Composition outside the window, 800 words, Grade 2 (16 recommended)
Life is made by oneself
2024-05-21 06:26:45
Junior two

Writing out of the window 800 words in Grade Two (1)

Night has come

On the branches of the moon, the mottled shadows broke the reflection in the lake. The water was sparkling, brightening whose yesterday?

Looking up at the moon, the golden full moon reminds me of the leap earth. Yesterday's innocence, yesterday's melon thorns, yesterday's snow birding. And decades later, it became eternal. Yesterday is gone forever, replaced by superstition, feudalism, estrangement

The world is inconstancy. I wonder if our story has also been rewritten?

A few years ago, I met the first friend in my life. Since then, we have become intimate and talked about everything. We often go out to play before we can finish our meal, or go to the woods to find some strange grass and use them as vegetables, and use the soil as a seasoning to make some delicious "delicacies", or dig out the soil in the yard, fill it with water, and squeeze some gadgets. Then there are several traps in the yard, Or we can turn out a box of miscellaneous toys at home and put them together into a house, a car, an amusement park, or we can put together many rotten wooden boards and sticks and make them into seesaws, single wooden bridges, slides, and unknown equipment... No matter what is common, we can find a lot of fun from them.

I miss that time very much. But I don't know when we changed.

Now we meet again, but there is not much to say. When talking together, I always feel uncomfortable. Say a few words, then silence. It is said that silence is golden, but I don't feel its value at all. Since then, the conversation between us has become a typical standard polite words, which only appear in English classes to learn to say hello. What on earth made us like this? Academic? Pressure? Time? What a simple question it seems, but I am confused

The bright full moon outside the window sprinkles its bright moonlight on my window, soft and peaceful. Under its cover, I fell asleep. In my dream, I saw two children saying something together. It was Runtu and Lu Xun, or me and him. I was about to watch carefully, but they went farther and farther and disappeared in my sight. There is only a round of lonely full moon, waiting there quietly

My best friend, come back soon.

On the branches of the moon, the mottled shadows broke the reflection in the lake, and the sparkling light brightened a person's yesterday. She waited hard there, waiting for a person. You can go with her to find weeds, knead clay figurines, and put together toys

Composition outside the window 800 words in the second day of junior high school (2)

Outside the window, there is a rice field.

At the edge of the paddy field are several green bamboos.

The window pane gathers large pieces of bamboo shadow into small pieces, so that a piece of silhouette on each pane has a deep ink color.

This bamboo was planted the year my wife died. It was a tall and beautiful green tree in those years, but today it has a thick green halo.

When I was born, my wife was very old. The wife's behavior gradually becomes like a child who is not familiar with the world. Family members are always busy for her. "Where has the old lady gone again? I asked her not to walk around, but also to add chaos to us..." "Quick! Go and find it! It's impossible to walk on the road!"

So he looked for it. Often, we will see her in front of the window. In the window, there was a stopped pocket watch left by the old man, which hung on the coat hanger and swayed slowly. Outside the window, the autumn wind is blowing my wife's hair. My wife can often stand outside the window all day, mumbling something that no one can understand. Is it remembering the time when I was with my grand master and my jade was so solemn?

The family finally lost patience and gave the watch to his wife. So the wife stopped walking around and just rubbed her pocket watch, opened it, closed it, opened it again, closed it again. The black and white photos of the grandfather printed in the pocket watch also appear, disappear, reappear, and disappear. My wife is happy for such simple happiness.

Whenever I walked by, my wife would always hold me and tell me something about the past. She always smiles slightly, and the smile breaks a gap in the wrinkles on her face, while I always stand and listen blankly. As for those stories, I have almost forgotten, and the only memory is the flash of the moment, holding my hands, full of wrinkles, potholes, but with a reassuring force.

People can't reach the time after all. We can only watch them being buried by time step by step.

The wife disappeared. After walking the short distance from birth to death, a green bamboo tree was planted at the window where the wife often lost herself. The grandfather's pocket watch was hung back on the hat rack and swayed in the breeze. The bamboo shadow silently and lightly touches it.

It has been more than five years since my wife died, but the bamboos on the slope have become more and more brilliant. The original one has taken root and sprouted, and has grown into a bamboo forest of more than thirty. The first one has grown very thick, and is surrounded like stars in the sky. Every night, there is a lot of peace of mind outside the window.

I once looked at the bamboo forest, and it seemed that I saw my wife wearing a gray cotton padded jacket. When I looked back, I was in a trance and smiled like a middle school girl.

Composition outside the window 800 words in the second day of junior high school (3)

Outside the window, the clouds are thick and the light rain falls slowly. The first thunder in early spring began to call for the earth to recover again. People with a little interest will know what kind of picture the earth will be after the rain, which is also what we look forward to. But you know what? Not everyone will feel happy for the spring scenery.

Lin Xiaoming is such a person who has not thawed out from the cold winter. At this time, her mood was cold to the bottom.

