Composition for two people and three feet (20 required)
Can't forget
2024-05-28 04:02:07
fifth grade

Composition of Two People and Three Legs (1)

On Thursday, our school held a wonderful match of two people and three feet.

As soon as the first grade game was over, our second grade came on. I stood in line and looked at the solemn expressions of my classmates. Suddenly, my heart was pounding. At this time, Zhu Xinyao and Chen Jialu of our class had stood on the starting line, stretched out one hand to lap each other's shoulders, leaned tightly together, and tied their feet tightly together, ready to start. As soon as the whistle sounded, they quickly stepped out of the big feet tied together, followed by the other foot, chanted "One Two One Two" rhythmically, and ran quickly. Their steps are coordinated, just like a person running. Finally, they ran to the opposite side. They wanted to untie the rope for the next round of students, but the more anxious they were, the more they could not untie the rope. They were so worried that their faces were red. I'm really worried about them. After a flurry, they finally gave it to the next round of students. At this time, Class Two had already taken a lot of lead. But our later groups of students catch up and surpass the other classes. It's my turn to form a group with Li Zheyu. Due to nervousness, my mind seems to be blank. Li Zheyu should be quick and fast, and tie the rope. As soon as he gave the order, I finally recovered and ran forward rhythmically as usual. At this time, the cheering voice of my classmates shook the sky and earth, like a horn or a drumbeat, inspiring me. I immediately felt inexhaustible energy, and involuntarily accelerated the pace. But I forgot that it needed cooperation. As soon as I stepped up, the two men's steps were inconsistent. Li Zheyu stumbled and we almost fell. Fortunately, we were safe. We quickly adjusted our pace and finally reached the end. At last, the most perfect partner of our class rushed to the end like a horse and won the first place.

We were so happy that we laughed and danced. Joy filled the whole campus.

Composition of Two People and Three Legs (2)

We set a derogatory term for failure. The whole audience screamed and smiled to greet everyone. This spirit undoubtedly put a dazzling halo on failure.

He hated failure and rushed out like a runaway wild horse. Because of the lack of tacit understanding and frustration of failure, he let his classmates go around the playground, and his leg was injured. He jumped up, and suddenly the small boy who led the race fell down. In the two person three foot race just now, the eighth grade men's group began,.

Lost first! The onlookers felt sorry for them. The most powerful challenge was to run 200 meters. It was a pride of glory despite defeat, which really made us afraid. At the end of the race, when other athletes reached the end of the race, he was still struggling! All the people present cheered for him. We found that failure can also be beautiful, and we can move forward in struggle and progress, But through this sports meeting, failure can also be beautiful! Let's remember these little things, and be ranked by the latecomers. Looking at their bright smiles, the whole audience heard warm and long applause. For those of us who are not trained at ordinary times, the six people participating in the competition are like arrows leaving the string. We can clearly see that he ran a little hard.

I'm running after you! But after a fall, they gradually slowed down.

In the applause.

The rest of the athletes quickly jumped over him, and they got up and patted the soil on their bodies.

When everyone thought he would quit the game.

I felt a power I had never felt before, which made me realize the beauty of failure again! The victory is certainly gratifying.

Everyone's legs flew in the crowd's cheering cry, and they fell down heavily. Thank you for your support and cheering. With the bang of the starting gun, when he reached the halfway point, he was the last one to break through the finish line.

Once upon a time, that was a kind of persistence. No, it was a big taboo! At the moment he fell down, who were the two girls talking and laughing on the sidelines? That's Chen Yue and Pan Yujie, the famous sportsmen in our class.

There is no precise measurement.

Composition of Two People and Three Legs (3)

With cheers, cheers and whistles, the annual sports festival opened!

When we heard the opening of the sports festival, everyone rubbed their fists and cheered, jumping three feet high, like a group of caged birds. Because the sports festival is the time for everyone to show their talents! So everyone practiced under the guidance of teachers. Skipping rope, two people three feet practice two people three feet, it can be said that everyone is not idle. A week has passed, and everyone's technology has improved by leaps and bounds.

