Fun Description (Collection of 16)
have a blurred vision
2024-05-04 08:26:13

Fun Description (1)

Whenever I put on skates and ran with other children on the square, I would feel infinite happiness. Take one example!

When I came to the square, it was already a sea of "skates". Some people are sliding backward and others are rushing up the stairs. I am dazzled and confused. I can't help but join their team. "Let's compete! Whoever slides down the square first will win!" a boy suggested. I was eager to try, and my excitement broke the tension. "3, 2, 1, start!" I am best at sprinting, and skating is the same. At first, I was very successful and far ahead, but they were not inferior to me. They even caught up with me at one go. Of course, I was extremely vigilant for fear that the first throne would be taken away. But the good times didn't last long. Two boys like "buffalo" rushed forward, unstoppable, and my "first place" was taken away in an instant.

Seeing that I was getting farther and farther away from them, I was so nervous that my heart shrank into a ball, and I thought anxiously, "Oh, I'm not good at long-distance running!" As the pace slowed down, several people caught up with me, but I thought, "No, it's a rainbow after the wind and rain, and I must hold on!" So I used all my skills to run like a car with more power, With the cooperation of my wrists, I seem to have integrated into the skates, and I am moving forward at full speed... Seeing that the first boy is about to rush to the finish line, I am going to be the second. I shouted angrily, like a lion chasing forward. I closed my eyes and struggled to exert my last bit of strength... Finally, Huang Tian did not disappoint those who wanted to do it, I won the final victory by a narrow margin! "Hoohoo hoo -" I kept panting, my feet were numb, and I sat down on the ground without any strength, and said to them, "I - I won." Everyone said to me cheerfully, "It's very powerful!"

Roller skating, it can not only exercise my body, but also let me feel the harvest of hard work. It's really fun!

Fun Description (2)

I'm very happy on National Day, because it's going to be a 7-day holiday! On the way, I took the book Ah Chen, which is my favorite book! I can see everywhere I go. This book is so funny!

On National Day, I went back to my hometown and brought my grandmother's kitten two of her favorite sausages. But unexpectedly, my grandmother had another dog, so I had to share the sausages with them! I first fed a ham sausage to the dog, but it was very bad. I was not allowed to feed the kitten, but also lay on my lap and played coquetry with me. In order to let the kitten eat ham sausage, I thought of a good way to take the kitten to the small house and feed it alone. However, it didn't succeed because the dog wanted to follow in, and the kitten was afraid and ran out. At this time, my aunt came up with a good idea. She said, "Put the dog in the house and let the cat outside, so that we can feed it food." So I went outside to feed the cat ham sausage, but the idea failed because the dog ran out of the house again! Guess, did the kitten eat ham sausage at last? Later, it was the kitten who was the cleverest. He climbed up a very high stool. The dog could not climb up the stool, so the kitten sat happily on the stool and ate his own ham sausage.

Then, I also picked some red persimmons from the persimmon tree in front of my grandmother's house. I took a bite. It was sweet and delicious, so I ate them all!

I'm very happy this National Day. I hope my mother can take me to Disneyland next holiday!

Fun Description (3)

Childhood is like a ginkgo, which is memorable. The sweetest part of it, I think, should be everyone's fun.

I remember last year's 30th. In the evening, a deafening sound of firecrackers echoed in the yard, and I couldn't help but feel itchy. When the clock was about to strike twelve, I took out the fireworks without waiting for my father to speak. At the same time, the pace of the New Year has arrived. People in the whole community spontaneously lit fireworks, crackling and resounding. Colorful fireworks reflected the festival sky like daylight.

My father and I first set off a small firecracker, and then began to set off fireworks. Dad put the fireworks on the ground. I grabbed the lighter and said, "Dad, let me come.", A colorful fireworks bloomed in the sky. When this fireworks fell from the sky like a meteor, then another fireworks was sent to the sky with a "tick". I cheered and jumped with the blooming of fireworks

We are more interested in putting flowers. The magnificent fireworks, colorful "flowers" and huge "colored balls" are really beautiful. The colorful "smiling faces" and the "footprints" step by step remind me of the spectacular scene of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

Immersed in the joy of setting off fireworks, I set off some fireworks myself. Such as "butterfly" fireworks. It spun up into the sky like a UFO, sparking around from time to time, attracting many children to clap their hands. I didn't leave until one o'clock in the morning.

Shooting not only brings me fun, but also exercises my courage. Looking at the fireworks in the sky, I look forward to the early arrival of the new year.

Fun Description (4)

Books are indispensable to us. They are the ladder of human progress. Gorky once said that the more books you read, the closer you will get to the world and the brighter and more meaningful life will become. Books are friends. Although they have no enthusiasm, they are very loyal - Hugo. Here's a small editor to share some of the fun of reading for primary school students. I hope it can help you. Welcome to read!

"Book", a simple word, will be finished after leaving a little behind. From tortoise shells to bamboo slips to Cai Hou paper; From hand recording, to engraving, to movable type, all these have made books more and more widely spread, making them "fly into the homes of ordinary people" from "the former Yan in front of Wang Xie Hall".