The reason we are looking for can be seen at a glance as long as we walk into Lin Xiaoming's home. First, we saw that two people who looked like human beings were quarrelling over a small matter, and their voices could almost cover the noise of the food market. Then I saw Lin Xiaoming sitting alone with his back to them, staring out of the window at the rainy day. And they are her parents.

The parents kept quarreling and making troubles, and tortured a beautiful girl into an inhuman state. From the five floors they live in and the luxurious style in the building, it is enough to prove that their family is not short of money, but a harmonious family atmosphere.

We also know that in this world, material life is very important to us, but only with material, the lack of spirit will cause us not to share material life well.

Lin Xiaoming is eager to have a harmonious family. She often asks why God is always fair to people: once people have rich materials, they are often lacking in spirit; But people who are rich in spirit often have no material things. Oh! God! Why is that?

Lin Xiaoming has always been fighting with the dirty god of death in her heart, and she still has a glimmer of hope for this family. However, time has proved that such a terrible family environment is still so terrible. We will hope that she can take any initiative to save the family. But she had already taken the initiative. More than once, she knelt at the feet of her father and mother and cried out for mercy, hoping that they would stop making trouble. They didn't understand her painstaking efforts. They always positioned her among the children, stroked her face, and said that I had no choice but to him (her).

It's never too late to improve your life. However, it is too late for Lin Xiaoming to improve her life.

Lin Xiaoming no longer holds a glimmer of hope for her life. Her despair has made her feel that she is not qualified to live in this world.

Oh! Our beautiful girl is about to walk to a window that was once pried out by a thief. This window can just pass through a thin girl.

Outside the window, after the rain, the sky is clear, and spring has really come. It's time for us to be cheerful, but we can't bear to do so, because the earth gives birth to a generous, timid, ethereal, and shrieking lips.

Composition outside the window 800 words in the second day of junior high school (4)

Looking from the window of the attic of the teahouse, you can always see all kinds of flowers and plants on the windowsill of the opposite house. They seem to be placed at random, but in fact they are ingenious and have a lingering charm of "form does not disperse spirit". A slender bamboo pole was stuffed into the crack of the tile on the house. Fish and meat were carried on the pole. The kitten always scratched its paws and jumped onto the wall to get enough fish. At this time, women could not help going out with a clothes hanger and yelling to drive away. When the sun rises, the peddlers who set up stalls along the river set up pots and shouted while buying and selling. The melody is sonorous and powerful, like a Kunqu opera with full charm. They woke up the morning in Wuzhen, and then the mellow soybean milk, bean curd with scallions, and crispy fried dough sticks appeared in the hands of pedestrians. At this time, Wuzhen is like a lively child, lively, naughty and interesting.

In the morning of drizzly dew and misty rain, Wuzhen is like ink splashed with gray rice paper, and the plain color of Wuzhen is disseminated in the rain. Walking through the streets and lanes here, you can see the green stone slabs moistened by dew, which have become a scene in my eyes. The white river, the green water, the black canoe, the leisurely flowing waves, the light wooden paddles, no rush, no slow, no wind, Wu Man, are supporting the streets and fairs, cleaning up the hearts of tourists and residents. The beautiful water town in the south of the Yangtze River, the elegant bluestone, has to make people sigh with "the divine beauty of nature clock". This is clearly a picture imbued with ink and wash, which is painted nimbly all over the sky. Because of the water, Wuzhen is like a lady who never leaves the pavilion, quiet and reserved without losing her aura.

In Wuzhen, you can see the ancient garden, as described in Shi Tiesheng's "I and the Temple of Earth". As a result, a picture appeared in my mind: The ancient garden is old, and the afternoon sun shines on the bronze handle, reflecting the loneliness of the eyes. With a gentle push, the door opens, the wind blows gently, and the dust on the wall rustles down, raising white dust. Gently pick up a pile of grass, I can feel it lying in the palm of the palm crisp feeling. Look back at the flowing time behind the white wall. Look at the blue sky for how long, it is clear that the dust has fallen. At this time, Wuzhen is like an old man who has experienced many vicissitudes of life

Make a pot of hot tea, lean against the teahouse, and poke your head out of the window again. Busy people come and go. The girl on the stone arch bridge is going to get married, and the noisy children get together to play with glass balls. The aunt under the eaves takes a coat hanger to drive the cat away. The voice of the peddler goes up and down. Looking back, grandpa in the teahouse was talking vigorously with a folding fan. Take back your eyes, close the window, and wipe away the water stains on the windowsill. It seems that you understand something, but it seems that you don't understand anything.

The scenery outside the window used to be familiar with, yes, I have come, but I have never left!

800 word composition outside the window, Grade 2 (5)

This time I went home by bus, my heart was shocked, and I felt puzzled.

After leaving Mianyang City, where there are many vehicles and tall buildings, we can no longer smell the disgusting and serious car exhaust. So we fall down on the seat cushion and make a continuous stream of "bumps". Everyone is relieved, but I am dazed by the scenery outside the window, and the teacher's voice to greet students is also inaudible.