The game started, and my mood was as nervous as when the explosives were about to explode. What we are most proud of is the two people three legged race.

In a burst of whistles, the fierce competition began. The first stroke was Liu Ming and Kan Peng. They were holding each other's shoulders, and the other one was holding each other's waist, holding hands tightly, trying to run towards the end, just like an arrow leaving the string. They are going to turn. Their hands are clenched more tightly, supported by two bound feet, holding the direction tightly on tiptoe, and the unbound feet are moving carefully. At this moment, the contestants of Class 5 (4) fell a big somersault due to their fast turning speed. Liu Ming and Kan Peng seized the opportunity to take the lead in the hand over with the contestants of the second team. Don't underestimate the hand over, It seems to pass on courage and strength.

Huang Daifen and I were the last. We held each other tightly, and our two hearts were closely linked. We made every effort to fight for the honor of our class. At the last moment, strive for victory in stability and forge ahead. Close! Close! We crossed the line, and finally ended the race with a good result of 1:30 seconds, marking a successful end to our class's two person three legged run.

Excited tears swirled in my eyes and shouted in my heart: "We won!"

Composition of Two People and Three Legs (4)

Two people and three feet is a kind of game. I believe everyone has played it before. Next, I will bring you the excellent composition of the two people and three feet competition. I hope it will be helpful to you.

600 words composition for two people and three feet competition [1]

Today is Monday. Since the school will hold a two person three foot relay race for sixth grade students on the 30th of this month, the teacher will hold a two person three foot practice race in the class in the sports activity class this afternoon. As soon as the bell rang, we went to the playground with our teacher.

The teacher first divided us into two groups. Then, the teacher gave the rope to the two people in front of each group and asked them to tie their middle feet with those of their classmates. When they tied the rope, the teacher said, "The game is now on!" The two people in front of our group immediately ran out. They cooperated with each other very tactfully, stepping forward step by step and rushing forward. The two people in the opposite group did not cooperate well. One was jumping and the other was walking. It was very awkward. Two people in our group have already arrived, and they are still walking in the middle. At the beginning, the two groups drew a distance. As soon as two people in our group came to our side, they untied the rope and handed it to me. I took the rope and squatted down and tied my feet and my partner's feet with the rope. Then I directed the two men to run out at the same time. I said, "One, two, one, two..." We both cooperated very well, so we ran very fast. Soon, we could run across the street.

I immediately started to untie the rope on my feet, and then handed it to the opposite student. Well, we are still in the lead. The students nearby were shouting, "Come on, come on!" Everyone was excited. When Zhang Yi saw that her group was about to lose, she began to fake. She took another rope and gave it to people on her side in advance so that they could save time. However, the fake was soon discovered by the teacher and their rope was confiscated. In this way, I think our group must win. However, the ropes of the last group of two people were not tied well, so they scattered after walking a short distance. We had to go back and re bind the rope. Although they ran very fast later, they were already late. Because the other party has reached the end.

Alas, we lost. I think as long as we learn a lesson, we will win in the official competition.

600 words composition for two people and three feet competition [2]

On Thursday, our school held a wonderful match of two people and three feet.