With the advent of books, Song Lian's phenomenon of "having no way to read" is becoming less and less, with which comes a new question: how to read? In my humble opinion, reading is an art like eating. There are many reasons why people suffer from reading, one of which is that time is too short to open the book.

Just like some dishes, they are always striving for perfection. It is necessary to taste them slowly. Delicate French food - appetizers, seafood, meat, cheese, dessert... The strict order of serving is amazing, and it is common to spend four or five hours eating a meal. The most famous works are like this kind of cuisine. Two or three main materials, dozens of auxiliary materials and hundreds of processes in a book are carefully cooked, and sometimes some dark materials are added. Reading this kind of book should never be fragmented, that is to say, you can't take time to concentrate on it. Otherwise, it is wasteful. The chef's mind, that is, the so-called "purpose of delicacies", is beyond comprehension.

However, with the acceleration of the times, some dishes that are very suitable for the occasion have begun to appear. The introduced KFC McDonald's can wrap up a big bag and throw it in front of you. It doesn't matter what kind of nutritional balance it is. It can be eaten with meat and vegetables. It seems that this fast eating method is not appropriate, but sometimes it is necessary. Just like when you catch the bus, it only takes about ten minutes. At this time, it is better to have a copy of Hegel's Historical Philosophy loaded with literature and art than a copy of Natural History. This kind of piecemeal time is not suitable for deep thinking and analysis of historical dialectics. It is realistic to reserve some piecemeal knowledge and enrich experience.

The reason for this is that people should learn to choose and adapt to the situation. Don't stare at the white truffle with green eyes when you are barely able to eat instant noodles; If we can spend an afternoon staring at the ceiling, let's not make do with boxed lunch. Reading is an art like eating. First of all, it's not difficult, just like eating. Secondly, it is not simple. It is an art that needs hard work.

As the saying goes, "Time is not as good as place, and place is not as good as harmony", our ancestors have long told us that people's own consciousness is the most important. How to grasp the temperature of reading and the time of cooking is all in themselves. Whether it is pouring oil and fire, "Zila" starts to stir fry, or slow stew, thin pieces of ginger, just look at yourself:


The noise and complexity are rubbed in the collision between people, and the fast rhythm often makes the soul feel tired and tired... Rossi said: "If there is a devil in the castle, then the castle is hell; if there is a fairy in the stars, then the stars are heaven. What about the heart garden?"

Shh - hide in the corner of the world, hold the book, forget the time, and be yourself.

It is like a farmer going to the field, a bee flying to the garden, coming from the noisy downtown to find peace and quiet. I walked into the study naturally and calmly, immersed in the wisdom of ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, up and down for thousands of years, and only felt that there was an unspeakable beauty: the viscera seemed to have been ironed, and all of them were obedient; More than 36000 pores, like eating ginseng fruit, all of them are happy. Approaching the study, I am my own king.

"The heart is a tree, and a single tree does not make a forest." The collision between people should be more of a heart to heart thought. Through the mountains and rivers of time, the light and shadow of that hand reflected on the deep blue eyes with golden hair through the hands extended from Kuan Pao Bo. In the world with books on one side, we can catch sight of those books that are either yellowing or new, and their intelligent light will shine our eyes bright and bright.

Open the book and walk into the colorful thought jungle, we will feel the fragrance is diffuse and refreshing, and we can always feel something in the fragrance of ink. In the south, red beans are born, wandering in the rain lane, resting in the spring curtain in March, waiting for a letter that has not come yet; In the Northern Kingdom, when the spring water is at its peak, go to the ancient road broken by the wind and sand and sing a song of no one's harmony beyond the thousands of miles of warblers singing. In the deep rain at the city gate, watch the levy of men riding donkeys with swords; In the stormy sea, read the indomitable old man.

I stroked the scroll and crossed the lines of words with my fingers, as if I had touched the longitude and latitude of the world and the veins of mountains and rivers; A few short lines under my command are the lives of many people who have spent countless flowers to interpret. How can it not be filled with the power to cleanse people's minds?

When we mingle with people and things of different shapes and colors in the book, we will find that life has been tolerant——

Greatness is nothing, and nothing is so small without the ordinary; Success is nothing, the future will not end here; It's nothing to fall down, get up and continue walking; Failure is nothing, nothing can stop the bleeding.

Wander around the world, relax tense nerves, and cool hot and dry emotions; A stone from another mountain can gain real spiritual power.

Reading can brew your heart, and you can know the distance with your heart.

People who don't like coffee say that coffee is bitter; Coffee lovers say that coffee is fragrant. Why are there two kinds of experiences in the same cup of coffee? I said: different mood.

So is reading. A person who doesn't like reading is like a person who doesn't know how to taste coffee. Those who love reading are just like those who can taste coffee. They can taste its charm and enter into the realm of happiness. So, how can we reach the realm of reading pleasure?