The trees on both sides are like guards, standing on the roadside to protect and escort, and also like the waiter at the door bowing goodbye. I almost laughed, but suddenly closed my mouth. Faced with cars coming at full speed, we passed by our cars. Every time we made a big turn, we would see new scenes: houses, trees, mountains, and some rivers.

An hour later, we walked out of Santai and drove into Shehong. Everyone was very happy and was about to return home. At this time, it was getting dark. Under the bright lights, I looked around the car. Shehong County was already brightly lit. Looking from a distance, it was like a magnificent castle. It was very bright and beautiful. When the car entered the center of the county, the car was surrounded by lights. Students got up one after another, opened the curtains to see where the car had gone.

The day is getting darker, the night is getting deeper, and everyone is getting more and more upset. I yawned, squinted for a while, opened my eyes, and found that the car had left the castle and was driving again in the dark.

The farmhouse in the distance loomed under the headlights, and something was on in the field. glowworm? thief? No, it was the flashlight in the farmer's hand. He took it to work in the field and looked at his watch. Oh, my dear, it was after eight o'clock and they were still in the field. A wave of respect came into being. I looked at them through the window and went away until I could not see them.

My god had just returned to the car when he heard a loud noise. It turned out that the students were unhappy that the driver was not fast enough, but the driver did not make noise or drive fast. I admire his tact and patience. At this time, the car was also quiet.

Finally, we arrived in Suining, and the car became noisy again. Yes, we, the sons of Suizhou, came back. When the car stopped, I packed up my things and walked down.

On the way back to Suining this time, I felt the deepest and impressed the most. Those farmers who were still working in the fields after eight o'clock gave me the impression, just as Commander Zhu De said in his Memories of My Mother after his mother's death: It is these millions of working people who created and created Chinese history. Yes, with this group of ordinary and great people, there will be a new China today!

Composition outside the window 800 words in the second day of junior high school (6)

I stood by the window, looking into the distance.

The outline of the distant mountain is like a wavy line drawn in the sky. The nearby mountains dive down from the top of the mountain like a python into the embrace of the Yangtze River.

On the roof of the nearby building, several old ladies hunched down and shuttled among the bright spring flowers, taking care of their small gardens and vegetable fields on the roof. Their clothes are as bright as camellia. The clothesline is full of colorful sheets and quilt covers. I seem to hear the old ladies lamenting that life in the new era is free and happy, and they are unwilling to grow old.

In the warm spring sun, we take the warmth out of our pockets and share it with the clear green water of the river, the green mountains, the buildings, the roads, every orchid in the flower beds, and every industrious ant. This warmth has given me as well as you.

That day, you talked with me, you said your life was not warm. You have nothing to say to your family. The atmosphere at home is freezing cold. You stay at home on weekends, locked the door behind you, and didn't even bother to open the window. You said that because of poor academic performance, parents' criticism and complaints, teachers' disappointed eyes piled up like lead blocks in their hearts. I feel that I have nothing to do. I can't even do simple math problems. It's very difficult to endorse. My friends in primary school have gradually alienated. You said you were disappointed in yourself and hated your skin and inner.

In a PE class, when you rolled up your sleeves, I clearly saw the dazzling dark red scars on your arms. I heard from my classmates that you deliberately scratched yourself.

I was shocked! Good you, why can't you treat yourself kindly?

Do you still remember the lesson "You Are a Landscape" in the book "Morality and Rule of Law"? "Learning to appreciate and accept oneself is a kind of wisdom in life. No one is perfect. If you look at what you have, you will feel more sunshine on yourself.".

"The poet said: If you can't be a bush, you should be a grassland; if you can't be a musk deer, you should be a small perch -- but you should be the most lively small perch in the lake.".

These sentences look familiar to you! Why can't you practice it in your daily life?

Come on! Come with me to see the world outside the window. The clear sky is so blue, the clouds are so soft white, the new leaves of the Goose Palm firewood are so green that they need to drip water, the figure running on the plastic runway is full of vitality, and the stray cat sneaks into the campus to find food. Look at it basking in the sun under the jasmine flowers... Come and pick up these little joys with me!

Read Pushkin's poem with me—— Believe it, everything is instantaneous, everything will pass; The past will become a kind nostalgia.

Let's look out of the window together. My heart is always looking forward to the future, looking forward to beauty and moving forward!

Composition outside the window 800 words in the second day of junior high school (7)

The scenery outside the window is colorful. Almost all the scenery can be seen. There are modern buildings in the scenery outside the window. There are endless cars running on the street. Students, young people and old people on the street are busy making a living. There are also tall trees, bright flowers, green grass, and birds on the trees Playing...... The birds in the sky are flying freely, and the little swallows are standing in line on the wire and dancing. How beautiful all this is!

