600 word snow diary (6 general articles)
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2023-09-02 07:37:58

600 word snow diary (1)

At more than six o'clock this morning, my mother called me to get up and told me that it was snowing outside. I jumped up happily after hearing that, hurriedly put on my clothes and ran to the windowsill to have a look, ah! The whole world has become a white fairy tale world. I love the snow.

Snowflakes floated from the sky, dancing like beautiful butterflies and blowing like dandelions. Falling on the tree, the tree looks like wearing a white hat. It fell on the roof, and the roof became white. It falls on the pedestrian's face, which looks like Santa Claus's white beard. On the bus, the bus looks like buns.

On the way to school, my mother and I carried our schoolbags to school. The road was full of snow and very slippery. I followed my mother very carefully, but I didn't stand still and lay on the snow. I got up hurriedly, covered with snow. Alas! Snow child is very kind to me. He gave me a big gift in the morning.

When we came to the school, several of our partners agreed to have a snowball fight after class. "Ding Ling Ding Ling" finally came to the end of the class bell, and we flew downstairs to the playground. Zhang Hongxin and I, Zhang Jiawei, fought each other. The preparatory work began, and I threw three snowballs in one breath. It's not easy to pack snowballs. My hands are numb with cold. I looked at the speed of the other side. So I quickly took out the "bullet" and "snapped" my three shot bullet at the enemy and shot at Liang Jiawei, hitting him in the face and body. He was so angry that he flushed and slapped at me twice. Just when he was proud, Zhang Hongxin slipped behind the enemy with "bullets" and threw a handful of snow on his head. At this time, poor Liang Jiawei became an old man with white beard. Looking at him, we laughed happily. While we were having fun, the class bell rang. We had to put down the "bullet" in our hands and run to the classroom.

In this beautiful winter snow brings us happiness. I love the snow.

600 word snow diary (2)

In the early morning, the sky was gray and dark, the earth seemed to be sleeping, and there was no wind, making people feel cold and cold. It was a snowy day.

Sure enough, just after the second class, some students shouted, "It's snowing, it's snowing." I hurried to look outside, and saw small snowflakes falling slowly. Some fell on the windowsill and began to decorate it like white jade, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into water and soaked the windowsill wet.

I was excited and ran on the playground downstairs with the crowd. As we ran, small snowflakes turned into small flakes, and the snow in the sky was also thick and fell on our necks. It was cool and some of it fell on the ground.

At noon, it snowed heavily. The goose feather snow covered the sky and the ground. Large snowflakes flew all over the sky and spread to the earth at full speed, like a white curtain around. The snow on the ground is getting thicker and thicker, like a layer of white carpet. When you step on it, it is soft and makes a sound of "creaking". The trees are full of "pear flowers", and the room is white. I looked to the west and saw that the rolling peaks were silvery. At this time, some children were skiing, some were snowballing, some were snowballing, and some were making snowmen.

In the evening, although the snow continued to fall like cotton wool, it was much smaller. In the night, light white snow swirled around the mountains, the earth and around us. Watching the snowflakes falling, I felt as if I had entered a fairyland.

The next morning, the sun rose from the east with a smile. Many workers' uncles, aunts and students took to the streets and began to sweep snow. They pulled the snow away and swept it into the wheat field; Some shovel the snow and pile it under the trees on both sides of the road. When the weather is warm, the snow will melt and the young trees will be satisfied.

As the saying goes, "Snow augurs a good year". Looking at the lively scene, I said with great joy: "What a good snow!"

600 word snow diary (3)

In the morning, it was so quiet that no sound could be heard. The cool wind poured into the room with the window open. It was winter after all, and the weather was too cold for me. I walked slowly into the window. Look, a layer of frost has formed on the glass. I don't know why I have a smile in my heart, and like a child, I drew a love on it. Look downstairs, there is no one in the community under the sun. I really feel dissatisfied with going to school on such a cold day.

I quickly picked up my schoolbag and set out. It snowed heavily last night. There was snow on the road. I stepped on the snow step by step, and a kind of inexplicable happiness came to my heart. Looking back, my series of footprints seemed to draw a string of plum blossoms for the snow white land. In fact, I like snow. Looking forward to a winter of snow, only in the early spring, really slow dead!