First of all, we should forget the plight. If you can't forget the pain, you can't experience happiness in a sense. Today's students mostly say that they study hard. Admittedly, the pressure of examination and entrance examination stifles students' interest in reading; But it is also an indisputable fact that students will not find pleasure in reading. Most of the ancients shook their heads and enjoyed reading; Nowadays, most people are sad when they read books. They are tired of reading books. Why is there such a difference in the mood of reading between ancient and modern times? One of the undeniable reasons is that today's fast-paced life can not calm people down to read well. Over time, I was upset and irritable when I saw the book, but I think this is definitely not the root cause. The root cause is that the "mood" of these new and new people has gone wrong.

If the mind is not clean (still), it is difficult to get things done. It's not that we study hard, but that we can't restrain that turbulent heart. Today's colorful entertainment life has captured our hearts. Reading is certainly hard compared with entertainment. In addition, the sorrow of reading is because our hearts yearn too much for worldly utility. Mr. Lin Yutang once said: "It's sad that the purpose of reading is lost in the pursuit of fame and wealth." (See Lin Yutang's On Reading) Reading is not utilitarian. Is it still interesting to read with a utilitarian mind? Old Lin said that "reading is an activity of the soul" (see Lin Yutang's On Reading). Therefore, the premise of happy reading is to settle down that restless heart.

In fact, the most important thing is to use your own life to read. Only in this way can the happiness of reading be like that of "when the mountain is poor and the river is exhausted, there is no way out, and there will be another village". I think there should be only two ways to read. One is to read with one's own eyes, which is low-grade reading. The other is to read with life, which is the real reading. Only those who use their lives to read can really read. At this time, reading is not to burden life, but to enjoy life.

In fact, if we travel in the sea of books, we will be able to see through thousands of miles of life, think for thousands of years, travel in the heart, and concentrate on the eight poles. In the book, we can talk with nature, society and masters; From astronomy to geography, we are going everywhere. In the book, we will know Confucius and Zhuangzi, Qu Yuan and Wen Tianxiang, Tan Sitong and Zedong. In the book, we can learn about Homer and Balzac, Hugo and Wordsworth, Rousseau and Kant. The most important thing is that through reading, our personality has been improved, our thoughts have been improved, and we can even become masters - no master is not nourished by books.

Of course, reading will not be easy. "Falling in the air" is a common thing. Today, we are too afraid of low test scores, too afraid of losing, too afraid of the disappointed eyes of teachers and parents, too afraid of loneliness. In my opinion, most of the scores have nothing to do with reading. The low scores are not due to too much reading, but too little reading.

If books are sails and good mood is the wind, then the pleasure of reading is the voyage of exploration

It is said that "good reading, good reading, good reading." This sentence is very reasonable. However, we should read a good book with a smart reading method. While reading, we should carefully understand the truth. In the process of understanding, we should slowly taste the author's mood at that time, so that we can read a good book.

Why do people read books? Because reading can make people broad-minded and open-minded; Reading makes people have great vision and ambition; Reading makes people relaxed and happy, like a spring breeze; Reading makes people increase their knowledge and speak well; Reading makes people's minds take wings and blossom... So we are very close to books, because people's spiritual food can reflect their inner world.

Now let's start with "reading". If you say "reading", it's actually very simple and easy. There are many kinds of reading methods, some of which are just a cursory glance, meaning to read a book one page to the east and one article to the west; Some of them were absent-minded when reading a book or an article. Although they held the book in their hands and kept reading, they could not find it anywhere; Some people chew carefully and swallow slowly. When he finishes reading a book, he can narrate it from beginning to end. Only this reading method can understand the truth!

The word "Wu" in perception is a word "Wu" composed of a "heart" and a "I". The word "I" can mean "I" or "myself", so only when we read a book with our own heart can we be in it and understand the purpose of the author's writing this book? Why write such a book? What's the point of writing such a book?

For example, when I read the book "How to Make Steel", I will deeply integrate into the book. I feel how happy I am because I have a healthy body. Although Paul is disabled, his strong perseverance and indomitable spirit, which do not bow to fate, deeply convinced me and admired me. It makes me full of hope for my future study and life. This is my perception when reading. But we should not only understand, but also slowly "taste" the author's mood in the perception.

Chinese characters are extensive and profound. If you look at the word "Pin" again, it is a word composed of three mouths. Its rhyme contains many meanings, which means that we should read and write more. The implication is that when we have read a book or read a book, we should not only use our heart to understand, but also use our mouth to express him and pen to write his main meaning. That's what we wrote. In this way, we can be in the book, "understand" the essence of the author's writing, and "taste" the author's inner world.

The realm of reading is "understanding in reading". Do you think so?

Many people say that for the sake of future life, they have studied hard since childhood, listened carefully in class, reviewed after class, soaked in books all day, and achieved good results. But many college students, with their excellent achievements, can not find good jobs and never get ahead. On the contrary, those with low academic qualifications are doing well in society.