As soon as the first grade game was over, our second grade came on. I stood in line and looked at the solemn expressions of my classmates. Suddenly, my heart was pounding. At this time, Zhu Xinyao and Chen Jialu of our class had stood on the starting line, stretched out one hand to lap each other's shoulders, leaned tightly together, and tied their feet tightly together, ready to start. As soon as the whistle sounded, they quickly stepped out of the big feet tied together, followed by the other foot, chanted "One Two One Two" rhythmically, and ran quickly. Their steps are coordinated, just like a person running. Finally, they ran to the opposite side. They wanted to untie the rope for the next round of students, but the more anxious they were, the more they could not untie the rope. They were so worried that their faces were red. I'm really worried about them. After a flurry, they finally gave it to the next round of students. At this time, Class Two had already taken a lot of lead. But our later groups of students catch up and surpass the other classes. It's my turn to form a group with Li Zheyu. Due to nervousness, my mind seems to be blank. Li Zheyu should be quick and fast, and tie the rope. As soon as he gave the order, I finally recovered and ran forward rhythmically as usual. At this time, the cheering voice of my classmates shook the sky and earth, like a horn or a drumbeat, inspiring me. I immediately felt inexhaustible energy, and involuntarily accelerated the pace. But I forgot that it needed cooperation. As soon as I stepped up, the two men's steps were inconsistent. Li Zheyu stumbled and we almost fell. Fortunately, we were safe. We quickly adjusted our pace and finally reached the end. At last, the most perfect partner of our class rushed to the end like a horse and won the first place.

We were so happy that we laughed and danced. Joy filled the whole campus.

600 words composition for two people and three feet competition [3]

"Come on, come on!" Who is shouting? oh It was a new game of two people and three feet!

On a sunny and cloudless Saturday, we set out in a long and orderly "Long Dragon" city square. When we arrived at the city square, the teacher couldn't wait to tell us: "Today we are going to play a fierce game called two people and three feet." As soon as the words came out, the students jumped three feet high happily, all dancing and smiling.

When the whistle sounded, all the students in the school closed their mouths quietly, and even a needle fell on the ground could be heard clearly. Then, the teacher told us the rules of the game: two teams play together, tie a rope to a group of feet at the beginning of a team, walk to the first lamppost on the opposite side, and then return, in turn, the team that wins first can get 50 smiling faces. The students rubbed their hands and fists.

The students in the first row quickly tied the rope to their feet and said to their partner, "What should I do? I'm so nervous!"

Ready, start! With the whistle of the referee, the students were calm and focused, quietly waiting for the results. Listen! The students in the competition shouted rhythmically: "One two one, one two one." Seeing that they were behind, the other group rushed forward desperately. Unexpectedly, they fell a "dog gnawing mud", but they didn't give up, just got up and walked on, but they were too anxious to eat hot tofu. The other group picked up another "gold ingot", and they really got off to a bad start. 1

While I was gloating, the teacher said it was my turn. I tied the rope to my feet as fast as I could, and then my heart was thumping and uneasy, just like a naughty rabbit jumping in my heart. In order not to make me nervous, I took a deep breath and was lucky. During the game, the partner kept shouting: "Left and right, left and right." The game was finally over, and our group won. I was as happy as I ate.

Time passed unconsciously like an hourglass, and we reluctantly left the city square.

Composition of Two People and Three Legs (5)

Why is the playground so lively today? Oh! It turned out that Class 3 (1) held a "fun parent-child sports meeting"! The sports meeting is very interesting. There are three events: "two people and three feet", "kangaroo jump", "30 meter relay run", and garden activities. The most wonderful thing is two people and three feet. My mother and I also participated. We were in the fifth group. I saw that the group in front of us all walked very easily and quickly, and the family who won the first place in the group jumped up with joy. I thought to myself: it is not too difficult to have two people and three feet. When it came to our competition, we were very nervous. I held my mother's waist, and my mother took my shoulder, shouting the command, and walked forward with difficulty. Today, I finally realized the true meaning of the sentence, "It's easy to look at, but difficult to do.". In the end, although we lost, my mother and I persisted until the end. How fun it is to have two people and three feet!