Do you know the touch of snow? I reached out and picked up the snowflakes that were still falling. It's soft and cool. It melts when it touches my palm. It is so fragile. If it falls small, it will disappear after a few hours. It melts into a pool of water. Maybe people think snow is water at all, but my opinion is different. Water is the essence of snow. In other words, water is the mother of snow. But snow has a form, which is called "snowflake". However, water has no fixed form and is scattered. Snow is white, with the implication of purity and freshness. It also means there is no scheming, simple meaning.

When we were young, when our hands were filled with snowflakes, we would feel that our hands were very small. We used to like making snowmen, snowball fights, and stepping on footprints. I like stepping on footprints best. There is a reason for this.

The winter when I was 5 years old, white snow covered the whole world. I sneaked out to play with snow when adults were working. I walked so far that I forgot the way home. I was very anxious at that time. At that time, footprints saved me. I walked back step by step along the footprints and finally returned home. I thank my footprints, or I thank snow.

I picked up a pile of snow. They melt quickly in my hand. But I know that even if it melts, it will stay in my heart forever. Thank you, Snow!

600 word snow diary (4)

The winter is long and the cold wind has been cold for a long time. In this desolate season, there is more loneliness and sadness.

The next morning, the sky showed some light. I opened my sleepy eyes, yawned, and smelled Rachel's fragrance as if I had a premonition. So I was in a good mood. I quickly washed and could not wait to get out of the room. Sneaking through the door, he pressed his head close to it. With one eye, see the outside world through the light. There is a vast expanse of whiteness, just like dancing without knowing why. So I couldn't help being excited any longer, and pushed the door open with force. With a "whoop", the snowflakes came to me together in the wind. I immediately opened my arms and ran to the ice and snow world that I had long yearned for. Look at the pieces of ice and snow that have been yearning for for a long time. Look at the pieces; The snowflakes falling on my shoulders, I think, are my first cordial greetings with winter this year.

Standing in the snow field, the snowflakes have covered my feet, and I take two steps gently. The sound of "creak, creak, creak" played a sweet note at the foot. Squatting down, I couldn't help picking up a snowflake and quietly felt the cool feeling of their slipping through their fingers. I pushed away my palm, as if there were warm waves flowing through my heart. It was moving, it was loving, and it was a deep crush on it.

Looking back carefully, do you often have a calm mind like snowflakes? Even if it flies all over the sky, it should land lightly; Even if life is exhausted, it should pass quietly. How many love, hate, sorrow, joys and sorrows are there in life? Failure and depression, success and laughter. If you can be like snowflakes, have a calm attitude, not impetuous, not publicity. Even in a quiet life, in a short life, it can still use dance to describe the route of life. Its purpose is to let people know its color, its posture, its expression, its ideal and persistence.

New challenges are coming. I think I should also keep such a mindset as snowflake and actively laugh at difficulties and setbacks. I believe that one day, such beautiful scenery will also belong to me; Such joy will still exist in this winter.

600 word snow diary (5)

Yes, it snowed again. In recent days, the weather has gradually warmed up like a little sunny spring in March, and suddenly became cold. Early in the morning, the clear sky was filled with many ugly umbrella like clouds, and soon it began to snow heavily. Six petal snowflakes floated down from the sky, really having the feeling of "Northern scenery, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow". The whole world seemed to float in Andersen's fairy tale: on the night before Christmas, heavy snow was falling. All the colorful ones have disappeared. It's really "birds in thousands of mountains fly away, people in thousands of paths disappear"! Brilliant golden yellow, bright pink, passionate red, noble purple, even the cold blue has been replaced by the simple white, but several children on the road are still lively and lovely, keeping their own color. Snow freezes, ice melts into water, water melts into nothing, and it snows again and again. It is so simple, but the dim world is full of infinite reverie and hope.