Those who quit school early, most of them, because they felt that reading was boring, spent several years in their hometown. After several years of life, they did not acquire new knowledge, but they had more. Compared with those "nerds", they had more knowledge than "nerds". Books were dead and people were alive. It was better not to read than to read. How many students lost their lives because of the pressure of reading, and how many students lost something because of reading. Reading, we gain, but also lose.

Nowadays, students are either sleeping or talking in class, or they are wandering. Few people listen to the class. Although they should be more serious in class, being too serious makes students feel tired in class, bored with learning, and unable to raise interest in learning. Perhaps an active classroom is not a bad thing, but more conducive to our learning. Only in a happy mood can we achieve the learning effect. Interesting classes are easier to attract people's attention, and can also improve the speed and level of writing.

The chairman once said: "It is not the students' fault that students sleep in class. It should be blamed on the teachers' lack of interest in teaching. They should not shift students to what they are talking about and drive away sleepiness." Therefore, the teachers' interest in teaching is particularly important. When preparing lessons, it should be linked with the students' actual situation. And the teacher can't just explain according to the content of the textbook, otherwise the whole class will be bookworms after all.

The links of the traditional teaching mode: teachers prepare lessons, teachers give lectures (actors), students listen (audience), students do homework, teachers approve homework, and students change homework.

In today's education, in order to improve the entrance rate, many schools have become prisons, and students are testing machines. Teaching is indoctrination, learning is acceptance!

Now most readers are concentrated on students, and students only read books to kill boring time, and some only read books for exams or for some purpose. It is the so-called "do not study at ordinary times, plagiarize others every exam". Indeed, today's students' homework is just one word: copy.

Who wants to read dead books?

In this society where the law of the jungle prevails, most people believe that only by reading can we achieve success in the future. However, if you don't really want to read or will only study hard, what's the difference between not reading?

Fun Description (5)

My father is not at home today, so I will cook dinner with my mother.

My mother said, "Baby, go first and wash rice!" I took the rice pot and was busy washing rice. My hands have been in the water for a long time. After all, it's winter now, so I have some ice hands. I can bear it. I thought to myself: I must bear it, I can't let my mother look down on me. I washed rice, added water, and put it on the rice cooker. With a sound of "drip", the rice cooker starts to "work". I suddenly jumped and jumped, because my "specialty" cooking was about to start. My mother stood aside and seemed to see through my mind, so she said: "We haven't cooked so fast yet! Now we have to cook immediately, and after cooking, the rice cooker hasn't been 'off duty' yet!" I ducked my mouth, and I could hang an oil bottle on my mouth, thinking: It will be a while again! But there is no way!

After waiting for half an hour, my mother gave an order, and I rushed to the kitchen with the momentum of "thunder can't cover my ears". My mother laughed when she saw my virtue. As soon as I came to the kitchen, I saw red pepper, ginger, meatballs, leeks, and eggs mixed evenly in a bowl on the cutting board. I opened my eyes wide and turned to look at my mother. It turned out that my mother had prepared the materials while I was waiting. I immediately picked up the spatula, opened the fire, and waited for 5 seconds. When the pot was hot, I poured an appropriate amount of oil, and counted for 5 seconds. When the oil was hot, I poured the wheat and vegetables in the basket into the pot, and immediately hid behind the kitchen door. I am not afraid of cooking, but I am afraid of cooking oil, hehe! Later, my mother helped me finish this dish. The second course began to be cooked. I put on my new dress, apron and hat. When my mother saw my dress, she laughed like a duck. I thought to myself: What's so funny? I put oil first, and then put red pepper into the pot. At this time, the pot made a sound of "sizzling". This time, I didn't run away from the scene. I said loudly, "The oil explosion monster, come on, I'm not afraid of you!" At this time, the oil in the pot seemed to hear what I said. At once, a "chilli seed soldier" was sent out, and it jumped on my left hand, which made me "Ouch" and jumped on the ground three times. I blew my left hand, which was "attacked", and could not help frowning. Next, I put the meatballs into the pot, turned them over with a shovel and cooked them. I put it in a bowl and sniffed it with my nose. Ah! How fragrant! The last dish: fried eggs with leeks. First, I put the eggs into the pot, wait until it is half cooked, then I put the chopped chives, turn them over, and turn off the fire! A plate of delicious fried eggs with leeks is complete!

I will bring out the rice in the rice cooker and serve it in two bowls. A delicious dinner will be ready! Looking at the fruits of our work, my mother and I laughed happily.

Fun Description (6)

Childhood anecdotes

Everyone's childhood should be interesting, right! My childhood also has many interesting things. But I remember everything deeply.

After the New Year's Eve, it's time to visit. My mother and I came to my sister's house in the countryside of Xindu.

The next afternoon, my sister and I sat on the chairs in the yard and watched the chickens peck rice. I asked my sister, "Jinger, do you think it's hard to play?" My sister replied, "Yes! It's hard to play here!"

I looked around at the farmland and suddenly found a white radish field. I said, "Jinger, you heard me tell the story of the little white rabbit pulling the radish yesterday. Do you want to try pulling the radish today?" I asked my sister with a smile on my face. My sister replied, "Yes!"