By noon, the scenery outside was more beautiful. The sun shines on the earth. People go shopping and shopping, and the cars on the road extend in all directions. People seem to be blocked up. It is very busy. Some buildings are being built, cranes are constantly transporting cement, and workers are also working hard. Everyone is quiet and happy.

In the evening, the number of people on the street gradually decreased. At this time, the birds in the sky also returned to their nests. There were still so many cars. At this time, every family was cooking their own delicious food. It can be seen from this that people's living standards have improved.

In the evening, the sun is going to set, and the workers are going to have a rest. The clouds are extremely red and beautiful by the sun. In this time and space, there are clouds in the fire. At this time, people have finished eating and come out to see the clouds in the fire. People walk while watching the clouds in the fire, which is very pleasant. At this time, some people play basketball, some play badminton, and some walk daydream

It was getting dark, and suddenly there were thousands of crows passing by in the sky, which was very spectacular. They seemed to talk to each other, as if talking. It was dark, and the stars and the moon also came out. Now the sky was dark, but the moon and the stars made the sky very beautiful. At this time, the sky was not the sky, but the starry sky. I suddenly thought of a poem, "The starry sky must be very broad, and the cowherd and the weaver girl across the river must be wandering in Tianjie". Then I thought why there are so many crows?, Think and think, oh I know, crows like dirty and smelly places. There must be a factory and garbage dump nearby. Sure enough, there is a factory not far away that is really open. The factory is constantly emitting black smoke. Then I realized that it was the factory that brought crows here. The factory was not only harmful to our human beings, but also polluted the environment,

At this time, it was late. I thought that although the world outside the window was wonderful, it was also regrettable. Unfortunately, the natural and harmonious scenery was covered by black smoke. I came up with the idea that I should take the responsibility of protecting our homeland. Therefore, I would like to call out loudly to drive away the "bad things" that harm our human beings and return us to a fresh and bright world. I think that only in this way, the sky where we live with everything is the most harmonious and beautiful. Only in this way can our home be more charming and attractive!

Composition outside the window 800 words in the second day of junior high school (8)

There were some red and dazzling test papers on the desk, and I couldn't help sighing. Standing in front of the window, standing in silence, accidentally, a petal falls softly, and the heart starts to ripple. The curtain of heart is also slowly opened

I opened the window and looked into the distance. Occasionally, a few birds flew across the empty sky, chirping like complaining, bringing some loneliness in autumn. Looking out of the window, the leaves of pine and cypress are emerald green, attractive and bright. A breeze blows, and it is the foil forged from jadeite that sways in the wind.

In the lonely park, only the pines and cypresses stand proudly. I can't help thinking of Li Yu's sadness that "the flowers in the forest thank the spring red and are in a hurry". It seems that my mood at this time, such as my failure in the monthly exam, parents' quarrel, and heavy study, is like a dilemma given by life, but I know that it is the training I will inevitably experience.

Buddha said, "There are flowers in your heart, and flowers everywhere in your eyes.". Frustration is like a continuous verb that cannot be dissipated on the way of growth. I know that these hardships make me strong enough to survive, but my sensitive and fragile heart can not withstand the twists and turns, and the desire to learn is disappearing, but I have worked very hard and hesitated in my heart.

Suddenly, a few raindrops slapped on my face, and I hurriedly closed the window. The young pine and cypress downstairs, lush and green, could not withstand the pressure of wind and rain, and slightly bent. I think it will probably fall in the wind and rain, and its slender body can't withstand the wind and rain, just as I can't accept the suffering of the outside world when I am young. For a long time, the stubborn pines and cypresses have refused to fall down and bend their lofty bodies. This may be a dying struggle.

After thinking for a long time, I casually looked out of the window. It was sunny, and the sun after the rain shed a golden yellow to paint a layer of light on the pines and cypresses. The little bit of green seemed to contain a dream that was about to open. The sun shines through the leaves and makes small spots.

A few crystal clear raindrops on the green and downy leaves are very lovable. I was stunned. Everything outside the window was moistened by the rain and glowed with vitality better than spring. As Liu Yuxi said, "Since ancient times, when autumn is sad and lonely, I say that autumn is better than spring.".

In an autumn rain, I came across the true meaning of life: "It is inevitable to get hurt in life, failure and fall are not terrible, but the terrible thing is that I will never recover, and lose my pursuit of life and lofty ideals."

Youth has countless possibilities. No matter how gloomy it is, it can't take away the bright smile. Life is not only the misfortune in front of us, but also the scenery outside the window. Just like the sunshine in my heart, I will meet you unexpectedly in the future.

800 word composition outside the window, Grade 2 (9)

Outside the window, there are pictures.

Looking out of the window, the first thing you can see is the towering modern buildings in the distance. The most prominent one is the Sherbin Hotel. The light blue glass windows are arranged in strips. Under the sunshine, one side is dark blue, the other side is light blue, reflecting the shadow of the nearby buildings.