Overlooking from afar, the sometimes gray and sometimes passionate mountain has become simple; The houses along the Yellow River have lost their former color and become quiet: the autumn turned into golden rice fields, and now they are covered with snow. In such a cold day, they are also wearing a white hat: the buildings, shops, garages, and gardens nearby are all covered with cotton padded jackets made of white snow, which is very warm! The wild flowers in the flower bed once vomited their beauty to the sun, but now they are also obediently dressed in thick jacket. There is no such thing as "cold alone" in the poem; The sprouts on the trees also wore this scarf woven with snowflakes, and the trees that had lost their leaves were covered with fluffy and shiny silver bars, while the pine and cypress trees that were evergreen in winter and summer by the small river were covered with fluffy and heavy snowballs. Do several children have the feeling of "fishing alone in the cold river snow"? Perhaps there is a vision and expectation for the future?

When the children heard that it was snowing, they cheered and jumped. They came to the garden in groups, along the path, to make snowmen and have snowball fights. Some people work in groups of three. One person packs a snowball, one person makes a snowman, and the other person looks for buttons, carrots, and broomsticks. They are making a snowman! Some people slide on the snow in groups of two, one pulling the other, "Be careful! Don't fall!" The adults shouted at the window, but how can these lovely children still hear these words? They also have five people in groups, forming two groups, fighting each other and occupying the land. How happy they are! They ran, jumped, and smiled in the snow, as if at this moment God had left them all the joy in the world. They are like vigorous sunflowers. They know how to face the sun when they are born. They are passionate like a burning fire. Their passion is unstoppable. All children's hearts are forever filled with the source of happiness and the spark of happiness.

They are dressed in colorful clothes and are busy working in the snow. Soon, a vibrant snowman rises up. The snow-white body sets off the children's colorful clothes. Their colors are not covered, and they will never, because they will look forward to their beautiful future, grow up in anticipation and sunshine. They are the flowers of the motherland, and the hope of the motherland!

[It snows composition 2]

This morning, when I first got up, I found that the weather was not very good and it was a little cold. But it seems that the outside scene is not much different from the past. I had to get out of bed with doubts. It was not until about eleven o'clock that God solved my doubts.

At this time, the sky was already full of red clouds, and I thought it was going to rain heavily. But I feel that it is winter now and it is impossible to have a heavy rain. Oh, it's not going to snow, is it? I looked up at the sky and suddenly found some white objects that were sometimes absent and indistinct. Ah, it really snowed.

At the beginning, I looked at them and felt that some of them were like catkins in spring; A bit like torn marshmallow; It is also like the seeds of dandelion. I thought about it, and suddenly felt that if these snowflakes were compared to reconnaissance aircraft, they would be a big force later? Indeed, the dense snowflakes cut through the sky and fell from the sky like sharp swords. Some snowflakes can't sit still and can't wait to throw themselves into the arms of the earth; Some fell down with the wind; Some are dancing and unwilling to fall. Looking at the scene in front of me, I couldn't help but go outside and stretch out my hand to connect the snowflakes. But it melted before I could see it clearly. Another snowflake fell on my hand. I stared at it carefully. It was hexagonal. I opened my mouth and tasted it, like sugar, but not sweet; Like MSG, but not fresh; Like sea salt, but not salty

Snowflakes cover the earth with quilts, trees with thick white cotton padded jackets, and villages are embraced. One night later, the outside world has become a world of white clothes. It's so beautiful.

600 word snow diary (6)

Snow diary: about 600 words 1

The messenger of spring is the flower, the messenger of summer is the tree, the messenger of autumn is the fruit, and what is the messenger of winter? Of course it is snow!

Speaking of snow, in fact, I like snow. Every winter, I often dream about snowflakes dancing in the sky, and then the world turns pale, but many times I will be disappointed because the next day I see a sunny day.

The straight cement road has been covered with a long silver white carpet, so pure, so crystal, and like spotless cotton candy, I can't bear to step on it. On the left side of the road was a thick lawn, but now the grass is under the thick snow quilt, lying in the arms of the mother earth and having a sweet dream; On the right side of the road is a row of willows with no leaves left. The trees are covered with hairy and shiny silver bars. A breeze blows, and the snow flakes on the trees slowly fall down, like white butterflies dancing. The plantain trees in the flower beds also wore thick cotton padded jackets, as if they were hibernating, or drilling into the warm quilt. It looks like a white carpet in the yard. It's soft and comfortable to step on it. Looking at the vast expanse of white from a distance, it seems that the white clouds in the sky fall on it.