"Is that field yours?" I asked, pointing to the white radish field. "It's our family!" said my sister.

I jumped up from the chair and said, "Come on, let's call the sister behind us to pull up the turnip."

I went out of the field with them and looked at the big white turnips, just like many small heads showing on a small lawn. I was excited and rushed into the field immediately.

I pulled up one first, using only a little strength. But it is a very small radish. When they saw me pull it out, they also pulled it up.

When Jing'er was pulling out the radish, a bug climbed onto her hand and scared her. She ended up sitting on the dirt. It made my sister and I laugh. Jing'er didn't know why we laughed, but we laughed together.

We pulled out a quarter of the turnips in the field. Then he took the radish back to his sister's house and hid it.

We went to the sister's house to play. When we looked at each other carefully, we were ashen faced and laughed again. This time our feet were all weak with laughter. Some fell on the bed and some fell on the chair. Because we look like the Terracotta Warriors and Horses just unearthed.

When we went back, Jing'er's father said, "I don't know who pulled the radish of Lao Li's next door today."

I was stunned. I had played stealing food on the computer before, but today I also played a real game of stealing food!

This time, I got the fun and fruit when I pulled the radish. Later I learned the amazing fact of "stealing vegetables"!

Fun Description (7)

Feed pigs

When I was at my grandmother's house in the countryside, it was summer and the weather was extremely hot. When I was eating watermelon, I saw "Xiaobai" looking at me in the pigsty. With a fat body, short legs, small eyes and ears like cattail fans, it looks simple and lovely.

"Xiaobai" kept looking around, as if waiting for someone. I walked up to it quietly, and it turned to look at the watermelon in my hand. I thought it might be thirsty, too. I wanted to eat watermelon to quench my thirst, so I cut the watermelon into several pieces and threw one into it. He immediately got up with a sound of "Pa", walked over and chewed greedily. He ate watermelons without spitting out seeds. After a while, "Xiaobai" finished eating. He raised his head and looked at me with pleading eyes, as if to say, "Please, give me the watermelon in your hand again." I looked at his greedy look, smiled, and threw the watermelon in. However, the watermelon was upside down, and Xiaobai could not eat it. I was just trying to help him. I turned the watermelon over with a shovel. "Xiaobai" arched the watermelon with his long nose until it reached the corner. Then he lifted the watermelon and ate it sweetly. Hey hey, who said pig is stupid? "Xiaobai" is very smart!

In this pig feeding, I realized that the piglet is smart and cute, not as stupid as others said. As long as you carefully observe all small animals, you can feel the joy they bring to your life.

Fun Description (8)

Keep a cat

Cats are cunning and cute. They add trouble to us from time to time, but also bring us infinite fun.

Ah! Where's my squid slice? Look, this sly cat, with white fur, can see through the eyes of the world and meow all day long. It's not like a sly thief! Alas, my favorite squid slice was eaten by this hateful and sly cat.

Even if it is cunning, how much I love it. I love painting. The other day I was painting in the room with drawing paper. This cute kitten meowed beside me, as if to say, "I want to see, I want to see." I shook my head helplessly and held it to the table. As soon as I picked it up, I regretted that my painting had been spoiled by this sly cat. Look, there were several plum blossom prints on my painting at once. I was so angry that I was ready to beat him up. This clever cat immediately "meow" and cried miserably. My heart softened again. I can't let it succeed. Once again, I hardened my heart. When he saw that I didn't want to eat this, he immediately changed his mind. Look, I jumped to my feet again, rubbed around, and cried, as if to say, "Forgive me, forgive me." All right, forgive you this time. My knife mouth and bean curd heart let it succeed again, hey!

Call it cunning, but sometimes it's so cute. Grandma's wool balls became her hobby. Grasp the thread head and use small claws to poke the thread ball; Or you can lie on the ground and face up to the sky, playing with string balls and digging around, which is very joyful. Sometimes, it ran to the yellow flower to poke at its leaves. When it saw the yellow flower shaking, it quickly retreated back. After a while, the leaves stopped moving, and it ran to it again, poked and retreated, so many times back and forth. See how dutiful he is when he catches a mouse with nothing to do all day long.

It is Grandma's kitten. It grows in the countryside. It is not as delicate as the city's pet cat. It only catches mice and silently contributes to people. It brings infinite pleasure to my life.

Fun Description (9)

Fun of raising puppies

Dogs are the best friends of human beings. They are all human beings. Raising dogs is naturally full of fun. As long as you treat them well, they will treat you well. On the contrary, if you treat them badly, they will treat you badly.

A dog is the most loyal listener who can talk with you anytime and anywhere; Dogs are the driving force for a blind person to move forward.

In the great earthquake, there was an old woman who was under the ruins for 96 hours. What strength gave her the courage to live? It was a puppy. The puppy spent 96 hours with the grandma under the ruins, that is, 4 days! The puppy could move its body and run out of the ruins, but it did not. He did not forget the old lady, who was its owner, and her nurturing feelings at ordinary times. It still stayed. When people rescued the old woman, people were shocked. Beside the dying old woman, there was a dying dog

People cried for the puppy. Look, this is man's best friend. In the most critical moment, he didn't abandon you and leave you, but guarded you around... How interesting it is to raise a dog!