Composition of Two People and Three Legs (6)

"Ding Ling Ling" class, Miss Huang stepped into the classroom and announced loudly: "Students, today we will have a speech contest! Let's invite students to be judges!" After that, she sat down

First of all, Fu Zuomin was the first to come on the stage. He spoke fluently, and the judges gave him 5 points. The players behind also performed very well, and some of them were very innovative! Finally, there was one person who made the whole class see clearly. He was Chen Zaixi. He walked onto the platform calmly and calmly, and made a speech with his loud voice. He also added action! Look, he seems to be intoxicated with his own speech. When he finished, the applause from the audience was louder than the roar of the tiger. Another thing that impressed me was Qiu Ritao. He reacted in diametrically opposite way to Chen Zaixi. When he came to power, he blushed and forgot his words just after saying a few words. He held the mouse tightly with both hands, and his hands were trembling all the time. He was like an ant on a hot pot - he was so worried that he turned around until the teacher said, "Did you drown again? Go on, I'm sorry, this can only be regarded as abstention."

This competition is really interesting!

Composition of Two People and Three Legs (7)

October 1 is the most exciting day for me, because I accompanied Slovenian Special Olympics athletes to carry out adaptability training before the competition. It's 9:45 in the morning. The relay race began on the school playground. The competition was divided into three groups. Each group had twelve people, six Chinese students, and six special Olympics mobilization. I was ranked in the fourth round of the third group. When the referee's whistle sounded, I was both nervous and excited. Although I am not the first team, I am always ready for the sprint. Finally, amid the cheers, the Special Olympics athletes came to me with their batons in their eyes, and I couldn't help but take a step forward.

After receiving the baton, I ran away and quickly handed it to another Special Olympics athlete. Although our group did not win the first place in the end, Special Olympics athletes still applauded with us because our cooperation was very tacit.

To my surprise, when everyone was practicing rope skipping, two Special Olympics athletes invited me to join them in rope skipping competitions. Moved by their enthusiasm, I became a "temporary coach". One of the athletes learned very fast, and the other could jump several times in succession. I gave them a thumbs up and encouraged them: "You are very good!"

At the end of all competitions, I reluctantly said goodbye to Special Olympics athletes and wished them good results in the competition

Composition of Two People and Three Legs (8)

On a bright spring morning, there are many people in the community park.

In the middle of the park, there is a table tennis table. Two old and two young people were standing on both sides of the table, preparing to start the table tennis match, and the players from both sides looked at each other.

The game started. The young man attacked first. He hit the table tennis ball at the old man with a ping-pong racket. A beautiful arc was drawn on the table. The old man refused to be outdone and blocked the table tennis ball back. The young man pushed the ball over again, and then pushed it too high, giving the old man a chance to smash. The old man jumped up and pushed the ball towards the young man with all his strength. The young man saw a ball as fast as lightning flying towards him. He was too weak to hit the ball and it fell to the ground. Young people are defeated. Jiang is still old and hot!

The second game begins. In the replacement, the old man served first and hit a roundabout ball. The young man caught the old man's ball down with his racket. The old man bent down and hit the young man's table sideways. The young man used his milk strength and his teammates were constantly encouraging him. The young man straightened up and was full of vitality. I saw the old man hit a fast ball, the young man jumped up, a smash, hit the old man, the old man could not defend, lost.

The old man smiled and said to the young man, "I will keep an eye on you. Next time when you are free, come and compete with me again." The young man promised him. A wonderful table tennis match is over. It is full of competition and friendship.

Composition of Two People and Three Legs (9)

What can two people play with a piece of cloth? You can play the game of two people and three feet!

The game is played like this: two people, one of whom stretches out his left foot, the other stretches out his right foot and binds it with cloth strips, so that the four feet can be combined into three feet, and he can run hard.

I'm an expert at playing two people and three feet. It's a small case to take my teammates to the sky. However, when I was elated, Xiao Luo shouted to me, "Xiao Lin, let me join you." My God, Xiao Luo had never played before, and he was as strong as an ox, so he could use me as a plow. "O...... K." I agreed embarrassed.

After tying the feet, I said to him, "I shouted 1, and you walked on the leg that was not tied, and shouted 2, and you walked on the leg that we shared. Can you hear me clearly?" He nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice, and I thought he must understand. But when I said "1", he didn't cooperate with me, which caused us to fall down and bite the mud. But we didn't lose heart and decided to try again.