I stood in front of the window, staring at the group of innocent and lively children, I could not help but see the scene of a bumper harvest of crops in the year: in the morning, a golden ray of sunshine shone into every family's yard, and farmers' uncles smiled and stepped up to the farmland. In the field, the golden rice ears waved their long arms and shook back and forth as if they were saying hello to each other. The smiles on the farmers' faces are even brighter, because they know that this year's crops must grow exceptionally well. Ha ha, auspicious snow promises a bumper year!

Put on your coat, and you come to a cool and beautiful world. A cold air comes to you, with a little fragrance of snowflakes. I thank you, Xue!

Snow diary: about 600 words 2

It was still raining at noon on Tuesday. In the afternoon, it slowly turned into snow. It had been raining all afternoon. By the end of school, a thin layer of snow had accumulated on the ground. The north wind mixed with snow fell on my face, causing some knife like pain, and my eyes could not open.

Sitting on my father's bike, I feel that the road is not too slippery. Yes, it hasn't frozen yet. Maybe tomorrow will be different! My body was cold and shivering. I really hoped to get into the room with heating, but my father didn't even open an umbrella. It seemed that snowflakes had built a small snow house on his head. What does Dad say? It's more difficult than this!

After dinner in the evening, I went out to have a look. The snowflakes were accompanied by the wind, and the cold wind was biting my bones. I quickly got into the house. The snow on my body soon melted away. I received a message saying that I could not go to school tomorrow. I was so happy!

The next day, I got up very late and the sun came out. I saw that most of the snow on the ground turned into water. Only the places with thick snow and the snow on the leaves and grass still struggled with the sun tenaciously. The snow on the road had already become snow under the rolling of the wheels. When pressed by the car, the snow splashed. My yard was basically dry because my father had cleaned it last night, There is only a thick layer of snow in the vegetable field, which is dazzling under the sun. It seems to be colder than yesterday. As the saying goes, snow does not turn cold into snow. This is so hard for the little sparrows. Where can they find food? The water on the roof is blown everywhere by the wind from time to time, and the snow is getting less and less, so it is difficult to make snowmen. I grabbed a handful of snow. It was soft and soon turned into water in my palm.

In the middle of the afternoon, when I went out, I saw that the snow had stopped melting, and it was hard to touch. It was ice. Yes, the water would freeze when it was below zero. It seemed very cold outside. I was afraid that the vegetables in my field would be over before I could pick them.

At night, the ground is already very slippery and colder. Maybe the snow will melt tomorrow, but it's just winter. There are opportunities to see the snow!

Snow can not only bring us happiness, but also learn a lot of knowledge. Snow is really enjoyable!

Snow diary: about 600 words 3

Some people like the fragrance of flowers in the south, while others love the blue ocean. But I love the snowflakes in winter, which add infinite charm to winter.

In the morning, white snowflakes fell from the sky, and the ground was as white as a layer of sugar. The snow is falling harder and harder, like white dandelions flying in the sky. The floor is covered with a layer of white carpet, and it is soft to step on; The car was covered with snow, like a big bread with butter on it. Wherever the snow goes, it leaves poetic traces. Look, there are small piles of snow on the pine branches. Are there white seabirds on the Xisha Islands? Or do naughty children put delicious cotton candy on it? Or which kind old woman put some steamed buns on the tree tops? You see, the belt around the house is not the "seamless clothes" left by the beautiful Weaver Maid? Or the auspicious clouds and mists brought to the world by the kind fairy? Or a white scarf spun by a skillful aunt? I looked up and saw that the distance was hazy, like a fairyland.

I took a snowflake. Whose ingenious hand made this exquisite six petal snowflake? Who put it into the air? The snowflakes were shiny and transparent. It suddenly reminds me that now that I have grown up, my parents' black and shiny hair is sandwiched with silver like snow. Day by day, year by year, my parents love me too much. This silver is the proof of love, just like the snowflakes, which are the condensation of nature's love.

I picked up a handful of snow in my hand, and immediately, snowflakes dropped from between my fingers and fell to the ground. Before long, the place where the snow melts will grow red flowers, green grass, and the place where the snow falls will become a colorful picture of spring.