There was also a dog named Huanhuan. Usually, its owner took a bucket in its mouth with five yuan in it in the morning. Huanhuan went out to the milk place to buy a box of milk and a piece of small bread. It was obedient and would do so every day. Once, the owner's leg fell down and could not move. Huanhuan took the bucket and opened the door, He bought the breakfast for his master. Usually, the master put the money in his bucket, opened the door for him, and Huanhuan went to buy milk and bread. This time, the master could not move, so he went out to buy milk and bread, took it to the master, and the master ate the bread with tears

Dogs are human's best friends. I hope everyone should protect and love dogs. Slowly, you will find it really fun to keep dogs.

Fun Description (10)

Exclusive enjoyment of "director"

Everyone has his own fun, and everyone will enjoy it. Pursue the smart life and find the sound of laughter. My pleasure is composed of a group of lenses, let alone, many people have not had this fun yet! Let's go to taste and read, and enjoy the pleasure of "director" alone

"3 -- 2 -- 1, start!" I yelled with great experience, and my voice was a bit deep and thick. Although this was the third time to shoot, I still enjoyed it

Our plot is a duel between experts. The play is very short, but it is a bitter cry for us.

Xiao Wang is the best man, and Xiao Li plays his opponent. For me, the work of director and planner, props, sound effects and special effects has been shouldered by me. Although I am also a heavy responsibility, I can't feel any pressure.

Hee hee, it's the beginning. As soon as they were in position, I started shouting at the top of my voice. As soon as the voice fell, their majesty was framed into the lens by me, a part-time photographer. It's good. It feels like a duel. The picture is very clear. Eh, how can the picture be fixed and not move? Oh, sorry, I turned the camera to the camera position. "Card" I pretended that nothing had happened, so I stopped them and gave them some directions, but they didn't know why, didn't know what had happened, and looked petrified... The first time, they failed.

Adjust the camera function and start again. The two people started to enter their respective roles according to my instructions. It was very good. The action was very smart and lifelike. Xiao Wang kicked Xiao Li, The next step should be for Xiao Li to step back and "fly away", creating the effect of the hero's excellent martial arts and kicking his opponent away. In the meantime, I was asked to quickly press pause, start, pause, and start to show the special effect of Xiao Li's flying out in a group of slow scenes. My nervous fingers have been pressed on the pause button, and it is inevitable that success or failure depends on it, "hahahaha..." A discordant laughter sounded at our shooting scene. What did we do? The most critical moment was Xiao Wang. "What's the matter, what's the matter?" It turned out that Xiao Wang was very funny when he saw Xiao Li's strict appearance and laughed. We were all confused, but he kept laughing, squeezing his eyebrows and squinting his eyes, like a "little drunk". As an actor, I had no professional dedication. I roared, but he ignored me. How could the director not have prestige! Look at him falling to the ground, "Clean you up!" I went straight forward and slapped him on the head... The second time, I failed.

After a long time, both sides recovered. "3 -- 2 -- 1 start!" "3 -- 2 -- 1, start!" I shouted with great experience, and my voice sounded a bit deep and thick... I saw the "winter wind" sweeping the leaves, and it was very quiet around. Xiao Li raised his head, raised his chin, and stood aloof from the others. He flirted with Xiao Wang, slapped his hands, and shouted, "Come on!" The momentum was earth shaking, and his eyes were full of cold and murderous! Not bad, very good. Look at Xiao Wang again. He is a head shorter than Xiao Li, but he is energetic, and his black eyebrows are locked tightly. "I'm not afraid of you!" His every word is full of boldness. Between the two people around a circle like rotation. It seems that they are gathering strength and ready to explode. Looking at this posture, I have a smile on my face. Xiao Wang seems to be wearing gold armor and treading on the fire wheel. He holds a sharp weapon in his hand. Xiao Li looks up, proud, heroic, and arrogant. Even I was scared. It was too late to say that it was fast at that time. Xiao Wang gathered his strength and ran quickly. He was extremely brave. He kicked Xiao Li with one foot, and Xiao Li put on a shelf to meet him. He drank twice at the same time, which was overwhelming. Xiao Wang raised his calf and stood in the air. Xiao Li cooperated to pretend to be in pain. Xiao Wang also held back his excitement. I pressed "pause", and Xiao Li ran to the side and lay down. Look at that, the facial features are deformed, the head is crooked, the tongue is uttered, the eyes are closed, the hands are spread out, the eyes are dangling on the ears, a sick look, as if they were really hurt... I can't help laughing knowingly

How interesting! Sweet and bitter, bitter and happy, but doesn't it make me very happy? Enjoy the pleasure of "directing" alone.

