600 words of topic composition (4 in total)
Mature and steady
2023-09-08 05:26:35
topic of conversation

600 words of topic composition (1)

He held me in his small hand, dragged his nose, and tied the balloon in his hand. The colorful balloon floated back. He looked back and smiled. I looked at him and smiled. We hold hands, one is a small figure, the other is a tall figure. We hold hands, small hands holding big hands, big hands holding small hands. The younger brother holding the elder sister's hand is a kind of dependence. The elder sister holding the younger brother's hand is a kind of protection. He pulled his hand in my direction, and I put his hand in the palm of my hand, warm.

Perhaps holding hands is also a sign. Cold, take a person's hand. Tired, take a person's hand. To the place where the wind blows, also hold a person's hand. Rainy days, like drifting leaves, the waves on the water, swaying the attachment to the branches. The same leaves also hold the hands of ripples, and quietly lean against the tree step by step, recalling again and again the dependence they once loved. Too many hands contain all the ideas.

Maybe, hand in hand is very simple. Put your own hand on the palm of someone else's hand, that's it. It is different from handshake. It is not so grand, just so ordinary and simple. It is also different from holding hands. It is not so serious, but casual and light. Maybe the person holding hands is happy, sad, and afraid, while the person on the side is sharing, comfort, and fear with him.

I like to hold hands with these children. Although I am a big child, I still like it. Their childish hands, holding hands, they may not go on so quietly, they will jump, jump and laugh a few times. They like this, but they are not at ease. They really need to rely on and care. Once they get off the bus, they argue to hold hands. The hands are moist, but full of heat.

Holding hands may be a way of showing up only when they are not good at expressing themselves, and so is everyone. Occasionally, they hold hands with others to send them a silent comfort and blessing. Where the sun shines, there may be tall shadows, or large and small shadows, holding hands and getting farther and farther.

600 words of topic composition (2)

A teacher is a person who imparts our knowledge. The teacher's big hand held my small hand and let me write "a o、e、i、u、v”, I can write "dot, horizontal, vertical, left-handed and left-handed"; It was the first time that the teacher tied a red scarf on my hand; It is the teacher's hands that are assiduously correcting our homework. Each check mark represents our little progress, and each difference mark also represents our further improvement after improvement; The teacher's neat and elegant chalk on the blackboard is the best copybook I can imitate. The teacher's hand is to hold up the ladder we are going up.

Grandpa Huang Yan is my grandfather. He is a generalist. Grandpa Huang Yan has been working in printing for more than ten years. He is good at machine operation in the whole process from design, typesetting, printing to binding. No matter which position is vacant in the factory, he can stand it. The boss has been reluctant to let him go; Grandpa Huang Yan can also cook good dishes. I heard that when he was young, he opened a restaurant and he was the chef of the restaurant. I especially like the dishes cooked by Grandpa Huang Yan; Grandpa Huang Yan is also a good hand in the field. He often gives away vegetables that he cannot eat at home. Grandpa Huang Yan is over 50 years old. He learned to drive last year. Now he drives very well. I don't ride in Grandpa Huang Yan's car, which is bumpy or carsick. Grandpa Huang Yan's hands are powerful!

The hands of my classmates are also great: Wang Xinyue can play wonderful songs with both hands on the piano; Zha Zhishun can write excellent characters; Huang Yuze, holding a black and white piece, can promote Go; Gan Haoyu's skillful hand can make vivid paper rabbits; There are many more

There was a cook in the school canteen whose right hand was trembling. Once, the cook, who was much older than my mother, casually served a spoonful of "Tofu Shaorou". I was delighted to see that there were six pieces of meat. However, when the cook lifted the spoon, his trembling hand shook off two pieces of meat. I tried not to say but secretly sympathized with her, but when I mentioned one more point, he shook off three pieces of meat. Each piece of tofu "sat firmly on the fishing platform", and I angrily reached out to hold the handle of the spoon. The cook yelled, "Let go, you naughty boy!"

