is impossible to achieve the ideal of living in the West in this life. In a word, I have benefited a lot from studying Wen Chao. I hope that all Buddhists can seriously study the teachings of Master Yin Guang, open their minds, eliminate all confusion, establish a correct belief in Buddhism, and put their faith into our daily actions.

Confusion (12)

Ono was confused. He didn't know how to deal with his feelings.

Only three years later did he understand the result

"She is the one I love the most truly, and the one I hurt the most deeply..." This is the most conspicuous sentence in Ono's diary.

The last time I saw her was at noon three years ago. She carried a fashionable handbag with nothing but some clothes and supplies. The only thing she had was all her possessions in the city at that time. This was what Ono saw. Maybe... enough. This was the last message of her departure. In the past, opening, closing and closing were just transitions again and again, and finally came to this step.

That day, Ono learned from a friend that she was leaving. He was stunned. He was complaining. He hurt her again and again. His heart ached. Why? Only when she really had to leave did she find her heart hurt more

Ono ran to her rented place like crazy... There was no one, the door was closed, but a note was pasted on it, falling gently with the light wind: I like to be watched silently and watching you silently, I long to be loved deeply and love you deeply!

The kind-hearted landlord told Ono that she cried for a long time last night. She got up early in the morning and picked up her things. She had just returned the key and left for a short time. Ono arrived at the station in the fastest time. It was his intuition and the last chance. Otherwise, he would never forgive himself in his whole life, even if it was the last one, because... the result was no longer important.

She is still there. Ono took a deep breath.

She stood alone at the entrance, facing the buses coming in and going out, the conductor did not pay any attention to her. The buses drove out one by one, but she had no intention of leaving, as if she was waiting for something? Looking at her lonely figure, Ono could feel the desolation in her eyes, and Little Ambition was more painful. The situation before him was so bleak. He hesitated for a while, and finally called out her name. She did not look back.

"Stay, will you?" Ono pleaded. She slowly turned her head back and looked at Ono affectionately. No, not affectionately. What is it? Is it resentment? Are you reluctant to give up? Yes... Ono can't feel it. His eyes were once familiar but so strange

"Once there was a sincere love in front of you, but you didn't cherish it" she said:. She also said: If you are destined, no matter how long, how many years, where... will see you again.

Ono was speechless. Because something began to gush out from the fundus of his eyes and slowly slipped down, blurring his vision and her figure.

So she left. I've been away for three years. No, maybe

In the past three years, there has been no news of her. Ono asked for information, but there was no news. Ono has not left the city for three years. I always thought that she would come back, certainly, Ono, who was full of confidence in his belief, waited like this... but he didn't wait for anything. So my intuition made me wonder if I was a chess piece arranged by heaven, and I wondered if the world was changing and the creation was making people. I circled on the chessboard until I found that I was standing on the edge of the cliff when the war came to the city.

Most of the time, Ono would go to the places they used to go. The hillside, the bar, and a stream far from the city were his sustenance. Every time I went there, I would think of the days I had walked with her, and my thoughts would rise one after another. Every scenery outside has become Ono's unforgettable memory. The place has not changed, the scenery is still there, but there is one person missing... Will all this go with the wind?

Occasionally, when I come to the station, I will remember the parting scene: the incisive words, inexplicable eyes, "inexplicable eyes"? Deliberate on the artistic conception, a kind of longing and kind eyes. "Ah" Ono woke up suddenly, as if looking at him again, full of surprise and so confused, without any emotion beyond the boundaries of friendship, understood, Ono finally understood, and the brain nerve suddenly diluted all thoughts: it turned out that her eyes were very clear three years ago. She had her reason to leave. Since she had decided to leave, she would not look back. As for the last sentence, she just didn't want to hurt Ono's heart and let him have a dream that he expected but could not meet again.

Ono's love was sentenced to death three years ago

Senior Three of Shenzhen Binhe Middle School, Shenzhen, Guangdong: bj128bj

Confusion (13)

When I was young, I had many strange questions. Everything in the world filled me with curiosity.

Now, with the growth of age, knowledge has also been accumulated, and the feeling of doubt should be reduced. Is this really the case?

It seems that... it is not!

When the computer is turned on, people who ask questions online can't see the end at a glance. College students, middle school students, primary school students, ordinary migrant workers, farmers who just can access the Internet with mobile phones, or white-collar workers... They are born differently, struggle in different jobs, and lead different lives. But they have one thing in common: they all have things that make them confused and love to explore. If their knowledge is shallow, you should also find that there is no lack of knowledgeable bachelors and successful people among those who are full of doubts. Therefore, in mathematical terms, 'people who are confused can only learn shallowly' is a false proposition.

The more you don't understand, the more you want to understand. You will work harder to understand and learn. Then, if you are not satisfied with what you know at the moment, you will be eager to understand more and will also study in depth. Such gradual progress. With the growth of knowledge and knowledge, you will have access to many problem fields. At that time, you will find that there are too many problems attracting you in the vast world. And your doubts are more and more. When I was young, because I didn't understand, I would be satisfied after I got a common sense answer and a seemingly deep answer under the guidance of my parents, so I wouldn't go deep into it. Naturally, there were fewer questions and puzzles.

I think the existence of doubt is a storm of the brain! Time and time again, they collide with the deep sea of the brain, and some people stagnate after struggling, thinking they are not confused; Some people are confused and unable to extricate themselves; Some people have been exploring and have fun.