If there is only this view everywhere, it cannot be regarded as a painting. Take a closer look. The building made of blue and white bricks is particularly eye-catching. No, it is not particularly eye-catching. The eyes cast on it were all taken away by the two-color bougainvillea on the roof. The slender, vigorous and powerful branches extend from the flowerpot to the outside of the roof. The branches are covered with green leaves and clusters of beautiful bougainvillea azaleas. Everything in this painting is lit by this lovely bougainvillea with color. Looking along the direction of bougainvillea branches, suddenly, the drifting eyes stopped.

Not far away, there is a dome shaped building with an antenna standing on the gray dome. Apart from the dome, the rest is yellow. Although it feels old and a little different from the surrounding buildings, it can still see the fine painting of that year.

Also prominent in the tall buildings is the bell tower behind the yellow domed building. The gorgeous top and body of the tower are also painted yellow. There is a big clock at the top of the triangle tower, which seems to have stopped swinging. These two buildings stood there silently, confronting everything around them silently.

It was later learned that the grey dome building was the site of the Guangzhou Observatory, and the Bell Tower was Lu Xun's former residence.

It's incredible! Compared with tall buildings, the observatory was once a channel for people to talk with the stars. Here, astronomers do not know how many codes of the stars have been deciphered. He made us realize the charm of the distant stars for the first time. Although it has no height advantage, it is not the guide of astronomy?

The once bustling clock tower has become quiet after years. At the opening ceremony of Sun Yat sen University, Lu Xun once asked students to read books while making revolution. It was also infected with revolutionary blood; However, now her slender tower body is more like a storage tank, with only a trace of breath left in the past. The quadrangle fence cuts off the changes of the times. The introduction on the fence seems to make people regard it as a relic forever. Only the occasional visit of Feng Er will bring a little vitality.

Although the building has been forgotten, we can't deny its glory. However, the former glory has become the past. But they are still there. People around come and go, and the surrounding environment changes; They are the only ones that are taller and taller, and they are still recalling the past in the painting. Maybe ten thousand years later, they will also gradually disappear like their partners, without taking away a cloud.

I think this is history between rise and fall, between bustle and indifference, between memory and oblivion.

Composition outside the window 800 words in the second day of junior high school (10)

Outside the window is a citron tree. The breeze blew, the branches swayed, and knocked at my window.

Look up from the sea of questions. Ah, when the citron is ripe, it can make the fragrance linger on my nose. Get up and lean out of the window.

The late autumn sun was shining brightly, and he extended his warm arms to every flower, grass, tree and tree on the earth. The dark green leaves of the citron tree look excessively lovely in the sun, like the dark green gemstones, which make people so fond of them. With its foil, the plump and attractive citron is like a shy daughter's home hidden in the green leaves. Is that a newly married woman who is covering her beautiful face with curtains? But it was useless after all, because the fragrance had already passed through the curtain and into my nose. In the golden autumn, everyone said that the sweet scented osmanthus was charming, but I felt that the sweet scented osmanthus was too strong and did not stop at all, as if to show off everywhere. It was not as sweet as the fragrance of citron. It was light and slow, and it was unspeakably quiet

A ray of sunshine shines through the lush green leaves and into the window, but the slight footsteps interrupt my intoxication. I looked forward and saw that Grandma was carefully walking through the grass to the bottom of the citron tree, looking up. The sun revolved above her head, and the breeze gently caressed her hair. She looked up, as if talking to the tree. I know what she is going to do. Sure enough, Grandma gently hooked off a branch with her left hand, stood on tiptoe, and stretched her right hand towards the big citron between the branches. Maybe it was too far away from the citron. Grandma didn't pick it several times. So she jumped up slightly. Got it! A big and yellow citron was lying quietly in Grandma's palm at the moment. Grandma loosened the branches, and the recoil force

My grandmother gave me a lurch. I immediately grabbed my heart and just wanted to rush out to help her. Grandma had already helped her to establish a stable foothold. Grandma held the citron in her arms like a baby, relieved. "My granddaughter's citron can't be broken." She murmured, and put it in her arms and stroked it, as if stroking a treasure, and slowly walked out of my sight.

Somewhere a few birds came, circling in the sky, singing, and drawing my thoughts. When I was young, I often coughed. I couldn't stop coughing for a long time. My family was worried. Grandma ran all over the streets and finally found a prescription for me - making citron tea. Every autumn, Grandma would pick the citron in the backyard, dry it, and make tea for me. My childhood was accompanied by citron water, and my cough has improved.

When I grow up, I may be worried about my childhood. I can't put down the citron. Infatuated with its fragrance, I like to put it in my room, so I like to live in the fragrance, sweet and happy, all through autumn and even winter. Grandma became a "citron picker". She transplanted the citron tree to my window, let the birds grow with me, and let the citron fragrance permeate.

In my heart, I clumsily and painstakingly climbed the branches to pick citron for me. Year after year, it was also the golden season

Outside the window, the leaves are flying, knocking on my window. The back of the tree outside the window has become eternal. The fragrance of citron lingers with love between heaven and earth, and becomes a picture in my heart.