I like the hands of teachers to teach, the hands of Grandpa Huang Yan to create wealth, and the hands of students who are versatile; I also hope that the cook can quickly heal the trembling hand.

600 words of topic composition (3)

When I saw the hand, I thought of "magic claw". This "magic claw" is not the claw of the demons and ghosts on TV, but something around us, such as homework. It is like a cold-blooded "magic claw", which has always suppressed me.

The homework has been bothering me, and I lost my freedom. Unless I surrender my homework, I can regain my freedom. But how can I "surrender" my homework? Copy from your classmates? No, if my parents find out, it will not be good to eat. Copy the answers in the back of the textbook? Unfortunately, it has already been torn off. Alas, how can we get rid of the "magic claw" of homework. In order to be free, I had to do my homework conscientiously, and finally I learned the magic skill of "learning bully".

My father and mother's nagging is also like a shadowless "magic claw", wasting my precious time. As long as parents nag, they are more powerful than Tang Seng. Unless I listen to their words and study seriously, I can listen less to those voices that I don't like to hear. In fact, my parents' nagging to me is a kind of care and love, because I didn't understand it when I was young, but now when I grow up and understand some knowledge, I will naturally understand my parents.

In addition to these, mobile phones, computer games and so on let me fall into the network world, which made me unable to extricate myself, let alone concentrate on my study. Sometimes I even think about mobile phones and computer games every day. At this time, parents' "magic claw" - nagging is very useful. It was their nagging that woke me up and let me get rid of the shackles of the network and study hard.

The "devil's claw" sometimes limits my freedom, but more often, the "devil's claw" is the killer of laziness.


The young writer boldly used divergent thinking, thinking of "magic claw" from "hand", and then closely linked with his own learning life. He thought of homework, parents' nagging and online games, and finally felt the magic of "magic claw", and felt its help and love. The composition example is true, the theme is profound, great!

600 words of topic composition (4)

From childhood to adulthood, I have shaken hands with many people. But in the past two years, when the people's congress came, I found that there was a world in "shaking hands", and "shaking hands" can also change a person.

When I was young, adults loved to hold my little hand, because I could not speak or understand how to speak. They wanted to convey their love for me through their hands to change me; At school, classmates shake hands with each other, or convey their enthusiasm for me, or imply their opinions on me, hoping that I can change my character; After graduation, I shook hands with my teacher. That was goodbye. The teacher shook hands heavily, hoping to change my mind in the new environment; Family members shook hands with me when I walked out of the house and told me that I had grown up and should know how to adapt to the society and change my own destiny. All things, family and friendship make me change myself in the communication of two hands.

Countless handshakes have changed me, and there are still several vivid memories:

Camera 1: Last year, I had a high fever and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. I was lying on the hospital bed with saline water hanging. I felt hot and dry all over and dark all around. My other hand groped beside the hospital bed, eager to catch something. At this time, a warm hand firmly grasped me, and my mother's hoarse voice came from my ear: "Yunyun, you must hold on." I suddenly became quiet, because I knew that my mother was around. I was like a wounded deer jumping into my mother's arms, and the drifting boat sailed into the harbor. I held this hand tightly, and felt that a vitality of life was flowing into my body. I suddenly found that I had not touched my mother's body for a long time, and I did not always hug her when I was a child. Is it possible that when the daughter is old, she will consciously or unconsciously keep away from her mother and alienate her mother? Holding my mother's hand, I suddenly felt a kind of power in my illness, which changed my condition

Shot 2: At the beginning of school, I had a conflict with my friend and ignored each other for a long time. Finally, that day, she came to me. After a long time, we didn't know what to say. Suddenly, she stretched out her hand, and I also stretched out my hand, holding both hands tightly together, but still no words. Because, at this time, all words, all apologies and self reproaches need not be said. Both hands have already changed our past and linked us closely.

Let's appreciate the language of hands and cherish the grip of hands, because it is the blend of love and will change our past; Because it is the meeting of hearts, it will design our future!