The second time, at the beginning, we cooperated very well, "1-2, 1-2. But after a long time, we couldn't support it. We just looked at our feet and didn't pay attention to the front. We hit the basketball rack with a bang. "Ouch!" We hit each other with four feet in the sky and stars in our eyes.

Ah! I'm not afraid of a god like opponent, but a pig like teammate. Although he and I have tried our best, we still lost in a mess. We encourage each other, continue to work hard next time, cooperate well, and surpass others together.

Composition of Two People and Three Legs (10)

Time is like a pony, running with clattering, bringing us to the time of PE class.

The PE teacher gave a command, "This class we play two people three feet." The students all cheered. We were divided into two teams. Wang Yiting and I were in a group. We took a piece of rope and tied our feet together. She said to me solemnly, "I yell one, we'll go outside, and I yell two, we'll go inside." I nodded carefully. The teacher shouted, "Start!" Wang Yiting and I ran out like the wind, and soon we caught up with the group in front. "It's close to the end, closer, come on!" I don't know who shouted, and we sped up our pace. Near the end, Wang Yiting accidentally fell, but soon got up again and walked towards the end with more effort. Soon, we reached the end. "Yeah, we won!" All the girls cheered.

Finally, it's time for the finals. The girls group is Wang Yiting and I, and the boys group is Wang Chen and Hu Liyan. I took a look at them and thought they would win. At the beginning of the game, "Come on! Come on!..." The cheerleaders shouted hard. "One two, one two..." We raised our feet and strove forward. Soon, we passed the finish line, and the teacher announced: "The girls team won this competition."

A string of wind chime like laughter, one by one running students, formed a beautiful scenery on the playground.

Composition of Two People and Three Legs (11)

Today, our school held a sports festival for the third to sixth grades. The fifth grade sports included jumping long rope and running two people and three feet.

I also participated in two of them, and my golden partner is Su Yang. To be honest, he is one of the best runners in our class. He is like a runaway wild horse on the playground. In previous competitions, he has made many contributions to our class.

It's our turn soon. My heart beats fast, and at the same time, I secretly decide that I must run other classes! But the weather is unpredictable, and accidents may happen at any time; Just as we ran to the right corner, we were about to turn, when we heard a "bang", we fell down, but we didn't give up and insisted on running to the end. The students of the latter two groups, especially Yang Liyun and his group, fought hard with Class 5 (3), but the final result was still regrettable.

As the saying goes, "Failure is the mother of success". This time, the teacher did not blame us, but actively encouraged: "Winning or losing is a matter of military strategists. Everything can be started from scratch!"

Composition of Two People and Three Legs (12)

At the kindergarten's annual sports meeting, there was a two person three foot race. The event was not special, but it caused a lot of laughter. When I recall the scene at that time, I still remember it vividly.

Originally, the sports meeting made us active children excited, and the children's wonderful games kept cheering. Just after a race, the teacher announced that the next race was a two person three foot race. The teacher took the trumpet to briefly introduce the rules of the race and said; "The two person three legged race is a group of parents and their children standing side by side. The parents' right leg and the children's left leg above the ankle are tied together with a rope. They run the 50 meter long track together and win the race in the shortest time."

The teacher first let us practice freely in the spare place on the playground. People are not very skilled in this running method, and often fall down due to poor coordination. For example, my father and I, we just took the first step, and we had a "dog eating mud" before my mother shouted cheers. This can make the mother who is shouting for help happy. I got up and complained: "This is too difficult.