Outside the window, the breeze sent fragrance. Oh, that's the fragrance of love

Composition outside the window 800 words in the second day of junior high school (11)

The picturesque scenery is beautiful outside the window. When you stand in front of the window, you will feel more beautiful—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

I remember the time I found you "strange" was in the mid-term exam of Grade One. After I finished answering the paper, I raised my head and looked out of the window. It happened that you were walking through the window. Maybe it was God's arrangement. You were looking in, and I was looking out. The eyes were right together. For the girl's reason, I blushed and lowered my head to pretend to check the paper. I thought: Did you blush? But the feeling of that time, your eyes, strange, but give people a kind of cordiality, if you use a friend's words, it is: "I was captured by you!" The scenery outside the window that day, great, you stand in that background very beautiful. Since then, I have your shadow in my heart. After that day, I began to watch you silently in the dark.

A semester passed quickly, winter went to spring, and a new semester came again. On Tomb Sweeping Day, I went to the Martyrs' Cemetery and found you sitting on the steps in the cemetery in a daze. I went to the cemetery. When I left, I found you still there. I couldn't help it. I came forward and touched you gently. You looked back at me. Suddenly, I had a strange idea and asked you: "Can I be your girlfriend?" This sentence made you even more stunned. The confusion spread completely on your childish face. Maybe this was the most daring thing in my life. You stayed for a while and then said, "OK!" So you became my friend in a muddle headed way.

Later, I found that you are always "playing!" You probably like "playing" very much. Gradually, I found that you began to play basketball. It was a big breakthrough for you who were quiet. I would watch you silently every time. Time is like a book, and days are every page of the book, so the book turns over page by page. Every weekend morning, I pray that the clock will ring faster at nine o'clock. At this time, you will knock on my door and say to me, "Go, play with me!" Then, pedestrians on the street will see a boy pulling a girl running like a madman in the street; People in the library will see a boy dragging a girl like a mouse, drilling in the "rat hole" made of books; Your friends will see you holding my hand, as preset, coming out of this library and into another store in the blink of an eye

It happens every weekend. I like it. In your words, "every weekend, you will take me to 'play!'" Later, I don't know why you transferred to a private school, perhaps because you like playing too much. On the day of departure, you gave me a pendant, a cross, which was made very carefully. You also said, "Wait for me, when I have a holiday, I will take you to play!" Yesterday was my birthday, and you sent a message to bless me, but this time it was not stupid. Sitting in front of the window, looking at the autumn yellow leaves that used to be the background for you, it's so beautiful, but suddenly I find that you are missing.

With the cross you sent me around my neck, I picked up a red leaf and gently pressed it on my cheek. I stood quietly in the yellow leaves of autumn wind that had served as the background for you, praying

800 word composition outside the window, Grade 2 (12)

It was another busy day. When I got home, I threw myself to my desk. Take a stretch, stretch your muscles and bones, and look out of the window onto the bare magnolia tree. She remembered her face in full bloom.

Whenever I lie down in front of my desk and feel exhausted, I always inadvertently forget to look out of the window at the wonderful magnolia. I don't know when I have been used to looking out of the window. When I look at Mulan, I will always be connected with her in my memory.

The magnolia outside the window is white with a little red. When the weather was still mixed with the cold wind, many flowers and bones were hung on the magnolia tree. The little flowers and bones, their coats dyed red, stood upright in the warm breeze. Every time I see them, I feel a little warmth spreading from my feet to my heart. They drove out the cold for me. Looking out of the window, those red buds, like red candles on lamps, illuminate the scenery outside my window.

Those red candles accompanied me through the dull time at that time. Before I knew it, they slowly stretched their posture and exposed the white lining. Looking out from the window, the outer layer of fiery red petals holds the inner layer of pure white core. The petals are stacked layer by layer, with an indescribable beauty. It is most appropriate to say that the red and white Mulan is charming, but it is not surprising to say that they are very pure. I sat in front of the window with my cheeks in my hands, opened the window wide, and breathed the fresh air. The sweet fragrance comes from the face, including the fragrance of soil, the fresh grass, the fragrance of wild flowers, and, um, there is also a faint fragrance. Oh, so that's the fragrance of magnolia!

I always want to pick one, hold it gently in my hand, brew tea in the flowers of the magnolia, and swallow the fragrance of the magnolia and the tea together. Or, store the fragrance of magnolia in the bottle, and when you are tired, take it out and smell it, so that the fragrance can eliminate the tiredness.

Later, when reading books, I saw someone use Mulan to symbolize pure friendship. At first I didn't think so. But later, when I looked out of the window, I thought of my friend's small white and red face, and of our unbreakable friendship. Memories emerge: when I first met, my friend was like a Mulan. Later, I fell in love with Mulan with my friends. My love for Mulan, and I also fell in love with Mulan under her influence. Finally, I recall the scene of giving Mulan to each other when we were about to leave.