Snow diary: about 600 words 4

This morning, I got up and opened the curtains. I was excited to see that it was snowing outside the window. Because being in Shanghai, I saw such a beautiful snow scene for the first time.

Since I was born, my mother has told me that Shanghai is a place where snow can hardly be seen. Since then, the concept of snow has either come from TV or from articles. I really hope to see a real snow and feel the fun of a real snow. Because where it doesn't snow, there is no fun in snowball fights and snowmen. Since I was young, I have been looking forward to having such a winter and enjoying such happiness. I watched the snow outside the window, falling like countless goose feathers, like an angel combing its feathers, falling on the roof, on the grass, on the tree, on the road, on the pedestrian's umbrella, the world really turned silver, covered with a thick layer of cotton wool. Grab a handful of snow with your hand, which is soft and cold. Feel several snowflakes with your hand and fall in your heart. Ah, the snow is really hexagonal, so beautiful. But the warmth of the touch melted into small drops, which was the life of snowflakes. It is as short as the withering of flowers, but it dedicates the best moments to us. How beautiful the snow is this winter.

Looking at the snow this morning, I can't help but feel a little sad in the joy and excitement. It reminds me of the little girls who sell matches in Andersen's fairy tales, and the poor people who died of hunger and cold. It was in such a morning, a joyful and beautiful snowy morning, that the body of a match girl was found. In this snowy season, another beautiful soul was sent away. We should cherish our own happy life, live happily, live brilliantly, and enjoy this rare time of snow.

Winter snow, not only beautiful, but also the seeds of pain and death. Let us all come to enjoy and enjoy the happiness brought by this white world. The snow this winter is really wonderful.

Snow diary: about 600 words 5

Let's go and see the snow together. Let's see our footprints break the ice and snow, stretching from the foot to the end of the dream.

In the morning, my father called me to get up, and there was a deep surprise between my eyes. In the twinkling of an eye, the heavy snow outside the window reflects the fiery new year in the world.

Let's go and watch the snow. Father held out his hand to me. There are cold wind and cold rain outside, but there are also thousands of soft snowflakes dancing in the sacrificial dance in the distant heaven. I smiled and agreed, and sat on the seat to drive to the mountains.

The changes along the way are delicate and subtle. It seems that just turning around the foot of a mountain, the white sky has covered people. The deep and shallow snow has drawn several lines of pedestrians returning home. Several farmers are hidden in the fog in the distance. The faint and lonely sound of firecrackers mixed with the wind is galloping in the open mountains.

When we got out of the car, it seemed that there were thousands of fairies chanting in the wind and snow, standing on the cloud and looking down at all beings. It seems to blend into the boundless snow color, and the mood begins to be gentle and joyful.

Pure white can make people feel at ease. It's like a traveler who has walked a long way and finally found his destination. His father grabbed the camera and shouted to take pictures. He smiled like a child. There are many things in his heart that cannot be put down. It's snowy, but the sun shines on my head like an illusion. Those reasons for sadness were defeated, leaving a heart of emptiness and purity that people want to sing out loud.

For a moment, I felt everything was so promising, and the little monster in my heart waved its claws and danced.

My father walked up and down on the snow behind me, and when I turned around, he just caught me in the camera, which caused a burst of noise. The mountain is cold like armor, and the sky and the ground are white, like a mirror.

I think of the cynicism of the girl in my class and her self sorrow. She should come to see Snow.

I can't describe how this scene makes me feel. I can only understand it with my body and mind if I can't express it. The truth of the world is so imperfect that it often makes people sad. The heavy snow, however, made people calm. A sense of peace and joy was like a cloud, like a long waiting destination, light, temperature and smell, which poured to me bit by bit, and condensed into a clear ice on my heart with the speed of snow falling.

Spring is when the snow melts. More like a gentle dream, people can not help but enjoy, to cherish.

The return journey is opposite to the coming journey. The white snow scene begins to recede inch by inch. Looking back, it seems like a paradise that has never been reached. Will the next year be a bumper year? I smiled. The father did not speak. Fun is in it.

Let's go, see the snow, see the peace and joy in the world, see the flowery day, and listen to the mottled and strong heartbeat of nature.