We are working hard and getting into shape. The game is about to start. There are ten groups of people in one round, and my father and I will play in the second round. In the first round of the competition, the players didn't stumble on their right foot with their left foot, so they didn't pay attention to falling all over the place. The cheerleaders just laughed and forgot to cheer. The pace of others is inconsistent, just like the lame man on crutches is very funny. It's our turn in a twinkling of an eye. Fortunately, we have already discussed the "strategy"; That is, when we run, we add a slogan and shout together so as not to fall down. Unexpectedly, this move really worked. My father and I were far ahead on the track, and we whispered, "One two one two..."

In the end, we won a big victory and won the first place. I still remember the standing applause from the audience.

The parent-child "two person three foot race" not only won our victory, but also made me realize how important it is to actively cooperate and cooperate with each other!

Composition of Two People and Three Legs (13)

During the lunch break this afternoon, Miss Su suggested that we have a warm-up game - two people running on three feet.

First of all, let's find suitable partners to form a team in pairs, so Li Yan and I chose each other at the first time, and named the combination of "according to the word". Then we asked the teacher for a rope to bind our feet and began to practice. We agreed that when I shouted the password "one", I would take out my right foot, and when he took out his left foot, when he called "two", he would take the other foot. We tried to take the first step. Just before "One Two, One Two" went far, our steps and speed were disordered. Soon we fell on all fours, and our feet were hurt by the rope. Then we began to blame each other. He blamed me for being too slow, and I blamed him for being too fast; He blamed me for not shouting the password well, and I blamed him for not obeying my command. The two men were so red faced that neither would admit his fault.

When Miss Su saw us, she came up and said, "It's normal that you will fall down when you play this game of two people running three feet for the first time. You should not blame each other, but should find the reason for the failure together!" At this time, Li Yancai and I suddenly realized that just now, two good friends had quarreled over the game. So we quickly adjusted our mentality and immediately began to find the reason. I found that the rope we tied our feet was too loose, so it was easy for us to fall down due to irregular steps. Li Yan found that he was a boy with bigger steps than a girl like me. Finally, we re tied the rope, and his feet were adjusted slightly. I started again, shouting slogans, and successfully took the first step, the second step... Then we began to speed up slowly, and finally we could trot.

At that time, the teacher also announced the official start of the competition. Li Yan and I were full of confidence. At the teacher's command, we took the first step slowly. In the cheering of the students, everyone began to speed up. Soon, we saw that the groups in front fell down and twisted into a ball, while Li Yan and I were still unhurried, trotting forward according to our own slogan and rhythm. Finally, we were the first to cross the finish line, and the teacher announced loudly, "As promised, the team won the first place." We jumped up happily and clapped each other to celebrate our victory.

At this time, the students also came to congratulate us, and we excitedly began to teach the secret of the success of the "two people three legged running". Take it easy, unite and work hard.

Composition of Two People and Three Legs (14)

"Come on, come on!" Who is shouting? oh It was a new game of two people and three feet!

On a sunny and cloudless Saturday, we set out in a long and orderly "Long Dragon" city square. When we arrived at the city square, the teacher couldn't wait to tell us: "Today we are going to play a fierce game called two people and three feet." As soon as the words came out, the students jumped three feet high happily, all dancing and smiling.

When the whistle sounded, all the students in the school closed their mouths quietly, and even a needle fell on the ground could be heard clearly. Then, the teacher told us the rules of the game: two teams play together, tie a rope to a group of feet at the beginning of a team, walk to the first lamppost on the opposite side, and then return, in turn, the team that wins first can get 50 smiling faces. The students rubbed their hands and fists.

The students in the first row quickly tied the rope to their feet and said to their partner, "What should I do? I'm so nervous!"

Ready, start! With the whistle of the referee, the students were calm and focused, quietly waiting for the results. Listen! The students in the competition shouted rhythmically: "One two one, one two one." Seeing that they were behind, the other group rushed forward desperately. Unexpectedly, they fell a "dog gnawing mud", but they didn't give up, just got up and walked on, but they were too anxious to eat hot tofu. The other group picked up a "gold ingot" again. They really got off to a bad start!