In retrospect, it may be because of the influence of friends that I fell in love with Mulan. But now, my love for those Mulan trees outside the window has exceeded my love for that friendship, which has become an integral part of my love for Mulan.

Composition outside the window 800 words in the second day of junior high school (13)

In the early morning, I was awakened by a burst of laughter, rubbing my sleepy eyes, and through the window, I saw a colorful shed set up on the narrow road. The inside was noisy, and the tables and chairs were full. On the table, all kinds of breakfast are dazzling; At the table, people were talking and laughing happily. They are probably having a wedding.

At breakfast, I asked my mother whether the opposite family was married or had a full moon? The mother was stunned at first, then smiled and said, "It was the old man who left. It was a happy funeral when he was 85 years old." I was surprised. "What did you do when you had such a happy funeral?" "People said that the old man was a happy funeral and would bring money to the family. The son was really filial, and it was not ambiguous."

When I walked into the elevator, I met the aunt next door. She was also excited and talked to me: "The old man was really lucky. He didn't tell me whether he was happy or sad. His son was so filial and did things so grandly. Even the security guard at the door was assigned a Chinese cigarette. I was a passer-by. His son also grabbed me and forced me to give me a bag of sugar." Glancing at the beautiful box in Aunt's hand, it was the best Ferrero. It really cost a lot to do this. However, people are going to get rich soon. Do they still care about this little money?

When passing the shed, the banquet inside was not finished. Although it was morning, it had already poured "Dream Blue". People drank wine and enjoyed it. The atmosphere was full of happiness. Only when there is a black and white portrait at the end, can people remember that this is a funeral. The old man on the portrait is kind and smiling. Is he gratified by the filial piety of his children and grandchildren?

The busy funeral is still going on, and the human farce seems to be endless.

At midnight, the neat symphony sounded, breaking the silence of the night. I got up irritably to watch the carnival of my children and grandchildren. The superior angle of the second floor enables me to clearly see the scene in the shed. The musicians are playing hard, one by one, blushing and thick necked, and people are still laughing and laughing, rejoicing in the coming wealth; Although the mourner's face was pathetic and his voice was shrill, the large amount of money in his hand indicated that his mood would not be too bad. Who is sad in this absurd funeral? One by one, they were happy with the fortune brought by the death of their close relatives, and were happy for the reputation of their filial son. Only the deceased quietly watched people laugh, and their black and white faces became permanent solemn.

Seeing their carnival, I think that the old man is usually alone in the sun downstairs, but the children have never accompanied the old man. In my opinion, this carnival is not a joy or funeral, but the children are celebrating that the old man has finally left, and they can be more carefree. Can the old man walk with his eyes closed?

Outside the window, the moon is bright and the stars are rare. The shed has been removed, and all the dust has settled. But there have never been many absurd happy funerals and false filial sons in the world.

Composition outside the window 800 words in the second day of junior high school (14)

My room faces the light. Every morning when I get up, the light comes into the room - but under the action of several iron sticks, it turns into one piece after another.

It was installed in recent years and is called "anti-theft net". But I don't understand. My family lives on the fifth floor. How can a thief bother to steal things here? Besides, there are several families downstairs without this oppressive anti-theft net outside their windows. I once asked my mother, what's the use of installing this anti-theft net. She said, "First, it can prevent children from falling down, and second, it can prevent thieves. After all, it is better to prevent them before they fall."

Very helpless, but there is no way.

This is my earlier idea.

Since junior high school, I have formed a habit of looking out of the window after getting up. However, we must pass through the lattice enclosed by iron. Outside the window is the sunshine as always, and the green trees move slightly, giving fresh air in the morning.

The pedestrians on the street are scattered. I don't know whether it is because they are early or for some other reason. They walk all over the country without any greetings like those on TV. Maybe I don't know.

Hiding behind the iron fence, I rubbed my bleary eyes and looked out with bright eyes. Observing the pedestrians and vehicles coming and going from a high place, but raising a trace of... disgust for no reason?

We installed the burglar net to shut the thief out of the window, but unexpectedly we locked ourselves in the window. It's like living in prison. Oh, a prison called Home?

These two days, I have a strong desire to see the complete scenery outside the window.

He suggested to his father that he remove the security net, "It's not much use anyway." He looked at me like a monster. There are not so many thieves in the world. Why be so "cautious"? I really want to say these words, but I hold them in my heart after all.

It is still the original life. Each time, I can only see the outside through one iron lattice slightly larger than the palm of my hand.

The scenery outside the window is very ordinary, but it's really good - just something more. Looking at the scenery through the iron fence, I always feel cool and heartless.

I just checked the Internet and found that the anti-theft network is also a "feature" of China. One netizen commented that "foreign thieves are stupid and haven't learned to enter from the window", followed by three laughing symbols.

Well, it's funny. In my heart, I murmured a few words, but I was not happy at all. This tongue full of banter made me unable to laugh.