There are very few people like Confucius who are forty and not confused, but we can't give up our pursuit. Constantly know yourself, constantly correct yourself, and constantly explore big or small doubts. Let the brain fight bravely. Let the existence of the mystery become the driving force of our exploration, and strive to catch up.

There is no end to learning. It doesn't have to be perfect, as long as you don't stop pursuing the truth.

Confusion (14)

Now, with the growth of age, knowledge has also been accumulated, and the feeling of doubt should be reduced. Is this really the case?

It seems that... it is not!

When the computer is turned on, people who ask questions online can't see the end at a glance. College students, middle school students, primary school students, ordinary migrant workers, farmers who just can access the Internet with mobile phones, or white-collar workers... They are born differently, struggle in different jobs, and lead different lives. But they have one thing in common: they all have things that make them confused and love to explore. If their knowledge is shallow, you should also find that there is no shortage of knowledgeable bachelors and successful people among those who are full of doubts. Therefore, in mathematical terms, 'people who are confused can only learn shallowly' is a false proposition.

The more you don't understand, the more you want to understand. You will work harder to understand and learn. Then, if you are not satisfied with what you know at the moment, you will be eager to understand more and will also study in depth. Such gradual progress. With the growth of knowledge and knowledge, you will have access to many problem fields. At that time, you will find that there are too many problems attracting you in the vast world. And your doubts are more and more. When I was young, because I didn't understand, I would be satisfied after I got a common sense answer and a seemingly deep answer under the guidance of my parents, so I wouldn't go deep into it. Naturally, there were fewer questions and puzzles.

I think the existence of doubt is a storm of the brain! Time and time again, they collide with the deep sea of the brain, and some people stagnate after struggling, thinking they are not confused; Some people are confused and unable to extricate themselves; Some people have been exploring and have fun.

There are very few people like Confucius who are forty and not confused, but we can't give up our pursuit. Constantly know yourself, constantly correct yourself, and constantly explore big or small doubts. Let the brain fight bravely. Let the existence of the mystery become the driving force of our exploration, and strive to catch up.

There is no end to learning. It doesn't have to be perfect, as long as you don't stop pursuing the truth.

Confusion (15)

Eh? Strange, why doesn't Aaron go home with him today? On weekdays, the pair are always inseparable.

When he got home, his father hurried to come over. Chengming said nothing and silently handed the rolled test paper to him. Then he took off his bag and threw it on the sofa, with his chin on his hands, staring at the confessional wall in a daze. Dad's kind face was immediately covered with clouds. In the past, Cheng Ming always looked like this when he failed in the exam. But this time, he thought that Chengming would do well in the exam, because the first night before the exam, he helped Chengming make up lessons late at night. The clouds on Dad's face became thicker and thicker. He opened the test paper doubtfully, and when he saw it, it was 98 points. His father's doubts disappeared, but Cheng Ming was still thinking about his mind. He had a hard time looking forward from yesterday to today, from morning to afternoon, and from before class to handing out papers. When the teacher handed out the curls, he kept his ears open for fear that he might accidentally miss his name. A thick stack of test papers slowly thinned. At last, there are only two left, one for him and one for his friend A Long. Cheng Ming heard it very clearly. The highest score of the test paper he just handed out was 96. He looked around. Some students were smiling and some were crying. A small drum was beating in his heart, and he was silently praying for himself. The teacher picked up the test paper, and the smile on her face grew stronger. She held her glasses and read in the clearest voice: "The highest is 98, Cheng Ming." Cheng Ming, who has always been mediocre, so easily won the first place in the class, and was so happy that he almost had to somersault in the classroom.

A Long took the test paper from the teacher and listlessly returned to his seat. He accidentally glanced at Cheng Ming's test paper and found that they were exactly the same. He could not help wondering. He thought of Cheng Ming's flustered look when he was taking the exam. It seemed that he suddenly realized. After class, Cheng Ming always feels that someone is pointing or whispering behind him. During self-study, A Long casually asked, "Hey, old man, why did you do so well in the exam this time?" Cheng Ming smiled innocently and replied, "It's not my father who tutors me every night." Yang Xiaolin, the "troublemaker" in the back row, listened and put in, "My father tutors me every night. Why do I still hang the 'red light'?" Cheng Ming was speechless, He blushed and stammered for a long time, but could not explain clearly.

After school, the students passed him silently one by one, and some of them looked at him with strange eyes. Chengming hangs his head, and suddenly he feels his head is extremely heavy.

"What's the matter?" A pair of big hands gently pressed on his shoulder. Cheng Ming suddenly wakes up from his meditation. Oh! It was Dad. Cheng Ming can't help but pour out his grievances. After listening to the story of Jianming, his father said, "My child, the misunderstanding is not terrible. The important thing is how to eliminate the misunderstanding of your classmates." Chengming's heavy heart suddenly relaxed.

Cheng Ming goes to the window and pushes it open. The sky outside is so blue.

Confusion (16)

The final exam is over, and several seniors of Grade 6 did very well in the exam. Congratulations to them! Today, I saw my father's friend Uncle Ye's son, a little brother of mine. My little brother studied in Dongfeng East Road Primary School. His final exam score was 237 points, but he successfully entered the top ten of the grade. He said that this result can be admitted to Guangya Middle School. I was puzzled: why can I enter Guangya Middle School if the average score is less than 80? Why are the grades of different primary schools so different? I heard from my little brother that there are 8 classes in Dongfeng East Road Primary School. It should not be easy for eight classes to get into the top ten?