While I was gloating, the teacher said it was my turn. I tied the rope to my feet as fast as I could, and then my heart was thumping and uneasy, just like a naughty rabbit jumping in my heart. In order not to make me nervous, I took a deep breath and was lucky. During the game, the partner kept shouting: "Left and right, left and right." The game was finally over, and our group won. I was as happy as I ate.

Time passed unconsciously like an hourglass, and we reluctantly left the city square.

Composition of Two People and Three Legs (15)

"Great!" The classroom was boiling. What's going on here? Originally, the teacher asked us to hold a game match with the students of Class 42. The students flew to the playground like caged birds. The name of this game is "two people and three feet". The rules of the game are: two students from two classes stand together, tie their legs together with a rope, and then walk together. The class that finishes first wins the game. The students in our class are eager to try, and everyone has a plan. The students in Class 4<2>are also unwilling to fall behind.

The preparations are well done. With the whistle, the game begins. The students waved their hands and cheered one after another. Some of the students put their hands on their mouths in the form of a microphone and shouted cheering. Some of them stamped their feet when cheering for the students. They wanted to kick others to run. I shouted red in the face, thirsty and excited, and my heart pounded. At the beginning, our class was a little faster, but when it came to Wang Hao and Lu Song's turn, they could not lift their bound feet at the same time. The rhythm was inconsistent. One stepped on his left foot, and the other wanted to lift his left foot. The more anxious he was, the more confused he was. As a result, he always fell. One stood up and the other climbed down. Finally, they stumbled back, much lower than the students in Class 42, The real two defeated generals were so embarrassed that they made everyone laugh.

It's no good just laughing. We are already behind. Everyone is worried. It was my turn to Wang Yue and I, and we learned a lesson. They held hands and shouted the command: "One two one, one two one, they cooperated very well, which was beyond my imagination. They caught up with me and ran. Ah, they caught up with us. We passed Class 4 (2) in the cheers of our classmates.

The students behind us also played well according to our appearance, and we finally won the final victory in the exciting sound of "cheering".

I really enjoyed myself today.

Composition of Two People and Three Legs (16)

Today, the weather was fine. The teacher took us to Baihua Garden to play the two person three legged relay race. The teacher divided us into two teams. We were the red team, and the other team was the blue team.

The game begins. We all began to fasten the red ribbon in a hurry and walked towards the opposite side. The louder the students shouted, the more nervous they were. Suddenly, a burst of laughter came. Oh! It turned out that two players of the Blue Team were tied up. Our opportunity came, we worked together to speed up and surpass their team. They are not willing to be outdone and want to surpass us. It's time for the second group of members of our team, but the red silk ribbon can't be untied. We have a golden idea. We took the red silk ribbon off our feet and put it on the feet of the other two people. Time flies. It's my turn. I said to my partner: "I say one, let's get rid of the bound feet, and I say two, let's get rid of the bound feet." With the command of "one two, one two", we won!

Our team members were in the shape of "V" and cheered loudly: "We have won!" But the blue team members were listless and very sad. Today's game is so funny, I really want to play it again!

Composition of Two People and Three Legs (17)

Yes, let's come together and lock us tightly with the thin rope. So we were careful not to let it loose or break. Although I know in my heart that it will be broken one day, and we will be separated one day, I still insist on seeing it untie us with my own eyes. Cherry blossoms on campus are blooming again. Remember our agreement? You must have forgotten! After all, it really takes effort to remember a dusty memory for several years. I don't know why, when I see these cherry blossoms, I will think of our childish dream - to buy a house full of cherry blossoms when we grow up. We live in seclusion there, write some words that meet our feelings, and live a quiet and leisurely life. When I think about it now, I just think it's funny, but it's not as beautiful as it used to be. None of us saw when the thin rope was broken, but we suddenly felt free. We didn't have to move our feet carefully, for fear of accidentally causing the other party to fall. We ran away from the rope. But, you and I ran in different directions, hoping to stay away from each other from now on, hoping that everything could disappear with the breaking of the rope.