Fun Description (11)

One morning in the summer vacation, I woke up from my sleep, rubbed my sleepy eyes, and went to the kitchen. I saw a note on the table, which said: "Son: Mom has something to do in the morning, go out, and you will be back soon. Breakfast is in the refrigerator, and you can eat it after you heat it up!" After I finished my breakfast as my mother told me, I lay on the sofa, feeling very bored, At this time, I saw a pile of dirty clothes on the balcony, and I decided to help my mother wash clothes.

I first put a full bucket of water in the water bucket, and then put my clothes into the water to rub gently. After a while, the clothes were soaked. I picked them up from the water and put them on the washboard beside. I took a piece of soap, smeared it around randomly, and then put it back into the water. When I lifted the clothes again, I saw that the clothes were still covered with stains. "Hey, I'm really tired!" I said to myself as I wiped the sweat off my forehead. I also wanted to play the "exit drum". However, considering that my mother is so busy every day, and also helps me with my homework and housework, I am determined to go the whole hog. I put my clothes on the washboard again and recalled how my mother washed clothes. First, I applied a lot of soap to some of the dirtiest parts of my clothes, such as the cuffs, collars and other places, and then brushed with a brush. The soap foam was like a naughty little doll, straight into my fingers. After a while, my clothes were like wearing a white bubble coat. When I thought it was clean enough, I put the clothes back into the water and scrubbed them vigorously. The foam disappeared quickly when encountering the water. I picked up my clothes and looked at the sun carefully. "Ha ha, it's much cleaner than last time!"

My heart is very happy. The efforts just made were not in vain. I changed the water again and again, washed the clothes thoroughly, and finally hung them up. The clothes swayed in the wind, as if to say to me: "Master, thank you, I am much more relaxed without sweat and stains!" I seemed to understand the clothes and smiled happily.

When my mother came back, she saw that I was sweating, and looked at the clothes hanging on the balcony, and smiled happily. This time, washing clothes made me taste the benefits of labor. I will do more housework in the future and become a good helper for my father and mother.

Fun Description (12)

Many people say that for the sake of future life, they have studied hard since childhood, listened carefully in class, reviewed after class, soaked in books all day, and achieved good results. But many college students can't find good jobs after graduation with their excellent achievements. On the contrary, those with low academic qualifications are doing well in society.

Those who quit school early, most of them, because they felt that reading was boring, spent several years in their hometown. After several years of life, they did not acquire new knowledge, but they had more. Compared with those "nerds", they had more knowledge than "nerds". Books were dead and people were alive. It was better not to read than to read. How many students lost their lives because of the pressure of reading, and how many students lost something because of reading. Reading, we gain, but also lose.

Nowadays, students are either sleeping or talking in class, or they are wandering. Few people listen to the class. Although they should be more serious in class, being too serious makes students feel tired in class, bored with learning, and unable to raise interest in learning. Perhaps an active classroom is not a bad thing, but more conducive to our learning. Only in a happy mood can we achieve the learning effect. Interesting classes are easier to attract people's attention, and can also improve the speed and level of writing.

The chairman once said: "It is not the students' fault that students sleep in class. It should be blamed on the teachers' lack of interest in teaching. They should not shift students to what they are talking about and drive away sleepiness." Therefore, the teachers' interest in teaching is particularly important. When preparing lessons, it should be linked with the students' actual situation. And the teacher can't just explain according to the content of the textbook, otherwise the whole class will be bookworms after all.

The links of the traditional teaching mode: teachers prepare lessons, teachers give lectures (actors), students listen (audience), students do homework, teachers approve homework, and students change homework.

In today's education, in order to improve the entrance rate, many schools have become prisons, and students are testing machines. Teaching is indoctrination, learning is acceptance!

Now most readers are concentrated on students, and students only read books to kill boring time, and some only read books for exams or for some purpose. It is the so-called "do not study at ordinary times, plagiarize others every exam". Indeed, today's students' homework is just one word: copy.

Who wants to read dead books?

In this society where the law of the jungle prevails, most people believe that only by reading can we achieve success in the future. However, if you don't really want to read or will only study hard, what's the difference between not reading?

Fun Description (13)

There are a lot of fun and growing fun; Have fun playing the violin; There is also the fun of playing the piano... I can't finish three days and nights, and the fun I find is the learning fun that is crucial for a student.

Chinese, this is the second subject in my headache index among the three courses in primary school. Somehow, when I got to middle school, my grades went up! This surprised me. As for the mystery... I haven't figured it out yet. Maybe it's a change of learning methods, a change of teachers, a change of learning atmosphere, maybe... I have thought about countless possibilities, but gradually I don't think so much. Just because the score has gone up, I don't hate Chinese any more, but I am interested in it. This gave rise to my motto: when the score goes up, the interest also grows.

Mathematics is the most proud subject in primary school. But when I went to high school, I couldn't get 100 points because I had been with a good friend of mine. I always wanted to break up with him, but I couldn't separate us. My friend's name is careless. Careless, a friend I have always wanted to but could not get rid of. Ah! Friends! When will you travel far away! Because of the battle with my friend, I am very interested in mathematics.