Are foreign thieves too stupid, or are we too smart in China? I still don't understand.

Composition outside the window 800 words in the second day of junior high school (15)

On the morning of the weekend, I was preparing to settle down to do my homework, but this situation had not lasted long, and a disturbing voice came out of the window - the construction team was repairing the road. I tried to bear the noise, but it was too loud. So I looked out of the window.

Outside the window, I only saw the vehicles coming and going on the road, as well as the noisy construction machines. I was looking into the distance when suddenly a person appeared in my sight. That's an old man. Everyone used to call him Uncle Geng. With a pair of glasses and a root carving in his hand, he sat on the roadside quietly and leisurely carving. With a chisel in his hand, he searched for the point of force on the root carving. With a gentle knock, the chisel was inserted. Then Uncle Geng picked the chisel out again, and the sawdust fell off. The whole movement was completed in one go, although this series of seemingly simple movements took two minutes. I was fascinated by it.

With the gradual deepening of the road repair team, it also began to affect the traffic. Many cars have been stopped, forming a long queue. Those people who are busy running to make a living seem a little impatient. They press the horn of the car, which is extremely noisy. I blocked my ears, frowned together, and my heart was in chaos because of the noise. I looked in Uncle Geng's direction again, and he didn't look up once in the whole process. He was always immersed in the art of sculpture, and all the noises on the road seemed to him to be floating clouds. Root Long carefully used a chisel and hammer to imagine the shape of the thing to be carved, put it into the root carving in front of him, and took up a pen to draw a rough outline on it. I began to carve, and these movements were very skillful. Every now and then, when a neighbor comes back from buying vegetables, he chats with Uncle Gen. Uncle Gen. At this time, he puts down the root carving and calmly chats with others. Everything seemed very natural, and Uncle Geng became a living landscape.

I remember once when my mother brought me back, he met Uncle Geng on the way, and he began to talk with his mother. I still remember what Uncle Geng said at that time: the pace of life is too fast now, people's hearts are becoming more and more impetuous, and they are always busy. Don't stop to see the beautiful scenery around you and enjoy a cup of tea. It became an extravagant demand to slow down. At that time, the listener was careless, and I didn't pay too much attention to this passage. Now think about it, isn't life like this?

In this way, Uncle Geng is the most free and easy person. The noise around him is endless, but he doesn't care. In contrast with the surrounding environment, his quietness and slowness have become his attitude towards life.

The crowded traffic gradually dissipated, and a calm returned outside the window. I returned to my desk and calmly wrote my homework.

Composition outside the window 800 words in the second day of junior high school (16)

Outside the window, the purple perilla is quietly opening, and the flowers are breathing fresh fragrance. At the moment, I am relieved that there are flowers in my heart that are quietly opening.

"The words are gorgeous, but they lack sincere feelings.

Since I entered junior high school, I began to imitate the words of those young writers, and the articles were filled with more and more gorgeous words, broken strokes, and melancholy atmosphere. My writing has gradually deviated from the original track. I am proud of my own writing and disdain other people's excellent articles. Until now, the teacher's outspoken criticism in the composition book has brought the original lofty heart to the bottom. Am I wrong?

I turned over those excellent compositions full of dust, read them carefully, and tried to find the answer, but I still had no clue, and my heart was like a tangled mess. "Come and have a look, the perilla outside the window is blooming!" The mother's voice leaped like a child. "No time, I'm reading the composition!" I rejected my mother without mercy. "It won't take long." Mother dragged me out of the room. Reluctantly, I glanced out of the window, but my eyes were suddenly fixed on the potted flower. The faint stamens were fragrant, one by one, close to each other, small and exquisite like a crystal clear white finger, and like a flying butterfly. The smell of fresh soil mixed with the fragrance if there was nothing came to my heart, and the thread that was originally twined in my heart seemed to have a clue, It turned into a spring breeze, which took away my endless doubts and frustrations, swept away the haze of my mind for many days, and suddenly there was an impulse to record this beautiful.

"In fact, the real material is right beside you, but you never find it with your heart. Writing is often a way to record your feelings and thoughts. It is not important to be gorgeous, but it is important to return to the original taste of life and pour your most real feelings into it." Mother's words are like the fragrance of purple perilla drifting by, I suddenly understood the true meaning of writing: only the natural is the most beautiful. Just like this basin of purple perilla, without heavy makeup, it can still bloom its own beauty and attract others' eyes. The corners of my mouth rose slightly, and my heart felt relieved, as if I had walked a long corner, and finally found a free and broad world through the purple perilla outside the window.

Every paragraph of words will always go from childish to mature, every heart will always go from impetuosity to precipitation, and everyone will go from darkness to light... Thanks to the ordinary purple perilla outside the window, it is like opening a window for me in the dark, and outside the window, I found my own blue sea and sky.

The purple perilla outside the window let me walk out of the corner of my heart. At the moment, my heart is relieved and there are flowers in my heart.