Is it? Can you really forget?

Every day, we have to see each other, even if we try to avoid them, we will still bump into each other. There is nothing we can do but pray silently, and prayer time can dilute all this.

Did you say that? Those who left will come back one day. Ten years later, we recognize each other in the vast sea of people.

Composition of Two People and Three Legs (18)

Two people with three feet is to tie the feet of two adjacent people together, and then walk forward, training the ability of teamwork. Because of the "letter of war" with other battalions, the war will start tomorrow with only one day of training time.

The hard training began. "One two one two." The slogan was clear and loud, but after a while, there was discord. "Wait a minute", "Hurry up", "Ouch, my feet hurt". Over and over again, everyone can't practice well. After three hours, we finally found some ways. It turned out that although we were shouting slogans, our feet didn't follow the slogans. The most important thing was that some people habitually left their right feet first, so that their partners could only jump forward.

We rallied and continued to practice. One counts the right foot, and the other counts the left foot. With the loud slogan "One two one two..." and the neat pace, there is no noise.

It's time for the game. We came to the match with high morale. "One two one two..." More than 160 people went on the stage together, and the slogan was deafening. Our hard training the day before yesterday yielded results and we won the game.

This game made me deeply understand that a team cannot win without the spirit of unity and cooperation!

Composition of Two People and Three Legs (19)

The teacher first told us the rules of the game and took out the game props. After we were grouped and divided, the game began.

In the first round, I was with Wang Yuqing. Just listen to the teacher's command: "Prepare, start!" We two picked up the rope. I tied it nervously. We two shouted: "One, two, one, two, one" and rushed out. When we came back, the rope could not be untied. We were angry and worried when we saw that the other team had finished. In the first game, our team failed.

In the second round, needless to say, we failed again because we couldn't tie the rope.

The third game began, and we were determined to win this game. At the teacher's command, the three of us shouted slogans and rushed out. When we turned the corner, Cheng Penghan was eager to move east because we had not communicated well before. I remember moving west, but we fell down Han Wenzhe in the middle. We all felt sorry to see his painful expression. Everyone laughed their heads off, and we lost the game again. However, the girls' team cooperated very well. They marched in an orderly manner, slowed down at the corner, and then strode to the end. The whole process was so orderly that we were convinced.

Through this game, I know: unity is strength, we must unite!

Composition of Two People and Three Legs (20)

Two three-legged

Sichuan Liu Yuchen Grade 3

"One two, one two", just after class this afternoon, a neat sound of password and footsteps came from a corner of the main building. It turns out that we are playing a challenging game - two people and three feet.

The rules of the game are boys and girls. Each group selects a team leader. At the beginning of the game, as required, each team member should tie a red scarf on his or her legs and his or her teammates, and also take one on his or her hand. Just like the relay race, he or she should run to the designated position, turn around, and then run back.

The boy team leader is me. I divide the 18 players into groups and organize them to practice. The female team leader is Huang Yufei, and she is no exception. Hurry to organize female training.

The official competition began. Li Zhencai and Fan Gaosicheng held each other's arms and said, "One two, one two. In the end, the first game ended at 0:0 because both boys and girls committed fouls. The second game started. Because they didn't win the first game, the boys rushed to the end like big tigers. However, the girls shouted neat commands. Look, Chen Meiyu and Peng Yuchen took neat steps. They first stepped out of the foot tied by the red scarf, and then stepped out of the other foot. At the same time, they said: "One two, one two, one two." Because of their concerted cooperation, they quickly ran to the designated triangle on the opposite side. But on the way back, they almost fell down. Fortunately, they quickly adjusted their posture so that they didn't fall.

The final result is 2:0. Girls win, boys lose. It also reminds boys that they must unite with each other when doing group activities. They should not put the responsibility on their teammates, but should see clearly their own mistakes.

Although the boys lost, I was still happy.