English is the subject that most bothers me in primary school. In the middle school, the performance is still average, which is neither good nor bad. Last time I got 91 points, I was so happy that I went back to my parents to report my results. But I don't know whether the fire of hope I just lit will be extinguished by rain again. However, because of my desire for high marks in English, I also became interested in English. (Daxing Literature)

My motto tells me that failure is the mother of success, and interest is the father of fun. I believe that learning will not be difficult for me.

The above diary describing the final review plan in Grade 6 of primary school is a rare masterpiece, and there are many things worth learning.

Fun Description (14)

The joy of childhood - together

Shi Xu, Class 5 (4), Tiantai Primary School

What was your childhood fun? Play games? Anyway, I'm not. If you want to know, please read on!

Being with friends is my earliest childhood interest. Especially with peers, they not only have common topics, but also can learn from each other and help each other. I remember one time, I accidentally hit a brother whose eyes were bigger than mine with an absorbent bullet, and I knew how painful it was without trying. His response, however, made me learn a lot. He covered his eyes optimistically and said to me, "If your eyes don't experience hardship, you can't see the future." His tolerant words have benefited me all my life.

Being with my family is also my fun. The reason why I say this is because my parents are seldom free, and they don't spend much time together. Sometimes it's easier than eating, and sometimes it's harder than going to heaven.

Being with "BOOK" is also one of my "three great children's interests". Especially the books by Wu Meizhen, Shen Shixi and Yang Hongying, each of which is unique and beautiful, making me feel as if I was in the scene. In particular, each chapter and episode of Shen Shixi's Dream of the Wolf King can bring my soul into the wolves, as if I were also a wolf, an evil and loving wolf.

This is my childlike interest. How about you?

Teacher's comment: friends, family and BOOK can become your three greatest childlike interests. It's really a treasure. Your light will become more and more bright!

Fun Description (15)

Looking down from the hotel, you can see the vast sea and beach. In the evening, we also went to see fireworks. Fireworks are various and colorful. Large fireworks come at us, while small fireworks sparkle in front of us. We also took many photos, let's have a look!

After watching the fireworks, I think today is Christmas Eve. However, Huidong is so far away from Guangzhou, does Santa know I'm here? However, I also thought that with so many children here, he would definitely come.

The next day, when I woke up, I was surprised to find there were two gifts at the bedside: a beautiful bear toy with three boxes of Qiaoxinrou chocolate cake, and a box of nougat.

After breakfast, we also went to the beach to pick up shells. Shells vary in size. My mother and I found shells smaller than rice grains and larger than fists, with beautiful patterns on them. We always think that the shell we find is the smallest, but there is always a smaller shell waiting for us in the beach. When I was looking for a small shell, my eyes were almost on the sand. Although some shells are very small and need us to look for them carefully, this fun filled beach has left us happy memories.

Fun Description (16)

Once entering the classroom, the students were busy with their own work. There was nothing strange about cleaning and collecting books. I gradually removed my vigilance and got busy with my own work, but I always felt that today was a special day, so I should have more laughter! I looked down at Wang Yuchen's shoes. There were shoelaces, and a "bad idea" came into my mind. So, I tricked Wang Yuchen with an old-fashioned and simple fool's method. Everyone must have guessed it, right? Hee hee, I won't say more.

Early self-study and the first class are still "safe", but the second Chinese class can be regarded as a total annihilation! As soon as Mr. Zhou came into the classroom, he looked at us with a smile and said, "Let me tell you a story first!" As soon as the students heard the story, they were all interested and sat upright. Teacher Zhou said, "Once upon a time, there was a fool who said, 'No' to anyone who asked him anything. When he asked him, 'Have you eaten. We suddenly realized that, ah, we were fooled! A burst of laughter broke out in the classroom. At this time, Fei Fan, who likes to talk, said gloatingly, "I didn't say anything." Teacher Zhou once again asked Fei Fan, "Fei Fan, didn't you say anything?" Fei Fan said definitely, "No!" The whole class burst out laughing! Fei Fan suddenly realized that he had been cheated, his face turned red, and he smiled awkwardly. Now, if someone asked me, I would definitely ask, "What do you think?"

The fun of April Fool's Day continues. At lunch, Mao Junwei was shot! Don't worry, let me tell you slowly. We all know that fat Mao Junwei likes to eat, so Shen Qianhua took advantage of this feature of Xiao Mao to "fix" him. Shen Qianhua pretended not to like the sauce in the food and prepared to give it to Mao Junwei. When Mao Junwei heard that, of course, he was very happy, so he went there. While serving the sauce for him, Shen Qianhua purposely got the sauce on Xiaomao's nose, and shouted, "Happy April Fool's Day!" Mao Junwei stood there in disbelief. There was another burst of laughter in the classroom.

Just after dinner, Zhu Ying took out a potato chip from her desk and said to me, "Here's one for you. When I was tasting carefully, she said slowly: "Happy April Fool's Day.

April Fool's Day - a festival full of joy!

Teacher's comment: These interesting memories will remain in our hearts forever! Children, remember our happy childhood!